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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Becoming effective communicators with children in social work practice : who you are, not just what you know and do

Lefevre, Michelle January 2012 (has links)
Shortcomings in the quality and level of social workers' communication with children have led to queries about the role qualifying training plays in equipping students for this challenging aspect of their practice (SWTF, 2009; House of Commons, 2009). This thesis seeks to clarify some of the factors and processes which support qualifying students in learning to become effective communicators with children. The evidence for what should be taught to students to enable them to communicate effectively with children and the programme structures and pedagogic approaches which best facilitate students' learning and development are explored. An original framework for practice is outlined which constitutes a taxonomy of 32 evidence-informed ‘dimensions' of ‘Communicative Capability' needed for effective social work practice with children, set within ‘domains' of ‘Knowing' (knowledge and understanding), ‘Doing' (skills and techniques), and ‘Being' (ethics, values, personal qualities and emotional capacities). The compass of the dimensions is broad and diverse, so requires teaching and learning opportunities across the whole curriculum including in fieldwork placements, rather than just through a discrete course or specific pedagogical model (Lefevre et al, 2008). The Communicative Capabilities taxonomy has been used as a framework for analysing data collected from social work students on an MA qualifying programme which I teach. Taking a realist approach (Robson, 2011), as an insider (Drake, 2010), I sought to learn more about students' journeys towards qualified practice so as to identify any factors or processes which support or hinder students' learning and development. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected at four time points during the programme using self-efficacy scales, course feedback, and written responses to a case vignette, which were analysed for students' awareness of the Communicative Capabilities. Baseline data on student characteristics, intentions and experiences were gathered so that individual trajectories could be identified and mapped against these. Once students had been qualified for between 16-18 months, follow-up interviews were conducted with a sub-sample of five participants using a semi-structured questionnaire. There were a number of limitations and methodological constraints, most notably those engendered by the lack of a comparison group and small sample, so findings must be regarded as emergent and tentative. An analysis of students' learning journeys indicated trajectories were rooted in specific experiences, strengths and learning styles. Students would benefit from developing a personalised learning plan which would enable them to maximise their potential and plug gaps in their capabilities. Ways need to be found to enable students to build up from generalist proficiencies in communication, so that first generic, then child-focused, and finally child-specialist applied capabilities in communication can be developed to at least a basic level at the point of qualification. Drawing on Kolb (1984), a cyclical model of the teaching and learning process has been mapped to the development of Knowing, Being and Doing capabilities. Students enter qualifying training with pre-course concrete experience of communication which provides a valuable source for inductive learning through critical reflection. Related theoretical input enables them to conceptualise processes of communication (developing Knowing). Skills may be acquired and honed through active experimentation with techniques and methods both in the university and in placements which are subject to observation and feedback (Doing). Tutor modelling and experiential approaches to capability-building help engender the kind of thoughtful, ethical, contained and engaged use of self by students (Being) which matters to children. Learning needs to be integrated and consolidated so that it is not forgotten or absorbed solely into tacit professional knowledge (Eraut, 1994). The learning cycle has been developed into a proposed framework for how qualifying programmes could ensure a coherent and integrated learning experience.

Doxa disability and discrimination

McCreadie, Elizabeth Ann January 2017 (has links)
This research considers the hypothesis that eugenic ideology still influences social work practice in contemporary Britain. Exploring the issues through a feminist perspective by utilizing a narrative approach with individuals with learning disabilities. For many people with learning disabilities access to 'Human Rights' is rather elusive and this work seeks to examine this through the lens of eugenic ideology and a Bourdieusian approach to social work. The purpose being to ascertain if eugenic ideology is still present, if only through the Bourdieusian concept of "doxa", if so how does this affect the life choices and human rights of the people in the research. Based on the 'lived experiences' of a number of individuals with learning disabilities, all of whom were members of a self-advocacy group in England. All participants had previously been involved as service users in the selection of Social Work students for a London university and were contributors to the programme in this capacity over a period of several years. Involvement of participants in the research with the self-advocacy group was by open invitation to the group members, and individual 'life stories ' were documented through recorded interviews by the researcher over a period of several months. Utilizing a narrative approach to the life stories from a feminist perspective the experiences were examined against the historical backdrop of eugenics, articles of the Human Rights Act and Bourdieu's theory of practice. The findings show oppression, inequality and a lack of 'Human Rights' experienced by the participants, this against a policy background of 'Valuing People' and 'Personalisation' which both set out to promote strategies of social inclusion and real opportunities for people with learning disabilities. The 'caring ' professions including social work are implicated in the continuing and ongoing oppression and symbolic violence of people with learning disabilities. Whilst the terminology of 'eugenics' is no longer an acceptable topic of conversation, the impact of the ideology continues to permeate the ‘collective unconsciousness' (doxa) of many including those who are involved in the decision making processes of individuals identified as learning disabled. The implications for practice is that awareness of the pernicious effects of the eugenic movement need to be taught as part of the history of social work and included in the curriculum, if we are to avoid repeating the horrors of the history of the eugenic movement. By utilizing Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, capital and field, together with doxa and hysteresis it is possible to arrive at a new model of Social Work practice to address discrimination and to promote anti oppressive practice. The "Hysteresis Wheel', is a model developed as a result of this research.

