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Desenvolvimento e fabricação de uma mini-impressora 3D para cerâmicas / Development and manufacturing of mini 3D printer machine for ceramicsGarcia, Luis Hilário Tobler 14 January 2011 (has links)
O trabalho trata do estudo do processo de impressão tridimensional e desenvolvimento de uma impressora para a produção de corpos-de-prova cerâmicos. A técnica de impressão tridimensional pertence ao grupo de prototipagem rápida e consiste na obtenção de um corpo sólido a partir de um modelo digital de três dimensões, através do fatiamento do modelo tridimensional e da impressão seqüencial de suas respectivas fatias. Durante o processo de impressão, deposita-se um ligante sobre camadas sucessivas de pó e em cada camada, o ligante consolida o pó no formato bidimensional da fatia, que por fim soma-se as outras fatias subseqüentes, consolidando assim o formato tridimensional do modelo. Os equipamentos convencionais de impressão 3D utilizam pós a base de gesso e acrílico, onde o ligante, a base de água, fornece a primeira adesão química; posteriormente é infiltrada uma resina para fornecer uma ligação com o pó de acrílico. Na impressão de cerâmica a base de alumina ou zircônia, o desenvolvimento de ligantes tem de ser realizado visando à adesão química e orgânica combinadas antes da sinterização. Neste projeto, uma mini impressora 3D para corpos de prova foi desenvolvida e com ela foram produzidos corpos de geometria simples e seção constante, cujo projeto, custo, manutenção simplificada e econômica possibilita também o emprego de materiais agressivos nos ligantes, com risco de danificação de componentes, a exemplo de ácido fosfórico, porém com baixo custo de recuperação. Foram analisados diversos tipos pelo dimensionamento de seus aglomerados, fluidez e densidade. Obteve-se pó a base de gesso por R$15,00 o kilograma. Corpos de prova foram analisados com relação à resistência mecânica por flexão de três pontos, densidade, porosidade aparente e imagens por microscopia ótica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Um protótipo de uma mini-impressora foi idealizado, projetado e fabricado, soluções originais e econômicas foram propostas e na sua validação alguns conceitos necessitam de melhorias, ainda assim foram obtidos resultados promissores. Foi desenvolvida uma formulação de pó baseado em gesso que teve o custo de aproximadamente 5% do produto importado. / The work studies the three-dimensional printing process and the development of a 3D printer to produce ceramic specimen. The 3D printing technique belongs to the rapid prototype group and consists in obtaining a solid body from a three-dimensions digital model, through the slicing of the three-dimensional model and the sequential printing of their respective slices. During the printing process, a binder is deposited upon successive powder layers, and in each layer, the binder consolidates the powder into the bi-dimensional shape of the slice, which ultimately adds to the other slices that followed, consolidating the three-dimensional shape model. The conventional 3D printing equipments uses powder based in gypsum and acrylic, where the water-based binder, provides the first chemical bind; subsequently is infiltrated a resin to provide a binding with the acrylic powder. In the ceramic printing based on alumina or zirconia, the development of binders must be accomplished looking for a organic and chemical bind before sintering. In this project, a mini 3D printer for ceramic specimens was developed and built, with it were be produced bodies of simple geometry and constant section, which design, cost and simplified maintenance and cost also enable the use of aggressive materials in binders, with the risk of components damage, such as phosphoric acid, but with low cost to recovery. Were analyzed several types of powders by the sizing of its clusters, fluidity and density. Were obtained gypsum powder for $ 7.00 a kilogram. The specimen were analyzed in relation to the mechanical strength by three-point bending, density, apparent porosity and images by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A prototype of a mini 3D printer was designed, engineered and manufactured, unique and economical solutions have been proposed and in its validation some concepts need of improvement, yet promising results were obtained. It was developed a powder formulation based on gypsum that has cost about 5% of the imported product.
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Estruturas em deslocamento / Estruturas em deslocamentoSilva, Fernando Vilela de Moura 18 June 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação relaciona algumas séries de trabalhos desenvolvidos ao longo dos últimos anos, de 2003 a 2008. Gravuras, instalações, fotografias, desenhos e ilustrações de livros são colocadas em diálogo. Na dissertação essas obras compõem uma única seqüência de oitenta e uma imagens. / This dissertation makes a bridge between a set of works developed throughout the past few years, from 2003 to 2008. They are engravings, collages, installations, photos, drawings and illustrations of books that intend to dialogue among themselves. In this dissertation the workks are presented as a single sequency of 81 images.
