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The Effects of Cueing Learners to a Transfer Problem Prior to InstructionPienkowski, Nathan 05 March 2002 (has links)
Prior research indicates that cueing or priming an individual prior to exposing them to a basic stimulus, either visual or verbal, will direct their perception and attention toward specific aspects of that stimulus. Furthermore, it suggests that those aspects of the stimulus that are attended or perceived may be related by the extent to which they afford the resolution of a problem, need, or state invoked by the cued phenomenon.
The purpose of this study was to determine whether similar results would be found using content of a greater scale. In other words, the purpose was to determine whether the same cueing and priming results found using words and phrases would apply using entire instructional modules. Specifically, this study attempted to determine whether cuing individuals to an expected outcome performance prior to instruction would cause them to focus on those parts of the instruction needed to succeed on the outcome performance. It was hypothesized that prior cuing would result in superior performance on a transfer problem. Similarly, it was also hypothesized that, since the learner's attention would be directed toward specific parts of the instruction to the neglect of others, overall memory retention would be diminished for learners that were cued.
To test these hypotheses, an experimental design was used with two overall groups: one receiving prior exposure to a transfer problem and one not. In addition, in order to avoid the possibility that any results could be generalized only to the subject matter being taught, two different subject domains were used: statistics and biology. Therefore, 115 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of four groups: (a) a statistics group receiving prior exposure to a transfer problem; (c) a statistics group without prior exposure to a transfer problem; (b) a biology group receiving prior exposure to a transfer problem; (d) a biology group without prior exposure to a transfer problem. Following instruction, each group received the transfer problem and recall test appropriate for the subject area covered during their instruction (statistics or biology).
The resulting data was analyzed using two ANOVAs, one for retention and one for transfer. Neither ANOVA yielded significant results. Hence, the results reported in this study do not support either hypothesis. / Ph. D.
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Die Bedeutung des Glukosestoffwechsels beim Priming humaner, antigenspezifischer CD8\(^+\) T-Zellen / The importance of glucose metabolism in priming of human, antigen-specific CD8\(^+\) T cellsHüper, Sebastian January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
In der Immunantwort sind CD8+ T-Zellen von entscheidender Bedeutung für die spezifische zelluläre Abwehr von intrazellulären Erregern oder Neoplasien. Erst in den vergangenen Jahren konnten CD8+ T-Zellen im Rahmen der adoptiven Immuntherapie oder als CAR-T-Zellen, therapeutisch genutzt werden, wodurch sich für bestimmte hämatologische Erkrankungen komplett neue Therapiemöglichkeiten ergaben. Ein entscheidender Faktor für den Erfolg dieser Therapien ist, dass CD8+ T-Zellen während der ex-vivo Expansion keine terminale Differenzierung durchlaufen, sondern den Phänotyp von gering differenzierten T-memory-Zellen behalten. In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich das Wissen über den dynamischen Stoffwechsel von CD8+ T-Zellen enorm erweitert. Es wurde deutlich, dass einerseits der Aktivierungszustand und äußere Einflüsse wie Zytokine, Mikromilieu und Nährstoffangebot den Stoffwechsel der Zelle steuern, andererseits der Stoffwechsel der Zelle selbst ihre Differenzierung und Funktion beeinflusst.
Im Mausmodell konnte durch die Zugabe des Glykolyseinhibitors 2-DG während der ex-vivo Expansion ein positiver Einfluss auf die Differenzierung von CD8+ T-Zellen erreicht werden. Die mit 2-DG kultivierten Zellen zeigten einen gering differenzierten T-memory-Phänotyp, der nach Transfer zu einer verstärkten Re-Expansion und verbesserter anti-Tumor-Aktivität führte. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wird dieser Ansatz bei humanen CD8+ T-Zellen überprüft und auf ein antigenspezifisches Modell des Primings und der Expansion übertragen.
