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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimativa de esforço e modelagem das atividades do design / Effort estimation and design activities modelling

Benedetto Neto, Henrique January 2018 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa é investigado o processo de cotação de projetos de produtos/serviços de design com foco na estimativa de tempos. Uma proposta de framework é desenvolvida pelo entendimento de como os profissionais do design têm acesso as informações de esforço necessárias para cotação de seus projetos. O escopo e objetivos desta pesquisa advém de problemas relacionados com a prática de cotação, uma vez que os profissionais do design não dispõem de uma base de dados que os oriente com relação aos tempos para execução de suas atividades. O contexto de cotação de projetos de produtos/serviços apresenta uma lacuna no ambiente do design e as demandas relacionadas foram apontadas por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, sendo posteriormente validadas através de estudo exploratório com profissionais do design. Nessa busca pelo entendimento da cotação, primeiramente é aplicada entrevista em profundidade com designers, que resulta em um conjunto de elementos chamados de dimensões da estimativa de tempo e ditos estruturantes para a cotação de projetos. Com base nesses elementos, um conjunto de hipóteses é elaborado e avaliado através de uma survey, veiculada nacionalmente, obtendo 427 respostas válidas. O framework proposto atuará sobre a variável “tempo” e disponibilizará um conjunto de opções de Redes de Projetos para desenvolvimento de produtos e/ou serviços, destacando, dentre as disponíveis, as boas práticas para as diversas atividades do Design. Para um aprimoramento contínuo das práticas registradas, será utilizada a abordagem de sistemas dinâmicos e para assegurar que as atividades do design possam ser expressas computacionalmente, para posterior comparação, será considerada a aplicação de uma ontologia das atividades do design. / In this research the process of quotation of products/services projects in the design domain is investigated focusing time estimation. A framework proposal is developed by understanding how design professionals estimate the information of effort needed to quote their projects. The scope and objectives of this research arise from problems related to the practice of quotation, since the design professionals do not have a database that guides them in relation to the times for carrying out their activities. The context of quotation of product/service projects presents a gap in the design environment and the related demands were pointed out through bibliographic research, and later validated through an exploratory study with design professionals. In the search for an understanding of the quotation process, it was, firstly applied an in-depth interview with designers, which resulted in a set of elements called structuring for time estimation and, therefore, for the quotation of projects. Based on these elements, a set of hypotheses was elaborated and evaluated through a survey, carried nationally, obtaining 427 valid answers. The proposed framework will act on the variable "time" and will make available a set of Project Network options for the development of products and/or services, highlighting, among the available ones, good practices for the various Design Activities. For a continuous improvement of the registered practices, the approach of Dynamic Systems will be used and to ensure that the activities of the design can be computationally expressed, for later comparison, will be considered the application of an ontology of the design activities.

Cálculo da eficiência do gerenciamento de projetos utilizando uma analogia com a termodinâmica. / Project management efficiency calculation through thermodynamics´ analogy.

Mendes, Alexandre Cottini 28 March 2006 (has links)
Cada vez mais a gestão de projetos está presente no dia-a-dia das grandes organizações principalmente visando à redução das perdas por não conformidade na gestão de seus projetos e à conseqüente maximização dos lucros das empresas. Problemas como estes levam à definição de medidas relacionadas ao sucesso e às perdas financeiras dos projetos, modelos de análise e principalmente de estudos de melhorias para redução destas perdas, com definição inclusive de quais os fatores críticos que tornam os projetos bem sucedidos. Esta dissertação propõe uma modelagem para a medida da eficiência da gestão de projetos por meio de uma analogia entre a teoria Termodinâmica e os processos do ciclo de vida de um projeto, caracterizados pelas suas atividades, fases e subprojetos. Entende-se o conceito de eficiência como a divisão entre o custo planejado de um projeto ou processo do mesmo e o custo real ocorrido, ou seja, o grau de sucesso do gerenciamento de um projeto, medido financeiramente. O modelo proposto relaciona os modelos e equações termodinâmicas, principalmente com referência às medidas de eficiência térmica em uma turbina, com os processos de um projeto. Modelam-se então para cada atividade, fase ou subprojeto um processo, equações análogas, descritas com as variáveis da metodologia de gerenciamento do valor agregado, que permitem o cálculo das perdas no processo estudado e principalmente da eficiência da atividade, fase ou subprojeto. Identificaram-se três grupos que influem na eficiência como fatores de \'geração de entropia\', analogamente à Termodinâmica: complexidade, incerteza e maturidade da organização. Estudos de caso mostram a fundamentação do modelo proposto, e a relação entre os fatores críticos de sucesso propostos e a eficiência dos projetos estudados. / More and more the project management is inside the international corporations, mainly due to their needs of reducing the non conformance costs generated by their projects and maximizing their profits. Those problems lead to the need of determination of measures related to project success, project\'s losses, analysis\' models and studies concerning losses reduction, including the definition of the critical factors for project\'s success. This dissertation proposes a model capable of measuring the project management efficiency through an analogy between the Thermodynamics and the project\'s life cycle processes, presented by their activities, phases and subprojects. The efficiency concept is defined by the comparison between the planned costs and the actual costs in a project, or in other words, the level of financial success of the project management. The analogy correlates the models and equations from the Thermodynamics, specially the ones referring to the efficiency in a turbine with the project\'s processes. So, for every activity, phase or subproject, the equations and models are described using the earned value management methodology, allowing the calculation of the process\' losses and especially the process\' efficiency. Three groups of factors that act as \'entropy generators\' were identified, according to the analogy: complexity, uncertainty and organizational maturity. Case studies showed that the analogy proposed is well based, as well as the relation between the three success factors and the project efficiency.

