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Problémy institutu vazby / The Issue of Pre-trial Detention in Criminal ProcedureProkůpek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The Issue of Pre-trial Detention in Criminal Procedure This thesis deals with the topic of the institute of pre-trial Detention. Personal freedom is a fundamental human right, but it is not unlimited. It is the detention that significantly affects this right. Both in the case of legislative process and in the application of legal instruments, it is necessary to insist on the greatest possible emphasis on the rights of persons against whom criminal procedure is being conducted. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter describes the general features of detention, especially the concept of detention, the conditions under which detention can be applied and the principles influencing the detention. The second chapter deals with the international and constitutional legal framework of detention. Topics of presumption of innocence and limits of restriction of personal freedom. The third part is devoted to a summary of the historical development of the detention in the Czech lands from the 19th century to the present day. Chapter four is focused on material aspect of law concerning detention. The individual reasons for detention are discussed, as well as the institutes alternative to detention. Special mention is given to electronic control in cases where the detention was replaced by...
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Prisoner capture: welfare, lawfare and warfare in Latin America’s overcrowded prisonsMacaulay, Fiona 05 1900 (has links)
Yes / This chapter focuses on the forms of legality and illegality produced by, and within, prison systems in Latin America where prison populations have risen five-fold, leading to a serious structural crisis in the criminal justice system. The chapter develops the concept of “prisoner capture”, a double-sided phenomenon of illegality in the state’s practices of detention, on the one hand, and informal, or parallel, governance exercised by those that it detained, on the other. State authorities held tens of thousands of people in extended and legally unjustifiable pretrial detention, and frequently denied convicted prisoners their legal rights, including timely release. This officially sanctioned form of kidnapping created such overcrowding and under-investment in prisons that national, constitutional, and international minimum norms on detention standards were routinely, systematically and grossly violated. These multiple illegalities on the part of the state in turn encouraged the emergence of prisoner self-defence and self-governance organizations. This resulted in “prisoner capture” of a different kind, when inmates took over the day-to-day ordering of prison life. In turn, this produced a parallel normative and pseudo-legal world in which inmates adjudicated on and disciplined other inmates in the absence of state officials within the prison walls. The chapter further examines what the study of Latin American prisons and penal practices can add to the field of socio-legal studies in the region and the implications of this phenomenon of prison capture for the dominant socio-legal literature on prisons and imprisonment.
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Prisão preventiva e drogas: “a polícia prende e a Justiça não solta”Freitas, Alexandre José Salles de 12 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-08-22T11:26:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-12 / O presente trabalho estuda a aplicação prática de prisões preventivas, medida processual penal tratada como excepcional pela própria Constituição, mas que vem se tornando cada vez mais usual e recorrente. A fim de explicar o porquê de a exceção estar virando a regra, juristas e acadêmicos já apontam para problemas como falta de um prazo legal para a duração, ampla margem interpretativa dos fundamentos legais, bem como questões mais arraigadas de seletividade dos órgãos ligados à justiça criminal. A partir destes estudos, conjugados com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a sociologia do crime e do desvio, aliados às discussões sobre o atual modelo de proibicionismo que resulta na política de “guerra às drogas”, o trabalho promove o estudo de 155 ações penais referentes ao crime de tráfico de drogas, distribuídas a uma das Varas Criminais da Justiça Estadual da comarca de Juiz de Fora – MG, num lapso temporal de dois anos, compreendidos entre as datas de 01/01/2014 e 31/12/2015. Os dados quantitativos e qualitativos extraídos destes processos foram interpretados com enfoque na questão da prisão preventiva e seu efeito no fluxo processual. Na sequência, seleciona-se 83 sentenças das quais se passa a analisar, tendo-se por base a teory of sentencing, as fundamentações para condenar, as penas utilizadas pelo magistrado dentre outros fatores, que permitem constatar um alto índice de condenações e uma predileção por penas privativas de liberdade, confirmando-se na prática a lógica da punição. Finalizase com o estudo de um caso modelo, do qual se observa em pormenores, desde a abordagem policial que resulta na prisão em flagrante, perpassando-se por sua conversão em preventiva até a posterior condenação, as correlações entre os órgãos de justiça criminal e a lógica de um processo de tráfico de drogas, onde se aliam dois dos principais gargalos do encarceramento. / The present work studies the practice of pre-trial detention, that should be exceptional, but has being usual. To explain the reason of being the rule, lawyers and specialists point to questions like lack of legal deadline, wide margin about legal grounds and questions like the selectivity of criminal justice. From these studies, with a literature review about sociology’s crime and deviance, allied to discussions about the actual model of prohibitionism that results in the public policy of war on drugs, this work promotes the study of 155 criminal actions linked to drug trafficking in a criminal court of State Justice in a city county, in a period between January of 2014 and December of 2015. The quantitative and qualitative data extracted from these cases were interpreted with focus on pre-trial detention and the effects on the process flow. In sequence, 83 were selected and analyzed by the theory of sentencing, the grounds of condemnation, the penalty used by the magistrate and other factors that allow us to verify an high index of condemnations and a preference to custodial sentences which confirms the punishment logical. We finished with a model of case study where were observed, in details, since the police approach that results in detention in the act, passing by conversion to pre-trial detention until the final condemnation, the correlations between criminal justice and the logic in a process of drug trafficking where two of the most important problems of incarceration are allied.
