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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HVB för ensamkommande flyktingbarn : En arbetslivssociologisk studie / Home for unaccompanied refugee children : A working sociolgical study

Jönsson, Ann-Sofie January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how the work with young people at home to care and accommodation (HVB) are organized in a municipality outside Karlstad and how the staff perceive emotions in the workplace. The issues that are discussed are based on the concepts of social ties, emotional labor, roles, shame and pride. The number of people who are fleeing in the world is today about 51 million. There has not been this high since World War II. The Swedish Migration Board calculated that about 7,000 of these people were unaccompanied children and came to Sweden in 2014. Since 2005, there has been a high increase of young people who have been in institutions and one reason of that is the number of unaccompanied children. To find out where, when and how relationships are created on the HVB are issues that I have chosen for my study. Relationships are established through the energy-creating rituals between people and is a process that requires a shared sense that is developing between them. The staff has many different parts to consider in the process of creating a relationship with the youth. These young people may initially not know the language, they have no parents in Sweden and they are seeking for protection. The results show that two of the interviewees think that they deliberately are changing their attitudes at work compare to at home while the other two, feel that they can be themselves. The roles that the interviewees are experiencing at the workplace with the children are being a friend, sister, and mother. In the analysis, I have come to the conclusion that social ties towards young people and staff are created, but not as much as it could be. For rituals to happened and social ties to be created, there must be at least two people. A lot of staff time is administrative tasks and sleeping jour. In the conclusion, I carry a discussion of whether these HVB act as a home for the youth or not. Finally, there is a reflection on my own research and a perspective of new studies. Keywords: HVB, relationships, roles, social ties, shame and pride. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arbetet kring ungdomarna på hem för vård- och boende (HVB) är organiserat i en kommun utanför Karlstad och hur personalen upplever emotioner i arbetslivet. De frågor som diskuteras utgår från begrepp som sociala band, emotionellt arbete, roller, skam och stolthet. Antalet människor som är på flykt i världen uppgår till ca 51 miljoner. Det har inte varit så högt sedan andra världskriget. Av dessa beräknar Migrationsverket att ca 7000 ensamkommande barn ska komma till Sverige under 2014. Sedan 2005 har en kraftig ökning skett av ungdomar som blivit institutionsplacerade och en orsak till det är de ensamkommande barnen. Var, när och hur skapas relationer på de HVB som jag har valt för min studie? Relationer sker genom de energiskapande ritualer som upprättas mellan människor. Det är en process som kräver att en gemensam känsla utvecklas mellan dem. Personalen har många olika delar att förhålla sig till i relationen till ungdomarna. Ungdomarna kan från början inte språket, de har inga föräldrar i Sverige och de söker skydd. Resultatet visar att två av intervjupersonerna anser att de medvetet ändrar förhållningssätt på arbetet medan de andra två tycker att de kan vara sig själva. De roller som intervjupersonerna säger sig inta i arbetslivet är kompis, syster och mamma. I analysen har jag kommit fram till att det skapas sociala band gentemot ungdomar och kolleger men inte i så stor utsträckning som det individuellt skulle kunna finnas möjlighet till. För att ritualer ska uppstå och sociala band skapas måste man vara minst två personer. Mycket av personalens arbetstid är administrativt och sovande jour. I slutsatsen för jag en diskussion om huruvida dessa HVB fungerar som ett hem. Tillsist görs en reflektion kring den egna forskningen och perspektivet på nya studier. Nyckelord: HVB, relationer, roller, sociala band, skam och stolthet.

Texas high school stadiums shaped by public funding and opinion

Varney, Roy William 09 October 2014 (has links)
Eighty-three Texas high school football stadiums have opened since 2008. Both pro stadiums and amateur stadiums have found their way into the ire of economists, who decry such expensive projects as lavish and foolhardy. Sociologists meanwhile point to ambition and pride as contributing to the growth of professional and amateur stadiums.

Kunna slåss, våga slåss och aldrig backa : En kvalitativ studie om fotbollshuliganismens påverkan på individen

