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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parenteral glutamine supplementation in neonates following surgical stress

Nolin, France. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av interkulturell kommunikation vid postoperativ smärtlindring / Specialist nurse's experiences of intercultural communication in postoperative pain relief

Lundqvist, Camilla, Burnic´, Anes January 2022 (has links)
Sverige har blivit ett alltmer mångkulturellt samhälle vilket avspeglas i vården. Den interkulturella kommunikationen inom sjukvården kan vara utmanande för sjukvårdspersonalen speciellt när det kommer till smärtlindring. Syfte: Att beskriva specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av interkulturell kommunikation vid postoperativ smärtlindring. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Den manifesta analysen resulterade i fem huvudkategorier. Intervjuerna visar att språk och språkförbistring är faktor som kan påverka smärtskattning och smärtlindringen på postoperativa avdelningar. Andra erfarenheter är att kulturella uttryck vid smärta, fördomar och tidsbrist kan komplicera smärtlindringen ytterligare. Slutsats: Flera faktorer samverkar för att specialistsjuksköterskor upplever interkulturell kommunikation vid smärtlindring som extra utmanande och svårt. Att använda sig av smärtskalor är komplicerat utan gemensamt språk men andra strategier används för att bedöma patientens smärta. Det kan vara svårt att öppna upp för samtal på arbetsplatsen av rädsla eller oro att bli betraktad som främlingsfientlig men det finns ett behov av att diskutera skillnader och svårigheter för att ge patienter en mer personcentrerad vård.

Patienters upplevelse av ren intermittent kateterisering : En intervjustudie

Hedman-Lindqvist, Nilla January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ren intermittent katetrisering (RIK) är en åtgärd som utförs dagligen på ett flertal patienter inom sjukvården, där sjukvårdspersonal tränger innanför patientens integritetssfär. Patienter har olika personliga gränser för när den personliga integriteten hotas och deras upplevelse vid RIK postoperativt, är sparsamt belyst i tidigare forskning.  Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelse av ren intermittent kateterisering postoperativt. Metod: Datainsamlingen genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer där tretton patienter som kateteriserats postoperativt deltog. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade att patienterna upplevde vårdpersonalen som kompetenta och de förlitade sig på att vårdpersonalen visste vad som var bäst för patienterna som också kände sig omhändertagna. Det upplevdes vara viktigt att bevara den personliga integriteten och de påtalade vikten av tillräckligt insynsskydd vid kateteriseringen vilket inte alltid varit tillfyllest. Patienterna uttryckte också rädsla dels för smärta i samband med kateteriseringen och dels för att de trodde att det var något fel eftersom de inte kunde urinera. Några beskrev det som en lättnad att få hjälp att tömma blåsan, medan andra kände sig utlämnade och upplevde det som att de inte hade något val. Majoriteten av patienterna hade inte fått/kom inte ihåg att de fått adekvat information om att kateterisering kunde komma att behövas postoperativt och de påtalade vikten av att detta gavs innan operationen. Slutsats: Vårdpersonalens bemötande av patienter som behöver genomgå RIK är av största vikt för patientens upplevelse av vårdsituationen. Vikten av att information ges, som är adekvat och lättförståelig, poängteras. Det är en fördel om patienten görs delaktig i sin vård och att hänsyn även tas till speciella önskemål, som t.ex. kön på den som utför kateteriseringen. / Background: Clean intermittent catheterization is an action that is performed daily on several patients in health care, where health care staff penetrates inside the patients privacy sphere. Patients’ have different personal limits when privacy is threatened and research with focus on the patients experience of clean intermittent catheterization postoperatively is limited. Aim: To describe patients’ experience of clean intermittent catheterization postoperatively. Method: Data collection was conducted by using semi-structured interviews with thirteen patients that had been catheterized postoperatively. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Result: The result showed that patients’ experienced health care staff as competent and they relied on that the medical staff knew what was best for the patients who also felt cared for. It felt to be important to preserve privacy and they stressed the importance of sufficient transparency protection during catheterization which had not always been satisfactory. The patients’ expressed fear partly for pain associated with catheterization and partly because they thought there was something wrong since they were unable to urinate. Some described it as a relief to get help emptying the bladder, while others felt vulnerable and felt that they had no choice. The majority of patients’ had not got or could not remember if they had received adequate information that catheterization could be needed postoperatively and they emphasized importance of that this information was given before surgery. Conclusion: Health care staff treatment of patient’s requiring clean intermittent catheterisation is crucial for the patient's experience of the care situation. The importance that the information given is adequate and understandable was emphasized. It is an advantage if the patient is involved in care and that consideration to special requests, such as that the gender of the person performing catheterisation is considered.