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden humane, naive CD8+ T-Zellen mit unterschiedlichen Konzentrationen von 2-DG unspezifisch aktiviert und expandiert. Es zeigte sich ein dosisabhängiger Effekt der Blockade des Glukosestoffwechsels auf den Metabolismus, die Aktivierung, Differenzierung und Proliferation der Zellen. Die publizierten, an Mauszellen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Wirkung von 2-DG konnten, mit geringen quantitativen Unterschieden, insgesamt bestätigt werden.
Im zweiten Schritt wurde der Ansatz auf ein Modell des antigenspezifischen Primings und der Expansion von CD8+ T-Zellen durch peptid-beladene dendritische Zellen übertragen. Im Unterschied zur unspezifischen Expansion führte bereits eine geringe Blockade der Glukosenutzung, in der frühen Expansionshase bis zu 4 Tage nach dem Priming, zu einer ausgeprägten Hemmung der antigenspezifischen Expansion. Die Hauptursache hierfür ist die um ein Vielfaches stärkere Proliferation bei der antigenspezifischen Expansion. Diese ist, aufgrund der geringen Frequenz antigenspezifischer Zellen in der Ausgangspopulation naiver CD8+ T-Zellen, erforderlich und entspricht in ihrem Ausmaß eher der antigenspezifischen Proliferation in-vivo. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass die antigenspezifische Proliferation vor allem in der frühen Expansionsphase und weniger während des Primings oder der späten Expansion stark auf die Glukosenutzung angewiesen ist. Auch eine nur vorübergehende Einschränkung der Glukosenutzung in diesem Zeitraum führte zu einer anhaltenden Verminderung der Proliferation.
Der Zusatz von 2-DG resultierte zwar in einem höheren Anteil von CD8+ T-Zellen mit einem gering differenzierten Phänotyp, jedoch war ihre absolute Anzahl geringer. Es zeigte sich, dass antigenspezifische Proliferation und Differenzierung in den durchgeführten Versuchen gekoppelt waren. Durch eine Blockade des Glukosestoffwechsels mit 2-DG konnte diese Koppelung nicht aufgehoben werden. Eine wahrscheinliche mechanistische Erklärung hierfür, die jedoch für die antigenspezifische Expansion von CD8+ T-Zellen noch experimentell bestätigt werden müsste, ergibt sich aus dem zellulären Regelkreis von AMPK und mTOR. Dieser integriert in CD8+ T-Zellen die metabolische Situation der Zelle auf der einen Seite und Stimuli zur Zellteilung und -differenzierung auf der anderen Seite.
Die genannten Ergebnisse führten zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass bei der Kultivierung von antigenspezifischen CD8+ T-Zellen für die Immuntherapie der Zusatz von 2-DG keine Verbesserung darstellt. Die vorliegende Arbeit unterstreicht auch, dass Erkenntnisse aus Versuchen mit unspezifisch stimulierten T-Zellen sich nicht ohne Weiteres auf Modelle der antigenspezifischen Expansion oder die Immunantwort in- vivo übertragen lassen.
In einem klinischen Nebenprojekt konnte gezeigt werden, dass bei einem Patienten mit Multiplem Myelom unter Therapie mit einem bi-spezifischen, T-Zell rekrutierenden Antikörper gegen BCMA bei Progress der Erkrankung ein homozygoter Verlust des kodierenden Gens aufgetreten war. Damit wurde erstmals für diese Therapie eine homozygote Deletion mit nachfolgendem Verlust der Zielstruktur des Antikörpers als Resistenzmechanismus beschrieben. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass auch bei Patient:innen mit Multiplem Myelom, die noch keine T-Zell basierte Immuntherapie erhalten haben, häufig heterozygote Veränderungen in Genen vorliegen, die für Zielantigene von Immuntherapien kodieren. Dies macht den Verlust beider Allele wahrscheinlicher und kann somit eine Prädisposition für die Entwicklung einer Therapieresistenz darstellen. / Within the immune response CD8+ T cells are crucial for the specific cellular defence against intracellular pathogens or cancer. But only in the last years, they could be used therapeutically for adoptive immunotherapy or for CAR T cell therapy. As a result, completely new therapeutic options have opened up for certain haematological cancers. A decisive factor for the success of these therapies is that CD8+ T cells do not undergo terminal differentiation during ex-vivo expansion but instead retain the phenotype of minimally differentiated T memory cells. In the past 20 years, knowledge on the dynamic metabolism of CD8+ T cells has expanded enormously. It has become clear that, on the one hand, the activation state and external influences such as cytokines, microenvironment and nutrient supply control the metabolism of the cell and, on the other hand, the metabolism of the cell itself influences its differentiation and function.
