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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptabilidade de respostas posturais automáticas a perturbações extrínsecas de diferentes magnitudes e a restrições biomecânicas / Adaptability of automatic postural responses to extrinsic perturbations of different magnitudes and biomechanical constraints

Nametala Maia Azzi 12 December 2017 (has links)
Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos de restrições biomecânicas e de carga sobre a adaptação de respostas posturais automáticas (RPAs) a perturbações externas não-antecipadas. No Experimento 1 o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do ângulo de orientação dos pés em RPAs causadas por perturbações de diferentes magnitudes. A perturbação foi gerada a partir da liberação inesperada de carga presa ao tronco do participante, levando à oscilação anterior do corpo. Foram avaliadas RPAs para cargas correspondendo a 5% e 10% do peso corporal do participante, comparando as seguintes orientações dos pés: paralelos, preferida (M = 10,46°), 15° e 30° para cada pé a partir da linha média do corpo. Os resultados mostraram que a perturbação com a carga 10% levou a maiores deslocamentos do centro de pressão e rotação das articulações, além de respostas musculares mais fortes e mais rápidas. Os pés orientados em 30° levaram ao maior deslocamento do centro de pressão em comparação com as outras angulações. A perturbação com a carga 5% levou a respostas similares para ambas as articulações, enquanto que com a carga 10% a amplitude de rotação das articulações foi maior com pés orientados em 30°. No Experimento 2, os objetivos foram avaliar o efeito de tentativas prévias com carga distinta, e a adaptação das respostas posturais em tentativas repetidas com mesma carga, em RPAs a uma perturbação não-antecipada. Foram empregadas três cargas para perturbação: 6%, 8% e 10% do peso corporal do participante. Este experimento foi realizado por meio da comparação de dois grupos: sequência alta-baixa, para o qual a ordem de aplicação das cargas se dava de forma decrescente; e sequência baixa-alta, para o qual a ordem de aplicação das cargas se dava de forma crescente. Os resultados mostraram que as respostas posturais foram graduadas de acordo com a magnitude da carga. O efeito de sequência de cargas foi observado na maior amplitude de deslocamento do centro de pressão para o grupo decrescente em relação ao crescente. A análise do centro de massa indicou adaptação intertentativas, com redução progressiva da amplitude de deslocamento entre a primeira e a última tentativa na carga de 10%. Esses resultados sugerem que respostas posturais reativas são produzidas levando em consideração não apenas feedback sensorial, mas também respostas posturais precedentes. Em uma análise global, os resultados deste estudo revelam a sensibilidade do sistema de controle postural a fatores contextuais, incluindo restrições biomecânicas e respostas a perturbações prévias, na geração de respostas posturais automáticas a uma perturbação da estabilidade do equilíbrio corporal / In this study we evaluated the effects of biomechanical constraints and load on the adaptation of automatic postural responses (APRs) to external perturbations of different magnitudes. The objective of Experiment 1 was to evaluate the effect of feet orientation angle in APRs caused by perturbations of different magnitudes. The perturbation was generated through unexpected load release attached to the participant\'s trunk, leading to forward body sway. APRs were evaluated for loads corresponding to 5% and 10% of participant\'s body weight, comparing the following feet orientations: parallel, preferred (M = 10.46°), 15° and 30° for each foot regarding the body midline. Results showed that APRs were sensitive to perturbation magnitude, with 10% load leading to higher center of pressure displacement and amplitude of leg joints rotation, in addition to stronger and faster muscle responses. Feet oriented at 30° led to higher center of pressure displacement compared to other angles. The 5% load led to similar responses for both the hip and ankle joints in the different orientations, while for the 10% load amplitude of legs joints rotation was higher for the feet oriented at 30° in comparison with the other orientation angles. In Experiment 2, we evaluate the effects of previous responses to a different perturbation load, and adaptation to the same load over repeated perturbations, on APRs to unanticipated perturbations. Three perturbation loads were employed: 6%, 8% and 10% of participant\'s body weight. The experiment was performed by comparing two groups: high-low sequence, with decreasing sequence of loads; and low-high sequence, with increasing sequence of loads. Results showed that postural responses were scaled according to load magnitude. The decreasing loads sequence led to higher amplitudes of center of pressure displacement in comparison to the increasing sequence. Analysis of center of mass indicated intertrials adaptation, with progressive reduction of amplitude displacement between the first and last trial in the 10% load. These results suggest that reactive postural responses are produced taking into consideration not only sensory feedback but also previous postural responses. Overall, results from this study reveal the sensitivity of the postural control system to contextual factors, including biomechanical constraints and responses to previous perturbations, in the generation of automatic postural responses to an unanticipated perturbation of balance stability.