The effects of a lung recruitment manoeuvre before extubation on pulmonary function after coronary artery bypass surgery

Nel, Stephanus Gerhardus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aim: The aim of this study is to determine if the addition of a pre-extubation recruitment manoeuvre to standard care is safe and will improve lung compliance and subsequent PaO2/FiO2 (PF ratio) after extubation in postoperative coronary artery bypass graft surgery patients. Design: Prospective, triple blind, randomised, controlled trial. Method: This study was conducted in a private hospital in the Northern suburbs of Cape Town, South Africa. All patients admitted between 03/10/2010 and 22/11/2011, for uncomplicated elective coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery were eligible for inclusion into the study. Patients were randomly allocated into either the intervention group or the control group. The intervention group received a gradual build-up lung recruitment manoeuvre (RM). The primary outcome was PaO2/FiO2 (PF ratio). The secondary outcomes were safety and static lung compliance. ICU length of stay (LOS) and hospital LOS were also recorded. The pre-RM hemodynamic stability of the patient was checked before the intervention and repeated at 5 minutes after the intervention by the nursing sister. Data to calculate static lung compliance was captured at the same time. Criteria for safety and discontinuation of the RM were monitored during the intervention by the principle investigator only. Results: Of the 69 patients eligible for the study 47 were randomly allocated into the intervention group (n=22) and control group (n=25) respectively. Groups were the same at baseline with regards to sex, pulmonary risk, sedation and surgical procedures. The RM could be completed in all patients. The prior defined criteria for discontinuation of the RM were not reached in any of the patients. No adverse effects were noted. The PaO2/FiO2 (PF ratio) decreased significantly in both groups from pre-surgery measurements compared to when measured before the RM (p<0.001). There was a tendency noted for the intervention group to return to pre-surgery measurements of PF ratio within 12 hours after extubation when compared to the control group. There was no significant difference between the groups from extubation to 24 hours (p = 0.6). The static compliance improved at 5 minutes following the RM (p<0.001) and remained improved until extubation (p<0.001) for the intervention group. No difference was noted in the static compliance of the control group over the same time period. The mean hospital length of stay for the intervention group was 8.61 (95% confidence interval 7.26 to 9.96 days) and 10.08 (95% confidence interval 8.52 – 11.63 days) for the control group. Conclusion: A gradual recruitment manoeuvre at 30cmH2O 30minutes before extubation significantly improved static lung compliance within 5 minutes with no adverse hemodynamic side effects. There was noted maintained improved PF ratio at extubation or immediately afterwards for the intervention group and no difference in the PF ratio between the intervention group and control group. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel: Die doel van hierdie studie is om te bepaal of die toevoeging van ’n pre-ekstubasie herwinningstegniek tot standaard sorg veilig is, en of dit longvervormbaarheid en gevolglike PaO2/FiO2 (PF-verhouding) na ekstubasie in post-operatiewe kroonaaromleidingchirurgiepasiënte sal verbeter. Ontwerp: Prospektiewe, trippel-blinde, ewekansige, gekontroleerde proefneming. Metode: Hierdie studie is uitgevoer in ’n privaat hospitaal in die noordelike voorstede van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika. Alle pasiënte wat tussen 03/10/2010 en 22/11/2011 gehospitaliseer is vir ongekompliseerde elektiewe kroonaaromleidingchirurgie, kon in aanmerking kom vir die studie. Pasiënte is op ewekansige wyse ingedeel in die intervensie- en kontrolegroepe. ’n Geleidelike-opbou-van-druk-longherwinningstegniek (HT) is op die intervensiegroep toegepas. Die primêre uitkoms was die PaO2 /FiO2 (PF-verhouding). Die sekondêre uitkoms was veiligheid en statiese longvervormbaarheid. ISE-verblyf en hospitaalverblyf is ook genoteer. Die navorsingsassistent het data van bestaande eenheiddokumentasie geneem. Die pre-HT-hemodinamiese stabiliteit van die pasiënte is gemonitor voor en weer 5 minute na die intervensie. Inligting om die statiese longvervormbaarheid te bereken is terselfdertyd genoteer. Kriteria vir veiligheid en vir die staking van die HT is gemonitor tydens uitvoering deur die primêre ondersoeker en die verpleegkundige. Resultate: Van die 69 pasiënte wat in aanmerking kon kom vir die studie is 47 op ewekansige wyse ingedeel in die intervensiegroep (n=22) en die kontrolegroep (n=25). Die groepe was dieselfde by die basislyn. Die herwinningstegniek kon volledig op alle pasiënte uitgevoer word. Die vooraf gedefinieerde kriteria vir staking van die HT is met geen pasiënte bereik nie. Geen nadelige uitwerking is genoteer nie. Die PaO2 /FiO2 (PF-verhouding) het beduidend verminder in beide groepe van pre-operatiewe metings in vergelyking met meting voor die HT (p<0.001). ‘n Neiging is genoteer dat die intervensiegroep binne 12 uur na ekstubasie tot pre-chirurgie PF-metings teruggekeer het. Daar was geen merkbare verskil tussen die groepe vanaf ekstubasie tot 24 uur (p=0.6) nie. Die statiese vervormbaarheid het verbeter teen 5 minute na HT (p<0.001) en het verbeter gebly tot ekstubasie (p<0.001) vir die intervensiegroep. Daar was geen verskil in die statiese vervormbaarheid van die kontrolegroep nie. Die gemiddelde hospitaalverblyf vir die intervensiegroep was 8.61 (95% betroubaarheidsinterval 7.26 tot 9.96 dae) en 10.08 (95% betroubaarheidsinterval 8.52 – 11.63 dae) vir die kontrolegroep. Gevolgtrekking: ’n Geleidelike herwinningstegniek teen 30cmH2O 30 minute voor ekstubasie het statiese longvervormbaarheid beduidend verbeter binne 5 minute, met geen nadelige hemodinamiese newe-effekte nie. Daar was geen verskil in die oksigenasie-indeks tussen die intervensie- en kontrolegroep na ekstubasie nie.