In mouse models the addition of 2-DG- an inhibitor of glycolysis- during ex-vivo expansion had a positive impact on differentiation of CD8+ T cells. Those cells, that had been cultured with 2-DG showed a less differentiated T-memory phenotype, resulting in increased re-expansion and improved anti-tumour activity upon transfer. In the present work this approach is tested in human CD8+ T cells and subsequently transferred to an antigen-specific model of priming and expansion.
In the first part naïve, human CD8+ T cells were non-specifically activated and cultured with different concentrations of 2-DG. This mode of blocking the glucose metabolism had dose-dependent effects on metabolism, activation, differentiation and proliferation. The aforementioned findings on the effect of 2-DG obtained on mouse cells could be confirmed with small quantitative differences.
In the second part this approach was transferred to a model of antigen-specific priming of CD8+ T cells using activated and peptide-loaded dendritic cells. In contrast to non-specific expansion, even a slight blockade of glucose utilization, during the early expansion phase up to 4 days after priming, led to a pronounced inhibition of expansion. This can mainly be attributed to the many times stronger proliferation that occurs during antigen-specific expansion. The strong proliferation is necessary because of the low frequency of antigen specific cells among the starting population of naïve CD8+ T cells. In addition, this increased rate of proliferation corresponds more closely to antigen-specific expansion in-vivo. Furthermore, it became clear that antigen-specific proliferation is highly dependent on glucose utilization, especially in the early expansion phase and less so during priming or late expansion. Even a temporary limitation of glucose utilization during this period resulted in a sustained impairment of proliferation.
In the experiments it became clear that in antigen-specific expansion, proliferation and differentiation are linked. Although the addition of 2-DG resulted in a higher proportion of CD8+ T cells with a minimally differentiated phenotype, the absolute number of these cells was lower than in the control group. Thus, blocking glucose metabolism does not uncouple antigen-specific proliferation and differentiation. A probable mechanistic explanation for this observation, which would still have to be experimentally confirmed for the antigen-specific expansion of CD8+ T cells, can be found in the cellular control loop of the proteins AMPK and mTOR. In CD8+ T cells they integrate the metabolic state on the one hand and stimuli for cell division and differentiation on the other.
These results led to the conclusion, that adding 2-DG is not beneficial in the expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells for immunotherapy. In addition, the present works emphasizes that results, obtained from experiments with non-specifically activated t-cells, do not necessarily apply to models of antigen-specific expansion or the immune response in-vivo.
In a clinical side project, it was shown in a patient with multiple myeloma treated with a bi-specific, T cell-engaging antibody against BCMA that a homozygous loss of the coding gene occurred during disease progression. This is the first time that a homozygous deletion with subsequent loss of the antibody's target structure has been described as a resistance mechanism for this therapy. It was also shown that patients with multiple myeloma often have heterozygous alterations in genes that code for target structures of immunotherapies, even before T cell engaging therapies. This makes loss of both alleles more likely and can therefore represent a predisposition to future treatment resistance.