Application of artificial intelligence in project management.

January 1992 (has links)
by Ng Kam Hon. / Thesis (M.Sc.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 30-31). / Chapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 2 --- Project Management --- p.2 / Chapter 3. --- PERT and CPM --- p.3 / Chapter 4. --- Motivation for the proposed automation --- p.4 / Chapter 5 --- The Project Controller --- p.6 / Chapter 5.1 --- General --- p.6 / Chapter 5.2 --- System Design --- p.7 / Chapter 6. --- Project Preprocessing --- p.10 / Chapter 6.1 --- Determining the Earliest Start and Finish --- p.10 / Chapter 6.2 --- Determining the Latest Start and Finish --- p.11 / Chapter 6.3 --- Calculation of free slack and preliminary Schedule --- p.12 / Chapter 7. --- Job Scheduling --- p.13 / Chapter 7.1 --- The Rule Based System --- p.14 / Chapter 7.2 --- The Searcher --- p.17 / Chapter 8. --- Evaluation of the Project Controller --- p.23 / Chapter 8.1 --- Input Project Details --- p.23 / Chapter 8.2 --- Project analysis reports --- p.23 / Chapter 8.3 --- Job Scheduling capabilities --- p.23 / Chapter 9. --- Discussion --- p.27 / Chapter 9.1 --- Applications --- p.27 / Chapter 9.2 --- Future Enhancement --- p.27 / Chapter 9.3 --- Limitations --- p.28 / Chapter 10. --- Conclusion --- p.29 / Chapter 11. --- References --- p.30

Um modelo de otimização não-linear com preparação para o futuro aplicado à seleção de portfólio de projetos /

Albano, Taíse Caroline Lopes. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Edméa Cássia Baptista / Coorientador: Daniel Jugeng / Banca: Edilaine Martins Soler / Banca: Fabiano Armellini / Resumo: No contexto do gerenciamento de projetos, a atenção ao gerenciamento de portfólio de projetos tem aumentado recentemente. O uso de programação matemática para gerenciamento de portfólio também está em ascensão, pois integra, em um único modelo, as interações do projeto com os múltiplos objetivos para o gerenciamento de portfólio. Entre os principais objetivos de gestão de portfólio, estudos recentes têm dado uma atenção especial ao objetivo emergente de preparação futura, que ainda não foi incorporado aos modelos matemáticos existentes. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de otimização não linear inteira mista para seleção de portfólios que considera as quatro principais medidas de desempenho para gerenciamento de projetos: maximização de valor, alinhamento estratégico, balanceamento e preparação para o futuro. Dada a importância deste último, visto que foi observado que a adição desta dimensão ao modelo matemático influencia a seleção de portfólio de projetos, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um modelo mais completo, em que seja possível verificar a contribuição marginal e a melhor combinação de projetos de acordo com as necessidades da empresa. O modelo foi testado com dados reais de duas empresas de diferentes segmentos, estratégias e nacionalidades, uma no Brasil e outra no Canadá, e os resultados obtidos foram coerentes com sua prática. / Abstract: In the context of project management, the attention to project portfolio management has increased recently. The use of mathematical programming for portfolio management is also on the rise, because it integrates, in a single model, the project interactions with the multiple objectives for portfolio management. Among possible objectives, recent studies have been paying a special attention to the emerging objective of future preparedness, which has not yet been incorporated to existing mathematical models. In this vein, this paper presents a mixed integer nonlinear optimization model for portfolio selection that considers four main performance measures for project management: value maximization, strategic alignment, balance and future preparedness. Given the importance of the latter, since it was observed that the addition of this dimension to the mathematical model influences the portfolio selection of projects, the purpose is to present a more complete model, which provides the marginal contribution and the best combination of projects according to the needs of the company. The model was tested using real data from two companies, one in Brazil and one in Canada, and the results obtained were coherent with their practice. / Mestre