Reliability and validity of the Interchange of Gases Assessment Tool for monitoring the respiratory status of patients in the postanesthetic care unit.

Gebhardt, Pamela Gipe. January 1989 (has links)
The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate, through clinical testing, the interrater reliability and concurrent validity of the Interchange of Gases Assessment Tool (IGAST) for monitoring the respiratory status of patients in the Postanesthesia Care Unit. The IGAST was used to assess the respiratory status of 20 patients over three time periods (60 data samples). Findings indicated that interrater reliability of the IGAST was acceptable for clinical use in the PACU. The IGAST received a mean interrater reliability rating of 98% in the PACU setting. Results of the mean dimension scores supported the patients' readiness for discharge. Chart audit revealed that the IGAST had concurrent validity since charted information and rated IGAST items were congruent. Further findings suggested that nurses using the IGAST document the respiratory status of patients more completely and more consistently than nurses using narrative documentation.


Thornton, Susan Ruth. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Postoperative pain assessment and impact of pain on early physical recovery, from the patients' perspective

Eriksson, Kerstin January 2017 (has links)
Background: Pain is a common postoperative experience. Guidelines recommend performing regular pain assessments, which include self-rated pain and additional communication to capture patients' experiences. During hospitalisation, pain intensity is found to be a vital factor influencing other aspects of an early physical recovery, and is consequently an important item in questionnaires for recovery. These tools consist of extensive questionnaires which are difficult to use in everyday clinical work. A simplified method of monitoring postoperative recovery would benefit both patients and healthcare professionals. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was twofold: (A) to determine the ability of extending the use of pain ratings to reflect and predict early physical postoperative recovery and (B) to describe patients’ perspectives on pain assessments. Methods: The studies were carried out at one (I), three (IV) and four hospitals (II, III) involving general surgical and orthopaedic inpatients. Two quantitative methods were used based on data from questionnaires and medical records. They consisted of one cross-sectional study (I) and one study with repeated measures (IV). An association was sought between pain intensity and postoperative recovery on days 1 and 2 (I, IV), and prehospital data (IV). Two qualitative methods were used involving a phenomenographic (III) approach and Critical Incident Technique (IV), where semi-structured interviews were performed postoperatively and analysed inductively in accordance with the approach. Results: An association was found between moderate/severe average pain intensity compiled from monitoring records and impact on early physical postoperative recovery on day 1 (I). Retrospective average pain intensity at rest and during activity reflected impact on recovery on postoperative day 1 (IV). Severe pain intensity at rest and during activity on postoperative day 1 predicted impact on physical recovery items on day 2 (IV). The use of the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS 0-10) was considered to facilitate communication about pain, but to involve difficulties of interpretation and place demand on healthcare professionals and care routines (II). Patients’ descriptions of their experiences when in need of describing pain indicated two main areas: patients’ resources when needing to describe pain and ward resources for performing pain assessments (III). Descriptions of their actions when they were in pain indicated two main areas: patients used active strategies when needing to describe pain or patients used passive strategies when needing to describe pain (III). Conclusions: This thesis contributes to knowledge about the possibility of using patients' self-rated average pain intensity to reflect early physical postoperative recovery on day 1 and to predict recovery on the following day. The pain scale gave patients and healthcare professionals a shared vocabulary, which facilitated communication. Furthermore, dialogue during pain assessments was described as critical in ascertaining whether pain intensity had an impact on different aspects of physical recovery. Environmental factors such as the attitude of healthcare professionals, workload and staffing influenced how pain assessments were performed.

