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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara eller inte vara på rätt plats : Om statushierarkier bland skådespelare

Jirek, Therése January 2018 (has links)
The thesis Att vara eller inte vara på rätt plats – Om statushierarkier bland skådespelare is a qualitative study, conducted by me, Therése Jirek, with the purpose of investigating the status hierarchies between actors educated at the public Swedish theater universities and actors educated at private/non public/other theater schools. The study also investigates how the hierarchies affect the work, social relations and dynamics between the actors. The study also looks at the professional pride and identity in relation to this.  The information was gathered using semi-structured interviews with six Swedish actors of different age groups and with different educational backgrounds. The theoretical framework with which the information was interpreted is the theories of the field and habitus by Pierre Bourdieu. The results and analysis are presented in three different parts (chapters): Part 1 – about production and reproduction of status, part 2 – about practices that preserve status and part 3 – about professional pride and identity. The study shows that the actors status is determined for the most part by his or her educational background and if and where he or she works. The status preserving practices are largely performed through silent agreements and self-regulatory behavior. The professional title is characterized by a strong sense of pride and is often rooted deep in the personal identity. / Uppsatsen Att vara eller inte vara på rätt plats – Om statushierarkier bland skådespelare är en kvalitativ studie utförd av mig, Therése Jirek, med syfte att undersöka de statusmässiga hierarkierna mellan skådespelare utbildade inom statlig svensk scenkonstutbildning, och skådespelare utbildade inom privat/ickestatlig/annan scenkonstutbildning. I studien undersöks också hur hierarkierna påverkar yrkesutövandet, de sociala relationerna och dynamiken kollegorna emellan. Vidare berör studien även skådespelarnas yrkesstolthet och identitet i relation till ovanstående. Informationen insamlades med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex svenska skådespelare i olika åldrar och med skiftande utbildningsbakgrund. Det teoretiska ramverk med hjälp av vilket resultaten har tolkats är Pierre Bourdieus teorier om fältet och habitus. Resultaten och analysen redovisas i tre olika delkapitel baserat på forskningssyftet: Del 1 – om produktion och reproduktion av status, del 2 – om statusbevarande praktiker och del 3 – om yrkesstolthet och identitet. Studien visar att skådespelarens status i största mån avgörs av huruvida hen har utbildats vid någon av teaterhögskolorna eller ej, samt om och vid vilken teater hen arbetar. De statusbevarande praktikerna sker till stor del genom tysta överenskommelser och självreglerande beteenden. Yrkestiteln är förknippad med en en stark yrkesstolthet och har ofta en solid förankring i den egna identiteten.

La langue et la culture navajo. Transmissions, mutations, éducation / Navajo Language and culture. Traditions, Transmisssions, Education

Renard, Marie Lucia 14 November 2009 (has links)
Cette étude explique comment, après leur émergence dans ce monde selon leur mythe de la Création, leur Histoire sous le joug des Espagnols, des Mexicains et des Américains, après une période de coercition, après leur déportation et leur détention loin de leur terre, après l’acculturation forcée de leurs enfants, les Navajo se sont efforcés de reprendre en main leur destin. La deuxième moitié du XXe siècle a été marquée par un renouveau de cette tribu qui se nomme elle-même les Diné, qui vit dans une réserve grande comme la Belgique, au Sud-ouest des États-Unis et qui est célèbre pour la facture de ses bijoux en argent et turquoise et ses tapis. Le Conseil tribal a mis en place des programmes de revitalisation de la langue et de la culture, encadrés par une législation qui leur octroie la souveraineté en matière d’éducation, acte politique d’affirmation identitaire vis-à-vis des États-Unis et du reste du monde. En s’appuyant sur leur mythologie et les fondations de leur culture et malgré les dissensions intra communautaires générées par ce nouveau mode de transmission, les Navajo ont créé des écoles pilotes et des nids linguistiques permettant aux enfants et à leurs parents de réapprendre leur langue et de recouvrer leur fierté identitaire. Si les résultats obtenus aux tests locaux et nationaux s’améliorent sensiblement par rapport aux normes établies par le Ministère de l’éducation fédéral, il reste à la Nation navajo à faire baisser le taux d’abandon scolaire, à augmenter le niveau de vie de ses membres dont un bon nombre vit encore en dessous du seuil de pauvreté et à développer son économie. Les gains des casinos permettront peut-être à la Nation navajo d’améliorer sa situation économique et de combler le fossé numérique mais face à la mondialisation, elle devra veiller à la préservation de son héritage afin que ses membres puissent vivre en harmonie dans les deux mondes tout en gardant leur ancrage culturel, linguistique et identitaire. / The 19th century federal measures to “kill the Indian and save the man” entailed a language shift. The loss of the native language was linked to a sense of shame and a loss of cultural identity. The founding principles that used to frame the Navajos’ way of life were no longer being passed on from one generation to the next. So in the late 1960’s, the Navajos who call themselves the Diné and are well-known for their exquisite jewellery and finely woven rugs, instituted a comprehensive strategy to retain and revitalize their language and their culture. This dissertation examines how, despite intra-community conflicts over the validity of the transmission of a language and a culture through school-based education, the Navajos have implemented the revitalization of their language and culture based on the Creation Story and the teaching of the Holy People, their ancestors. If one the one hand these significant steps in sovereignty in education have managed to make the Navajo regain pride in who they are and where they come from and improved the scores in local and national tests, the Navajo Nation must make sure it will find a way to reduce the number of drop-outs, improve the standard of living of a great number of its member who live below poverty level and develop its economy and heal societal evils that hamper social individual success. The financial returns of Indian gaming may help the Navajo nation overcome these challenges, but its leaders must ensure they can cope with globalisation and they can balance Navajo and western culture while preserving their heritage so as to live in harmony in both worlds still keeping their cultural, linguistic and cultural roots

