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Zubové čerpadlo v turbinovém provozu / The tooth pump in the turbine regimeTyburec, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this diploma study is to develop and secure production of gear turbine with very low specific speed in comparison with conventional turbines. The first part of the work deals with already performed research of similar hydrostatic turbines. It is followed by construction design, including complete drawing documentation. The production of the prototype is secured by an external company. Finally, an experimental measurement of the characteristics of the designed turbine is performed in the laboratories of Fluid Engineering.
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Návrh a a variantní řešení sekundárního a terciálního okruhu jaderné elektrárny / Design and variant solutions od secondary and tertialy circuits of nuclear power plantHladík, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to acquaint the reader by the means of research with heat diagrams of nuclear power plants, and subsequently, submit a scheme design of partial components and their involvement to heat diagram. The work also reflects different drive variations of circulation pumps and cooling circuits.
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Počítačová podpora výpočtů v energetice a nové trendy v simulacích / Computer aided calculations for energetics and new trends in simulationsHoráček, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Computer aided calculations are booming nowadays and thanks to more powerfull computers and sofistikated simulators we are able to modelling more and more complex problems in much more engineering domains. Also in power engineering are are simulators used more frequntly. They are used for or checking transmission lines and in testing different kinds of working states including fails.
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Model zátěže / Load modelLašo, Matej January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with power quality and load modeling. The issues of power quality, principles of load model creation and various types of loads and their principles are described and explained in this thesis. Various software and its main adventages in power systems modeling are described and various load models and simulations in PSCAD program are created and described at last.
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Návrh vodní mikroelektrárny pro malé spády a malé průtoky / Design of a micro waterpower turbines for low head and low dichargeMacek, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the issue of finding type of water turbine for very low heads and low discharges, which could be operated as mobile micro hydropower plant in island mode. Thesis deals with summary of appropriate choices of water turbine for needs of micro hydropower plant. Essential part of diploma thesis deals with design of optimized waterwheel. Waterwheel was chosen because commercial high-speed turbines have low efficiency for low heads. Waterwheel was manufactured and measured in laboratories of Fluid engineering. Measurement output was discharge and efficiency characteristic of turbine. The price calculation was made after manufacture.
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Protlačovací zkouška konstrukčních ocelí za snížených teplot / Small-punch test of structural steels at low temperaturesNěmčíková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on comparison of small punch test results and tensile test results. For experiments were chosen steel P91, 10Ch2MFA, 20CrNi2MoV, 11 416 and 42 2707. These steel are used in nuclear power engineering, or they were developed for this purpose. Basic mechanical characteristics, namely ultimate tensile stress and yield stress, were evaluated from small punch test records of observed materials. This is done via convenient correlation relationships. Obtained values were compared with values obtained by conventional tensile tests. There are mentioned own suggested correlation relationships and comparison of temperature curves gained from small punch test and tensile test in the thesis. Assessment of microstructure of observed materials and analysis of fracture surfaces was provided as well. It was found out, that for assessing basic mechanical characteristics (ultimate tensile stress and yield stress) is the best to suggest own correlation relationships, instead of using universal relationships from literature. The fracture mechanism of all types of assessed steel was ductile in entire temperature range (up to -40 °C).
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Формирование системы контроллинга в теплоэнергетической организации : магистерская диссертация / Formation of a controlling system in a heat and power organizationБольшухин, М. Д., Bolshukhin, M. D. January 2023 (has links)
Целью работы является развитие теоретико-методических подходов и разработка методики формирования системы контроллинга в теплоэнергетических организациях. Методика состоит из шести этапов особенностью ее является идентификация «узких мест» в операционной и финансовой деятельности и построение системы сбалансированных показателей с учетом специфики отрасли. Методика развивает теоретико-методические основы контроллинга в энергетике и повышает эффективность функционирования теплоэнергетических организаций. / The aim of the work is the development of theoretical and methodical approaches and the development of a methods for the formation of a controlling system in thermal power organizations. The methods consists of six stages, its feature is the identification of "bottlenecks" in operational and financial activities and the construction of a balanced scorecard, taking into account the specifics of the industry. The methods develops the theoretical and methodological foundations of controlling in the energy sector and increases the efficiency of the functioning of thermal power organizations.
