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我國筆記型電腦CTO/CDS生產模式創新與電腦化之研究黃進成, Huang, Chin-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
我國PC(個人電腦,Personal Computer)產業產值佔全球的60%以上,但幾乎97%以上都是為人作嫁,替他廠牌代工,在辛苦、薄利的製造領域鑽營7%不到的毛利。反觀一些品牌大廠卻能在買賣之間,獲得近乎製造兩倍以上的毛利,並且將庫存風險、交運、售後服務等煩瑣的業務要求製造者承擔。尤其筆記型電腦因體積小,CTO (Configure To Order)與CDS (China Direct Shipment)能力成為國際品牌大廠評核製造者能力的必要條件。
1. 文獻探討:以專家的理論作為本研究的基礎,一方面使本研究有所依據,快速進行;另一方面可驗證理論的實用性。
2. CTO/CDS實務研究:CTO/CDS的實現必須仰賴強大的資訊系統支援,本研究一方面提供CTO/CDS的電腦化實務經驗供產業參考;另一方面以CTO/CDS系統為例,探討我國筆記型電腦的實體系統和技術能力。
3. 知識創造活動研究:以一家公司為個案深入探討,再輔以其他四家公司訪談資訊相比對印證,研究筆記型電腦產業知識創造的過程和應用,以期提升活用知識的能力。
4. 價值鏈與創新模型分析:研究產業價值鏈各階段的附加價值貢獻,我國業者的能力、秉賦和扮演的角色,以期往高附加價值領域開拓。
本文僅研究者個人的意見,在有限的研究領域裡提出心得與建議,若能為產業所認同,實感榮幸。但產業環境複雜,要考慮的因素相當多,諾大疏漏的領域,祈望產業先進及專家學者多加批評指教! / Although the PC production value of Taiwan is beyond 60% to the world, most of them were made by term of OEM/ODM. Taiwan PC companies earned no more than 7% gross profit through their hard production routine. Not only the brand-named companies could earn double just by trade, but also they asked the makers to bear the risk of inventory, delivery and service jobs. Especially, because of the small size of notebook, CTO/CDS capability became the “must criteria” when the brand-named companies survey the producers for OEM/ODM.
Due to the market price competition, brand-named companies strangulated the profit of makers by way of bidding and cost analysis. Taiwan makers had no choice but to move their works to Grand China for the purpose of lower cost. They enlarged the production capacity and diversified the PC production by vertical integration, in order to cover the shortage of profit by economic of scale and scope.
This thesis was base on theory of Dorothy Leonard-Barton“ Wellsprings of Knowledge: Building and Sustaining the Sources of Innovation”, researched the issues of CTO/CDS knowledge development and cross-national shift of skill of Taiwan NB makers, and also studied the roles that Taiwan makers played at the value chain of NB industry. The article can be divided into the following four parts according to their different natures:
1. Review of academic papers: The basic theories that can make the study going smoothly and rapidly.
2. Study of CTO/CDS practice: To study the CTO/CDS information system and skill, and provide CTO/CDS practice for reference.
3. Study of knowledge creation activities: A deep case study plus the surveys of the other four companies describe the process of knowledge creation and skill innovation in order to enhance the application ability of knowledge.
4. Value chain and innovation model analysis: To study the added value of each segment in the NB value chain, and the industry innovation model to find out Taiwan NB makers’ ability and capability.
Finally, I try to come out the “winner strategies” by integrating “ systems”, “abilities”, “capacities”, “knowledge” and “high value” in the ending.
All deductive inferences of this limited research are my personal viewpoints only. I will be very proud if they can be recognized by others. Actually, the business environment is more complex than what we think. Any comments, views and opinions toward this paper are welcome and will be highly appreciated.
