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Quantitative dynamic 3D PET scanning of the body and brain using LSO tomographsWalker, Matthew David January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Construction et expérimentation d'un scanner bimodal TEP/TDM combiné de résolution spatiale submillimétrique pour petits animauxBergeron, Mélanie January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : La tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) permet une imagerie fonctionnelle et moléculaire qui peut bénéficier de l’utilisation conjointe de la tomodensitométrie (TDM), d’abord pour fournir un support anatomique aux images TEP, mais aussi pour permettre une correction plus précise des images TEP. Les appareils existants sont composés de deux scanners juxtaposés nécessitant un déplacement du sujet entre les deux acquisitions, ce qui peut causer des artéfacts de mouvement dans l’image fusionnée TEP/TDM. De plus, le mode de fonctionnement des scanners TDM, basé sur l’intégration du flux de rayons X, délivre une dose de radiations relativement élevée qui peut interférer avec la réalisation d’études/protocoles d’imagerie longitudinales. La réalisation d’un appareil TEP/TDM partageant le même système de détection basé sur le détecteur LabPET II pourrait remédier à ces problèmes. Dans un premier temps, le module de détection LabPET II a été caractérisé pour la TEP et la TDM. Les premières études d’imagerie TDM avec ce détecteur ont aussi été conduites avec un simulateur. Ce travail a permis de déceler un phénomène de diaphonie optique au sein du module de détection. La recherche d’une solution à ce problème a motivé l’évaluation de nouveaux types de réflecteurs métallisés, donc plus opaques, pour en limiter les effets. Le signal relativement faible détecté en TDM a par la suite mené à explorer des scintillateurs alternatifs présentant un rendement lumineux supérieur. L’un de ces scintillateurs permettra d’améliorer sensiblement les performances du scanner LabPET I et pourrait être retenu pour la génération future de scanners LabPET II. || Abstract : Positron emission tomography (PET) provides functional and molecular imaging capabilities that can benefit from joint use with computed tomography (CT), first to provide anatomical support to PET images, but also to allow a more precise correction of PET images. Existing devices are composed of two back-to-back scanners which require displacing the subject between the two acquisitions, possibly causing motion artifacts in the fused PET/CT images. Moreover, the operation mode of CT scanners based on the X-ray signal integration delivers a relatively high radiation dose that can interfere with longitudinal imaging studies/protocols. The realization of a PET/CT scanner sharing the same detection system for both 511 keV and X-ray photons and based on the LabPET II could remedy these problems. As a first step, a characterization of the detection module LabPET II was performed in PET and CT mode. The first CT imaging studies with this detector were also conducted with a simulator. This work allowed identifying an optical crosstalk phenomenon in the detection module. The search for a solution to this problem has motivated the evaluation of new types of metallized, more opaque, reflectors to limit crosstalk effects. The relatively low signal detected in CT led us to explore alternative scintillators having a higher light output. One of these scintillators will significantly improve the performance of the LabPET I scanner and could be used for the next generation of LabPET II scanners.
