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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylase-2 in Tibetan high-altitude adaptation, extramedullary erythropoiesis and skeletal muscle ischemia

Myllymäki, M. (Mikko) 07 June 2016 (has links)
Abstract Adequate oxygen supply is necessary for aerobic cell survival. Cellular oxygen deprivation, also known as hypoxia, leads to various responses that aim to increase cellular oxygen delivery and reduce oxygen consumption. Oxygen homeostasis is mainly regulated by the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), which regulates the expression of over 300 genes in response to hypoxia. The stability of HIF is regulated by the HIF prolyl 4-hydroxylases (HIF-P4Hs), enzymes that catalyze the hydroxylation of proline residues in HIFα subunits and target them towards proteasomal degradation. HIF-P4Hs require oxygen as a cosubstrate for the reaction, allowing for hypoxic HIF stabilization and target gene induction at low oxygen concentrations. In this study we investigated the role of HIF-P4H-2 in the regulation of red blood cell production, erythropoiesis. We showed that Tibetans living at high altitude have genetically adapted to their hypoxic environment via mutations in the gene encoding for HIF-P4H-2. The Tibetan HIF-P4H-2 D4E,C127S variant showed enhanced hydroxylation of HIFα at low oxygen concentrations, resulting in reduced HIFα protein stabilization under hypoxia. In other studies we used a genetically modified HIF-P4H-2 hypomorphic mouse line which expresses a reduced amount of wild-type Hif-p4h-2 mRNA in tissues. We showed that these mice develop mild age-dependent erythrocytosis due to splenic extramedullary erythropoiesis, which is independent of serum erythropoietin concentration. In addition, these mice were protected against inflammation-induced anemia, a condition commonly seen in patients with inflammatory diseases. The HIF-P4H-2 hypomorphic mice also had altered basal metabolism in their skeletal muscles, which, together with an increase in mean capillary area, reduced their infarct size after skeletal muscle ischemia-reperfusion injury. These studies suggest that pharmacological HIF-P4H-2 inhibition may provide a novel treatment for EPO-resistant anemias and peripheral artery disease. / Tiivistelmä Riittävä hapensaanti on välttämätöntä aerobisten solujen selviytymiselle. Solun alentunut hapen määrä, toiselta nimeltään hypoksia, johtaa useisiin vasteisiin joiden tarkoituksena on turvata solun hapensaanti ja vähentää hapenkulutusta. Happitasapainoa säätelee hypoksiassa indusoituva tekijä (HIF), joka aktivoi yli 300 geenin luentaa hypoksisissa oloissa. HIFα:n määrää soluissa säätelevät HIF prolyyli-4-hydroksylaasientsyymit (HIF-P4H:t), jotka hydroksyloivat proliini-aminohappotähteitä HIFα-alayksiköissä ja ohjaavat ne proteasomaaliseen hajotukseen. HIF-P4H:t tarvitsevat reaktiossa happea mahdollistaen HIF:n stabilisaation ja kohdegeenien lisääntyneen luennan matalassa hapen osapaineessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitimme HIF-P4H-2-entsyymin roolia punasolujen muodostuksen eli erytropoieesin säätelyssä. Osoitimme, että korkealla vuoristossa asuvat tiibetiläiset ovat geneettisesti sopeutuneet hypoksiseen elinympäristöönsä johtuen HIF-P4H-2-entsyymiä tuottavan geenin mutaatiosta. Tiibetiläisiltä löytynyt HIF-P4H-2D4E,C127S variantti hydroksyloi tehokkaammin HIFα-alayksiköitä matalassa hapen osapaineessa johtaen vähäisempään HIFα-alayksiköiden stabiloitumiseen hypoksiassa. Muissa tutkimuksissamme käytimme geneettisesti muunneltua HIF-P4H-2-hiirikantaa, joka tuottaa alentunutta määrää villityypin Hif-p4h-2 lähetti-RNA:ta kudoksissaan. Näille hiirille kehittyi ikäriippuvaisesti lievä punasoluylimäärä eli erytrosytoosi johtuen pernan kiihtyneestä punasolutuotannosta riippumatta seerumin erytropoietiinikonsentraatiosta. Lisäksi nämä hiiret olivat suojassa tulehduksen aiheuttamalta anemialta, joka on yleinen ilmiö tulehduksellisista sairauksista kärsivillä potilailla. HIF-P4H-2-muuntogeenisten hiirten lihasten energia-aineenvaihdunta oli muuttunut siten, että se yhdessä suurentuneen keskimääräisen kapillaaripinta-alan kanssa pienensi vaurioituneen kudoksen pinta-alaa alaraajaiskemia-altistuksen jälkeen. Nämä tutkimukset osoittavat, että lääkkeellinen HIF-P4H-2-entsyymin estäminen on mahdollinen uusi hoitomuoto erytropoietiinille resistenteissä anemioissa sekä alaraajojen valtimoahtaumataudissa.

Hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylases regulating erythropoiesis, and hypoxia-inducible lysyl oxidase regulating skeletal muscle development during embryogenesis

Laitala, A. (Anu) 02 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract Erythropoiesis is the process of red blood cell production. The main regulator is the erythropoietin (EPO) hormone, which is strongly upregulated in low oxygen concentration (hypoxia) in cells via the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF. The stability of HIF is regulated in an oxygen-dependent manner by three HIF prolyl 4-hydroxylases, all of which are known to participate in the regulation of erythropoiesis. A role in erythropoiesis of a fourth prolyl 4-hydroxylase, P4H-TM, which possesses a transmembrane domain, is not known, but it is able to hydroxylate HIF at least in vitro and in cellulo. The role of P4H-TM in erythropoiesis was studied by administering a HIF-P4H inhibitor, FG-4497, to P4h-tm null, Hif-p4h-3 null, and Hif-p4h-2 hypomorph mouse lines. The current study suggests that P4H-TM is involved in the regulation of EPO production, hepcidin expression and erythropoiesis. P4H-TM can thus be a new target for inhibition when designing novel pharmacological treatment strategies for anemia. LOX is required for crosslink formation between lysine residues in fibrillar collagens and elastin. These crosslinks enhance the tensile strength of collagen fibers and provide elasticity to elastic fibers and thus generate important structural support for tissues. LOX is required for normal embryonic development of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, and its depletion leads to a generalized elastinopathy and collagenolysis leading to perinatal death of Lox null mice. The development of muscles is a delicate process, which requires coordinated signaling and a homeostatic balance between the muscle and muscle connective tissue. Based on the drastic defects that were found in the present study in the skeletal muscle of Lox null mice, lack of LOX clearly disturbs this balance and increases transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) signaling, which leads to defects in the skeletal muscles. The impaired balance can cause muscle disorders, such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Despite the clinical significance, very little is known about the mechanisms controlling this homeostatic balance. The discovery of LOX as a regulating factor during skeletal