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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktionsprimitiv-basierte Steuerungsarchitektur für Anwendungen in der Robotik und Fertigungstechnik

Hennig, Matthias, Janschek, Klaus 13 February 2012 (has links)
Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt einen Entwurf für eine flexible und robuste Steuerungsarchitektur für Roboter- und Fertigungssysteme vor. Dabei wurde versucht ein offenes Konzept zu realisieren, welches einen vereinfachten Engineeringprozess ermöglicht. Hierzu wird innerhalb der Steuerung eine Trennung zwischen einem funktionellen verhaltensbasierten und einem ablauforientierten Modell vorgeschlagen. Dieser Ansatz wird durch die Verwendung von Aktionsprimitiven innerhalb einer hybriden Robotersteuerung ermöglicht. Diese garantieren durch ihre ausgeprägte Modularität eine hohe Flexibilität und Erweiterbarkeit des entstandenen Systems. Im Beitrag wird sowohl der entstandene Entwurf diskutiert als auch eine prototypische objektorientierte Implementierung vorgestellt sowie erste Ergebnisse präsentiert. / This paper presents a framework for a flexible and robust control architecture for robotic systems. The design incorporates an application independent system concept which allows a simplified engineering process. For this purpose a distinction between a functional behavioural and a sequential control system model is proposed. This approach is based on the utilisation of action primitives within a hybrid control architecture. The use of these primitives affords a high level of modularity through increasing flexibility and expandability of the resulting system. In this paper the proposed framework will be discussed as well as a prototypical object-oriented implementation and first results.

Über den neurenterischen Kanal im Embryo des Menschen und des Neuweltaffen Callithrix jacchus / About the Neurenteric Canal in the Human embryo and the embryo of the new-world-monkey Callithrix jacchus

Nachtigal, Alexander 31 December 1100 (has links)
No description available.