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Optimisation de l’extraction de lumière de scintillation dans les matrices de détecteurs pixellisés pour des applications en tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) et en tomodensitométrie (TDM) / Optimization of the extraction of scintillation light in pixelated detector arrays for applications in positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT)Loignon-Houle, Francis January 2016 (has links)
Résumé : Les performances de détecteurs à scintillation, composés d’un cristal scintillateur couplé à un photodétecteur, dépendent de façon critique de l’efficacité de la collecte et de l’extraction des photons de scintillation du cristal vers le capteur. Dans les systèmes d’imagerie hautement pixellisés (e.g. TEP, TDM), les scintillateurs doivent être arrangés en matrices compactes avec des facteurs de forme défavorables pour le transport des photons, au détriment des performances du détecteur. Le but du projet est d’optimiser les performances de ces détecteurs pixels par l'identification des sources de pertes de lumière liées aux caractéristiques spectrales, spatiales et angulaires des photons de scintillation incidents sur les faces des scintillateurs. De telles informations acquises par simulation Monte Carlo permettent une pondération adéquate pour l'évaluation de gains atteignables par des méthodes de structuration du scintillateur visant à une extraction de lumière améliorée vers le photodétecteur. Un plan factoriel a permis d'évaluer la magnitude de paramètres affectant la collecte de lumière, notamment l'absorption des matériaux adhésifs assurant l'intégrité matricielle des cristaux ainsi que la performance optique de réflecteurs, tous deux ayant un impact considérable sur le rendement lumineux. D'ailleurs, un réflecteur abondamment utilisé en raison de ses performances optiques exceptionnelles a été caractérisé dans des conditions davantage réalistes par rapport à une immersion dans l'air, où sa réflectivité est toujours rapportée. Une importante perte de réflectivité lorsqu'il est inséré au sein de matrices de scintillateurs a été mise en évidence par simulations puis confirmée expérimentalement. Ceci explique donc les hauts taux de diaphonie observés en plus d'ouvrir la voie à des méthodes d'assemblage en matrices limitant ou tirant profit, selon les applications, de cette transparence insoupçonnée. / Abstract : The performance of scintillation detectors, made up of a scintillating crystal coupled to a photodetector, critically depends on the collection and extraction efficiency of scintillation photons from the crystal by the sensor. In highly pixelated imaging systems (e.g. PET, CT), scintillators must be arranged in compact arrays with form factors detrimental to light transport, deteriorating the detector performance. The goal of the study was to optimize the pixelated detectors performance by identifying the light loss sources related to the spectral, spatial and angular characteristics of the scintillation photons impinging on scintillators faces. Such information acquired by Monte Carlo simulations enables adequate weighting for the evaluation of achievable gains through structuring of the scintillators for enhanced light extraction to the photodetector. The magnitude of parameters affecting the light collection in arrays, such as adhesive materials absorption and reflector opacity that both have high impact on light output, was evaluated through a factorial design. A frequently used reflector because of its outstanding optical performance was characterized in more realistic conditions compared to air immersion in which its reflectivity is always reported. An important reflectivity quenching of the reflector in optically bonded scintillator arrays was discovered by simulation and confirmed experimentally. This explains the high light crosstalk measured in pixelated arrays as well as paving the way to assembling methods limiting or taking advantage, depending on the application, of this unsuspected transparency.
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Novel copper-64 complexes for applications in positron emission tomographyBetts, Helen May January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Positron Emission Tomography for Pre-Clinical Sub-Volume Dose EscalationBass, Christopher 23 August 2013 (has links)
Purpose: This dissertation focuses on establishment of pre-clinical methods facilitating the use of PET imaging for selective sub-volume dose escalation. Specifically the problems addressed are 1.) The difficulties associated with comparing multiple PET images, 2.) The need for further validation of novel PET tracers before their implementation in dose escalation schema and 3.) The lack of concrete pre-clinical data supporting the use of PET images for guidance of selective sub-volume dose escalations. Methods and materials: In order to compare multiple PET images the confounding effects of mispositioning and anatomical change between imaging sessions needed to be alleviated. To mitigate the effects of these sources of error, deformable image registration was employed. A deformable registration algorithm was selected and the registration error was evaluated via the introduction of external fiducials to the tumor. Once a method for image registration was established, a procedure for validating the use of novel PET tracers with FDG was developed. Nude mice were used to perform in-vivo comparisons of the spatial distributions of two PET tracers, FDG and FLT. The spatial distributions were also compared across two separate tumor lines to determine the effects of tumor morphology on spatial distribution. Finally, the research establishes a method for acquiring pre-clinical data supporting the use of PET for image-guidance in selective dose escalation. Nude mice were imaged using only FDG PET/CT and the resulting images were used to plan PET-guided dose escalations to a 5 mm sub-volume within the tumor that contained the highest PET tracer uptake. These plans were then delivered using the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) and the efficacy of the PET-guided plans was observed. Results and Conclusions: The analysis of deformable registration algorithms revealed that the BRAINSFit B-spline deformable registration algorithm available in SLICER3D was capable of registering small animal PET/CT data sets in less than 5 minutes with an average registration error of .3 mm. The methods used in chapter 3 allowed for the comparison of the spatial distributions of multiple PET tracers imaged at different times. A comparison of FDG and FLT showed that both are positively correlated but that tumor morphology does significantly affect the correlation between the two tracers. An overlap analysis of the high intensity PET regions of FDG and FLT showed that FLT offers additional spatial information to that seen with FDG. In chapter 4 the SARRP allowed for the delivery of planned PET-guided selective dose escalations to a pre-clinical tumor model. This will facilitate future research validating the use of PET for clinical selective dose escalation.
