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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of exergaming versus mirror matched gym based exercise with no virtual stimuli on technology acceptance, flow and postural control in a healthy young subject population

Barry, Gillian January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigated the effect of exergaming versus mirror matched gym based exercise with no virtual stimuli on technology acceptance, flow and postural control in healthy young adults. Firstly a review of literature was performed analysing the effects of technology acceptance and flow on exergaming, and the effects of exergaming on postural control. Results showed the plausible nature of exergaming as an immersive environment and the potential to improve postural control. However, some major gaps in the literatures were identified. Technology acceptance had never been applied in exergaming and flow had only partly been applied to exergaming in limited studies. Additionally the effects of exergaming on postural control had shown some potential benefits, however no study had truly analysed the effects of exergaming on postural control by analysing mirror matched exercise with no virtual stimulus. The purpose of this thesis was to address these important areas of research and contribute novel evidence to the field. In two separate studies, 38 non active and 50 active young healthy adults took part in either exergaming based training or mirror matched gym based exercise with no virtual stimuli. Technology acceptance (behavioural intention), flow and postural control were measured at pre and post exercise intervention. Technology acceptance results showed that performance expectancy was significantly higher in the exergaming group in both studies, as well as being a significant predictor of behavioural intention at both pre and post exercise testing. In the second study, only, performance expectancy, social influences, and behavioural intention where statistically significantly higher for the exergaming group compared to the mirror matched gym based exercise with no virtual stimuli on technology acceptance, highlighting greater levels of acceptance into the exercise environment. Flow results showed greater levels immersion in the exergaming groups, especially in terms of clear goals, unambiguous feedback, action awareness merging, transformation of time and loss of self- consciousness. The effects of exergaming on postural control showed significant improvements in anterior- posterior standard deviation and range for the exergaming group in study one, and improvements in medio-lateral range in study two. Study two also showed significant improvement over time (pre-post exercise) for medio-lateral SD, range and centre of pressure. Evidence from both studies suggests that exergaming may offer an immersive environment for exercise which has a positive effect on behavioural intention to keep using the exergaming system in the future. With regards to postural control evidence from both studies suggest that exergaming may offer a new method of exercise to improve static postural control.

Inlärningseffekten på Limits of Stability på Transtibialt Amputerade Protesbrukare / The Learning Effect of Limits of Stability Concerning Transtibially Amputated Prosthetic Users

Rudholmer, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns någon inlärningseffekt på testet Limits of Stability (LoS) för transtibialt amputerade protesbrukare och en kontrollgrupp. Sju transtibialt amputerade protesbrukare och en kontrollgrupp bestående av sju friska vuxna män upprepade testet LoS  fem gånger under fyra testtillfällen. Två kraftplattor och 69 reflexmarkörer användes för att samla in data. Testpersonerna placerades med en fot på varje kraftplatta och blev instruerade att förflytta sin center of pressure genom att luta kroppen från anklarna mot åtta mål som visades på en skärm tillsammans med deras center of pressure. Ordningen på målen var slumpvist utvalda. Datan analyserades med Friedmans test, eftersom den inte var normalfördelad, för att se om det fanns någon skillnad i resultatet mellan upprepningarna av testet och resultatet mellan testtillfällena. Det fanns några signifikanta skillnader mellan upprepningarna och mellan testtillfällena som tyder på att det finns en inlärningseffekt efter första upprepningen och första testtillfället, men resultatet var inte tillräckligt entydigt för att kunna dra några konkreta slutsatser. Vidare studier rekommenderas. / The aim of the study is to examine the learning effect of Limits of Stability (LoS) test concerning transtibially amputated prosthetic users and a healthy control group. Seven transtibially amputated prosthetic users and a control group of seven healthy males repeated the LoS test five times during four sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon in two consecutive days. Two forceplates and 69 reflex markers were used to collect the data. The test subjects were placed with on the foot on each forceplate and were instructed to move their center of pressure by leaning the body from the ankles towards eight targets presented on a screen along with their center of pressure. The targets were selected in random order. The data was analyzed with Friedmans test, since the data wasn’t normally distributed, to see if there was any discrepancy between the repetitions and between the sessions. There were some significant discrepancies between repetitions and between sessions mainly involving the first repetition and the first session. However the results weren’t distinct enough to draw any concrete conclusions. Further studies are recommended.

