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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiences of participants in income-generating projects in Atteridgeville, Tshwane

Menyuko, Elsie Deliwe 20 September 2011 (has links)
In view of the high levels of poverty in most under-developed and developing countries, poverty reduction has become an international phenomenon. South Africa (SA) is a country faced with the challenge of poverty as a result of the high rates of unemployment fifteen (15) years after the introduction of the new democratic dispensation. Poverty reduction has been placed at the centre of global development objectives to improve people‟s lives through expanding their choices, their freedom, and their dignity. Numerous countries have developed poverty-reduction strategies, which are over-arching macro-strategies implemented by different social and economic sectors in collaboration with the private sector. South Africa, however, does not have an over-arching poverty reduction strategy, which is the key national governmental priority, although many poverty-reduction programmes exist. The existing poverty reduction initiatives in South Africa, such as Income Generating Projects (IGPs), are either established by Government or the Civil Society structures with the aim to assist in changing the standard of living of poor people so that they can at least meet their basic needs, such as food, shelter and clothing. This study focuses on the IGPs that operate in Atteridgeville, Tshwane, with the view to explore and describe the experiences of individuals who participate in these IGPs. A qualitative research approach was selected for the study and three IGPs were selected from the Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) that affiliate to the Phelindaba Forum. This Forum coordinates social development activities in Atteridgeville, Saulsville and Mshengoville. The findings of the study indicated that although IGPs are established to benefit participants financially, there are other factors that motivate people to join and remain in the projects, such as moral support amongst members. Furthermore, some NGOs claim to facilitate IGPs, but in some instances, these IGPs are left to operate on their own without much needed assistance. The recommendation for future studies is that participants need to be engaged with in order to get a true reflection of how the IGPs operate. The assistance and support of NGOs are crucial for the sustainability of such projects. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science (Mental Health))

An exploration of the involvement of people with disabilities in poverty-reduction strategies in Malawi

Massah, Bonface Ophiyah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Rehabilitation))-- University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The needs and rights of people with disabilities are often not adequately featured in national development strategies. Furthermore, their aspirations to participate in community activities are denied by socio-economic and cultural barriers in societies. Against this background, the aim of this study was to explore the involvement of people with disabilities in poverty-reduction strategies in Malawi. In particular, the study investigated the factors that promoted or hindered their participation in development strategies and showed how the contributions of people with disabilities were reflected in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS). This study could be a useful resource in bringing about an understanding of disability inclusion in the context of the MGDS in Malawi. The study was conducted in three main cities of Malawi, namely; Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu. Qualitative research methods were used employing an exploratory study design. Data was collected using two data collection methods, namely; key informant interviews and focus group discussions. A purposive sample of 15 people was selected to participate in key informant interviews. Using these key informants, a snowballing technique was used to identify 30 respondents that participated in three focus group discussions, each comprising 10 participants. Interviews were conducted until saturation point was reached and no new information was elicited. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A thematic content analysis was conducted following a systematic process of coding data and grouping codes into categories from which themes were generated. This study has shown that there was minimal participation of people with disabilities in consultation meetings of the MGDS formation process. Overall, the study found that people with disabilities have limited education and knowledge to effectively participate at policy-making level. The study also found that the process of including disability in all spheres of life is very slow because of societal stereotypes and negative attitudes towards disability. Although there are several disability legal frameworks, there is no Disability Act that is enforceable by law. Therefore, people with disabilities are not protected by law. This trend should be reversed to improve self-representation of people with disabilities throughout policy formation processes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die behoeftes en regte van gestremde mense word dikwels nie voldoende ingesluit by nasionale ontwikkelingstrategieë nie. Meer nog, hierdie mense se strewe om deel te wees van aktiwiteite in die gemeenskap word deur sosio-ekonomiese en kulturele grense in gemeenskappe verhinder. In die lig hiervan is die doelwit van hierdie studie om die betrokkenheid van gestremde mense by armoedeverligtingstrategieë in Malawi te ondersoek. Dié studie fokus in die besonder op dié faktore wat gestremde mense se deelname aan ontwikkelingstrategieë bevorder of verhinder, en toon aan hoe die bydraes van gestremde mense in die Malawi Groei- en Ontwikkelingstrategie (MGOS) weerspieël word. Hierdie studie kan 'n nuttige instrument wees om begrip te vestig vir gestremde mense in die konteks van die MGOS. Die studie is uitgevoer in drie hoofstede van Malawi, naamlik Blantyre, Lilongwe en Mzuzu. Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is met behulp van 'n proefstudieontwerp gebruik. Inligting is verkry deur twee data-insamelingsmetodes te gebruik, naamlik onderhoude met segspersone en fokusgroepbesprekings. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 15 mense is gekies om aan die onderhoude met die belangrikste segspersone deel te neem. Tydens hierdie onderhoude is 'n sneeubaltegniek gebruik om 30 respondente te identifiseer, wat toe deelgeneem het aan 3 fokusgroepbesprekings wat elk uit 10 deelnemers bestaan het. Onderhoude is gevoer totdat 'n versadigingspunt bereik is en geen nuwe inligting ingewin kon word nie. Onderhoude is opgeneem en verbatim getranskribeer. 'n Tematiese inhoudsontleding is gedoen deur 'n sistematiese proses om inligting te kodeer en kodes in kategorieë te groepeer, waaruit temas dan geïdentifiseer is. Hierdie studie toon aan dat gestremde mense minimaal betrokke was by konsultasievergaderings oor die MGOS se vormingsproses. Oor die algemeen het die studie bevind dat gestremde mense te min opleiding en kennis het om op beleidsvormende vlak doeltreffend te kan deelneem. Die studie het ook bevind dat die proses om gestremde mense by alle sfere van die lewe in te sluit, baie stadig verloop weens die samelewing se stereotipes en negatiewe ingesteldheid teenoor gestremde mense. Al is daar verskeie regsplanne vir gestremde mense in plek, is daar geen Wet op Ongeskiktheid wat afgedwing kan word nie. Daarom word gestremde mense nie deur die wet beskerm nie. Hierdie neiging behoort omgekeer te word om selfverteenwoordiging van gestremde mense in al die beleidsvormingsprosesse te bevorder.

