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Evaluating Psychological and Physiological Aspects of the Ketogenic DietZornick, Rebecca M. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Second language (L2) writing is a subfield within the field of applied linguistics concerned with applying knowledge and insights from linguistics, psychology, and education to develop teaching approaches for those who need to acquire L2 writing skills for academic or work purposes (Belcher, 2012). Much research on L2 writers over the past five decades has been focused on students in university contexts (Ferris, 2018) in part because universities are often not equipped to meet students’ needs for academic writing support in writing courses (Cimasko & Reichelt, 2011; Kubota & Abels, 2006). One student need pertains to the learning of discourse organization to create coherent text. This issue is of particular concern to EFL undergraduates who often experience difficulty with organizational patterns when writing in English (Tang, 2012).In response to this student need, the current study investigated the effectiveness of the explicit teaching of coherence in EFL undergraduates’ research writing in English with a pre- and post-intervention embedded mixed-methods design of three study groups of Japanese undergraduate students. More specifically, the study involved two experimental groups—a process-genre group and process-writing group—and a comparison group. The teaching program for these three groups differed in the combination of classroom instruction (i.e., coherence-focused process-genre approach or process writing) and written teacher feedback (i.e., coherence-focused or meaning-focused) they received.
A total of 36 third-year female undergraduate English majors participated in this study. Writing samples were collected at three points throughout one semester and analyzed based on three measures of writing coherence: reader-based logical development, reader-based cohesion, and text-based coherence. The reader-based measures of an analytic rubric were used by human raters in evaluating reader-based coherence in the writing samples. Rasch measurement was used to assess the rubric’s functioning via a Rasch principal components analysis (Linacre, 2019). In addition, the Rasch model was used to identify raters who were too lenient or too severe and calculate fair average measures of the ratings using Many-Facets Rasch analysis (Linacre, 2014). These ratings were then analyzed and investigated for changes across time and between groups. The text-based coherence measure for each writing sample was obtained via a form of textual analysis called topical structure analysis.
Mixed-design ANOVAs were used to analyze the three measures to investigate statistical differences within-group and between-groups differences. In addition, a Pearson’s correlation analysis was conducted to investigate if raters’ assessment of logicality correlates with their assessment of cohesion usage in student samples of research writing. Results from the statistical analyses revealed that the process-genre group was the only group out of all three groups in this study to have made statistically significant improvements on coherence in their research writing during the course of study.
To help explain the results of the statistical analyses, qualitative data collected from background questionnaires, rater’s questionnaires, reflective journals, and student interviews were coded and analyzed. The findings indicated that the process-genre group was able to develop coherence at the sentence, paragraph, and discourse levels. Further, a comparison of the results from both the reader-based and text-based perspectives of coherence suggested that coherence development achieved by the process-genre group (i.e., improvement in both logical development and cohesion) was due to the treatment they received as observations from their background questionnaire reflective journal responses and interview data suggested that they appeared to be unaware of the concept of coherence prior to the study. However, as the treatment started, they gradually acquired knowledge and skills for creating coherence, first at the sentence level, then at the paragraph level, and toward the end of the study, at the discourse level. The improvements made by the process-genre group appeared to be related to the changes observed in their perception of coherence throughout the treatment period. The qualitative findings indicated that their perceptions changed from a focus on the relevance of information included in their writing in the beginning of the treatment period to an expanded understanding of coherence as a genre-specific concept that is important in making their writing reader-friendly by using both local and global cohesion and coherence devices.
As to the other two groups in this study, the qualitative findings from the background questionnaire responses and interview data suggested that unlike the process-genre group, the process writing group’s coherence development was limited to the sentence and paragraph levels, and that of the comparison group only at the sentence level. The fact that these two groups failed to develop their knowledge and skills in writing coherently at the discourse level might explain the non-significant statistical results for the within-group and between-group analyses conducted with those groups.
