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Perfil epidemiológico da polifarmacoterapia e morbidades em idosos de uma cidade do interior paulista / Epidemiological profile of the health conditions of the elderly in a city in the interior of São PauloRafael José Damasceno 09 August 2017 (has links)
O processo de envelhecimento traz consigo diversas modificação no âmbito pessoal e biológico do indivíduo. Expandindo-se essas transformações, para o âmbito populacional, na questão da saúde, delimita-se um crescente prevalências das denominadas doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Nesta lógica, um maior número de moléstias crônicas, leva os indivíduos a ingerirem uma maior quantidade de fármacos, sejam eles prescritos por via clínica ou mesmo pela própria automedicação. Em vista disso, o presente trabalho objetivou realizar um levantamento epidemiológico para se traçar o perfil de saúde dos idosos de uma cidade do interior paulista, enfocando-se a presença de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, medicamentos utilizados, a presença de polifarmácia e a qualidade de vida. A amostra foi composta por 241 idosos residentes da cidade de Duartina, SP. Primeiramente realizou-se um questionário geral para se determinar a presença de doenças e caracterização geral da amostra. Após, os idosos passaram pelo questionário de qualidade de vida e por um questionário sobre os medicamentos utilizados. A partir dos dados deste último, através do site drugs.com determinou-se a presença e os níveis de polifarmácia. Nos resultados, pode-se observar uma considerável prevalência de diabetes, dislipidemias e hipertensão, sendo as idosas as mais afetadas. Quanto ao uso dos fármacos, 22,7% utilizam, ao menos, cinco medicamentos distintos ao dia. Na análise da polifarmácia, 30% não apresentaram interações, 68% apresentaram nível moderado e 2% elevado. Através da correlação de Pearson, identificou-se que com o aumento do número de medicamentos utilizados, houve aumento do nível da intensidade da polifarmácia (p < 0,0001 e r = 0,81). Quanto à qualidade de vida, todos as áreas apresentaram índices relativamente altos, sendo o domínio físico com a melhor média e o ambiental com pior. Na análise por questão, os piores índices ficaram com dor, dependência de medicamentos e sentimentos negativos. Com a Correlação de Spearman, determinou-se que o aumento dos índices de polifarmácia diminuem a qualidade vida (p = 0,03 e r = -0,57). Deste modo, conclui-se que, nos idosos, há uma elevada prevalência de hipertensão, diabetes e das dislipidemias, bem como um considerável uso de diferentes medicamentos diariamente. Anexo a estes dados, a qualidade de vida apresentou índices adequados, sendo afetada negativamente pelo aumento do uso diários de medicamentos. / The process of aging brings with it several modifications in the personal and biological scope of the individual. Expanding these transformations, for the population, in the health issue, delimits a growing prevalence of so-called chronic non-communicable diseases. In this logic, a greater number of chronic diseases, leads individuals to ingest a greater amount of drugs, whether they are prescribed clinically or even by self-medication. In view of this, the present study aimed to carry out an epidemiological survey to trace the health profile of the elderly in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, focusing on the presence of chronic noncommunicable diseases, medications used, the presence of polypharmacy and the quality of life. The sample consisted of 241 elderly residents of the city of Duartina, SP. Firstly, a general questionnaire was carried out to determine the presence of diseases and the general characterization of the sample. Afterwards, the elderly passed the quality of life questionnaire and a questionnaire about the medications used. From the data of the latter, through the website drugs.com was determined the presence and levels of polypharmacy. In the results, a considerable prevalence of diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension can be observed, with the elderly being the most affected. As for drug use, 22.7% use at least five different drugs a day. In the analysis of polypharmacy, 30% did not present interactions, 68% presented moderate level and 2% elevated. Through the Pearson correlation, it was identified that with the increase in the number of medications used, there was an increase in the level of polypharmacy intensity (p <0.0001 and r = 0.81). As for the quality of life, all the areas presented relatively high indexes, being the physical domain with the best average and the environmental one with worse. In the analysis by question, the worst indexes were pain, drug dependence and negative feelings. With Spearman\'s correlation, it was determined that the increase in polypharmacy indexes decreased the quality of life (p = 0.03 and r = -0.57). Thus, it is concluded that in the elderly, there is a high prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemias, as well as a considerable use of different drugs daily. Annexed to these data, the quality of life presented adequate indexes, being negatively affected by the increase in the daily use of medicines.