Mainstreaming disability into the poverty reduction processes in Uganda : the role of the human rights - based approach to the National Development Plan

Mulumba, Moses 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Rehabilitation)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research evidence suggesting the link between disability and poverty has been increasing at an alarming rate in recent years. Despite this, there has been very little attention to ensuring representation and inclusion of people with disabilities in poverty reduction processes. However, disability movements and their partners have been increasing pressure to ensure that people with disabilities effectively participate in the development of national development plans targeting poverty reduction. The aim of this qualitative study was to analyze the extent to which the human rights-based approach can be used as an advocacy tool for mainstreaming disability in the national development processes targeting poverty reduction in Uganda. The study was conducted in Kampala and Kiboga districts, and data were gathered between August and October 2009. Key informant interviews and focus group discussions were used for data collection. Eleven participants were purposively selected to participate in key informant interviews. Using these key informants, the snowballing technique was used to identify twenty people that participated in the two focus group discussions, with each having ten participants. A thematic content analysis was used to analyze data, and this involved coding and cataloguing data into emerging themes and subthemes. The study established that despite several legal frameworks in Uganda, disability mainstreaming is still far from being achieved. Translation of policies into practice was identified as a major challenge, making it difficult for people with disabilities to be meaningfully involved in poverty reduction processes. Negative attitudes and misconception of disability by both policy makers and civil society, were also seen to be contributing to the exclusion of people with disabilities in poverty reduction processes and programmes. Lack of capacity and meaningful political representation of disabled people seem to negatively impact on effective participation, monitoring and evaluation of the poverty-reduction processes in Uganda. The study recommends the need to strengthen capacity and advocacy work among people with disabilities and their promoters to ensure their effective participation and inclusion of disability in the national development agenda. It further recommends the need to adopt the human rights-based approach in any development initiative, ensuring disability mainstreaming in policies and the national development plan, in order to effectively address poverty reduction in Uganda. The researcher also challenges disability and development researchers to engage in more wider-scale studies in order to establish more evidence on the need to adopt the human rights-based approach to national development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Navorsingsbewyse wat dui op ‟n verband tussen gestremdheid en armoede het in die afgelope jare onrusbarend toegeneem. Ten spyte hiervan is daar baie min aandag gegee om seker te maak dat gestremde mense by die armoedeverligtingsprosesse verteenwoordig en ingesluit word. Bewegings vir gestremde mense, asook dié bewegings se vennote, het egter al hoe meer druk begin uitoefen om seker te maak gestremde mense neem doeltreffend deel aan nasionale ontwikkelingsplanne wat op armoedeverligting gemik is. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om te ontleed in watter mate die menseregtebenadering gebruik kan word as ‟n instrument om voorspraak te maak vir die hoofklem wat gestremdheid moet ontvang in die nasionale ontwikkelingsprosesse wat op armoedeverligting in Uganda gemik is.