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Efeitos da atenção dividida na fase de recuperação da memória implícitaSbicigo, Juliana Burges January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo geral da presente tese foi investigar possíveis efeitos da atenção dividida da memória implícita perceptual não-verbal e verbal, e conceitual na fase de recuperação. Foram realizados dois estudos teóricos e um empírico. O primeiro estudo teórico teve o objetivo de revisar sistematicamente pesquisas que avaliaram o papel da atenção em testes de memória implícita (priming de repetição) com o paradigma da atenção dividida, na fase de codificação ou de recuperação. Foram selecionados 31 artigos empíricos com base em critérios pré-estabelecidos. Concluiu-se que os primings, perceptual e conceitual, são afetados pela atenção dividida na codificação quando a tarefa secundária demanda mais atenção, isto é, quando exige resposta frequente e é apresentada sincrônica ao estímulo alvo de memória. Poucos estudos foram realizados na fase de recuperação e indicaram imunidade desses primings à atenção dividida. O segundo estudo buscou apresentar e discutir aspectos metodológicos relevantes à elaboração de experimentos usando priming de repetição, com ênfase na seleção de materiais (software, listas de estímulos normatizados para o Brasil e relevância de fatores psicolinguísticos) e manipulação de variáveis (calibração pré-experimental, instruções e tempo de exposição dos estímulos, por exemplo). Recomendações para pesquisas futuras foram apresentadas. O artigo empírico foi o terceiro estudo e incluiu três experimentos. Os experimentos exploraram o papel da atenção na memória implícita perceptual não verbal e expandiram os resultados com testes perceptual e conceitual verbal, avaliando os efeitos da atenção dividida em novas condições experimentais. O experimento 1 utilizou o teste implícito de completar fragmentos de figuras com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de tons; o experimento 2 utilizou completar radical de palavra e o experimento 3, produção de exemplar da categoria, ambos com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de sequências de consoantes. Os resultados evidenciaram que a memória implícita foi afetada pela atenção dividida nos testes de completar fragmentos de figura e produção de exemplar da categoria, enquanto completar radical de palavra foi imune aos efeitos da divisão da atenção. Coletivamente, os resultados indicaram que, sob algumas circunstâncias, memória implícita perceptual exige recursos atencionais na recuperação. Recursos atencionais são exigidos pela memória implícita conceitual, tal como hipotetizado na literatura. / The general aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expand knowledge on perceptual implicit memory and verbal conceptual. Two theoretical studies and one empirical were performed. The first theoretical study systematized research that evaluated the role of attention in implicit memory tests (repetition priming) with the paradigm of divided attention in encoding or retrieval phase. A total of 31 empirical articles based on pre-established criteria. The conclusion was that the primings, perceptual and conceptual, are affected by divided attention in encoding when the secondary task demands more attention, that is, when requires frequent response and it is presented synchronously to the memory target stimulus. Few studies was conducted in the retrieval phase and indicated that the primings are immune to divided attention. The second theoretical study aimed to present and discuss methodological aspects relevant to the elaboration of experiments using repetition priming, with emphasis on the selection of materials (software, standardized stimuli lists for Brazil and relevance of psycholinguistic factors) and variable manipulation (pre-calibration experimental, instructions and exposure time of the stimuli, for example). Recommendations for future research are presented. The empirical paper was the third study and included three experiments. The experiments explored the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expanded the results with perceptual tests and verbal conceptual, evaluating the effects of divided attention on new experimental conditions. Experiment 1 used the implicit picture fragment completion test with a secondary task of judgment tones; Experiment 2 used word stem completion and the experiment 3, exemplary production category, both with a secondary task of judgment consonant sequences. The results showed that implicit memory was affected by divided attention in picture fragment completion and category exemplar production, while word stem completion was immune to the effects of divided attention. Collectively, the results indicated that, under some circumstances, perceptual implicit memory requires attentional resources in recovery. Attentional resources are required by the conceptual implicit memory, as hypothesized in the literature.