A distributive approach to tactile sensing for application to human movement

Mikov, Nikolay January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates on clinical applicability of a novel sensing technology in the areas of postural steadiness and stroke assessment. The mechanically simple Distributive Tactile Sensing approach is applied to extract motion information from flexible surfaces to identify parameters and disorders of human movement in real time. The thesis reports on the design, implementation and testing of smart platform devices which are developed for discrimination applications through the use of linear and non-linear data interpretation techniques and neural networks for pattern recognition. In the thesis mathematical models of elastic plates, based on finite element and finite difference methods, are developed and described. The models are used to identify constructive parameters of sensing devices by investigating sensitivity and accuracy of Distributive Tactile Sensing surfaces. Two experimental devices have been constructed for the investigation. These are a sensing floor platform for standing applications and a sensing chair for sitting applications. Using a linear approach, the sensing floor platform is developed to detect centre of pressure, an important parameter widely used in the assessment of postural steadiness. It is demonstrated that the locus of centre of pressure can be determined with an average deviation of 1.05mm from that of a commercialised force platform in a balance application test conducted with five healthy volunteers. This amounts to 0.4% of the sensor range. The sensing chair used neural networks for pattern recognition, to identify the level of motor impairment in people with stroke through performing functional reaching task while sitting. The clinical studies with six real stroke survivors have shown the robustness of the sensing technique to deal with a range of possible motion in the reaching task investigated. The work of this thesis demonstrates that the novel Distributive Tactile Sensing approach is suited to clinical and home applications as screening and rehabilitation systems. Mechanical simplicity is a merit of the approach and has potential to lead to versatile low-cost units.

Obésité et troubles du contrôle postural rôles de certaines contraintes morphologiques et sensori-motrices / Obesity and postural control disorders, roles of some morphological and sensorimotor constraints.

Mignardot, Jean-Baptiste 30 September 2011 (has links)
ALK1 est un récepteur de la famille du TGF-β, principalement exprimé dans les cellules endothéliales. Le ligand physiologique et circulant d'ALK1, BMP9, a été découvert par notre laboratoire en 2007, ce qui a ouvert des possibilités d'étude de la fonction d'ALK1. La première partie de ma thèse a été consacrée à l'analyse fonctionnelle de mutants d'ALK1, retrouvés sur des patients atteints de la maladie de Rendu-Osler de type 2, en réponse à BMP9. Cette étude a permis de : 1) proposer l'haploinsuffisance fonctionnelle comme modèle de la maladie ; 2) développer un test diagnostique pour discriminer les mutations pathogènes des polymorphismes rares, basé sur leur réponse à BMP9 ; 3) d'avoir une meilleure connaissance des acides aminés d'ALK1 importants dans la réponse à BMP9. Un second travail a consisté en la production de la forme mature de BMP9 et du domaine extracellulaire d'ALK1 en vue de l'étude de la structure cristallographique du complexe. L'expression des protéines et leur purification sont en phase d'optimisation. Enfin, un troisième projet consistait en l'analyse du rôle de BMP9 dans l'angiogenèse in vivo. La neutralisation de BMP9 par deux stratégies distinctes induit une augmentation de la densité vasculaire dans la rétine de la souris. Le mécanisme est en cours d'investigation. / ALK1 is a TGF-β family receptor, mainly expressed on endothelial cells. The physiologic and circulating ligand of ALK1, BMP9, was discovered by our laboratory in 2007, which opened opportunities for studying the function of ALK1. The first part of my thesis was on the functional analysis of ALK1 mutants from HHT-2 patients in response to BMP9. This study allowed us to: 1) propose functional haploinsufficiency as a model for HHT-2; 2) develop a diagnostic tool to discriminate pathogenic mutations from rare polymorphisms, based on their BMP9 response; 3) increase our knowledge of important amino acids in ALK1 for the BMP9 response. A second work was on the production of the mature form of BMP9 and of the extracellular domain of ALK1 in order to study the crystallographic structure of the complex. The expression of these proteins and their purification are in optimization phase. Lastly, a third project was on the analysis of the role of BMP9 in angiogenesis in vivo. Neutralization of BMP9 using two strategies induces an increase of the vascular density of the retina in mouse. Mechanism of action is under investigation.