Using the law in social work Approved Mental Health Professional practice

Abbott, Simon Nicholas January 2018 (has links)
The research study focuses on how social work Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) use the law in practice. AMHPs in England and Wales have statutory powers under the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) to detain people in hospital for assessment and/or treatment. The stakes in this area of law and social work are high: practitioners deal with important issues concerning individual liberty that have profound implications in relation to the power of the state to intervene in the lives of citizens, where notions of autonomy, protection, coercion and care sit in tension. The study explores the relationship between law and social work practice by interpreting meanings contained in case stories told by social work AMHPs about recent Mental Health Act assessments that they undertook. Eleven social work AMHPs, purposively selected from three different local authorities in England, participated in the study, which used qualitative in-depth interviews to collect data about using the law in circumstances where compulsory admission to hospital was a possibility. The use of case stories encouraged participants to provide a rich description of events as they unfolded over time. The data were analysed using Framework analysis (Ritchie and Spencer 1994). Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis in the form of NVIVO was utilized to manage the data, and to support data analysis. Five themes are presented in the findings chapter: understanding the referral situation; understanding the individual; understanding the situation causing concern; community versus containment, and relationships and resources. The study contributes to knowledge by illuminating how the use of law in practice is an inherently socio-relational undertaking, involving embodied practice. Bourdieu's (1977) concept of habitus is used to make sense of participants' accounts of the action that unfolds when they use the law. A further contribution is made to knowledge on legal literacy in social work, where there is little empirical research focusing on how social workers use the law, and still less on how mental health social workers use the law to consider compulsory powers under mental health legislation. The organisational factors impacting on how participants relate to the law are outlined and discussed drawing on legal consciousness theory (Ewick and Sibley 1998; Sibley 2005), together with an account of how participants adapt to this, drawing on street level bureaucracy (Lipsky 1990). The thesis explores the distinction in practice between medical and social perspectives occupied by AMHPs when they use the law in circumstances where compulsory admission to psychiatric hospital is a possibility. The study findings suggest that AMHPs' perspectives are holistic and social and can be understood as occupying a socio-medical-juridical perspective. The most important factor in the decision to use compulsory powers in mental health law to detain a person involves the AMHP taking a wide perspective in terms of their understanding of the individual that is relational to the understanding of others, and understanding the person in their environment in relation to how they relate to others. The thesis outlines that the social and family situation of the person assessed, combined with views of others, and particularly the impact of risk on others, is the most influential factor in the decision to detain. This leads to the further argument that notwithstanding a holistic and social perspective, this does not necessarily lead to less coercive interventions. Medical and social perspectives thus often lead to the same conclusions in relation to decisions to use the law to detain.

Developing kinship care : a case of evidence based social work practice?

Heath, Mac January 2013 (has links)
This thesis provides a description and analysis of contemporary policy and practice in kinship care within three local authorities in England. The aim is to examine the extent to which government policy principles and available research evidence have translated into professional practice on the ground in different agency settings and to consider the implications of these findings for future management planning in this field. This is approached through considering UK research on kinship and examining the relationship between the statutory principles driving policies and the way the three local authorities have responded. This is with a view to questioning how kinship locally has influenced social work practice at a case level and compares local policies and practice against wider research evidence. Proposals are made about the modelling of a more effective approach to social work practice and management in kinship care planning. This study of different authorities and their approaches to kinship explores some of the challenges by which policy principles and research findings get translated into social work practice in a field of practice and theory that is itself contested. The study was undertaken in four stages: 1. A review of the extent to which local authority policies are compliant and consistent with statutory rules and contemporary research findings on kinship care. 2. A comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between policies and their formation in three studied authorities. 3. An analysis of the extent to which local management and social work practice, as reported, is consistent with policy and research. 4. The modelling of a Kinship care Definition and Policy Model could be proposed that is compliant with the principles of the Children Act 1989 and responsive to the research findings. The challenge set out in this research is to bridge academic research, policy formulation and operational practice. This research does not seek to evidence best practice in its own right but to recognise the variance of kinship in practice and approach and, from knowledge gained, set out a proposed model of good practice, one that is responsive to the findings and could be adopted within local authorities in England.