Proposta de ferramenta de análise para avaliação do conhecimento em gestão de projetos de escritórios de design de interiores / Proposal for analysis to evaluate knowledge in management office project interior design

Morais, Vânia Baptista January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como foco central, desenvolver uma análise que permitiu avaliar o conhecimento em gestão de projetos dentro de escritórios de design de interiores. Diante disto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória, de ordem qualitativa, a fim de compreender a percepção dos gestores desses escritórios. Com isso, buscou-se obter informações que pudessem fornecer respostas sobre seus conhecimentos nas áreas relacionadas à gestão de projetos. A avaliação do conhecimento foi importante, pois permitiu identificar elementos que venham a aprimorar estruturas curriculares de cursos de design de interiores, capacitando de maneira mais eficaz, seus graduados. No entanto, não foi encontrada na literatura, pesquisa ligada a área de avaliação e gestão do conhecimento em escritórios de design de interiores. Assim sendo, estimou-se ao fim da pesquisa que a análise proposta tratasse do cenário atual, podendo auxiliar e contribuir para que se estabeleça um padrão que avalie o conhecimento dentro dos escritórios de design de interiores. O estudo permitiu concluir que nenhum dos escritórios que participaram da pesquisa faz uso de metodologias para gerenciar seus projetos. Desta forma, observou-se que cada escritório desenvolve seu próprio processo gerencial, tendo como referência suas próprias práticas de trabalho. / This research had as its central focus, develop an analysis that allowed evaluate knowledge in project management within interior design offices. Given this, an exploratory research was conducted in qualitative, in order to understand the perception of managers of these offices. Thus, it sought to obtain information that could provide answers about their knowledge in areas related to project management. The evaluation of knowledge was important because it allowed us to identify elements that may improve curriculum structures of interior design courses, enabling more effectively, its graduates. However, it was not found in the literature, research linked the area of assessment and management of knowledge in interior design offices. Therefore, it estimated the end of the research that the analysis dealt with the current situation and can assist and contribute to the establishment of a standard to assess the knowledge within the interior design offices. The study found that none of the firms that participated in the survey makes use of methods to manage your projects. Thus, it was observed that every office develops its own management process, taking as a reference its own work practices.

Project Management Risk Analyzing And Offering Competency Development Program as a Mitigation Plan for Camfil Farr Co.

Moshkani Farahani, Erfan, Hassan Nakhaei, Mohammad January 2009 (has links)
In this paper the project management risks will be studied at Camfil Farr and then project management competency development program will be proposed as mitigation plan.There are a wide variety of risks types around project management subject but since on main risks should been focused, our study will be limited on those main risks and provid a risk questionnaire that contain ten questions to survey the risky situations related to project management at Camfil Farr.Then analyze of result will be started that is gained from the company and with the help of tools such as histogram will be tried to find a suitable way to deal with these risks and based on this study our mitigation plan will be built.In the risk management section, root causes of risk factors will be studied by cause and effect diagrams. It should be noted that, PMBOK 2004 will be used for definitions of project management and its framework for analyzing of project management risks and developing competency development program.

Inter-organisational issues facing implementation of project management maturity

Preussler, Rainer Christian 04 September 2012 (has links)
Repetitive project failures or underperformance and ever increasing competition have given impetus for the need to drastically improve project performance within professional services organisations. This realisation has prompted actions to drive restitution efforts to enhance successful delivery and overall project management throughout the organisation. However, the desired outcomes to improve project management processes at an organisational level have not always been forthcoming in light of improvement activities implemented through various changes in operating procedures. The purpose of study is to investigate and identify, from an intra-organisational perspective, the factors required to bring about enhanced implementation and continuous improvements in project management processes; and to determine how they must be aligned to a successful strategy implementation for attainment of higher states of organisational project management maturity. The study focuses on project intensive organisations, mainly implementing information communication technology (ICT), business services and financial related projects. Through the use of a literature review, augmented by a quantitative survey, the perceived impacts and values of the determined factors on project management maturity were gathered. The research study shows that companies wanting to improve project management maturity must steer away from focussing only on certain processes, but must take a holistic view, encompassing a variety of internal factors, ranging from components of organisational learning, to change management and strategy implementation. The identified factors will provide impetus for organizations to create and leverage the drivers, fostering a climate for continuous project performance improvements and ultimately giving them the ability for moving to higher levels of maturity. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / (M.B.A.)