A contribuição do sistema âncora em diferentes pontos de contato corporal sobre o controle da postura em idosos / The contribution of the anchor system on different body contact points in the postural control of older adults

Silva, Jair Araujo Lopes da 28 April 2016 (has links)
O aumento no número de idosos nos últimos anos trouxe impactos sociais e econômicos. O processo de envelhecimento e/ou patologias específicas trazem consigo perdas progressivas sensoriais, motoras e de processamento central que estão relacionadas com o aumento das quedas com o avanço da idade. Estas perdas predispõem o idoso a sofrer com limitações físicas de mobilidade, medo de cair ou mesmo sofrer com quedas. Este quadro evoca a necessidade de atenção especial à qualidade de vida dos idosos, com novas intervenções e programas de reabilitação física. Dentre essas novas abordagens para melhorar o funcionamento do controle postural, temos a adição de informação háptica que contribui para reduzir a oscilação corporal durante a manutenção da postura ereta. Uma das formas de adicionar informação háptica ao sistema de controle postural é pelo sistema âncora. Este é uma ferramenta não rígida que consiste de dois cabos maleáveis com 125g de massa repousando no solo e com a outra extremidade segura pelas mãos (âncora tradicional). Considerando que o toque leve em diferentes partes do corpo reduz a oscilação corporal, é possível, da mesma forma, que o uso do sistema âncora em diferentes partes do corpo seja efetivo. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso do sistema âncora em diferentes pontos de contato (antebraço e ombro) sobre a oscilação corporal de idosos durante a manutenção da postura ereta Trinta idosos participaram do presente estudo. Eles permaneceram na postura ereta com os pés na posição semi tandem sobre uma plataforma de força para a obtenção do deslocamento do centro de pressão (CP). Cinco condições experimentais foram realizadas: sem âncora, âncora tradicional, âncoras nas mãos fixadas com presilhas, âncoras nos antebraços fixadas com presilhas e âncoras nos ombros fixadas com presilhas. Baseada nos dados fornecidos pelo deslocamento do CP foram calculadas as variáveis: área da elipse, amplitude média de oscilação e velocidade média de oscilação. Os resultados mostraram uma redução da área da elipse e da amplitude média de oscilação na direção anteroposterior nas condições com as âncoras posicionadas nas mãos (tradicional e presilha) e antebraços em comparação a condição sem âncora. Os resultados apontaram ainda uma redução da velocidade média de oscilação na direção anteroposterior na condição de âncoras nos antebraços em comparação a condição sem âncora. Na direção mediolateral, a velocidade média de oscilação reduziu nas condições de âncora fixada nas mãos e antebraços em comparação a condição sem âncora. O uso do sistema âncora na região dos ombros não trouxe redução da oscilação corporal. Em conclusão, o sistema âncora reduziu a oscilação corporal quando o sistema âncora foi posicionado nos antebraços da mesma forma que quando foi fixado/seguro nas mãos. A melhora observada com o uso das âncoras parece não estar relacionada com a quantidade de receptores táteis no ponto de contato dos cabos das âncoras / The increase in the number of older adults in recent years has brought social and economic impacts. The process of aging and/or specific diseases carries progressive sensory, motor and central processing losses that are related to the increased rate of falls with increasing age. These losses predispose the elderly to suffer from physical mobility limitations, fear of falling or even falls. This scenario evokes the need for special attention to the quality of life for older adults, with new interventions and physical rehabilitation programs. Among these new approaches to improve the functioning of the postural control system, we have the addition of haptic information which helps to reduce body sway during maintenance of upright posture. One way to add haptic information to the postural control system is the anchor system. It consists of a non-rigid tool with two flexible cables with 125g mass resting on the ground and with the other end secured by the hands (traditional anchor). Since light touch in different body regions reduces body sway, it is possible, likewise, that the use of the anchor system in different parts of the body to be effective in reducing body sway. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of using the anchor system in different points of contact (forearm and shoulder) on body sway of older adults during maintenance of upright posture Thirty older adults participated in this study. They stood upright on a force plate to obtain center of pressure displacement (CoP) with their feet in the semi tandem position. Five experimental conditions were carried out: no anchor, traditional anchor, anchors on the hands secured with clasps, anchors on the forearms secured with clasps and anchors on shoulders secured with clasps. Based on data provided by the CP displacement, the following variables were calculated: ellipse area, mean sway amplitude and mean sway velocity. The results showed a reduction in the area of the ellipse and in the mean sway amplitude (anteriorposterior direction) for conditions with anchors hold on the hands and forearms compared to the no anchor condition. The results also indicated a reduction in the mean sway velocity (anterior-posterior direction) with the anchors on the forearms compared to the no anchor condition. For the medial-lateral direction, the mean sway velocity reduced with the anchor on the hands and forearms compared to the no anchor condition. The use of the anchor system in the shoulder region did not reduce body sway. In conclusion, the use of the anchor system reduced body sway when it was placed on the forearms in the same way as when placed/secured on the hands. The improvement observed with the use of anchors does not seem to be related to the amount of tactile receptors in the point of contact of the anchor cables