The development of professional social work values and ethics in the workplace : a critical incident analysis from the students' perspective

Papouli, Eleni January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores Greek social work students' perceptions of the development of their professional values and ethics in the workplace during their professional practice placement. To accomplish its goals, the thesis includes a literature review and employs a qualitative exploratory research design with descriptive elements positioned within the constructivist paradigm. This research design allows the researcher to explore and describe a topic - social work values and ethics - that is generally under-researched in the existing literature, as well as being complex in nature and difficult to study. Data were collected using the critical incident technique (CIT). This method took the form of a written questionnaire (the CIT questionnaire) completed by 32 students between 11th and 25th October, 2010. The data were inductively analysed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. SPSS and SPAD software packages were also used to analyse the numerical and textual data respectively. The study findings underline the vital role of the workplace as a social space for students to learn and develop their professional social work values and ethics. They also highlight the complexity of implementing social work values and ethics in the different workplace environments that students, as trainees, are placed for their professional practice due to their situation-specific nature. Further, the study reveals a number of factors that, from the students' point of view, are important in applying and upholding professional ethical standards in social work practice. These factors are associated with: a) the need to practice social work values and ethics in the workplace on a daily basis in order to keep them alive and active; b) the students' own contribution to upholding ethical standards; c) the role practice instructors/supervisors play in the transmission of social work values to students during their placements; d) the importance of ethical collaboration inside and outside the workplace to achieve the best practices for clients; e) the client's behaviour as a determinant of the ethical practice of social workers in the workplace; and f) the importance of the ethics of management (including the political affiliation of the heads of organisations) in creating and sustaining an ethical work/learning environment. The study suggests that all the factors mentioned above-to a greater or lesser degree- should be considered important elements to take into account in the planning and development of values-based social work education programmes. Special attention should be paid to workplace conditions that can hinder or support the development of values-based social work practice. As the study clearly shows, daily ethical practice in social work, students as individuals, the role of practice instructors, ethical workplace collaboration, client behaviour, and the ethics of management are crucial components for building upon the ethical skills taught in the classroom and developing ethically informed professional identities in real-life workplace situations. The thesis concludes that the critical incidents experienced by students are a valuable source of knowledge and understanding of the development of social work values and ethics in professional practice. In this study, indeed, students gained valuable insights into their ethics development process in practice contexts, from both positive and negative critical incidents alike.

Assessment as the site of power : an interrogation of 'others' in the assessment of social work students

Anka, Ann January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focused on the field of service user and carer involvement in the assessments of social work students. It examined the positioning of service users and carers in relation to other stakeholders involved in student assessments. Participants' views on what should count as service users and carers' feedback evidence at Continuing Professional Development (CPD) level were also explored. The rationale for the study centred on the relatively limited research studies focusing on service user and carer involvements in students' assessment, in comparison to their involvement in other areas of social work education. Further, the limited studies available appeared to be under theorised. The study is situated in the qualitative research tradition and drew from narrative research methods. It was influenced by the practitioner-doctorate research paradigm (Drake and Heath 2011). The study drew from the theoretical insights of Foucault's (1972; 1980) notion of discourse and power/knowledge theory; and Bourdieu's (1990) concepts of field, capital and habitus, to analyse the dynamic power relations between those involved in the assessments of students. Following ethical clearance from the University of Sussex, a semi-structured individual interview was carried out with 21 people. The sample consisted of service users, carers, social work students, social work employers and social work educators. The voice-centred relational method of data analysis, developed by Gilligan (1982), was used to analyse the research participants' narratives about how they have experienced their involvements in social work students' assessments. Participants' narratives revealed that the field of service user and carer involvement in social work students' assessment is characterised by a complex mix of relationships, different power dynamics and power struggles. On the question of what should count as service user and carer evidence, in relation to what students are expected to demonstrate to service users and carers at CPD level, the research participants reported on qualities such as:  Professionalism, good time-keeping, reliability and honesty  Effective communication skills, such as listening, empathy and kindness  Ability to support service users and carers  Intelligence, ‘structured empathy', mastery of practice and development of practice wisdom. Although important, progressive difference in expectation at CPD level was not acknowledged. The study makes five contributions to knowledge in the field of service user and carer involvement in social work students' assessments, as follows: (1) It adds to the body of research studies looking at service user and carer involvement in social work students' assessments. (2) It sheds some light on what stakeholders involved in social work practice and education thought about the ASYE in 2010 before its implementation in 2012. (3) It contributes to knowledge on what participants feel service users and carers should comment on when assessing social work students at CPD level. (4) It offers theoretical insight into the different power relations, struggles, and power dynamic between stakeholders involved in social work students' assessments from Bourdieusian and Foucauldian perspectives. (5) Feedback of the interim findings was provided to Skills for Care to support the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) assessment in 2011. The study concludes by arguing the case for social work and service user organisations to support service users and carers in their role as assessors of social work students.

