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Une étude pilote sur les composantes crânio-faciales, myofonctionnelles et d'adiposité dans les cas d'occurrence intra-familiale de syndrome d'apnée du sommeil chez l'enfant et l'adulteLajoie, Marie-Hélène 03 1900 (has links)
Problématique à laquelle répond ce projet de recherche:
Les troubles respiratoires obstructifs du sommeil (TROS) comprennent différentes anomalies allant du ronflement chronique au syndrome d’apnée obstructive du sommeil (SAOS). Le SAOS toucherait entre 1 et 5% d’une population pédiatrique générale avec un pic d’incidence entre 2 et 6 ans. Les enfants obèses sont particulièrement atteints avec une prévalence pouvant atteindre 40%. Chez les enfants atteints de malformations crânio-faciales sévères, la prévalence peut atteindre plus de 50%. Les conséquences du SAOS sur le développement de l’enfant peuvent être significatives en l’absence de traitement, tant au point de vue de la croissance que des performances cognitives, du comportement et des paramètres cardio-vasculaires, pulmonaires ou métaboliques.
Chez l’adulte, la prévalence du SAOS est estimée, dans la population générale, à 3 à 7% des hommes et à 2 à 5% des femmes d’âge moyen. Cette prévalence serait plus élevée dans certains sous-groupes de la population, notamment les personnes en surpoids ou obèses, chez les femmes enceintes, dans certaines ethnies et chez les personnes âgées. Le SAOS peut entrainer une sur- morbidité cardiovasculaire (hypertension artérielle, accident vasculaire cérébral et infarctus du myocarde) et une augmentation des accidents de travail ou de la circulation imputables à la somnolence.
Il est actuellement reconnu que le SAOS pédiatrique et le SAOS de l’adulte ont des causes, des présentations et des conséquences différentes. On ne sait cependant pas si le SAOS de l’adolescent est une poursuite de la forme pédiatrique ou une forme précoce du SAOS de l’adulte. On ne sait pas non plus si certains facteurs de risque sont présents précocement chez l’enfant et persistent jusqu’à l’âge adulte, ou si les deux formes SAOS pédiatrique / adulte ont une étiologie relativement indépendante.
Comparer la distribution des caractéristiques morphologiques dento-faciales, fonctionnelles oro- nasales et de l’adiposité entre les membres d’une même famille, (quand à la fois) lorsqu’un enfant et un parent présentent des symptômes de troubles obstructifs du sommeil. Un des membres devra avoir reçu préalablement un diagnostic de SAOS.
Type de recherche:
Étude transversale observationnelle
Nous avons recruté des enfants afin de planifier un enregistrement du sommeil au CHU Sainte- Justine avec au minimum un de ses parents biologiques directs. Les procédures expérimentales qui ont été utilisées avec chacune de ces familles étaient :
• Une évaluation crânio-faciale et fonctionnelle de l’enfant et d'au moins un de ses parents, incluant la prise de photos
• Un questionnaire de dépistage du SAOS et un arbre généalogique sur 3 générations
• Un enregistrement du sommeil de l’enfant
• L'enregistrement du poids et de la taille, de la circonférence du cou, de la circonférence
de la taille ainsi que des symptômes liés au SAOS
Nous avons inclus un groupe de 20 paires (un enfant couplé à un de ses parents). De ce groupe, 13 enfants ont été diagnostiqué du SAOS et 7 en étaient non atteints. Pour ce qui est de l'analyse des questionnaires des enfants, 100% des apnéiques rapportaient une obstruction nasale. Pour les caractéristiques crânio-faciales, 85% de tous les enfants avait la même classification du tonus labial et jugal, 90% de tous les enfants avait avaient la même forme d'arcade maxillaire et mandibulaire et 100% des enfants apnéiques présentaient la même classification de chevauchement dentaire que leur parent. Dans le cas de l'analyse anthropométrique sur photographies, les mesures de la hauteur faciale totale, de la hauteur du tier inférieur et la
position antéro-postérieure du maxillaire sont celles qui ont démontrées une certaine tendance d'héritabilité. La mesure N-Gn était plus grande chez les enfants apnéiques, ce qui signifie une hauteur faciale totale plus grande (Cohen d = 1,007). La mesure Sn-Gn était aussi plus grande chez les enfants apnéiques, ce qui signifie un tier inférieur plus long (Cohen d = 1,010). Enfin, l'angle T- N-Sn est plus petit chez les enfants apnéiques (Cohen d = 0,851).
L'étude actuelle est une étude pilote constitué d'un échantillon limité. Seul un des deux parents de chaque famille a accepté de participer. Malgré cela, on peut voir une certaine tendance d'héritabilité au niveau du tonus labial et jugal, de la forme des arcades dentaires, de la classification du chevauchement dentaire et de l'obstruction nasale. Des études plus importantes seront cependant nécessaires afin d'obtenir des résultats statistiquement significatifs. / Problem addressed by this research project:
Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) includes different abnormalities ranging from chronic snoring to obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). OSAS would affect between 1 and 5% of a general pediatric population with a peak incidence between 2 and 6 years old. Obese children are particularly affected with a prevalence of up to 40%. In children with severe craniofacial malformations, the prevalence can reach more than 50%. The consequences of OSAS on child development can be significant in the absence of treatment, both in terms of growth and cognitive performance, behavior and cardiovascular, pulmonary or metabolic parameters.
