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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


JAIRO TERRA FERREIRA FILHO 23 June 2022 (has links)
[pt] A alta inserção de geração fontes de energia renovável variável (ERV) tem criado uma demanda por reforços e ampliações do sistema de transmissão existente, demanda essa que traz consigo altos custos de implantação e operação de novos equipamentos de rede. Neste contexto, o processo de cálculo de tarifas de uso do sistema de transmissão ganha destaque, já que este tem o potencial de integrar o planejamento da transmissão ao da geração, e fornecer sinalização econômica locacional aos geradores, revelando os verdadeiros custos de implantação dos geradores do ponto de vista do sistema. No entanto, os processos tarifários atualmente empregados na maioria dos países não promovem esta sinalização adequadamente, principalmente por não levarem em conta características intrínsecas da rede e de e seu planejamento. Este é o caso do Brasil que aplica um processo tarifário que promove sinalização econômica locacional diminuta e distorcida. Muitos estudos sobre o tema, tem focado nos algoritmos de alocação de custos aplicados nos processos tarifários em busca da solução para este problema. No entanto, poucos comentam que este processo conta com uma etapa anterior à alocação de custos, ligada a formulação do cenário de operação do sistema que será utilizado como referência para o cálculo tarifário, e tem grande impacto sobre este. Dessa forma, esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um processo de tarifação com foco na construção e seleção de múltiplos cenários de operação, aderentes aos níveis de confiabilidade utilizados no planejamento, e à sazonalidade das fontes, como referência para alocação de custos baseado no uso do sistema. Por meio desta abordagem, pretende-se embutir maior eficiência, e justiça ao cálculo tarifário, promovendo intensificação da sinalização locacional. Este procedimento proposto, foi aplicado ao sistema Brasileiro a fim de testar suas propriedades e viabilidade em sistemas de grande porte. Seus resultados estão comparados com aplicação da metodologia proposta pela ANEEL na Consulta Pública 39/2021 e se mostram promissores quanto aos objetivos desta dissertação. / [en] The high insertion of generation variable renewable energy sources (ERV) has created a demand for reinforcements and expansions of the existing transmission system, which brings high costs of deployment and operation of new network equipment. In this context, the process of calculating transmission system usage rates gains prominence since it can integrate transmission planning with generation and provide locational economic signaling to generators, revealing the actual costs of implementing generators from the system s point of view. However, the tariff processes currently employed in most countries do not promote this signaling properly, essentially because they do not consider the network s intrinsic characteristics and its planning. This is the case in Brazil that applies a tariff process that promotes small and distorted localist economic signaling. Most studies on the subject have focused on the algorithms of cost allocation applied in tariff processes in search of the solution to this problem. However, few mention that a system operation scenario must be formulated to serve as a reference for the tariff calculation prior to cost allocation. Thus, this dissertation aims to develop a tariff process focused on the construction and selection of multiple operating scenarios, adhering to the reliability levels used in planning and the sources seasonality as a reference for cost allocation based on the use of the system. This approach intends to embed greater efficiency and justice to the tariff calculation, promoting the enhancement of locational signaling. This proposed procedure will be evaluated in terms of desired properties and feasibility in large systems in a case study developed with the Brazilian system. The case study results will be compared with applying the methodology proposed by ANEEL in public consultation 39/2021.