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Estudo para avaliação do uso racional de medicamentos em idosos do Rio Grande do SulFlores, Liziane Maahs January 2009 (has links)
Existem vários métodos para medir tipo e grau de uso de medicamentos. Esse estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a prescrição médica para idosos, por meio de indicadores, em diferentes ambientes de atendimento à saúde em 4 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. Buscou-se caracterizar a prescrição em locais de formação e atuação universitária, estabelecendo a prevalência de intervenções nãofarmacológicas e farmacológicas em prescrições para idosos, avaliando diferentes indicadores quanto a sua aplicabilidade em idosos e realizando inferências em relação ao uso racional de medicamentos. Fizeram parte do estudo serviços de atenção básica em saúde, além daqueles de média e alta complexidade, vinculados a ambientes de formação universitária na área da saúde, no sul do Brasil. A amostra foi constituída por prescrições médicas, obtidas diretamente dos pacientes, em nível de atenção primária em saúde e ambientes de média complexidade, ou por meio de prontuários hospitalares, durante o período de um ano. Para caracterização dos idosos, foram considerados aqueles com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada ao longo de doze meses, em semanas, dias e turnos definidos por meio de sorteio. sorteio. Como resultados, observou-se que, nos ambientes de atenção básica em saúde e nos ambientes de média complexidade estudados, os idosos do Rio Grande do Sul apresentaram maior média de medicamentos prescritos e prevalência considerável de medicamentos inapropriados, em comparação com outros estudos que envolveram dados da população em geral em outros estados do país. Em contrapartida, esses idosos receberam menor percentual de prescrições com antimicrobianos e baixo percentual de prescrições com agentes injetáveis. As classes de medicamentos mais comumente prescritas no ambiente ambulatorial foram aquelas de uso contínuo, provavelmente em função das enfermidades crônicas apresentadas por pacientes desta faixa etária. Destacaram-se os fármacos que agem no sistema cardiovascular, no sistema nervoso e no trato gastrintestinal e metabolismo. Por sua vez, na internação de idosos nos hospitais estudados, independentemente de município, sazonalidade, gênero ou faixa etária mais avançada, identificou-se um perfil elevado de utilização de medicamentos, com polifarmácia (n=345, 85,4%) e prescrição de medicamentos inapropriados (n=325, 80,4%) em número significativo de idosos. Os medicamentos que mais apareceram nas prescrições hospitalares foram aqueles prescritos sob regime de demanda (se necessário). A prescrição inadequada aos idosos é frequentemente atribuída à falta de treinamento de uma equipe especializada em geriatria e gerontologia, além da deficiência da formação universitária. Nesse sentido, considerando-se o contexto demográfico e epidemiológico brasileiro e a caracterização da prescrição para o paciente idoso realizada no estudo, é importante priorizar ações multidisciplinares relacionadas a promoção, prevenção e recuperação de enfermidades e padronizar procedimentos, para evitar erros de prescrição, transcrição e dispensação. A educação continuada dos profissionais da área da saúde, a divulgação e a atualização de listas de medicamentos essenciais e das listas de medicamentos inapropriados para idosos podem ser ferramentas úteis para a qualificação da prescrição e a promoção do uso racional de medicamentos em idosos. A partir dos pontos vulneráveis da prescrição para idosos que foram levantados, podem ser estabelecidas mudanças nos ambientes de formação em saúde estudados, visando a construção de um perfil profissional que paute suas ações pela comunicação efetiva, interdisciplinar e compromisso social. / There are several methods to measure type and degree of drug use. This study aimed to characterize the prescription for the elderly by means of indicators in different environments of health care and 4 cities of Rio Grande do Sul. It was characterized the prescription in academic and training environments, establishing the prevalence of non-pharmacological interventions and pharmacotherapy prescriptions for the elderly, assessing the applicability of different indicators to the elderly prescriptions, and making inferences about the rational use of medicines. Participants of the study were elderly people attended in primary health care services and in medium and high complexity health care services, linked to universities located in the south of Brazil. The sample