Aprendizagem de uma tarefa de demanda de controle postural em ambiente virtual em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson / Learning of a task of demand postural control in virtual environment in Parkinson´s disease individuals

Tatiana Beline de Freitas 17 August 2017 (has links)
O déficit de controle postural é impactante em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP), nesse sentido, a aprendizagem de tarefas que o envolvam é fundamental para esses indivíduos. Recentemente, estudos têm mostrado que indivíduos com DP são capazes de aprender tarefas com demanda de controle postural, no entanto, o intervalo de retenção destes estudos é muito curto considerando-se uma doença neurodegenerativa. Outra questão que se coloca é, em aprendendo tarefas de demanda de controle postural, poderia haver diminuição da instabilidade postural, porém ainda não existem evidências concretas para responder esse questionamento. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a aprendizagem de tarefas que envolvam demanda de controle postural em ambiente de realidade virtual em indivíduos com DP quando comparados com idosos saudáveis em curto e longo prazo, além de verificar seu impacto na cognição e no controle postural dos mesmos. A amostra foi composta por 28 sujeitos, sendo 14, com DP idiopática no grupo experimental (GE) [64.28±6.35 anos; escala de Hoehn e Yahr modificada = 14.28% dos sujeitos 1; 14.28%, 1.5; 7.14%, 2; 21.42%, 2.5; 42.85%, 3; Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) = 22.42±3.41; e Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (MiniBEStest) = 20.78±6.54]. Foram incluídos também 14 idosos saudáveis no grupo controle (GC) [69.71±5.91 anos; MoCA = 23.64±3.17; e MiniBESTest = 27.35±2.67]. Foram realizadas 13 sessões com duração de uma hora, 2x/semana por sete semanas, no período on da medicação para a reposição dopaminérgica, sendo a primeira considerada pré-teste e a última, pós-teste. A prática consistiu em jogar quatro jogos do sistema Kinect, 5 tentativas por jogo. Foram realizados dois testes de retenção, sendo o primeiro após uma semana e o segundo após um mês. A avaliação da cognição, através da MoCA, e do controle postural, através do MiniBESTest, foi realizada antes, imediatamente após e um mês após a fase de aquisição. Indivíduos com DP foram capazes de aprender tarefas com demanda de controle postural, havendo retenção a curto e longo prazo, apesar do desempenho apresentar-se inferior aos idosos neurologicamente saudáveis. Além disso, aprender as tarefas propostas levou a melhora da cognição, especificamente na memória e nos aspectos reativos do controle postural de idosos e indivíduos com DP, além da melhora da estabilidade de marcha somente dos idosos / Postural control deficits are striking in individuals with Parkinson\'s disease (PD), making the learning of postural control tasks crucial for these individuals. Recent studies have shown that PD patients are able to learn tasks with postural control demand; however, the retention interval found in these studies was quite short due to the nature of this neurodegenerative disease. Hence, in the learning process of high demand postural control tasks, is there a decrease in PD patients\' postural instability? Concrete data are needed to answer this question. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the learning of tasks involving a high demand for postural control in a virtual reality environment in individuals with PD when compared to healthy elderly. The learning process was investigated through both short- and long-term retention. The secondary purpose was to verify the learning process\'s impact on both cognition and postural control. The sample included 28 participants: 14 with idiopathic PD in the Experimental Group (EG) [64.28±6.35 years; Hoehn e Yahr modified scale = 14.28% 1; 14.28%, 1.5; 7.14%, 2; 21.42%, 2.5; 42.85%, 3; Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) = 22.42±3.41; and Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (MiniBEStest) = 20.78±6.54] and fourteen healthy elderly in the Control Group (CG) [69.71±5.91 years; MoCA = 23.64±3.17; e MiniBESTest = 27.35±2.67]. Thirteen one-hour sessions were performed two x/week for seven weeks, which was the on-medication period for dopaminergic replacement. The first session was considered as the pre-test, and the last session was considered as the post-test. The practice consisted of playing four Kinect system games, with five trials per game. Two retention tests were performed, with the first occurring after one week and the second occurring one month after the end of the acquisition phase. The assessment of cognition through MoCA and postural control through MiniBESTest were performed before, immediately after and one month after the acquisition phase. Individuals with PD learned tasks with a high demand for postural control and had both short- and long-term retention, despite their inferior performance compared to the neurologically healthy elderly. In addition, learning the proposed tasks led to an improvement in cognition, specifically in memory, and in the reactive aspects of postural control in the elderly and individuals with PD, as well as gait stability only in the elderly

