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The law of private policing in AustraliaSarre, Warick T., n/a January 2002 (has links)
Diversified, essentially privatised, policing options are expanding daily in modern
societies. They have become available to, and are being accessed by, individuals,
community groups and governments on a regular basis. While this dissertation
examines the phenomenon of private policing in Australia generally, its task, more
specifically, is to document and review the laws that govern, shape and make
accountable private policing operations and activities.
Chapter 1 reviews the origins and manifestations of contemporary shifts to privatised
models of policing. Chapter 2 examines models of relationships between public and
private personnel, and the various methods of accountability that may serve to govern
the activities of the latter. Chapters 3 to 8 explore and explain the applicable laws
that inform, shape and govern private policing generally. What this examination
reveals is that "private police" are empowered by a multitude of common law and
legislative principles, along with a mosaic of diverse and semi-structured rules not
necessarily designed for this specific purpose. One quickly finds that the laws that
permit, facilitate, regulate and manage private manifestations of policing do not fall
within easily discernible legal parameters.
Finally, Chapter 9 provides a summary of the dissertation, together with some
general thoughts concerning the effectiveness and appropriateness of the law as a
vehicle for bringing about the desired goals, namely effective policing that provides
appropriate outcomes for victims, suspects, private personnel, public police and the
general public alike.
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Arbetet som ordningsvakt : Att möta motstridiga krav / Work as a security guard : To meet conflicting requirementsFrödin, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Studien har sin utgångpunkt i två artiklar i dagspressen, en debattartikel och en replik, om ordningsvakternas arbete på krogen. Debattörerna i debattartikeln menade att otryggheten i nattlivet beror på att ordningsvakter kan vara maktmissbrukande, diskriminerande och begå övervåld mot gäster på krogen. En ordningsvakt replikerade på debattartikeln och svarade att otryggheten på krogen inte skapas av ordningsvakterna utan orsakas av krogägaren med personal. Det finns en intressekonflikt mellan ordningsvaktens uppdrag och krogägaren som betalar ordningsvakternas lön. Krogägarna vill gärna ha inflytande över ordningsvakternas arbete annars kan denne förlora sitt arbete. I repliken föreslås att lösningen på intressekonflikten är att ordningsvakterna blir anställda och får lön från Polismyndigheten. Innehållet av ordningsvaktens replik på debattartikeln fångade mitt intresse för denna studie. Studiens syfte är att få ökad kunskap och förståelse för hur förutsättningarna är för ordningsvakternas arbete i krogmiljö, utifrån tre frågeställningar. • Hur erfar ordningsvakterna sitt yrke och uppdrag? • Hur hanterar ordningsvakterna intressekonflikten mellan uppdragsgivaren Polismyndigheten och krogägaren? • Hur resonerar ordningsvakterna om att vara statligt anställda och få lön från Polismyndigheten? Studiens teoretiska perspektiv består av Rational Choice teori (RC), Georg Simmels teori om triader och Pierre Bourdieus begrepp av habitus. För att besvara frågeställningarna valdes kvalitativ metod med intervju. Fem ordningsvakter intervjuades genom semistrukturerad intervjumetod. Intervjuerna skrevs ut och analyserades genom tematisk analys. De teman som framkommer i studien är ordningsvakternas yrkesroll, intressekonflikt, anställningsform och förbättringsområde. Studiens resultat visar att ordningsvakterna ser på sin yrkesroll som en betydelsefull servicefunktion på krogen där bra bemötande av krogens gäster står i fokus. Den beskrivna intressekonflikten var känd av de intervjuade ordningsvakterna men de bedömde att den stod för ordningsvakter som var olämpliga och som inte stod upp för sitt yrke och uppdrag. Samtliga ordningsvakter ville inte vara anställda och få lön från Polismyndigheten utan menade att ordningsvakter enbart skulle vara anställda av bevakningsföretag och inte direkt av krögaren. / The study has its starting point in two articles in the daily press, one debate article and one reply, about the security guards work at the pub. The debaters in the article said that the insecurity in the nightlife depends on the security guards abusing their power discriminating and committing violence against the guests at the pub. A security guard replicated on the article and said that the insecurity in the pub is not created by the security guards but by the pub owner with his staff. There is a conflict of interest between the security guard's assignment and the pub owner who pays the guard's salary. The owner of the pub would like to have influence over the work of the security guards, otherwise he /she may lose his /her work. In the reply, it is proposed that the solution to the conflict of interest is that the security guards become employees and receive a salary from the police authority. The contents of the security guard's reply to the debate article caught my interest in this study. The aim of the study is to gain increased knowledge and understanding of how the conditions are for the work of the security guards, in a pub environment, based on three issues. • How do the guards experience their profession and mission? • How do the security guards handle the conflict of interest between the principal police authority and the owner of the pub? • How do the security guards reason to be state employees and receive salaries from the police authority? The theoretical perspective of the study consists of Rational Choice theory (RC), Georg Simmel's theory of triads and Pierre Bourdieu's concept of habitus. To answer the questions, qualitative method was chosen with interview. Five security guards were interviewed through semi-structured interview method. The interviews were printed and analyzed by thematic analysis. The themes that appear in the study are the professional role of the security guards, conflict of interest, form of employment and improvement area. The study's results show that the security guards watch their professional role as an important service function at the pub where good reception of the guests is in focus. The described conflict of interest was known by the interviewed guards, but they judged that it was caused by security guards who were unsuitable and who did not stand up for their profession and assignments. All security guards did not want to be employed and receive salaries from the police authority, but argued that security guards would only be employed by security companies and not directly by the owner of the pub.