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資訊電子業研發人員組織內生涯發展模式之研究--以筆記型電腦產業為例劉雯倩 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣筆記型電腦產業垂直整合策略之研究周信成 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以文獻探討為基礎,進行研究架構之發展,而在個案公司應具代表性的考量下,選擇產業內的領導廠商廣達、仁寶與緯創為研究對象。透過個案分析與命題發展,本研究獲得如下之結論:(1) 「穩定關鍵零組件之供應來源」與「配合公司整體發展之需要」為企業採取垂直整合策略的動機;(2)「零組件未來發展性」與「零組件關鍵性」將影響企業的垂直整合策略;(3)當企業之總體策略的佈局與觀點不同,將形成不同的垂直整合作為;(4)企業傾向於採取「非完全」垂直整合策略。此外,本研究亦發現,在以代工業務為主的產業中,當廠商的垂直整合程度越高,其經營績效越佳;因此,本研究建議在以代工業務為主的產業裡,若廠商自身的能力與資源許可,應盡可能地垂直整合上游關鍵零組件,以獲取較佳之經營績效。
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閱微草堂筆記中的女性研究劉麗屏, LIU, LI-PING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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台灣筆記型電腦代工產業延伸服務策略研究-- 以緯創為例張紹琦 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣主要的筆記型電腦代工廠競爭策略偏向爭取「快速產品上市」(time to market)與「快速產品量產」(time to volume)。在毛利率不斷下滑的情況下,主要還是關注於如何創造規模經濟或者提升製程以降低成本,極少將注意力放在後端的服務。本研究目的便是希望在一片降低成本的聲浪中,以個案公司緯創資通目前發展成功的實例給予台灣筆記型電腦代工產業甚至是其他資訊廠商代工策略的一種可能發展方向。
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台灣筆記型電腦產業經營策略之研究---以個案公司為例廖玴嶔, Liao,Aaron Unknown Date (has links)
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再探做筆記對英語非母語學生的學術聽力效益 / Re-visiting the Efficacy of Note-taking in Academic Listening for L2 students王彤心, Wang, Tung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究一共有225位大一學生參與從TOEFL-IPT之中所篩選出的學術演講聽力測驗。過程中,學生依個人習慣決定是否記下筆記。於聽力測驗結束後,隨即讓有寫筆記的學生填答回溯問卷。於一星期後, 所有做筆記及不做筆記學生在沒有複習機會的情況下,進行回憶測驗。所有學生也填答關於做筆記之信念與習慣的問卷。
本研究的結果如下: 1)即使大多數學生對於做筆記皆認為有助其聽力理解,在本研究中,做筆記幾乎沒有發揮效益。2) 對於程度高的學生而言,做筆記並未對其聽力理解產生幫助。3) 對於程度低的學生而言,做筆記仍然沒有顯著的效益。4) 在記憶測試方面,做筆記與否似乎也沒有顯著差異。5)程度高的學生傾向於選擇寫下重要概念,程度低的學生傾向於隨意記下聽到的單字。
教師,以及學生們參考。 / Note-taking for ESL and L1 learners is widely recognized as one of the potentially beneficial academic listening strategies. The purpose of the present study was to re-examine the effect of note-taking for L2 learners in listening comprehension and retention on note-taking/non-note-taking conditions. Besides, the comparison between the notes from the high and low proficiency L2 learners was conducted. Some note-taking beliefs and habits from the L2 learners were also investigated.
This study adopted a quantitative method, and the subjects were 225 freshmen in one university who took the listening comprehension test from the TOEFL-IPT lectures and took notes when they felt necessary. Following the lecture comprehension test, subjects who took notes were given a retrospective questionnaire. One week later, all subjects took a retention test which was derived directly from the lectures without review. After the retention test, all subjects were asked to complete a general perception questionnaire on note-taking.
The major findings were summarized as follows: 1) Note-taking exerted little facilitative influence on comprehension performance even though most learners assumed the positive effect was there. 2) Note-taking did not help high proficiency subjects on comprehension of the TOEFL-IPT lecture listening. 3) Note-taking seemed to have limited merits for low proficiency subjects in comprehension. 4) No significant mean difference of the retention scores was found between note-taking and non note-taking group. 5) The high proficiency note takers were initiated to take notes by listening to discourse signals ahead of the upcoming of the main ideas, while the low proficiency note takers tended to jot down trivial words randomly.
Finally, pedagogical implications and suggestions derived from previous discussions were presented mainly for teachers and learners.
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清中葉青樓筆記之文化考察 / A Study of Mid-Qing Courtesan-Note郭穎瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
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A Preliminary Study on the Effects of "Note-taking" Strategy on Different Proficiency Levels of Junior High School Students / 作筆記策略對不同程度的國中生在英語聽力訓練成效之初探林惠嫻, Lin, Huie-hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本實驗期約四個月,包含國三學生兩個班70個學生。一班為實驗班,另一班為對照班。為了進一步的比較,每一班再分為高、低分群。實驗班考聽力測驗時要作筆記,對照班則無此要求。所有的教材全取自康軒出版社,詹麗馨,李欣蓉編著的 “國中英語聽力測驗”第五冊。
由統計分析及問卷調查得到下列結論:(1)國中生認為最困難的聽力測驗題型為聽完短文或對話後選出最適當的答案; (2)在實驗後,對照班及實驗班均進步並達顯著水準。由此可見若老師提供學習者重聽同樣的內容及測後講解聽力內容讓學生有更正的機會,學習者仍可以改善聽力能力;(3)雖然實驗班也進步並達顯著水準,但和對照班比較結果,不論是全班或高低分群,均未有顯著差異。可見做筆記的學習者並沒有比未做筆記者進步。這意謂著並非每種學習策略適合每個人,而且也沒有保證成功的學習策略。因此,老師應介紹各種學習策略以供學習者選擇有利個人學習的策略;(4)在實驗班中,低分群進步分數達顯著水準且和高分群的進步分數達顯著差異。顯然,作筆記策略嘉惠低分群但可能導致高分群無法專心聽;(5) 問卷調查結果發現大多數受試者認為老師試後講解聽力內容幫助最大;知道不同的口音助益最小。此外,依受試者意見顯示,作
關鍵字;聽力訓練,作筆記策略,國中生 / This study aims to explore if note-taking could assist EFL junior high school students to improve their listening comprehension in the test style of “selecting anoptimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a short passage.” According to the researcher’s experience and the personal profile questionnaires of students, studentsfeel frustrated easily when they have a listening test on a dialogue or a short passage.