Movement Of The People: The Relationship Between Black Consciousness Movements, Race, and Class in the Caribbean

Weeks, Deborah G 07 April 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines Black Power in Jamaica, Trinidad, and The Bahamas, comparing and contrasting the ability of the movements to garner the support of the people in these different locales. The primary focus of this work is the Caribbean Black Power movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Detailed responses to the movements are presented as those responses relate to not only race, but also class, and the response of local political leadership to the presence and methods of the movements. Following a brief overview of the history of European colonialism and the drive of the colonized for independence from colonial powers, Black Power is studied in greater detail. In this thesis three issues are addressed that relate to the popularity of Black Power. The first is the impact of racial identity and ethnicity on the acceptance of Black Power. This is done through a comparison of Black Power in Jamaica, an independent country with a predominantly black population, and in Trinidad, an independent nation with a diverse population. The Bahamas provides an excellent comparison, as a colony with a large resident white population. The second issue is the political status of each country, and the effect of political status on the ability of Black Power to gain support and momentum. The status of the location as either an independent state, or a colonial state, may have had an impact on the success, or at least the stated objectives, of the Movement as it evolved in that locale. Lastly, issues of class are addressed through an examination of the impact of the economic status of the individual within the society, and then secondarily the overall economic conditions of the country at a given time.

Unsmiling Lips and Dull Eyes: A Study of Why We Continue to Read Jane Austen

Barakat, Kareen 07 November 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to take a closer look at Jane Austen’s work and understand the importance of it in both the academic and cultural sphere. With a specific focus on Pride and Prejudice, this research starts with a focus on feminist readings of the novel. Primarily, this research looks at the novel with a feminist lens in order to better understand the female characters and their involvement in the marriage plot. Secondarily, the research goes on to look at the cultural impact of Pride and Prejudice and attempts to understand the ways in which this novel re-appears in different adaptations. Finally, the research suggests that there should be a new way of reading Austen that better fits contemporary society. Despite how far removed Jane Austen’s world may seem, her work remains important and worth studying. This thesis argues in favor of the appreciation of Jane Austen’s work both academically and culturally.

自豪與堅持:一位壽險業務員的生命故事 / Pride and persistence: Life story of an insurance salesman

古仲軒 Unknown Date (has links)
與過去相比,年輕世代在優渥的環境中成長,使社會大眾對他們產生抗壓性不足的刻板印象。近年來隨著全球化的發展,人們在工作中面對的競爭將更加激烈。為了能脫穎而出,對於年輕族群而言找出持續投入工作的關鍵因素便顯得相當重要。本研究採取心理傳記學法,針對2007年商業周刊壽險業務員金獎得主黃志明的生命經驗作深度的檢視與詮釋,企圖找出能在高挑戰的工作環境中持續投入的關鍵因素。研究結果發現,促使黃志明樂在工作的關鍵因素為自豪。自豪激發了黃志明的高成就動機,也使他堅守父親所教導的誠信與勤奮處世原則,幫助他在遇到挫折時能夠抱持正向的態度,不斷地目標邁進。黃志明的自豪來自對家庭的重視與對家人的愛,希望工作有所成就使父母與家人以自己為榮,也因此盡到照顧家人的責任,進而對自己感到自豪,促進持續投入工作的行為。黃志明的行為受到華人文化中重視家庭觀念的深度影響,為了成就家庭才積極地追求成功而非單純地追求主流價值觀認可。本研究結果突顯進行心理學研究時,應將不同文化背景納入考量的必要性,據以發展合適的本土心理學理論,並對於學術研究有所貢獻。本文最後提出研究者對於研究的自我省思以及對於未來相關研究的建議。 / In comparison with the old one, new generation is grown up in an rich environment, that is why people always think young people can barely overcome frustration. However, with globalization, it is getting more and more important for young people to discover how to work hard over a long period of time in such a competitive work environment. The present study take psychobiography as method, and take the winner of insurance golden trophy salesman held by Business Week in 2007, Alex Huang, as study subject, try to find out the key factor for working persistently in a competitive environment. According to the study result, the key factor for Alex Huang working persistently is pride. Pride could induce high motivation in pursuing success and make him obey the rule given by his father. Pride even could help him face frustration positively and keep on working hard. The pride of Alex Huang comes from his love to family. He wants his family to be proud of his achievement so as to take care of his family. After attending his goals he would work harder through the pride. The behavior of Alex Huang was deeply affected by Chinese culture, he devote himself to pursuing success for his family but not just attain recognized accomplishment. The present study reveals the necessity to develop local psychology theory to contribute to academic study. In the last chapter, suggestions for future academic study and reflection of researcher are proposed.