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Maladie veineuse thromboembolique et cancer : approches diagnostiques / Venous thromboembolism and cancer : diagnostic approachesRobin, Philippe 11 January 2019 (has links)
La maladie veineuse thrombombolique (MVTE), associant thrombose veineuse profonde et embolie pulmonaire, peut être le premier signe d’un cancer jusque-là méconnu. Des études anciennes ont rapporté que 6 à 15% des patients étaient diagnostiqués d’un cancer occulte dans l’année suivant l’épisode de MVTE. L'identification précoce d’un cancer occulte au moment du diagnostic de la MVTE non provoquée est fondamentale car la présence d’un cancer va conditionner la prise en charge du patient, que ce soit au niveau de la thrombose ou du cancer. Actuellement, les recommandations préconisent un dépistage limité du cancer en cas de MVTE non-provoquée, basé sur un examen clinique complet (interrogatoire, examen physique), un bilan biologique de base, une radiographie thoracique ainsi que tous les examens communément admis pour le dépistage du cancer en fonction de l’âge et du sexe du patient (PSA chez les hommes, mammographie et examen gynécologique chez les femmes). La tomographie par émission de positon (TEP) au 18F-fluorodéoxyglucose (FDG) est une technique d’imagerie en pleine expansion depuis les années 2000. Elle est largement utilisée en routine clinique pour la détection des foyers tumoraux, leur bilan d’extension, l’évaluation des traitements ainsi que le bilan de possibles récidives. En revanche, aucune étude n’a aujourd’hui évalué l’intérêt de cette technique dans le dépistage du cancer chez les patients présentant une MVTE non provoquée. Afin de répondre à cette problématique, l’objectif de cette thèse a été spécifiquement d’étudier l’intérêt de la TEP au FDG pour la détection des néoplasies dans le bilan étiologique d’une MVTE non provoquée au travers des résultats de l'étude MVTEP, étude multicentrique randomisée comprenant une stratégie de dépistage limitée associée à une TEP au FDG à une stratégie limitée seule. / Venous thromboembolism (VTE), which encompasses deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, can occur as the first manifestation of an underlying occult malignancy. Previous studies reported that the incidence of undiagnosed cancer is 6% to 15% in the year following an unprovoked VTE épisode, i.e. VTE not provoked by a major risk factor.In patients with unprovoked VTE, extensive screening for cancer has been proposed in order to diagnose occult malignancy as early as possible in the hope of improving the prognosis. Current guidelines for occult cancer screening in patients with unprovoked VTE recommend limited cancer screening, including of a thorough medical history and physical examination, basic laboratory investigations, chest X-ray, as well as age-specific and gender-specific cancer screening (colon, breast, and prostate) according to national guidelines.18F-Fluorodesoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography combined with Computed Tomography (FDG PET/CT) is routinely used for the diagnosis and staging of various malignancies. The use of FDG PET/CT might overcome the limitations of previous extensive screening strategies as it involves whole-body imaging using a single, non-invasive test. To date, there has been no formal assessment of the additional value of FDG PET/CT for occult malignancy screening in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism.To address this issue, we conducted a multicenter randomised controlled trial comparing a limited screening strategy to a strategy combining limited screening and FDG PET/CT in patients with unprovoked venous thromboembolism, and then assessed the additional value of FDG PET/CT in addition to a limited strategy.