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Security-priming in trauma-exposed individuals : an fMRI studyIles, Andrew Thomas January 2013 (has links)
Research shows a strong association between attentional bias to threat and emotional regulation difficulties, specifically heightened activation of neural areas known to be involved in emotional processing (amygdala) in individuals who report post-traumatic stress symptoms. Theoretical and research evidence suggests that the enhancing of felt attachment security through security-priming may grant an individual access to effective emotion regulation strategies, which in turn may reduce attentional bias and associated abnormal neural activations. Trauma-survivors with elevated anxiety levels were randomised into an experimental group (secure attachment priming, n=16) where they were primed using positive attachment-related pictures, or a neutral control priming condition (n=18) where they viewed non attachment pictures of people. Participants then completed a dot-probe task to measure attentional bias to threat, and an emotionally threatening face-matching task to probe amygdala activation. No between groups differences were found on measures of attentional bias. Contrary to the hypothesis, participants in the security-priming group showed significantly greater amygdala activation in response to threatening faces. Attachment style was not found to moderate the impact of security-priming on attentional bias or neural activation. Interpersonal trauma experiences make up the majority of the study sample. The impact of this is considered in the context of short-term single exposure to explicit attachment based security-priming interventions and the study paradigm employed to measure amygdala activation, which may act to initially dysregulate and contraindicate activation of a secure attachment representation, respectively.
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Approaching Consciousness with Masked Priming / A Comparison of Perceptual and Semantic PrimingWernicke, Martina 29 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating the roles of features and priming in visual searchHailston, Kenneth 01 June 2009 (has links)
Identifying and locating specific objects amidst irrelevant, distracting items can be difficult when one is unsure of where, or even what, to look for. Priming the perceptual/cognitive system for specific features or objects is one way of helping observers to locate and identify target items (e.g., Grice&Gwynne, 1985; Laarni and Hakkinen, 1994).
Past research has demonstrated that priming single features does indeed affect search performance (e.g., Hailston&Davis, 2006; Huang&Pashler, 2005). But, what happens when more than one feature is primed? Does priming two features result in better performance than priming only one? What about three features? How does feature priming compare to simply priming the entire object itself?
The current research addressed these questions with a series of three visual search experiments. In the first experiment performance in simple feature search was compared against triple-conjunction search performance. Three prominent models of visual search were compared to see which best predicted actual performance. In the second and third experiments the effects of multiple feature priming on search accuracy were examined in a triple-conjunction search (Experiment 2) and a whole-object search (Experiment 3). Moreover, in Experiment 3 the effectiveness of whole-object primes were compared to multiple-features primes.
Results show that none of the three models can accurately predict performance in all cases, suggesting some modification of each is necessary. Furthermore, valid primes resulted in performance benefits, and these benefits increased with the number of primed features. Finally, no performance costs of invalid priming were observed in the current experiments.
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The role of specific emotions in affective priming effectsBoakes, Jolee Alison January 2010 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The finding that less time is needed to evaluate the valence of a target when it is preceded by a prime of the same valence, as opposed to one of the opposite valence, has become known as the affective priming effect. The research reported here investigated a new model of the mechanisms underlying affective priming effects, which focuses on the role of specific emotions within global valence categories. Specifically, this model stipulates that when presented with a stimulus that elicits particular emotions, the area of the brain corresponding to that emotion is automatically stimulated. This in turn will produce a diffuse activation of meaning nodes that are associated with that emotion. This emotion-based priming model departs from previous spreading activation accounts of affective priming, as it suggests that the facilitation effects observed in such studies may be due primarily to spreading activation via emotion-congruent, rather than valence-congruent, nodes. The overarching goal of the empirical research programme reported here was to test predictions based on this model. In three studies, facilitation effects ascribable to specific emotion-based congruence (e.g., fear-fear) were compared with those ascribable to global valence-based congruence (e.g., negative-negative) alone (i.e., in the absence of emotion-based congruence). Participants made valence judgements on targets which represented one of five basic human emotions: one positive (happy) and four negative (disgust, fear, sad, and anger). ... The fundamental design elements were the same across all three studies: the only difference was in the stimulus format of the prime-target pairs: emotion-laden scenes were used in Study One; facial expressions in Study Two; and emotion-laden words in Study Three. Results showed that, in comparison to the neutral and incongruent baselines, there were significant emotion-based priming effects across all stimulus formats. This result was also consistent across all of the negative emotions employed. Significant valence-based priming effects were, however, also obtained in each of the three studies, although these effects were more inconsistent than those obtained for emotion-based priming. That is, reaction times were significantly shorter on valence-congruent than on neutral and incongruent baseline trials, but only for a portion of the tests performed across the three studies. In Studies One and Two, reaction times were consistently shorter for emotion-congruent prime-target pairs than for valence-congruent prime-target pairs. This trend was absent in Study Three, in which word stimuli were used. These results indicate that while reaction times were facilitated, albeit inconsistently, for valence-congruent prime-target pairs, they were facilitated significantly further for emotion-congruent pairs when picture-based stimuli were used. The emotion-based and valence-based priming effects obtained across the three studies are discussed in terms of three competing theories: (i) spreading activation via global valence nodes, (ii) spreading activation via emotion centres, and (iii) expectancy-based processes. A dual-process hypothesis of affective priming is then proposed. The plausibility of the hypothesis is then explored through a synthesis and re-examination of results reported in previous affective priming research. Directions for future research to elaborate and extend on this work are discussed.
