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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The prevalence of congenital amusia

Provost, Mélanie A. 12 1900 (has links)
L’amusie congénitale est un trouble neurogénétique qui se caractérise par une inhabileté à acquérir des habiletés musicales de base, telles que la perception musicale et la reconnaissance musicale normales, malgré une audition, un développement du langage et une intelligence normaux (Ayotte, Peretz & Hyde, 2002). Récemment, une éude d’aggrégation familiale a démontré que 39% des membres de familles d’individus amusiques démontrent le trouble, comparativement à 3% des membres de familles d’individus normaux (Peretz et al., 2007). Cette conclusion est intéressante puisqu’elle démontre une prévalence de l’amusie congénitale dans la population normale. Kalmus et Fry (1980) ont évalué cette prévalence à 4%, en utilisant le Distorted Tunes Test (DTT). Par contre, ce test présente certaines lacunes méthodologiques et statistiques, telles un effet plafond important, ainsi que l’usage de mélodies folkloriques, désavantageant les amusiques puisque ceux-ci ne peuvent pas assimiler ces mélodies correctement. L’étude présente visait à réévaluer la prévalence de l’amusie congénitale en utilisant un test en ligne récemment validé par Peretz et ses collègues (2008). Mille cent participants, d’un échantillon homogène, ont complété le test en ligne. Les résultats démontrent une prévalence globale de 11.6%, ainsi que quatre profiles de performance distincts: pitch deafness (1.5%), pitch memory amusia (3.2%), pitch perception amusia (3.3%), et beat deafness (3.3%). La variabilité des résultats obtenus avec le test en ligne démontre l’existence de quatre types d’amusies avec chacune une prévalence individuelle, indiquant une hétérogénéité dans l’expression de l’amusie congénitale qui devra être explorée ultérieurement. / Congenital amusia is a heritable disorder in which subjects fail to acquire basic musical abilities, such as normal music perception and music-recognition abilities, despite normal hearing, normal language abilities, and normal intelligence (Ayotte, Peretz & Hyde, 2002). Recently, a family-aggregation study showed that 39% of first-degree relatives in amusic families express the disorder, compared to 3% in control families (Peretz et al., 2007). This latter finding is interesting in that it illustrates a prevalence of the disorder in non-amusic families. Kalmus and Fry (1980) evaluated the prevalence of congenital amusia at 4%, using the Distorted Tunes Test (DTT). However, this test presents some methodological and statistical problems, such as a strong ceiling effect, as well as the use of folkloric tunes, which disadvantages the amusic participants since they cannot assimilate these melodies correctly. The present study aimed at re-evaluating the presence of congenital amusia, using a recently validated online test by Peretz and colleagues (2008). One thousand one hundred participants, from a homogeneous sample, completed the online test. Results showed a global prevalence of 11.6%, with four distinct patterns of performance emerging: pitch deafness (1.5%), pitch memory amusia (3.2%), pitch perception amusia (3.3%), and beat deafness (3.3%). The variability in the results obtained with the online test brings evidence of at least four types of amusias with individual prevalences, indicating a heterogeneity in congenital amusia that needs to be further explored in later studies.