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The Noncommutative Standard Model : Construction Beyond Leading Order in Theta and Collider Phenomenology / Das Nichtkommutative StandardmodellKonstruktion jenseits der führenden Ordnung in Theta und Phänomenologie an TeilchenbeschleunigernAlboteanu, Ana Maria January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Trotz seiner präzisen Übereinstimmung mit dem Experiment ist die Gültigkeit des Standardmodells (SM) der Elementarteilchenphysik bislang nur bis zu einer Energieskala von einigen hundert GeV gesichert. Abgesehen davon erweist sich schon das Einbinden der Gravitation in einer einheitlichen Beschreibung aller fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen als ein durch gewöhnliche Quantenfeldtheorie nicht zu lösendes Problem. Das Interesse an Quantenfeldtheorien auf einer nichtkommutativen Raumzeit wurde durch deren Vorhersage als niederenergetischer Limes von Stringtheorien erweckt. Unabhängig davon, kann die Nichtlokalität einer solchen Theorie den Rahmen zur Einbeziehung der Gravitation in eine vereinheitlichende Theorie liefern. Die Hoffnung besteht, dass die Energieskala Lambda_NC, ab der solche Effekte sichtbar werden können und für die es einerlei theoretischen Vorhersagen gibt, schon bei der nächsten Generation von Beschleunigern erreicht wird. Auf dieser Annahme beruht auch die vorliegende Arbeit, im Rahmen deren eine mögliche Realisierung von Quantenfeldtheorien auf nichtkommutativer Raumzeit auf ihre phänomenologischen Konsequenzen hin untersucht wurde. Diese Arbeit ist durch fehlende LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Studien für nichkommutative Quantenfeldtheorien motiviert. Im ersten Teil des Vorhabens wurde der hadronische Prozess pp-> Z gamma -> l+l- gamma am LHC sowie die Elektron-Positron Paarvernichtung in ein Z-Boson und ein Photon am ILC (International Linear Collider) auf nichtkommutative Signale hin untersucht. Die phänomenlogischen Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen dieses Modells in erster Ordnung des nichtkommutativen Parameters Theta durchgeführt. Eine nichtkommutative Raumzeit führt zur Brechung der Rotationsinvarianz bezüglich der Strahlrichtung der einlaufenden Teilchen. Im differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitt für Streuprozesse äussert sich dieses als eine azimuthale Abhängigkeit, die weder im SM noch in anderen Modellen jenseits des SM auftritt. Diese klare, f\"ur nichtkommutative Theorien typische Signatur kann benutzt werden, um nichtkommutative Modelle von anderen Modellen, die neue Physik beschreiben, zu unterscheiden. Auch hat es sich erwiesen, dass die azimuthale Abhängigkeit des Wirkungsquerschnittes am besten daf\"ur geeignet ist, um die Sensitivität des LHC und des ILC auf der nichtkommutativen Skala $\Lnc$ zu bestimmen. Im phänomenologischen Teil der Arbeit wurde herausgefunden, dass Messungen am LHC für den Prozess pp-> Z gamma-> l+l- gamma nur in bestimmten Fällen auf nichtkommutative Effekte sensitiv sind. Für diese Fälle wurde für die nichtkommutative Energieskala Lambda_NC eine Grenze von Lambda_NC > 1.2 TeV bestimmt. Diese ist um eine Größenordnung höher als die Grenzen, die von bisherigen Beschleunigerexperimenten hergeleitet wurden. Bei einem zukünftigen Linearbeschleuniger, dem ILC, wird die Grenze auf Lambda_NC im Prozess e^+e^- -> Z gamma -> l^+ l^- gamma wesentlich erhöht (bis zu 6 TeV). Abgesehen davon ist dem ILC gerade der für den LHC kaum zugängliche Parameterbereich der nichtkommutativen Theorie erschlossen, was die Komplementarität der beiden Beschleunigerexperimente hinsichtlich der nichtkommutativen Parameter zeigt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit entwickelte sich aus der Notwendigkeit heraus, den Gültigkeitsbereich der Theorie zu höheren Energien hin zu erweitern. Dafür haben wir den neutralen Sektor des nichtkommutativen SM um die nächste Ordnung in Theta ergänzt. Es stellte sich wider Erwarten heraus, dass die Theorie dabei um einige freie Parameter erweitert werden muss. Die zusätzlichen Parameter sind durch die homogenen Lösungen der Eichäquivalenzbedingungen gegeben, welche Ambiguit\"aten der Seiberg-Witten Abbildungen darstellen. Die allgemeine Erwartung war, dass die Ambiguitäten Feldredefinitionen entsprechen und daher in den Streumatrixelementen verschwinden m\"ussen. In dieser Arbeit wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass dies ab der zweiten Ordnung in Theta nicht der Fall ist und dass die Nichteindeutigkeit der Seiberg-Witten Abbildungen sich durchaus in Observablen niederschlägt. Die Vermutung besteht, dass jede neue Ordnung in Theta neue Parameter in die Theorie einführt. Wie weit und in welche Richtung die Theorie auf nichtkommutativer Raumzeit entwickelt werden muss, kann jedoch nur das Experiment