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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokytojo profesinė kompetencija organizuojant mokymo(si) procesą bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Teacher's competence in organizing the teaching process

Starkus, Edvardas 24 September 2008 (has links)
The change of teacher's role in society and new roles in educational process in the context of learning paradigm is stipulated by changed standpoint of the nature of learning as well as national educational aims. Lithuania is becoming a part of global economy, common information, technological and cultural space which is rapidly joining into Western democratic world undertaking common responsibility for preserving its value, development of traditions and renewal. The analysis of scientific literature allows to claim that in order to enable teachers to develop the competence of organization of the learning process, not only concrete demands have to be be made but also conditions to renew and develop their competence have to be created, giving particular attention to development of organization, planning, realization or didactic competence. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to research currently prevalent level of competence of teachers learning organization so that it would be possible to purposefully plan the actions of the development of their didactic competence. The quality of upbringing (education) as well as organization of learning process is determined by teacher's knowledge, skills, value of regulations, whereas qualification category is merely formal acknowledgement. Unfortunately, by far namely the competence of organization of learning process, the procedures justifying its acquiring and psychological characteristics of the teachers influencing the... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The change of teacher's role in society and new roles in educational process in the context of learning paradigm is stipulated by changed standpoint of the nature of learning as well as national educational aims. Lithuania is becoming a part of global economy, common information, technological and cultural space which is rapidly joining into Western democratic world undertaking common responsibility for preserving its value, development of traditions and renewal. The analysis of scientific literature allows to claim that in order to enable teachers to develop the competence of organization of the learning process, not only concrete demands have to be be made but also conditions to renew and develop their competence have to be created, giving particular attention to development of organization, planning, realization or didactic competence. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to research currently prevalent level of competence of teachers learning organization so that it would be possible to purposefully plan the actions of the development of their didactic competence. The quality of upbringing (education) as well as organization of learning process is determined by teacher's knowledge, skills, value of regulations, whereas qualification category is merely formal acknowledgement. Unfortunately, by far namely the competence of organization of learning process, the procedures justifying its acquiring and psychological characteristics of the teachers influencing the... [to full text]

Sutrikusios regos vaikų profesinių ketinimų adekvatumas / Intention of adequacy of the visually impaired pupils' choice of vocacion

Gureckienė, Lina 22 June 2005 (has links)
Nowadays visually impaired students attend both mainstream schools and the Lithuanian Education and Training Centre for the Blind and Visually Impaired. These students meet certain learning difficulties caused by impaired vision or other problems related to the impairment. This study aimed to investigate and answer a question: „Do the pupils’ choice a vacation that correspond with their abilities and possibilities. The written questionnaire has been used as a method of the study. The questions had to describe to: ь social background of the visually impaired pupils; ь their knowledge about themselves and their family members; ь their perception of their disability and self-esteem; ь opinions of the pupils about quality of vocational couselling; ь learning motivation of the visually impaired pupils; ь intention of adequacy of the visually impaired pupils‘ choice of vocation 169 pupils were involved into the investigation (there were totally blind and those having mild impairment of vision). Conclusions: § The visually impaired pupils particularly need parents‘ encouragement and support. If a family is not interested in educational process of a pupil the pupil doesn’t‘ have any learning motivation and intentions to choice a certain vocation. § The pupil’s choice vocations that do not correspond with their abilities since they do not comprehend their disability adequately. § Vocational counselling in the Lithuanian education and training centre for the... [to full text]

Profesinių gebėjimų ir įgūdžių svarba rengiant technologijų mokytojus / Importance of proffesional abilities and profficiency on technology teachers preparation

Gečienė, Jovita 09 June 2005 (has links)
Since antiquity people paid attention to various aspects of educator’s existence, features of the profession have been interpreted. The spectrum of opinions and solutions is rather wide as each time created its own model of educator’s activities. Yet most theories at the end of the 20th century started shifting because changing society structures also change the understanding of education. Today educators have become a citizen of the learning society, his openness towards novelties, creativity, cooperation skills and will to constantly deepen his knowledge are the cornerstones of the success. This thesis analyses requirements for future pedagogue and future teachers’ attitude towards the same as well as the reasons preventing improvement. Future pedagogues understand new professional requirements yet ignore them due to social, economic and psychological reasons (e.g. inaptitude to plan, irresponsible attitude towards results of work, no self-confidence and others).