Gest?o p?blica em sa?de mental: um estudo em CAPS com ger?ncia p?blica e privada do Rio Grande Do Norte

Costa, Marcelo Menezes da 02 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:39:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarceloMC_DISSERT.pdf: 1182325 bytes, checksum: 37d3d7b4f21c05733759bc6c11d3a94b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-02 / Currently, several models of management services from the public administration are in operation in Brazil following a global trend. Besides the traditional public management operated in SUS, there are ongoing experiments of privately management in the public health services. Accordingly, we have developed an investigation into two Psychosocial Care Centers operating between these two forms of financial resources management: the first is the CAPS II - PAR situated in the municipality of Parnamirim whose form is private and the second is the CAPS II West Christmas is that the municipal government. We seek to know the workings of services, planning forms and criteria for use of financial resources, identify differences between departments on ways to run and see how technicians and users participate in the planning and management of these resources. Documentary Research was conducted by the municipal Christmas and the financial administration of the CAPS service in Parnamirim. Were conducted an interview with manager (mental health coordinator of Natal) and another interview with an employee of planning department in the Health Department of Natal, an interview with the coordinator and financial administrator of CAPS - PAR and two groups of discussion taped conversation with semi structured script interviews with six technicians in CAPS PAR and six professionals crowded in CAPS - West.Differences were observed in the management of resources funded from four blocks of discussion and analysis of results, where the privately-run service for the direct management and bureaucracy without being discussed and planned spending on staff, as well as through meetings with users, the use of the financial resources available in box; already in service with municipal public administration there is a hierarchy, this answering the coordination of mental health and the local health department that centralizes resources and defines their spending. There are meetings with patients and families, but the demands are limited as to what can be sued because of the manager s authorization. Such differentiation would be related to differences in the articulation of public management with the different types of possible management in public services, where from the implementation of new public administration in the Brazilian s State Management Reform initiated in the second half of the 1990s, benefit management services with private regime, with autonomy and direct transfer of resources / Atualmente, diversos modelos de ger?ncia dos servi?os a partir da gest?o p?blica est?o em opera??o no Brasil seguindo uma tend?ncia mundial. Al?m da tradicional ger?ncia p?blica operada na rede SUS, h? experi?ncias em curso de ger?ncia privada de servi?os p?blicos de sa?de. Nesse sentido, desenvolvemos uma investiga??o em dois Centros de Aten??o Psicossocial que operam entre essas duas formas de ger?ncia os seus recursos financeiros: o primeiro deles ? o CAPS II PAR situado no munic?pio de Parnamirim cuja forma ? a privada e o segundo ? o CAPS II - Oeste de Natal que ? da administra??o p?blica municipal. Buscamos conhecer o modo de funcionamento dos servi?os, as formas de planejamento e crit?rios para utiliza??o dos recursos financeiros, identificar diferen?as entre os servi?os quanto ?s formas de ger?ncia e verificar como t?cnicos e usu?rios participam no processo de planejamento e manejo desses recursos. Foi realizada Pesquisa Documental junto ? gest?o municipal de Natal e ? administra??o financeira do servi?o CAPS em Parnamirim. Foram realizadas uma entrevista com gestor (coordenadora de sa?de mental do munic?pio de Natal) e outra entrevista com funcion?ria de planejamento da secretaria municipal de sa?de de Natal, uma entrevista com coordenadora e administradora financeira do CAPS - PAR e duas rodas de conversa gravadas com roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado com seis t?cnicos no CAPS PAR e seis profissionais lotados no CAPS Oeste. Foram constatadas diferen?as na ger?ncia dos recursos financiados a partir de quatro blocos de discuss?o e an?lise dos resultados, em que no servi?o com ger?ncia privada h? o manejo direto e sem burocracia, sendo discutidos e planejados os gastos em equipe, bem como atrav?s de assembleias com usu?rios, a utiliza??o do recurso financeiro dispon?vel em caixa; j? no servi?o com gest?o p?blica municipal h? uma hierarquiza??o, este respondendo ? coordena??o de sa?de mental, sendo a secretaria municipal de sa?de que centraliza os recursos e define os seus gastos. H? assembleias com usu?rios e familiares, mas as demandas s?o limitadas quanto ao que pode ser demandado devido ? autoriza??o do gestor. Tal diferencia??o estaria relacionada com as diferen?as na articula??o da gest?o p?blica com os diferentes tipos de ger?ncia poss?veis nos servi?os p?blicos, onde a partir da implanta??o da nova administra??o p?blica na reforma gerencial do Estado brasileiro iniciada na segunda metade da d?cada de 1990, s?o beneficiados os servi?os com ger?ncia em regime privado, com autonomia e repasse direto dos recursos

Јавно - приватно партнерство у праву Европске уније и Републике Србије / Javno - privatno partnerstvo u pravu Evropske unije i Republike Srbije / Public-private partnership in the laws of theEuropean Union and the Republic of Serbia