entscheiden. / Despite its precise agreement with the experiment, the validity of the standard model (SM) of elementary particle physics is ensured only up to a scale of several hundred GeV so far. Even more, the inclusion of gravity into an unifying theory poses a problem which cannot be solved by ordinary quantum field theory (QFT). String theory, which is the most popular ansatz for a unified theory, predicts QFT on noncommutative space-time as a low energy limit. Nevertheless, independently of the motivation given by string theory, the nonlocality inherent to noncommutative QFT opens up the possibility for the inclusion of gravity. There are no theoretical predictions for the energy scale Lambda_NC at which noncommutative effects arise and it can be assumed to lie in the TeV range, which is the energy range probed by the next generation of colliders. Within this work we study the phenomenological consequences of a possible realization of QFT on noncommutative space-time relying on this assumption. The motivation for this thesis was given by the gap in the range of phenomenological studies of noncommutative effects in collider experiments, due to the absence in the literature of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) studies regarding noncommutative QFTs. In the first part we thus performed a phenomenological analysis of the hadronic process pp -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma at the LHC and of electron-positron pair annihilation into a Z boson and a photon at the International Linear Collider (ILC). The noncommutative extension of the SM considered within this work relies on two building blocks: the Moyal-Weyl star-product of functions on ordinary space-time and the Seiberg-Witten maps. The latter relate the ordinary fields and parameters to their noncommutative counterparts such that ordinary gauge transformations induce noncommutative gauge transformations. This requirement is expressed by a set of inhomogeneous differential equations (the gauge equivalence equations) which are solved by the Seiberg-Witten maps order by order in the noncommutative parameter Theta. Thus, by means of the Moyal-Weyl star-product and the Seiberg-Witten maps a noncommutative extension of the SM as an effective theory as expansion in powers of Theta can be achieved, providing the framework of our phenomenological studies. A consequence of the noncommutativity of space-time is the violation of rotational invariance with respect to the beam axis. This effect shows up in the azimuthal dependence of cross sections, which is absent in the SM as well as in other models beyond the SM. Thus, the azimuthal dependence of the cross section is a typical signature of noncommutativity and can be used in order to discriminate it against other new physics effects. We have found this dependence to be best suited for deriving the sensitivity bounds on the noncommutative scale Lambda_NC. By studying pp -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma to first order in the noncommutative parameter Theta, we show in the first part of this work that measurements at the LHC are sensitive to noncommutative effects only in certain cases, giving bounds on the noncommutative scale of Lambda_NC > 1.2 TeV. Our result improved the bounds present in the literature coming from past and present collider experiments by one order of magnitude. In order to explore the whole parameter range of the noncommutativity, ILC studies are required. By means of e^+e^- -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma to first order in Theta we have shown that ILC measurements are complementary to LHC measurements of the noncommutative parameters. In addition, the bounds on Lambda_NC derived from the ILC are significantly higher and reach Lambda_NC > 6 TeV. The second part of this work arose from the necessity to enlarge the range of validity of our model towards higher energies. Thus, we expand the neutral current sector of the noncommutative SM to second order in $\theta$. We found that, against the general expectation, the theory must be enlarged by additional parameters. The new parameters enter the theory as ambiguities of the Seiberg-Witten maps. The latter are not uniquely determined and differ by homogeneous solutions of the gauge equivalence equations. The expectation was that the ambiguities correspond to field redefinitions and therefore should vanish in scattering matrix elements. However, we proved that this is not the case, and the ambiguities do affect physical observables. Our conjecture is, that every order in Theta will introduce new parameters to the theory. However, only the experiment can decide to what extent efforts with still higher orders in Theta are reasonable and will also give directions for the development of theoretical models of noncommutative QFTs.