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Problémy institutu vazby / The issues of pre-trial detention in criminal procedureKlimešová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
- The issue of pre-trial detention in criminal procedure The topic of this diploma thesis is the issue of pre-trial detention in criminal procedure. The institute can be described as a securing institute of criminal procedural law that significantly affects the right to personal freedom of the individual, which conflicts with other human rights. In light of these violations of fundamental rights, it is not surprising that the institute is often discussed and is thus a sensitive topic. It is therefore often the subject of disputes, which are held in front of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and other international courts. This thesis is divided into six chapters, wherein, the first part deals with the description of the institute of pre-trial detention itself, and discusses the principles that are related to it. The second chapter briefly describes the historical development of the institute of pre-trial detention on the territory of the Czech Republic since 1961, when the new Criminal Procedure Code was adopted. It emphasises the amendments No. 265/2001 Coll., and No. 459/2011 Coll., which both brought a significant change in the legal system of pre-trial detention. The third chapter focuses on the existing legislation based on case law in the Czech Republic and international courts....
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Minskning av långa häktningstider : En kritisk analys av utformning och tillämpning av det svenska häktningsinstitutet som orsak till långa häktningstider och huruvida regeringens förslag kan minska dessa häktningstider / Reduction of long periods of detention on remand : A critical analysis of regulation and application of the Swedish institute of detention as a cause of long times of detention and whether the proposals from the government can reduce these times of detentionVogel, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Häktning är ett av de mest ingripande tvångsmedel som staten kan vidta gentemot enenskild person. I kombination med restriktionsanvändning riskerar det att kränka ett flertalav den enskildes grundlagsskyddade rättigheter. Att reglera en häktningslagstiftninginnebär att göra en noggrann avvägning mellan de brottsutredande myndigheternas möjlighetertill en effektiv utredning samt lagföring och den enskildes skydd för grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. Med en så ingripande åtgärd mot en ännu ej dömd person är det av största vikt att ställa höga krav på reglering och tillämpning av tvångsmedlet och dess överensstämmande med grundläggande principer och rättigheter. Senaste årens ökningav häktningstider är således oroande och kräver förändring. Sverige har under flera decennier fått återkommande och omfattande kritik för sin regleringkring häktning. Kritiken har riktat sig mot att det inte finns någon övre tidsgränsför hur länge en person kan sitta häktad, en omfattande restriktionsanvändning samt avsaknaden av effektiva alternativa tvångsmedel till häktning. Till följd av kritiken presenterade regeringen år 2020 ett flertal förslag som syftade till en effektivare häktningsreglering. I min framställning kommer jag ta sikte på möjligheterna att minska de långa häktningstiderna.Flertalet av förslagen har indirekt betydelse för möjligheterna att minska delånga häktningstiderna och det mest omdebatterade förslaget är det om införandet av enövre tidsgräns för hur länge man får sitta häktad.I min slutsats argumenterar jag för att nuvarande utformning och tillämpning av häktningsregleringenkan antas strida mot överordnad rätt och i viss mån vara anledningen tillde långa häktningstiderna. Jag ställer mig positiv till de förslag regeringen presenterar isyfte att förändra nuvarande häktningslagstiftning. Jag tror det finns en stor sannolikhet för att förslagen kommer kunna leda till minskade häktningstider. Samtidigt ställer jag mig tveksam till i vilken utsträckning den maxtidsgräns som presenteras kommer lösasamma problem. Visserligen anser jag att den gräns som presenteras är viktig ur legalitetssynpunkt, men att den inte i tillräcklig utsträckning avhjälper den proportionalitetsproblematik som förekommer. Jag är inte heller övertygad om att häktningstiderna faktiskt kommer minska till följd av införandet av denna gräns. Konsekvenserna av förslagen innebär på det stora hela en minskad användning av häktning, en mindre godtycklig häktningsprocess och minskade häktningstider. Förhoppningen är att förslagen i viss mån kommer underlätta för åklagare och domstol vid beslut om häktning och särskilt bedömningen av huruvida häktningen är proportionerlig eller ej. Jag menar emellertid att mer kan göras för att komma tillrätta med nuvarande häktningsregleringoch långa häktningstider varför ytterligare förslag på förändring kommer presenterasi denna framställning. / Pre-trial detention is one of the most intervening means of coercion that the state authorities can use against an individual. In combination with the use of restrictions there is risk that it will infringe a numerous of the constitutional rights of the individual. To regulatet he law of detention means to balance the interests of the possibilities of the stateauthorities to an efficient investigation and prosecution and the individuals