Thun, Klara, Brandin, Lina January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en socialpsykologisk och kvalitativ undersökning som syftar till att förstå hur man kan, utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv förstå varför vissa individer ansluter sig till en huliganfirma och varför de stannar kvar. Fotbollshuliganism blev som störst i Sverige på 1990-talet och det pågår ett arbete i samhället för att försöka minska detta samhällsproblem då huliganismen innebär våld och vandalisering. Uppsatsen grundar sig på tio intervjuer med personer som har varit eller är aktiva i olika huliganfirmor i Sverige. Den vetenskapsteoretiska ansats som använts är hermeneutiken. Det insamlade empiriska materialet är analyserat med hjälp av följande socialpsykologiska teorier och begrepp: sociala band, skam och stolthet (Scheff 1994), interaktionsritualer och emotionell energi (Collins 2004), avvikande beteende (Becker 2005), maskulinitetsteori (Connell 2008), beroende och kickar (Giddens 1992), ungdomsfaser (Erikson 1988). Med utgångspunkt i dessa teorier har vi försökt att lyfta fram en socialpsykologisk förståelse för hur man kan förstå de drivkrafter som är orsaken till att man ansluter sig till en firma och vad som håller en kvar. Resultatet pekar på att en firma kan för individen ersätta en icke tillfredsställd livssituation. Resultatet visar också att gruppen är så viktig för individen att det kan skapa ett destruktivt beroende samt hur mycket den kan påverka individen att handla på ett sätt som denne aldrig hade gjort ensam. / This is a social psychology and qualitative research studying what kind of people who become football hooligans and what makes them stay. Football hooliganism became a phenomenon in Sweden society in the 1990s and the community tried to reduce this because hooliganism involves violence and vandalism. The essay is based on ten interviews with people who have been or are active in a hooligan firm in Sweden. The epistemological approach is used as hermeneutics. The collected empirical material is analyzed using the following social psychological theories and concepts: social bonds, shame and pride (Scheff 1994), interaction rituals and emotional energy (Collins, 2004), abnormal behavior (Becker 2005), masculinity theory (Connell 2008), dependency and kicks (Giddens 1992), juvenile stages (Erikson 1988). Based on these theories, we have tried to highlight a social psychological approach of how to understand the reasons of why you join a company and what makes you stay. We concluded that a firm can replace a non satisfied life situation. We also concluded that the group is that important to the individual that it can create a destructive addiction and how much it can influence individuals to act in ways that he had never done alone.

Legalisering eller inte : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungdomars attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige

Ida, Bengtsson, Ida, Bondesson January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att få en djupare förståelse kring ungdomars attityder och deras upplevda livsvärld inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. För att besvara syftet formulerade vi en frågeställning: Vilka tidigare kunskaper och erfarenheter formar ungdomarnas attityder till droger och hur ser deras attityder ut gentemot cannabis idag? Detta undersökte vi genom kvalitativa intervjuer med ungdomar mellan 15-20 år på ett kulturhus i en mellanstor stad i södra Sverige. Vi ville undersöka vad det är som påverkar ungdomarna i deras formande av attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige samt hur dessa attityder ser ut idag. För att få en så djup förståelse för individernas upplevda livsvärld som möjligt genomförde vi enskilda intervjuer med tio ungdomar som alla har olika erfarenheter och kunskaper. Resultatet visade att det finns en stor bristfällig kunskap när det kommer till droger i allmänhet samt att denna kunskap saknas både i skolan men också i hemmet. Det framkom också att många av ungdomarna någon gång hade provat cannabis eller befunnit sig i kretsar där ett brukande av cannabis pågick. Detta visade sig senare vara en stor bidragande faktor till deras attityder gentemot cannabis och en legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Med hjälp av Festingers teori om kognitiv dissonans visade analysen att den kognitiva dissonansen var en bidragande faktor till deras attityder. Utifrån Scheffs teori om hänsynsemotionssystemet, med fokus på sociala band, skam och stolthet, bidrog tryggheten och otryggheten hos informanterna till deras attityder. Den otillräckliga kunskapen, tryggheten och otryggheten bildade tillsammans grunden för ungdomarnas attityder inför en möjlig legalisering av cannabis i Sverige. Utifrån Mead fanns det brister i rollövertagandet i formandet av deras attityder. / The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of young people's attitudes and their perceived life-world face a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. To answer the aim we formulated a question: What prior knowledge and experiences shape young people's attitudes to drugs and what are their attitudes towards cannabis today? This, we investigated through qualitative interviews with young people aged 15-20 years at an arts center in a medium large town in southern Sweden. We wanted to explore what affects the youth in their shaping of attitudes towards cannabis and legalization of cannabis in Sweden and how these attitudes are today. To gain a deeper understanding of individuals' perceived life-world as possible, we conducted individual interviews with ten young people who all have different experiences and knowledge. The results showed that there is a great lack of knowledge when it comes to drugs in general, and that this knowledge is lacking both in school but also at home. It also emerged that many of the young people had tried cannabis or been in circles where use of cannabis was ongoing. This later proved to be a major contributing factor to their attitudes towards cannabis and a legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Using Festingers theory of cognitive dissonance, the analysis showed that it was a contributing factor to their attitudes. Based on Scheffs theory of the “deference-emotion system”, focusing on social bonds, shame and pride, the security and insecurity of informants influence their attitudes. The insufficient knowledge, security and insecurity together formed the foundation for young people's attitudes towards a possible legalization of cannabis in Sweden. Based on Mead, there were deficiencies in the role takeover when shaping their attitudes.

"Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om medierapporteringen under Pridefestivalen / "Out of the Closets and into the Streets" : A quantitative content analysis of media coverage during Stockholm Pride Festival

Johansson, My, Hahto, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This study examines how the media reports on the Pride Festival in Stockholm and what news topics and themes it prioritizes. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the media coverage of Pride highlights political questions related to social and societal problems. One of the main focuses of the study is on how the media covers male and female homosexuality. The newspapers examined are the tabloids Aftonbladet and Expressen and the respected dailies Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. The study extends over three periods: 19-07-2010 to 07-08-2010, 25-07-2011 to 14-08-2011, and 24-07-2012 to 11-08-2012. Several key theories and themes frame the study. One of the theoretical bases of this study is agenda theory, which is based on the idea that issues get more media attention when the audience perceives them as important. Another key theory in the study is the theory of news values, which concerns how potential news items are evaluated editorially. The study also looks at the theme of sex and gender as a power aspect and how the representation of the sexes appears in today's media. Using quantitative content analysis, 291 articles have been studied. The results show that media coverage during the Pride festival includes articles that address both serious and non-serious issues. Furthermore, the results show that the coverage of male homosexuals is more frequent than of female homosexuals. However, the majority of the articles focused on the collective concept “LGBT” and not on gender related issues.

Whose pride?: an institutional ethnography on participating in Toronto’s Pride Parade

Hoxsey, Dann 18 December 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates how an institutional coordination of civic policies and organizational processes within Pride Toronto were brought to bear on the activist group Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) in their attempts to participate in the 2010, 2011, and 2012 Toronto Pride Parades. Utilizing an institutional ethnography (IE), I explore this issue in two key ways. First, by mapping a work-text-work sequence of QuAIA’s experience in applying to march in the 2010 Parade, I demonstrate how the application process was subject to social relations that extended beyond Toronto Pride. Second, through the elaboration of processing interchanges, I demonstrate how the experiences of QuAIA were hooked into a series of translocal relations via Pride Toronto’s funding relationship to the City of Toronto. These translocal relations working through the City of Toronto were themselves varied, from pro-Zionist pressure on individual City councilors, to an alignment with anti-tax and arguably homophobic interests on council. / Graduate

Leading indigenous education in a remote location : reflections on teaching to be "proud and deadly"

Douglas, Angela Marie January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is a critical reflection of the author’s time as a Principal of an Indigenous state school from 2003-2004. The purpose is to reassess the impact of her principalship in terms of the staff, students and Community change that affected learning outcomes at the school and to reanalyse to what actions and to whom positive changes could be attributed. This thesis reflects and identifies, in light of the literature, strategies which were effective in enhancing student learning outcomes. The focus of this thesis was the Doongal State School*, its students, staff and facilities. The author will attempt to draw out theoretical frameworks in terms of: (1) what changed educationally in Doongal State School, (2) what seemed to be important in the Principal’s role, (3) the processes that took place, and (4) the effect of being non- Indigenous and a female. Overall, the author undertook this critical reflection in order to understand and embrace educational practices that will (a) lessen the gap between the academic outcomes achieved by Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, and (b) enhance life choices for Indigenous children. The findings indicate that principal leadership is critical for success in Indigenous schools and is the centrepiece of the models developed to explain improvement at Doongal State School. School factors, Principal Leadership factors, Change factors and factors relating to being a non-Indigenous female principal, which, when implemented, will lead to improved educational outcomes for Indigenous students, have evolved as a result of this thesis. Principal Leadership factors were found to be the enablers for the effective implementation of the key components for success.


Fraenkel, Jozua Johan. January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift - Utrecht. / "Stellingen": [2] leaves inserted. Includes bibliographical references.

Vanity in human life a comparative study of the role of hebel in Qoheleth and wu in the philosophical thought of Wang Bi /

Liu, Hsiao-Yung. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (S.T.M.)--Concordia Seminary, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-144). Includes additional title p. and some bibliographical references in Chinese.

Hamartology and ecology: a critical assessment of Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s view on the nature of sin

Cloete, Newton Millan January 2013 (has links)
Magister Theologiae - MTh / Contemporary ecological concerns are addressed in a wide range of disciplines, including Christian theology. This task is addressed especially in Christian ecotheology which may be approached from within all the traditional theological sub-disciplines. This research project will contribute to discourse in Christian systematic theology where various aspects of the Christian faith are revisited in the light of ecological concerns. One such aspect is the Christian doctrine of sin (hamartology) with specific reference to an understanding of the nature of sin. In ecotheology sin is re-described in various innovative ways, for example in terms of anthropocentrism, domination in the name of differences of species, consumerist greed and the alienation of humans from the earth community. This project will investigate, more specifically, the contribution made by Dietrich Bonhoeffer to a Christian understanding of the nature of sin. The question that will be addressed here is how Bonhoeffer‟s positionmay be assessed in the light of contemporary Christian discourse on hamartology and ecology.

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