The prevalence of congenital amusia

Provost, Mélanie A. 12 1900 (has links)
L’amusie congénitale est un trouble neurogénétique qui se caractérise par une inhabileté à acquérir des habiletés musicales de base, telles que la perception musicale et la reconnaissance musicale normales, malgré une audition, un développement du langage et une intelligence normaux (Ayotte, Peretz & Hyde, 2002). Récemment, une éude d’aggrégation familiale a démontré que 39% des membres de familles d’individus amusiques démontrent le trouble, comparativement à 3% des membres de familles d’individus normaux (Peretz et al., 2007). Cette conclusion est intéressante puisqu’elle démontre une prévalence de l’amusie congénitale dans la population normale. Kalmus et Fry (1980) ont évalué cette prévalence à 4%, en utilisant le Distorted Tunes Test (DTT). Par contre, ce test présente certaines lacunes méthodologiques et statistiques, telles un effet plafond important, ainsi que l’usage de mélodies folkloriques, désavantageant les amusiques puisque ceux-ci ne peuvent pas assimiler ces mélodies correctement. L’étude présente visait à réévaluer la prévalence de l’amusie congénitale en utilisant un test en ligne récemment validé par Peretz et ses collègues (2008). Mille cent participants, d’un échantillon homogène, ont complété le test en ligne. Les résultats démontrent une prévalence globale de 11.6%, ainsi que quatre profiles de performance distincts: pitch deafness (1.5%), pitch memory amusia (3.2%), pitch perception amusia (3.3%), et beat deafness (3.3%). La variabilité des résultats obtenus avec le test en ligne démontre l’existence de quatre types d’amusies avec chacune une prévalence individuelle, indiquant une hétérogénéité dans l’expression de l’amusie congénitale qui devra être explorée ultérieurement. / Congenital amusia is a heritable disorder in which subjects fail to acquire basic musical abilities, such as normal music perception and music-recognition abilities, despite normal hearing, normal language abilities, and normal intelligence (Ayotte, Peretz & Hyde, 2002). Recently, a family-aggregation study showed that 39% of first-degree relatives in amusic families express the disorder, compared to 3% in control families (Peretz et al., 2007). This latter finding is interesting in that it illustrates a prevalence of the disorder in non-amusic families. Kalmus and Fry (1980) evaluated the prevalence of congenital amusia at 4%, using the Distorted Tunes Test (DTT). However, this test presents some methodological and statistical problems, such as a strong ceiling effect, as well as the use of folkloric tunes, which disadvantages the amusic participants since they cannot assimilate these melodies correctly. The present study aimed at re-evaluating the presence of congenital amusia, using a recently validated online test by Peretz and colleagues (2008). One thousand one hundred participants, from a homogeneous sample, completed the online test. Results showed a global prevalence of 11.6%, with four distinct patterns of performance emerging: pitch deafness (1.5%), pitch memory amusia (3.2%), pitch perception amusia (3.3%), and beat deafness (3.3%). The variability in the results obtained with the online test brings evidence of at least four types of amusias with individual prevalences, indicating a heterogeneity in congenital amusia that needs to be further explored in later studies.

Prevalência de doença periodontal e estratificação do risco cardiovascular de Framingham e PROCAM de pacientes do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia / Prevalence Study of periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease stratification risk in Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute

Silva, Leopoldo Penteado Nucci da 11 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a prevalência de doença periodontal e risco de doença cardiovascular estratificado pelos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM em uma amostra de sujeitos do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Trata-se de um estudo de prevalência com 56 sujeitos do gênero masculino de 45 a 70 anos dos Ambulatórios de Coronariopatia e Cardiologia do Esporte que aceitaram participar voluntariamente e tiveram os dados coletados da anamnese, do exame clínico global e periodontal e de análises laboratoriais. Os parâmetros clínicos periodontais foram: Registro Periodontal Simplificado (PSR), Índice Comunitário de Necessidades de Tratamento Periodontal (CPITN), Índice de Placa (IP), Índice de sangramento sulcular à sondagem (IS), Profundidade de Sondagem (PS), nível de inserção clínica periodontal (NIC) e Retração Gengival (RG). Avaliaram-se também na anamnese e no exame clínico global a idade, etnia, escolaridade, estado civil, hábitos alimentares, pressão arterial pulsátil, índice de massa corpórea (IMC), tabagismo, histórico familiar de cardiopatias, atividade física semanal e presença de doenças sistêmicas. Na avaliação laboratorial analisamos Glicemia, Triglicérides, Lipoproteína de Alta (HDL) e Baixa (LDL) Densidade, Colesterol Total e Proteína C Reativa. Os dados laboratoriais e clínicos foram utilizados como base de cálculo do logaritmo de estratificação de risco de doença cardiovascular nos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM. Foi então realizada a análise univariada e de freqüência para cada dado coletado, como também foi analisada a correlação entre os métodos periodontais e de estratificação de risco de doença cardiovascular. Finalizando com a análise de correlação da prevalência de doença periodontal com o risco de doença cardiovascular. Foi estabelecido o nível de significância de 5%. Os sujeitos do ambulatório de Coronariopatia apresentaram maior risco de doença cardiovascular calculado pelos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM (T1=1,212, p=0,048; T1=1,843, p=0,045), índice de massa corporal e concentração plasmática de proteína C reativa, menor intervalo de temporal de atividade física semanal do que os sujeitos do ambulatório de Cardiologia do Esporte. Nos parâmetros periodontais os sujeitos do ambulatório de Coronariopatia apresentaram maior freqüência de periodontite moderada no exame de PSR, maior índice de placa, índice de sangramento sulcular, perda de inserção clínica e profundidade de sondagem do que nos sujeitos do ambulatório de Cardiologia do Esporte. A prevalência de doença periodontal foi significantemente maior nos sujeitos com maior risco de doença cardiovascular estratificado nos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM (r=0,786/Framingham; r=0,823/PROCAM). / Oral infection models have emerged as useful tools to study the hypothesis that infection and inflammatory reaction is a independent cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. Periodontal infections are a leading culprit, with studies reporting associations between periodontal disease and CVD, but this studies the periodontal diagnosis and coronary risk show substantial variations. This study aimed to analyze the different methods of periodontal diagnosis (Periodontal Screening and Recording - PSR and Clinical Attachment Loss - CAL) and correlation with Framingham and PROCAM coronary risk. The result shown strong and significant associations between periodontal diagnosis (r=0,812) and coronary risk (r=0,786/Framingham; r=0,823/PROCAM). Evidence continues to support an association among periodontal infections, atherosclerosis and vascular disease in different periodontal diagnosis and coronary risk stratification methods.