Tomić Jovana 11 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Поглед на јавно-приватно партнерство (у даљем тексту: ЈПП) у савременим условима даје&nbsp;слику о комплексном модерном концепту, економско-правној, али и политичкој&nbsp;категорији, институту који је на први поглед сасвим јасан, а суштински недовољно&nbsp;истражен. ЈПП посматрано под лупом научне и стручне јавности, углавном се описује као&nbsp;пожељан концепт у домену развоја инфраструктуре и пружања јавних услуга. Схватање да&nbsp;се путем ЈПП могу решити сви проблеми који не могу бити ефикасно решени од стране јавног сектора је готово митско. Оно никада неће бити доминантан модел у овој области,&nbsp;због своје комплексности, због чињенице да је за мале пројекте скуп метод, али и због&nbsp;тога што некада захтева коришћење много више ресурса него што је потребно.&nbsp;Успостављањем овог вида сарадње између јавног и приватног партнера може да се сложи<br />финансијска слагалица и реши проблем финансирања одређеног пројекта, поделом&nbsp;трошкова и одговорности јавног и приватног субјекта. Ипак ЈПП не треба приступати&nbsp;само као механизму помоћу ког ће се исправити недостаци на тржишту. Треба имати у&nbsp;виду појединачне предности овог модела и вредности које му се приписују.<br />Први део рада посвећен је истраживачком путу ка проналажењу адекватне дефиниције&nbsp;ЈПП, уз свевремено настојање да се овај концепт разликује од сличних модела. Указано је&nbsp;на основне предности и недостатке ЈПП, представљен историјски развој сарадње јавног и&nbsp;приватног партнера и анализирана су начела ЈПП.<br />Други део рада посвећен је правном оквиру ЈПП. Анализиране су правне норме којима је&nbsp;регулисано ЈПП, прво у Европској унији, а потом и у Републици Србији. Услов за&nbsp;примену ЈПП у свакој држави је доношење одговарајућих правних норми и обезбеђивање&nbsp;начина и средстава за примену ових норми. Када се у улози института који је потребно&nbsp;правно уредити јави хибридна творевина попут ЈПП, намеће се захтев за успостављањем&nbsp;баланса између приватног и јавног права и остваривањем разних циљева, попут&nbsp;економских, социјалних и правних, што комплексној мрежи јавно-приватних односа даје&nbsp;специфичност и универзалну вредност. Због значаја усклађивања националног&nbsp;законодавства са правом Европске уније, истраживачки рад усмерен је на утврђивање&nbsp;резултата досадашње хармонизације правила о ЈПП у домаћем праву са онима која важе у<br />праву Европске уније, у циљу давања закључка о томе у којој мери је овај посао успешно&nbsp;спроведен. У овом делу рада учињен је и кратак осврт на регулаторну делатност&nbsp;UNCITRAL-а и могућност стандардизације јавних уговора.<br />Трећи део рада посвећен је облицима ЈПП, при чему су детаљно анализирани уговорни&nbsp;облици ЈПП, а потом је указано на најзначајније карактеристике институционалног ЈПП.<br />Четврти део посвећен је субјектима ЈПП. Након детаљне анализе правног положаја јавног&nbsp;и приватног партнера, наметнуло се као питање од нарочитог значаја за обраду теме да се&nbsp;утврди које чињенице су утицале на то да локалне самоуправе постану субјект који се&nbsp;најчешће јавља у улози јавног партнера у пројектима ЈПП у Републици Србији, што&nbsp;представља изузетак у пракси која је забележена у Европској унији. У том циљу спроведено је емпиријско истраживање, а резултати истраживања унети су у овај део рада.<br />Због чињенице да се ЈПП смешта у режим јавних набавки када је потребно изабрати&nbsp;приватног партнера, односно доделити концесију, пети део овог рада односи се на право&nbsp;јавних набавки, а посебно се у овом делу рада говори о поступцима јавних набавки,&nbsp;критеријумима за избор приватног партнера, значају самоиницијативног предлога,&nbsp;правилима о заштити конкуренције, а због најуже повезаности са темом поступка доделе&nbsp;јавног уговора, у овом делу указано је на то какву улогу имају надлежне институције у&nbsp;поступку доделе јавног уговора и како се спроводи надзор над реализацијом јавног&nbsp;уговора.<br />Највећи део рада посвећен је јавном уговору о ЈПП, његовом појму, правној природи,&nbsp;садржини, изменама и престанку. Иако се у Републици Србији сматра да успех ЈПП&nbsp;зависи од добро сачињеног јавног уговора, у Европској унији влада став да је кључ успеха&nbsp;у природи односа између учесника, који треба да буде заснован на сарадњи и међусобном&nbsp;поверењу.<br />Уколико поверење изостане и дође до спора, уговорне стране користе неки од механизама&nbsp;за решавање насталог спора, који су анализирани у седмом делу рада. Осми део рада посвећен је закључним разматрањима и попису коришћене литературе.