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Efeitos da atenção dividida na fase de recuperação da memória implícitaSbicigo, Juliana Burges January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo geral da presente tese foi investigar possíveis efeitos da atenção dividida da memória implícita perceptual não-verbal e verbal, e conceitual na fase de recuperação. Foram realizados dois estudos teóricos e um empírico. O primeiro estudo teórico teve o objetivo de revisar sistematicamente pesquisas que avaliaram o papel da atenção em testes de memória implícita (priming de repetição) com o paradigma da atenção dividida, na fase de codificação ou de recuperação. Foram selecionados 31 artigos empíricos com base em critérios pré-estabelecidos. Concluiu-se que os primings, perceptual e conceitual, são afetados pela atenção dividida na codificação quando a tarefa secundária demanda mais atenção, isto é, quando exige resposta frequente e é apresentada sincrônica ao estímulo alvo de memória. Poucos estudos foram realizados na fase de recuperação e indicaram imunidade desses primings à atenção dividida. O segundo estudo buscou apresentar e discutir aspectos metodológicos relevantes à elaboração de experimentos usando priming de repetição, com ênfase na seleção de materiais (software, listas de estímulos normatizados para o Brasil e relevância de fatores psicolinguísticos) e manipulação de variáveis (calibração pré-experimental, instruções e tempo de exposição dos estímulos, por exemplo). Recomendações para pesquisas futuras foram apresentadas. O artigo empírico foi o terceiro estudo e incluiu três experimentos. Os experimentos exploraram o papel da atenção na memória implícita perceptual não verbal e expandiram os resultados com testes perceptual e conceitual verbal, avaliando os efeitos da atenção dividida em novas condições experimentais. O experimento 1 utilizou o teste implícito de completar fragmentos de figuras com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de tons; o experimento 2 utilizou completar radical de palavra e o experimento 3, produção de exemplar da categoria, ambos com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de sequências de consoantes. Os resultados evidenciaram que a memória implícita foi afetada pela atenção dividida nos testes de completar fragmentos de figura e produção de exemplar da categoria, enquanto completar radical de palavra foi imune aos efeitos da divisão da atenção. Coletivamente, os resultados indicaram que, sob algumas circunstâncias, memória implícita perceptual exige recursos atencionais na recuperação. Recursos atencionais são exigidos pela memória implícita conceitual, tal como hipotetizado na literatura. / The general aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expand knowledge on perceptual implicit memory and verbal conceptual. Two theoretical studies and one empirical were performed. The first theoretical study systematized research that evaluated the role of attention in implicit memory tests (repetition priming) with the paradigm of divided attention in encoding or retrieval phase. A total of 31 empirical articles based on pre-established criteria. The conclusion was that the primings, perceptual and conceptual, are affected by divided attention in encoding when the secondary task demands more attention, that is, when requires frequent response and it is presented synchronously to the memory target stimulus. Few studies was conducted in the retrieval phase and indicated that the primings are immune to divided attention. The second theoretical study aimed to present and discuss methodological aspects relevant to the elaboration of experiments using repetition priming, with emphasis on the selection of materials (software, standardized stimuli lists for Brazil and relevance of psycholinguistic factors) and variable manipulation (pre-calibration experimental, instructions and exposure time of the stimuli, for example). Recommendations for future research are presented. The empirical paper was the third study and included three experiments. The experiments explored the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expanded the results with perceptual tests and verbal conceptual, evaluating the effects of divided attention on new experimental conditions. Experiment 1 used the implicit picture fragment completion test with a secondary task of judgment tones; Experiment 2 used word stem completion and the experiment 3, exemplary production category, both with a secondary task of judgment consonant sequences. The results showed that implicit memory was affected by divided attention in picture fragment completion and category exemplar production, while word stem completion was immune to the effects of divided attention. Collectively, the results indicated that, under some circumstances, perceptual implicit memory requires attentional resources in recovery. Attentional resources are required by the conceptual implicit memory, as hypothesized in the literature.