ARTHUR MASSARI FILHO 04 October 2021 (has links)
[pt] Nos sistemas de potência ao redor do mundo, inclusive o brasileiro, são feitas as medições dos níveis de tensão nos barramentos e a corrente nos ramos de transmissão durante algum tipo de contingência em tempo real. A lista de contingências inclui: a perda de qualquer ramo de transmissão, a perda de alguns pares de ramos e, de menor importância, a perda de geração. Nesse momento, também são avaliadas as condições de estabilidade de tensão. A inclusão na lista de contingências de perda de controle de tensão devido ao esgotamento da fonte controladora (gerador, compensador, tap de LTC) em todas as barras de tensão controlada e também a perda de capacidade de aumentar/diminuir a geração de potência ativa em todos os geradores da rede permite identificar o grau de sensibilidade de cada grandeza contingenciada sobre a margem de estabilidade de tensão. Depois de feita a análise dos esgotamentos, é determinado em ordem decrescente as tensões e as gerações que mais influenciam a margem de estabilidade de tensão de uma determinada barra. Esse resultado indica as direções do movimento das grandezas. Portanto, para melhorar a margem da barra crítica, devem-se calcular ações de controle, ou seja, variar a tensão e/ou a potência ativa dos geradores, encontrando assim um novo ponto de operação. Esse novo ponto de operação deve ser buscado através de algoritmos genéticos. O desvio mínimo quadrático em relação ao ponto de operação do caso base deve ser observado, ou seja, busca-se um novo ponto de operação que não seja muito distante ao caso base. No algoritmo genético, a tensão dos geradores é a variável; a sua variação é discreta em degraus de 0,01 pu (em módulo). Também há casos em que potência ativa dos geradores será variável do GA e tendo suas variações em degraus de 5 porcento em módulo em relação ao caso base. São realizados diversos testes para encontrar o novo ponto de operação, buscando encontrar os menores desvios possíveis enquanto melhora-se a margem de potência. No primeiro sistema utilizado (CEPEL-34) duas configurações dentre os testes feitos para o GA se sobressaem das demais e por isso são usadas para outro sistema (Nórdico). Em ambos os sistemas o objetivo inicial é cumprido. / [en] Power systems around the world, including the Brazilian one, measure the voltage levels on the buses and the current in the transmission branches during some type of contingency in real time. The list of contingencies includes: the loss of any branch of transmission, the loss of some pairs of branches and, of less importance, the loss of generation. At that time, the voltage stability conditions are also evaluated. The inclusion in the list of contingencies of loss of voltage control due to the exhaustion of the controlling source (generator, compensator, LTC tap) in all controlled voltage bars and also the loss of capacity to increase / decrease the generation of active power in all generators in the network make it possible to identify the degree of sensitivity of each contingent quantity on the voltage stability margin. After the analysis of the exhausts, the tensions and generations that most influence the voltage stability margin of a given bar are determined in decreasing order. This result indicates the directions of movement of the quantities. Therefore, to improve the margin of the critical bar, control actions must be calculated, that is, vary the voltage and / or the active power of the generators, thus finding a new point of operation. This new point of operation must be sought through genetic algorithms. The minimum quadratic deviation in relation to the operating point of the base case must be observed, that is, a new operating point that is not far from the base case is sought. In the genetic algorithm, the voltage of the generators is the variable; its variation will be discrete in steps of 0.01 pu (in module). There will also be cases in which the active power of the generators will be variable in the GA and having their variations in steps of 5 percent in module in relation to the base case. Several tests are carried out to find the new operating point, seeking to find the smallest possible deviations while improving the power margin. In the first system used (CEPEL-34) two configurations among the tests made for GA stand out from the others and therefore replicated to another system (Nordic). In both systems the initial objective is fulfilled.

Grid Capacity and Upgrade Costs / Nätkapacitet och uppgraderingskostnader

Chen, Samantha, Jaldegren, Pontus January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze the possibility of how and where wind farms should be integrated on the electrical grid. The challenges mainly concern grid capacity and transmission losses. Economic factors will be regarded as well. To fulfill the aim, the Skellefteälven river in Sweden is selected as study object. A regional grid along the river is thereupon simulated with regards to five existing hydro power plants, four electrical consumption points, and the national grid. Additionally, four wind farms are placed on probable sites around the grid. Considering the large amount of data to be calculated in this study, a grid model assembled through numerical analysis in MATLAB is henceforth deemed optimal. Through load flow simulation, the voltage variations and power losses are calculated. Hence, the costs of the losses is found. The investment costs for upgrading the grid are also determined. As the results show, an upgrade of the electrical grid certainly requires a relatively large investment sum. Nevertheless, the return of the project will eventually surpass the initial costs. Accordingly, there are economic benefits of investing in upgrading the grid capacity. / Syftet med studien är att analysera möjligheten till hur och var vindkraftsparker borde integreras i elnätet. Utmaningarna rör främst nätkapacitet och ledningsförluster. Ekonomiska faktorer kommer även att undersökas. För att uppnå syftet bedrivs en fallstudie, där Skellefteälven väljs som studieområde. Ett regionalnät är utformat längs älven med hänsyn till fem existerande vattenkraftverk, fyra valda konsumtionsnoder och stamnätet. Utöver dessa placeras även fyra vindkraftsparker ut på lämpliga ställen. Med tanke på hur mycket data som behandlas vid beräkningarna simuleras därför nätet med hjälp av numerisk analys i MATLAB. Genom att köra effektflödesberäkningar räknas spänningsvariationer och effektförluster fram. Därifrån kan kostnader för ledningsförluster tas fram. Vidare framtas även investeringskostnader för uppgradering av nätet. Resultaten visar att en uppgradering kräver en relativt stor investeringssumma. Däremot kommer inkomsten efter en genomförd uppgradering tillslut att överstiga initialkostnaden. Därav finns det ekonomiska fördelar med att investera i en ökad nätkapacitet.


