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Desenvolvimento de modelo multicriterial de suporte à decisão para renovação de infraestrutura tecnológica em empresas de mídiaFranzon, Cauê January 2018 (has links)
A evolução e convergência de tecnologias emergentes têm alterado o comportamento de consumo de áudio e vídeo. O uso de inteligência artificial, na automatização de processos de criação e edição de conteúdo, tem aumentado com o passar dos anos. Soluções de realidade aumentada, já bastante difundida em plataformas computacionais, estão sendo utilizadas em ambientes de estúdios de televisão, para enriquecer e tornar mais atrativos os programas televisivos. A distribuição de conteúdo por streaming (tecnologia que envia informações multimídia, através da transferência de dados, utilizando redes de computadores, especialmente a internet) e múltiplas telas tem demandado mudanças na forma de distribuição do conteúdo das operadoras de mídia. A aproximação do consumidor com as empresas de criação de conteúdo está gerando uma segmentação do formato de assinatura das operações de TV a cabo e por satélite. Todas estas alterações, acrescidas da instabilidade dos mercados financeiros, têm gerado uma mudança nos modelos de produção, criando fatores que impactam o ambiente competitivo da indústria. Neste cenário, a indústria de mídia enfrenta não apenas estes novos desafios, mas também a necessidade de manter e renovar seus parques fabris de forma mais assertiva e competitiva. Muitas empresas deste setor enfrentam dificuldades nos processos de tomada de decisão. Esta dificuldade normalmente está associada à carência de informações relativas ao mapeamento e condição dos seus ativos, bem como de ferramentas capazes de auxiliar, de forma estruturada, o processo de tomada de decisão. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver e aplicar um modelo para priorização de substituição de infraestrutura tecnológica em indústrias de mídia utilizando métodos multicritério, de forma identificar em quais equipamentos ou sistemas devem ser realizados investimentos para reposição. O modelo se propõe a gerar uma árvore de hierarquia baseada nos critérios definidos por especialistas das áreas impactadas, que é aplicada numa base de dados que contém os ativos da companhia. Para a definição dos pesos dos critérios, são utilizados diferentes métodos multicritérios, MAUT (Multi Atribute Utility Theory), AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) e AHP difuso (Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process). Como resultado, é apresentada uma lista priorizada com a ordenação dos itens que devem ser substituídos. / The evolution and convergence of emerging technologies has changed the behavior of audio users' and video consumption. The use of artificial intelligence in the automation of content creation and editing processes has increased over the years. Augmented reality solutions, already widespread on computing platforms, are being used in television studio environments to enrich and make television shows more attractive. The distribution of content through streaming and multiple screens has demanded changes in the way distribution of content of the media operators. The consumer's approach to content creators is generating segmentation of the subscription format for satellite and cable TV operations. All of these changes, linked with the instability of the financial markets, have generated a shift in production models, creating factors that impact the competitive environment of the industry. In this way, the present work has the objective of developing and applying a model for prioritizing the replacement of technological infrastructure in media industries using multicriteria methods, in order to identify in which equipment or systems investments should be made for replacement. The model proposes to generate a tree of hierarchy based on the criteria defined by specialists of the impacted areas, that is applied in a database that contains the assets of the company. In order to define the weights of the criteria, different multi-criteria methods, MAUT (Multi Atribute Utility Theory), AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) are used. As a result, a prioritized list is presented with the ordering of items that need to be replaced.