muscle development will help to clarify the role of extracellular matrix (ECM) in muscle development and in muscle related congenital diseases. / Tiivistelmä Erytropoieesi on fysiologinen prosessi, jossa tuotetaan veren punasoluja ja jonka pääsäätelijänä toimii erytropoietiini (EPO) hormoni. EPO:n geeni ilmentyy voimakkaasti alhaisessa happipitoisuudessa (hypoksia) hypoksia-indusoituvan transkriptiotekijän (HIF) toimesta. HIF-tekijän stabiilisuutta säätelee kolme HIF-prolyyli-4-hydroksylaasientsyymiä (HIF-P4H) hapesta riippuvaisesti, ja niiden tiedetään siten osallistuvan myös erytropoieesin säätelyyn, HIF-P4H-2:n toimiessa pääsäätelijänä. Neljännen transmembraanisen prolyyli-4-hydroksylaasin (P4H-TM) roolia erytropoieesissa ei vielä tiedetä, mutta sen tiedetään säätelevän HIF-tekijää. Työssä käytettiin Hif-p4h-2, Hif-p4h-3 ja P4h-tm muuntogeenisiä hiirilinjoja, joiden entsymaattinen aktiivisuus on alentunut tai poistettu. P4H-TM:n osallisuutta erytropoieesin säätelyyn tutkittiin antamalla hiirilinjoille HIF-P4H-entsyymejä inhiboivaa lääkettä. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat ensimmäistä kertaa P4H-TM:n säätelevän EPO-geenin ilmentymistä ja siten erytropoieesia. Ennestään tiedettyjen HIF-P4H entsyymien inhiboinnin lisäksi P4H-TM:n inhibointia voidaan pitää uutena kohteena uusien farmakologisten hoitokeinojen kehityksessä. Lysyylioksidaasi (LOX) katalysoi säikeisten kollageenien välisten sekä elastisten säikeiden välisten poikkisidosten muodostumista. Pokkisidokset antavat vetolujuutta kollageeneille ja joustavuutta elastisille säikeille ja ovat siten tärkeitä kudoksen rakenteelle. LOX:ia tarvitaan sikiön kehityksen aikana mm. hengitys-, sydän- ja verisuonielimistöjen kehityksessä. LOX:in puutos hiirillä aiheuttaa viallisia elastisia- ja kollageenisäikeitä, johtaen poikasten kuolemaan synnytyksen yhteydessä. Lihasten kehitys on tarkoin säädelty prosessi, jossa lihas ja lihaksen sidekudos säätelevät toisiansa. LOX:n suhteen poistogeenisissä Lox-/- sikiöissä löydettiin selviä ongelmia luurankolihasten kehityksessä. LOX:n puutoksen osoitettiin lisäävän transformoivan kasvutekijä beetan (TGF-β) määrää, joka estää luustolihaksia kehittymästä normaalisti. LOX kykenee sitoutumaan TGF-β:aan ja inhiboimaan sen aktiivisuutta ja LOX:n puuttuessa inhibointia ei tapahdu. Tutkimus osoittaa LOX:n olevan keskeinen tekijä lihaksen kehityksessä ja siten auttaa ymmärtämään sidekudoksen merkitystä luurankolihasten kehityksessä ja siihen liittyvissä sairauksissa.

Hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl 4-hydroxylase-2 in cardiac and skeletal muscle ischemia and metabolism

Karsikas, S. (Sara) 31 March 2015 (has links)
Abstract Oxygen is essential for aerobic organisms, as shortage of oxygen (hypoxia) can induce cellular dysfunctions and even cell death, leading to tissue damage and decreased viability of the organism. Oxygen homeostasis is regulated delicately by several mechanisms, the major one being the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway that is evolutionarily conserved. HIFα subunits are regulated in an oxygen-dependent manner via three HIF prolyl 4-hydroxylases (HIF-P4Hs). In the presence of oxygen HIF-P4Hs modify HIFα, which leads to its degradation, whereas in hypoxia the HIF-P4H enzymes cannot function and HIFα is stabilized. HIF regulates more than 300 genes that enhance oxygen delivery from the lungs to tissues and reduce oxygen consumption in tissues, such as those for erythropoietin and vascular endothelial growth factor. When a tissue suffers from hypoxia caused by a circulatory restriction, the situation is called ischemia. In this study we used a genetically modified HIF-P4H-2 hypomorph mouse line that expresses 8% of the wild-type Hif-p4h-2 mRNA in the heart and 19% in skeletal muscle, and has HIFα stabilization in both tissues. We showed that chronic HIF-P4H-2 deficiency leads to protection against acute ischemic injury both in the heart and in skeletal muscle. The protection was mainly due to enlarged capillaries and better perfusion in both tissues. Hypoxia is known to decrease body weight. The observation of the HIF-P4H-2 deficient mice being leaner than their wild-type littermates led us to study their body constitution, metabolism and adipose tissue in detail. We discovered that chronic HIF-P4H-2 deficiency protects against obesity and several metabolic dysfunctions including diabetes and metabolic syndrome. These beneficial outcomes were mimicked when a pharmacological pan-HIF-P4H inhibitor was administered to wild-type mice. In these studies we showed that pharmacological HIF-P4H-2 inhibition may provide a novel treatment for diseases such as acute myocardial infarction, peripheral artery disease and metabolic disorders. / Tiivistelmä Happi on edellytys aerobisen eliön, kuten ihmisen, elämälle; hapen niukkuus (hypoksia) voi johtaa monenlaisiin solun toimintahäiriöihin, jotka voivat edelleen aiheuttaa solun kuoleman, kyseisen kudoksen vaurion, ja lopulta eliön elinkyvyn heikkenemisen. Happitasapainoa säädellään monilla menetelmillä, joista merkittävin on hypoksiassa indusoituvasta tekijästä (HIF) riippuvainen reitti, joka on evoluutiossa säilynyt. HIFα alayksiköitä säätelee hapesta riippuvaisesti kolme HIF prolyyli 4-hydroksylaasia (HIF-P4Ht). Hapen läsnä ollessa HIF-P4H on aktiivinen ja johtaa HIFα:n hajottamiseen, kun taas hypoksiassa HIF-P4H entsyymit eivät voi toimia ja siten HIFα stabiloituu. HIF säätelee yli 300 geeniä, jotka edistävät hapen kuljetusta ja pääsyä keuhkoista kudoksiin sekä vähentävät hapenkulutusta. Näitä geenejä ovat mm. erytropoietiini sekä vaskulaarinen endoteelikasvutekijä. Kudoksen heikentyneestä verenkierrosta johtuvaa hapenpuutetta kutsutaan iskemiaksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytimme geneettisesti muunneltua HIF-P4H-2 hypomorfi-hiirikantaa, joka tuottaa Hif-p4h-2 lähetti-RNA:ta sydämessä vain 8 % ja luurankolihaksessa 19 % villityypin määrästä, ja jolla on HIFα stabiloituneena molemmissa kudoksissa. Osoitimme, että krooninen HIF-P4H-2:n puute suojaa sekä sydäntä että luurankolihasta akuutissa iskemiassa. Vaikutus johtui pääasiassa suuremmista kapillaareista ja paremmasta perfuusiosta molemmissa kudoksissa. Aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedetään, että hypoksia alentaa painoa. Huomio siitä, että HIF-P4H-2 puutteiset hiiret ovat hoikempia kuin villityypin sisaruksensa, johti meidät tutkimaan hiirten kehon koostumusta, aineenvaihduntaa ja rasvakudosta tarkemmin. Tutkimuksissamme selvisi, että krooninen HIF-P4H-2:n puute suojaa lihavuudelta ja monelta aineenvaihdunnan häiriöltä kuten sokeritaudilta ja metaboliselta oireyhtymältä. Nämä edulliset vaikutukset toistuivat, kun annoimme villityypin hiirille pan-HIF-P4H inhibiittoria. Kaiken kaikkiaan, näissä tutkimuksissa osoitimme, että lääkkeellinen HIF-P4H-2:n estäminen voi tarjota uuden keinon sydäninfarktin, luurankolihasiskemian ja aineenvaihdunnan häiriöiden hoitoon.

Alkaloidy Vinca minor L. a jejich biologická aktivita II. / Vinca minor L. alkaloids and their biological activity II.