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Efeitos da atenção dividida na fase de recuperação da memória implícitaSbicigo, Juliana Burges January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo geral da presente tese foi investigar possíveis efeitos da atenção dividida da memória implícita perceptual não-verbal e verbal, e conceitual na fase de recuperação. Foram realizados dois estudos teóricos e um empírico. O primeiro estudo teórico teve o objetivo de revisar sistematicamente pesquisas que avaliaram o papel da atenção em testes de memória implícita (priming de repetição) com o paradigma da atenção dividida, na fase de codificação ou de recuperação. Foram selecionados 31 artigos empíricos com base em critérios pré-estabelecidos. Concluiu-se que os primings, perceptual e conceitual, são afetados pela atenção dividida na codificação quando a tarefa secundária demanda mais atenção, isto é, quando exige resposta frequente e é apresentada sincrônica ao estímulo alvo de memória. Poucos estudos foram realizados na fase de recuperação e indicaram imunidade desses primings à atenção dividida. O segundo estudo buscou apresentar e discutir aspectos metodológicos relevantes à elaboração de experimentos usando priming de repetição, com ênfase na seleção de materiais (software, listas de estímulos normatizados para o Brasil e relevância de fatores psicolinguísticos) e manipulação de variáveis (calibração pré-experimental, instruções e tempo de exposição dos estímulos, por exemplo). Recomendações para pesquisas futuras foram apresentadas. O artigo empírico foi o terceiro estudo e incluiu três experimentos. Os experimentos exploraram o papel da atenção na memória implícita perceptual não verbal e expandiram os resultados com testes perceptual e conceitual verbal, avaliando os efeitos da atenção dividida em novas condições experimentais. O experimento 1 utilizou o teste implícito de completar fragmentos de figuras com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de tons; o experimento 2 utilizou completar radical de palavra e o experimento 3, produção de exemplar da categoria, ambos com uma tarefa secundária de julgamento de sequências de consoantes. Os resultados evidenciaram que a memória implícita foi afetada pela atenção dividida nos testes de completar fragmentos de figura e produção de exemplar da categoria, enquanto completar radical de palavra foi imune aos efeitos da divisão da atenção. Coletivamente, os resultados indicaram que, sob algumas circunstâncias, memória implícita perceptual exige recursos atencionais na recuperação. Recursos atencionais são exigidos pela memória implícita conceitual, tal como hipotetizado na literatura. / The general aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expand knowledge on perceptual implicit memory and verbal conceptual. Two theoretical studies and one empirical were performed. The first theoretical study systematized research that evaluated the role of attention in implicit memory tests (repetition priming) with the paradigm of divided attention in encoding or retrieval phase. A total of 31 empirical articles based on pre-established criteria. The conclusion was that the primings, perceptual and conceptual, are affected by divided attention in encoding when the secondary task demands more attention, that is, when requires frequent response and it is presented synchronously to the memory target stimulus. Few studies was conducted in the retrieval phase and indicated that the primings are immune to divided attention. The second theoretical study aimed to present and discuss methodological aspects relevant to the elaboration of experiments using repetition priming, with emphasis on the selection of materials (software, standardized stimuli lists for Brazil and relevance of psycholinguistic factors) and variable manipulation (pre-calibration experimental, instructions and exposure time of the stimuli, for example). Recommendations for future research are presented. The empirical paper was the third study and included three experiments. The experiments explored the role of attention in nonverbal perceptual implicit memory and expanded the results with perceptual tests and verbal conceptual, evaluating the effects of divided attention on new experimental conditions. Experiment 1 used the implicit picture fragment completion test with a secondary task of judgment tones; Experiment 2 used word stem completion and the experiment 3, exemplary production category, both with a secondary task of judgment consonant sequences. The results showed that implicit memory was affected by divided attention in picture fragment completion and category exemplar production, while word stem completion was immune to the effects of divided attention. Collectively, the results indicated that, under some circumstances, perceptual implicit memory requires attentional resources in recovery. Attentional resources are required by the conceptual implicit memory, as hypothesized in the literature.