In adults, the prevalence of OSAS is estimated, in the general population, at 3 to 7% of men and 2 to 5% of middle-aged women. This prevalence would be higher in certain subgroups of the population, in particular overweight or obese people, in pregnant women, in certain ethnic groups and in the elderly. OSAS may lead to increased cardiovascular morbidity (arterial hypertension, stroke, myocardial infarction), and an increase in work or traffic accidents attributable to drowsiness.
It is currently recognized that pediatric OSAS and adult OSAS have different causes, presentations and consequences. However, it is not known whether adolescent OSAS is a continuation of the pediatric form or an early form of adult OSAS. It is also unclear whether certain risk factors are present early in childhood and persist into adulthood, or whether the two pediatric/adult forms of OSAS have a relatively independent etiology.
To compare the distribution of dentofacial morphological, oronasal functional characteristics and adiposity between members of the same family, when both child and parent present with symptoms of SDB. One of the members must have previously received a diagnosis of OSAS.
Type of research:
Observational cross-sectional study
We recruited children scheduled for sleep recording at CHU Sainte-Justine as well as at least one of their direct biological parents. The experimental procedures that were used with each of these families were:
• A craniofacial and functional assessment of the child and at least one of his parents, including taking photos
• An OSAS screening questionnaire and a 3-generation family tree
• A sleep recording of the child
• Records of weight and height, neck circumference, waist circumference and symptoms related to sleep apnea were also collected
We included a group of 20 pairs (a child coupled to one of his parents. Of this group, 13 children were diagnosed with OSAS and 7 were unaffected. Regarding the analysis of the children's questionnaires, 100% of apneic patients report nasal obstruction. For craniofacial features, 85% of all children had the same labial and jugal tone classification, 90% of all children had the same maxillary and mandibular arch shape, and 100% of apneic children had the same classification of the dental crowding as their parent. In the case of the anthropometric analysis on photographs, the measurements of the total facial height, the height of the lower third and the anteroposterior position of the maxilla are those that demonstrated a certain trend. The N-Gn measurement was greater in children with apnea, signifying greater total facial height (Cohen d = 1.007). The Sn-Gn measure was also greater in children with apnea, meaning one lower third longer (Cohen d = 1.010). Finally, the T-N-Sn angle is smaller in apneic children (Cohen d = 0.851).
The current study is a pilot study consisting of a limited sample. Only one parent from each family agreed to participate. Despite this, we can see a certain trend of heritability at the level of the labial and jugal tone, the shape of the dental arches, the classification of the dental crowding and the nasal obstruction. However, larger studies will be needed to obtain statistically significant results.
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Association entre la sclérose en plaques et le syndrome des impatiences musculaires de l'éveil : caractérisation par des études de sommeilProulx-Therrien, Joëlle 10 1900 (has links)
Le syndrome des impatiences musculaires de l’éveil (SIME) est un trouble sensitivo-moteur causant des perturbations du sommeil. Il fut décrit que ce syndrome est plus fréquent chez les sujets vivant avec la sclérose en plaques (SEP) que dans la population générale. L’objectif principal de ce travail est de décrire l’impact du SIME sur le sommeil des sujets avec la sclérose en plaques, comparé au sommeil de sujets avec la SEP, mais sans SIME. Des questionnaires validés et des études de polysomnographie seront utilisés pour réaliser nos objectifs. Les études de PSG de nos 49 sujets révèlent qu’indépendamment de la présence ou de l’absence du SIME, le sommeil des sujets avec la SEP est grandement perturbé. De plus, même en l’absence du SIME, les sujets avec la SEP présentent des mouvements périodiques des jambes. Cette étude démontre que le SIME se manifeste différemment dans la SEP. De plus amples recherches sont nécessaires pour mieux caractériser le SIME en SEP. / The Restless legs syndrome is a sleep related movement disorder. It causes sleep disruptions, affecting sleep quality. It has been described as being more frequent in an MS population than in the general population. Our main objective was to evaluate its impact on MS subjects’ sleep in comparison to MS subjects without RLS Validated questionnaires and polysomnography was used to achieve our objective. PSG studies of our 49 subjects revealed that independently of RLS status, MS subjects experience bad sleep quality, based on various sleep quality markers. Moreover, MS subjects without RLS also have periodic leg movements. This study reveals that RLS in MS manifests itself differently. Further research is needed to characterise RLS in MS.