Project finance : analysis and cases.

Morgan, Raymond Scott January 1976 (has links)
Thesis. 1976. M.S.--Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Alfred P. Sloan School of Management. / Bibliography: leaves 139-142. / M.S.

Abordagem contingencial estruturada de gestão e o sucesso ou fracasso de projetos complexos e incertos em empresas no Brasil. / Adaptive structured approach to management andcomplex and uncertain projects\' sucess and failure in companies in Brazil.

Marques Junior, Luiz José 08 July 2009 (has links)
Os projetos fazem parte da gestão estratégica das empresas na criação e sustentação de suas vantagens competitivas. O portfólio de projetos das empresas é composto por iniciativas relacionadas à busca de inovação e eficiência que envolvem diferentes graus de complexidade e incerteza. Dado o comprovado mau desempenho dos projetos de maneira geral, amplificado pelo maior número de projetos considerados complexos e incertos, novas abordagens de gestão de projetos surgiram em contraponto à abordagem convencional. Dessa forma, este trabalho analisa as dinâmicas de definição e gestão de projetos complexos e incertos de empresas no Brasil, com intuito de observar como certas práticas ou a ausência delas contribuem para o sucesso ou fracasso dos projetos. Para atender aos objetivos deste trabalho, a metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de múltiplos casos. Entre os resultados desta pesquisa, os destaques são apresentados a seguir. Primeiro, uma descrição da dinâmica de definição e gestão de projetos complexos e incertos nas empresas estudadas. Segundo, após a descrição das dinâmicas de cada empresa, foi feita uma análise da contribuição das abordagens descritas para o sucesso ou fracasso do projeto. Terceiro, com a descrição das abordagens e suas contribuições para sucesso ou fracasso dos projetos, foi possível entender, criticar e propor melhorias ao modelo contingencial estruturado de Shenhar e Dvir (2007), que foi utilizado como referencial teórico da pesquisa. / Projects are part of the companies strategic management, contributing to create and sustain competitive advantages. Companies project portfolios are composed by initiatives related to innovation and efficiency, which involve different levels of complexity and uncertainty. Considering the poor performance of projects in general, amplified by the increasing number of complex and uncertain projects in companies portfolios, new managing approaches have been emerging to counterbalance the conventional ones. Thus, this work analyses the dynamics of definition and management of complex and uncertain projects in companies in Brazil, with purpose of observing how certain aspects of the dynamics contribute to projects success and failure. In order to meet this purpose, it has been used the multiple cases study methodology. The results of this research are composed of three parts. First, a description of the dynamics of complex and uncertain projects definition and management in the companies analyzed. Second, after the description of each companys dynamics, an analysis about its contribution to projects success or failure has followed. Third, after completing the description of the dynamics and their contribution to projects success and failure, it was possible to understand, criticize and suggest improvements to the Shenhar and Dvir (2007) structured and adaptive project management approach, which was used as the theoretical reference for this research.

Projectors in seventeenth century England and their relevance to the field of project management

Zekonyte, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
The current established historiography of the field of project management dates back to the 1950s and there is little known about the development of this field prior to the Second World War. Critical scholars within this field have challenged the timeline for project management. This historical research provides evidence of project practices prior to the twentieth century by introducing the activities of projectors, who are currently unacknowledged within the field of project management. The title of projector was assigned to initiators and/or promoters of the idiosyncratic activities that combined elements of public and private gain and were known in the period as projects. The research investigates the genesis of the ‘projector' name and maps out the activities of projectors and their involvement within English industrial and economic development. Projectors and their schemes are explored through three different foci. The first focus is archival, exploring a seventeenth-century project within the textiles industry carried out by the projector Walter Morrell. This analysis highlights a number of practices within Morrell's project similar to modern project management, and potentially informs the history of project management. The second focus is through the lens of the late seventeenth-century writer and projector Daniel Defoe, whose seminal publication on projects was reprinted multiple times and consequently shaped public opinion on projectors and the undertaking of projects, this focus was socio-historical. The third focus relates to public-private interest, which played an important role in projectors’ undertakings and strongly influenced the connotation of the title ‘projector’. This theme is examined through existing PhD theses of scholars who studied the activities of projectors in seventeenth-century England. These three foci inform the contribution this thesis makes to project management history. The originality of this work is in acknowledging the activities of projectors within seventeenth century England, which has implications for project management histories.

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