Socialiniai veiksniai sąlygojantys jaunuolių karjeros planavimo rezultatus / Influence of social factors for the results of youth career planning

Ogintienė, Lina 19 February 2009 (has links)
Sėkminga karjera dažnai yra laikoma gyvenimo sėkmės pagrindu, todėl tiek daug mokomės ir dirbame, kad padarytume karjerą, kuria galėtume didžiuotis ir kuri leistų mums pasinaudoti visomis gyvenimo galimybėmis. Karjera – tai darbo ir mokymosi patirtis. Darbą būtų galima suprasti kaip sau ir kitiems vertingos veiklos atlikimą. Vieną iš svarbiausių poreikių – savirealizacijos poreikį - individas dažniausiai patenkina įsiliedamas į darbinę veiklą. Šiuolaikiniam žmogui darbas neabejotinai yra svarbi vertybė, įtakojanti įvairias jo gyvenimo sferas. Efektyvaus įsiliejimo į darbo rinką, patinkančios darbinės veiklos, atitinkančio asmens poreikius, polinkius, interesus ir gabumus procesas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas: nuo savęs pažinimo, profesijų pasaulio pažinimo iki profesijos pasirinkimo, profesinės kvalifikacijos įgijimo ir darbo paieškos. Neradusiems savo kelio arba pasirinkusiems jį neteisingai, gresia būti paliktiems darbo rinkos užribyje be galimybės sugrįžti į ją. Todėl neatskiriama žmogaus gyvenimo dalimi tampa profesinės karjeros planavimo procesas. Didėjant darbo rinkos poreikiams, žmonėms vis dažniau tenka keisti veiklos pobūdį. Svarbu tampa ne tik išlikti darbo rinkoje, išsaugoti darbo vietą, bet ir sėkmingai kovoti konkurencinėje kovoje. Dirbdama su jaunuoliais, kuriems reikia profesinio konsultavimo ir orientavimo, susidomėjau priežastimis, skatinančiomis vienaip ar kitaip planuoti savo profesinę karjerą. Žinoma, priežasčių yra daug ir įvairių. Tai ir prigimtis, ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of this paper is the influence of social factors for the results of career planning. Career is very important in one’s life. It is not only the choice of profession but it is also lifelong perfection, gaining experience. Scientists claim that career shows the quality of person’s life. Very often the way of seeking the career is influenced by environment. Thus the problem of this paper: how social factors determine youth career planning results. The object: social factors that influence youth career planning results. This paper was aiming to show importance of social factors for career planning results. The question: which social factors influence career planning results the most. Goals of investigation: 1. to describe the results of career planning by analyzing the conception of career planning theories 2. to reveal interaction between social factors and results of career planning 3. to investigate the influence of social factors for the results of career planning, according to students’ point of view. There was applied the empirical quantitative evaluation in this research. The data was obtained executing written questionnaires and applying the method of sources and documentation. Methods of the research: • Analysis of scientific literature sources • Analysis of documents • Questionnaires • Statistical analysis of data Sample of research. 93 schoolchildren and students participated in the research. In summary, research revealed strong interaction between... [to full text]

11-12 kl. mokinių profesinių interesų formavimasis per teatro pamokas / The formation of professional interests 11th - 12 th formers in theatrical (strage) classes

Pakalniškienė, Vida 08 July 2010 (has links)
Teatrinio ugdymo galimybės formuojant profesinius interesus 11 -12 kl.mokiniams. / Theatrical skills in formation of professional interests have been little discussed recently in lithuania.

Profesinės karjeros planavimas mokykloje: 10-12 klasių mokinių samprata / Proffesion planning in a high school: perception of the 10-12 grade students

Eglinskaitė, Raminta 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama 10 -12 klasių mokinių samprata apie profesinės karjeros planavimą mokykloje. Darbe, teorinėje dalyje, pasitelkiant kitų autorių šaltiniais, analizuojamas profesinės karjeros planavimas mokykloje. Teorija paremta pedagoginės bei vadybinės literatūros analize. Praktinėje dalyje nagrinėjama profesinės karjeros planavimo mokykloje mokinių samprata. Pastebėta, jog šia tema yra labai mažai literatūros, didelė dalis iš esamos yra sovietinių laikų. Tyrimu nustatyta, jog mokinių samprata apie profesinės karjeros planavimą yra labai ribota. Nors mokiniai ir turi bendrą suvokimą apie pagrindines profesijos planavimo sąvokas, jų žinios yra labai paviršutiniškos. Pastebėta, jog mokiniai nežino kaip tinkamai pradėti planuoti savo karjerą ir nelabai suvokia, kad nuo tinkamo ar netinkamo suplanavimo priklauso jų profesinės karjeros ateitis. Nustatyta, jog tik nedidelė dalis mokinių planuoja savo profesinę karjerą, tačiau, kaip jau minėta, dėl žinių trūkumo, planavimas nėra tikslingas. Nustatyta, jog pradedant planuoti profesinę karjerą svarbu užsibrėžti tikslą, paaiškėjo, jog didelė dalis apklaustų mokinių turi tikslus, kuriuos nori pasiekti. Tačiau yra dalis apklaustųjų, kurie dar nepasirinkę profesijos. Paaiškėjo, jog jie nežino kokia profesija jiems tiktų. Nustatyta, jog mokykla suteikia nepakankamą kiekį informacijos apie profesinės karjeros pasirinkimą. Pasirenkant bei planuojant profesiją labai svarbus savęs pažinimas, pastebėta, jog pažinus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The master thesis analyzes pupils’ attending the 10th – 12th forms conception of the professional career planning at school. The theoretical part of the work, with the help of other authors’ sources, analyzes the professional career planning at school. The theory is based on the analysis of the pedagogical and management literature. The practical part deals with pupils’ conception of the professional career planning at school. It has been noticed that there is little literature on this topic, the greatest part of the literature being from the Soviet times. It has been determined that pupils’ conception of the professional career planning is very limited. Although schoolchildren have the common understanding of the main concepts of the planning of profession, their knowledge is very superficial. It has been noticed that pupils do not know how to properly start to plan their career and do not understand that the future of their professional career depends on the proper or improper planning. The research has showed that a small number of schoolchildren plan their professional career, however, as it has been mentioned, due to the lack of knowledge, the planning is not purposeful. It is very important to have a goal when starting to plan the professional career. A big number of pupils have goals which they want to reach. However, there are pupils who have not chosen the profession yet. They do not know what profession would fit them. It has been determined that the school provides... [to full text]

