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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A adolescência e a problemática da separação: do espaço familiar ao espaço social / Adolescence and the question of separation: from family space to social space

Fernandes, Elisângela Barboza 02 August 2016 (has links)
A adolescência impõe novas exigências à família, que vivencia a angústia do esmaecimento de suas fronteiras daquelas que separam o nós dos outros, mas também das fronteiras no suceder das gerações. O intenso processo de afiliação do adolescente a outros grupos ameaça os pactos e alianças que garantiram a manutenção do grupo familiar. A capacidade de continência da família é fortemente requisitada, para que ela possa dar conta de acolher as transformações vivenciadas pelo adolescente. Cabe a ele/ela rever a separação entre si mesmo e os objetos primários, entre o eu e o outro, exigência que se efetiva pelo investimento no exterior. Deve, então, encontrar um lugar nos vínculos externos à família. Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como a problemática da separação do adolescente repercute no plano dos vínculos familiares e na relação com os espaços onde vive (casa, comunidade). Surgido das inquietações da autora em seu trabalho com adolescentes em situação de precariedade social, este estudo sustenta a hipótese de que a problemática da separação desses adolescentes ganha contornos particulares, relacionados às condições de vida, mas também à descoberta de que suas famílias e seu grupo social ocupam um lugar depreciado na sociedade. Para condução da pesquisa foram realizadas oito sessões em grupo (formado por onze adolescentes, entre 15 e 17 anos), conduzidas com base na técnica de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière. De acordo com a concepção psicanalítica do sujeito como sujeito do vínculo, a análise foi norteada pela consideração de algumas noções fundamentais, tais como alianças inconscientes e narcisismo grupal. Os adolescentes revelaram um intenso trabalho psíquico de elaboração em torno da questão do dentro e do fora da família, simultâneo a seu movimento em direção ao exterior. As suas falas indicaram que, para a família, o exterior figurava como uma ameaça aos pactos estabelecidos, representada pela sexualidade, em especial, e pelo risco de que o adolescente se envolvesse na violência presente na comunidade. Os adolescentes, por sua vez, revelaram a expectativa de obtenção de prazer no exterior de viverem os aspectos de seu íntimo, que não cabem no interior do grupo primário e, ao mesmo tempo, o receio quanto a um novo lugar social a ocupar. O exterior surgiu, também, como espaço de diferença e de experiência de humilhação social, vivenciada pelos adolescentes como portadores das marcas do estigma ligado a seu grupo e a sua comunidade. Em um movimento inconsciente de oposição às marcas sociais de rebaixamento, os marcos identificatórios de pertencimento dos adolescentes à comunidade foram fortalecidos, destacando-se o papel desta como espaço de continência. Concluímos que os adolescentes encontravam-se no caminho entre assegurarem seu lugar na comunidade como herdeira do vínculo e da identificação com a família e se projetarem para o exterior, como expressão da tentativa de desprenderem-se do vínculo familiar e re-criarem-se / Adolescence imposes new requirements on the family who then lives in dread of seeing its boundaries blurred and rubbed out its boundaries between us and the others as well as those framing its different generations. The adolescent\'s intense process of affiliation to other groups threatens the agreements and alliances made to hold the family group together. The family\'s containing function is then absolutely necessary to deal with the adolescent\'s transformations. The adolescent needs to reconsider the separation between himself/herself and primary objects, between his/her Self and the other that need being clearly expressed through his/her outward investment, commitment. He/She needs to find himself/herself a place to be and behave out of the family structure. This research is aimed at analyzing how the question of separation for adolescents impacts their family links, connections and relationship with their living places (home, community). Resulting from its author\'s questions and observations raised while working with teenagers in precarious living conditions, this study supports the hypothesis that the question of separation is experienced differently by those who have \"realized\" that their families and groups are socially speaking badly considered. From this perspective, eight group sessions (made up of eleven 15- to 17-year-old adolescents) were conducted according to Pichon-Rivière\'s operative group framework. In accordance with the psychoanalytic concept of the subject as the \"subject of the link\", this analysis is based on certain essential notions such as the ones of \"unconscious alliance/s\" and \"collective (or group) narcissism\". The interviewed adolescents showed a real effort to reflect on the question of the family\'s inside and outside that question being parallel to their outward movement. They expressed that their families viewed the outside as a threat to their established alliances, a threat notably embodied by sexuality and by the risk of seeing \"their\" adolescent take part in the surrounding community\'s violence. Regarding their own opinion of the outside, those adolescents revealed both their expectation of experiencing pleasure that is the pleasure of getting to know and to experience their intimate, inner aspects, unconceivable within their primary group and the fear of occupying a new social place. The family\'s outside also turned out to be considered as a space of difference and social humiliation experienced by those teenagers bearing their group\'s and community\'s marks. Though through an unconscious movement of opposition to those derogatory marks, the adolescents actually reinforced their community\'s identificatory traits, thus highlighting the function of the latter, that is to be a containing space. In conclusion, those adolescents were met \"half way\", both on their way to ensure themselves a place in their community which inherits the link and family identification and to project themselves outwards, as if to \"get loose\" from the family connection and reconstitute themselves