Pavuková, Simona January 2021 (has links)
Pavuková, S.:Vinca minor L. alkaloids and their biological activity II. Diploma thesis, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Hradec Králové 2020. Vinca minor L. is a species of species of flowering plant, native mainly to central and southern Europe, which containst more than 50 indole alkaloids. During screening of potential plant inhibitors against human acetylcholinesterase (hAChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (HBChE) at our department, an alkaloidal extract from dried aerial parts of Vinca minor demonstrated strong and selective hBChE inhibitory activity with an IC50 value of 13.60 ± 0.83 μg/mL, however, against hAChE was inactive (IC50 value >100 μg/mL). The fraction VM 323 - 327 (4,72 g) was separated by column chromatography on silica gel again with stepwise elution by using chloroform and ethanol and overall 7 joined fractions were obtained.Subsequently, repeated preparative TLC on silica gel led to isolation of three compounds; the newly isolated substance SP-1, (-)-picrinine (SP-2) and deacetylakuammiline (SP-3). Their structures were elucidated with mass spectrometry (ESI), NMR and optical rotation. Isolated alkaloids were tested on ability to inhibit AChE, BuChE, POP a GSK-3β, which are enzymes playing an important role in...

Hypoxia and hematopoietic stem cell control with the substance Adaptaquin : An evaluation of hematopoietic stem cell’s proliferation and differentiation in artificially induced hypoxia

Christiansen, Jens January 2023 (has links)
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have historically been difficult to maintain ex vivo with many attempts to culture them in vitro by mimicking their natural biological environment. Providing a hypoxic environment is one way to achieve this goal and can be performed by using hypoxia stimulating compounds that inhibits the degradation of HIF1a which plays an important role in regulating hypoxia. For each sample 50 murine HSCs were isolated with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) and cultured with different concentrations of the hypoxia inducible compound Adaptaquin for 13 days followed by analysing with flow cytometry. The results showed an increase in proliferation of treated cells with the highest average total viable cell count for cells treated with 100 nM Adaptaquin of 4,70 ± 1,12 x 105 cells compared to the control which had 2,39 ± 0,76 x 105 cells. The HSC frequency was highest in the control samples with an average of 1,91 ± 0,42 % compared to the 5 mM treated samples with the highest average HSC frequency which was 1,52 ± 0,82 %. The biggest noticeable difference between the control and treated samples was seen when observing the total cell count. The difference in proliferation was on the other hand too small to see significant difference between the samples. The conclusion is that Adaptaquin did not have any significant impact on keeping the cells undifferentiated but could have a potential to be used as a compliment to other factors to maintain HSCs in vitro and to mimic its hypoxic biological environment. / Hematopoetiska stamceller (HSCs) har historiskt sett varit svåra att odla ex vivo och många försök har genomförts in vitro genom att efterlikna deras naturliga biologiska miljö. Att tillhandahålla en hypoxisk miljö är en metod för att uppnå detta och kan göras med användning hypoxi-stimulerande substanser som hämmar nedbrytningen av HIF1a som spelar en viktig roll i regleringen av hypoxi. För varje prov isolerades 50 murina HSCs med fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) och odlades med olika koncentrationer av det hypoxi-inducerande ämnet Adaptaquin under 13 dagar följt av analys med flödescytometri. Resultaten visade en ökning i avseende på proliferationen hos behandlade celler där det högsta genomsnittliga totala antalet levande celler behandlade med 100 nM Adaptaquin som var 4,70 ± 1,12 x 105 celler jämfört med kontrollen som hade 2,39 ± 0,76 x 105 celler. HSC-frekvensen var högst i kontrollproverna med ett genomsnitt på 1,91 ± 0,42 % jämfört med proverna behandlade med 5 mM Adaptaquin som hade den högsta genomsnittliga HSC-frekvensen som låg på 1,52 ± 0,82 %. Den största synliga skillnaden mellan kontroll- och behandlingsprover var synlig när det observerade totala antalet celler jämfördes mellan behandlade prover som i genomsnitt hade fler totala celler. Skillnaden i proliferation var å andra sidan för liten för att se en signifikant skillnad mellan proverna. Slutsatsen är att Adaptaquin inte hade någon signifikant påverkan på att hålla HSCs odifferentierade men kan ha potential att användas som ett komplement till andra faktorer för att odla HSCs in vitro och efterlikna dess hypoxiska biologiska miljö.