Role of Oct4 in pXEN cell differentiation and MET process

Han, Dongjun 29 July 2021 (has links)
Primitive extraembryonale Endoderm (pXEN) Stam-Zelllinien der Ratte repraesentieren wahrscheinlich die festgelegten Vorläufer des extraembryonalen. Die im mesenchymalen Zustand gehaltenen pXEN-Zellen können in vitro weiter zu parietalen und viszeralen Endoderm-ähnlichen Zellen differenzieren. pXEN-Zellen zusätzlich halten moderate Konzentrationen des ICM-Markers Oct4 aufrecht. Die Bedeutung von Oct4 in pXEN-Zellen ist jedoch unbekannt. Bei höheren Zelldichten, beobachteten wir eine erhöhte Oct4-Expression und gleichzeitig eine Tendenz zu Epithelialisierung (MET) und viszeral endodermaler (VE) Differenzierung. Um zu klären, ob die Oct4-Expression kausal beteiligt ist, modulierten wir die Oct4-Konzentration. Transienter Knockdown von Oct4 reduzierte tendenziell die Expression von MET / VE-assoziierten Genen; umgekehrt förderte die Doxycycline-induzierte Expression eines menschlichen Oct4-Transgens die MET / VE-Differenzierung und verhinderte die Bildung charakteristischer Gang-Strukturen. Im letzteren Fall ging dem MET eine anfängliche Zell-Verlängerung und eine erhöhte Zellmotilität voraus. Da ein GSK3-Inhibitor und Activin A auch den MET / VE-Phänotyp stimulierten, fragten wir uns, ob Oct4 über die Wnt/β-Catenin oder TGFβ Signalwege wirkt. Die verschiedene Schritte der Wnt/β-Catenin Signalgebung hemmen, blockierten die hOct4-induzierte MET- und VE-Expression nicht. Im Gegensatz dazu verhinderte Repsox, ein Inhibitor von Alk5 (TGFBR1), das hOct4-induzierte MET und die Expression von MET- und VE-Genen und stimulierte eher die Expression von parietalen Endoderm (PE) Genen. Zusammengefasst zeigen diese Daten eine Rolle für Oct4 bei der MET / VE-Differenzierung auf, wahrscheinlich durch Stimulation eines TGFβ Signalweges. Weiterführende Experimente sind erforderlich um zu bestimmen, wie die zwei Prozesse der MET- und VE-Differenzierung innerhalb der extraembryonalen Endoderm-Linie unterschieden und in Beziehung gesetzt werden. / Rat primitive extraembryonic endoderm (pXEN) cell lines appear to represent the committed precursors of the extraembryonic endoderm. The pXEN cells maintained in the mesenchymal state can further differentiate to the parietal endoderm and visceral endoderm like-cells in vitro. In addition, pXEN cells maintain moderate levels of the ICM marker Oct4, a transcription factor that plays important roles in pluripotency, plasticity, and differentiation. However, the significance of Oct4 in pXEN cell lineage specification is unknown. We observed that rat pXEN cells show increased Oct4 expression at higher densities, a condition that also promotes their epithelialization (MET) and visceral endodermal (VE) differentiation. In order to elucidate whether the Oct4 expression is causally involved, we modulated the Oct4 levels. Transient knockdown of Oct4 tended to reduce the expression of MET/VE-associated genes; conversely, the doxycycline-induced expression of a human Oct4 transgene promoted MET/VE differentiation and prevented the formation of characteristic duct structures. In the latter case, the MET was preceded by an initial elongation and increased cell motility. Since GSK3 inhibitor and Activin A also stimulated the MET/VE phenotype, we then asked whether Oct4 acts through the Wnt/β-catenin or TGFβ pathways. Wnt inhibitors did not block the hOct4-induced MET and VE expression. By contrast, Repsox, an inhibitor of Alk5 (TGFBR1), prevented the hOct4-induced MET and the expression of MET and VE genes and rather stimulated the expression of parietal endoderm (PE) genes. Taken together, these data indicate a role for Oct4 in MET/VE differentiation via stimulation of TGFβ signaling. Further work is needed to determine how the two MET and VE differentiation processes are distinguished and related within the extraembryonic endoderm lineage.

The Jewish scripture as rationale for First Clement

Gibbs, Mark January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

A study of the relationship between sectarian diversity within Second Temple Judaism and sectarian diversity within the Early Church

Russell, Peter January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Patterns of Shared Leadership in the Apostolic Fathers

Vester, Zachariah Lee 31 March 2015 (has links)
While the cumulative history of the early church paints a trajectory towards a strict form of vertical, hierarchical leadership, at least five patterns of shared leadership emerge throughout the Apostolic Fathers that make the case for the presence of a form, proto or otherwise, of shared leadership in the early church. In light of the literature base, the study presents shared leadership in terms of nine seminal aspects. With these seminal aspects as a foundation, the study employs a directed content analysis and a structured matrix to analyze Michael W. Holmes' Apostolic Fathers, 3rd ed. for five patterns of shared leadership. By exposing five patterns of shared leadership that emerge in the corpus of the Apostolic Fathers the study extends the field of shared leadership through the in-depth analysis of an organization's historical practices and expands the modern church's understanding of the roots of its leadership practices and structures.

Territórios em disputa: a formação territorial do Ceará de 1750 a 1822 / Lands dispute: the territorial formation of Ceará from 1750 to 1822