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Effet de l’expansion palatine sur le bruxisme du sommeil chez des enfants en comparant des appareils d’expansion palatine rapide collé ou baguéBellerive, Audrey 03 1900 (has links)
Introduction : Le bruxisme du sommeil est un désordre du mouvement décrit comme un mouvement involontaire de la mastication durant le sommeil. Cette parafonction est observée dans 14-38% de la population pédiatrique. Un lien a été trouvé entre les événements respiratoires et les épisodes de bruxisme. L’expansion palatine rapide (EPR) est un traitement orthopédique effectué chez les enfants en croissance pour régler un manque transverse squelettique du maxillaire supérieur. Quelques études ont observé que l’apnée obstructive du sommeil a été diminuée par un traitement d’expansion palatine rapide. Objectifs : Étant donné que le bruxisme est en lien avec des événements respiratoires et que l’expansion palatine rapide augmente la dimension des cavités nasales, l’objectif de la présente étude est d’évaluer la possible réduction du bruxisme après le traitement d’expansion rapide. Méthodes : Ce projet pilote est une étude clinique randomisée contrôlée de patients consécutifs qui a inclus 27 enfants (8-14 ans, 8 garçons et 19 filles) avec ou sans bruxisme du sommeil. Tous ces patients sont venus à la clinique d’orthodontie de l’Université de Montréal et présentaient un manque transverse du maxillaire supérieur (au moins 5 mm). Dans le cadre de l’étude, les patients devaient passer un enregistrement polysomnographique ambulatoire avant le traitement d’expansion palatine (T0) et après l’activation de l’appareil d’expansion (T1).
Résultats : Les résultats démontrent une diminution du bruxisme chez 60% (9 patients) de nos patients bruxeurs. L’interaction entre le traitement et les groupes (Br et Ctl) s’est avérée significative (p=0,05 ANOVA mesures répétées), et démontre une diminution du bruxisme chez les bruxeurs (p=0,04, t-test paire). Les médianes (min, max) du groupe avec bruxisme sont passées de 3,11 (2,06; 7,68) à 2,85 (0,00; 9,51). Les paramètres de sommeil sont restés stables (Stade N1/N2/N3, REM, efficacité du sommeil), ainsi que les paramètres respiratoires et le ronflement. Conclusion : Une réduction du bruxisme a été observée lors de cette étude, mais un échantillonnage plus grand est nécessaire pour conclure. / Introduction: Sleep bruxism (SB) is a movement disorder described as an involuntary mastication movement during sleep. This parafunction is observed in 14-38% of the child population. A link was found between respiratory events and episodes of bruxism. Rapid palatal expansion (RPE) in children is an orthopedic treatment that is effective in correcting maxillary transverse deficiency and in reducing obstructive apnea syndrome (OAS) by increasing airway capacity. Objectives : Since bruxism is related to respiratory events and RPE increases respiratory capacity, the objective of this study is to evaluate the possible reduction of bruxism after RPE therapy. Material and Methods : This prospective randomized controlled clinical pilot study recruited 27 children (8-14 years old, 8 boys, 19 girls) with or without sleep bruxism. These patients were seeking treatment for transverse maxillary deficiency (5 mm or more) at the orthodontics department of the University of Montreal. Patients underwent an ambulatory polysomnography before (T0) and after expansion (T1). Sleep parameters, rhythmic muscular masticatory activity index were evaluated. Results : The results show a reduction of bruxism in 60% of bruxer patients (9 participants). The interaction between the treatment and the groups (Br and ctl) was significant (p=0,05, repeated measures ANOVA). A reduction of bruxism is shown for bruxers (p=0,04, paired t-test). The sleep parameters stayed stable after RPE (Stage N1/N2/N3, REM, sleep efficiency) as well as the breathing parameters and snoring data. The medians (min, max) of bruxism group went from 3,11 (2,06; 7,68) to 2,85 (0,00; 9,51). Conclusion : During this study, a reduction of bruxism was observed but a larger sample size is needed to conclude on the subject.
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L'actigraphie comme mesure de sommeil à l’âge préscolaire : liens avec la sécurité d’attachement et les comportements extériorisésBélanger, Marie-Ève 04 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de la thèse était d’élargir les connaissances scientifiques sur le sommeil des enfants. La thèse est composée de quatre articles empiriques. Le premier visait à estimer la validité de l’actigraphie comme mesure de sommeil chez les enfants d’âge préscolaire en la comparant à la polysomnographie, et à examiner si son emplacement influence sa validité. 12 enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans ont porté simultanément un actigraphe à la cheville et un au poignet pendant une nuit d’enregistrement polysomnographique. Les résultats démontrent que l’actigraphie permet une bonne détection du sommeil, mais qu’elle détecte moins bien l’éveil. Cet article suggère également que les jeunes enfants nécessitent un algorithme adapté à leur niveau d’activité nocturne. Enfin, la validité de l'actigraphie semble similaire pour le poignet et la cheville. Le deuxième article visait à comparer trois mesures de sommeil souvent utilisées avec de jeunes enfants, soit les agendas de sommeil, l’échelle des problèmes de sommeil du Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) et l’actigraphie, afin de déterminer leurs similarités et leurs divergences quant aux variables de sommeil qui en sont dérivées. 80 familles ont participé à cette étude lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 2 ans. Les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les mères ont complété un agenda de sommeil durant cette même période. Les deux parents ont aussi rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que ces mesures de sommeil évaluent des aspects différents du sommeil de l’enfant, et suggèrent une concordance particulièrement faible entre les mesures subjectives et objectives.