A adolescência e a problemática da separação: do espaço familiar ao espaço social / Adolescence and the question of separation: from family space to social space

Elisângela Barboza Fernandes 02 August 2016 (has links)
A adolescência impõe novas exigências à família, que vivencia a angústia do esmaecimento de suas fronteiras daquelas que separam o nós dos outros, mas também das fronteiras no suceder das gerações. O intenso processo de afiliação do adolescente a outros grupos ameaça os pactos e alianças que garantiram a manutenção do grupo familiar. A capacidade de continência da família é fortemente requisitada, para que ela possa dar conta de acolher as transformações vivenciadas pelo adolescente. Cabe a ele/ela rever a separação entre si mesmo e os objetos primários, entre o eu e o outro, exigência que se efetiva pelo investimento no exterior. Deve, então, encontrar um lugar nos vínculos externos à família. Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como a problemática da separação do adolescente repercute no plano dos vínculos familiares e na relação com os espaços onde vive (casa, comunidade). Surgido das inquietações da autora em seu trabalho com adolescentes em situação de precariedade social, este estudo sustenta a hipótese de que a problemática da separação desses adolescentes ganha contornos particulares, relacionados às condições de vida, mas também à descoberta de que suas famílias e seu grupo social ocupam um lugar depreciado na sociedade. Para condução da pesquisa foram realizadas oito sessões em grupo (formado por onze adolescentes, entre 15 e 17 anos), conduzidas com base na técnica de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière. De acordo com a concepção psicanalítica do sujeito como sujeito do vínculo, a análise foi norteada pela consideração de algumas noções fundamentais, tais como alianças inconscientes e narcisismo grupal. Os adolescentes revelaram um intenso trabalho psíquico de elaboração em torno da questão do dentro e do fora da família, simultâneo a seu movimento em direção ao exterior. As suas falas indicaram que, para a família, o exterior figurava como uma ameaça aos pactos estabelecidos, representada pela sexualidade, em especial, e pelo risco de que o adolescente se envolvesse na violência presente na comunidade. Os adolescentes, por sua vez, revelaram a expectativa de obtenção de prazer no exterior de viverem os aspectos de seu íntimo, que não cabem no interior do grupo primário e, ao mesmo tempo, o receio quanto a um novo lugar social a ocupar. O exterior surgiu, também, como espaço de diferença e de experiência de humilhação social, vivenciada pelos adolescentes como portadores das marcas do estigma ligado a seu grupo e a sua comunidade. Em um movimento inconsciente de oposição às marcas sociais de rebaixamento, os marcos identificatórios de pertencimento dos adolescentes à comunidade foram fortalecidos, destacando-se o papel desta como espaço de continência. Concluímos que os adolescentes encontravam-se no caminho entre assegurarem seu lugar na comunidade como herdeira do vínculo e da identificação com a família e se projetarem para o exterior, como expressão da tentativa de desprenderem-se do vínculo familiar e re-criarem-se / Adolescence imposes new requirements on the family who then lives in dread of seeing its boundaries blurred and rubbed out its boundaries between us and the others as well as those framing its different generations. The adolescent\'s intense process of affiliation to other groups threatens the agreements and alliances made to hold the family group together. The family\'s containing function is then absolutely necessary to deal with the adolescent\'s transformations. The adolescent needs to reconsider the separation between himself/herself and primary objects, between his/her Self and the other that need being clearly expressed through his/her outward investment, commitment. He/She needs to find himself/herself a place to be and behave out of the family structure. This research is aimed at analyzing how the question of separation for adolescents impacts their family links, connections and relationship with their living places (home, community). Resulting from its author\'s questions and observations raised while working with teenagers in precarious living conditions, this study supports the hypothesis that the question of separation is experienced differently by those who have \"realized\" that their families and groups are socially speaking badly considered. From this perspective, eight group sessions (made up of eleven 15- to 17-year-old adolescents) were conducted according to Pichon-Rivière\'s operative group framework. In accordance with the psychoanalytic concept of the subject as the \"subject of the link\", this analysis is based on certain essential notions such as the ones of \"unconscious alliance/s\" and \"collective (or group) narcissism\". The interviewed adolescents showed a real effort to reflect on the question of the family\'s inside and outside that question being parallel to their outward movement. They expressed that their families viewed the outside as a threat to their established alliances, a threat notably embodied by sexuality and by the risk of seeing \"their\" adolescent take part in the surrounding community\'s violence. Regarding their own opinion of the outside, those adolescents revealed both their expectation of experiencing pleasure that is the pleasure of getting to know and to experience their intimate, inner aspects, unconceivable within their primary group and the fear of occupying a new social place. The family\'s outside also turned out to be considered as a space of difference and social humiliation experienced by those teenagers bearing their group\'s and community\'s marks. Though through an unconscious movement of opposition to those derogatory marks, the adolescents actually reinforced their community\'s identificatory traits, thus highlighting the function of the latter, that is to be a containing space. In conclusion, those adolescents were met \"half way\", both on their way to ensure themselves a place in their community which inherits the link and family identification and to project themselves outwards, as if to \"get loose\" from the family connection and reconstitute themselves