Albuquerque, Ana Maria de 27 January 2017 (has links)
A pesquisa tem como objeto de análise a formação territorial do Ceará desde o estabelecimento das políticas pombalinas do Estado Português ao processo de emancipação política de sua colônia na América do Sul. Uma investigação que atravessa o interregno de 1750 a 1822, quando se pretendia aumentar o controle administrativo e a expropriação dos lucros nas terras conquistadas pela Coroa Portuguesa por meio de acordos de limites. Em movimento sincopado de expansão das fronteiras e corrida aos fundos territoriais defendidos por estratégias geopolíticas que priorizavam o povoamento das áreas fronteiriças, mas também daquelas afastadas da zona litorânea; pela doação de sesmarias; elevação de vilas e cidades; pelo controle e aldeamento dos nativos através de leis ou incentivo à guerra justa, para o aniquilamento, aos que não se adaptavam à imposição de um processo perverso de colonização que os subjugava. Retratamos a frente de apropriação dos sertões das capitanias do Norte, com ênfase no Ceará; uma história de expropriação, de espoliação das terras indígenas, a fixação das fazendas para o criatório do gado, que teve início com o parcelamento de suas terras no final do século XVII acontecimentos que promoveram impactos relevantes sob a sua estrutura fundiária e o introduziram à lógica da acumulação primitiva de capitais, através da implantação das políticas mercantilistas que se expandiram violentamente para além das nações europeias, em escala maior, inseridas agora dentro de um sistema mundial de conformação de uma economia-mundo capitalista em formação e dilatação. / The aim of this investigation was to analyze the territorial formation of Ceará from the stablishment of pombalinas politics of Portuguese state in the process of political emancipation in its colony in South America. An investigation that crosses the interregnum 1750-1822, when was pretended to increase the administrative control and the expropriation of profits in the lands conquered by the Portuguese crown in limits agreements. In a syncopated movement of expansion of borders and race to territorial founds defended by geopolitical strategies that prioritized the settlement of border areas; but also of those far from the coastal zone; for the donation of sesmarias; promotion of villages and cities; control and population of natives trough laws or encouraging to just war, for the destruction- annihilation to people that do not fit the imposition of a perverse evil process of colonization that subjugate them. We show the frente de apropriação of hinterlands captaincies of the north of Portuguese America, with emphasis in Ceará, a history of expropriation, of dispossession of indigenous lands to fixation of farms for cattle breeding that initiated with the installment of their land at the end of the XVII century, events that promote significant impacts in its land and introduced the logic of primitive accumulation of capitals, thought the implementation of mercantilist policies that expand violently beyond of European nations, in large scale, now inserted into a worldwide system of forming a capitalist word economy in development and expansion.

Códigos metacíclicos / Metacyclic Codes

Assuena, Samir 16 August 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, consideramos álgebras de grupo semissimples F_G de grupos metacíclicos não abelianos que cindem sobre corpos finitos. Inicialmente, damos condições para que o número de componentes simples da álgebra F_G seja minimal e encontramos os idempotentes centrais primitivos quando a ordem do grupo é igual a p^l^, onde p e l são números primos distintos. Posteriormente, obtemos condições necessárias e suficientes para que o número de componentes simples da álgebra F_G seja minimal no caso em que a ordem do grupo é igual a 2n. Finalmente, quando G=D_{p^}, o grupo diedral de ordem 2p^, obtemos duas decomposições da álgebra F_D_{p^}$ como soma direta de ideais à esquerda minimais, calculamos suas dimensões e pesos e mostramos que, em uma destas decomposições, os códigos à esquerda minimais não são equivalentes a códigos abelianos, dando uma resposta afirmativa para uma conjectura formulada por Sabin e Lomonaco em 1995. / We consider semisimple group algebras F_G of non abelian split metacyclic groups over a finite field. First we give necessary and suficiente conditions for them to have a minimal number of simple components and find the primitive central idempotents of F_G in the case when the order G is equals p^l^, where p and l are different prime numbers. Then, we consider the special case when the order of G is 2n. Finally, when G=D_{p^} the dihedral group of order 2p^, we obtain two decomposition of the algebra into direct sum of minimal left ideals, compute their dimensions and weights. We show that one of these decompositions gives raise to minimal codes that are not combinatorially equivalent to abelian codes giving an affirmative answer to a conjecture formulated by Sabin and Lomonaco in 1995.

O papel do \"dinheiro primitivo\" na economia Inca. / The role of \"primitive money\" in the Inka economy.