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Sistemática para avaliação e priorização de opções de investimento aplicada ao franchisingSilveira, Fernando Mynarski January 2017 (has links)
O Franchising apresentou um crescimento expressivo no Brasil nas últimas duas décadas. O principal marco regulatório se deu com o advento da Lei 8.955 de 1994. Tal crescimento é expresso tanto em número de franquias instaladas, quanto na diversidade dos segmentos das mesmas. Em função disso, uma questão recorrente é justamente saber à qual franquia o pretenso franqueado deve aderir dada uma gama de opções colocada à sua disposição pelo mercado. Com o objetivo de auxiliar a solução desse problema, o presente trabalho propõe uma sistemática baseada no uso de método multicritério e simulação. Primeiramente são identificados tanto na literatura, quanto em coleta de informações provenientes de trabalhos de campo, os critérios balizadores da escolha de franquias. Posteriormente e com base nestes critérios, realizam-se análises de cunho econômico financeiro onde geram-se como produtos dois rankings: Um proveniente do uso de método de decisão multicritério e outro proveniente de avaliação rentabilidade-risco realizada através do uso de simulação. Assim, considerando semelhanças e diferenças entre esses dois rankings, um pretenso franqueado poderia, seguindo esta proposta de sistemática estruturada, optar pela adesão à franquia mais atraente. Essa é a principal contribuição de cunho prático. Já a principal contribuição de cunho acadêmico é suprir lacunas existentes na literatura, principalmente pelo fato de tratar o assunto franchising conjugado com o uso de métodos estatísticos e matemáticos. / In the last two decades franchising has grown significantly in Brazil. The main regulation mark occurred with the advent of 8.955/1994 Franchise Law. Such growth is expressed both in the number of franchises installed as well in the diversity of their segments. Accordingly, a recurring issue is the question to which franchise the prospective franchisee must choose considering a range of options at its disposal in the market. With the objective of helping to solve this problem, the present work proposes a system based on the use of multicriteria method and simulation. Firstly, the criteria for choosing franchises are identified both in the literature and in the collection of information from work fields. Subsequently, based on these criteria, economic and financial analysis is carried out where two rankings are generated as products: One deriving from the use of a multi-criteria decision method and the other one from a profitability-risk valuation carried out through the use of simulation. Thus, considering similarities and differences between these two rankings, a prospective franchisee could, following this proposal of structured system choose the most attractive franchise. This is the main practical contribution since the main benefit of academic nature is to fill gaps in the literature, mainly to deal with the franchising subject in conjunction with the use of statistical and mathematical methods.
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Proposta de método ágil de análise multicriterial aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos / Proposal for agile multicriteria analyses method applied in dynamic operational processesPaes, Lucas Correia Gonçalves January 2013 (has links)
A aplicação de metodologias de análise multicriterial já é utilizada há décadas para análise de investimentos de alto capital, e continuam sendo ferramentas de referência para tomadas de decisão nas organizações em todo mundo. Contudo, não só grandes investimentos são influênciados por variáveis que interagem entre si e precisam ser levadas em consideração numa tomada de decisão acertada. No dia-a-dia de uma empresa, em diversos setores, decisões de menores impactos são tomadas sem que um método de análise multicriterial seja adotado para tal escolha. No entanto, quando somadas, essas decisões de menores impactos acabam por influênciar no resultado geral da empresa. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi desenvolver um método ágil de análise multicriterial que possa ser facilmente adaptado e aplicado em processos operacionais dinâmicos, comuns na rotina de grandes empresas, auxiliando nas tomadas de decisões em níveis mais baixos da organização. O método proposto foi aplicado em dois diferentes processos de uma empresa multinacional do setor de mineração. No primeiro processo foi avaliada a priorização da implantação de projetos de melhoria, onde ideias de empregados são transformadas em projetos que geram ganhos para a empresa. No segundo processo de programação da manutenção, o método auxiliou na priorização da execução de serviços de manutenção quando existem limitações de recursos. O método proposto combina a utilização de ferramentas de diversos métodos já consagrados com a adoção de soluções criativas para atender a dinamicidade dos processos avaliados. / Multicriteria analysis methodologies have been used for decades to analyze substantial capital investment alternatives, and continue to be a reference tool for capital budgeting decision making in organizations. Small investments are also influenced by several variables that need to be taken into account in assertive decision making. Minor impacts decisions are taken without using a method of multicriteria analysis and when all this decisions are combined, they influence the overall result of the company. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-criteria analysis method agile that can be easily adapted and applied to different operation dynamic process, usual in large businesses routine, helping decision making at lower levels of the organization. The proposed method was applied in two different processes of a multinational company in the mining sector. In the first case the process of prioritization projects method was studied, where ideas of employees were transformed into smaller projects that generate profit for the company. In the second case, maintenance scheduling, the method helped to prioritize the execution of maintenance services when there are resource limitation. The proposed method combines tools of renowned methods with creative solutions to help a decision making in dynamics processes.