Aux bords du chez soi : Etude ethnographique des conditions de l'habiter précaire des hébergés / At the edge of having a home : An ethnographical study of the precarious living conditions of the homeless taken in reception centres

Grand, David 09 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse porte sur les conditions de vie des personnes sans domicile hébergées dans des structures d'accueil de jour et/ou de nuit. Elle documente, questionne et analyse ce que signifie habiter quand on est sans domicile. Elle repose sur une enquête ethnographique,par observations et par entretiens, menée dans trois structures choisies en raison de leurs caractéristiques différentes. Il s'agit d'explorer et de comparer le vécu des résidents en se focalisant sur l'hébergement mais aussi en prenant en compte les espaces extérieurs à celui-ci comme ceux habités précédemment. La perspective adoptée dans la thèse donne à voir aussi bien les fortes contraintes subies par les hébergés que les ressources activées dans ces situations, comme la possibilité de s'approprier les lieux, d'aider ses pairs et de s'organiser collectivement. Par ailleurs, elle se place dans le monde de la matérialité et du quotidien, en prenant en compte, par exemple, l'ensemble des temps ou des moments vécus par les résidents, qu'ils soient ordinaires (se laver, déjeuner),transgressifs (voler, boire de l'alcool) ou exceptionnels (fêter un anniversaire). La thèse raconte la chronique du vécu des résidents dans chaque hébergement. Ce faisant, il est possible de saisir les spécificités des trois structures. Elle met en lumière,grâce à une analyse thématique, les trois dimensions qui structurent l'expérience des résidents, à savoir : l'espace privatif, la cohabitation et le temps. Elle montre que chacune a son importance et peut jouer un rôle dans le processus conduisant à « s'en sortir », ce dernier étant essentiel à dégager et à expliquer afin de souligner que la situation des personnes sans domicile n'est pas irréversible.La première partie de la thèse est méthodologique. Elle expose la démarche d'enquête,les options théoriques retenues et la construction du questionnement. La seconde partie correspond à la chronique de la vie quotidienne des hébergés et la troisième propose une analyse micro-sociologique et comparative des situations observées. / The thesis is about the living conditions of the homeless people taken in day, night, day and night shelters. It provides information, enquiries and analyses on what living in a place means when one is homeless. At the root of the thesis is an ethnographical enquiry, consisting in observations and interviews, which were carried out in three different shelters, selected for their different features. The purpose is to explore and compare the quality of !ife of the residents, focusing on their housing conditions but also taking into account the existing outside areas neighbouring the shelters and those the homeless used previously. The angle chosen in the dissertation shows the huge constraints the residents have to bear as well as the resources injected into those situations, like the possibility for the residents to take over the place, to help fellow residents,and to organize collectively. Besides, it delves into the actua] material conditions, and the problems of everyday !ife, taking into account all the different stages and moments the residents live, whether they are ordinary, infringements, or out of the ordinary. A detailed account of the residents' lives in each reception centre is provided. Doing this enables us to understand the parlicularities of the three homes. Thanks to a thematic analysis, it displays the three aspects that structure the residents' experiences, namely : a private space, co-living with others, and time. The point is to show that each has its importance and can play a part in the process of "getting out' oftheir difficult situation.