24 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] A demanda global por soluções sustentáveis para geração de energia elétrica cresceu rapidamente nas últimas décadas, sendo impulsionada por incentivos fiscais dos governos e investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento de tecnologias. Isso provocou uma crescente inserção de fontes renováveis nas redes elétricas ao redor do mundo, criando novos desafios críticos para as avaliações de desempenho dos sistemas que são potencializados pela intermitência desses recursos energéticos combinada às falhas dos equipamentos de rede. Motivado por esse cenário, esta dissertação aborda a estimativa de risco de inadequação de grandezas elétricas, como ocorrências de sobrecarga em ramos elétricos ou subtensão em barramentos, através do uso do fluxo de potência probabilístico, baseado na simulação Monte Carlo e no método de entropia cruzada. O objetivo é determinar o risco do sistema não atender a critérios operativos, de forma precisa e com eficiência computacional, considerando as incertezas de carga, geração e transmissão. O método é aplicado aos sistemas testes IEEE RTS 79 e IEEE 118 barras, considerando também versões modificadas com a inclusão de uma usina eólica, e os resultados são amplamente discutidos. / [en] The global demand for sustainable solutions for electricity generation has grown rapidly in recent decades, driven by government tax incentives and investments in technology research and development. This caused a growing insertion of renewable sources in power networks around the world, creating new critical challenges for systems performance assessments that are enhanced by the intermittency of these energy resources combined with the failures of network equipment. Motivated by this scenario, this dissertation addresses the estimation of risk of inadequacy of electrical quantities, such as overload occurrences in electrical branches or undervoltage in buses, through the use of probabilistic power flow, based on Monte Carlo simulation and the cross-entropy method. The objective is to determine the risk of the system not meeting operational criteria, precisely and with computational efficiency, considering load, generation and transmission uncertainties. The method is applied to IEEE RTS 79 and IEEE 118 bus test systems, also considering modified versions with the inclusion of a wind power plant, and the results are widely discussed.

Investigation of the application of UPFC controllers for weak bus systems subjected to fault conditions. An investigation of the behaviour of a UPFC controller: the voltage stability and power transfer capability of the network and the effect of the position of unsymmetrical fault conditions.

Jalboub, Mohamed K. January 2012 (has links)
In order to identify the weakest bus in a power system so that the Unified Power Flow Controller could be connected, an investigation of static and dynamic voltage stability is presented. Two stability indices, static and dynamic, have been proposed in the thesis. Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) analysis has been used for the dynamic stability analysis. Results based on the Western System Coordinate Council (WSCC) 3-machine, 9-bus test system and IEEE 14 bus Reliability Test System (RTS) shows that these indices detect with the degree of accuracy the weakest bus, the weakest line and the voltage stability margin in the test system before suffering from voltage collapse. Recently, Flexible Alternating Current Transmission systems (FACTs) have become significant due to the need to strengthen existing power systems. The UPFC has been identified in literature as the most comprehensive and complex FACTs equipment that has emerged for the control and optimization of power flow in AC transmission systems. Significant research has been done on the UPFC. However, the extent of UPFC capability, connected to the weakest bus in maintaining the power flows under fault conditions, not only in the line where it is installed, but also in adjacent parallel lines, remains to be studied. In the literature, it has normally been assumed the UPFC is disconnected during a fault period. In this investigation it has been shown that fault conditions can affect the UPFC significantly, even if it occurred on far buses of the power system. This forms the main contribution presented in this thesis. The impact of UPFC in minimizing the disturbances in voltages, currents and power flows under fault conditions are investigated. The WSCC 3-machine, 9-bus test system is used to investigate the effect of an unsymmetrical fault type and position on the operation of UPFC controller in accordance to the G59 protection, stability and regulation. Results show that it is necessary to disconnect the UPFC controller from the power system during unsymmetrical fault conditions. / Libyan Government

Grid Tied PV/Battery System Architecture and Power Management for Fast Electric Vehicles Charging

Badawy, Mohamed O. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.