Avaliação da estabilidade lombo pélvica de pacientes lombálgicos / Assessment of pelvic stability loin back pain patients

Santos, Fernanda Gangella dos 30 March 2012 (has links)
Estudos anteriores mostraram que indivíduos com lombalgia crônica tem comprometimento do controle motor dos músculos do tronco durante as tarefas dos membros superiores. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o controle motor dos músculos do tronco e quadril durante os movimentos dinâmicos de membros inferiores. O movimento de ajoelhado para semi ajoelhado é comumente utilizado na avaliação de pacientes neurológicos e foi escolhido para analisar os músculos do tronco e do quadril com a mínima interferência do movimento das articulações distais (tornozelos e joelhos). Esta tarefa pode ajudar os fisioterapeutas como uma ferramenta de triagem de pessoas com o controle motor do tronco e do quadril alterados e definir o tratamento mais eficaz... Objetivo: Comparar a atividade dos músculos do tronco e do quadril em pacientes com dor lombar crônica e indivíduos saudáveis durante a transferência de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado. Métodos: Vinte e nove mulheres com lombalgia crônica inespecífica (GL), (idade=45,8 ± 14,37 anos, IMC= 24,15 ± 3,95 Kg/cm²) e trinta mulheres assintomáticas (GC), (idade=44,57 ± 13,65 anos anos, IMC=23,77 ± 2,18 Kg,cm²) participaram deste estudo e estavam livres de dor durante a transferência de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado movimento. A atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos Oblíquo Interno (OI), Eretor lombar (EL) e Glúteo Médio (GM) foi registrada bilateralmente, enquanto os participantes realizaram a transferência de ajoelhado para semi ajoelhado sobre uma plataforma de força. A plataforma de força e o sistema de EMG foram sincronizadas de modo que a curva obtida na plataforma de força permitiu estabelecer o início e o fim do movimento. Os sinais de EMG foram filtrados, e tratados matematicamente para se obter variáveis de pico, instante do pico e integral da atividade muscular de cada músculo. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar as variáveis entre os grupos. Resultados: Durante o movimento, observou-se no GL, maior integral e pico de contração maior e mais precoce dos músculos ELD e ELE, comparado ao GC, enquanto este apresentou maior integral e pico de contração maior e mais precoce dos músculos OI e GM, bilateralmente. Os resultados mostraram evidências sobre a hipótese de que pacientes lombálgicos utilizam diferentes padrões de ativação lombo-pélvica, exigindo maior atividade dos Eretores Lombares. enquanto o grupo controle realiza o movimento a partir dos músculos OI e GM. Conclusão: Sujeitos com lombalgia crônica têm atividade diferente dos músculos do tronco e quadril comparados com sujeitos assintomáticos durante o movimento de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado / Previously studies have shown that chronic low back pain subjects have compromised motor control of trunk muscles during upper limb tasks. However little is known about the motor control of trunk and hip muscles during dynamic movements of lower limbs. Kneeling to halfkneeling movement is commonly used in the evaluation of neurologic patients and was chosen to analyze trunk and hip muscles with minimum interference of distal joints movements (ankles and knees). This task might help physical therapists to use as a screening tool of people with altered motor control of trunk and hip to better address an effective treatment. Objective: to compare the activity of trunk and hip muscles in patients with chronic low back pain and pain-free individuals subjects during the transfer from kneeling to half-kneeling position. Methods: Twenty-nine women with non-specific chronic low back pain (CLBPg) and thirty asymptomatic ones subjects (Cg) participated in this study. Cg had mean(SD) age of 44,57(13,65) years, body mass index of 23,77(2,18) kg/cm² and CLBP had age of 45,8(14,37) years, body mass index of 24,15(3,95) kg/cm² and were pain-free during the transfer from kneeling to half-kneeling movement. ccc Electromyography activity (EMG) of obliquus internus abdominis (OI), lumbar erector spinae (LES) and gluteus medius (GM) muscles was recorded bilaterally while participants performed the transfer from keeling to half-kneeling position on a force platform. The force platform and the EMG system were synchronized so that the curve obtained in the force platform allowed to establish the beginning and the end of the movement in the EMG signal. EMG signal were filtered, and treated to obtain variables as the peak power, time to xiv peak achievement and integrated EMG of each muscle. Main-Whitney was applied to compare variables between groups. Results: Man-Whitney test showed differences between groups. Asymptomatic subjects had an increased integrated EMG, peak power and earlier time to peak of bilateral obliquus internus abdominis and gluteus medius muscles while chronic low back pain patients had an increased integrated EMG, peak power and earlier time to peak of bilateral muscle activation of lumbar erector spine during the movement. Conclusion: Chronic low back pain subjects have different activity of trunk and hip muscles compared to asymptomatic ones during kneeling to half-kneeling movement

Adaptabilidade de respostas posturais automáticas a perturbações extrínsecas de diferentes magnitudes e a restrições biomecânicas / Adaptability of automatic postural responses to extrinsic perturbations of different magnitudes and biomechanical constraints