Skin from horses with hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) contains collagen crosslinking patterns that are associated with reduced tensile strength

Hill, Ashley Arwen 07 August 2010 (has links)
Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia (HERDA) is a recessive connective tissue disorder of Quarter Horse lineages. This study correlates previously identified decreases in skin tensile strength in HERDA with abnormal dermal collagen cross linking patterns that are also identified in urine from HERDA horses. Dermal collagen from HERDA horses has significantly less pyridinoline and significantly more deoxypyridinoline than control or carriers. Concentrations of hydroxylysine, the rate limiting substrate for these crosslinks were significantly lower in HERDA versus control and carriers. These characteristics of HERDA skin parallel humans with a similar syndrome of skin fragility, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome TypeVIA. This is the first biochemical evidence explaining the clinical skin fragility that characterizes HERDA and suggests that altered collagen lysine metabolism may be physiologically relevant to the clinical manifestation of HERDA. Evaluations of mature scars indicate that lesion and nonlesioned skin should not be viewed as biologically equivalent in HERDA investigations.

Die parallele beta-Helix der Pektat-Lyase aus Bacillus subtilis : Stabilität, Faltungsmechanismus und Faltungsmutanten

Walter, Monika January 2002 (has links)
Die Pektat-Lyasen gehören zu einer Proteinfamilie, die meistens von pflanzenpathogenen Mikroorganismen sekretiert werden. Die Enzyme katalysieren den Abbau von Polygalakturonsäure, einem Hauptbestandteil in <br /> pflanzlichen Mittellamellen und Primärzellwänden. Der Abbau der alpha-1,4-verbrückten Galakturonsäurereste erfogt durch eine beta-Eliminierungsreaktion, dabei entsteht ein Produkt mit einer ungesättigten C4-C5 Bindung am nicht reduzierenden Ende, das durch spektroskopische Messungen beobachtet werden kann. Für die enzymatische Reaktion der Pektat-Lyasen ist Calcium nötig und das pH-Optimum der Reaktion liegt bei pH 8.5. Alle bis jetzt bekannten Strukturen der Pektat- und Pektin-Lyasen haben das gleiche Strukturmotiv - eine rechtsgängige parallele beta-Helix. Die Struktur der Pektat-Lyase aus Bacillus subtilis (BsPel) ist im Komplex mit Calcium gelöst worden. BsPel ist ein monomeres Protein mit einer ungefähren Molekularmasse von 43 kDa, das keine Disulfidbrücken enthält. Dies erlaubte sowohl eine effiziente rekombinante Expression des Wildtypproteins, als auch von destabilisierten Mutanten im Cytoplasma von E. coli. Parallele beta-Helices sind relativ große, jedoch verhältnismäßig einfach aufgebaute Proteine. Um detailliertere Informationen über die kritischen Schritte bei der in vitro-Faltung von parallelen beta-Helices zu erhalten, sollte in der vorliegenden Arbeit versucht werden, den Faltungsmechanismus dieses Proteins näher zu charakterisieren. Dabei sollte vor allem die Frage geklärt werden, welche Wechselwirkungen für die Stabilität dieses Proteins einerseits und für die Stabilität von essentiellen Faltungsintermediaten andererseits besonders wichtig sind.