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Caractérisation de lacunes d’oxygène dans les diélectriques à haute permittivité à destination des transistors « High-k Metal Gate » / Characterization of oxygen vacancies in high-k dielectrics used in HKMG stacksAlemany y Palmer, Mathias 20 December 2017 (has links)
La présence de lacunes d’oxygène dans les diélectriques est supposée dégrader les propriétés électriques des transistors « high-k metal gate ». Nous avons donc étudié les possibilités d’une nouvelle méthodologie pour analyser ces défauts dans des couches minces de HfO2. Il s’agit d’utiliser des techniques optimisées pour la caractérisation de nano-dispositifs i.e. la spectroscopie de perte d'énergie des électrons (EELS) en microscopie électronique en transmission et la cathodoluminescence (CL)calibrées par la spectroscopie d’annihilation de positons (PAS). Des films de HfO2 ont été déposés par ALD et PVD sur des substrats de silicium. Pour les besoins du PAS, des couches d’épaisseur (10 à 100nm) supérieure au standard de la nanoélectronique ont été élaborées. D’après leurs analyses par DRX,RBS/NRA, MEB, TEM. Ces couches présentent majoritairement une structure complexe et un excès d’oxygène important. Les résultats PAS dépendent de la technique de dépôt et du traitement thermique.Leur comparaison avec des caractérisations électriques sur les couches les plus minces indique la génération de champs électriques dans la couche, à l’interface avec le substrat et dans le substrat. Ces observations confirment la présence de charges évoquée dans la littérature. Ces études ont permis de mettre au point la méthodologie et les conditions d’acquisition et d’analyse des spectres EELS et CL.Ceux-ci dépendent de la technique de dépôt et du traitement thermique. Cependant la qualité des couches n’a pas permis d’isoler les effets de la stoechiométrie. Ce travail ouvre de nombreuses perspectives pour approfondir la compréhension des phénomènes se déroulant au sein des nano-dispositifs. / The presence of oxygen vacancies in high-k oxides is fore seen to have detrimental effects in high-kmetal gate MOS transistors. To validate this hypothesis, we investigate the possibility of using electron energy loss spectroscopy in an electron transmission microscope (EELS) and the cathodoluminescence(CL) calibrated by the positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) to analyze these defects in thin HfO2 layers.To develop this methodology, HfO2 films have been deposited both by ALD and PVD on silicon substrates. To make the samples adapted to the PAS depth resolution, the layers thicknesses (10 to100 nm) are higher than those used in microelectronics. According to XRD, RBS/NRA, MEB, TEM results, these layers present a complex structure and a large excess of oxygen.PAS results depend both on the deposition technique and on the heat treatment. They evidence the presence of electric fields in the oxide layer or at the interface with the substrate. Electrical measurements in the thinnest layers, confirm the presence of charges in the oxide layer as already mentioned in the literature. The sign of these charges changes with heat treatment and is in agreement with the PAS results.EELS improved data acquisition has been developed. The EELS and CL spectra have been analyzed using a systematic methodology allowing to extracting characteristic parameters. They depend on the deposition technique and the heat treatment. However, due to the poor quality of the layers, it has not been possible to isolate the effects of the stoichiometry. This work opens many perspectives to improve knowledge on phenomena occurring in devices.
