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Mäns och kvinnors possible selves om framtida arbetslivBohlin, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>Människors yrkesval och syn på framtida arbetsliv influeras av olika faktorer som i sin tur har formats av evolutionen eller den sociala omgivningen. Människans kognitiva förmågor är ett av elementen som påverkar yrkesvalsprocessen, men är också kanske en bidragande orsak till könssegregeringen på arbetsmarknaden. Hur människor ser sig själva i den framtida yrkesrollen kan också vara en anledning till varför det finns en könsskillnad på arbetsmarknaden. Markus and Nurius (1987) har myntat begreppet ”Possible self”, vilket de definierade som självbilden i framtida situationer. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att undersöka om det skiljer mellan män och kvinnors possible selves när det gäller deras syn på framtida arbetsliv. Mätinstrumentet som användes i studien var The possible self statement test. Resultatet visade att männens och kvinnornas possible selves om arbetslivet var ganska lika, endast två av 24 jämförelser åskådliggjorde signifikanta värden. Det som visade på signifikans (p<,05) var kategori Position med skalan för hur mycket försöksdeltagaren anser sig kunna påverka att det angivna possible self ska inträffar samt kategori Utveckling och stimulans med skalan för negativa känslor gentemot det angivna possible self.</p>
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Mäns och kvinnors possible selves om framtida arbetslivBohlin, Anna January 2003 (has links)
Människors yrkesval och syn på framtida arbetsliv influeras av olika faktorer som i sin tur har formats av evolutionen eller den sociala omgivningen. Människans kognitiva förmågor är ett av elementen som påverkar yrkesvalsprocessen, men är också kanske en bidragande orsak till könssegregeringen på arbetsmarknaden. Hur människor ser sig själva i den framtida yrkesrollen kan också vara en anledning till varför det finns en könsskillnad på arbetsmarknaden. Markus and Nurius (1987) har myntat begreppet ”Possible self”, vilket de definierade som självbilden i framtida situationer. Syftet med det här examensarbetet var att undersöka om det skiljer mellan män och kvinnors possible selves när det gäller deras syn på framtida arbetsliv. Mätinstrumentet som användes i studien var The possible self statement test. Resultatet visade att männens och kvinnornas possible selves om arbetslivet var ganska lika, endast två av 24 jämförelser åskådliggjorde signifikanta värden. Det som visade på signifikans (p<,05) var kategori Position med skalan för hur mycket försöksdeltagaren anser sig kunna påverka att det angivna possible self ska inträffar samt kategori Utveckling och stimulans med skalan för negativa känslor gentemot det angivna possible self.
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Att lämna det kriminella livet : en kvalitativ stude av förändringsprocessen till ett liv utan kriminalitetBroch, Peter January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker vilka upplevelser och erfarenheter som påverkat individer när de tagit beslutet att lämna en kriminell livsstil; och vilka faktorer som varit avgörande i förändringsprocessen till ett liv utan kriminalitet. Kvalitativa intervjuer har använts som metod för att besvara frågeställningarna. Fem personer med koppling till organisationen KRIS har intervjuats och resultatet har analyserats utifrån en teoretisk referensram bestående av Laub och Sampsons (2006) definition av begreppet turning points; Paternoster och Bushways (2009) identitetsteori om avhopp från kriminalitet; och Emirbayer och Mishes (1998) teoretiska beskrivning av begreppet human agency. Resultatet visar att alla intervjupersonerna påverkats av crystalization of discontent och drivkraften att undvika the feared possible self (Paternoster & Bushway, 2009) när de beslutat att lämna kriminaliteten. Den egna viljan beskrivs av intervjupersonerna som den mest avgörande faktorn i förändringsprocessen. Andra faktorer som varit betydande är socialt stöd och att hålla fast vid nya rutiner kopplade till livet utan kriminalitet. Slutsatserna i uppsatsen är att det sällan räcker med enskilda faktorer, ofta är det ett samspel mellan flera faktorer som leder till förändring. / The purpose of the present study is to identify events and experiences that influences individuals to make the decision to desist from a criminal life style; and to identify crucial and important factors in the process of desisting from a criminal life style. The used method is qualitative interviews. Five persons connected to KRIS (an organization with the aim to help desisters) were interviewed and the results were analyzed through a theoretic framework consisting Laub and Sampson ́s (2006) definition of the concept of turning points; Paternoster and Bushway ́s (2009) identity theory of desistance from crime; and Emirbayer and Mishe ́s theoretical definition of the concept of human agency. The result shows that all interviewees were affected by crystalization of discontent and the motive to avoid feared possible self (Paternoster & Bushway, 2009) when they decided to desist from criminality. The own will was identified as the most crucial factor in the process of criminal desistance. Social support and the importance of hanging on to new routines were mentioned as other important factors in the process. The conclusion of the study is that it is seldom enough with single factors as solutions to the problems of this study. A successful desistance process is often a result of an interplay between several factors.