In sum, the findings showed that the development of coherence in EFL undergraduate research writing is influenced by writing program design. Particularly, the program needs to explicitly teach coherence through a systematically designed curriculum that includes the teaching of both useful genre knowledge and skills for writing coherently. In addition to teaching the textual construction of coherence, because coherence is a reader-based concept, its crucial role in producing research writing that is logical in the eyes of readers also needs to be reinforced in the teacher feedback given to learners. Such a program where both the instruction and the teacher feedback are focused on form (i.e., coherence in research writing) enables learners to improve coherence in their writing as they progress through the drafting cycle of writing and revising in the program. / Teaching & Learning
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Model izgradnje brenda kao odrednice privrednog razvoja / The model of brand building as a determinant of economy developmentMiljanović Mirjana 11 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Posmatrajući gradove kao nosioce kulturnih, društvenih i političkih<br />promjena, razumijevajući funkcije grada i osnovne elemente grada kao nosioce<br />tih funkcija, brend i brendiranje su koncepcije u službi prepoznavanja i<br />podsticanja privrednog razvoja. Rezultati istraživanja prikazani u ovoj<br />doktorskoj disertaciji su pokazali da izgradnjom modela grada zasnovanog na<br />procesnom pristupu se pruža mogućnost da upravljanje brendom grada<br />(upravljanje procesima - komponentama grada) se ostvare strateški ciljevi<br />grada. Efektivno i efiaksno upravljanje komponentama grada ima presudan<br />uticaj na privredni razvoj grada.</p> / <p>Observing cities as the holders of cultural, social and political changes and<br />understanding city functions and basic elements of any city as holders of the<br />aforementioned functions, a brand and branding are concepts for the purpose of<br />recognition and encouragement of economic development. The research results<br />presented in this PhD dissertation have shown that a creation of city model based on<br />the process approach enables the possibility to run the brand of the city. Effective<br />and efficient managing of city components has the crucial effect on the city<br />economic development.</p>
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Contribution au développement d’outils et méthodes de pilotage des compétences / Contribution to the development of tools and methods steering competencesSefiani, Naoufal 08 February 2014 (has links)
Bien que l’importance du pilotage des compétences soit reconnue, les approches existantes en la matière révèlent des déficits méthodologiques, la portée opératoire du concept compétence est souvent limitée et les chercheurs sont souvent désarmés face aux demandes des entreprises qui veulent s’engager dans cette démarche. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit cette recherche dont l’objectif est d’apporter une contribution par le développement d’outils et méthodes opérationnelles pour un pilotage efficient des compétences. Nous proposons une formalisation du concept compétence décliné en trois niveaux : individuel, collectif et organisationnel. Nous contribuons à la modélisation du modèle générique de compétence et nous choisissons le modèle sur lequel nous nous appuyons dans ces travaux. Nous proposons d’une part une méthodologie d’identification des compétences basée sur l’analyse fonctionnelle permettant d’identifier les compétences individuelles requises en vue d’aider à la construction du référentiel de compétence et d’autre part une démarche globale intitulée « Roue des compétences » supportant le pilotage des compétences en s’appuyant sur la technique d’amélioration continue qui facilite les ajustements nécessaires et permet de construire un modèle de référence plus cohérent et mieux adapté à l’organisation. Cette démarche est structurée en cinq phases : Initialisation, planification, intégration et déploiement, évaluation et développement. L’identification des compétences constitue une étape inéluctable dont dépendent les décisions de pilotage des compétences dans le cadre de cette démarche. Ces deux approches peuvent fonctionner en complémentarité. Elles apportent une aide aux gestionnaires et preneurs de décisions pour gérer au mieux le recrutement, la formation et la mobilité afin de répondre aux besoins en compétences des entreprises et d’attacher une attention particulière à ses besoins en compétences critique. Différentes études empiriques ont été menées en entreprise dans le cadre de ce travail. De manière encourageante, elles confirment la cohérence et la pertinence des approches proposées. Elles ont permis entre autre de tester ces approches mais aussi de formuler des recommandations pour le développement d'un outil logiciel pour les gestionnaires des ressources humaines. Cet outil sera un support à l'identification des compétences requises et à la mise à jour du référentiel. Néanmoins, des études supplémentaires à l’échelle de l’entreprise entière nécessitent d’être réalisées pour garantir le meilleur impact de l’ensemble des travaux présentés. Finalement, ce travail reste une plate-forme pour des recherches futures pour expérimenter davantage les démarches proposées, et tester leur applicabilité au sein d’autres entreprises appartenant à d’autres secteurs industriels. / Although the importance of competence management is recognized, existing approaches in this area reveal methodological deficits, the operating range of the competence concept is often limited and researchers are often helpless when faced with requests from companies that want to engage in this approach. It is in this context that this research aimed to contribute by developing tools and operational methods for efficient competence management. We propose a formalization of the concept of competence available in three levels: individual, group and organizational. We contribute to the modeling of generic competency model and we choose the model on which we rely in this work. Firstly, we propose a competence identification methodology based on the functional analysis to identify requisite individual competencies. This allows us to design and update the competence framework in response to changing work situations. Secondly, we present a comprehensive approach on "Wheel competencies "supporting the competence management based on the technique of continuous improvement that makes the necessary adjustments and helps to build a more coherent reference model and better suited to the organization. This approach is structured into five phases: initialization, planning, integration and deployment, evaluation and development. The competence identification is an inevitable stage whose depends competence management decisions under this approach. Both approaches can work in complementary. They provide support to managers and decision makers to manage better the recruitment, training and mobility to meet the competencies enterprises needs and to pay special attention to their needs in critical competencies. Various empirical studies have been conducted in company in the course of this work. In another encouraging development, they confirm the consistency and relevance of the proposed approaches. They have, among other test these approaches, but also to make recommendations for the development of a software tool for HR managers. This tool will support the competence identification and update the competence framework. However, further studies across the entire enterprise need to be done to ensure the greatest impact of all work submitted. Finally, this work is a platform for future research to test further the proposed approaches and test their applicability in the firms in other industries.