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Determining One-Shot Control Criteria in Western North American Power Grid with Swarm OptimizationGregory Vaughan (6615489) 10 June 2019 (has links)
The power transmission network is stretched thin in Western North America. When generators or substations fault, the resultant cascading failures can diminish transmission capabilities across wide regions of the continent. This thesis examined several methods of<br><div>determining one-shot controls based on frequency decline in electrical generators to reduce the effect of one or more phase faults and tripped generators. These methods included criteria based on indices calculated from frequency measured at the controller location. These indices included criteria based on local modes and the rate of change of frequency.</div><br>This thesis primarily used particle swarm optimization (PSO) with inertia to determine a well-adapted set of parameters. The parameters included up to three thresholds for indices calculated from frequency. The researchers found that the best method for distinguishing between one or more phase faults used thresholds on two Fourier indices. Future lines of research regarding one-shot controls were considered.<br><div><br></div><div>A method that distinguished nearby tripped generators from one or more phase faults and load change events was proposed. This method used a moving average, a negative<br></div>threshold for control, and a positive threshold to reject control. The negative threshold for the moving average is met frequently during any large transient event. An additional index must be used to distinguish loss of generation events. This index is the maximum value of the moving average up to the present time and it is good for distinguishing loss of<br>generation events from transient swings caused by other events.<br><br><div>This thesis further demonstrated how well a combination of controls based on both rate of change of frequency and local modes reduces instability of the network as determined by both a reduction in RMSGA and control efficiency at any time after the events.</div><br>This thesis found that using local modes is generally useful to diagnose and apply one-shot controls when instability is caused by one or more phase faults, while when disconnected generators or reduced loads cause instability in the system, the local modes did not distinguish between loss of generation capacity events and reduced load events. Instead, differentiating based on the rate of change of frequency and an initial upward deflection of frequency or an initial downward deflection of frequency did distinguish between these types of events.
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Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar : - En studie av teknik-, ekonomi- och miljöfrågor / Small scale hydro power investments at existing dams : - An inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspectsLees, Sven January 2006 (has links)
<p>In this thesis a method for evaluating investments in small scale hydro power is presented. An analysis of the future position that small scale hydro production will have on the Nordic electricity market is also carried out. This is done by an inventory of technology and economic and environmental aspects. The inventory is also a guide as to how the project should be implemented.</p><p>Hydrolyzer is the name of the Excel tool developed to evaluate investments. The tool requests input data from the user and then evaluates the investment and generates a sensitivity analysis. Several projects or scenarios can be entered and are then ranked after profitability. For example a major repair can be compared to a new power station and tailrace excavations are possible to evaluate.</p><p>The profitability of small scale hydro power investment mainly depends on the size of the initial investment. The power generation costs average among the lowest among possible future power plants. This trend applies to comparisons between renewable and fossil production plants. Electricity prices will probably not fall back to historic levels, due to fuel shortage and increasing environmental concerns. Price prognosis therefore indicates that investments, which on calculation seem profitable, will also be so.</p><p>Small scale hydro investments at existing dams are socio-economically and environmentally sound. The investments contribute with clean power but have local environmental impacts. At existing dams this damage is already done and expensive to undo if at all possible. The</p><p>environmental impacts can be dramatically reduced by construction of fish passages etc. In the thesis an example shows that economic resources for environmental constructions often depend on electricity certificates and that residual flows aren’t greater than necessary.</p><p>An investment project should start by evaluating possible scenarios that the hydro power permit may result in. The transmission capacity should also be investigated at an early stage. Materials should be chosen with care and evaluated with a star diagram. A synchronous</p><p>generator without a speed increaser should be considered for the hydro investment. The turbine type should be suggested by the manufacturer who also has to be able to guarantee efficiencies and cavitation resistance. Submersible turbines should be considered as they significantly reduce building costs. Involved persons need to be experienced and the tenders should be lump sums except for costs which are difficult to determine.</p> / <p>I detta examensarbete presenteras en metod för att enkelt kunna göra en bedömning av om det är lönsamt att investera i småskalig vattenkraft. Det undersöks också hur den småskaliga vattenkraftens förutsättningar på den framtida elmarknaden ser ut. Detta görs genom en inventering av teknik, ekonomi och miljöaspekter. Inventeringen ger också svar på hur ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras.</p><p>Hydrolyzer kallas excelverktyget som utvecklats för att göra lönsamhetsbedömningen. Det fungerar så att indata matas in och sedan beräknas investeringens lönsamhet och en känslighetsanalys genereras. I verktyget kan olika investeringsalternativ läggas in som sedan beräknas och rangordnas. Exempelvis kan en större reparation jämföras med att bygga en helt ny station eller rensningar utvärderas.