Hospitalinių infekcijų ir jų rizikos veiksnių paplitimas Lietuvos slaugos ligoninėse / Prevalence of hospital infections and risk factors in lithuanian long-term care hospitals

Bagdonaitė, Rūta 09 July 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti hospitalinių infekcijų ir jų rizikos veiksnių paplitimo ir struktūros ypatumus Lietuvos slaugos ligoninėse. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimą ir struktūrą slaugos ligoninėse. 2. Nustatyti hospitalinių infekcijų rizikos veiksnių paplitimą. 3. Aprašyti skirtų antibakterinių vaistų paplitimą spektrą slaugos ligoninėse. 4. Įvertinti ryšį tarp rizikos veiksnių ir hospitalinės infekcijos. Tyrimo metodai ir apimtis. Atliktas aprašomasis vienmomentinis paplitimo tyrimas. Tyrime dalyvavo dvidešimt viena slaugos ir palaikomojo gydymo ligoninė, ištirti 1380 pacientų. Tyrimas buvo atliktas pagal vienmomentinio paplitimo tyrimo metodiką, infekcijos buvo nustatomos ir diferencijuojamos į hospitalines ir visuomenėje įgytas, pagal hospitalinių infekcijų registravimo kriterijus. Duomenų tvarkymui ir analizei naudoti SPSS bei Winpepi statistiniai paketai. Rezultatai. Nustatytas 6,1% hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimas. Didžiausią dalį visų HI sudarė apatinių kvėpavimo takų (62,5%) bei odos ir minkštųjų audinių infekcijos (21,7%). HI paplitimas ligoninėse esančiose apskričių centruose (7,6%) buvo didesnis nei rajonų ligoninėse (3,3%) (p<0,001). Didžiausias hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimas (20,0%) nustatytas 20-40 metų pacientų amžiaus grupėje. 61 - 80 m. ir 81-100 m. amžiaus grupėse didžiausią dalį HI struktūroje sudarė apatinių kvėpavimo takų infekcijos (atitinkamai 70,0% ir 62,0%). Diagnozuojant hospitalines infekcijas, nebuvo atliktas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Prevalence of hospital infections and risk factors in Lithuanian long-term care hospitals The aim of this study was to set out the prevalence and structure of hospital infections and risk factors in Lithuanian long-term care hospitals. The tasks of the investigation: 1.To describe the prevalence and structure specificity of hospital infections. 2. To define the prevalence of risk factors of hospital infections. 3. To define the prevalence and structure of prescribed antibiotics in long-term care hospitals. 4. To rate the relation between risk factors and hospital infections. Methods of the ivestigation. The point-prevalence study was carried. All (43) Lithuanian long-term care hospitals were invited to take part in this study, the participation was voluntary. The study was carried in 21 hospitals, all patients admitted before the survey day were included, 1380 patients were examined. The following data was recorded: infections, medical condition, chronic disease, the use of antibiotics. Data was processed and analysed using SPSS and Winpepi statistical programmes. Results. The 6,1% prevalence of hospital infections was defined. Lower respiratory tract (62,5%) and skin and soft tissues infections (21,7%) were the most common. The prevalence of hospital infections was higher in the town hospitals (7,6%) than in the district hospitals (3,3%) (p<0,001). The highest prevalence of hospital infections (20,0%) was in group of 20-40 years old patients. In group of 61-80 and 81-100... [to full text]

The burden of healthcare-associated infections in primary and tertiary healthcare wards and the cost of procedure-related prosthetic joint infections