Postoperativt ileus : En kartläggning av interventioner inom svensk kirurgisk vård / Postoperative ileus : A survey of interventions in Swedish surgical care

Apelqvist, Josefin, Dahlin, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Efter kirurgiska ingrepp förekommer postoperativt ileus (POI) som ett normalfysiologiskt tillstånd. POI definieras som ett avvikande mönster av gastrointestinal motilitet med karakteristiska symtom som illamående och kräkningar, uppspänd buk, samt utebliven gasavgång eller avföring. POI har påvisats påverka den postoperativa återhämtningen negativt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att kartlägga interventioner som används för att minska durationen av postoperativt ileus vid svenska kirurgiska vårdavdelningar. Design: Enkätbaserad tvärsnittsstudie. Metod: Internetbaserad enkät skickades till vårdenhetschefer vid 86 kirurgiskt inriktade vårdavdelningar på fem universitetssjukhus i södra och mellersta Sverige. Resultat: Totalt 21 kirurgiska vårdavdelningar besvarade enkäten. Kunskaper kring innebörden och handläggningen av POI angavs som måttliga till goda. Den mest frekvent föreslagna interventionen inom omvårdnad var mobilisering och laxantia i olika former var den vanligaste farmakologiska interventionen. Konklusion: Omvårdnads- och farmakologiska interventioner av varierande evidensgrad används på svenska kirurgiska vårdavdelningar. Det tycks finnas ett behov av utbildning om och implementering av vetenskapliga kunskaper inom området för bedömning och handläggning av POI. / Background: Postoperative ileus (POI) occurs as a normal reaction to all forms of surgery. POI is defined as a deviant pattern of gastrointestinal motility with characteristic symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal distension and lack of gas or stool. Postoperative ileus has been shown to affect the postoperative recovery in a negative way. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the current use of interventions aimed to reduce the duration time of postoperative ileus in Swedish surgical wards. Design: A cross-sectional study. Method: A web-based survey was administered to matrons at 86 surgical wards in five university hospitals in the mid- and south of Sweden. Results: In total, 21 wards responded. The knowledge about the meaning and management of POI was perceived as moderate to good. The most frequent used nursing intervention was mobilization, and the most common pharmacological action proposed was laxatives of various sorts. Conclusion: Both nursing and pharmacological interventions with various grades of evidence are used in Swedish surgical wards. There are indications of a need for education and implementation of science-based knowledge within the area of assessing and managing POI.

Cirurgia bariátrica: revisão sistemática e cuidados de enfermagem no pós-operatório. / Bariatric surgery: a systematic review and the postoperative nursing care.