consisted of prescriptions obtained directly from patients, at the level of primary health care and environments of medium complexity, or through hospital records, during the period of one year. It was considered elderly patients those with age over 65 years. Data collection was conducted over twelve months, in weeks, days and shifts defined by lot. It was observed that in primary health care and medium complexity services the Rio Grande do Sul elderly prescriptions had a higher mean number of medications and a considerable prevalence of inappropriate medications, compared to other studies involving data from the general population. However, these elderly received a lower percentage of prescriptions with antibiotics and injectable drugs. The classes of drugs most commonly prescribed in the outpatient setting were those of continuous use, probably due to the chronic diseases that frequently occurred in the old age. Those classes involved drugs that act on the cardiovascular system, nervous system and gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. In the hospitals studied, independently of the city, seasonality, gender or older age, it was identified high profile drug utilization, with polypharmacy (n = 345, 85.4%) and inappropriate prescription of medications (n = 325, 80.4%) in great number of elderly. The drugs that most appeared in the hospital prescriptions were those prescribed under the demand scheme ("if necessary"). Inappropriate prescribing for the elderly is often attributed to the lack of training in geriatrics and gerontology and disability of university education. Considering the Brazilian epidemiological and demographic context and the prescription pattern for the elderly observed in this study, it is important to prioritize disciplinary actions related to the promotion, prevention and recovery from illness and standardize procedures to avoid errors in prescribing, transcribing, and dispensing. The continuing education of professionals in the health, distribution and update of essential drugs lists and use of lists of inappropriate drugs for elderly may be useful tools for the improvement of the prescription and promotion of rational drug use in the elderly. Based on the vulnerabilities of the prescription for the elderly that have been raised, it is possible to establish changes in the studied healthy education environments, aiming to build a professional profile that bases its actions on effective communication, interdisciplinary and social commitment.
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Avaliação do cuidado farmacêutico na conciliação de medicamentos em pacientes idosos com câncer / Evaluation of pharmaceutical care in the medication reconciliation in elderly patients with cancerFabiana Nicola dos Santos 22 November 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, o câncer atualmente é a segunda causa de morte e algumas das explicações devem-se ao fato do melhor controle das doenças infectocontagiosas e ao envelhecimento populacional global, uma vez que o câncer é considerado uma doença cuja idade média está acima de 60 anos. As comorbidades as quais estão diretamente associadas ao envelhecimento e o uso de diversos medicamentos são necessários para o controle adequado das outras patologias, por outro lado, representa um importante fator de risco para resultados negativos de saúde. A conciliação de medicamentos visa a redução de medicamentos desnecessários, com uma avaliação criteriosa do farmacêutico, que pode ajudar a otimizar a terapia medicamentosa, reduzir custos, aumentar a conformidade e reduzir a toxicidade e eventos adversos relacionados aos medicamentos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência da polifarmácia, automedicação, a adesão e conhecimento da farmacoterapia domiciliar; as principais dúvidas e as necessidades de orientação em relação à farmacoterapia em geral; harmonização farmacoterapêutica, discrepâncias, interações medicamentosas, medicamentos inapropriados para idosos e duplicidade terapêutica. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Pacientes admitidos dos pelo Serviço de Oncologia Clínica e Ginecologia do HCFMRPUSP com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e diagnóstico confirmado de neoplasia maligna. Foram aplicados os testes de adesão e conhecimento da farmacoterapia domiciliar e após a saída hospitalar do paciente realizada a revisão das farmacoterapias (domiciliar e hospitalar) e a conciliação de medicamentos. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 157 pacientes, idade média 68,4 anos, maioria do gênero feminino (60,5%), raça branca (84,1%), ensino básico (40,1%), neoplasia maligna em mama feminina (26,1%), em uso de polifarmácia (70,7%) e adepto de automedicação (50,3%), em que o uso de medicamentos (p= 0,01) e a automedicação (p= <0,01) foram significativamente correlacionados com o gênero feminino. Na farmacoterapia domiciliar, a média de conhecimento total foi de 62,9% e maioria caracterizada como não aderente (73,4%), o armazenamento dos medicamentos foi prevalente na cozinha (51%) e as principais dúvidas relacionam-se à caligrafia (79%). A harmonização farmacoterapêutica foi observada em 82,3% dos pacientes. A discrepância foi observada em 90,5% dos pacientes, prevalecendo a omissão (304). Foi significativamente diferente a interação medicamentosa quando comparada as farmacoterapias, domiciliar e hospitalar (p <0,01). Em ambas farmacoterapias, a maioria dos pacientes fez uso de medicamentos inapropriados para idosos, 84,1% (132 pacientes) e 85,3% (134 pacientes), respectivamente. A duplicidade terapêutica observada foi mínima, 18 pacientes (11,7%) na farmacoterapia domiciliar e 29 pacientes (18,8%) na hospitalar. CONCLUSÃO: a inserção do cuidado farmacêutico pode contribuir na educação do paciente em relação aos riscos da automedicação, melhoria no conhecimento, adesão e armazenamento dos medicamentos; e o processo de conciliação de medicamentos pode auxiliar a prática clínica na harmonização farmacoterapêutica e reduzir as discrepâncias, principalmente em relação à omissão. A inclusão de sistemas de alertas na prescrição médica pode reduzir os riscos de interações medicamentosas e uso de medicamentos inapropriados para idosos. / In Brazil, cancer is currently the second cause of death and some of the explanation is due to better control of infectious diseases and global aging, since cancer is considered a disease whose average age is over 60 years. Comorbidities that are directly associated with aging and the use of several medications are necessary for the adequate control of other pathologies, on the other hand, it represents an important risk factor for negative health outcomes. Medication reconciliation is aimed at reducing unnecessary medications, with careful evaluation by the pharmacist, which can help optimize drug therapy, reduce costs, increase compliance, and reduce toxicity and drug-related adverse events. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of polypharmacy, self-medication, adherence and knowledge of home pharmacotherapy; the main doubts and orientation needs regarding pharmacotherapy in general; pharmacotherapeutic harmonization, discrepancies, drug interactions, inappropriate medications for the elderly and therapeutic duplicity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients admitted to the HCFMRP-USP Clinical Oncology and Gynecology Service aged 60 years or older and confirmed diagnosis of malignant neoplasia. The adherence tests and knowledge of home pharmacotherapy were applied and after the patient\'s hospital discharge, the pharmacotherapies (home and hospital) and medication reconciliation were reviewed. RESULTS: A total of 157 patients, mean age 68.4 years old, female (60.5%), Caucasian (84.1%), primary education (40.1%) and malignant neoplasia (P = 0.01) and self-medication (p = <0.01), using polypharmacy (70.7%) and adept of self-medication (50.3%), Were significantly correlated with the female gender. In home pharmacotherapy, the mean total knowledge was 62.9% and most characterized as non-adherent (73.4%), drug storage was prevalent in the kitchen (51%) and the main doubts related to calligraphy (79%). Pharmacotherapeutic harmonization was observed in 82.3% of the patients. The discrepancy was observed in 90.5% of the patients, with omission prevailing (304). Drug interaction was significantly different when compared to pharmacotherapies, home and hospital (p <0.01). In both pharmacotherapies, the majority of patients used drugs inappropriate for the elderly, 84.1% (132 patients) and 85.3% (134 patients), respectively. The therapeutic duplicity observed was minimal, 18 patients (11.7%) in the home pharmacotherapy and 29 patients (18.8%) in the hospital. CONCLUSION: the insertion of pharmaceutical care can contribute to the education of the patient in relation to the risks of self-medication, improved knowledge, adherence and storage of medications; and the medication reconciliation process can help clinical practice in pharmacotherapeutic harmonization and reduce discrepancies, especially in relation to omission. The inclusion of alert systems in the medical prescription can reduce the risks of drug interactions and the use of drugs inappropriate for the elderly.