Mokyklos bendruomenės požiūris į pedagogo asmenybės savybes / The view of school community to the features of the personality of pedagogues

Sadeckienė, Dalia 02 June 2006 (has links)
Results of research: Teachers relates their profession with pedagogical abilities, moral peculiarities, knowledges and skills. The research educed, that necessity personality features of pedagogues are love for children and stict. All thoses features argumentative for mission and capability to work with young people. The research results shows that pupils appreciable teachers kindness, love for them, heartiness, goodwill, honesty and attention. Mjority of parents who take part in research maintain that love for childrens, bearing, strict, heartiness, justice and finesse are the most necessary personality features of pedagogues. But parents mention necessary features of pedagogues are appropriate only for 50 percent of pedagogues.

Mokinių profesijos pasirinkimą įtakojantys veiksniai / Influence of Subjects upon Pupil's Profession Selection

Džiugytė, Lina 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pagrindinis profesijos pasirinkimo tikslas yra atsižvelgti į savo vertybes ir siekti, jog asmens pasirinkimas derėtų su svarbiausiomis jo vertybėmis. Objektas – mokinių profesijos pasirinkimą įtakojantys veiksniai ir vertybės. Tikslas - Teoriškai išanalizuoti mokinių profesijos pasirinkimą įtakojančius veiksnius ir vertybių vaidmenį mokinio profesijos pasirinkimui. Empiriškai ištirti mokinio profesijos pasirinkimą sąlygojančius veiksnius, asmenis, informacinius šaltinius ir vertybių vaidmenį mokinio profesijos pasirinkimui. Išsiaiškinti vertybių įtaką mokinio profesijos pasirinkimui, buvo naudojami šie tyrimo metodai: teoriniai, empiriniai, statistiniai. Tyrimas buvo atliktas 2009 metų gruodžio mėnesį Joniškio miesto ir Žagarės miestelio gimnazijose. Apklausta 170 mokinių (iš jų 103 merginos ir 67 vaikinai). Mokiniams buvo pateikta anoniminė mišraus tipo anketa, susidedanti iš 12. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė patvirtino darbo pradžioje iškeltą hipotezę, kad mokinių profesijos pasirinkimą įtakoja vidiniai ir išoriniai veiksniai ir kad didelę reikšmę profesijos pasirinkimui turi vertybės. Mokiniams yra svarbios vertybinės orientacijos, darbo, asmeninės ir kitos vertybės, kurios įtakoja jų profesijos pasirinkimą. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė leidžia daryti išvadas, kad: 1. Mažai mokinių apsisprendę dėl būsimos profesijos, tai susiję su profesijos nepasirinkimo priežastimis: abejojama dėl egzaminų rezultatų; mokiniams sunku apsispręsti dėl kelių patrauklių profesijų; mokiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main aim of profession selection is to consider the own values and seek that personal selection would conform to the main values of her/himself. The subject of the research is the influence of subjects upon pupil’s profession selection The aim of the research: to ground theoretically the influence of values upon selection of profession and to analyse empirically the influence of values upon the peculiarities of profession selection. The following research methods were employed for ascertainment of the influence of values upon profession selection of a pupil: theoretical, empirical and statistical. The research was carried out in gymnasium in Joniskis and Zagare in December of 2009. 170 pupil (103 of them girl and 67 boy). The pupils were given an anonymous questionnaire of mixed type, which was made up of 12 questions. The analysis of the research results confirmed the working hypothesis formulated at the beginning that the value orientations, valuables of work, personal and other values, which influence upon selection of profession, are important for pupils. The analysis of the research results allows concluding that: 1. Just few of pupils are self-determines concerning their future profession and this is related to the reasons of non-selection of profession: uncertainty concerning results of examinations; it is difficult for pupils to decide between some attractive professions; pupils insufficiently know or don’t know yet, what they want; there is lack of... [to full text]