Aprendizagem de uma tarefa de demanda de controle postural em ambiente virtual em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson / Learning of a task of demand postural control in virtual environment in Parkinson´s disease individuals

Freitas, Tatiana Beline de 17 August 2017 (has links)
O déficit de controle postural é impactante em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson (DP), nesse sentido, a aprendizagem de tarefas que o envolvam é fundamental para esses indivíduos. Recentemente, estudos têm mostrado que indivíduos com DP são capazes de aprender tarefas com demanda de controle postural, no entanto, o intervalo de retenção destes estudos é muito curto considerando-se uma doença neurodegenerativa. Outra questão que se coloca é, em aprendendo tarefas de demanda de controle postural, poderia haver diminuição da instabilidade postural, porém ainda não existem evidências concretas para responder esse questionamento. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a aprendizagem de tarefas que envolvam demanda de controle postural em ambiente de realidade virtual em indivíduos com DP quando comparados com idosos saudáveis em curto e longo prazo, além de verificar seu impacto na cognição e no controle postural dos mesmos. A amostra foi composta por 28 sujeitos, sendo 14, com DP idiopática no grupo experimental (GE) [64.28±6.35 anos; escala de Hoehn e Yahr modificada = 14.28% dos sujeitos 1; 14.28%, 1.5; 7.14%, 2; 21.42%, 2.5; 42.85%, 3; Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) = 22.42±3.41; e Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (MiniBEStest) = 20.78±6.54]. Foram incluídos também 14 idosos saudáveis no grupo controle (GC) [69.71±5.91 anos; MoCA = 23.64±3.17; e MiniBESTest = 27.35±2.67]. Foram realizadas 13 sessões com duração de uma hora, 2x/semana por sete semanas, no período on da medicação para a reposição dopaminérgica, sendo a primeira considerada pré-teste e a última, pós-teste. A prática consistiu em jogar quatro jogos do sistema Kinect, 5 tentativas por jogo. Foram realizados dois testes de retenção, sendo o primeiro após uma semana e o segundo após um mês. A avaliação da cognição, através da MoCA, e do controle postural, através do MiniBESTest, foi realizada antes, imediatamente após e um mês após a fase de aquisição. Indivíduos com DP foram capazes de aprender tarefas com demanda de controle postural, havendo retenção a curto e longo prazo, apesar do desempenho apresentar-se inferior aos idosos neurologicamente saudáveis. Além disso, aprender as tarefas propostas levou a melhora da cognição, especificamente na memória e nos aspectos reativos do controle postural de idosos e indivíduos com DP, além da melhora da estabilidade de marcha somente dos idosos / Postural control deficits are striking in individuals with Parkinson\'s disease (PD), making the learning of postural control tasks crucial for these individuals. Recent studies have shown that PD patients are able to learn tasks with postural control demand; however, the retention interval found in these studies was quite short due to the nature of this neurodegenerative disease. Hence, in the learning process of high demand postural control tasks, is there a decrease in PD patients\' postural instability? Concrete data are needed to answer this question. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the learning of tasks involving a high demand for postural control in a virtual reality environment in individuals with PD when compared to healthy elderly. The learning process was investigated through both short- and long-term retention. The secondary purpose was to verify the learning process\'s impact on both cognition and postural control. The sample included 28 participants: 14 with idiopathic PD in the Experimental Group (EG) [64.28±6.35 years; Hoehn e Yahr modified scale = 14.28% 1; 14.28%, 1.5; 7.14%, 2; 21.42%, 2.5; 42.85%, 3; Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) = 22.42±3.41; and Mini Balance Evaluation Systems Test (MiniBEStest) = 20.78±6.54] and fourteen healthy elderly in the Control Group (CG) [69.71±5.91 years; MoCA = 23.64±3.17; e MiniBESTest = 27.35±2.67]. Thirteen one-hour sessions were performed two x/week for seven weeks, which was the on-medication period for dopaminergic replacement. The first session was considered as the pre-test, and the last session was considered as the post-test. The practice consisted of playing four Kinect system games, with five trials per game. Two retention tests were performed, with the first occurring after one week and the second occurring one month after the end of the acquisition phase. The assessment of cognition through MoCA and postural control through MiniBESTest were performed before, immediately after and one month after the acquisition phase. Individuals with PD learned tasks with a high demand for postural control and had both short- and long-term retention, despite their inferior performance compared to the neurologically healthy elderly. In addition, learning the proposed tasks led to an improvement in cognition, specifically in memory, and in the reactive aspects of postural control in the elderly and individuals with PD, as well as gait stability only in the elderly