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A mídia e o outro: estudo da construção das figuras dos presidentes de Argentina, Chile e Venezuela em Veja, Carta Capital, Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S. PauloHoldorf, Ruben Dargã 21 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-21 / This research examines the modes of construction of the texts about Latin-American presidents which appeared in the Brazilian press media in the years 2000, 2005 and 2010, which years were marked by an intense alternance of power in most countries of this continent. It endeavors to analyze how the media devices design the idealization of the Other, when in the role of president. We start with the assumption that the media sets out slogans calling their audiences to approve of some presidents and to disapprove of others, and that by so doing it supports an impoverished democracy. They also trace a boundary line separating Brazil from the Latin-American countries in the topologic-political spaces of the Self and of the Other, making an opposition without subtleties and complexities. The main theoretical bases of this research are Ernesto Laclau s discourse, the reflections on Democracy and on The Self/The Other written by Chantal Mouffe, and Boaventura Santos definition of borderline. Involving periodics of expressive circulation, which maintain correspondents in the several countries of the continent and which rely on information provided by international news agencies to produce the contents relative to Latin America, the research corpus consists of the following newspapers and magazines: Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Veja and Carta Capital / Esta pesquisa investiga os modos de construção das narrativas sobre os presidentes latino-americanos na mídia impressa brasileira, nos anos 2000, 2005 e 2010, assinalados pela intensa alternância de poder na maior parte dos países do continente. Trata-se de analisar o modo pelos quais os dispositivos midiáticos projetam e idealizam o Outro-presidente e seu estilo de governar. Partimos da hipótese de que as mídias enunciam palavras de ordem ligadas à democracia, convocando seus públicos para aprovar uns e repovar outros presidentes e, em assim fazendo, sustentam uma democracia empobrecida. Além disso, demarcam uma linha fronteiriça, separando o Brasil dos países latino-americanos nos espaços topológico-políticos do Mesmo e do Outro, ao modo de uma oposição sem sutilezas e complexidades. São bases teóricas principais da pesquisa a teoria do discurso de Ernesto Laclau, as reflexões sobre democracia e o Mesmo/Outro de Chantal Mouffe e a definição de linha fronteiriça , ou abissal , de Boaventura Santos. Envolvendo periódicos de expressiva tiragem, que mantêm correspondentes na América Latina e empregam os serviços das agências noticiosas internacionais para produzir seus conteúdos sobre o continente, o corpus da pesquisa compreende os seguintes jornais e revistas: Folha de S.Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, Veja e Carta Capital
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Naturen-Minnen från en kvällsvandring / NatureEkström, Matilda January 2012 (has links)
Naturen är ett undersökande arbete i att uttrycka och materialisera en stämning baserat på minnen från en kvällsvandring. Jag gestaltar upplevelsen och materialiserar den i textil. Genom att undersöka möten mellan olika textila tekniker vill jag skapa en kollektion som ger en förnimmelse av min naturupplevelse. Text ur Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Nolis bok Naturen har varit utgångspunkt vid uppbyggnaden av kollektionen. Resultatet är en dynamisk textilkollektion för hemmiljö som innehåller digitaltryck, ausbrenner jacquardväv och en stickad struktur.Nature is an exploratory work on expressing and materializing a mood based on the memories of a night walk. I portray the experience and materialize it into fabric. By examining the interaction between different textile techniques, I create a collection that gives a perception of my experience of nature. Text from Caroline Ringskog Ferrada-Nolis book Naturen has been the starting point in building up the collection. The result is a dynamic collection of textiles which includes digital printing, ausbrenner, jacquard weaving and a knitted structure. / Program: Textildesignutbildningen
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Estruturas em deslocamento / Estruturas em deslocamentoFernando Vilela de Moura Silva 18 June 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação relaciona algumas séries de trabalhos desenvolvidos ao longo dos últimos anos, de 2003 a 2008. Gravuras, instalações, fotografias, desenhos e ilustrações de livros são colocadas em diálogo. Na dissertação essas obras compõem uma única seqüência de oitenta e uma imagens. / This dissertation makes a bridge between a set of works developed throughout the past few years, from 2003 to 2008. They are engravings, collages, installations, photos, drawings and illustrations of books that intend to dialogue among themselves. In this dissertation the workks are presented as a single sequency of 81 images.
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Ensaio gráfico, gravura em metal, o desígnio, o desenho, a gravura / -José Milton Turcato 09 May 2014 (has links)
Trata-se da produção de um conjunto de gravuras em metal, realizado pelos procedimentos da água-forte, água-tinta e ponta- seca e estampado em papéis diversos. A aproximação e desenho da paisagem geraram, neste trabalho, a invenção de uma realidade simbólica, construída de acordo com as especificidades de linguagem da gravura em metal, como resposta emocional à luz observada nos fatos da realidade visível. / This is the production of a set of engravings, performed by the procedures of etching, aquatint and drypoint and printed in several papers. The approach and landscape design generated in this work the invention of a symbolic reality, constructed according to the specific language of engraving as an emotional response to the light of observed facts of the visible reality.