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Managing Portfolios of Developing Projects in a Complex Environment : How the UN Assign Priorities to Programmes at the Country Level.Borneman, Chiara, Possati Figueira, Mateus January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: This research intends to shed a light in the practice of project portfolio management in the non-traditional – although project oriented – aid sector. The research aim is to study the decision-making structures supporting the prioritization of projectsand/or programmes in multilateral organizations, which play a determinant role in the development aid sector. Research Methodology: Through an in-depth and-holistic case study, the empiricalresearch investigated how the UN coordination practitioners perceived the role of thecontext in the implementation of the Delivery as One Approach, which comprehends aset of standards and procedures (SOPs) supporting the management of multiple UN entities at the country level, to enhance effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact. A total of 9 semi-structured interviews were conducted with current and former employees in the UN resident coordination office in a range of countries in Africa, LatinAmerica and the Middle East. From the collection of qualitative data, the researchers wereable to grasp the nuances of the data set through the elaboration of templates, which based the further discussion and conclusions of the work. Research Findings: The empirical findings confirmed the relevance of a number of constructs identified in the theoretical framework, defining how the context influences the decision making that takes place in the prioritization of programmes in the development aid sector. Specifically, the results highlight the relevance of the governancestructure, the bounded rationality of decision makers, specific characteristics of the decision, country peculiarities, and the different sources of uncertainty. Moreover, the relationships between these factors were highlighted through a relationship network diagram that clearly identifies the complex interrelations between these factors and theirsub-themes. Research Delimitations and Limitations: The delimitations in this study are characterized as the choices made by the researchers on the parameters considered and mentioned, setting the boundaries for the investigation. From a methodological standpoint, by using the single case study method, the findings and conclusion of the present research applies majorly to the organization studied. Originality / Value: This research advances the portfolio management literature on the field of international development aid and expands the understanding of how the aspects of this unique environment influences the decision making of assigning priorities to projects and programmes. Furthermore, the research draws attention to the different sources of uncertainties originating from the context, inherent of these types oforganizations.
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Identificando as ecorregiões das Américas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade / Identifying priority ecoregions of the Americas for the conservation of biodiversityGonçalves, Tatiel Venâncio 04 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-29T13:46:34Z
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Dissertação - Tatiel Venâncio Gonçalves - 2016.pdf: 6853907 bytes, checksum: 69bf3736e5f980e199f591591188c078 (MD5)
license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-08-29T13:47:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Tatiel Venâncio Gonçalves - 2016.pdf: 6853907 bytes, checksum: 69bf3736e5f980e199f591591188c078 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Tatiel Venâncio Gonçalves - 2016.pdf: 6853907 bytes, checksum: 69bf3736e5f980e199f591591188c078 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / We live in a current loss of biodiversity crises, elapsed population growth and
uncontrolled use of resources. One of the alternatives to reverse this situation is to
maximize the use of available resources for conservation, mainly because these are
often limited. The spatial prioritization is an important tool for this purpose. In this
paper, the main objective is to identify the priority ecoregions of the Americas for
biodiversity conservation. Six criteria were used in the prioritization: loss of vegetation
cover, endemism, the presence of threatened species, size of ecoregion, presence of
protected areas and economic value. Moreover, was identified the protection status of
each ecoregion, the highest priority group animal, the threat category and the proportion
of Data Deficient species (DD). Ecoregions were found in four categories of priority
(B3-A3). The highest priorities are the small size, especially islands, and ecoregions
located in the Caribbean, Midwest and Southern South America, Mexico and the United
States. About 75% of ecoregions not have protected areas or these are insufficient.