Organização central na geração de ajustes posturais reativos em idosos / Central organization in the generation of reactive postural adjustments in the elderly

Silva, Marina Brito 25 September 2013 (has links)
Estudos prévios têm mostrado que a resposta postural automática pode ser influenciada por processamentos corticais associados com aprendizagem, experiência prévia e dica prévia. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre como as respostas posturais de idosos são moduladas através de diferentes informações contextuais. O presente estudo objetivou investigar como a combinação de diferentes informações de contexto, dadas por experiência com tentativas prévias e dicas sobre aspectos temporais e espaciais de uma perturbação iminente, modulam respostas reativas em indivíduos idosos em comparação a adultos jovens. A tarefa consistiu em manter a postura ereta em resposta à rotação da base de suporte nos sentidos de dorsi ou plantiflexão do tornozelo, com amplitude e velocidade fixas. No Experimento 1 adultos jovens e idosos foram submetidos a quatro condições experimentais, resultantes da combinação de dica por indicação visual do sentido de rotação e de sequência de rotações, as quais eram feitas de forma aleatória ou repetitiva. No Experimento 2 foram oferecidas dicas sobre direção e/ou tempo de rotação da plataforma. Os resultados indicaram séries de tentativas com mesma direção de rotação induziram menor oscilação do centro de pressão e menor ativação muscular, enquanto que séries aleatórias induziram menor latência de ativação muscular. Dica temporal induziu latências mais curtas de ativação muscular, e dica sobre direção de perturbação induziu respostas musculares de menor magnitude (efeito observado apenas no Experimento 1). Não foi observado efeito diferencial de dicas entre os grupos etários. Os resultados sugerem que informações contextuais modulam respostas posturais reativas, e que o controle postural em indivíduos idosos é beneficiado por informações contextuais de forma similar a adultos jovens / Previous studies have shown that automatic postural responses can be influenced by cortical processing associated with learning, prior experience, and precue. However, scarce behavioral evidence has been provided about how postural responses are modulated by different contextual information in the elderly. The present investigation aimed at evaluating how different contextual information through prior experience and precueing about direction and/or time of basis of support rotation modulate reactive postural responses of elderly. The task consisted of recovering stable upright body balance in response to rotation of the support basis, inducing dorsi or plantar flexion with fixed amplitude and velocity. In Experiment 1 young and elderly people performed four experimental conditions resulting from combination of visual precue about direction of rotation and prior experience through repetitive or random sequences of trials. In Experiment 2 participants were provided with precueing about direction and/or time of platform rotation. Results showed that series of trials with the same direction of rotation induced decreased center of pressure oscillation and muscular activation, whereas random series induced shorter latencies of muscular activation. Precueing about time of platform rotation induced shorter latencies of muscular activation, and precueing about direction of rotation induced decreased muscular activation (effect observed in Experiment 1 only). No differential effect of precueing was observed between age groups. Results suggest that contextual information modulates reactive postural responses, and that elderlys reactive postural responses are benefited by contextual cues in a similar way as young adults responses

Influência da orientação espacial e do controle postural na locomoção de idosos / The influence of spatial orientation and postural control during elderly locomotion