Puhto, T. (Teija) 28 August 2018 (has links)
Abstract Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) are infections acquired during treatment in a healthcare facility. The most common infections are pneumonias, surgical site infections (SSIs) and urinary tract infections (UTIs). HAIs burden the healthcare system by increasing patient days, the use of antibiotics, examinations, and thus the costs of care. The occurrence of HAIs can be used to evaluate the quality of care and to make comparisons between institutions. The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the burden of HAIs in the primary and tertiary healthcare wards and the costs of procedure-related prosthetic joint infections (PJIs). The first part of this dissertation evaluated the prevalence of HAIs in the wards of primary healthcare in the Oulu University Hospital (OUH) district with two point prevalence studies (one-day sampling) conducted in 2006 and in 2017. In 2006, the study comprised 27 healthcare centres with 44 wards and 1,294 patients. HAIs were found in 9.3% of the patients. The most common infections were UTIs, skin and soft tissue infections and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs). In 2017, there were 20 healthcare centres with 34 wards and 764 patients; 9.4% of the patients had a HAI. The most common HAIs were pneumonias, SSIs and LRTIs. In the second part, we evaluated the incidence of HAIs in the OUH with a computer-based electronic infection surveillance program. The study covered 15 adult wards with a total of 353 beds. The overall incidence of HAIs during the six-year study period was 4.5% of discharged patients. The most common infections were SSIs, pneumonias and UTIs. The surveillance carried out in this way required a total of one person's workload per year. The third part evaluated hospital costs of procedure-related PJIs. The study population consisted of all total knee and hip arthroplasties performed in the OUH from 2013 to 2015: 1,768 patients with 42 PJIs. A PJI tripled the cost of a procedure compared to an arthroplasty without an infection (€25,100 vs. €7,200). Two-stage revision caused three times more costs than debridement, antibiotics and implant retention treatment (DAIR) (€53,400 vs. €18,500). HAIs are common in the wards of primary and tertiary healthcare in the OUH district. Electronic HAI monitoring is feasible but requires relatively large employer resources. Postoperative PJI triples the cost of the procedure. / Tiivistelmä Sairaalainfektio (SI) on infektio, jonka potilas saa ollessaan hoidossa laitoksessa. Yleisimpiä SI:ita ovat leikkausalueen infektio, keuhkokuume ja virtsatieinfektio (VTI). SI:t kuormittavat terveydenhoitoa lisäämällä hoitopäiviä, antibioottien käyttöä, tutkimuksia ja näin myös hoidon kustannuksia. SI:iden määrää voidaan käyttää hoidon laadun mittarina sekä sairaaloiden väliseen vertailuun. Tämän väitöskirjan tarkoituksena oli arvioida SI:iden määrää Pohjois-Pohjanmaan sairaanhoitopiirin (PPSHP) terveyskeskusten ja Oulun yliopistosairaalan (OYS) vuodeosastoilla sekä selvittää tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisen tekonivelinfektion (TI) aiheuttamia sairaalakustannuksia. Väitöskirjan ensimmäisessä osatyössä selvitettiin SI:iden esiintyvyyttä PPSHP:n terveyskeskusten vuodeosastoilla pisteprevalenssilla eli yhden päivän otannalla vuosina 2006 ja 2017. Vuoden 2006 tutkimuksessa oli 27 terveyskeskusta, joissa oli 44 vuodeosastoa ja yhteensä 1 294 potilasta. SI todettiin 9,3 %:lla potilaista. Yleisimpiä olivat VTI:t, pehmytkudosinfektiot ja alahengitystieinfektiot. Vuonna 2017 tutkimuksessa oli 20 terveyskeskusta, 34 vuodeosastoa ja 764 potilasta. Tällöin SI todettiin 9,4 %:lla. Yleisimmät infektiot olivat keuhkokuume, leikkausalueen infektio ja alahengitystieinfektio. Toisessa osatyössä selvitettiin OYS:n SI:iden ilmaantuvuutta kuuden vuoden ajan jatkuvan infektioseurannan mahdollistavan tietokoneohjelman avulla. Tutkimuksessa seurattiin 15:ttä aikuisvuodeosastoa, joissa oli yhteensä 353 potilaspaikkaa. SI todettiin 4,5 %:ssa hoitojaksoista. Seuranta vaati yhteenlaskettuna noin yhden hoitajan työpanoksen vuodessa. Väitöskirjan kolmannessa osatyössä selvitettiin vuosina 2013–2015 OYS:ssa tehtyjen tekonivelleikkausten jälkeisten TI:iden sairaalakustannuksia. Tutkimuksessa oli 1 768 tekonivelleikkausta, joista 42 infektoitui. Infektoitumattoman tekonivelleikkauksen sairaalakustannukset olivat keskimäärin 7 200 € ja TI:iden 25 100 €. Hoitomenetelmänä kaksivaiheisen revision eli tekonivelen vaihtohoidon hinta oli kolminkertainen tekonivelen säilyttävään hoitoon verrattuna (53 400 € vs. 18 500 €). SI:t ovat yleisiä PPSHP:n alueella sekä terveyskeskusten että OYS:n vuodeosastoilla. SI:iden seurantaohjelma soveltuu infektioseurantaan, mutta se vaatii kohtalaisesti henkilökuntaresurssia. Leikkauksen jälkeinen TI kolminkertaistaa tekonivelleikkauksen sairaalakustannukset.