Azzi, Nametala Maia 12 December 2017 (has links)
Neste estudo foram avaliados os efeitos de restrições biomecânicas e de carga sobre a adaptação de respostas posturais automáticas (RPAs) a perturbações externas não-antecipadas. No Experimento 1 o objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do ângulo de orientação dos pés em RPAs causadas por perturbações de diferentes magnitudes. A perturbação foi gerada a partir da liberação inesperada de carga presa ao tronco do participante, levando à oscilação anterior do corpo. Foram avaliadas RPAs para cargas correspondendo a 5% e 10% do peso corporal do participante, comparando as seguintes orientações dos pés: paralelos, preferida (M = 10,46°), 15° e 30° para cada pé a partir da linha média do corpo. Os resultados mostraram que a perturbação com a carga 10% levou a maiores deslocamentos do centro de pressão e rotação das articulações, além de respostas musculares mais fortes e mais rápidas. Os pés orientados em 30° levaram ao maior deslocamento do centro de pressão em comparação com as outras angulações. A perturbação com a carga 5% levou a respostas similares para ambas as articulações, enquanto que com a carga 10% a amplitude de rotação das articulações foi maior com pés orientados em 30°. No Experimento 2, os objetivos foram avaliar o efeito de tentativas prévias com carga distinta, e a adaptação das respostas posturais em tentativas repetidas com mesma carga, em RPAs a uma perturbação não-antecipada. Foram empregadas três cargas para perturbação: 6%, 8% e 10% do peso corporal do participante. Este experimento foi realizado por meio da comparação de dois grupos: sequência alta-baixa, para o qual a ordem de aplicação das cargas se dava de forma decrescente; e sequência baixa-alta, para o qual a ordem de aplicação das cargas se dava de forma crescente. Os resultados mostraram que as respostas posturais foram graduadas de acordo com a magnitude da carga. O efeito de sequência de cargas foi observado na maior amplitude de deslocamento do centro de pressão para o grupo decrescente em relação ao crescente. A análise do centro de massa indicou adaptação intertentativas, com redução progressiva da amplitude de deslocamento entre a primeira e a última tentativa na carga de 10%. Esses resultados sugerem que respostas posturais reativas são produzidas levando em consideração não apenas feedback sensorial, mas também respostas posturais precedentes. Em uma análise global, os resultados deste estudo revelam a sensibilidade do sistema de controle postural a fatores contextuais, incluindo restrições biomecânicas e respostas a perturbações prévias, na geração de respostas posturais automáticas a uma perturbação da estabilidade do equilíbrio corporal / In this study we evaluated the effects of biomechanical constraints and load on the adaptation of automatic postural responses (APRs) to external perturbations of different magnitudes. The objective of Experiment 1 was to evaluate the effect of feet orientation angle in APRs caused by perturbations of different magnitudes. The perturbation was generated through unexpected load release attached to the participant\'s trunk, leading to forward body sway. APRs were evaluated for loads corresponding to 5% and 10% of participant\'s body weight, comparing the following feet orientations: parallel, preferred (M = 10.46°), 15° and 30° for each foot regarding the body midline. Results showed that APRs were sensitive to perturbation magnitude, with 10% load leading to higher center of pressure displacement and amplitude of leg joints rotation, in addition to stronger and faster muscle responses. Feet oriented at 30° led to higher center of pressure displacement compared to other angles. The 5% load led to similar responses for both the hip and ankle joints in the different orientations, while for the 10% load amplitude of legs joints rotation was higher for the feet oriented at 30° in comparison with the other orientation angles. In Experiment 2, we evaluate the effects of previous responses to a different perturbation load, and adaptation to the same load over repeated perturbations, on APRs to unanticipated perturbations. Three perturbation loads were employed: 6%, 8% and 10% of participant\'s body weight. The experiment was performed by comparing two groups: high-low sequence, with decreasing sequence of loads; and low-high sequence, with increasing sequence of loads. Results showed that postural responses were scaled according to load magnitude. The decreasing loads sequence led to higher amplitudes of center of pressure displacement in comparison to the increasing sequence. Analysis of center of mass indicated intertrials adaptation, with progressive reduction of amplitude displacement between the first and last trial in the 10% load. These results suggest that reactive postural responses are produced taking into consideration not only sensory feedback but also previous postural responses. Overall, results from this study reveal the sensitivity of the postural control system to contextual factors, including biomechanical constraints and responses to previous perturbations, in the generation of automatic postural responses to an unanticipated perturbation of balance stability.

Feasibility of a Low-Cost, Interactive Gaming System to Assess Balance in Older Women

Hall, Courtney D., Clevenger, Carolyn K., Wolf, Rachel A., Lin, James S., Johnson, Theodore M., Wolf, Steven L. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The use of low-cost interactive game technology for balance rehabilitation has become more popular recently, with generally good outcomes. Very little research has been undertaken to determine whether this technology is appropriate for balance assessment. The Wii balance board has good reliability and is comparable to a research-grade force plate; however, recent studies examining the relationship between Wii Fit games and measures of balance and mobility demonstrate conflicting findings. This study found that the Wii Fit was feasible for community-dwelling older women to safely use the balance board and quickly learn the Wii Fit games. The Ski Slalom game scores were strongly correlated with several balance and mobility measures, whereas Table Tilt game scores were not. Based on these findings, the Ski Slalom game may have utility in the evaluation of balance problems in community-dwelling older adults.