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Efeito da perda de peso induzida por cirurgia bariátrica sobre metabolismo cerebral e função cognitiva / The effect of bariatric surgery induced weight loss on brain metabolism and cognitive functionMarques, Emerson Leonildo 07 August 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Obesidade e doença de Alzheimer afetam um número cada vez maior de pessoas no mundo. Nos últimos anos, surgiram várias evidências de que essas duas doenças estão interligadas, sendo obesidade um fator de risco para a ocorrência de demência. A doença de Alzheimer é de mau prognóstico e de difícil tratamento e estão envolvidos na sua patogênese fatores genéticos e ambientais. A obesidade é encarada como um fator ambiental modificável e, talvez, capaz de mudar a história natural da doença se precocemente controlada. A cirurgia bariátrica é o tratamento mais eficaz para obesidade severa; no entanto, não se sabe claramente o efeito da cirurgia bariátrica sobre o metabolismo cerebral e a função cognitiva. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar prospectivamente o impacto da perda de peso induzida pela cirurgia bariátrica sobre metabolismo cerebral e função cognitiva de obesos; correlacionar metabolismo cerebral e função cognitiva antes e após a cirurgia bariátrica com marcadores metabólicos e inflamatórios. MÉTODOS: 17 mulheres obesas realizaram tomografia computadorizada com emissão de pósitrons com flúor-desoxi-glicose (PET-FDG) para avaliação do metabolismo cerebral de repouso (metabolismo glicolítico regional), testes neuropsicológicos para avaliação da função cognitiva e dosagens de marcadores metabólicos e inflamatórios antes e após a cirurgia bariátrica e, foram comparadas com 16 mulheres de peso normal, eutróficas, pareadas em idade e escolaridade. Foram excluídas da seleção pacientes portadoras de diabetes, usuárias de medicação psicotrópica nos três meses que antecederam as avaliações, portadoras de doença psiquiátrica grave atual ou prévia e mulheres com história de pais acometidos por demência antes dos 70 anos de idade. Nas mulheres obesas as avaliações do metabolismo cerebral, da função cognitiva e das dosagens laboratoriais foram realizadas antes e aproximadamente seis meses após a cirurgia bariátrica, enquanto nas mulheres eutróficas foram realizadas apenas uma vez. Os dados de imagem foram processados através do programa Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM versão 8) e os demais através do Statistical Analysis System (SAS versão 9.3). Os dados encontrados nas obesas antes da cirurgia foram comparados aos obtidos após a perda de peso e, ambos foram comparados aos dados obtidos nas mulheres eutróficas. RESULTADOS: Mulheres com idade média de 40,5±9,1 anos e índice de massa corporal (IMC) médio de 50.1±4,7 kg/m2 quando comparadas a mulheres de mesma faixa etária com IMC médio de 22.3±2,1 kg/m2 apresentaram aumento do metabolismo cerebral em algumas áreas, principalmente do giro cingulado posterior, com valor de p corrigido para comparações múltiplas de 0,004. No entanto, não encontramos diferença no desempenho dos testes neuropsicológicos entre os grupos. Após a perda de peso, o metabolismo cerebral das mulheres obesas ficou semelhante ao das mulheres eutróficas e houve melhora no desempenho de teste que avalia função executiva (Trail Making Test). CONCLUSÃO: Estudos mostram que o giro cingulado posterior é uma das primeiras áreas acometidas pela doença de Alzheimer e que o aumento do metabolismo cerebral regional pode ser deletério. Esta condição encontrada em obesas, parece ser revertida após a perda de peso induzida por cirurgia bariátrica, acompanhando melhora da função executiva e de marcadores metabólicos e inflamatórios / INTRODUCTION: Obesity and Alzheimer\'s disease affect a growing number of people in the world. In recent years, evidence has arisen suggesting that these two illnesses are linked, with obesity being a risk factor for the occurrence of dementia. Alzheimer\'s disease has an unfavorable prognosis, is hard to treat and genetic and environmental factors are involved in the pathogenesis. Obesity is regarded as a modifiable environmental factor and maybe capable of changing the natural prognosis of the disease if controlled at an early stage. Bariatric surgery is the most effective treatment for severe obesity, however the effect of bariatric surgery on cerebral metabolism and cognitive function is not clearly known. OBJECTIVES: Prospectively assess the impact of weight loss caused by bariatric surgery on the cerebral metabolism and cognitive function of the obese. Correlate the cerebral metabolism and cognitive function before and after bariatric surgery with metabolic and inflammatory markers. METHODS: 17 obese women performed computerized positron emission tomography with fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG-PET) for the assessment of resting cerebral metabolism (regional glycolytic metabolism), neuropsychological tests to assess cognitive function and doses of metabolic and inflammatory markers before and after bariatric surgery and compared with 16 women of normal weight, eutrophic, paired by age and level of education. Patients with diabetes, those who had used psychotropic medication within three months prior to the assessments, people with current or previous history of severe psychiatric illness and women with a family history