Le troisième article visait à évaluer l’apport unique de la sécurité d’attachement dans la prédiction du sommeil de l’enfant. 62 dyades mère-enfant ont été rencontrées à deux reprises. La sécurité d’attachement et la dépendance ont été évaluées par observation à l’aide du Q-Sort d’attachement lorsque l’enfant avait 15 mois. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 3 jours consécutifs. Les résultats indiquent que la sécurité d'attachement a une contribution unique à la prédiction de la durée du sommeil nocturne et de l'efficacité du sommeil nocturne. Ainsi, cette étude suggère que plus les enfants ont un attachement sécurisant envers leur mère, plus grandes sont la durée et la qualité de leur sommeil quelques mois plus tard. Le quatrième article visait à examiner la relation entre le sommeil et les comportements extériorisés. 64 familles ont participé à cette étude. À l’âge de 2 ans, les enfants ont porté un actigraphe durant 72 heures consécutives et les parents ont complété le CBCL. Lorsque les enfants étaient âgés de 4 ans, les parents ainsi que l’éducateur(trice) de garderie ont rempli le CBCL. Les résultats démontrent que le sommeil de l’enfant est associé aux comportements extériorisés concomitants et à l’augmentation de ceux-ci à travers le temps. Par ailleurs, les relations entre la qualité de sommeil et les comportements extériorisés étaient modérées par le sexe de l’enfant, c’est-à-dire significatives seulement chez les garçons. Les résultats des quatre articles sont finalement intégrés dans la discussion générale. / The overall objective of the thesis was to contribute to the expansion of the current state of knowledge on young children’s sleep. The thesis consists of four empirical articles. The first article compared the validity of three algorithms for detecting sleep with actigraphy by comparing them to polysomnography in preschoolers. The putative influence of device location (wrist or ankle) was also examined. 12 children aged 2 to 5 years simultaneously wore an actigraph on an ankle and a wrist during a night of polysomnography recording at home. The results showed that actigraphy generally provides good detection of sleep, but weaker detection of wakefulness. The article also suggests that young children require an algorithm adapted to their level of nocturnal motor activity. Finally, sleep variables derived from the ankle and wrist were not statistically different, suggesting that the validity of the actigraphy is not influenced by the location of the monitor. The second article examined associations between actigraphy, maternal sleep diaries, and the parent-completed Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) sleep items, which are instruments widely used by clinicians and researchers to assess sleep among young children. 80 middle-class families participated in this study when children were aged 2 years. Children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period and mothers completed a sleep diary during the same period. Both parents also completed the CBCL. The results show that these sleep measures assess different aspects of children’s sleep, and suggest a particularly low concordance between the subjective and objective sleep measures. The third article used objective measures of sleep and attachment to assess the longitudinal links between mother-child attachment security and subsequent sleep, while partialling out child dependency. 62 middle-class families were met twice. Security and dependency of attachment were assessed with the observer version of the Attachment Q-Sort when the child was 15 months. At the age of 2 years, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72-hour period. Results indicated that children more securely attached to their mothers had higher nighttime sleep duration and efficiency, and these predictions were not confounded by child dependency. The aim of the fourth article was to investigate the concurrent and longitudinal relations between sleep and externalizing symptoms among young children. Sixty-four families were met twice. At the age of 2 years, children wore an actigraph monitor for a 72- hour period and both mothers and fathers completed the CBCL. When children were aged 4 years, both parents as well as the daycare educator filled the CBCL. The results show that child sleep is associated with concurrent externalizing symptoms and with an increase in externalizing symptoms over time. Associations between sleep efficiency and externalizing symptoms were moderated by child sex, such that links were only significant among boys. Finally, the results of the four articles are integrated into the general discussion.
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Efeitos hemodinâmicos agudos da pressão positiva contínua na via aérea (CPAP) em indivíduos com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica / Acute hemodynamic effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathyNerbass, Flávia Baggio 13 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é uma doença comum em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) e está associada de forma independente a piora nos seus parâmetros cardíacos. O tratamento da AOS com CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) é considerado benéfico em pacientes sem CMH. Contudo, o CPAP pode agudamente piorar o desempenho cardíaco em pacientes com CMH e obstrução na via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (VSVE). Métodos: Foram estudados 26 pacientes com CMH, estáveis, divididos em 12 não-obstrutivos (CMHN-Obst) e 14 obstrutivos (CMHObst), de acordo com seu gradiente de VSVE menor ou maior que 30mmHg, respectivamente. Pacientes foram continuamente monitorados pela pressão arterial (PA) batimento-a-batimento e eletrocardiograma, em vigília e posição supina. Um ecocardiograma bidimensional foi realizado durante o repouso (Basal) a após 20 minutos de CPAP nas pressões de 1,5cmH2O e 10cmH2O, que foram aplicadas em ordem randomizada, interpostas por 10 minutos de intervalo sem CPAP. Em outra data os pacientes foram submetidos a uma polissonografia completa para diagnóstico de AOS. Resultados: Variáveis hemodinâmicas como PA, débito cardíaco, volume sistólico, frequência cardíaca, fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo e gradiente de