</p> / <p>Pogled na javno-privatno partnerstvo (u daljem tekstu: JPP) u savremenim uslovima daje&nbsp;sliku o kompleksnom modernom konceptu, ekonomsko-pravnoj, ali i političkoj&nbsp;kategoriji, institutu koji je na prvi pogled sasvim jasan, a suštinski nedovoljno&nbsp;istražen. JPP posmatrano pod lupom naučne i stručne javnosti, uglavnom se opisuje kao&nbsp;poželjan koncept u domenu razvoja infrastrukture i pružanja javnih usluga. Shvatanje da&nbsp;se putem JPP mogu rešiti svi problemi koji ne mogu biti efikasno rešeni od strane javnog sektora je gotovo mitsko. Ono nikada neće biti dominantan model u ovoj oblasti,&nbsp;zbog svoje kompleksnosti, zbog činjenice da je za male projekte skup metod, ali i zbog&nbsp;toga što nekada zahteva korišćenje mnogo više resursa nego što je potrebno.&nbsp;Uspostavljanjem ovog vida saradnje između javnog i privatnog partnera može da se složi<br />finansijska slagalica i reši problem finansiranja određenog projekta, podelom&nbsp;troškova i odgovornosti javnog i privatnog subjekta. Ipak JPP ne treba pristupati&nbsp;samo kao mehanizmu pomoću kog će se ispraviti nedostaci na tržištu. Treba imati u&nbsp;vidu pojedinačne prednosti ovog modela i vrednosti koje mu se pripisuju.<br />Prvi deo rada posvećen je istraživačkom putu ka pronalaženju adekvatne definicije&nbsp;JPP, uz svevremeno nastojanje da se ovaj koncept razlikuje od sličnih modela. Ukazano je&nbsp;na osnovne prednosti i nedostatke JPP, predstavljen istorijski razvoj saradnje javnog i&nbsp;privatnog partnera i analizirana su načela JPP.<br />Drugi deo rada posvećen je pravnom okviru JPP. Analizirane su pravne norme kojima je&nbsp;regulisano JPP, prvo u Evropskoj uniji, a potom i u Republici Srbiji. Uslov za&nbsp;primenu JPP u svakoj državi je donošenje odgovarajućih pravnih normi i obezbeđivanje&nbsp;načina i sredstava za primenu ovih normi. Kada se u ulozi instituta koji je potrebno&nbsp;pravno urediti javi hibridna tvorevina poput JPP, nameće se zahtev za uspostavljanjem&nbsp;balansa između privatnog i javnog prava i ostvarivanjem raznih ciljeva, poput&nbsp;ekonomskih, socijalnih i pravnih, što kompleksnoj mreži javno-privatnih odnosa daje&nbsp;specifičnost i univerzalnu vrednost. Zbog značaja usklađivanja nacionalnog&nbsp;zakonodavstva sa pravom Evropske unije, istraživački rad usmeren je na utvrđivanje&nbsp;rezultata dosadašnje harmonizacije pravila o JPP u domaćem pravu sa onima koja važe u<br />pravu Evropske unije, u cilju davanja zaključka o tome u kojoj meri je ovaj posao uspešno&nbsp;sproveden. U ovom delu rada učinjen je i kratak osvrt na regulatornu delatnost&nbsp;UNCITRAL-a i mogućnost standardizacije javnih ugovora.<br />Treći deo rada posvećen je oblicima JPP, pri čemu su detaljno analizirani ugovorni&nbsp;oblici JPP, a potom je ukazano na najznačajnije karakteristike institucionalnog JPP.<br />Četvrti deo posvećen je subjektima JPP. Nakon detaljne analize pravnog položaja javnog&nbsp;i privatnog partnera, nametnulo se kao pitanje od naročitog značaja za obradu teme da se&nbsp;utvrdi koje činjenice su uticale na to da lokalne samouprave postanu subjekt koji se&nbsp;najčešće javlja u ulozi javnog partnera u projektima JPP u Republici Srbiji, što&nbsp;predstavlja izuzetak u praksi koja je zabeležena u Evropskoj uniji. U tom cilju sprovedeno je empirijsko istraživanje, a rezultati istraživanja uneti su u ovaj deo rada.<br />Zbog činjenice da se JPP smešta u režim javnih nabavki kada je potrebno izabrati&nbsp;privatnog partnera, odnosno dodeliti koncesiju, peti deo ovog rada odnosi se na pravo&nbsp;javnih nabavki, a posebno se u ovom delu rada govori o postupcima javnih nabavki,&nbsp;kriterijumima za izbor privatnog partnera, značaju samoinicijativnog predloga,&nbsp;pravilima o zaštiti konkurencije, a zbog najuže povezanosti sa temom postupka dodele&nbsp;javnog ugovora, u ovom delu ukazano je na to kakvu ulogu imaju nadležne institucije u&nbsp;postupku dodele javnog ugovora i kako se sprovodi nadzor nad realizacijom javnog&nbsp;ugovora.<br />Najveći deo rada posvećen je javnom ugovoru o JPP, njegovom pojmu, pravnoj prirodi,&nbsp;sadržini, izmenama i prestanku. Iako se u Republici Srbiji smatra da uspeh JPP&nbsp;zavisi od dobro sačinjenog javnog ugovora, u Evropskoj uniji vlada stav da je ključ uspeha&nbsp;u prirodi odnosa između učesnika, koji treba da bude zasnovan na saradnji i međusobnom&nbsp;poverenju.<br />Ukoliko poverenje izostane i dođe do spora, ugovorne strane koriste neki od mehanizama&nbsp;za rešavanje nastalog spora, koji su analizirani u sedmom delu rada. Osmi deo rada posvećen je zaključnim razmatranjima i popisu korišćene literature.