La coordination des politiques d'aide au développement : de la problématique à l'analyse de l'expérience nigérienne / The coordination of development aid policies : an analysis of a case study on Niger

Zakari Garba, Zaratou 03 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, la coordination de l’aide est devenue un enjeu majeur des politiques de développement. Cependant, les différences d’approche en matière de stratégies entre donateurs et bénéficiaires rend plus complexe la définition d’un mécanisme de coordination global qui doit dépasser les questions de fondements, d’enjeux, de formes et de modalités de l’aide, pour enfin s’intéresser à la problématique de coordination dans l’optique d’accroître son efficacité. Ainsi, l’efficacité de l’aide qui se trouve être au coeur d’une meilleure coordination, exige que les acteurs passent de la rhétorique à des pratiques institutionnelles nouvelles, conformément aux orientations de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’Agenda d’Accra. En considérant l’histoire globale de l’Aide Publique au Développement (APD), il y a lieu de se demander si celle-ci est structurellement conçue pour promouvoir la croissance économique et/ou pour réduire la pauvreté. En effet, les différents systèmes d’aide se sont heurtés à deux grands défis au cours des deux dernières décennies : le premier a été son inefficacité actuelle pour ce qui est de la réduction de la pauvreté à l’échelon mondial et le deuxième a consisté à vouloir contribuer à une « meilleure gouvernance mondiale ». Au regard des engagements internationaux pris par le Niger et ses partenaires au développement notamment dans le cadre des OMD, l’analyse des réalisations faites en la matière montre qu’en dépit des résultats mitigés, la recherche d’une meilleure efficacité de l’aide occupe une place de choix dans l’agenda politique des différents gouvernements nigériens depuis 2003. Pour les autorités nigériennes, l’approche stratégique adoptée en la matière vise un double objectif : accroître progressivement le volume de l’aide et renforcer son efficacité. / This paper examines aid for development coordination issues against the backdrop of a case study on Niger. Indeed partnership and aid coordination were a major dilemma among development agencies for quite some time. Somehow difference of approach in terms of strategy between international donors and recipient countries made it a real challenge to set up a global coordinating mechanism so as to break down the barriers regarding the rationale, goals, nature and modality underpinning foreign aid, if only to increase its effectiveness. That’s how the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda championed a shift from rhetoric to some new institutional orientation in development practice. Historical perspectives on Public Aid for Development (PAD) invariably a rise the question whether foreign aid is structurally meant to promote economic growth and/or reduce poverty. During the past two decades all trends in foreign assistance were confronted with two significant controversies. First, there was a growing recognition of its inefficiency to reduce poverty at global level. Secondly, donors’ focus was rather on promoting "better governance worldwide". Considerable efforts were steadily made by the Government of Niger and its partners, since the year 2003 "Project Forum" initiated by that country with a view to aligning donors’ assistance with national strategy, to give special consideration to aid effectiveness. Evidence is shown by the country’s Policy Conceptual Framework for that period, especially within the scope of the MDG’s, even though public investment outcomes proved to be ambivalent. Yet, the country engaged in a strategic approach with a double objective for achieving better efficiency of development interventions funded by foreign assistance, and, at the same time, progressively increasing the volume of aid allocations which is itself a further guaranty for raising the level of effectiveness.

The political economy of poverty reduction in Kenya : a comparative analysis of two rural countries.