VSVE permaneceram estáveis ao longo do estudo em ambos os grupos. Em pacientes não-obstrutivos, o CPAP em 10cmH2O reduziu área do átrio direito, a complacência do ventrículo esquerdo, bem como o relaxamento de ambos os ventrículos. Nos pacientes obstrutivos, o CPAP em 10cmH2O provocou efeitos similares no coração direito e também elevou as pressões na artéria pulmonar. No coração esquerdo, houve uma redução na área e volume do átrio esquerdo, com aumento nas áreas e volumes do jato e frações regurgitantes. A polissonografia completa demonstrou que a AOS (índice de apneia e hipopneia >= 15 eventos/hora) estava presente em 58% dos pacientes. Conclusões: O CPAP se mostrou uma alternativa segura para tratar AOS em pacientes com CMH, pois não alterou agudamente a hemodinâmica. Contudo, provocou algumas alterações na dinâmica cardíaca de pacientes obstrutivos, que devem ser considerados com cautela / Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disease and is independently associated with a worse in cardiac parameters among patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The treatment of OSA with CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) is beneficial among patients without CMH. However, CPAP may acutely impair cardiac performance in patients with HCM and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction. Methods: We studied 26 stable HCM patients divided in 12 nonobstructive-HCM and 14 obstructive-HCM according to their LVOT pressure gradient lower or higher than 30 mmHg, respectively. Patients were continuously monitored by beatto- beat blood pressure (BP) and electrocardiogram in the supine position while awake. A 2-dimensional echocardiography was performed at resting (Baseline) and after 20 minutes of nasal CPAP at 1.5cmH2O and 10cmH2O, that was applied in a random order interposed by 10 minutes without CPAP. In another day all patients underwent full Polysomnography for OSA diagnosis. Results: Hemodynamic variables such as BP, cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction and LVOT gradient did not change along the study period in both groups. CPAP at 10cmH2O in nonobstructive-HCM patients decreased right atrial area, left ventricular compliance, right and left ventricular relaxation. In obstructive-HCM patients, CPAP at 10cmH2O promoted similar effects in the right heart, and also raised pulmonary artery pressure. In the left heart, there was a decrease in left atrial area and volume with increased area and volume of both, regurgitant jet and regurgitant fraction. Full Polysomnography showed that OSA (apneahypopnea index >=15 events/h) was present in 58% of HCM patients. Conclusions: CPAP showed to be safe to treat OSA and did not acutely change hemodynamics in patients with HCM. However, CPAP may acutely impair cardiac dynamics in obstructive-HCM patients and this finding should be carefully considered
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En jämförelse mellan respiratorisk polygrafi och perifer arteriell tonometri i diagnos av obstruktiv sömnapné / A comparison between Peripheral Arterial Tonometry and polygraphy in the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep ApneaStarck, Anton, Al-Obaidi, Marwah January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Obstruktiv sömnapné (OSA) är en av de vanligaste kroniska sömnsjukdomarna. Sjukdomen kännetecknas av återkommande episoder med andningsuppehåll under sömn. Detta ligger till grund för dagsömnighet och utveckling av systemsjukdomar. Det finna goda behandlingsalternativ för OSA som CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), bettskena och kirurgi. Respiratorisk polygrafi (hädanefter presenterad som ”polygrafi”) är standardmetoden i Sverige för att diagnosticera OSA. Perifer arteriell tonometri (PAT) är en alternativ metod. Det finns olika kriterier för tolkning av polygrafi. Detta gör det svårt att jämföra studier. Svenska sömnapnéregistret (SESAR) och berörda specialitetsföreningar har därför tagit fram svenska nationella diagnoskriterier för sömnapné, SESAR-kriterierna. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utreda om indexvärdena, AHI (apné-hypopné index) och ODI (oxygen desaturation index) överensstämmer i totalen och i olika positioner (rygg och icke-rygg) mellan PAT och polygrafi (tolkad med SESAR-kriterierna), samt att undersöka om det föreligger någon systematisk skillnad mellan dem. Material och metod: Elva patienter registrerades med polygrafi (NOX-T3) och PAT(WatchPAT) under en och samma natt. Registreringarna tolkades med SESAR kriterierna och WatchPAT scoring guidelines. Resultat: PAT visade en stark positiv korrelation med polygrafi (Spearman’s rho=0,771–0,963). Slutsats: Ingen signifikant skillnad hittades mellan PAT och polygrafi. / Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common chronic sleep disorder. The disease is characterized by recurrent episodes of respiratory arrest during sleep. This is the basis for daytime sleepiness and development of common systemic diseases. There are good treatment options for OSA including CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), mandibular advancement splints and surgery. Respiratory polygraphy (hereinafter referred to as “polyhraphy”) is the standard method in Sweden for diagnosing OSA. Peripheral arterial tononometry (PAT) is an alternative method. There are different criteria for interpretation of polygraphy, thus making it difficult to compare studies. Svenska sömnapnéregistret (SESAR) and relevant speciality associations have therefore developed a Swedish national diagnostic criterion for sleep apnea, the SESAR-criteria. Purpose: To investigate if PAT and polygraphy (interpreted with the SESAR-criteria), correspond in apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and oxygen desaturation index (ODI) and if there is any systematic difference between the methods in different positions (supine and non-supine). Material and methods: Eleven patients were registered with polygraphy (NOX-T3) and PAT (WatchPAT) for one night. The registrations were interpreted with the SESAR-criteria and the WatchPAT scoring guidelines, respectively. Results: PAT showed a strong positive correlation with polygraphy (Spearman’s rho=0,771-0,963). Conclusion: No significant difference was found between methods.