of dementia before 70 years of age. The assessments of cerebral metabolism, cognitive function and laboratory doses were conducted before and approximately 6 months after bariatric surgery in the obese women, whereas the women of normal weight were only assessed once. The imaging data was processed using the Statistic Parametric Mapping (SPM version 8) program and the others through the Statistical Analysis System (SAS version 9.3). The data found in the obese women prior to surgery were compared with those after the weight loss, and both were compared to the data taken from the eutrophic women. RESULTS: Women with a mean age of 40.5±9.1 years and mean body mass index (BMI) of 50.1±4.7 kg/m2 when compared to women of the same age group with mean BMI of 22.3±2.1 kg/m2 presented increased cerebral metabolism in some areas, in particular of the posterior cingulate gyrus, with a corrected p value for multiple comparisons of 0.004. However, differences were not found between the groups for the performance of the neuropsychological tests. After weight loss, the cerebral metabolism of the obese women was similar to the eutrophic women and they performed better in the tests to assess executive function (Trail Making Test). CONCLUSION: Studies show that the posterior cingulate gyrus is one of the first areas affected by Alzheimer\'s disease and that having increased regional cerebral metabolism may be deleterious. This condition found in the obese, appears to be reversed after weight loss induced by bariatric surgery, followed by improved executive function and metabolic and inflammatory markers
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Measurement of cosmic ray electrons and positrons with the AMS-02 experiment / Medição de eléctrons e pósitrons em raios cósmicos com o experimento AMS-02Mikuni, Vinicius Massami 03 August 2017 (has links)
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a high-energy particle physics detector operating on the International Space Station (ISS) since May 2011. Since its launch, the AMS-02 provided a large amount of data whose precision was never before achieved, opening a new path for the study of cosmic rays (CRs). The first published results of AMS-021-3 show tension with the current understanding of the cosmic ray theory, particularly at higher energies. These tensions are directly linked to many fundamental questions like the dark matter nature, the CR origin and their propagation through the galaxy. This work presents the measurement of the electron flux and the positron flux in primary cosmic rays, based on the data collected between May 2011 and November 2016, an extended data set with respect to the published AMS-02 results.3 The results extend the energy range explored up to 1 TeV for electrons and up to 700 GeV for positrons, being consistent with the published results when using the same data set. A discrepancy between the new measurement and the published flux is observed in the low energy region of the electron flux, while the positron flux is in good agreement. This can be explained by a charge dependent solar modulation effect. This hypothesis was investigated by studying the time evolution of the fluxes, focusing on the energy region below 40 GeV, where an electron and positron flux is computed over 74 time bins of 27 days width, corresponding to the suns rotation period as seen from the Earth. The time dependent analysis confirms hints of charge dependent solar modulation, that are also observed by other independent analysis that have been carried out in parallel within the collaboration. / O Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) é um experimento de física de partículas instalado na Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS) desde Maio de 2011. Desde seu lançamento, AMS-02 coleta uma quantidade de dados com tal precisão que até então nunca foram jamais vistos, abrindo o caminho para o estudo dos Raios Cósmicos (CRs). Os primeiros resultados publicados pelo AMS-021-3 apresentam tensões com o modelo atual da teoria de CRs, particularmente nas altas energias. Essas tensões são diretamente ligadas a diversas questões fundamentais como a natureza da Matéria Escura (DM), a origem dos CRs e suas propagações pela galáxia. Este trabalho apresenta a medição do fluxo de elétrons e pósitrons em CRs primários, baseando-se nos dados coletados entre Maio de 2011 e Novembro de 2016, período extendido com relação aos resultados públicados pelo AMS-02.3 Os resultados extendem o intervalo de energia explorado para 1 TeV para elétrons e 700 GeV ára pósitrons, consistentes com os resultados públicados usando o mesmo período. Discrepância entre a nova medição e o fluxo públicado é observada na região de baixas energias para o fluxo de elétrons, enquanto o fluxo de pósitrons continua em bom acordo. O resultado pode ser explicado por uma dependência na carga causada pela modulação solar. Tal hipótese é investigada estudando-se a evolução temporal dos fluxos, focando-se no intervao de energia abaixo de 40 GeV, onde um fluxo de elétrons e pósitrons é medido durante 74 intervalos temporais de 27 dias, correspondendo à rotação do sol vista da Terra. A análise dependente do tempo confirma a existência da dependência de carga da modulação solar, também observada por outras análises independentes que foram feitas dentro da colaboração.
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