Effective Physical Therapy Methods For Improving Postural Control In Children Diagnosed With Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review.

Barka, Anna January 2019 (has links)
AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate which physical therapy methods are most effective for improving the postural control in children and adolescents diagnosed with CP, in order to provide to physical therapists with new evidence on the topic for integrating them in theirs intervention plans. METHOD: A systematic literature review was conducted in order to collect all the relevant information according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Five databases (PubMed, ProQuest, CINAHL, Web of science and Scopus) were used to identify relevant studies to include in this review. Keywords included “physical therapy”, “postural control”, “cerebral palsy” and their synonyms. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were settled according to the research question. RESULTS: Following the exclusion and inclusion criteria and after the quality assessment of the yielded data 11 articles were included in this review out of 97 of the initial search. PT interventions that were identified in the review included aquatic physical therapy, electrical stimulation therapy, intensive upper- and lower-extremity training (HABIT-ILE), virtual reality therapy and reactive balance exercise and standard PT combined with other methods such as backward walking training, Whole Body Vibration (WBV) training and antigravity treadmill training. CONCLUSION: In order to achieve improvements in postural control that are maintained over a period of time, children with cerebral palsy need to have PT included in their everyday routine and to have consistency in their sessions. All the PT interventions showed some positive effects on PC but, as Cerebral Palsy has many classifications and the effects of it varies for each child the PT method needs to be adjusted  to meet each child´s individual characteristics and disability and also to their environmental needs.

The Motor Control Consequences of Physical Therapist Support for Individuals with Chronic Stroke

Schwab, Sarah 22 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

En träningsstudie om barn och balans : effekter av Tai Chi liknande rörelser på flickors och pojkars balans / An intervention study of postural control in children : effects of Tai Chi like exercises on postural control in girls and boys