protection oftheir constitutional rights. With such an intervening action against a not yet condemnedperson it is of paramount importance to ensure high demands on the regulation and applicationof the means of coercion and its compatibility with constitutional principles andrights. The increasing times of pre trial detention the last couple of years are therefore agitating and requires a change. Sweden has during several decades received recurrent and extensive criticism regardingits regultation on detention. The critic has been adressed against that there is no upperlimit for how long a person can undergo pre-trial detention, a comprehensive use of restrictions and the lack of efficient alternative means of coercion to pre trial detention.Following the criticism the government 2020 presented a numerous proposals on how to change the legislation in purpose of a more efficient regulation of detention. In my thesis I focus on the possibilities to decrease the long times of detention. Most of the proposalsare of relevance for the possibilities to decrease the long times of detention and the most debated proposal is the one regarding the imposition of an upper limit of how long aperson can remain in continual detention.In my conclusion I argue for that the present regulation and application of detention canbe assumed to infringe superior constitutional law and to a certain extent be the cause of the long times of detention. I remain positive towards the proposals the government present in order to change the current regulation of detention. I think it´s highly likely thatthe proposals can lead to shorter times of detention. At the same time I remain doubtfultowards in what extent the upper time limit that is presented can solve the same problem. Indeed I believe that the presented limit is important in an aspect of legality, but that it´s not enough to remedy the complex problem of proportionality that exists. I´m neitherconvinced that the long times of detention actually are going to decrease as a consequence of the imposition of this limit.The consequences of the proposals can overall lead to reduced use of detention, a less arbitrary detention process and shorter times of detention. Hopefully the proposals canfacilitate for public prosecutors and courts regarding decisions of detention and especiallythe assessment of whether the detention is proportional or not. However, I mean that morecan be done to settle current regulation and long times of detention why further proposals will be presented in this paper.
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Los elementos de convicción para acreditar apariencia de delito en la prisión preventiva bajo la categoría procesal de la evidenciaHuaman Apaza, Jose Diomedes January 2023 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación trata el requisito de apariencia de delito en la prisión preventiva y la categoría procesal de la evidencia como estándar probatorio para acreditarlo.
Para tal efecto, bajo el método de análisis documental, conjuntamente con la técnica del fichaje, se revisan las instituciones jurídicas más importantes relacionadas. A partir de ello, se identifica la verdadera naturaleza de la prisión preventiva que responde a criterios de eficacia y criterios garantistas, manifestados en el peligro procesal y la apariencia de delito consecutivamente.
Posteriormente, se analiza los elementos de convicción para acreditar apariencia de delito en la prisión preventiva bajo la categoría procesal de la evidencia, que exige ausencia de duda que después de realizada la audiencia de juicio oral el procesado será declarado culpable de la comisión del delito. Para tal efecto, los elementos de convicción que se utilicen serán consideradas auténticas pruebas en el proceso cautelar, cuya única deficiencia es que no han pasado los filtros de calidad que permite el control de acusación y el juicio oral. Asimismo, el estándar de la evidencia permite la discusión de las tres categorías del delito. / This research work deals with the requirement of appearance of crime in pretrial detention and the procedural category of evidence as a standard of proof to prove it. For this purpose, under the documentary analysis method, together with the signing technique, the most important related legal institutions are reviewed. From this, the true nature of preventive detention is identified, which responds to criteria of effectiveness and guarantee criteria, manifested in the procedural danger and the appearance of a crime consecutively. Subsequently, the elements of conviction are analyzed to prove the appearance of a crime in pretrial detention under the procedural category of evidence, which requires the absence of doubt that after the oral trial hearing the defendant will be found guilty of committing the crime. For this purpose, the elements of conviction that are used will be considered authentic evidence in the precautionary process, whose only deficiency is that they have not passed the quality filters that allow the control of the accusation and the oral trial. Likewise, the standard of evidence allows discussion
of the three categories of crime.
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La constitutionnalité du par. 515(6) du Code criminel et d’autres sujets touchant la libération provisoire au CanadaChenette, Mathieu 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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