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South African press and social sustainability projects : A qualitative study with journalists and people managing projects in the agriculture sectorStorkaas, Adelina January 2015 (has links)
South Africa is a country in transition with struggles and structures in society reflecting a past of colonialism and apartheid. The government has implemented new laws such as the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act to achieve sustainable development and companies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) have started projects to improve living conditions of previously disadvantaged persons. The purpose with the thesis is to bring understanding to how journalists and companies/ NGOs look at their roles in society and understand their relation to sustainable development projects and policies. Qualitative interviews with ten journalists from different newspapers and freelancers were conducted. Also nine representatives of seven companies and NGOs with projects concerning extreme poverty, inequality, social mobility, discrimination and social cohesion on farms were interviewed. Normative theories of the media and social responsibility theory were used to analyze the qualitative interviews. The study showed journalists’ and people working with projects’ views on government’s inability of tackling societies’ struggles alone and the requirement of private initiatives. Furthermore, the study showed the aim of spreading information about social sustainability projects differed among persons on both sides. Journalists highlighted the importance of news value, pleasing their readers and inform the public about good examples. Journalists expressed that companies, NGOs and government have also responsibilities to spread information. Some companies did not feel this responsibility however; they believed in word of mouth and did not approach the press or public about their social work.
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Die effek van twee gedeelde voorlees metodes op die drukbewustheid van 'n groep graad R-leerdersBotha, Mariette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSL and HT (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The study investigated the effect of two shared reading programmes on the print awareness of 102 Afrikaans-speaking Grade R learners with language delays. The first shared reading programme focussed on print awareness while the second shared reading programme focussed on content and observable entities. Participants’ print awareness was measured subjectively and objectively, before and after intervention programmes. Results indicated that (i) both methods of shared reading affected and improved the print awareness of the participants; (ii) the participants’ print awareness did not improve optimally in order to acquire reading skills in Grade 1, even after taking part in the 10 week shared reading programme with a focus on print awareness; (iii) participants performed better in an evaluation where demonstration of skills and no verbal response was required; and (iv) participants with poor receptive vocabulary skills demonstrated limited carry-over of print awareness to other artefacts of print, such as the packaging of an iron.
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Disease Representations in Late Modernity: Lung Cancer Stories in the Canadian Print MediaBerger, Jessica 24 September 2012 (has links)
The following thesis describes and analyses the representation of lung cancer in the Canadian print media. The thesis employs a theoretical framework comprised of Giddens’ theory of reflexivity and Goffman’s theory of framing, to understand the social dynamics of negotiation behind the disease’s portrayal in the media, in a late modern context. Late modernity was defined by institutional reflexivity and a focus on understanding and mitigating risk. The research was conducted through a content analysis and examined quantitative trends that contributed to a subsequent qualitative interpretation. The results show that the coverage of lung cancer decreased over time. The analysis shows a discourse of a biomedical institution that has unsuccessfully controlled the disease, a lack of patient advocacy, particularly among celebrities, and a continued conflation of smoking behaviour and lung cancer, all of which contributed to the decreasing coverage. The framing processes point to a society focused on understanding risk through studying the disease’s causes, as well as one concerned with legislative debate and behavioural prevention. The emergence of a frame focused on the patient’s lived experience might contribute to an improved representation of the disease.
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Waldensianism and English Protestants: The Construction of Identity and ContinuityGoldberg-Poch, Mira 22 November 2012 (has links)
In 1655 and again in 1686-1689, the Waldensians of Piedmont were massacred by the Duke of Savoy after he issued edicts forbidding the practice of their religion. The Waldensians were later followers of the medieval religious movement of the Poor of Lyons, declared heretical in 1215. The Waldensians associated with the Reformation in 1532, and thus formed a link with diverse groups of Protestants across Europe. In the periods immediately surrounding both massacres, an outpouring of publications dedicated to their plight, their history, and their religious identity appeared, a large number of which emerged in London. On both occasions, the propaganda gave rise to international sympathy and encouraged international intervention, eventually provoking the Duke to rescind the edicts that had instigated the massacres.
While most contemporary scholars consider the Waldensians to have been fully absorbed into Protestantism after 1532, it is clear from the writings of both the Waldensians and their sympathizers that they considered themselves a separate entity: the inheritors of a long tradition of dissent from the Catholic Church based on their own belief in the purity of the Gospel.
The Waldensian identity was based on a history of exclusion and persecution, and also on a belief that they had transmitted the true embodiment of Christianity through the centuries. The documents that were published surrounding the massacres address the legitimacy of the Waldensian identity based on centuries of practice. English and continental Protestants identified with the Waldensians, who provided ancient ties and legitimacy to their ‘new’ religion, and the Waldensians adopted that identity proudly, all the while claiming continuity. Protestants also used the Waldensians in propagandist documents, most often to justify political or religious actions and ideologies.
The continuity of Waldensianism through the Reformation became crucially important for the wider umbrella of Protestantism as a legitimizing factor for the movement. This thesis investigates the claims of continuity and finds that while the Waldensians underwent a dramatic change in religious doctrine to conform to the Reformation, their belief in the continuity of their religious identity can be validated by examining religion from a socio-cultural perspective that takes aspects other than theology into consideration.