Nilsson, Kerstin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syfte</p><p>Tidigare forskning har visat att Tai Chi träning förbättrar balansen hos äldre. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om barns balans påverkades av träning som utfördes i ett långsamt tempo liknande Tai Chi träning.</p><p>Studien syftade också till att utreda om det förelåg någon skillnad i balans mellan pojkar och flickor och om något av könen tog till sig träningen bättre. Studien syftade även till att undersöka hur balansen påverkades då barnen utförde olika kognitiva uppgifter.</p><p>Metod</p><p>Studien fullföljdes av 41 barn i åldern 9-10 år. En interventionsgrupp, 19 barn tränade Tai Chi liknande rörelser dagligen under åtta veckor och denna jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp, 22 barn som inte fick denna träning.</p><p>Balansövningar utfördes på en kraftplatta samt på en metallprofil. Från övningarna på kraftplattan mättes standardavvikelse och amplitud av tryckcentrums mediolaterala och anterioposteriora förflyttning. Från övningarna på metallprofilen mättes antalet nedtramp.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Många parametrar mättes men endast en uppvisade en signifikant träningseffekt. Pojkarna minskade standardavvikelsen på tryckcentrums mediolaterala förflyttning vid stående med öppna ögon.</p><p>Studien uppmätte vissa skillnader i balans mellan pojkar och flickor.</p><p>Mätningar av tryckcentrums förflyttning då barnen utförde olika uppgifter uppmätte en signifikant skillnad vid stående med öppna ögon jämfört med stående då ögonen var stängda (med eller utan utförande av en samtida kognitiv uppgift).</p><p>Övningarna på metallskenan förbättrades lika mycket i tränings- som kontrollgrupp.</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Studien ger indikationer att träningsformen i viss utsträckning var effektiv då daglig träning under åtta veckor gav signifikant förbättring i en av de testade parametrarna.</p><p>Dessa fynd är i linje med de fåtal studier som finns på träning av balans hos barn.</p><p> </p> / <p>Aim.</p><p>Previous studies have shown that Tai Chi exercises improve postural control in elderly people. The primary aim of this study was to investigate if similar Thai Chi like training affects postural control in children. Secondary aims of the study was 1) to investigate if any such effects from training differs between boys and girls and 2) to investigate whether performing a cognitive task during balance testing had any effect on postural control in these children.</p><p>Method.</p><p>In the balance tests, different tasks were performed on a force plate and on a metal profile. From the tasks performed on the force plate, the standard deviations and amplitudes of the mediolateral and anterioposterior displacements of center of pressure were measured. From the tasks performed on the metal profile, the number of clampdowns were counted.</p><p>The study was conducted over an eight week period with 41 children in the ages 9-10 years old. The children were divided into two groups; children in the training group (n=19) who participated in Tai Chi like training every day, and children in the control group (n=22) who did not participate in this training.</p><p>Results.</p><p>The study also showed some differences in postural control between boys and girls.