Moreover, nearly half of the ecoregions of the Americas are threatened. The group of
birds was considered the highest priority in most ecoregions. The proportion of Data
Deficient species was lowest in North America and most biologically diverse regions in
the most, especially in the group of amphibians. This paper added a new spatial
prioritization tool, which should be applied in other regions and scales and contribute to
decision makers, who will have the challenge of maximizing the use of available
resources for conservation in detriment of social and economic reality of each country. / Vivemos numa atual crise de perda de biodiversidade, decorrida do crescimento
populacional e do uso desordenado dos recursos. Uma das alternativas para reverter essa
situação é maximizar a eficiência do uso dos recursos disponíveis para a conservação,
principalmente porque estes sempre são limitados. A priorização espacial é uma
ferramenta importante para este fim. Neste trabalho, o objetivo principal é identificar as
ecorregiões das Américas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade. Foram
utilizados seis critérios na priorização: perda de cobertura vegetal, endemismo, presença
de espécies ameaçadas, tamanho da ecorregião, presença de Unidades de Conservação e
valor econômico. Além disso, foi identificado o status de proteção de cada ecorregião, o
grupo mais prioritário, a categoria de ameaça e a proporção de espécies Deficiente de
Dados (DD). Foram encontradas ecorregiões em quatro categorias de prioridade (da B3
ao A3). As mais prioritárias são as de pequeno tamanho, principalmente ilhas, e
ecorregiões localizadas no Caribe, centro-oeste e sul da América do Sul, México e parte
dos Estados Unidos. Cerca de 75% das ecorregiões não possuem Unidades de
Conservação ou estas são insuficientes. Além disso, quase a metade das ecorregiões das
Américas estão ameaçadas. O grupo das aves foi considerado o mais prioritário na
maioria das ecorregiões. A proporção de espécies DD foi menor na América do Norte e
maior nas regiões mais diversificadas biologicamente, principalmente no grupo dos
anfíbios. Este trabalho adicionou uma nova ferramenta de priorização espacial, que deve
ser aplicado em outras regiões e escalas e contribuir para os tomadores de decisão, que
terão o desafio de maximizar o uso dos recursos disponíveis para a conservação em
detrimento da realidade social e econômica de cada país avaliado.
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An experimental comparison of five prioritization methods : Investigating ease of use, accuracy and scalabilityAhl, Viggo January 2005 (has links)
Requirements prioritization is an important part of developing the right product in the right time. There are different ideas about which method is the best to use when prioritizing requirements. This thesis takes a closer look at five different methods and then put them into an controlled experiment, in order to find out which of the methods that would be the best method to use. The experiment was designed to find out which method yields the most accurate result, the method’s ability to scale up to many more requirements, what time it took to prioritize with the method, and finally how easy the method was to use. These four criteria combined will indicate which method is more suitable, i.e. be the best method, to use in prioritizing of requirements. The chosen methods are the well-known analytic hierarchy process, the computer algorithm binary search tree, and from the ideas of extreme programming come planning game. The fourth method is an old but well used method, the 100 points method. The last method is a new method, which combines planning game with the analytic hierarchy process. Analysis of the data from the experiment indicates that the planning game combined with analytic hierarchy process could be a good candidate. However, the result from the experiment clearly indicates that the binary search tree yields accurate result, is able to scale up and was the easiest method to use. For these three reasons the binary search tree clearly is the better method to use for prioritizing requirements
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A Systematic Review of Software Requirements PrioritizationKhan, Kashif January 2006 (has links)
Software engineering research has been, and still is criticised as being immature and unscientific due to lack of evaluation. However, software engineering community is now focusing more on empirical research and there is a movement to adopt approaches from other mature fields like medical science and one such approach is Systematic Reviews. One of the major activities within the requirements engineering process is to use requirements prioritization that helps to focus on the most important requirements. There are many prioritization techniques available to prioritize software requirements; still there is lack of evidence of which technique to prefer. The reasons could be the differences in contexts, measurement of variables and usage of data sets. In this thesis, the area of requirements prioritization has been systematically reviewed in order to assess what evidence regarding different prioritisation techniques exist. The results from different studies are contradictory in nature due to variations in study designs, research methodologies and choice of different dependent and context variables. Based on the results of the systematic review, a research framework has been proposed to provide the researchers with a common background for further research with in requirements prioritization area. The goal of the framework is to develop reliable knowledge base as well as help researchers conduct and report prioritization studies.