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The rise of global private policing in Africa: real need or imperialist project?Asomah, Joseph Yaw 18 June 2015 (has links)
This research project explores critically the broader social context of the rise of global private policing in Africa, using Nigeria and South Africa to provide an in-depth illustrative and comparative context. Drawing on insights from global security and police research, Foucauldian governmentality studies, and postcolonial perspective in particular, the overarching question addressed in this research is that of whether the apparent rise in global private policing in Africa is occasioned by real need, or it constitutes an imperialist project? In other words, how do we make sense of this development? This research finds that private policing is largely a function of a paradigm shift from a collective human security to an individualistic sense of security through greater emphasis on competition, and private property or gain, in contrast to the collective welfare that predominantly characterized most pre-colonial African societies. Accordingly, global private policing is seen largely as a product of long-term historical undercurrents of colonialism and contemporary forms of Western imperialism, and the leadership crisis rooted in high-profile corruption and economic mismanagement in most parts of Africa; however, their impact on the extent of global private policing differs significantly due to the country-specific internal social, political, and economic, dynamics. This research therefore makes a contribution to the theoretical debates surrounding the growth of global private policing, particularly in the African context; and considers the broader implications for security policies grounded in private versus collective human security.
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<p>The unexpected
and unprecedented global pandemic of COVID-19 has brought dramatic changes to
the whole world. As a result of social distancing instituted to slow the pandemic,
teleworking has become the new norm in many organizations. The prevalence of
teleworking has brought not only benefits to organizations, but also security
risks. Although teleworking has existed for decades and many security related
issues have been studied by previous research, the researcher didn’t find any studies
that have assessed organization employee’s security awareness and concerns in
teleworking. Considering the vital importance of human security awareness in
protecting information security, it is necessary to learn the security
awareness situation in teleworking. Furthermore, employees with low security
awareness should be trained to improve the awareness level. Therefore, this
research intends to examine the current teleworking security awareness and
concerns in organizations by conducting a survey of workers. Through the survey
answers, the researcher found that the security awareness varies in groups of
teleworkers who are at different ages, from different industries and
different-sized organizations. Meanwhile, the researcher also found that
COVID-19 pandemic does not have much impact on people’s security concern in
teleworking scenarios. <br></p>
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The ‘Lingonberry Police’ and the Privatization of Public Order : A Quantitative Analysis of Sweden’s Use of Private Guards in Public SpacesTorve, Constantin January 2022 (has links)
This thesis evaluates the effects of the Swedish ordningsvakt system with regards to its contribution to public safety. Building on a body of critical research regarding the effects of outsourcing of public services and police forces in particular, it develops an insight into the driving factors and underlying causes of the expanding use of ordningsvakter. The effects of ordningsvakt use in 17 Swedish municipalities on violent crime, theft, and vandal-ism have been measured through a multivariate regression model. Over multiple specifications, it became apparent that a statistically significant effect can be observed for vandalism but not other types of crime.The thesis finds that ordningsvakter in public spaces provide at most a very modest contribution to public order and fail to achieve the core objective of reducing violent altercations. This may be either due to a general inade-quacy of the system, or due to displacement effects caused by the deployment of guards. The resulting policy recommendation is an exploration of alternative ways to enable public order and safety measures on the municipal level, particularly a reintroduction of municipal police forces.