Cosme, Renata Garrido 17 December 2009 (has links)
No andar, o risco de quedas em idosos é maior. O objetivo é estudar o risco de quedas na locomoção sem visão e a relação entre orientação espacial, veering e controle postural. Participaram 27 adultos (25,2±4,5 anos, 1,68±0,10m, 63,8±10,3kg); 27 idosos AF (72,1±4,3 anos, 1,60±0,09m, 68,5±13kg); 12 idosos RQ (72,3±6 anos, 1,57±0,08m, 67,4±10,9kg). Eles caminharam 15m sem visão com um acelerômetro fixo entre L1 e L2. Variáveis: grupo; variabilidade do desvio; erro absoluto e variável; DFA; Tc; HST; DLT. O idoso RQ teve maior variabilidade do desvio (F(2,63)=4,6, p=0,01), erro absoluto (F(2,63)=16,64, p<0,0001) e variável (F(2,63)=4,5, p=0,01). Grupo (F(2,652)=48,9, p<0,0001) e direção (F(1,652)=444,5, p<0,0001) afetaram o DFA, e foi maior nos idosos e em AP (p<0,0001). O grupo (F(2,652)=29,3, p<0,0001) e direção (F(1,652)=605, p<0,0001) afetaram o HST, no idoso RQ e na ML (p<0,0001). O grupo (F(2,652)=30,8, p<0,0001) e direção (F(1,652)=178, p<0,0001) afetaram HLT,que foi maior nos idosos e em ML (p<0,0001). A forma como o indivíduo caminha nas direções ML e AP são diferentes. O controle da oscilação é anti-persistente na direção ML e persistente na AP. Os idosos dependem mais da visão na estabilização ML na locomoção. Os idosos RQ apresentam maior veering, os idosos AF e adultos têm veering semelhante. A AF pode retardar o envelhecimento quanto à estabilidade dinâmica e à memória espacial durante a locomoção sem visão, diminuindo o risco de quedas / For elderly, the risk to fall increases during walking. The aim of this project is to study the risk to fall in elderly during gait without vision and its relation to spatial orientation, veering and postural control. The subjects were 27 adults (25.2±4.5 years old, 1.68±0,10 m height, 63.8±10.3 kg weight); 27 elderly AF (72.1±4.3 years old, 1.60±0.09 m height, 68.5±13 kg weight); 12 elderly RQ (72.3±6 years old, 1.57±0.08m height, 67.4±10.9 kg weight). The subjects were instructed to walk straight ahead with their eyes closed for 15 m, with an accelerometer fixed between L1 and L2. The variables were: group; target variability; absolute and variable error; DFA; Tc; HST; DLT. The elderly RQ showed the highest target variability (F(2,63)=4.6, p=0.01), absolute (F(2,63)=16.6, p<0,0001) and variable error (F(2,63)=4.5, p=0.01). Group (F(2,652)=48.9, p<0.0001) and direction (F(1,652)=444, p<0.0001) affected DFA, AP and elderly showed the highest values (p<0.0001). Group (F(2,652)=29.3, p<0.0001) and direction (F(1,652)=605, p<0.0001) affected HST, elderly RQ and ML showed the highest values (p<0.0001). Group (F(2,652)=30.8, p<0.0001) and direction (F(1,652)=178, p<0.0001) affected HLT, all elderly and ML showed the highest values (p<0.0001). The direction affects gait control, it is anti-persistent for ML direction and persistent for AP direction. The lack of visual information affects more the elderly in ML direction. The elderly RQ showed larger veering; while the others were similar. Physical activity may slow down the aging process by affecting the dynamic stability and spatial memory during gait without vision, leading to reduce the risk of fall

Efeito de diferentes tipos de tarefa suprapostural em respostas posturais reativas a uma perturbação mecânica / Effect of different suprapostural tasks on reactive postural answers to a mechanical perturbation