Ulytė, Agnė 11 February 2012 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė balso sutrikimų sampratos bei balso sutrikimų atsiradimo aiškinimo teorijų analizė. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – išsiaiškinti profesijos ir balso sutrikimų ryšį. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji procentų, x2 testo) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 308 respondentai. Kauno klinikų medicinos darbuotojai (40), Naujosios Akmenės ligoninės medikai (50), Šiaulių miesto pedagogai (89) iš jų lopšelio – darželio auklėtojų (23), tiksliųjų ir humanitarinių mokslų mokytojų (35), pradinių klasių mokytojų (31). Taip pat buvo apklausti pardavėjai (36), vadybininkai (27 ), įstaigų vadovai (31 ) bei nekvalifikuoti darbininkai (35). Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamas profesijos ir balso sutrikimų ryšys. Taip pat bandoma išsiaiškinti, ar yra ryšys tarp lyties ir problemų susijusių su balsu. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Pedagoginės, psichologinės ir medicininės literatūros analizė atskleidė, kad pagrindinės balso sutrikimų atsiradimo priežastys yra pinkaudžiavimas balsu ir netinkamas jo vartojimas. 2. Pedagogo profesija patenka į didžiausią rizikos grupę, pagal balso sutrikimų atsiradimą, o darbininkai ir vadybininkai mažiausiai jaučia neigiamų balso pokyčių. 3. Pojūčius bei pokyčius, susijusius su balso sutrikimų atsiradimu, dažniausiai jaučia lopšelio – darželio auklėtojai, o mažiausiai – darbininkai, vadybininkai bei vadovaujantis personalas. 4. Dėl aukšto balso tembro ir jaučiamos didesnės psichologinės įtampos bei jautrumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / At Masters work carried out theoretical concepts of voice disorders and voice disorders emergence of theories of interpretation of the analysis. Questionnaire survey method was conducted with the aim - to find out the relationship between an occupation and voice disorders. Was made the statistical (descriptive percent, x2 test) data analysis. The study included 308 respondents. Kaunas Hospital medical personnel (40), Naujoji Akmenė hospital doctors (50), Šiauliai city teachers (89) consisting of the nursery - kindergarten teachers (23), the exact sciences and humanities teachers (35), primary school teachers (31). Also, sales consultant were interviewed (36), managers (27), heads of institutions (31) and laborers (35). The empirical part deals with the relationship between an occupation and voice disorders. It is also trying to find out whether there is a relationship between sex and the problems associated with voice. The main empirical findings: 1. Pedagogical, psychological and medical literature shows that the main causes of voice disorders is voice abuse and its inappropriate use. 2. Teacher’s profession enters of the highest risk group, according to the probability of occurrence of voice disorders among workers and the managers are reluctant to complain about the voice-related problems. 3. Most feelings and changes that may be the initial symptoms associated with voice disorders appearance, feel the nursery - kindergarten teachers, who have long hours of intensive... [to full text]

Gydytojų-chirurgų pasitenkinimas darbu / Surgeons’ satisfaction with their work

Adamonienė, Nomeda 09 June 2005 (has links)
Surgeons’ satisfaction with their work Nomeda Adamonienė Scientific advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilona Bučiūnienė, ISM University of Management and Economics. Kaunas University of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Department of Social Medicine – Kaunas, 2005.- 83p. The aim of the study was to investigate the approach of the surgeons working in the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine (HKUM) towards their profession, and to identify the factors that stipulate their satisfaction with their work. The objectives of the study were the following: 1. To evaluate surgeons’ attitude to their profession; 2. To identify the factors that condition satisfaction at work; 3. To evaluate the influence of satisfaction at work on the surgeons’ health and personal life. The methods of the study: The subject of research: An inquiry of the surgeons working in the Hospital of Kaunas University of Medicine was performed. The methods and span of the study: Of 250 distributed questionnaires, 187 were filled and returned. The response rate was 75%. Methods of the statistical analysis: The study used 7-point Likert scale, where 1 point stood for “totally disagree”, and 7 points – to “totally agree”. The obtained data were processed using SPSS 9.0. statistical software package. Hypotheses about the absence of interdependence between two indicators (e.g. sex and the length of service) were verified using the chi-square (χ2) criterion. Results: The results of the study showed that surgeons’... [to full text]

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