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Estudo cefalométrico de indivíduos com síndrome da apnéia hipopnéia obstrutiva do sono.Marques, Caroline Gabriele 25 September 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-09-25 / This study aims to identify associated characteristics of craniofacial skeletal and pharyngeal soft tissues, in lateral cephalometric teleradiography and their possible association with clinical and polyssonographic findings, observing anatomical areas which most influenced the upper airway obstruction. To evaluate a predicting cephalometric pattern for Sleep Apnea Hipopnea Obstructive Syndrome (SAHOS), a sample of 40 subjects was divided into two experimental groups: patients with mild to moderate and severe SAHOS, previously submitted to polyssonographic study, according to their Apnea or Hipopnea Índex (AHI), comparing them with a control group, 10 subjects, with no sleep disorder. The first experimental group had an AHI=15 <30 (moderate sleep apnea). The second group, an AHI> or = 30 (severe sleep apnea). After the results and the statistical methods used to compare the different studied groups, the conclusion was that the SAHOS patients when compared with the control group presented: some positional alterations in their skeletal anatomical structures, mainly a lowering of the hyoide bone in relation to the cervical vertebrae; mandilbular retrusion, increased dimensions of the pharyngeal soft tissues, increased length and width of the soft palate with a decrease of the posterior and superior airway space. / O propósito deste estudo é identificar associação entre as características craniofaciais esqueletais e de tecidos moles em telerradiografias cefalométricas laterais com os dados clínicos e polissonográficos, verificando as áreas anatômicas que mais contribuem para a obstrução das vias aéreas superiores nos pacientes com Síndrome da Apnéia Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS). Para avaliar se existe um padrão cefalométrico previsível para a Síndrome da Apnéia Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono, foram comparadas as diferenças das médias das dimensões esqueléticas craniofaciais e dos tecidos moles da faringe, em norma lateral, de uma amostra de 40 indivíduos, divididos em 2 grupos-teste, com da Síndrome da Apnéia Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono Moderada e Síndrome da Apnéia Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono Grave, previamente submetidos ao estudo polissonográfico e um grupo controle de 10 indivíduos sem a doença. Pertenciam ao primeiro grupo teste os pacientes com Índice de Apnéia e Hipopnéia (IAH) > 15 < 30 (apnéia do sono moderada) e ao segundo grupo teste os pacientes com Índice de Apnéia e Hipopnéia (IAH) ≥ 30 (apnéia do sono grave). Diante dos resultados obtidos e após a aplicação dos métodos estatísticos usados para comparação dos diferentes grupos estudados, concluiu-se que os pacientes apnéicos quando comparados com o grupo controle apresentaram: alterações no posicionamento das estruturas anatômicas esqueletais, principalmente um posicionamento inferior do osso hióide em relação às vértebras cervicais, retrusão mandibular, dimensões aumentadas dos tecidos moles faringeanos, aumento no comprimento e largura do palato mole com diminuição do espaço aéreo póstero-superior.
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Modificação da via aérea superior com uso de CPAP: avaliação por faringometria acústica em apnéicos graves e roncadores simples / Upper airway reconfiguration with CPAP: acoustic pharyngometry evaluation in severe apneics and simple snorersCláudia Inês Guerra de Sousa Silva 28 May 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS) é uma doença crônica e evolutiva que tem uma alta prevalência e pode acarretar graves repercussões hemodinâmicas, neurológicas e comportamentais. A pressão positiva contínua na via aérea (CPAP) é altamente eficaz no tratamento da AOS, porém o processo de expansão da faringe por este dispositivo não é totalmente entendido. A faringometria acústica (FA) é um método de mensuração das dimensões da cavidade oral e da faringe, reprodutível e fácil de efetuar, podendo avaliar eficientemente os efeitos do CPAP na faringe e trazer informações sobre sua complacência e sítios de obstrução. Objetivo: avaliar as mudanças induzidas pelo CPAP nas dimensões da faringe e no posicionamento do palato mole em pacientes com AOS e verificar se a deformabilidade da via aérea superior pelo CPAP é maior em apneicos graves do que em roncadores simples. Desenho do estudo: estudo prospectivo. Métodos: 48 pacientes foram submetidos a FA durante o uso do CPAP. 29 pacientes com índice de apneia e hipopneia (IAH) >30 e indicação de uso do CPAP foram inclusos no grupo AOS, e 19 pacientes com IAH <=5 foram inclusos no grupo controle. Os critérios de inclusão foram: idade entre 18 e 65 anos, ambos os sexos, polissonografia (PSG) previamente realizada, e PSG para titulação do CPAP no grupo AOS. Os critérios de exclusão foram: obstrução nasal crônica pré existente, uso de medicamentos psiquiátricos, neurológicos ou miorrelaxantes, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, índice de massa corpórea >= 35 e cirurgia palatal prévia para AOS. Os gráficos resultantes dos exames de FA foram analisados por 2 examinadores cegos que marcaram os pontos para obtenção da distância da transição orofaríngea da glote. Foram calculados também o comprimento e o volume da faringe pelo programa do aparelho. Foi então feita a análise estatística para comparar as medidas em diferentes pressões intragrupo e intergrupo. Resultados: As medidas dos dois examinadores mostraram correlação. O CPAP não ocasionou nenhum aumento significativo na via aérea faríngea nem mudou o posicionamento do palato em ambos os grupos. No estado basal, os pacientes com AOS têm uma faringe mais longa do que os roncadores simples. Após a aplicação do CPAP, não houve diferença no comprimento e no volume da faringe entre os grupos. Conclusões: Não houve diferenças significantes na posição da transição orofaríngea e da glote entre roncadores e apneicos com a aplicação de CPAP. Não houve expansão significante na via aérea faríngea com a aplicação de CPAP nos roncadores e apneicos. Anatomicamente, os apneicos apresentaram via aérea superior mais longa que os roncadores simples / Rationale: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is an evolutive disease, with a high prevalence, that can cause serious hemodynamic, neurological and behavioral repercussions. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is highly effective in OSA treatment, however the pharynx expansion by this advice is not fully understood. Acoustic pharyngometry (AP) is a measurement method of oral cavity and pharynx dimensions, and can efficiently evaluate CPAP effects on pharynx, bringing informations about its compliance and sites of obstruction. Objectives/Hypothesis: To verify if the CPAP-induced deformability on the pharynx and soft palate is greater in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients than in simple snorers. Study Design: Prospective study. Methods: 29 patients with severe OSA and 19 simple snorers underwent acoustic pharyngometry measurements while awake in supine position. Measurements were first made without CPAP, and then with a nasal CPAP starting with 4cmH2O and up to 10cmH2O. The oropharyngeal transition and the position of the glottis were marked in the generated curves by two blinded examiners. The marked values were averaged to calculate the oropharyngeal transition and the pharyngeal length and volume under zero, 4 and 10cmH2O of CPAP for each group. Results: CPAP did not produce any significant enlargement in the pharyngeal airway nor changed the soft palate positioning in both groups. At baseline, OSA patients have a longer pharynx than simple snorers. After the application of CPAP, there was no difference in the length and volume of the pharynx between groups. Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the position of oropharyngeal junction and glottis between snorers and apneics with CPAP appliance. There was no significant expansion in pharyngeal airway with CPAP appliance in snorers and apneics. Anatomically, apneics presented a longer superior airway than simple snorers
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Efeitos hemodinâmicos agudos da pressão positiva contínua na via aérea (CPAP) em indivíduos com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica / Acute hemodynamic effects of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathyFlávia Baggio Nerbass 13 March 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Apneia obstrutiva do sono (AOS) é uma doença comum em pacientes com cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) e está associada de forma independente a piora nos seus parâmetros cardíacos. O tratamento da AOS com CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) é considerado benéfico em pacientes sem CMH. Contudo, o CPAP pode agudamente piorar o desempenho cardíaco em pacientes com CMH e obstrução na via de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (VSVE). Métodos: Foram estudados 26 pacientes com CMH, estáveis, divididos em 12 não-obstrutivos (CMHN-Obst) e 14 obstrutivos (CMHObst), de acordo com seu gradiente de VSVE menor ou maior que 30mmHg, respectivamente. Pacientes foram continuamente monitorados pela pressão arterial (PA) batimento-a-batimento e eletrocardiograma, em vigília e posição supina. Um ecocardiograma bidimensional foi realizado durante o repouso (Basal) a após 20 minutos de CPAP nas pressões de 1,5cmH2O e 10cmH2O, que foram aplicadas em ordem randomizada, interpostas por 10 minutos de intervalo sem CPAP. Em outra data os pacientes foram submetidos a uma polissonografia completa para diagnóstico de AOS. Resultados: Variáveis hemodinâmicas como PA, débito cardíaco, volume sistólico, frequência cardíaca, fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo e gradiente de VSVE permaneceram estáveis ao longo do estudo em ambos os grupos. Em pacientes não-obstrutivos, o CPAP em 10cmH2O reduziu área do átrio direito, a complacência do ventrículo esquerdo, bem como o relaxamento de ambos os ventrículos. Nos pacientes obstrutivos, o CPAP em 10cmH2O provocou efeitos similares no coração direito e também elevou as pressões na artéria pulmonar. No coração esquerdo, houve uma redução na área e volume do átrio esquerdo, com aumento nas áreas e volumes do jato e frações regurgitantes. A polissonografia completa demonstrou que a AOS (índice de apneia e hipopneia >= 15 eventos/hora) estava presente em 58% dos pacientes. Conclusões: O CPAP se mostrou uma alternativa segura para tratar AOS em pacientes com CMH, pois não alterou agudamente a hemodinâmica. Contudo, provocou algumas alterações na dinâmica cardíaca de pacientes obstrutivos, que devem ser considerados com cautela / Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disease and is independently associated with a worse in cardiac parameters among patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The treatment of OSA with CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure) is beneficial among patients without CMH. However, CPAP may acutely impair cardiac performance in patients with HCM and left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction. Methods: We studied 26 stable HCM patients divided in 12 nonobstructive-HCM and 14 obstructive-HCM according to their LVOT pressure gradient lower or higher than 30 mmHg, respectively. Patients were continuously monitored by beatto- beat blood pressure (BP) and electrocardiogram in the supine position while awake. A 2-dimensional echocardiography was performed at resting (Baseline) and after 20 minutes of nasal CPAP at 1.5cmH2O and 10cmH2O, that was applied in a random order interposed by 10 minutes without CPAP. In another day all patients underwent full Polysomnography for OSA diagnosis. Results: Hemodynamic variables such as BP, cardiac output, stroke volume, heart rate, left ventricular ejection fraction and LVOT gradient did not change along the study period in both groups. CPAP at 10cmH2O in nonobstructive-HCM patients decreased right atrial area, left ventricular compliance, right and left ventricular relaxation. In obstructive-HCM patients, CPAP at 10cmH2O promoted similar effects in the right heart, and also raised pulmonary artery pressure. In the left heart, there was a decrease in left atrial area and volume with increased area and volume of both, regurgitant jet and regurgitant fraction. Full Polysomnography showed that OSA (apneahypopnea index >=15 events/h) was present in 58% of HCM patients. Conclusions: CPAP showed to be safe to treat OSA and did not acutely change hemodynamics in patients with HCM. However, CPAP may acutely impair cardiac dynamics in obstructive-HCM patients and this finding should be carefully considered
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Modificação da via aérea superior com uso de CPAP: avaliação por faringometria acústica em apnéicos graves e roncadores simples / Upper airway reconfiguration with CPAP: acoustic pharyngometry evaluation in severe apneics and simple snorersSilva, Cláudia Inês Guerra de Sousa 28 May 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono (AOS) é uma doença crônica e evolutiva que tem uma alta prevalência e pode acarretar graves repercussões hemodinâmicas, neurológicas e comportamentais. A pressão positiva contínua na via aérea (CPAP) é altamente eficaz no tratamento da AOS, porém o processo de expansão da faringe por este dispositivo não é totalmente entendido. A faringometria acústica (FA) é um método de mensuração das dimensões da cavidade oral e da faringe, reprodutível e fácil de efetuar, podendo avaliar eficientemente os efeitos do CPAP na faringe e trazer informações sobre sua complacência e sítios de obstrução. Objetivo: avaliar as mudanças induzidas pelo CPAP nas dimensões da faringe e no posicionamento do palato mole em pacientes com AOS e verificar se a deformabilidade da via aérea superior pelo CPAP é maior em apneicos graves do que em roncadores simples. Desenho do estudo: estudo prospectivo. Métodos: 48 pacientes foram submetidos a FA durante o uso do CPAP. 29 pacientes com índice de apneia e hipopneia (IAH) >30 e indicação de uso do CPAP foram inclusos no grupo AOS, e 19 pacientes com IAH <=5 foram inclusos no grupo controle. Os critérios de inclusão foram: idade entre 18 e 65 anos, ambos os sexos, polissonografia (PSG) previamente realizada, e PSG para titulação do CPAP no grupo AOS. Os critérios de exclusão foram: obstrução nasal crônica pré existente, uso de medicamentos psiquiátricos, neurológicos ou miorrelaxantes, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, índice de massa corpórea >= 35 e cirurgia palatal prévia para AOS. Os gráficos resultantes dos exames de FA foram analisados por 2 examinadores cegos que marcaram os pontos para obtenção da distância da transição orofaríngea da glote. Foram calculados também o comprimento e o volume da faringe pelo programa do aparelho. Foi então feita a análise estatística para comparar as medidas em diferentes pressões intragrupo e intergrupo. Resultados: As medidas dos dois examinadores mostraram correlação. O CPAP não ocasionou nenhum aumento significativo na via aérea faríngea nem mudou o posicionamento do palato em ambos os grupos. No estado basal, os pacientes com AOS têm uma faringe mais longa do que os roncadores simples. Após a aplicação do CPAP, não houve diferença no comprimento e no volume da faringe entre os grupos. Conclusões: Não houve diferenças significantes na posição da transição orofaríngea e da glote entre roncadores e apneicos com a aplicação de CPAP. Não houve expansão significante na via aérea faríngea com a aplicação de CPAP nos roncadores e apneicos. Anatomicamente, os apneicos apresentaram via aérea superior mais longa que os roncadores simples / Rationale: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is an evolutive disease, with a high prevalence, that can cause serious hemodynamic, neurological and behavioral repercussions. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is highly effective in OSA treatment, however the pharynx expansion by this advice is not fully understood. Acoustic pharyngometry (AP) is a measurement method of oral cavity and pharynx dimensions, and can efficiently evaluate CPAP effects on pharynx, bringing informations about its compliance and sites of obstruction. Objectives/Hypothesis: To verify if the CPAP-induced deformability on the pharynx and soft palate is greater in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients than in simple snorers. Study Design: Prospective study. Methods: 29 patients with severe OSA and 19 simple snorers underwent acoustic pharyngometry measurements while awake in supine position. Measurements were first made without CPAP, and then with a nasal CPAP starting with 4cmH2O and up to 10cmH2O. The oropharyngeal transition and the position of the glottis were marked in the generated curves by two blinded examiners. The marked values were averaged to calculate the oropharyngeal transition and the pharyngeal length and volume under zero, 4 and 10cmH2O of CPAP for each group. Results: CPAP did not produce any significant enlargement in the pharyngeal airway nor changed the soft palate positioning in both groups. At baseline, OSA patients have a longer pharynx than simple snorers. After the application of CPAP, there was no difference in the length and volume of the pharynx between groups. Conclusions: There were no significant differences in the position of oropharyngeal junction and glottis between snorers and apneics with CPAP appliance. There was no significant expansion in pharyngeal airway with CPAP appliance in snorers and apneics. Anatomically, apneics presented a longer superior airway than simple snorers
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