ANDREW DAVID WERNER ROSEMBERG 25 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Um dos algoritmos mais eficientes para resolver problemas de planejamento de operações hidrotérmicas, que são modelos estocásticos multiestágio de larga escala, é o chamado algoritmo de programação dinâmica dupla estocástica (SDDP). O planejamento da operação dos sistemas de energia visa avaliar o valor dos recursos escassos (por exemplo, água) para alimentar os modelos de despacho de curto prazo usados na implementação real das decisões. Quando o modelo de planejamento se desvia significativamente da realidade da operação implementada, as políticas de decisão são consideradas inconsistentes no tempo. A literatura recente explorou diferentes fontes de inconsistência, como medidas de risco dinâmico inconsistentes no tempo, representação imprecisa do processo de informação e simplificações no modelo de planejamento de rede. Este trabalho aborda a inconsistência no tempo devido a simplificações na representação da rede no modelo de planejamento que estende a literatura existente. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma estrutura, composta por uma metodologia e um pacote computacional de código aberto, para testar o impacto operacional e econômico das simplificações da modelagem sobre o fluxo de energia da rede em sistemas de energia hidrotérmica. Entre as inúmeras formulações disponíveis no pacote, nos concentramos em avaliar o custo e o desempenho operacional das seguintes aproximações de modelos: o modelo de rede de transporte (NFA), atualmente em uso pelo operador de sistema brasileiro; o relaxamento de cone de segunda ordem (SOC); o relaxamento de programação semidefinida (SDP); a aproximação do fluxo de energia de corente continua (DC); e o DC com aproximação de fluxo de potência com perda de linha (DCLL). Todas as formulações mencionadas anteriormente são testadas como aproximações para o modelo de rede na fase de planejamento, onde é construída a função de custo futuro. Em seguida, avaliamos cada aproximação simulando a operação do sistema usando um modelo de implementação que minimiza o custo imediato sob as restrições de fluxo de energia AC e a respectiva função de custo futuro. A comparação é feita para dois sistemas, um composto por um ciclo e o outro aproximadamente radial. / [en] One of the most efficient algorithms for solving hydrothermal operation planning problems, which are large-scale multi-stage stochastic models, is the so-called stochastic dual dynamic programming (SDDP) algorithm. Operation planning of power systems aims to assess the value of the scarce resources (e.g. water) to feed short-term dispatch models used in the actual implementation of the decisions. When the planning model significantly deviates from the reality of the implemented operation, decision policies are said to be time-inconsistent. Recent literature has explored different sources of inconsistency such as time-inconsistent dynamic risk measures, inaccurate representation of the information process and simplifications in the network planning model. This work addresses the time-inconsistency due to simplifications in the network representation in the planning model extending the existing literature. The objective of this work is to propose a framework, comprised of a methodology and an open-source computational package, for testing the operative and economic impact of modeling simplifications over the network power-flow in hydrothermal power systems. Among the myriad of formulations available in the package, we focused on assessing the cost and operative performance of the following model approximations: the transportation network-flow model (NFA), currently in use by the Brazilian system operator; the second-order cone relaxation (SOC); the semidefinite programming relaxation (SDP); the DC power-flow approximation (DC); and the DC with line-loss power-flow approximation (DCLL). All the previously mentioned formulations are tested as approximations for the network model in the planning stage, where the cost-to-go function is built. Then, we evaluate each approximation by simulating the system s operation using an implementation model, which minimizes the immediate cost under AC power-flow constraints and the respective cost-to-go function. The comparison is made for two systems, one composed of a cycle and the other approximately radial.