Bourlinova, Catarina 16 September 2015 (has links)
Pouco se conhece ainda sobre as demandas atencionais necessárias para o equilíbrio em condições desafiantes, como em situação de postura perturbada. Respostas posturais podem ser influenciadas por tarefas supraposturais. Tarefas de estabilidade manual parecem induzir respostas posturais mais eficientes. Já as tarefas supraposturais cognitivas apresentam resultados incongruentes nos efeitos em tarefa postural perturbada. Este estudo procurou determinar os efeitos de realizar diferentes tipos de tarefa suprapostural nas respostas posturais reativas a uma perturbação mecânica. Vinte e cinco adultos jovens foram sujeitos a uma perturbação mecânica, com liberação de carga, imprevisível. Concomitantemente com essa tarefa postural, realizaram uma tarefa de estabilidade manual, que requeria segurar uma bandeja com cilindro, em uma de duas variantes: com superfície plana para baixo, ou com superfície redonda para baixo. Os participantes realizaram ainda uma tarefa cognitiva, de contagem decrescente de três em três. Essa tarefa foi desempenhada em conjunto com a tarefa dual descrita anteriormente e ainda de forma isolada. A realização da multitarefa prejudicou o desempenho na tarefa cognitiva e também na tarefa postural. Foi observado maior número de erros e maior tempo médio para responder à tarefa cognitiva. Na tarefa postural foram encontradas diferenças nas estratégias motoras quando foi solicitada a tarefa cognitiva: maiores amplitudes de flexão articular no quadril e ombro, maior deslocamento linear do tronco, maior velocidade do tronco e da bandeja bem como menor magnitude do gastrocnêmio. Nesta condição os participantes também demoraram mais para reverter a oscilação anterior e assim retornar a uma posição mais estável. Assim a integração entre as tarefas não foi bem sucedida, por interferência nos processos e/ou recursos atencionais necessários para realizar as tarefas. É possível que tenha ocorrido afastamento de recursos atencionais do processamento de inputs sensoriais associados ao controle postural. Tal afetaria o central set, produzindo uma influência imprecisa nas respostas posturais à perturbação. A tarefa manual produziu efeito positivo na tarefa postural. Observou-se que a condição de maior restrição da tarefa manual induziu uma resposta postural mais eficiente, com menor amplitude articular do ombro, quadril e tornozelo. Verificou-se ainda que as medidas referentes à mobilização do tronco: amplitude linear, velocidade e verticalidade, bem como a velocidade da bandeja, também foram menores. Este estudo indica que o central set é elaborado a partir de restrições funcionais impostas por tarefas supra-posturais e consegue exercer algum controle na tarefa postural, mesmo com um processamento paralelo para realizar uma tarefa cognitiva. A competição entre os processos e\\ou recursos para realizar as tarefas propostas no presente estudo afeta o equilíbrio, de forma negativa quando uma tarefa cognitiva está presente, e de forma positiva quando existe uma restrição funcional manual / Attentional demands on posture challenging conditions still present many questions. Postural answers can be influenced by suprapostural tasks. Motor tasks and, specifically, manual stability tasks induce more efficient postural answers. Cognitive suprapostural tasks present incongruent effects on perturbed posture. This study aimed to determine the effects of performing different suprapostural task types on reactive postural answers. Twenty five received a mechanical perturbation through unpedictable load liberation. Concurrently to this postural task, they performed a manual stability task, to hold a cylinder on a tray, with two variations: with the flat surface down or with the round surface down. Participants also performed a cognitive task, the n-back 3 task. This task was performed as a single task and concomitantly with the dual task. Performing multitask impaired cognitive and postural task performance. More errors and greater mean time to answer to the cognitive task were observed. At the postural task we found differences on motor strategies on the cognitive task condition: greater joint flexion at hip and shoulder, greater trunk linear displacement, greater trunk and tray velocity, as well as a reduction on gastrocnemius magnitude. At this condition we also found that the participants took longer to revert the anterior oscilation to return to a more stable position. Therefore the integration between tasks was successful, given the interference between the attentional processes and/or necessary resources to accomplish the tasks. It is possible that may have been withdrawal of attentional resources form the sensorial inputs processing associated with the postural control. That would affect central set, producing an inaccurate influence on postural answers to perturbation. Manual task produced positive effect on postural task. On the higher restriction condition it was found a more efficient postural answer, with less joint range on shoulder, hip and ankle. Additionally, the trunk variables: linear displacement, velocity and verticality, as well as tray velocity, also were inferior. This study indicates that central set is elaborated based on functional restrictions imposed by suprapostural tasks and it can influence postural task, even with a parallel processing in order to execute a concomitant cognitive task. Competition between processes and/or resources to accomplish the proposed tasks affects balance, with negative results when a cognitive task is present, and with positive results when there is a manual restriction

Avaliação da estabilidade lombo pélvica de pacientes lombálgicos / Assessment of pelvic stability loin back pain patients