"Welcome to the world of the free market" : Examining precarious renting in Helsinki, Finland

Pärssinen, Oskari January 2024 (has links)
With starting point in current housing policy debates in Sweden, where the deregulated rental market in Finland is used as an example of a better functioning housing market, this thesis aims to investigate if this image is shared by the Finnish experts in rental housing related questions. Based on eight semi-structured interviews, the precarious living conditions on the Finnish rental housing market are revealed and discussed in relation to the theoretical framework of housing inequality. Finland’s market liberal approach to housing provision has created good conditions for investing in housing that is reflected on the supply of rental housing on the private sector. Rental apartments on this sector are small, referred to as ‘tube studios’ and ‘suicide studios’, unaffordable for many, and the legal framework provides little security for the tenants causing uncertainty about the future. Furthermore, a number of reforms are currently being carried out to decrease state support in providing affordable housing and access to social housing, referred to as ARA-housing, is to be limited for the worst-off population. In light of these results this thesis aims to provide an alternative image to the market dominated discourse and argues that behind the numbers of constructed units and vacancy rates, a wide range of precarious housing conditions exist. This precarity affects first and foremost residents on private sector and is expected to become a bigger issue and impact a greater number of people in the future when the political reforms currently under way are rolled out.

L'adolescence et la problématique de la séparation : de l'espace familial à l'espace social / Adolescence and the question of separation : from family space to social space / A adolescência e a problemática da separação : do espaço familiar ao espaço social