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Estudo das interações medicamentosas potenciais na terapêutica de pacientes com doença renal crônica em tratamento conservadorMarquito, Alessandra Batista 02 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-08T10:45:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2013-09-02 / INTRODUÇÃO: Nas últimas décadas, o número de pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) em todo mundo tem aumentado, ocasionando um grave problema de saúde pública. Os principais fatores de risco para a DRC, além de transplante renal prévio e história familiar de terapia renal substitutiva, são o diabetes mellitus (DM) e a hipertensão arterial (HAS). A essas duas condições potencialmente graves, acrescenta-se o fato de que essa população é constituída predominantemente por indivíduos da terceira idade, que utilizam diversos fármacos, necessários para a abordagem dos fatores de riscos associados à doença, bem como na tentativa de retardar a evolução da doença para estágios mais avançados. Assim, renais crônicos possuem alto risco para a ocorrência de interação medicamentosa (IM), que constitui uma causa de problema relacionado ao medicamento (PRM). Contudo, a extensão e a frequência da IM não têm sido exploradas no processo de uso dos medicamentos desse grupo de indivíduos. OBJETIVO. Identificar potenciais interações entre medicamentos prescritos a renais crônicos em tratamento conservador e fatores associados a sua ocorrência. MÉTODO. Estudo observacional transversal, com análise de 558 prescrições. O potencial interativo dos medicamentos foi traçado tendo como suporte a base de dados MICROMEDEX®, software que disponibiliza farmacopéias conhecidas internacionalmente. RESULTADOS. Houve predomínio de indivíduos do sexo masculino (54,7%), idosos (69,4%), no estágio 3 da DRC (47,5%), com sobrepeso e obesos (66,7%). As comorbidades mais prevalentes foram a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (68,5%) e o diabetes mellitus (31,9%). Interações medicamentosas potenciais foram detectadas em 74,9% das prescrições. De um total de 1364 IMs detectadas, 229 (16,8%) foram de gravidade maior e 5 (0,4%) contraindicadas, com necessidade de intervenção imediata. Interações de gravidade moderada ou menor foram identificadas respectivamente em 1049 (76,9%) e 81 (5,9%) das prescrições. Observou-se que a probabilidade de ocorrência de uma IM aumentou em 2,5 vezes para cada medicamento adicional (IC= 2,18-3,03). Obesidade, diabetes, hipertensão e estágio avançado da DRC foram fatores de risco fortemente associados para ocorrência de IM. CONCLUSÃO. A associação de medicamentos em indivíduos com DRC
relacionou-se com alta prevalência de IMs potencialmente graves, especialmente nos estágios mais avançados da doença. / INTRODUCTION: Over the past three decades the incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has risen worldwide. The main risk factors for CKD are above previous kidney transplantation and a positive history of renal replacement therapy, diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HT). Furthermore, patients with CKD are predominantly over sixty and as a consequence have to take a variety of drugs to control the associated risk factors as well as to attenuate the progression of the disease. Thus, patients with CKD are at high risk for drug interactions (DI) that constitute one cause of drug related problems. However, the extent and frequency of DI is unknown in this group of individuals drug´s use process. OBJECTIVE. Identify potential interactions among drugs prescribed to patients with CKD on conservative treatment, and factors associated with their occurrence. METHODS. Observational cross-sectional study, with analysis of 558 prescriptions. Potential DIs were identified by the database MICROMEDEX®, software that provides an internationally known pharmacopoeia. RESULTS. There was a predominance of males (54.7%), seniors (69.4%), stage 3 CKD (47.5%), overweight and obese patients (66.7%). The most prevalent comorbidities were hypertension (68.5%) and diabetes mellitus (31.9%). Potential DIs were detected in 74.9% of prescriptions. Among the 1364 DIs diagnosed, 5 (0.4%) were contraindicated and 229 (16.8%) of greater severity, which need immediate intervention. Interactions of moderate and low severity were identified in 1049 (76.9%) and 81 (5.9%) prescriptions, respectively. The probability of one DI increased by 2.5 times for each additional drug (CI = 2.18 to 3.03). Obesity, hypertension, diabetes as well as advanced stage of CKD were risk factors strongly associated with DI occurrence. CONCLUSION. Drug associations in individuals with CKD were related to high prevalence of serious DIs, especially in the later stages of the disease.