</p><p>When comparing the displacement in center of pressure between different two-legged tasks performed on the force plate, significantly less displacement was found in the task involving standing with open eyes compared to all tasks involving standing with closed eyes (with or without a concurrent cognitive task).</p><p>The number of clampdowns from the metal profile were reduced after the training period, to a similar extent in the control and the training groups.</p><p>Several different aspects of the postural control were measured in the study. Only one of these improved significantly with training. Boys in the intervention group showed a decrease in the standard deviation of the mediolateral displacement of the center of pressure when standing with open eyes.</p><p>Conclusion.</p><p>These results are also consistent with similar studies on postural control among children.</p><p>This study indicates that slow motion training, similar to Tai Chi, has a small but positive effect on postural control, for boys 9-10 year old, when conducted every day over an eight week period, as one of the tested parameters shows an improvement.</p><p> </p>

Movement Control after Stroke : Studies on Sit-to-walk and on the Relations between Clinical and Laboratory Measures

Elmgren Frykberg, Gunilla January 2010 (has links)
Aims: The principal aims of this research were 1) to extend existing knowledge of the everyday sit-to-walk (STW) transfer in subjects with stroke and in matched controls by exploring temporal, kinematic, and kinetic aspects, and 2) to investigate the relations between some clinical and laboratory measures of postural control and locomotion in stroke rehabilitation and research. Methods: Ten community-living subjects with stroke (mean age 59 years) and ten matched controls were enrolled in the STW studies (Studies I, II, and IV). In the study regarding relations between clinical and laboratory measures the same samples (part of Study II) and also 20 outpatient subjects with stroke (mean age 50 years) participated (Study III). Data collections were performed in laboratory environments with clinical assessment instruments, video cameras, force plates and a movement analysis system. Results: 1) Study I: A temporal aspect of STW was studied. Four phases were defined. The subjects with stroke used significantly more time during the 2nd STW phase, defined from seat-off to the loading peak of the 1st swing leg. Study II: A movement aspect of STW was investigated. The stroke subjects generated significantly less centre of mass momenta in horizontal and vertical directions, and the momenta peaks occurred significantly earlier than in the controls. Study IV: A force aspect of STW was explored. The subjects with stroke generated significantly larger propulsive impulse beneath the (non-paretic) stance buttock and significantly more braking impulses were exerted by both buttocks and particularly by the stance foot. 2) Part of Study II: A strong correlation was found between the clinical measure Fluidity Scale and the laboratory measure Fluidity Index. Study III: Moderate correlations were shown between Berg Balance Scale, ratings of weight distribution during quiet stance, and force measures. Conclusions: The findings of the STW studies show a changed force interaction between the lower extremities post-stroke, likely influencing movement patterns and temporal characteristics of the everyday transfer. The results are considered to reflect compensatory motor strategies. The results of the studies on relations between some clinical and laboratory measures indicate that the strength of the relation is multidimensional.