Martins, Cristiana Bertazoni 19 October 2001 (has links)
Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e catalogar sistematicamente os objetos que serviram como \'dinheiro primitivo\' na área andina durante o período conhecido como Horizonte Tardio, que vai de 1.476 a 1.534 d.C. Após este primeiro passo, tentamos precisar em quais esferas sociais estes objetos circulavam e que papel desempenhavam em cada uma delas, definindo, assim, o seu funcionamento em um sistema de valor determinado e específico. O tema da pesquisa se justifica basicamente por dois motivos: (a) a forma insatisfatória, e muitas vezes superficial, com que os trabalhos a respeito da economia incaica tratam a questão do dinheiro; (b) o costume - ao nosso ver equivocado - de entender o \'dinheiro primitivo\' por meio de conceitos alheios à realidade do antigo Peru. Para a realização dessa pesquisa foram utilizadas como fontes principais as crônicas espanholas escritas durante os séculos XVI e XVII. Sempre com o cuidado de não cair em anacronismos, fato comum quando se trata de pesquisas a respeito da economia nas sociedades consideradas arcaicas. Esperamos com este trabalho poder contribuir para uma compreensão mais ampla do \'dinheiro primitivo\' e da noção de valor entre os Incas. / The scope of this research is to systematically classify and identify the objects that served as \'primitive money\' in the Andean region during the period know as the Late Horizon, which covers the years 1476 through 1534 A.D. We tried to indicate how these objects circulated within the various social spheres and the role they played in each one of them, in order to determine their function in a system that had definite and specific values. The reason to decide on this theme was basically two: (a) the inadequate and often superficial way which money issue is dealt with in the existing works on Inka economy; (b) the general understanding of \'primitive money\' by means of concepts which are not appropriate to the reality of ancient Peru. This research was based on chronicles written by Spaniards during the XVI and XVII centuries. Throughout this work, we were careful not to fall into anachronism, since that usually happens in researches on economy about the so called archaic societies. We hope that this work may be a contribution to a better understanding of \'primitive money\' and notion of value in the Inka society.

As expropriações e os quilombos no Brasil: entraves entre o reconhecimento e a titulação / Expropriations and Quilombos (or maroons) in Brazil: obstacles between recognition and land title

Freitas, Gabriel Maurílio Colombo de 26 February 2019 (has links)
A sociedade e economia brasileira apresentam heranças do sistema colonial e do escravismo, como o racismo e a restrição do acesso legal à terra aos produtores diretos, que não foram superados nem com a Abolicação ou a República, sequer com o desenvolvimento do capitalismo e as formas de Estado que o acompanharam durante o século XX. A Constituição de 1988 incorporou algumas das reivindicações que apontam para a superação desse legado de opressão e de desigualdade. Entre elas, o artigo 68 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias, reconhecendo as comunidades remanescentes de quilombos e a propriedade dos territórios que ocuparam historicamente. No entanto, após três décadas da aprovação desse direito constitucional, foi constatado que apenas 6,7% das comunidades remanescentes de quilombo receberam o título de propriedade da terra. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar os conflitos por terra envolvendo os quilombos, a partir da categoria de expropriação, considerando a historicidade dos quilombos no Brasil, além de realizar uma análise do quadro atual do reconhecimento e titulação das comunidades remanescentes de quilombos. / Brazilian society and economy presents legacies of the colonial system and slavery, such as racism and the restriction of legal access to land to direct producers, which have not been surpassed either with Abolition or the Republic, not even with the development of capitalism and the forms that accompanied him during the twentieth century. The 1988 Constitution incorporated some of the claims that point to overcoming this legacy of oppression and inequality. Among them, Article 68 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act, recognizing the remaining communities of quilombos (contemporary quilombos) and the right to property of the territories they occupied historically. However, after three decades of the approval of this constitutional right, it was found that only 6.7% of the remaining communities of quilombo received title to the land. This work has the objective of analyzing land conflicts involving the quilombos, from the category of expropriation, considering the historicity of quilombos in Brazil, besides analyzing the current framework of the recognition and titling of the remaining communities of quilombos.

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