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Drug use among the home-dwelling elderly:trends, polypharmacy, and sedationLinjakumpu, T. (Tarja) 03 October 2003 (has links)
The elderly use drugs more commonly than younger persons. Many studies about drug use have concentrated on institutionalized elders. Knowledge of drug use by the oldest old, aged 85 years or over, is scant. Psychotropics are among the drugs most commonly used by the elderly. Psychotropics have many adverse effects, such as balance impairment, sedation, reduced cognition, depression, and extrapyramidal symptoms. We do not know the extent of sedative drug use, including psychotropics and drugs prescribed for somatic disorders that have sedative properties. Withdrawal of unnecessary drugs appears to be beneficial and to improve the functional capacities of the elderly.
The aim of this study was to describe the changes in prescription drug use, polypharmacy, and psychotropic use among home-dwelling elderly Finns in the 1990s by using two cross-sectional community surveys. The specific aim was to classify all drugs used in Finland into four groups based on their sedative properties.
Drug use, polypharmacy, and, to some extent, psychotropic use increased within a decade. The oldest old used prescription drugs most commonly. Polypharmacy was independently associated with higher age, and in 1998-99, with at least 3 chronic diseases, poor self-perceived health, and the use of home nursing services. Most psychotropic users were on regular medication. The use of hypnotics and antidepressants increased most. Persons with polypharmacy used significantly more commonly psychotropics compared to other people. Over 84-year-olds used psychotropics more commonly than younger persons.
Sedative use was common, as 40 % of drug users used them. Sedative use was significantly more common among persons with polypharmacy than others. According to logistic regression models, the use of many sedatives was independently associated with age 80 years or over, female gender, chronic morbidity, smoking, poor self-perceived health/life satisfaction, and the use of home nursing. Both polypharmacy and abundant sedative use were associated with impaired physical functional abilities.
Prescribers need to be aware of the increasing polypharmacy and abundant sedative use. Regular assessment of indications is needed to avoid overuse of drugs. Geriatric knowledge is needed to support health centers and specialized units in this demanding task.
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Polyfarmakoterapie ve stáří - prevalence, rizikové faktory / Polypharmacy in the old age - prevalence, risk factorsKlofáčová, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: Population is demographically aging and proportion of older adults in the society increases. Also the number of sick persons raises, and the high consumption of drugs and polypharmacotherapy in old age are global problems. The definition of polypharmacotherapy is not uniform. Most commonly it is defined as the use of 5 or more drugs simultaneously. In the scientific literature we also see the term "excessive polypharmacotherapy". This is defined as the use of 10 or more drugs simultaneously. Polymorbidity, irrational indications, wrong diagnostics of drug-related problems, but also changes in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics common in the old age contribute to polypharmacotherapy. It is important that pharmacotherapy in the old age must be simple, effective and safe. Methods: Using the electronic database PubMed, all studies on the subject "Polypharmacotherapy in Old Age" published in 2005-2015 were reviewed. The data were summarized in tables. Studies that included causal factors (predictors) of polypharmacotherapy were also evaluated. The most frequently prescribed drugs in geriatric patients with polypharmacotherapy were recorded in a separate table. Results: In this diploma thesis, the prevalence of polypharmacotherapy was compared from 81 studies. We found that the...