</p> / <p>The view of public-private partnership (hereinafter: PPP) in contemporary conditions gives an&nbsp;image of a complex modern concept, in an economic-legal, but also a political category. This is&nbsp;an institution that is quite clear at first glance, but essentially inadequately explored. The PPP,&nbsp;viewed by the scientific and professional public, is generally described as a desirable concept in&nbsp;the field of infrastructure development and public service provision. The viewpoint according to which all problems the public sector may fail to solve can be solved through PPP is almost&nbsp;mythical. It will never be a dominant model in this area due to its complexity and the fact that it&nbsp;is expensive for small projects, but also because it sometimes requires the use of much more<br />resources than necessary. By establishing this type of cooperation between the public and private&nbsp;partners, a financial jigsaw puzzle can be made and the problem of financing of a particular&nbsp;project may be solved by the division of costs and responsibilities of the public and private&nbsp;entities. However, PPP should not be regarded only as a mechanism by which the shortcomings&nbsp;in the market will be amended. One should bear in mind the individual advantages of this model&nbsp;and the values attributed to it.<br />The first part of the paper deals with finding an appropriate definition of PPP, while<br />simultaneously trying to distinguish this concept from similar models. This part points out the&nbsp;basic advantages and disadvantages of PPP, presents the historical development of public and&nbsp;private partner cooperation and analyzes the principles of PPP.<br />In the second part of the paper, which is devoted to the legal framework of PPP, there is an&nbsp;analysis of the legal norms regulating the PPP, first in the European Union, and then in the&nbsp;Republic of Serbia. The requirement for the implementation of PPPs in each country is the&nbsp;adoption of appropriate legal norms and the provision of means for the application of these&nbsp;standards. When the role of the institute that needs to be regulated is taken by a hybrid formation&nbsp;such as PPP, then this leads to the demand for establishing a balance between private and public&nbsp;law and achieving various goals, such as economic, social and legal ones, which gives a specific&nbsp;and universal value to the complex network of public-private relations. Due to the importance of&nbsp;aligning the national legislation with the law of the European Union, the research focused on<br />determining the results of the previous harmonization of the rules on PPP in domestic law with&nbsp;the law of the European Union, in order to give a conclusion on the extent to which this work has&nbsp;been successfully implemented. In this part of the paper, there is a short overview of the&nbsp;regulatory activity of UNCITRAL and the possibility of standardizing public contracts.<br />In the third part of the paper, which is the result of the research on the forms of PPP, there is a&nbsp;detailed analysis of the contractual forms of PPP and the most significant characteristics of the&nbsp;institutional PPP.<br />The fourth part of the paper is dedicated to PPP subjects. After a detailed analysis of the legal&nbsp;position of the public and private partners, a question of particular importance for the topic arose&nbsp;and it refers to the necessity to find out which facts influenced the local self-government to&nbsp;become the subject that most often appears as a public partner in PPP projects in the Republic of&nbsp;Serbia, which is an exception in practice seen in the European Union. Hence, the empirical&nbsp;research was conducted and the results of the research are given in this part of the paper.<br />Owing to the fact that PPP is placed in the system of public procurement when it is necessary to&nbsp;choose a private partner, i.e. to grant a concession, the fifth part of this paper deals with the law&nbsp;on public procurement, in particular public procurement procedures, selection criteria for the&nbsp;private partner, the importance of a self-initiative proposal and regulations on protection of&nbsp;competition. Due to the closest connection with the topic of awarding the public contract, in this&nbsp;part there was an emphasis on the role of the competent institutions in the procedure of awarding&nbsp;a public contract and how the supervision over the implementation of the public contract is&nbsp;carried out.<br />The largest part of the paper is devoted to the public contract on PPP, its concept, legal nature,&nbsp;content, changes and termination. Although in the Republic of Serbia it is considered that the&nbsp;success of PPP depends on a well-made public contract, the European Union believes that the&nbsp;key to success lies in the nature of the relationship between the participants, which should be&nbsp;based on cooperation and mutual trust.<br />If the confidence fails and the dispute arises, the contracting parties may use one of the<br />mechanisms for resolving the dispute, which are analyzed in the seventh part of the paper. The eighth part of the paper is devoted to the concluding reviews and the list of references.</p>