Open Source Model of the Nordic Power System for EU Project Spine

Satheeskumar, Aravind January 2020 (has links)
Decision problems in operation and planning of power systems often rely on large-scale models and data sets. Lack of historical power flow data due to regulatory restrictions often limits researchers to study the system with aggregated network models. Aggregated data from the electricity market operators (Nordpool in the Nordics) and the Transmission System Operator (TSO) (from ENTSO-E) are openly available, and can be used to study the power flow and exchanges between different regions but do not directly provide information about intra-region flows. This project builds upon the Nordic 490 system, a previously built model of the Nordic power system. The main objective of this work is to improve the existing open source power flow model of the Nordic power system, in order to become in turn available for the multi-energy modelling and simulation software Spine. The N490 model generates a model of the Nordic power system consisting of various nodes/buses which represent substations at different voltage levels. Then, it distributes the aggregated production, consumption and power exchange data from Nordpool to the various buses. In this project, different possible improvements are evaluated for the model, aiming at estimating a set of network parameters that minimize the errors between the calculated inter-region flows and the ones from the open data repositories. The different improvements which are evaluated are the following. Firstly, the load distribution is modified and reassigned to match the regional electricity consumption. The generators and wind farms are then reallocated to different bus based on their bidding region and proximity to the bus. The databases are improved and the power balance relation modified. Transmission line parameters are then investigated, first to standard recommended values and then by solving an optimisation problem formulated to extract the parameters from the market data. Finally, the model is also tested with wind and solar generation modelled as a generator rather than as a negative load. / Beslutsproblem gällande drift och planering av kraftsystemet baseras ofta på storskaliga modeller och datamängder. Bristen på historiska data gällande effektflöden beror på säkerhetsrestriktioner vilket begränsar forskare till att enbart studera aggregerade nätverksmodeller. Det finns tillgängliga aggregerade data från den nordiska elmarknadsplatsen Nordpool och organisationen ENTSO-E som kan användas för att studera effektflöden mellan olika regioner, dock finns det inte direkta data för flöden inom regionerna. Det här projektet bygger på det nordiska 490-systemet, en tidigare byggd modell av det nordiska kraftsystemet. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete är att förbättra den existerande effektflödesmodellen av det nordiska kraftsystemet, för att i sin tur bli tillgänglig för multienergimodelleringar och simuleringsprogramvaran Spine. N490-modellen genererar en modell för det nordiska kraftsystemet som innehåller olika noder som presenterar ställverk med olika spänningsnivåer och modellen ger också aggregerade data för produktion, konsumtion och effektutbyte mellan de olika noderna från Nordpool. I detta projekt utvärderades olika möjliga förbättringar för modellen som syftar till att uppskatta nätverkets parametrar som kan minimera felen mellan beräkningar av flöde inom regionen och data från öppna datalagringskällor. Följande förbättringar gjordes: Först har lastens fördelning modifierats och ändrats för att matcha den regionala elkonsumtionen. Generatorer och vindkraftsparker allokerades till olika noder baserad på elhandelsområden och närhet till noderna. Databasen förbättrades för att erhålla en bättre effektbalans per område. Kraftledningarnas parametrar ändrades först till rekommenderade standardvärden, vilka sedan förbättrades genom att formulera ett optimeringsproblem för att extrahera parametrarna från markandsdata. Slutligen testades modellen genom att presentera vind- och sol-produktion som generatorer istället för som negativ förbrukning.

Impact of smart EV charging on grid network with PV and BESS : Case study for Hammarby Sjöstad