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Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Mental Health Outcomes and Related Prescription Practices in a Psychiatric Inpatient SampleLeMay, Carrie 01 August 2019 (has links)
A definitive association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and negative physical and mental health outcomes has been established. There is evidence that individuals in forensic psychiatric facilities are disproportionately exposed to ACEs, which may impact severity, prognosis, and age of onset of psychiatric symptoms, including behavioral concerns of institutional aggression, self-harm behaviors, and suicide attempts. Such psychiatric and behavioral concerns are often managed through multiple psychotropic prescriptions, leading to psychotropic polypharmacy. This study evaluated the relationship between ACEs, mental health and behavioral concerns, and psychotropic polypharmacy through analysis of archival data from a forensic inpatient psychiatric facility. A total of 182 patients met inclusion criteria. Through a comprehensive record review, ACE scores, mental health outcomes, behavioral concerns, and prescription practices were ascertained and subjected to a series of regression analyses. Results indicate that the current participants experience greater prevalence of ACEs and mental health outcomes, as well as higher rates of psychotropic polypharmacy. These relationships are mediated by history of self-harm behaviors. The higher polypharmacy rates yield greater negative side effects with the need to manage with additional medications. Taken as a whole, ACEs are a relevant consideration, as childhood adversity may lead to a lifetime of difficulty with managing emotional distress and symptoms of psychopathology. Pharmacological treatment may be necessary, particularly with those who experience more complex mental health outcomes. However, a primary focus on psychotropic intervention can result in high rates of medications and polypharmacy with significant side effects. Incorporation of non-pharmacological intervention should be a primary consideration with forensic inpatients to circumvent the potential for psychotropic polypharmacy and related negative consequences.
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Predicting safe drug combinations with Graph Neural Networks (GNN)Amanzadi, Amirhossein January 2021 (has links)
Many people - especially during their elderly - consume multiple drugs for the treatment of complex or co-existing diseases. Identifying side effects caused by polypharmacy is crucial for reducing mortality and morbidity of the patients which will lead to improvement in their quality of life. Since there is immense space for possible drug combinations, it is infeasible to examine them entirely in the lab. In silico models can offer a convenient solution, however, due to the lack of a sufficient amount of homogenous data it is difficult to develop both reliable and scalable models in its ability to accurately predict Polypharmacy Side Effect. Recent advancement in the field of representational learning has utilized the power of graph networks to harmonize information from the heterogeneous biological databases and interactomes. This thesis takes advantage of those techniques and incorporates them with the state-of-the-art Graph Neural Network algorithms to implement a Deep learning pipeline capable of predicting the Adverse Drug Reaction of any given paired drug combinations.
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Falls Risk Assessment and ModificationFlores, Emily K. 01 August 2012 (has links)
Home health clinicians are uniquely qualified to fully evaluate patient falls risk and carry out clinical interventions to reduce risk. The objectives of this article are to give home health providers an update on the risk factors for falling, review the current guideline recommendations for prevention of falls, and provide a stepwise approach to evaluate patients and apply the clinical literature to decrease falls in older patients living at home. Many falls may be prevented with patient screening, assessment of risk, and modification of risk factors. Since the risk of falling is an interaction between three groupings of patient-specific factors, namely, environmental factors, diseases/disorders, and medication use, a multifactorial fall risk assessment can help identify the factors to consider modifying in an individual patient.
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The Effect of Polypharmacy on Quality of Life and Patient Reported Symptoms in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in the United States: A Retrospective Observational Study Using Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Clinical Research Network Data.Alrasheed, Marwan January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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