Prevalência de doença periodontal e estratificação do risco cardiovascular de Framingham e PROCAM de pacientes do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia / Prevalence Study of periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease stratification risk in Dante Pazzanese Cardiology Institute

Leopoldo Penteado Nucci da Silva 11 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a prevalência de doença periodontal e risco de doença cardiovascular estratificado pelos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM em uma amostra de sujeitos do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Trata-se de um estudo de prevalência com 56 sujeitos do gênero masculino de 45 a 70 anos dos Ambulatórios de Coronariopatia e Cardiologia do Esporte que aceitaram participar voluntariamente e tiveram os dados coletados da anamnese, do exame clínico global e periodontal e de análises laboratoriais. Os parâmetros clínicos periodontais foram: Registro Periodontal Simplificado (PSR), Índice Comunitário de Necessidades de Tratamento Periodontal (CPITN), Índice de Placa (IP), Índice de sangramento sulcular à sondagem (IS), Profundidade de Sondagem (PS), nível de inserção clínica periodontal (NIC) e Retração Gengival (RG). Avaliaram-se também na anamnese e no exame clínico global a idade, etnia, escolaridade, estado civil, hábitos alimentares, pressão arterial pulsátil, índice de massa corpórea (IMC), tabagismo, histórico familiar de cardiopatias, atividade física semanal e presença de doenças sistêmicas. Na avaliação laboratorial analisamos Glicemia, Triglicérides, Lipoproteína de Alta (HDL) e Baixa (LDL) Densidade, Colesterol Total e Proteína C Reativa. Os dados laboratoriais e clínicos foram utilizados como base de cálculo do logaritmo de estratificação de risco de doença cardiovascular nos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM. Foi então realizada a análise univariada e de freqüência para cada dado coletado, como também foi analisada a correlação entre os métodos periodontais e de estratificação de risco de doença cardiovascular. Finalizando com a análise de correlação da prevalência de doença periodontal com o risco de doença cardiovascular. Foi estabelecido o nível de significância de 5%. Os sujeitos do ambulatório de Coronariopatia apresentaram maior risco de doença cardiovascular calculado pelos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM (T1=1,212, p=0,048; T1=1,843, p=0,045), índice de massa corporal e concentração plasmática de proteína C reativa, menor intervalo de temporal de atividade física semanal do que os sujeitos do ambulatório de Cardiologia do Esporte. Nos parâmetros periodontais os sujeitos do ambulatório de Coronariopatia apresentaram maior freqüência de periodontite moderada no exame de PSR, maior índice de placa, índice de sangramento sulcular, perda de inserção clínica e profundidade de sondagem do que nos sujeitos do ambulatório de Cardiologia do Esporte. A prevalência de doença periodontal foi significantemente maior nos sujeitos com maior risco de doença cardiovascular estratificado nos métodos de Framingham e PROCAM (r=0,786/Framingham; r=0,823/PROCAM). / Oral infection models have emerged as useful tools to study the hypothesis that infection and inflammatory reaction is a independent cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor. Periodontal infections are a leading culprit, with studies reporting associations between periodontal disease and CVD, but this studies the periodontal diagnosis and coronary risk show substantial variations. This study aimed to analyze the different methods of periodontal diagnosis (Periodontal Screening and Recording - PSR and Clinical Attachment Loss - CAL) and correlation with Framingham and PROCAM coronary risk. The result shown strong and significant associations between periodontal diagnosis (r=0,812) and coronary risk (r=0,786/Framingham; r=0,823/PROCAM). Evidence continues to support an association among periodontal infections, atherosclerosis and vascular disease in different periodontal diagnosis and coronary risk stratification methods.