En träningsstudie om barn och balans : effekter av Tai Chi liknande rörelser på flickors och pojkars balans / An intervention study of postural control in children : effects of Tai Chi like exercises on postural control in girls and boys

Nilsson, Kerstin January 2009 (has links)
Syfte Tidigare forskning har visat att Tai Chi träning förbättrar balansen hos äldre. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om barns balans påverkades av träning som utfördes i ett långsamt tempo liknande Tai Chi träning. Studien syftade också till att utreda om det förelåg någon skillnad i balans mellan pojkar och flickor och om något av könen tog till sig träningen bättre. Studien syftade även till att undersöka hur balansen påverkades då barnen utförde olika kognitiva uppgifter. Metod Studien fullföljdes av 41 barn i åldern 9-10 år. En interventionsgrupp, 19 barn tränade Tai Chi liknande rörelser dagligen under åtta veckor och denna jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp, 22 barn som inte fick denna träning. Balansövningar utfördes på en kraftplatta samt på en metallprofil. Från övningarna på kraftplattan mättes standardavvikelse och amplitud av tryckcentrums mediolaterala och anterioposteriora förflyttning. Från övningarna på metallprofilen mättes antalet nedtramp. Resultat Många parametrar mättes men endast en uppvisade en signifikant träningseffekt. Pojkarna minskade standardavvikelsen på tryckcentrums mediolaterala förflyttning vid stående med öppna ögon. Studien uppmätte vissa skillnader i balans mellan pojkar och flickor. Mätningar av tryckcentrums förflyttning då barnen utförde olika uppgifter uppmätte en signifikant skillnad vid stående med öppna ögon jämfört med stående då ögonen var stängda (med eller utan utförande av en samtida kognitiv uppgift). Övningarna på metallskenan förbättrades lika mycket i tränings- som kontrollgrupp. Slutsats Studien ger indikationer att träningsformen i viss utsträckning var effektiv då daglig träning under åtta veckor gav signifikant förbättring i en av de testade parametrarna. Dessa fynd är i linje med de fåtal studier som finns på träning av balans hos barn. / Aim. Previous studies have shown that Tai Chi exercises improve postural control in elderly people. The primary aim of this study was to investigate if similar Thai Chi like training affects postural control in children. Secondary aims of the study was 1) to investigate if any such effects from training differs between boys and girls and 2) to investigate whether performing a cognitive task during balance testing had any effect on postural control in these children. Method. In the balance tests, different tasks were performed on a force plate and on a metal profile. From the tasks performed on the force plate, the standard deviations and amplitudes of the mediolateral and anterioposterior displacements of center of pressure were measured. From the tasks performed on the metal profile, the number of clampdowns were counted. The study was conducted over an eight week period with 41 children in the ages 9-10 years old. The children were divided into two groups; children in the training group (n=19) who participated in Tai Chi like training every day, and children in the control group (n=22) who did not participate in this training. Results. The study also showed some differences in postural control between boys and girls. When comparing the displacement in center of pressure between different two-legged tasks performed on the force plate, significantly less displacement was found in the task involving standing with open eyes compared to all tasks involving standing with closed eyes (with or without a concurrent cognitive task). The number of clampdowns from the metal profile were reduced after the training period, to a similar extent in the control and the training groups. Several different aspects of the postural control were measured in the study. Only one of these improved significantly with training. Boys in the intervention group showed a decrease in the standard deviation of the mediolateral displacement of the center of pressure when standing with open eyes. Conclusion. These results are also consistent with similar studies on postural control among children. This study indicates that slow motion training, similar to Tai Chi, has a small but positive effect on postural control, for boys 9-10 year old, when conducted every day over an eight week period, as one of the tested parameters shows an improvement.

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