Thus, the researcher tries to help them improve their listening comprehension in the test style by teaching them how to take notes.
The research questions of this study included: (1) What is the most difficultlistening test style? (2) Could junior high school students improve their listening ability in understanding a dialogue or a short passage bylistening to the same content several times and through the teacher’s teaching instruction? (3) Did junior high school students who were asked to take notes perform better than those who were not? (4) Does note-taking benefit only high proficiency subjects or only low proficiency subjects? (5) How did the subjects feel about the experiment? What are the most useful and useless ways in a listening activity? What are the first three improved
aspects the subjects felt after the experiment?
The duration of this experiment was four months. Seventy of the third junior high school students from two classes were involved in the study. One class was assigned as an experiment class and the other as a control class. For further
comparison, each class was subdivided into high and low proficiency groups. The experiment class was asked to take notes while listening but the control class was not.All the materials were adopted from “English Listening Comprehension for Junior High School”(Li-shin Jan, Shin-rung Li, 2001, Kan-shiuan Publisher).
The statistical analyses and the questionnaires showed the following conclusions: (1) The most difficult listening test style was selecting an optimal choice after listening to a dialogue or a passage.(2) The classes made significant progress
after the experiment. The result indicated that learners improved their listening ability when a teacher provided the students with sufficient practice by letting them listen to
the same content several times and explained the meanings of the sentences after a listening test; (3) Although making significant progress, the experiment class, compared with the control class, did not improve significantly. The two different
proficiency groups did not make significant progress, either. This could imply that not every learning strategy fits every learner. Also, no learning strategy assures success. Therefore, a teacher had better introduce different kinds of learning strategies for learners to choose an optimal learning strategy on their own; (4) In the experiment class, low proficiency learners made more progress than high proficiency ones at a
significant level. Apparently, note-taking benefited low proficiency learners but may hinder high proficiency learners from concentrating on listening. (5) The subjects chose “teacher’s explanation of the content after a listening test” as the most useful way to improve their listening ability. However, they thought “knowing the different
accents” as the least useful way. In addition, as seen in the result of the feedback questionnaire, note-taking helped learners listen without distraction, acquire a habit of
writing down key words and remember the content easily.
The research suggested that a teacher should let students listen to the same content several times on the tape, explain the meanings of the sentences after a listening test, and instruct learners how to take notes. However, note-taking was good for low proficiency learners, but not for high proficiency ones. Thus, a teacher might not need to ask high achievers to take notes, which might block them to concentrate on listening. In addition, it seems not easy for learners to predict the coming message.
Key words: listening training, “note-taking strategy”, junior high school students
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台灣電子產業代工與品牌經營模式之個案研究 - 以筆記型電腦與行動電話為例 / A research of business model (OEM/ODM/OBM) in Taiwan electronic industry - Cases for notebook and mobile phone industries陳廷彥 Unknown Date (has links)
對於任何企業而言,必須要瞭解自身內部的競爭優勢與關鍵成功要素,建立專屬的核心能耐,才能延續企業的生命力。 / Taiwan electronic industry started from OEM and some of the companies are very successful in worldwide. The industrial environment has changed and is more competitive and the margin of OEM is getting less during these years.Most of the companies are aiming to become more competitive by improving their R&D technique and build own brand awareness.
This study is based on Notebook and Mobile phone industries to analyze the differences of management in these two fields, and I have chosen two representative companies for each field.
Through the research we can conclude there are several factors to affect the enterprise strategy. The findings are as follows:
OEM companies should:
1.Integrate industrial chain and enlarge economic scale to decrease the production cost.
2.Strengthen and develop the R&D ability and increase various product lines.
3.Improve own technologies and unique designs to be more competitive.
OBM companies should:
1.The products can lead the trend and meet the request of end consumers.
2.Create pioneer technology and catch the market trend.
3.Create innovative business model and good management of the channels.
All enterprises should find their own advantages and KSF to build their core competency to extend the business life.
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