"Man får det att funka" : Ansvarsfördelning av barn vid en separation

Mårtensson, Jenny, Emine, Seyhan January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att finna en förståelse kring vilka sociala faktorer som producerar ett normativt beteende gällande ansvarsfördelningen runt barnen efter en separation. Undersökningen grundar sig därför i följande frågeställningar: Hur ser normen kring ansvarsfördelningen av ett barn ut efter en separation och hur upplevs denna ansvarsfördelning. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod som i sin utformning skall generera en större förståelse för våra frågeställningar. Vi har gjort fyra enskilda interjuver med två separerade par som har delad vårdnad över sina barn. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt utgår ifrån socialkonstruktivismen.Den behandlar och beskriver hur kvinnliga och manliga beteende mönstren reproducerasvid interaktion individer emellan. Även teorin som förklara männens dominans i dagens samhälle (patriarkatet)samt den könade arbetsfördelningen inom den privata och offentliga sfären (liberala feministiska perspektiv) finns att ta del av. Vi har funnitett dialektisktförhållande mellan traditionella könsmönster, reproducering utav dessa, den könade arbetsfördelningen samt relationen mellan barn och deras föräldrar innan separationär faktorer som påverkar normen kring hur ansvarsfördelningen av ett barn efter en separation ser ut och upplevs. / The aim of this study is to determine which social factors create the dominating pattern in the delegation of responsibility of a child after a separation. The study is therefore based on the following enquiry: What is the norm during separation concerning the delegation of responsibility for a child between parents and how is this division of responsibility perceived.  This study is based on a qualitative method through which a greater understanding of these enquiries will be met. We have done four separate interviews with two sets of already separated partners who havejoined custody over their children. Our theory is based on social constructivism and discusses how current female, respective male behavioural patterns are reproduced between individuals. In addition, the theory which explains male dominance in present society (patriarchate) together with gender based division of labour within private and public spheres (the liberal feministic perspective) are both presented. We have discovered a dialectical relationship between traditional gender roles, theirreproduction ofthese,the gender based division of labour and even the relationship between children and their parents are all factors that contribute towards the determination of assigning responsibility of a child during separation and how it is perceived.

Pacientų požiūris i pirminės sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas / Patients attitude towards primary health care services

Lelienė, Vaida 02 September 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Ištirti pacientų požiūrį į pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose (PSPĮ) teikiamas paslaugas. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti privačios ir viešosios PSPĮ pacientų požiūrį į teikiamas paslaugas. 2. Palyginti privačios ir viešosios PSPĮ pacientų nuomonę apie gydytojo teikiamą informaciją susijusią su ligos diagnoze ir gydymu. 3. Palyginti privačios ir viešosios PSPĮ pacientų požiūrį į teikiamas paslaugas. Tyrimo metodika. Viešosios ir privačios pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų pacientų anoniminė anketinė apklausa, kurios metu išdalinta 800 anketų (350 privačioje ir 450 viešojoje gydymo įstaigoje). Privačioje gydymo įstaigoje atsako dažnis 92,6 proc., viešojoje – 63,1 proc. Anketiniai duomenys apdoroti ir analizuoti naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 13.0. Rezultatai. 94,4 proc. pacientų teigiamai vertina bendrosios praktikos gydytojų darbą. 30,2 proc. pacientų mano, jog šeimos gydytojo konsultacijos laukia per ilgai ir 36,5 proc. mano, jog gydytojo specialisto konsultacijos laukia per ilgai. 39,4 proc. sutinka jog laukimo eilės prie gydytojų kabinetų susidaro dėl prasto darbo organizavimo. 15,1 proc. nuomone, visada sunku gauti siuntimą pas gydytoją specialistą, kartais sunku - 43,9 proc. Viešojoje (68,7 proc.) ir privačioje (64,0 proc.) įstaigoje teigia, jog šeimos gydytojas visada tariasi dėl gydymo galimybių pasirinkimo, tačiau viešosios (6,7 proc.) o privačios (0,3 proc.) įstaigos pacientų teigia, jog gydytojas niekada nesitaria. 53,8 proc... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the work. To examine patients attitude towards services provided in primary health care institutions (PHCI). Objectives: 4. To investigate patients attitude towards services provided in primary health care institutions. 5. To compare patients of private and public primary health care institutions opinion about the information on their diagnosis and cure that doctors provide. 6. To make a comparison of the private and public primary health care institutions to provided services. Research methodology. It was done an anonymous questionnaire survey of public and private primary health care institutions patients, distributed 800 of questionnaires ( 350 in private and 450 in public primary health care institutions). In private health care institution 92,6% of answers were received, in public institution - 63,1%. Data of the questionnaire were processed and analysed using statistical data analysis packet SPSS 13.0. Results. 94,4% of patients positively evaluated the work of family doctors. 30,2% of patients think, that they have to wait too long for family doctors consultations, 36,5% think, that they wait too long for the consultation of specialist. 39,4% agree that they have to wait long because of bad work planning. 15,1% of respondents think that, it is always difficult to get a committal to the specialists, sometimes difficult - 43,9%. 68,7% of public and 64,0% of private institutions respondents says that, family doctor always consults about choosing a cure, but 6... [to full text]

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