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The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore the literacy practices of marginalized adolescent youth in India and the relationship of these practices to imagination and identity construction. More than just tools for communication, language and literacy practices allow individuals to express their selves and identities as they voice their thoughts, negotiate meaning (Dyson & Genishi, 2005; Gee, 2003), and enact themselves within society (Janks, 2010; New London Group, 1996). This qualitative case study took place in Lucknow, India; the subjects were a group of adolescent girls at a nonprofit all-girls school in a seventh-grade classroom. Using discourse analysis, the data revealed the ways in which the girls used literacy to agentively position themselves as actual selves in their societies, as imagined social selves and others, in relationship to social others, and in imagined events.
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可能自己筆記が自己制御に及ぼす影響 / カノウ ジコ ヒッキ ガ ジコ セイギョ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ石山 裕菜, Yuna Ishiyama 09 September 2021 (has links)
本研究では,実現可能な未来の自己像を構築することが自己制御を効果的に導くために重要であるという,自己制御モデルを提案し,モデルの妥当性ならびに実践的な応用への可能性について議論した。 / 博士(心理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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<p>Best possible self (BPS) is one of the most widely used positive psychology interventions shown in the laboratory to effectively improve participants’ overall well-being in both the short- and long-term. However, limited research has been conducted in real-world contexts. This dissertation aims to explore the practical application of BPS integrated into the instructional design for reflective activities in real-world class settings. Three papers were included in this dissertation conducted in both undergraduate (preservice teachers) and graduate (novice instructional designers) classes: the first paper examined BPS’s effects in promoting preservice teachers’ overall well-being through a quantitative method; the second paper measured BPS’s effects in improving preservice teachers’ attitudes towards technology integration through a quantitative approach; the third paper explored novice instructional designers’ attitudes towards BPS and the relationships with their well-being (gains) and personality through mixed methods. </p>
<p>The first paper (chapter 2) examined BPS’s long-term effects in improving participants’ overall well-being compared with the control group through a quasi-experimental design. Results from a 2 × 3 mixed ANOVA indicate that BPS did not significantly improve the participants’ well-being over time compared with the control group. In fact, the control group performed better than treatment one month after the intervention. This result aligns with findings of well-being during COVID-19. </p>
<p>The second paper (chapter 3) measured BPS’s effect in improving preservice teachers’ attitudes towards technology integration. Even though the results show that BPS did not improve participants’ attitudes towards technology integration statistically significantly compared with the control group (possibly because of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic), the results are promising because: first, inside the treatment group, the result shows BPS improved participants’ attitudes significantly; second, under the pandemic, literature reported that BPS was not as effective as in normal situations; however, the activities in the control group might be more effective under the pandemic.</p>
<p>The third paper (chapter 4) explored novice instructional designers’ attitudes towards BPS and the relationship between attitudes, well-being, and personality. Pearson correlation results show significant correlations among attitudes, subjective well-being (gains), and openness to experience. In addition, the results from open-ended questions confirmed participants’ positive attitudes towards the BPS. Taken together, the findings from three papers contribute to the practical application of BPS in real-world class settings, especially under the unique pandemic situation. More studies are needed to explore the application of positive psychology interventions in instructional design in real-world settings.</p>
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Eutopiagraphies: Narratives of Preferred Future Selves with Implications for Developmental CoachingDiehl, Florence Anne 30 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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An exploratory study of the incorporation of their 'future-self' as part of transition preparation in to and out of further education for young people with learning disabilitiesParry, Melissa Louise January 2016 (has links)
This research explored the perception of the incorporation of ‘future-self’ for young people (YP) moving from specialist provision for children where the Local Authority have identified the provision as Moderate Learning Difficulties and additional needs, their parent/carers views, and the perspectives of professionals supporting their transition to mainstream further education. The ‘future-self’ approach had its basis in social cognitive theory, as the creation of imagined ‘future-selves’ is thought to influence an individual’s behaviour to aid them to work towards their aspired self (Baker, 2015; Markus & Nurius, 1986; Oysterman & James, 2011). Phase one used a case study methodology using semi-structured interviews to explore the YP and their parent/carer’s experience of transition planning having included the young person’s vision of their ‘future-self’, at aged 16. Materials were designed to aid their understanding using visual support. Phase two gained the views of YP using focus groups as they approach transition out of FE at aged 19 or older into continued training, employment, and on towards adulthood, in relation to inclusion of their vision of their ‘future-self’ in this preparation. This phase also explored the perceptions of the professionals for incorporating the young person’s view of their ‘future-self’ using semi-structured interviews. Interview transcripts were analysed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) six stage thematic analysis to identify themes in the data. Focus groups were thematically analysed using Ritchie and Spencer’s (1994) five stage analysis. A number of themes were found for the YP at both stages, the parents/carers and the professionals. Findings indicated that the YP are more involved in the transition planning and a range of methods are applied to prepare the YP however there are a number of barriers still limiting the options for the YP such as: lack of choice available, protectiveness of others, low aspirations, failure to explore holistic longer term outcomes, insufficient multi-agency involvement, overreliance on parents, and the need for more effective strategic planning and awareness of the systems around the YP. The findings from this research indicate that applying a ‘future-selves’ approach for YP as a method to generate future aspirations to motivate YP’s behaviour has been effective as a tool to add to existing transition preparations. This could act as a way to overcome the currently existing poorer long term outcomes for YP with this population. Based upon this small scale project, further investigation would be required to assess the benefit for a wider population.
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