Runguma, Sebastian Njagi 04 September 2014 (has links)
Employing empirical findings from Tharaka Nithi and Siaya counties, this thesis analyses the dynamics of citizen participation in development policy and planning process in Kenya and its effects on poverty reduction efforts in the rural parts of the country. The study is based on the premise that public participation enhances the quality and relevance of development processes and their outcomes and is, therefore, an important ingredient for achieving sustainable poverty reduction outcomes. It utilizes the political economy model and draws from the concepts of “power” and “interests” in understanding the poverty reduction „enterprise‟ in the two rural communities in Kenya. The study finds that the elites, bureaucrats, and institutions have dominated Kenya‟s post-colonial development policy and planning space to the exclusion and disadvantage of ordinary citizens. The capture of public decision-making spaces, processes and development outcomes by elites is widespread and has affected the extent and quality of citizen participation in decision-making and poverty reduction in rural Kenya. Although ordinary citizens generally view themselves as the front line duty bearers in the fight against poverty, they hardly fulfilled their perceived role in poverty reduction. Faced with a web of dominating forces and constraints, ordinary citizens have become passive and peripheral actors in the poverty reduction „enterprise‟ and local level development generally. As currently profiled, approached and directed, poverty reduction is an elitist project with its goals couched in populist terms, essentially in the service of powerful and influential people and institutions within the Kenyan society. This explains why, despite poverty reduction being a policy objective throughout the post-independence period, alarmingly high levels of poverty have persisted in Kenya, especially in the rural areas. The study concludes that the success of rural poverty reduction in Kenya is chiefly dependent on sufficient citizen participation in decision-making, quality of development planning, good leadership and the capacity and will of institutions at the grassroots to pursue sustainable development endeavors.

Estudo comparado entre os programas de transferência condicionada de renda no Brasil e México / A comparative study between conditioned income transfer programs in Brazil and Mexico

Driusso, Marcelo 30 April 2010 (has links)
A dissertação Estudo comparado entre os Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda no Brasil e no México tem como objetivo aprofundar o estudo dos dois principais programas desse tipo nos países citados a fim de identificar suas virtudes e limitações. Considerando que na América Latina os desafios para redução da pobreza e da desigualdade de renda continuam sendo enormes, com necessidade de ampla discussão entre sociedade civil e governos para superação dessas barreiras, os estudos desses programas na região têm o potencial de aprofundar o debate para aprimorá-los. As estimativas mais recentes sobre os níveis de pobreza e indigência para os países da América Latina continuam sendo alarmantes, apesar de haver constatações de melhoras significativas nos últimos anos. Dados publicados pela Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe da ONU (CEPAL) referentes a 2007 apontam que 184 milhões de pessoas da região, o que corresponde 34,1% da população, estão em situação de pobreza. Desde o final da década dos noventa, governos de países latino-americanos têm implantado Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda focados nas famílias pobres, com a justificativa de aliviar a pobreza no curto prazo por meio das transferências de renda e de combater a sua transmissão entre as gerações por meio de exigência de contrapartidas. Esta dissertação tem como foco principal o Programa Bolsa Família no Brasil e o PROGRESA/Oportunidades no México, os quais são os dois maiores programas desse tipo no mundo, buscando avaliar seus efeitos positivos e também suas limitações. / The dissertation A Comparative Study of the Conditioned Income Transfer Programs in Brazil and Mexico aims to carry out a profound study of the two main income transfer programs in the mentioned countries in order to identify its benefits and limitations. Considering that in Latin America the challenges to reduce poverty and inequality are still enormous, presenting the necessity of an ample discussion between the civil society and governments to overcome them, the study of such regional programs have the potential to deepen the debate in order to improve such programs. The most recent estimates on the levels of poverty and indigence in Latin America are still very alarming, although there has been some significant improvement in the past years. Data from 2007 published by CEPAL (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) point that 184 million people in the region are dwelling within poverty levels. Since the end of the 1990s, the Latin American governments have been implementing Conditioned Income Transfer Programs focused on poor families, in order to alleviate poverty in the short term through income transfers and fight against its dissemination throughout generations by demanding the fulfillment of certain conditions. This dissertation has focused on the Bolsa Família Program in Brazil and PROGRESA/Oportunidades in Mexico, which are the two most significant programs of such kind in the world, aiming to evaluate their positive effects as well as their limitations.