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Deep Learning Based Models for Cognitive Autonomy and Cybersecurity Intelligence in Autonomous SystemsGanapathy Mani (8840606) 21 June 2022 (has links)
Cognitive autonomy of an autonomous system depends on its cyber module's ability to comprehend the actions and intent of the applications and services running on that system. The autonomous system should be able to accomplish this without or with limited human intervention. These mission-critical autonomous systems are often deployed in unpredictable and dynamic environments and are vulnerable to evasive cyberattacks. In particular, some of these cyberattacks are Advanced Persistent Threats where an attacker conducts reconnaissance for a long period time to ascertain system features, learn system defenses, and adapt to successfully execute the attack while evading detection. Thus an autonomous system's cognitive autonomy and cybersecurity intelligence depend on its capability to learn, classify applications (good and bad), predict the attacker's next steps, and remain operational to carryout the mission-critical tasks even under cyberattacks. In this dissertation, we propose novel learning and prediction models for enhancing cognitive autonomy and cybersecurity in autonomous systems. We develop (1) a model using deep learning along with a model selection framework that can classify benign and malicious operating contexts of a system based on performance counters, (2) a deep learning based natural language processing model that uses instruction sequences extracted from the memory to learn and profile the behavior of evasive malware, (3) a scalable deep learning based object detection model with data pre-processing assisted by fuzzy-based clustering, (4) fundamental guiding principles for cognitive autonomy using Artificial Intelligence (AI), (5) a model for privacy-preserving autonomous data analytics, and finally (6) a model for backup and replication based on combinatorial balanced incomplete block design in order to provide continuous availability in mission-critical systems. This research provides effective and computationally efficient deep learning based solutions for detecting evasive cyberattacks and increasing autonomy of a system from application-level to hardware-level. <br>
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Regulation of the private security industrySiebrits, Louis Lourens 11 1900 (has links)
The regulation of the private security industry has been an issue of debate for a number of years in
South Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. The debate mainly centers around issues such as the
need for regulation in this Industry and the objectives of regulation. This thesis argues that regulation
is of utmost importance in this Industry and furthermore, that the objective ofregulation should be
to set standards in the Industry. If this is the case, the protection of the public interest will be a
natural result of regulating the standards.
In addition, this thesis argues for the inclusion of the private investigator into the scope of regulation
and suggests that this sector should ultimately be regulated through the means of separate legislation.
This thesis furthermore provides two models for the regulation of the private security industry in
South Africa. These models are described as the Semi-Integrated Wide Model (SIWM) and the Fully
Integrated Wide Model (FIWM). These two models provide Government with the option of
regulating the Industry without alienating the latter. Government will still have the ultimate
responsibility for regulation, but will allow the Industry to be central in setting standards and
requirements. In this way, the Industry will not regulate itself and Government will have the ultimate
responsibility of protecting the interests of the public and the State / Police Practice / D. litt. et. Phil. (Police Science)
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Regulation of the private security industrySiebrits, Louis Lourens 11 1900 (has links)
The regulation of the private security industry has been an issue of debate for a number of years in
South Africa, as well as in the rest of the world. The debate mainly centers around issues such as the
need for regulation in this Industry and the objectives of regulation. This thesis argues that regulation
is of utmost importance in this Industry and furthermore, that the objective ofregulation should be
to set standards in the Industry. If this is the case, the protection of the public interest will be a
natural result of regulating the standards.
In addition, this thesis argues for the inclusion of the private investigator into the scope of regulation
and suggests that this sector should ultimately be regulated through the means of separate legislation.
This thesis furthermore provides two models for the regulation of the private security industry in
South Africa. These models are described as the Semi-Integrated Wide Model (SIWM) and the Fully
Integrated Wide Model (FIWM). These two models provide Government with the option of
regulating the Industry without alienating the latter. Government will still have the ultimate
responsibility for regulation, but will allow the Industry to be central in setting standards and
requirements. In this way, the Industry will not regulate itself and Government will have the ultimate
responsibility of protecting the interests of the public and the State / Police Practice / D. litt. et. Phil. (Police Science)
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USING REINFORCEMENT LEARNING FOR ACTIVE SHOOTER MITIGATIONRobert Eugen Bott (11791199) 20 December 2021 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the value of deep
reinforcement learning (DRL) within an agent-based model (ABM) of a large
open-air venue. The intent is to reduce civilian casualties in an active
shooting incident (ASI). There has been a steady increase of ASIs in the United
States of America for over 20 years, and some of the most casualty-producing
events have been in open spaces and open-air venues. More research should be
conducted within the field to help discover policies that can mitigate the
threat of a shooter in extremis. This study uses the concept of dynamic
signage, controlled by a DRL policy, to guide civilians away from the threat
and toward a safe exit in the modeled environment. It was found that a
well-trained DRL policy can significantly reduce civilian casualties as
compared to baseline scenarios. Further, the DRL policy can assist decision makers
in determining how many signs to use in an environment and where to place them.
Finally, research using DRL in the ASI space can yield systems and policies
that will help reduce the impact of active shooters during an incident.
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