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Unconscious priming of "freely" chosen voluntary actions: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidenceWendt-Kürschner, Juliane 27 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In the course of development organisms learn to associate their actions with the effects these actions have in the environment. Recent studies have shown that perceiving or anticipating action-effects automatically activates actions, which formerly have been experienced to cause these effects (Elsner & Hommel, 2001). Using subliminal priming paradigms and electrophysiological measures I investigated whether subliminally (i.e., not consciously perceivable) presented action-effects can automatically activate associated actions and if so, whether this response priming by action-effects can bias free-choice actions. Secondly I investigated whether action-effects with different emotional valences influence response selection differently. To address the first question three experiments were performed. Each experiment consisted of two experimental phases. The first phase, the acquisition-phase, was a learning phase were simple key-press actions were associated with simple visual stimuli (i.e., action-effects; diamond or square) that were contingent on the actions. Immediately after the acquisition-phase the test-phase followed, in which participants performed free-choice actions after the presentation of a Go-signal. In Experiments 2 and 3 a NoGo-signal indicating that responses had to be withheld could appear with the same likelihood as the Go-signal. Unknown to the participants, one of the former action-effects (diamond or square) was presented subliminally prior to each Go- and NoGo-signal to investigate the influence of unconscious action-effects on response selection. Taken together, the results of the test-phases provided strong evidence that even subliminally presented (i.e., unconscious) action-effects can automatically activate associated responses. The response priming by action-effects became evident in the lateralized readiness potential (LRP), an electrophysiological indicator of specific response activation processes. Under certain circumstanced this automatic response activation can bias free-choice actions although participants experienced the actions as freely chosen. In the test-phase of the first experiment more acquisition-phase-consistent than –inconsistent responses were chosen. If, for instance, a left key-press had been associated with a square during the acquisition-phase, the left key was chosen significantly more often after the subliminal presentation of a square in the test-phase. At least three factors seemed to influence which responses were chosen and executed: The strength of the priming effect, the complexity of the task (i.e., pure Go-blocks or intermixed Go/NoGo-blocks), and the elapsed time between the prime stimulus and the Go-signal. To address the second question simple key-press actions were linked to action-effects with different emotional valences (positive vs. negative pictures accompanied by high or low tones) during the acquisition-phase. In the subsequent test-phase, the effects-tones that had been associated with negative or positive pictures were presented and followed by a Go-signal, after which participants had to freely choose to press one of the two response keys. Results indicated that the anticipation of the emotional valence of an action-effect influenced free-choice action. Whereas the effect-tones induced a clear response bias (i.e., more acquisition-consistent than –inconsistent key-choices) if they had been associated with a positive emotional valence, this response bias was not reliable for action-effects associated with negative emotional features. In summary, the present results provide further proof for ideomotor theories of action control (James, 1890; Elsner & Hommel, 2001) which state that actions are automatically activated by anticipating their consequences.
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