</p><p>Småskalig vattenkrafts lönsamhet och produktionskostnader beror till största del på hur stor grundinvesteringen blir. Produktionskostnaden är i snitt bland de billigaste produktionsslagen som kan komma att byggas i framtiden. Trenden gäller vid jämförelse både bland förnybara</p><p>och bland övriga produktionsslag. På elmarknaden pekar det mesta på att priset inte kommer att sjunka tillbaka till historisk nivå. Detta då bränslena är bristvara och att en allt större miljöhänsyn krävs vilket pressar upp priset. Prisutvecklingen talar för att om ett investeringsbeslut tas där kalkylen visar lönsamhet så kommer detta också att infalla.</p><p>Investeringar i småskalig vattenkraft vid befintliga dammar bedöms vara samhällsekonomiskt och miljömässigt fördelaktigt. Småskalig vattenkraft producerar ren el men ger miljöstörningar lokalt. Vid befintliga dammar är dock denna skada redan skedd och väldigt kostsamt att återställa om det överhuvudtaget är möjligt. Miljöproblemen kan dock kraftigt minskas genom byggnation av fiskpassager m.m. Möjligheten att bygga vid befintliga dammar kan vara beroende av elcertifikat om de lokala förutsättningarna är dåliga. I rapporten visas också genom ett exempel att ekonomin för miljöförbättrande åtgärder oftast är beroende av elcertifikat och att mintappningar inte är större än nödvändigt.</p><p>Investeringsprojektet bör börja med att ta fram scenarion att utvärdera utifrån hur vattendomen kan tänkas bli. Elnätets kapacitet ska också undersökas tidigt. Materialen ska väljas med omsorg och utvärderas med stjärndiagram. En synkron generator utan växel ska</p><p>övervägas till kraftverket. Turbintypen ska föreslås av tillverkaren och denna ska kunna garantera verkningsgrader och kavitationsmotstånd. Dränkbara turbiner ska övervägas då dessa kräver väsentligt mindre byggnationsarbeten. Inblandade i projektet ska ha rätt kunskaper och anbuden ska tas in som klumpsummor där visst ansvar tas för svårbestämda kostnader.</p>
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Electrical Power Supply to Offshore Oil Installations by High Voltage Direct Current TransmissionMyhre, Jørgen Chr. January 2001 (has links)
<p>This study was initiated to investigate if it could be feasible to supply offshore oil installations in the North Sea with electrical power from land. A prestudy of alternative converter topologies indicated that the most promising solution would be to investigate a conventional system with reduced synchronous compensator rating.</p><p>The study starts with a summary of the state of power supply to offshore installations today, and a short review of classical HVDC transmission. It goes on to analyse how a passive network without sources influences the inverter. The transmission, with its current controlled rectifier and large inductance, is simulated as a current source. Under these circumstances the analysis shows that the network frequency has to adapt in order to keep the active and reactive power balance until the controllers are able to react. The concept of firing angle for a thyristor is limited in a system with variable frequency, the actual control parameter is the firing delay time.</p><p>Sensitivity analysis showed some astonishing consequences. The frequency rises both by an increase in the active and in the reactive load. The voltage falls by an increase in the active load, but rises by an increase in the inductive load.</p><p>Two different control principles for the system of inverter, synchronous compensator and load are defined. The first takes the reference for the firing delay time from the fundamental voltage at the point of common coupling. The second takes the reference for the firing delay time from the simulated EMF of the synchronous compensator. Of these, the second is the more stable and should be chosen as the basis for a possible control system.</p><p>Two simulation tools are applied. The first is a quasi-phasor model running on Matlab with Simulink. The other is a time domain model in KREAN. The time domain model is primarily used for the verification of the quasi-phasor model, and shows that quasi-phasors is still a valuable tool for making a quick analysis of the main features when the details of the transients are of less importance.</p><p>The study indicates that power supply by HVDC transmission from land to offshore oil installations could be technically feasible, even without the large synchronous compensators normally required. It has been shown that in a network only supplied by an inverter, variations of active and reactive loads have significant influence on both voltage and frequency. Particularly it should be noted that the frequency shows a positive sensitivity to increases in load. This could make the system intrinsically unstable in the case of a frequency dependent load such as motors.</p><p>It was not a part of the study to optimize controllers, but even with simple controllers it was possible to keep the frequency within limits given by norms and regulations, but the voltages were dynamically outside the limits, though not very far. These voltage overswings take place in the first few instances after a disturbance, so it takes unrealistically fast controllers to handle them. They are partly due to the model, where the land based rectifier and the DC reactors are simulated by a constant current source, but partly they have to be handled by overdimensioning of the system.</p><p>The simulations indicate that it should be technically possible to supply an oil platform with electrical power from land by means of HVDC transmission with small synchronous compensators. Whether this is financially feasible has not been investigated. Neither has it been considered whether the necessary equipment can actually be installed on an oil platform.</p><p>Recently both ABB and Siemens have presented solutions for HVDC transmission in the lower and medium power range based on voltage source converters based on IGBTs. Fully controllable voltage source HVDC converters have properties that may be better suited than conventional line commutated current source thyristor inverters, to supply weak or passive networks, such as offshore oil installations, with electrical power. But they also have some disadvantages, and a complete technical and financial comparison must be performed in order to decide about any potential project.</p>
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