Ledarskapets roll för en välmående personal samtett motiverande arbete

Tomin, Vanja January 2009 (has links)
<p>I dagens samhälle ser inte arbetsplatsernas sociala miljö likadan ut som förr, idag krävs det mer både utav anställda och arbetsgivare när det kommer till att se efter de sociala relationerna. Nyckeln till framgång inom många stora företag sägs vara kommunikation och samarbetsförmåga. Mycket ansvar läggs på den som leder gruppen med anställda och ett företags framgång hänger ofta ihop med hur en ledare styr sin personal. Dagens arbete skiljer sig från förr i tiden, idag krävs det att anställda och personalansvariga är mycket mer flexibla, har samarbetsförmåga och är motiverade att utföra sitt arbete. Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv förstå relationen mellan ledare och grupp och belysa ledarens roll i sammanhanget. Personansvariga och anställda som blev intervjuade arbetade på tre olika orter på ett inomhus-lekland för barn. Analysen berör aspekterna: organisationsstruktur, ledarstilar, flexibilitet, sociala band, social responsivitet respektive asocial responslöshet. Resultatet analyseras utifrån Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér och Thomas Scheff.</p> / <p>In today’s society the atmosphere of the workplace looks nothing like what it has in the past.The expectations of both employees and employers has shifted drastically. Companies haveplaced a new emphasis on communication within their organizations in the belief thatcommunication is the key to successful cooperation. Within more and more organizations, agreater level of responsibility is being placed upon managers when it comes to creatingeffective leadership for those employees working under them. Much of the success of theseorganizations is now derived from how well their middle and lower level managers areleading their teams. There are other aspects of the modern business environment that alsoserve to differentiate it from the past. Today’s work requires a greater level of flexibility forboth managers and employees, as well as demanding from all members of organization anincreased ability to work in team-based, cooperative environments. The purpose of thisinvestigation is to understand the relationship between leaders and group members withinbusinesses and the result is analyzed on the basis of organizations from a social psychologybased perspective. This analysis is based upon interviews with personnel managers andemployees working at multiple different children's indoor-playgrounds in three differentcities. The analysis will examine the following aspects: structure of an organisation, leadertypes, flexibility, social bonds, social response respective asocial lack of responsitivity.Robert Kreitner, Michael Allvin, Rolf Granér and Thomas Scheff.</p>

Women – The Lowest Class? : A Marxist Critical Analysis of Jane Austen's <em>Pride and Prejudice </em>and <em>Persuasion</em>

Lindström, Kristin January 2010 (has links)
<p>A juxtaposition of Jane Austen's <em>Pride & Prejudice</em> and <em>Persuasion</em>. The two novels are analyzed from a Marxist theoretical perspective.</p>

In Search of a Man : A Comparative Analysis of the Marriage Plot in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary

Widlund, Lina January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Big Gay Library: An Ethnography of the Pride Library at the University of Western Ontario

Cooper, Danielle 06 December 2011 (has links)
Officially founded in 1997, the Pride Library is a pioneering Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) Canadian information-based organization. Although located within D.B. Weldon Library at the University of Western Ontario, the library maintains a primarily grassroots framework. The Pride Library case study reflects a tradition within LGBTQ communities towards preserving and disseminating information otherwise marginalized by larger society. Operating outside of conventional professional informed and institutionally-dominated models, LGBTQ communities create unique grassroots information organizational contexts. In order to develop a deeper understanding of LGBTQ information organizations, an ethnographic study of the Pride Library was developed. The thesis addresses the library’s use patterns, and approaches to space, materials and labour relations. Findings demonstrate that the Pride Library is not only valued for providing LGBTQ-specific information resources, but also for creating a symbolically significant, socially-oriented and community-based LGBTQ environment.

Big Gay Library: An Ethnography of the Pride Library at the University of Western Ontario

Cooper, Danielle 06 December 2011 (has links)
Officially founded in 1997, the Pride Library is a pioneering Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer (LGBTQ) Canadian information-based organization. Although located within D.B. Weldon Library at the University of Western Ontario, the library maintains a primarily grassroots framework. The Pride Library case study reflects a tradition within LGBTQ communities towards preserving and disseminating information otherwise marginalized by larger society. Operating outside of conventional professional informed and institutionally-dominated models, LGBTQ communities create unique grassroots information organizational contexts. In order to develop a deeper understanding of LGBTQ information organizations, an ethnographic study of the Pride Library was developed. The thesis addresses the library’s use patterns, and approaches to space, materials and labour relations. Findings demonstrate that the Pride Library is not only valued for providing LGBTQ-specific information resources, but also for creating a symbolically significant, socially-oriented and community-based LGBTQ environment.

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