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A Study of The Management Performance of Taiwan Power Company and also The Manipulation Situation of Human Resources of Nuclear and Fire Station in Taiwan Power CompanyLee, Ming-Dao 21 August 2003 (has links)
Power business is a somewhat special business¡CIt has no stocks.
Because of this, power business is classified into inherent monopoly business for a very long time before.
Nowadays, most governments of developed countries changed their point of view; they modified the relevant law and began to allow more than two power companies to run on the same power supply area since few years ago. Taiwan's government is affected by this thinking and doing in 1990 and adopted it later since 1994. Firstly, they permitted private power stations built by private enterprises in1995. Since then, domestic power business is treated as a ¡§step by step open¡¨ business.
Different from what other Independent Power Station (So called I.P.P.)has done, Taiwan Power Company has adopted the policy of allocating their maintenance crew in each nuclear and fire power station instead of establishing a dependent sub-maintenance company or outsourcing maintenance job to other power station maintenance contractor as the other I.P.P.s. has done¡C
This is indeed a quite controversy policy even inside the Taiwan Power Company. But most of the members and representatives of workers Union are against any relocating crew or changing policy and even stronger. The policy of privatizing Taiwan Power Company and open competition of electricity-providing is determined definitely by R.O.C. government, still the progress of it is not very clear to the relevant stakeholder. However, the competence of Taiwan Power Company will be needed much more than ever. And the operation cost and management performance is therefore a major and important factor to the position of Taiwan Power Company in the future electricity market.
This research is intended to study only benefit of cost-down and efficiency-rising element of the electricity power company and its nuclear and power station, it concerns nothing to do with any social topics such as working right of the crew , opinion and attitude of the work union and the like.
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Vers la multi-performance des organisations : conception et pilotage par les valeurs du centre de recherche intégré MIRCen du CEA / Vers la multi-performance des organisations : conception et pilotage par les valeurs du centre de recherche intégré MIRCen du CEASchindler, Aude 06 July 2009 (has links)
Le contexte dans lequel vivent les organisations évolue. Elles doivent faire face à quatre nouveaux enjeux principaux : l’appartenance à des pôles et réseaux, le centrage sur les connaissances et l’innovation, la responsabilité sociétale et l’intégration de nouveaux comportements au travail. Ces nouveaux enjeux font apparaître de nouvelles parties prenantes des organisations (pouvoirs publics, société, associations, communauté scientifique, entreprises partenaires…) et diversifient leurs attentes (création d’emplois, création de connaissances, protection de l’environnement…). Ainsi, les critères d’évaluation de la performance de ces organisations se multiplient et se diversifient. Les modes de conception et de pilotage existants doivent être adaptés. Ce travail met en œuvre une recherche-action au sein de la plateforme d’imagerie préclinique MIRCen (Molecular Imaging Research Centre) du CEA, appartenant au pôle de compétitivité Medicen Paris Region ainsi qu’à divers réseaux nationaux et internationaux. Il repose sur une démarche valeurs, une approche processus et une vision systémique. Il met en évidence la nécessité de repenser la performance des organisations faisant face à ce nouveau contexte, à travers leur création de valeurs au pluriel (scientifiques, économiques, sociétales, éthiques, environnementales…), de façon à prendre en compte les aspects multi parties prenantes et multicritère. Il propose une démarche intégratrice originale permettant de modéliser cette création de valeurs et d’adopter de nouveaux modes de conception des processus et de pilotage par les valeurs adaptés à ces organisations. Il aboutit à la mise en place d’un outil opérationnel d’aide au pilotage par les valeurs qui intègre ces propositions et qui permet de répondre de façon dynamique à un ensemble d’attentes de parties prenantes, en passant par l’implication de tous les acteurs de l’organisation dans son pilotage. / The context, in which organisations exist, is changing. They need to cope with four main issues: the belonging to clusters and networks, the focus on knowledge and innovation, the social responsibility and the integration of new behaviours at work. These new issues imply new stakeholders of organisations (such as authorities, society, associations, scientific community or business partners) and diversify their expectations (such as jobs creation, knowledge creation or environmental protection). Thus, the criteria which are necessary to evaluate properly the performance of organisations are multiplying and diversifying. Existing design and management ways must be adapted. This work carries out an action-research within the preclinical imaging platform MIRCen (Molecular Imaging Research Centre) of the CEA, which belongs to the Medicen Paris Region cluster and to other national and international networks. It is based on a values-oriented method, a process approach and a systemic view. It gives rise to the necessity of reconsidering the performance of the organisations which face this new context, through the creation of multiple kinds of values (such as scientific, economic, societal, environmental or ethical), in order to consider the multi-stakeholders and multi-criteria aspects. It proposes an original integrative approach, which enables to model this creation of values and to adopt new ways to design processes and to manage by values, suited to these organisations. It leads to the setting up of an operational management support tool, which enables to carry out these propositions and to meet dynamically a group of stakeholders’ expectations, involving the active implication of all actors of the organisation in its management.