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Trade-offs and Conflicts Between Quality AttributesHenningsson, Kennet January 2001 (has links)
It is next to impossible to let a day go by without coming into contact with a computer system in some way, either by direct usage, or making a telephone call that is directed by computer systems. Due to the importance of computer systems we are all concerned with their quality, directly or indirectly, a malfunctioning system will disturb our lives in more or less drastic ways. Each stakeholder promotes his qualities and priorities for the system, and this will eventually lead to conflict, depending on relations between qualities. There is no simple solution to the problem of relating and conflicting quality attributes. But by making an informed decision it is possible to soften the effects of the trade-offs and gain a higher level of total software quality. The way to make an informed decision is to have knowledge about the relations between quality attributes along with insights of the consequences of the decision. This report gives a short introduction to the problem, and surveys both the relations stated within academia, and industry. The intention is to explore the knowledge present within academia and collect and present the established relations found by researchers. Further this report presents a survey carried out at companies working in different areas with software engineering, to show which relations that are visible to industry and how they are handling the relations between quality attributes. This gathered knowledge intends to support the ambition towards higher quality in software engineering.
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A Controlled Experiment on Analytical Hierarchy Process and Cumulative Voting-Investigating Time, Scalability, Accuracy, Ease of Use and Ease of LearningSahni, Deepak January 2007 (has links)
Prioritizing software requirements helps to determine which requirements that are most important,and in which order requirements should be developed and tested throughout the development lifecycle. By prioritizing the requirements, software engineers can put focus on a subset of all requirements, and implement these in a particular release. This thesis aims to analyze two ratio scale prioritization techniques in a controlled experiment.The experiment was designed to compare time consumption, scalability, accuracy, ease of use, and ease to learning between the two techniques. All these evaluation parameters are combined together to find out which technique is more suitable to use when prioritizing software requirements. The two techniques investigated in the study presented in this thesis are: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is based on pair-wise comparisons; and Cumulative Voting (CV) which is based on distributing points between requirements. The results of the experiment indicate that CV is less time consuming than AHP, which makes it more scalable. Further, CV is regarded as easier to use, and easier to learn than AHP. In addition, the results show that CV is more accurate than AHP while measuring the perceived accuracy. However, no conclusions could be made regarding actual accuracy due to misinterpretations by the study participants.
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An Analysis of Cumulative VotingRinkevics, Kaspars January 2011 (has links)
Context. Prioritization is essential part of requirements engineering, software release planning and many other software engineering disciplines. Cumulative Voting (CV) is known as relatively simple method for prioritizing requirements on a ratio scale. Historically, CV has been applied in decision making in government elections, corporate governance, and forestry. CV prioritization results are special type of data - compositional data. Any analysis of CV results must take into account the compositional nature of the CV results. Objectives. The purpose of this study is to aid decision making by collecting knowledge on the empirical use of CV and developing a method for detecting prioritization items with equal priority. Methods. We present a systematic literature review of CV and CV result analysis methods. The review is based on search in electronic databases and snowball sampling of the primary studies. Relevant studies are selected based on titles, abstracts, and full text inspection. Additionally, we propose Equality of Cumulative Votes (ECV) { a CV result analysis method that identifies prioritization items with equal priority. Results. CV has been used in not only in requirements prioritization and release planning but also in software process improvement, change impact analysis, model drive software development, etc. The review has resulted in a collection of state of the practice studies and CV result analysis methods. CV results can be analysed to detect stakeholder satisfaction and disagreement, see how the priorities differ among prioritization perspectives and stakeholder groups. ECV has been applied to 27 prioritization cases from 14 studies and has identified nine groups of equal items in three studies. Conclusions. We believe that collected studies and CV result analysis methods can help the adoption of CV prioritization method. The evaluation of ECV indicates that it is able to detect prioritization items with equal priority.
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