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Krajanské komunity v Argentině a jejich časopis Nová Doba / Expatriot Communities in Argentina and their journal Nová DobaLokšová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
(English): This diploma thesis called "Expatriot Communities and their journal Nová Doba" deals with the issue of emigration to Argentina. In the first chapters mentions causes of the emigrations, legislations of the czech emigration and first settlement by the Czechoslovak expatriates. It provides informations on Czech expatriates and their expatriates associations. The practical part of this thesis was elaboration of their journal called Nová Doba. The journal is divided into several sections, which are processed in detail. It also includes analysis of advertisements, invitations and advertisements that appear in the magazine New Time. Key words: emigration, expatriot communities, print, journal called "Nová Doba"
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Contributions au guillochage et à l'authentification de photographies / Contributions to guillochage and photograph authenticationRivoire, Audrey 29 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif est de développer un guillochage de photographie inspiré de l'holographie numérique en ligne, capable d'encoder la signature issue d'un hachage robuste de l'image (méthode de Mihçak et Venkatesan). Une telle combinaison peut permettre l'authentification de l'image guillochée dans le domaine numérique, le cas échéant après impression. Cette approche contraint le hachage à être robuste au guillochage. La signature est codée en un nuage de formes que l'on fait virtuellement diffracter pour former la marque à insérer (guilloches dites de Fresnel) dans l'image originale. Image dense, cette marque est insérée de façon peu, voire non visible afin de ne pas gêner la perception du contenu de la photographie mais de façon à pouvoir ultérieurement lire la signature encodée en vue de la comparer à la signature de la photographie à vérifier. L'impression-lecture rend la tâche plus difficile. Le guillochage de Fresnel et l'authentification associée sont testés sur une banque (réduite) d'images / This work aims to develop a new type of guilloché pattern to be inserted in a photograph (guillochage), inspired from in-line digital holography and able to encode an image robust hash value (méthode de Mihçak et Venkatesan). Such a combination can allow the authentication of the image including the guilloché pattern in the digital domain and possibly in the print domain. This approach constraints image hashing to be robust to guillochage. The hash value is encoded as a cloud of shapes that virtually produces a diffraction”pattern to be inserted as a mark (named “guilloches de Fresnel“) in the original image. The image insertion results from a trade off : the high-density mark should be quite or even not visible in order to avoid any disturbance in the perception of the image content but detectable in order to be able to compare the decoded hash to the hash of the current photograph. Print and scan makes the task harder. Both the Fresnel guillochage and the associated authentication are tested on a (reduced) image database
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Dire l’événement quand il surgit. Les journées d’avril 2002 au Venezuela dans trois quotidiens nationaux : une analyse discursive / Discourse analysis about an event : the coup d'état against Hugo Chavez (in April, 2002) in the Venezuelan daily newspapersSamouth, Eglantine 30 November 2011 (has links)
En avril 2002, le président du Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías est éloigné du pouvoir pendant environ quarante-huit heures et remplacé par un président provisoire, Pedro Carmona Estanga, qui dissout l’ensemble des pouvoirs publics. Malgré sa brièveté, cet épisode a marqué l’histoire du Venezuela et témoigne de façon paroxystique des antagonismes sociaux et politiques que connaît ce pays. La présente recherche a pour but d’analyser la construction discursive de cet événement dans un corpus de trois quotidiens nationaux, en observant comment s’esquisse son sens au moment où il surgit. Dans un premier temps, nous exposons le contexte historico-politique et médiatique dans lequel se sont déroulés ces événements, avant de nous interroger sur la notion d’événement. Il en ressort que l’événement n’est pas une réalité saisissable en tant que telle, mais une réalité signifiée, dans laquelle le langage joue un rôle fondamental. Dans un deuxième temps, nous examinons de quelle manière l’apparition de l’événement se matérialise dans le dispositif des journaux, en accordant une attention particulière aux différents niveaux de titres. La troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l’étude la nomination de l’événement, tout d’abord, dans les titres et les Unes, puis à l’intérieur des articles. Les analyses de corpus montrent que le discours des journaux face à cet événement se caractérise par une certaine indétermination, par un usage abondant de l’implicite et par une tendance à l’effacement des journalistes derrière des faits qui semblent s’imposer comme une évidence. / In April 2002, the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez Frías, was removed from power for approximately forty-eight hours and replacing by an acting president, Pedro Carmona Estanga, who disbanded all of the public authorities. In spite of its brevity, this episode marked the history of Venezuela and testifies acutely to the social and political antagonisms experienced by this country. This research aims to analyse the discursive construction of this event within a corpus of three national daily newspapers, by observing how its meaning takes shape during the moment the events took place. Firstly, I present the historical and political context in which these events occurred and media’s situation in Venezuela, before exploring the notion of the event in general terms. As a result, I show that the event is not a reality that can be captured as such, but is in fact a signified reality, in which language plays a fundamental role. Secondly, I examine in what ways the event is materialised in the dailies’ structure, while according particular attention to the various hierarchical levels of the headlines. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of the event naming act, firstly in the headlines and front pages, then within articles. The corpus analyses show that the discourse of the newspapers in front of this event are characterised by a certain vagueness, by abundant usage of implicit modes of address and by the journalists’ tendency to hide behind facts that seem to impose themselves naturally.