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Vyhodnotenie dobrých a zlých praktík v procese riadenia konkrétneho projektu / Evaluation of good and bad practices in the management process of a specific projectPriester, Erik January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis "Evaluation of good and bad practices in the management process of a specific project" aims to analyse and evaluate the good and bad practice in the project of "Contract compliance" in the company SAP. The first part of the thesis is focused on theoretical and methodological basis of project management and its processes. The second part of the thesis characterises the company SAP and the selected project as well as analyses and evaluates good and bad practices. Furthermore, the findings are summarised in the Lessons Learned document and preventive measures for the identified bad practice are proposed. This creates a learning material for future project management in the company.
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Řízení neshodných výrobků průmyslového podniku v oddělení obrábění / Control of nonconforming products in machining department at companyHudyma, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the process of managing nonconforming products in the machining department of an unnamed manufacturing company located in the territory of Brno. It contains a search of the current state of science and technology in the field of quality management, a search of relevant standards, system analysis of the issue, design and justification of the selection of quality management tools, application of selected quality management methods to reduce the occurrence of nonconforming products in the machining department. Finally, an overall assessment of the current situation is made. All this supplemented by own conclusions and recommendations.
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Factors influencing the implementation of the process approach in Biology secondary educationDe Jager, Thelma 11 1900 (has links)
South Africa needs an economy which is competitive and successful. Therefore, it is
important that an education system will provide a skilled work force. Learners need to
develop biology skills that will equip them for life, enable them to solve problems and think
critically. Unfortunately South Africa is presently encountering a lack of skilled citizens. The
reasons for this most probably is that the biology curriculum is mainly discipline-based,
content-loaded and largely irrelevant, resulting in learners not furthering their studies in
biology and related fields.
The biology matriculation examination has a strangle hold on what is taught. Lengthy,
content-loaded curricula emphasise the memorising of facts by means of expository
teaching methods, leaving little opportunity to teach the application of information and
skills to solve problems in real life situations. The teaching methods of biology are thus not
sufficiently stimulating and motivating. Biology teaching should not only concentrate on
facts or explain facts to learners, but should also concentrate on ways or processes by
means of which these facts can be obtained.
To implement a process approach where learners can develop basic- and integrated skills
is not an easy task for those involved. The empirical research of this study, confirmed the
findings throughout the literature study that various factors hamper the effective
implementation of the process approach. It is important that negative factors such as 'large
classes' and 'a lengthy syllabus' (in historically disadvantaged [HD] and advantaged schools
[HA]) and 'lack of equipment' and 'resource material' (only in HD schools) which received
high percentages in the survey, will duly be considered when implementing the process
approach, curriculum 2005 or 21. These factors can exert a powerful influence on the
success of any changes in biology education.
To ensure the successful implementation of the process approach it is important that all
teachers receive adequate in-service training to keep abreast with new teaching strategies and methods / Educational Studies / D.Ed. (Didactics)
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Aplikace procesního přístupu jako nástroje řízení kvality ve vybrané organizaci / Application of process approach used as the tool for quality management in a selected companySkokanová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the example of process approach used as the tool for quality management in a real company. The aim of this paper is to get readers acquaint with quality control management eight principles from the ISO/IEC 9001 perspective. The thesis then elaborates the practical site of process management approach. The paper describes process management evolution stages, its benefits, there are introduced specific types of modelling methods and ways for process performance measurement. The implementation of process approach is then shown on practical example. The thesis's practical part provides process charts for key organization processes drafted according to the one selected modelling method, descriptions for such processes, suggestions for change aiming to process optimisation and finally also proposes measurable process performance indicators.
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