La microfinance au service d’une agriculture durable, illusion ou réalité ? : le cas de Madagascar (région de l’Itasy) / The microfinance in the service of sustainable agriculture , illusion or reality : the case of Madagascar (region of Itasy)

Ramanantseheno, Domoina 29 November 2012 (has links)
Le secteur agricole regroupe non seulement plus de la moitié de la population rurale pauvre des Pays les Moins Avancés (PMA), mais aussi plus de 60 % de la population active. La majorité des ruraux pauvres tire le principal de ses revenus de l’activité agricole. Le développement agricole peut donc être considéré comme un puissant facteur d’atténuation de la pauvreté. Cependant, le problème du financement des petites exploitations familiales dans les PMA reste un problème non résolu.Si l’on considère que la microfinance est un outil de réduction de la pauvreté, quel que soit le secteur d’activité auquel elle s’applique, alors l’effet optimal de sa mise en oeuvre devrait être constaté là où se trouve la plus grande partie de la population pauvre. Le secteur agricole des Pays Moins Avancés devient alors le terrain privilégié de cette expérimentation. Le défi qui s’impose à la microfinance est donc non seulement de fournir le capital aux agriculteurs, leur permettant d’accroître leur productivité, mais aussi de favoriser une agriculture au service de l'environnement.Par conséquent, le rôle spécifique de la microfinance dans l’agriculture, et plus particulièrement pour les petites exploitations familiales des PMA, est donc questionné.La microfinance saura-t-elle se présenter comme une alternative aux problèmes de financement de l’agriculture familiale ou ne restera-t-elle qu’une illusion ? / In the Less Advanced Countries, the agricultural sector is constituted not only by more than half of the rural population but also by over 60% of the active population. The majority of the poor rural people obtain their main resource incomes from the agricultural activities. The agricultural development could thus be considered as an attenuation factor of the poverty. However, the problem of the financial support toward the small family agricultural exploitation in the Less Advanced Countries still remains an unsolved issue.If microfinance is considered to be a tool for reducing poverty in any activity sector where it is used, then the optimal effect of its implementation should be observed in the area where the majority of poor population is located. So, the agricultural sector of the Less Advanced Countries becomes a privileged field of this experimentation. The challenge that the microfinance has to face is not only to provide financial support to the farmers for allowing them to increase their productivity, but also to promote an agriculture contributing to the environment.As a result, the specific role of the microfinance in the field of agriculture, in particularly for the small family agricultural exploitation in the Less Advanced Countries is questioned.Will the microfinance be able to present itself as an alternative for the issue of the financial support toward the family farms or will it be just an illusion?

Estudo comparado entre os programas de transferência condicionada de renda no Brasil e México / A comparative study between conditioned income transfer programs in Brazil and Mexico

Marcelo Driusso 30 April 2010 (has links)
A dissertação Estudo comparado entre os Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda no Brasil e no México tem como objetivo aprofundar o estudo dos dois principais programas desse tipo nos países citados a fim de identificar suas virtudes e limitações. Considerando que na América Latina os desafios para redução da pobreza e da desigualdade de renda continuam sendo enormes, com necessidade de ampla discussão entre sociedade civil e governos para superação dessas barreiras, os estudos desses programas na região têm o potencial de aprofundar o debate para aprimorá-los. As estimativas mais recentes sobre os níveis de pobreza e indigência para os países da América Latina continuam sendo alarmantes, apesar de haver constatações de melhoras significativas nos últimos anos. Dados publicados pela Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e o Caribe da ONU (CEPAL) referentes a 2007 apontam que 184 milhões de pessoas da região, o que corresponde 34,1% da população, estão em situação de pobreza. Desde o final da década dos noventa, governos de países latino-americanos têm implantado Programas de Transferência Condicionada de Renda focados nas famílias pobres, com a justificativa de aliviar a pobreza no curto prazo por meio das transferências de renda e de combater a sua transmissão entre as gerações por meio de exigência de contrapartidas. Esta dissertação tem como foco principal o Programa Bolsa Família no Brasil e o PROGRESA/Oportunidades no México, os quais são os dois maiores programas desse tipo no mundo, buscando avaliar seus efeitos positivos e também suas limitações. / The dissertation A Comparative Study of the Conditioned Income Transfer Programs in Brazil and Mexico aims to carry out a profound study of the two main income transfer programs in the mentioned countries in order to identify its benefits and limitations. Considering that in Latin America the challenges to reduce poverty and inequality are still enormous, presenting the necessity of an ample discussion between the civil society and governments to overcome them, the study of such regional programs have the potential to deepen the debate in order to improve such programs. The most recent estimates on the levels of poverty and indigence in Latin America are still very alarming, although there has been some significant improvement in the past years. Data from 2007 published by CEPAL (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) point that 184 million people in the region are dwelling within poverty levels. Since the end of the 1990s, the Latin American governments have been implementing Conditioned Income Transfer Programs focused on poor families, in order to alleviate poverty in the short term through income transfers and fight against its dissemination throughout generations by demanding the fulfillment of certain conditions. This dissertation has focused on the Bolsa Família Program in Brazil and PROGRESA/Oportunidades in Mexico, which are the two most significant programs of such kind in the world, aiming to evaluate their positive effects as well as their limitations.

Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: a vida segura na governamentalidade planetária

Oliveira, Maria Cecília da Silva 04 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Cecilia da Silva Oliveira.pdf: 3966277 bytes, checksum: 4c57885866b646fbc854e0618ac947d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research analyses the investment in the aesthetics of secure life, which emerges from the proximities between development and security. The focus of the analysis is on the governmental practices accompanying the Millennium Development Goals derived from the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations. The aim is to study development through the relationship between government and governmentality, which evidence the investments in the management of life by means of political economy as a principle of calculation aiming at the improvement of human capital. Through the depletion of biopolitics, this thesis shows the operation of planetary governmentality through the shifts that make poverty management a shared objective aimed at the planet's population, providing interventions and regulations of governmental practices in environments. The United Nations used the turn of the millennium as a strategy to upgrade its structure and mission, and adopted the goal of reducing poverty and hunger as a transterritorial risk. This approach triggered development discourses about promoting sustainability, financial aid flows, expert knowledge and repositioned the UN s role in the humanitarian field. Relations formerly centered on the state were reshaped to include and expand civil society participation, illustrating how the diplomatic dispositif and development programs are actualized by the exercise of neoliberal freedom in the 21st century. This is the main axis of investment that improves the productivity of the population without giving up the predominance of control, and that makes security an essential mechanism for capitalist development to operate its technologies. The genealogy of power discussed by Michel Foucault guides the mapping of strategic knowledge produced in main conferences. These conferences highlight the interest in new nuances produced by the introduction of the diplomatic dispositif in the field of political economy, which acts as technology and language to expand development programs between the twentieth and twenty-first century. The emergence of food security was crucial in connecting sustainable development and the management of hunger, environment and misery on the planet. The case study shows how the use of food security in Brazil operationalized technologies to expand the discourse of the MDGs and the ethics of secure life as a universal project / Esta pesquisa aborda a emergência e investimento na estética da vida segura, a partir das proximidades entre desenvolvimento e segurança, situando as práticas governamentais esperadas pelos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio das Nações Unidas, derivados da Declaração do Milênio. O objetivo é apresentar os estudos sobre o desenvolvimento a partir do interesse nas relações governo e governamentalidade, que evidenciam os investimentos na gestão da vida por meio da economia política como princípio de cálculo para o aprimoramento do capital humano. A partir do esgotamento da biopolítica, esta tese mostra o funcionamento da governamentalidade planetária por meio dos deslocamentos que fazem da gestão da pobreza um objetivo compartilhado voltado à população do planeta, que proporcionam intervenções e regulações das práticas governamentais nos ambientes. As Nações Unidas utilizou a virada do milênio como estratégia para atualizar sua estrutura e missão, e adotou a redução da pobreza e da fome como risco transterritorial. Isto a fez acionar os discursos do desenvolvimento para impulsionar a sustentabilidade, os fluxos financeiros à assistência, os saberes dos especialistas, e reposicionar seu papel no campo dos humanitarismos. As relações centradas no Estado foram redimensionadas para incluir a participação da sociedade civil ampliada, mostrando que o dispositivo diplomático e os programas de desenvolvimento são acionados pelos exercícios da liberdade neoliberal no século XXI. Este é o principal eixo de investimento que viabiliza a produtividade da população sem abdicar da predominância dos controles, e que fazem da segurança mecanismo essencial para que o desenvolvimento capitalista possa operar suas tecnologias. A genealogia do poder tratada por Michel Foucault orienta o mapeamento de saberes estratégicos produzidos nas chamadas grandes conferências que marcam o interesse em ressaltar novas nuances produzidos pela introdução do dispositivo diplomático no campo da economia política, como tecnologia e linguagem própria da expansão dos programas de desenvolvimento entre o século XX e XXI. A emergência da segurança alimentar foi decisiva para associar desenvolvimento sustentável, gestão da fome, do meio ambiente e das misérias no planeta. O estudo de caso apresenta como o uso da segurança alimentar no Brasil operacionalizou as tecnologias necessárias para expandir o discurso dos ODM e da estética da vida segura como projeto universal

Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio: a vida segura na governamentalidade planetária

Oliveira, Maria Cecília da Silva 04 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:55:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Cecilia da Silva Oliveira.pdf: 3966277 bytes, checksum: 4c57885866b646fbc854e0618ac947d8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research analyses the investment in the aesthetics of secure life, which emerges from the proximities between development and security. The focus of the analysis is on the governmental practices accompanying the Millennium Development Goals derived from the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations. The aim is to study development through the relationship between government and governmentality, which evidence the investments in the management of life by means of political economy as a principle of calculation aiming at the improvement of human capital. Through the depletion of biopolitics, this thesis shows the operation of planetary governmentality through the shifts that make poverty management a shared objective aimed at the planet's population, providing interventions and regulations of governmental practices in environments. The United Nations used the turn of the millennium as a strategy to upgrade its structure and mission, and adopted the goal of reducing poverty and hunger as a transterritorial risk. This approach triggered development discourses about promoting sustainability, financial aid flows, expert knowledge and repositioned the UN s role in the humanitarian field. Relations formerly centered on the state were reshaped to include and expand civil society participation, illustrating how the diplomatic dispositif and development programs are actualized by the exercise of neoliberal freedom in the 21st century. This is the main axis of investment that improves the productivity of the population without giving up the predominance of control, and that makes security an essential mechanism for capitalist development to operate its technologies. The genealogy of power discussed by Michel Foucault guides the mapping of strategic knowledge produced in main conferences. These conferences highlight the interest in new nuances produced by the introduction of the diplomatic dispositif in the field of political economy, which acts as technology and language to expand development programs between the twentieth and twenty-first century. The emergence of food security was crucial in connecting sustainable development and the management of hunger, environment and misery on the planet. The case study shows how the use of food security in Brazil operationalized technologies to expand the discourse of the MDGs and the ethics of secure life as a universal project / Esta pesquisa aborda a emergência e investimento na estética da vida segura, a partir das proximidades entre desenvolvimento e segurança, situando as práticas governamentais esperadas pelos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio das Nações Unidas, derivados da Declaração do Milênio. O objetivo é apresentar os estudos sobre o desenvolvimento a partir do interesse nas relações governo e governamentalidade, que evidenciam os investimentos na gestão da vida por meio da economia política como princípio de cálculo para o aprimoramento do capital humano. A partir do esgotamento da biopolítica, esta tese mostra o funcionamento da governamentalidade planetária por meio dos deslocamentos que fazem da gestão da pobreza um objetivo compartilhado voltado à população do planeta, que proporcionam intervenções e regulações das práticas governamentais nos ambientes. As Nações Unidas utilizou a virada do milênio como estratégia para atualizar sua estrutura e missão, e adotou a redução da pobreza e da fome como risco transterritorial. Isto a fez acionar os discursos do desenvolvimento para impulsionar a sustentabilidade, os fluxos financeiros à assistência, os saberes dos especialistas, e reposicionar seu papel no campo dos humanitarismos. As relações centradas no Estado foram redimensionadas para incluir a participação da sociedade civil ampliada, mostrando que o dispositivo diplomático e os programas de desenvolvimento são acionados pelos exercícios da liberdade neoliberal no século XXI. Este é o principal eixo de investimento que viabiliza a produtividade da população sem abdicar da predominância dos controles, e que fazem da segurança mecanismo essencial para que o desenvolvimento capitalista possa operar suas tecnologias. A genealogia do poder tratada por Michel Foucault orienta o mapeamento de saberes estratégicos produzidos nas chamadas grandes conferências que marcam o interesse em ressaltar novas nuances produzidos pela introdução do dispositivo diplomático no campo da economia política, como tecnologia e linguagem própria da expansão dos programas de desenvolvimento entre o século XX e XXI. A emergência da segurança alimentar foi decisiva para associar desenvolvimento sustentável, gestão da fome, do meio ambiente e das misérias no planeta. O estudo de caso apresenta como o uso da segurança alimentar no Brasil operacionalizou as tecnologias necessárias para expandir o discurso dos ODM e da estética da vida segura como projeto universal

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