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Reklama v časopisech Pestrý týden a Pražský ilustrovaný zpravodaj / Advertisements in magazines Pestry tyden and Prazsky ilustrovany zpravodajŠmídová, Radka January 2019 (has links)
ŠMÍDOVÁ, Radka. Advertisements in magazines Pestry tyden and Prazsky ilustrovany zpravodaj. Praha, 2019. 75 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.). Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut komunikačních studií a žurnalistiky. Katedra mediálních studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce doc. PhDr. Pavla Vošahlíková, DrSc. Abstract This master's thesis maps the development of advertising in the Czech press during the First Republic, specifically between 1927 and 1937, on the example of two illustrated weeklies - Pestrý týden and Prague Illustrated Newsletter. It looks at the period under review in the context of the country's economic situation, social settings and lifestyle, where the middle classes have formed the country's economic and social balance, helping to bring new products to mass consumption. Women's emancipation, the technological development of the media as well as the development of advertising as an industry and the increasing level of ad targeting for their audience were also important. The thesis examines how advertisements in two magazines approach their readers and try to get their attention, what are their specifics, and especially what development occurred in the period of 10 years during the First Republic, when the Czech advertising industry was evolving, looking up to the American pattern. The research was carried...
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Torcida única no futebol paulista : uma análise da cobertura da "Folha de S.Paulo" e do "O Estado de S. Paulo" /Orlando, Matheus Ramalho. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Carlo José Napolitano / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo de pesquisa averiguar como os jornais “Folha de S.Paulo” e “O Estado de S. Paulo” cobriram a implementação da política de torcida única no futebol paulista, que entrou em vigor em abril de 2016. Partiu-se da hipótese de que os veículos promoveram uma cobertura limitada e pouco questionadora acerca do tema. Pela medida, os jogos de futebol em que Palmeiras, Corinthians, São Paulo e Santos se enfrentam têm a presença somente de torcedores da equipe mandante – posteriormente, Ponte Preta e Guarani também foram abrangidos. Esta dissertação procurou discutir conceitos sobre violência no futebol e torcida única, relacionando-os com o contexto atual do país, buscou estabelecer parâmetros jurídicos para a questão e ainda entrevistou diversas pessoas envolvidas ou interessadas no assunto. Na parte metodológica, foi usada a análise de conteúdo (AC) proposta por Bardin (2016) para checar os trabalhos realizados por “Folha” e “Estado”, além das entrevistas em profundidade. Ambos os jornais foram submetidos a uma análise quantitativa e a uma análise qualitativa: foi realizado um mapeamento de como os dois periódicos noticiaram, investigaram e opinaram sobre a política de torcida única ao longo dos dois primeiros anos de vigência. A partir dos dados coletados, inferiu-se que a cobertura dos periódicos foi correta e constante, mas pouco aprofundada e questionadora, confirmando parcialmente a hipótese levantada. / Abstract: This academic work aimed to verify how the newspapers “Folha de S.Paulo” and “O Estado de S. Paulo” covered the home fans only policy in the São Paulo state, where the act came into force in April 2016. The work came from the hypothesis that the newspapers made a limited and unquestioning coverage about the subject. According to the act, football matches in which Palmeiras, Corinthians, São Paulo and Santos play against each other should only have supporters of the home teams in the stadium – later, Ponte Preta and Guarani were also reached. This dissertation tried to discuss concepts about football violence and home fans only policy, relating them to Brazil’s current context, seeked to set legal parameters about the issue and interviewed several people interested at the subject. Methodologically, content analysis proposed by Bardin (2016) was used to check how was the work made by “Folha” and “Estado”, in addition of the interviews. The newspapers went through both quantitative and qualitative analysis: it was examined how the newspapers reported, investigated and thought about home fans only policy along the first two years of validity. From the collected data, it was inferred that the newspapers made a correct and continuous coverage, but not so deep and questioning, partially confirming the initial hypothesis / Mestre
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Ensaio gráfico, gravura em metal, o desígnio, o desenho, a gravura / -Turcato, José Milton 09 May 2014 (has links)
Trata-se da produção de um conjunto de gravuras em metal, realizado pelos procedimentos da água-forte, água-tinta e ponta- seca e estampado em papéis diversos. A aproximação e desenho da paisagem geraram, neste trabalho, a invenção de uma realidade simbólica, construída de acordo com as especificidades de linguagem da gravura em metal, como resposta emocional à luz observada nos fatos da realidade visível. / This is the production of a set of engravings, performed by the procedures of etching, aquatint and drypoint and printed in several papers. The approach and landscape design generated in this work the invention of a symbolic reality, constructed according to the specific language of engraving as an emotional response to the light of observed facts of the visible reality.
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