Fernanda Gangella dos Santos 30 March 2012 (has links)
Estudos anteriores mostraram que indivíduos com lombalgia crônica tem comprometimento do controle motor dos músculos do tronco durante as tarefas dos membros superiores. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre o controle motor dos músculos do tronco e quadril durante os movimentos dinâmicos de membros inferiores. O movimento de ajoelhado para semi ajoelhado é comumente utilizado na avaliação de pacientes neurológicos e foi escolhido para analisar os músculos do tronco e do quadril com a mínima interferência do movimento das articulações distais (tornozelos e joelhos). Esta tarefa pode ajudar os fisioterapeutas como uma ferramenta de triagem de pessoas com o controle motor do tronco e do quadril alterados e definir o tratamento mais eficaz... Objetivo: Comparar a atividade dos músculos do tronco e do quadril em pacientes com dor lombar crônica e indivíduos saudáveis durante a transferência de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado. Métodos: Vinte e nove mulheres com lombalgia crônica inespecífica (GL), (idade=45,8 ± 14,37 anos, IMC= 24,15 ± 3,95 Kg/cm²) e trinta mulheres assintomáticas (GC), (idade=44,57 ± 13,65 anos anos, IMC=23,77 ± 2,18 Kg,cm²) participaram deste estudo e estavam livres de dor durante a transferência de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado movimento. A atividade eletromiográfica (EMG) dos músculos Oblíquo Interno (OI), Eretor lombar (EL) e Glúteo Médio (GM) foi registrada bilateralmente, enquanto os participantes realizaram a transferência de ajoelhado para semi ajoelhado sobre uma plataforma de força. A plataforma de força e o sistema de EMG foram sincronizadas de modo que a curva obtida na plataforma de força permitiu estabelecer o início e o fim do movimento. Os sinais de EMG foram filtrados, e tratados matematicamente para se obter variáveis de pico, instante do pico e integral da atividade muscular de cada músculo. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar as variáveis entre os grupos. Resultados: Durante o movimento, observou-se no GL, maior integral e pico de contração maior e mais precoce dos músculos ELD e ELE, comparado ao GC, enquanto este apresentou maior integral e pico de contração maior e mais precoce dos músculos OI e GM, bilateralmente. Os resultados mostraram evidências sobre a hipótese de que pacientes lombálgicos utilizam diferentes padrões de ativação lombo-pélvica, exigindo maior atividade dos Eretores Lombares. enquanto o grupo controle realiza o movimento a partir dos músculos OI e GM. Conclusão: Sujeitos com lombalgia crônica têm atividade diferente dos músculos do tronco e quadril comparados com sujeitos assintomáticos durante o movimento de ajoelhado para semi-ajoelhado / Previously studies have shown that chronic low back pain subjects have compromised motor control of trunk muscles during upper limb tasks. However little is known about the motor control of trunk and hip muscles during dynamic movements of lower limbs. Kneeling to halfkneeling movement is commonly used in the evaluation of neurologic patients and was chosen to analyze trunk and hip muscles with minimum interference of distal joints movements (ankles and knees). This task might help physical therapists to use as a screening tool of people with altered motor control of trunk and hip to better address an effective treatment. Objective: to compare the activity of trunk and hip muscles in patients with chronic low back pain and pain-free individuals subjects during the transfer from kneeling to half-kneeling position. Methods: Twenty-nine women with non-specific chronic low back pain (CLBPg) and thirty asymptomatic ones subjects (Cg) participated in this study. Cg had mean(SD) age of 44,57(13,65) years, body mass index of 23,77(2,18) kg/cm² and CLBP had age of 45,8(14,37) years, body mass index of 24,15(3,95) kg/cm² and were pain-free during the transfer from kneeling to half-kneeling movement. ccc Electromyography activity (EMG) of obliquus internus abdominis (OI), lumbar erector spinae (LES) and gluteus medius (GM) muscles was recorded bilaterally while participants performed the transfer from keeling to half-kneeling position on a force platform. The force platform and the EMG system were synchronized so that the curve obtained in the force platform allowed to establish the beginning and the end of the movement in the EMG signal. EMG signal were filtered, and treated to obtain variables as the peak power, time to xiv peak achievement and integrated EMG of each muscle. Main-Whitney was applied to compare variables between groups. Results: Man-Whitney test showed differences between groups. Asymptomatic subjects had an increased integrated EMG, peak power and earlier time to peak of bilateral obliquus internus abdominis and gluteus medius muscles while chronic low back pain patients had an increased integrated EMG, peak power and earlier time to peak of bilateral muscle activation of lumbar erector spine during the movement. Conclusion: Chronic low back pain subjects have different activity of trunk and hip muscles compared to asymptomatic ones during kneeling to half-kneeling movement

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