Negrão, Renata de Jesus da Silva 29 September 2006 (has links)
Este estudo realizou a revisão sistemática em cirurgia bariátrica com os objetivos de identificar os principais cuidados de enfermagem no pós-operatório desta cirurgia e elaborar recomendações de enfermagem para a assistência prestada ao paciente bariátrico. A questão de pesquisa foi: Quais os cuidados de enfermagem no pós-operatório da cirurgia bariátrica e sua importância para a recuperação do paciente? Foram previamente identificados 1483 estudos, sendo selecionados 123, onde a amostra final foi de 18 incluídos, publicados em periódicos científicos indexados no LILACS, SCIELO, PUBMED, EMBASE, MEDLINE e Cochrane Library, desses 05(27,7%) abordavam os aspectos respiratórios, 03(16,6%) destacaram a comparação do pós-operatório de cirurgia aberta versus laparoscópica, 02(11,1%) sobre orientação/ educação multidisciplinar do paciente, 02(11,1%) sobre aspectos perioperatórios, 02(11,1%) sobre trombose e tromboembolismo pulmonar no pós-operatório, 02(11,1%) sobre cuidados anestésicos, 01(5,5%) abordava a dieta pós-operatória. Para a análise e avaliação dos estudos selecionados utilizou-se os seguintes itens: tipo de estudo/ escopo/ população/ coleta de dados/ resultados/ conclusão. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos estudos encontrados são do tipo prospectivo(55,6%), (44,4%) retrospectivo, sendo 100% quantitativos. Foram estudos realizados por médicos cirurgiões ou anestesistas, atuantes na área de cirurgia bariátrica, evidenciando a escassez de trabalhos realizados pela enfermagem tanto no Brasil, como em outros países.Com base nos estudos e na experiência com a assistência prestada ao paciente, foram elaboradas diretrizes de cuidados referentes aos sistemas respiratório, neurológico, urinário, e cuidados especiais quanto à dor, pele, dieta e prevenção de trombose. / This study carried a systematic review in bariatric surgery to identify the principal nursing care at postoperatory and to elaborate nurse advices to the assistance given for bariatric patients. The purpose of the searched was: What is the nursing care at postoperatory in bariatric surgery and is it importance to the recovery of the patient? Previousness were identified 1,483 articles, 123 selected and the final sample was the 18 included, published at scientific periodicals indexed in LILASC, SCIELO, PUBMED, EMBASE, MEDLINE and Cochrane Library from that 05 (27.7%) approaches the respiratory aspects, 03 (16.6%) compared the postoperatory in open surgery versus laparoscopic surgery, 02 (11.1%) about orientation and multidisciplinary education of the patient, 02 (11.1%) about peri-operative factors, 02 (11.1%) about thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism in postoperatory, 02 (11.1%) about anesthetic care, 01 (5.5%) about postoperatory pain and 01 (5.5%) approaches the diet during postoperatory period. To analyze and evaluate the selected studies the following items was used: study type/target/population/ data collection/results/conclusion. The results showed that the most of the found studies are prospectives (55.6%) and retrospective (44.4%) they become 100% quantitative. The studies were carry by surgical physicians or anaesthesiologist that performs in bariatric surgery, evidencing the scarcity of publications by nursing in Brazil and others countries. Based on papers and the experience with assistance for the patient were elaborated a guidelines for care relating to respiratory system, neurological, urinary, special care for the pain, skin, diet and thrombosis prevention.

Föräldrars betydelse i vården av barn med delirium som vårdas inom intensivvårdsmiljö

Johansson, Felix, Thunberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Delirium är en vanligt förekommande komplikation både i barnintensivvården och barnoperationsvården. Det orsakar stort lidande hos de påverkade barnen både emotionellt och fysiskt, samt ökar delirium vårdtiden och orsakar en ökad mortalitet. Syfte: Att presentera vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan förebygga delirium hos barn samt undersöka vad som påverkar vårdrelationen mellan barnet, familjen och sjuksköterskan vid omvårdnad och behandling av delirium i en intensivvårdsmiljö. Metod: Litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier analyserad med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i tre teman: effekten av föräldrars involvering på barn med delirium, övriga effekter av föräldrars involvering i vården av barn och betydelsen för ökad involvering för föräldrarna. Ökad involvering av föräldrarna i den pre och postoperativa vården gav en signifikant förbättring av postoperativt delirium hos barnet, under förutsättning att föräldrarna fått utbildning och blivit förberedda hur de skulle agera. Den ökade involveringen av föräldrar sågs som positivt av både föräldrar och personal. Analysen resulterade inte i några specifika omvårdnadsåtgärder som kan förebygga delirium hos barn. Slutsats: Föräldrar bör få möjligheten att vara så nära sina barn som möjligt och vara involverade i vården på barnintensivvårdsavdelning eller i den pre- och postoperativa vården. För att minska risken att barn drabbas av delirium finns behov av att utbilda och förbereda föräldrarna. / Background: Delirium is a common complication at both pediatric intensive care units and pediatric postoperative units and it is causing huge amount of increased suffering for the affected children. Not only the emotional and physical suffering, but also increased time needed to stay in the PICU and increased mortality. Aim: To examine which nursing actions can prevent emergence delirium in children and to examine the importance of the care relationship between the child, the family and the nurse in the care and treatment for delirium. Method: A literature review with a quantitative approach, analyzed with content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in three themes. The effect of parental involvement on the delirium of children, other effects on the involvement of parents in the care of children and the meaning of the involvement for the parents. The involvement of parents in children pre and postoperative had a significant decrease of delirium and negative behavior under the condition that the parents were prepared and active in their role as a support for their children. The increase parental involvement was viewed as positive from both parents and nurses. Analysis did not find any nursing actions to prevent delirium for children Conclusion: Parents should be able to be as close and involved in the care for their children in a PICU or in the pre and postoperative care as it is possible, and the need to educate and prepare the parents in order to decrease the risk for the children to suffer from delirium.

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