Fernandes, Elisangela Barboza 02 August 2016 (has links)
L'adolescence impose de nouvelles exigences à la famille qui connaît alors l'angoisse de l'effacement de ses frontières - frontières qui séparent le « nous » des « autres » et celles qui scindent les générations qui se succèdent. L'intense processus d'affiliation de l'adolescent/e à d'autres groupes menace les pactes et alliances garants du maintien du groupe familial. La capacité contenante de la famille est fortement requise pour que celle-ci soit à même d'accueillir les transformations vécues par l'adolescent/e. Il incombe à ce dernier / cette dernière de reconsidérer la séparation entre soi et les objets primaires, entre le Moi et l'autre, exigence rendue manifeste par son investissement vers l'extérieur. Aussi, l'adolescent/e doit se trouver une place au sein de liens externes, hors de sa famille. La présente recherche vise à analyser la manière dont la problématique de la séparation chez l'adolescent/e se répercute sur le plan des liens familiaux et sur sa relation avec ses espaces de vie (domicile, communauté). Née des interrogations de l'auteure, au fil de son travail auprès d'adolescents en situation de précarité sociale, cette étude soutient l'hypothèse que la problématique de la séparation chez ces adolescents revêt une coloration toute particulière du fait de la « découverte », par ces derniers, du piètre positionnement de leur famille et de leur groupe dans la société. Pour mener à bien cette recherche, ont été réalisées huit séances - ou rencontres - en groupe (composé de onze adolescents âgés de 15 à 17 ans), conduites sur la base du référentiel de groupe opératif de Pichon-Rivière. En accord avec la conception psychanalytique du sujet en tant que « sujet du lien», l'analyse s'appuie sur certaines notions fondamentales telles que celles d' « alliances inconscientes » et de « narcissisme groupal ». Les adolescents ont fait montre d'un grand travail d'élaboration psychique autour de la question du dedans familial et du dehors, parallèle à leur mouvement vers l'extérieur. Leurs propos ont indiqué que, pour leur famille, l'extérieur faisait figure de menace à l'encontre des pactes établis, menace notamment incarnée par la sexualité et par le risque de voir « leur » adolescent/e prendre part à la violence présente au sein de la communauté. Pour leur part, ces adolescents ont révélé à la fois l'expectative d'y obtenir du plaisir - à savoir celui de connaître et de vivre les aspects de leur être intime, aberrants à l'intérieur du groupe primaire - et de la crainte quant à ce nouveau lieu social à occuper. L'extérieur est également apparu comme un espace de différence et d'expérience d'humiliation sociale, vécue par les adolescents, porteurs des marques de leur groupe et de leur communauté. Au travers d'un mouvement inconscient d'opposition à ces marques sociales avilissantes, les adolescents ont en réalité renforcé les marques identificatoires de leur appartenance à la communauté, mettant en lumière la fonction de cette dernière, celle d'espace de contenance. En conclusion, ces adolescents ont été rencontrés à mi-parcours, à la fois en voie de s'assurer une place dans leur communauté - en tant qu'héritière du lien et de l'identification familiale - et de se projeter vers l'extérieur, comme pour se « dégager » du lien familial et se reconstituer. / Adolescence imposes new requirements on the family who then lives in dread of seeing its boundaries blurred and rubbed out - its boundaries between us and the others as well as those framing its different generations. The adolescent's intense process of affiliation to other groups threatens the agreements and alliances made to hold the family group together. The family's containing function is then absolutely necessary to deal with the adolescent's transformations. The adolescent needs to reconsider the separation between himself/herself and primary objects, between his/her Self and the other - that need being clearly expressed through his/her outward investment, commitment. He/She needs to find himself/herself a place to be and behave out of the family structure. This research is aimed at analyzing how the question of separation for adolescents impacts their family links, connections and relationship with their living places (home, community). Resulting from its author's questions and observations raised while working with teenagers in precarious living conditions, this study supports the hypothesis that the question of separation is experienced differently by those who have "realized" that their families and groups are - socially speaking - badly considered. From this perspective, eight group sessions (made up of eleven 15- to 17-year-old adolescents) were conducted according to Pichon-Rivière's operative group framework. In accordance with the psychoanalytic concept of the subject as the "subject of the link", this analysis is based on certain essential notions such as the ones of "unconscious alliance/s" and "collective (or group) narcissism". The interviewed adolescents showed a real effort to reflect on the question of the family's inside and outside - that question being parallel to their outward movement. They expressed that their families viewed the outside as a threat to their established alliances, a threat notably embodied by sexuality and by the risk of seeing "their" adolescent take part in the surrounding community's violence. Regarding their own opinion of the outside, those adolescents revealed both their expectation of experiencing pleasure - that is the pleasure of getting to know and to experience their intimate, inner aspects, unconceivable within their primary group - and the fear of occupying a new social place. The family's outside also turned out to be considered as a space of difference and social humiliation experienced by those teenagers bearing their group's and community's marks. Though through an unconscious movement of opposition to those derogatory marks, the adolescents actually reinforced their community's identificatory traits, thus highlighting the function of the latter, that is to be a containing space. In conclusion, those adolescents were met "half way", both on their way to ensure themselves a place in their community - which inherits the link and family identification - and to project themselves outwards, as if to "get loose" from the family connection and reconstitute themselves. / A adolescência impõe novas exigências à família, que vivencia a angústia do esmaecimento de suas fronteiras - daquelas que separam o "nós" dos "outros", mas também das fronteiras no suceder das gerações. O intenso processo de afiliação do adolescente a outros grupos ameaça os pactos e alianças que garantiram a manutenção do grupo familiar. A capacidade de continência da família é fortemente requisitada, para que ela possa dar conta de acolher as transformações vivenciadas pelo adolescente. Cabe a ele/ela rever a separação entre si mesmo e os objetos primários, entre o eu e o outro, exigência que se efetiva pelo investimento no exterior. Deve, então, encontrar um lugar nos vínculos externos à família. Esta pesquisa buscou analisar como a problemática da separação do adolescente repercute no plano dos vínculos familiares e na relação com os espaços onde vive (casa, comunidade). Surgido das inquietações da autora em seu trabalho com adolescentes em situação de precariedade social, esse estudo sustenta a hipótese de que a problemática da separação desses adolescentes ganha contornos particulares relacionados à "descoberta" de que suas famílias e seu grupo social ocupam um lugar depreciado na representação social. Para condução da pesquisa foram realizadas oito sessões em grupo (formado por onze adolescentes, entre 15 e 17 anos), conduzidas com base na técnica de grupo operativo de Pichon-Rivière. De acordo com a concepção psicanalítica do sujeito como "sujeito do vínculo", a análise foi norteada pela consideração de algumas noções fundamentais, tais como "alianças inconscientes" e "narcisismo grupal". Os adolescentes revelaram um intenso trabalho psíquico de elaboração em torno da questão do dentro e do fora da família, simultâneo a seu movimento em direção ao exterior. As suas falas indicaram que para a família o exterior figurava como uma ameaça aos pactos estabelecidos, representada pela sexualidade, em especial, e pelo risco de que o adolescente se envolvesse na violência presente na comunidade. Os adolescentes, por sua vez, revelaram a expectativa de obtenção de prazer no exterior - de viverem os aspectos de seu íntimo, que não cabem no interior do grupo primário - e, ao mesmo tempo, o receio quanto a um novo lugar social a ocupar. O exterior surgiu, também, como espaço de diferença e de experiência de humilhação social, vivenciada pelos adolescentes como portadores das marcas do estigma ligado a seu grupo e a sua comunidade. Em um movimento inconsciente de oposição às marcas sociais de rebaixamento, os marcos identificatórios de pertencimento dos adolescentes à comunidade foram fortalecidos, destacando-se o papel desta como espaço de continência. Concluímos que os adolescentes encontravam-se no caminho entre assegurarem seu lugar na comunidade - como herdeira do vínculo e da identificação com a família - e se projetarem para o exterior, como expressão da tentativa de "desprenderem-se" do vínculo familiar e re-criarem-se.

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