Genetické a klinické aspekty syndromu neklidných nohou / Genetic and clinical aspects of the restless legs syndrome

Pavlíčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: The Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a frequent neurological disorder with a prevalence ranging from 5 - 10%. RLS is characterized by an urge to move the lower extremities during the night, thus RLS causes sleep disturbance. It presents as both idiopathic and secondary form. Idiopathic RLS is associated with common genetic variants in MEIS1, BTBD9, PTPRD and MAP2K5/SCOR1. Recently, multiple sclerosis (MS) was identified as a common cause for secondary RLS, the prevalence of RLS in patients with MS ranges from 13.3 to 37.5%. The aim of our study was to analyse the clinical and genetic aspects of this disorder, especially in patients with multiple sclerosis. In the clinical part, we evaluated the prevalence of RLS among Czech patients with MS and we compared the extent of brain damage between patients with and without RLS using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the genetic part, we further analysed the impact of known genetic variants (MEIS1, BTBD9, MAP2K5/SCOR1, PTPRD) for RLS in other European populations and in patients with MS. Methods: Clinical part: Each patient with MS underwent a semi-structured interview. A patient was considered to be affected by RLS if he/she met all four standard criteria at life- long interval. Lesion load (LL - T2), brain atrophy - T1 and brain...

Genetické a klinické aspekty syndromu neklidných nohou / Genetic and clinical aspects of the restless legs syndrome

Pavlíčková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: The Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a frequent neurological disorder with a prevalence ranging from 5 - 10%. RLS is characterized by an urge to move the lower extremities during the night, thus RLS causes sleep disturbance. It presents as both idiopathic and secondary form. Idiopathic RLS is associated with common genetic variants in MEIS1, BTBD9, PTPRD and MAP2K5/SCOR1. Recently, multiple sclerosis (MS) was identified as a common cause for secondary RLS, the prevalence of RLS in patients with MS ranges from 13.3 to 37.5%. The aim of our study was to analyse the clinical and genetic aspects of this disorder, especially in patients with multiple sclerosis. In the clinical part, we evaluated the prevalence of RLS among Czech patients with MS and we compared the extent of brain damage between patients with and without RLS using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the genetic part, we further analysed the impact of known genetic variants (MEIS1, BTBD9, MAP2K5/SCOR1, PTPRD) for RLS in other European populations and in patients with MS. Methods: Clinical part: Each patient with MS underwent a semi-structured interview. A patient was considered to be affected by RLS if he/she met all four standard criteria at life- long interval. Lesion load (LL - T2), brain atrophy - T1 and brain...

Avaliação da capacidade funcional em trabalhadores da indústria metalúrgica do Sul do País.

Renosto, Alexandra 19 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T20:04:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Objetivos: Estimar a prevalência de capacidade para o trabalho em trabalhadores da indústria metalúrgica e verificar a confiabilidade teste-reteste do Índice de Capacidade para o Tabalho (ICT).Metodos: Foram realizados 2 estudos, um estudo de prevalência e um estudo da confiabilidade teste-reteste. O estudo de prevalência partiu de uma amostra não-probabilística com trabalhadores de 4 empresas do setor metal-mecânico de Caxias do Sul e Vacaria (N=460). Tais trabalhadores responderam um questionário auto-aplicável, padronizado e pré-testado. O estudo da confiabilidade do ICT foi realizado com trabalhadores de 2 empresas (N= 153), os quais responderam o ICT 2 vezes, com intervalo de 4 semanas entre elas. A análise dos dados para o estudo de prevalência utilizou o cálculo das Razões de Prevalência e seus respectivos Intervalos de Confiança (IC95%). A confiabilidade teste-reteste do ICT foi estimada pelo coeficiente de correlação intra-classe (CCI), t-teste pareado e coeficiente Kappa (kpon) ponderado.Resultado / Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of the prevalence of decreased work ability in metallurgy workers and to assess the test-retest reliability of the Work Ability Index (WAI). Methods: Two studies were carried out: a prevalence study with a convenience sample of 441 metallurgy workers of four industries from Southern Brazil; and a 4-week-interval test-retest reliability study with 153 workers. Data analyses included chi-squared tests, prevalence ratios and their confidence intervals for the prevalence study; and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), paired t-test and weighted Kappa coefficient for the test-retest study. Results: The prevalence of decreased work ability was 11,2% (CI95% 8.2-14.2). Decreased work ability was not associated with any of the dependent variables. The test-retest reliability for the WAI as a continuous variable showed na ICC of 0,84 (CI95% 0,78-0,88, p<0,001) and the paired t-test did not show significant difference between the 1st and the 2nd application. The weight

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