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Art in India's 'Age of Reform' : amateurs, print culture, and the transformation of the East India Company, c.1813-1858Young, Tom January 2019 (has links)
Two images of British India persist in the modern imagination: first, an eighteenth-century world of incipient multiculturalism, of sexual adventure amidst the hazy smoke of hookah pipes; and second, the grandiose imperialism of the Victorian Raj, its vast public buildings and stiff upper lip. No art historian has focused on the intervening decades, however, or considered how the earlier period transitioned into the later. In contrast, Art in India's 'Age of Reform' sets out to develop a distinct historical identity for the decades between the Charter Act of 1813 and the 1858 Government of India Act, arguing that the art produced during this period was implicated in the political process by which the conquests of a trading venture were legislated and 'reformed' to become the colonial possessions of the British Nation. Over two parts, each comprised of two chapters, two overlooked media are connected to 'reforms' that have traditionally been understood as atrophying artistic production in the subcontinent. Part I relates amateur practice to the reform of the Company's civil establishment, using an extensive archive associated with the celebrated amateur Sir Charles D'Oyly (1781-1845) and an art society that he established called the Behar School of Athens (est.1824). It argues that rather than citing the Company's increasing bureaucratisation as the cause of a decline in fine art patronage, it is crucial instead to recognise how amateur practice shaped this bureaucracy's collective identity and ethos. Part II connects the production and consumption of illustrated print culture to the demographic shifts that occurred as a result of the repeal of the Company's monopolistic privileges in 1813 and 1833, focusing specifically on several costume albums published by artists such as John Gantz (1772-1853) and Colesworthy Grant (1813-1880). In doing so, it reveals how print culture provided cultural capital to a transnational middle class developing across the early-Victorian Empire of free trade. Throughout each chapter, the gradual undermining of the East India Company's sovereignty by a centralising British State is framed as a prerequisite to the emergence of the nation-state as the fundamental category of modern social and political organisation. Art in India's 'Age of Reform' therefore seeks not only to uncover the work and biographies of several unstudied artists in nineteenth-century India, but reveals the significance of this overlooked art history to both the development of the modern British State, and the consequent demise of alternative forms of political corporation.
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Model za kontrolu površinske uniformnosti digitalnih otisaka / Print uniformity model for digital printsJurič Ivana 25 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Površinska uniformnost je jedan od ključnih parametara za analizu<br />kvaliteta otisaka. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je definisanje modela<br />za kvantifikaciju površinske uniformnosti digitalno štampanih<br />otisaka. U nizu sprovedenih eksperimenata procenjen je uticaj ulaznog<br />uređaja za digitalizaciju otisaka i uticaj varijabilnih podešavanja<br />prilikom digitalizacije. U disertaciji su ispitane četiri metode za<br />merenje površinske uniformnosti koje su najčešće korišćene u<br />dosadašnjoj literaturi – GLCM, ISO 13660, Integralna i M-Score<br />metoda. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i zaključaka istraživanja<br />moguće je predložiti razvoj industrijski primenljivog rešenja za<br />merenje površinske uniformnosti digitalno štampanih otisaka.</p> / <p>Print uniformity is one of the key parameters for the analysis of print<br />quality.The basic aim of the research is to define a model for the<br />quantification of print uniformity of digitally printed samples. In the series of<br />carried out experiments, the influence of the input device for digitalisation of<br />prints and the influence of variable settings during digitization was evaluated.<br />The dissertation examined four methods for measuring the surface uniformity<br />most commonly used in the previous literature - GLCM, ISO 13660, Integral<br />and M-Score method. On the basis of the obtained results and conclusions of<br />the research, it is possible to propose the development of an industrially<br />applicable solution for measuring the surface uniformity of digitally printed<br />prints.</p>
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SONDER: Exploration of the Relationship between Digital Media and Graphic Design through the Creation of Print and Digital PublicationsVandergriff, Elisa Leigh 01 May 2018 (has links)
Sonder is an exploration of the relationship between digital media and graphic design through the creation of print and digital publications. At it’s very foundation, Sonder is a travel magazine with both a physical print publication and a digital publication designed for a tablet. It includes photography, articles, poetry, and travel tips. The print and the digital versions contain the same content, but explore different methods of presentation.
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Microwave Characterization of Printable Dielectric Inks Using Additive Manufacturing MethodsYork, Seth 12 July 2018 (has links)
Two methods of dielectric characterization are presented that offer quick and cost-effective solutions for screening complex dielectric material properties. Through Direct-Print Additive Manufacturing (DPAM) methods, a dielectric material of choice is dispensed into a capacitor structure and characterized through 1-port s-parameter measurements. The presented methods use fixtures that are modeled and validated through simulation then implemented in practice. Advanced simulations are performed to gain insights which are used to optimize the dielectric characterization performance of the fixtures. Additional investigations are performed which investigate the durability of the fixture and material within by exposing the combination to rough environmental conditions for an extended duration. The presented capacitor structures are investigated to characterize dielectric materials within the bandwidth of 0.1-15 GHz, saving the time and effort required in using multiple dielectric characterization methods that cover the same bandwidth. Both methods are compared based on the results for each method achieved in practice while considering the process required perform each method. The pros and cons of the presented characterization methods are weighed which highlights the key aspects for successfully characterizing dielectric materials with each method as well as revealing the potential limitations associated with each.
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