Khalid, Mutayab January 2021 (has links)
The transition in the transport sector by the integration of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) brings a new challenge for the system operators to ensure the balance between supply and demand. The installation of new EV charges poses a surge in electricity demand in the coming years which jeopardizes the grid reliability and stability. With the new EV policies in place, Sweden will have a huge growth of BEVs and the associated charging infrastructures. The challenges faced by the electricity transmission and distribution will depend on the type and smart capability of the infrastructure. Therefore, research is conducted to analyze the impacts of the mix of public and private residential EV charging and how smart charging can help in mitigating the impacts. This thesis studies the impact of the mix of private residential and public EV chargers on the power network of Hammarby Sjöstad, a neighborhood of Stockholm. Four substations out of 20 corresponding to the areas with the highest proportion in the residential and commercial sectors in the network were chosen for the study and power flow analysis was carried out to analyze the impacts in the year 2025. EV chargers were categorized into public and private residential chargers. The public chargers had rated power of 22 kW each while residential chargers were rated at 3.68 kW each. EVs can behave as energy vectors, and it is possible to optimize their charging as a part of demand-side management which includes peak shaving or shifting. Optimizing EV charging was treated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem to schedule EV charging for both reducing losses and the cost of electricity import from the grid. Two optimization strategies were investigated to analyze their potential to reduce the peaks due to uncontrolled charging. Renewable energy generation from solar PVs integrated with EV chargers reduces the import of electricity from the grid during the day which not only reduced the losses but also the cost of importing electricity from the grid. The effect of intermittency of solar PV generation was reduced by implementing BESS. At low price periods, the BESS was charged using the excess PV power and at higher price periods, the BESS was discharged. Three scenarios were developed, where the Reference scenario refers to the base case without PV and BESS, With PV scenario considered only PV generation while With PVBESS scenario considered the implementation of BESS with PV. Three test cases were simulated for each of the scenarios, and it was found that by the implementation of smart charging, the losses in the network reduce by 35.5% and it also significantly reduced the losses in all the other scenarios. Implementation of smart charging reduced the cost of electricity import from the grid by 4.3%. The integration of PV generation led to a 7% further reduction in the losses and cost of electricity import as compared to the Reference scenario. The integration of BESS increased the losses in the network, but it also enhanced the self-consumption of PV power. The implementation of smart charging not only reduces the losses and costs of import but will lead to savings in grid reinforcement costs. / Övergången inom transportsektorn genom integrering av batteri -elektriska fordon (BEV) medför en ny utmaning för systemoperatörerna att säkerställa balansen mellan utbud och efterfrågan. Installationen av nya elavgifter innebär en kraftig ökning av elbehovet under de kommande åren, vilket äventyrar nätets tillförlitlighet och stabilitet. Med den nya EV -politiken på plats kommer Sverige att ha en enorm tillväxt av BEV och tillhörande ladd infrastrukturer. Utmaningarna för elöverföring och distribution beror på infrastrukturens typ och smarta kapacitet. Därför forskas för att analysera effekterna av blandningen av offentliga och privata EV -laddningar för bostäder och hur smart laddning kan hjälpa till att mildra effekterna. Denna avhandling studerar effekten av blandningen av privata bostäder och offentliga EV -laddare på kraftnätet i Hammarby Sjöstad, en stadsdel i Stockholm. Fyra transformatorstationer av 20 motsvarande de områden med den högsta andelen inom bostads- och kommersiella sektorer i nätet valdes ut för undersökningen och effektflödesanalys utfördes för att analysera effekterna år 2025. EV -laddare kategoriserades offentligt och privata bostadsladdare. De offentliga laddarna hade en nominell effekt på 22 kW vardera medan bostadsladdare var 3,68 kW vardera. Elbilar kan bete sig som energivektorer, och det är möjligt att optimera laddningen som en del av hanteringen på efterfrågesidan som inkluderar topprakning eller växling. Optimering av EV -laddning behandlades som ett blandat heltal linjärt programmeringsproblem (MILP) för att schemalägga EV -laddning för både minskning av förluster och kostnader för elimport från nätet. Två optimeringsstrategier undersöktes för att analysera deras potential att minska topparna på grund av okontrollerad laddning. Förnybar energiproduktion från solcellsanläggningar integrerade med EV -laddare minskar importen av el från nätet under dagen vilket inte bara minskade förlusterna utan också kostnaderna för att importera el från nätet. Effekten av intermittency av solcellsgenerering genererades genom att implementera BESS. Vid lågprisperioder debiterades BESS med överskott av PV -effekt och vid högre prisperioder laddades BESS ur. Tre scenarier utvecklades, där referensscenariot hänvisar till basfallet utan PV och BESS, med PV -scenario endast betraktat PV -generering medan With PVBESS -scenario övervägde implementeringen av BESS med PV. Tre testfall simulerades för vart och ett av scenarierna, och det visade sig att genom implementering av smart laddning minskar förlusterna i nätverket med 35,5% och det minskade också avsevärt i alla andra scenarier. Genomförandet av smart laddning minskade kostnaden för elimport från nätet med 4,3%. Integrationen av PV -produktion ledde till en ytterligare minskning av förlusterna och kostnaderna för elimport med 7% jämfört med referensscenariot. Integrationen av BESS ökade förlusterna i nätet, men det förbättrade också självförbrukningen av PV-kraft. Genomförandet av smart laddning minskar inte bara förluster och kostnader vid import utan leder till besparingar i nätförstärkningskostnader.


Aravindkumar Rajakumar (17929553) 22 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Distributed energy resources (DERs), such as rooftop solar generation and energy storage systems, are becoming more prevalent in distribution systems. DERs are connected to the distribution system via power electronic converters, introducing faster dynamics in the system. Understanding the system dynamics under a high penetration of inverter-based DERs is critical for power system researchers and practitioners, driving the development of modeling techniques and simulation software. Aiming to reduce computational complexity, existing tools and techniques often employ various approximations. Meanwhile, modern advancements in computational hardware capabilities provide opportunities to include the faster time-scale dynamics. To address this, the primary objective of this thesis is to develop an open-source Python simulation package, Dynamic Simulation using Sparse Tableau Approach in Python, DynaSTPy (pronounced “dynasty”), capable of capturing the dynamics of all components in a distribution feeder. The distribution feeder is modeled as a system of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs). Further, each component in the feeder is modeled based on the Sparse Tableau Approach (STA), which involves the representation of component model equations using sparse matrices, facilitating a systematic procedure to model the components and construct the system DAEs. In sinusoidal steady state, the DAEs can be represented in phasor form, extending the approach to perform power flow analysis of distribution feeders.</p>

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