<BR><br>Rückfaltung von BsPel, ausgehend vom guanidiniumchlorid-denaturierten Zustand, war bei kleinen Proteinkonzentrationen und niedrigen Temperaturen vollständig möglich. GdmCl-induzierte Faltungsübergänge waren aber nicht reversibel und zeigten eine apparente Hysterese. Kinetische Messungen des Fluoreszenz- und CD-Signals im fernen UV ergaben eine extreme Denaturierungsmittelabhängigkeit der Rückfaltungsrate im Bereich des Übergangmittelpunktes. Der extreme Abfall der Rückfaltungsraten mit steigender Denaturierungsmittelkonzentration kann als kooperative <br /> Entfaltung eines essentiellen Faltungsintermediats verstanden werden. Dieses Faltungsintermediat ist temperaturlabil und kann durch den Zusatz Glycerin im Renaturierungspuffer stabilisiert werden, wobei sich die Hysterese verringert, jedoch nicht vollständig aufgehoben wird. Durch reverse Doppelsprungexperimente konnten zwei transiente Faltungsintermediate nachgewiesen werden, die auf zwei parallelen Faltungswegen liegen und beide zum nativen Zustand weiterreagieren können. Fluoreszenzemissionsspektren der beiden Intermediate zeigten, daß beide schon nativähnliche Struktur aufweisen. Kinetische Daten von Prolin-Doppelsprungexperimenten zeigten, daß Prolinisomerisierung den geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritt in der Reaktivierung des denaturierten Enzyms darstellt. Desweiteren konnte durch Prolin-Doppelsprungexperimenten an Mutanten mit Substitutionen im Prolinrest 281 gezeigt werden, daß die langsame Renaturierung von BsPel nicht durch die Isomerisierung der einzigen cis-Peptidbindung an Prolin 281 verursacht wird, sondern durch die Isomerisierung mehrerer trans-Proline. Die beiden beobachteten transienten Faltungsintermediate sind somit wahrscheinlich zwei Populationen von Faltungsintermediaten mit nicht-nativen X-Pro-Peptidbindungen, wobei sich die Populationen durch mindestens eine nicht-native X-Pro-Peptidbindung unterscheiden.<BR><br>Der Austausch des Prolinrestes 281 gegen verschiedene Aminosäuren (Ala, Ile, Leu, Phe, Gly) führte zu einer starken Destabilisierung des nativen Proteins und daneben auch zu einer Reduktion in der Aktivität, da die Mutationsstelle in der Nähe der putativen Substratbindetasche liegt. Die Rückfaltungskinetiken der Prolinmutanten war bei 10&#176;C annähernd gleich zum Wildtyp und die geschwindigkeitsbestimmenden Schritte der Faltung waren durch die Mutation nicht verändert. Die durch die Mutation verursachte drastische Destabilisierung des nativen Zustands führte zu einem reversiblen Entfaltungsgleichgewicht bei pH 7 und 10&#176;C. GdmCl-induzierte Faltungsübergänge der Mutante P281A zeigten bei Messungen der Tryptophanfluoreszenzemission und der Aktivität einen kooperativen Phasenübergang mit einem Übergangsmittelpunkt bei 1.1 M GdmCl. Durch die Übereinstimmung der Faltungsübergänge bei beiden Messparametern konnten die Faltungsübergänge nach dem Zwei-Zustandsmodell ausgewertet werden. Dabei wurde eine freie Sabilisierungsenthalpie der Faltung für die Mutante von <nobr>-&nbsp;64.2&nbsp;&#177;&nbsp;0.4&nbsp;kJ/mol</nobr> und eine Kooperativität des Übergangs <br /> von <nobr>-&nbsp;58.2&nbsp;&#177;&nbsp;0.3&nbsp;kJ/(mol&#183;M)</nobr> bestimmt.<BR> <br /> <br>BsPel enthält, wie die meisten monomeren rechtsgängigen parallelen beta-Helix-Proteine, einen internen Stapel wasserstoffverbrückter Asparagin-Seitenketten. Die Mehrheit der erzeugten Mutanten mit Substitutionen im Zentrum der Asn-Leiter (N271X) waren als enzymatisch aktives Protein zugänglich. Die Auswirkung der Mutation auf die Stabilität und Rückfaltung wurde an den Proteinen BsPel-N271T und BsPel-N271A näher analysiert. Dabei führte die Unterbrechung des Asparaginstapels im Inneren der beta-Helix zu keiner drastischen Destabilisierung des nativen Proteins. Allerdings führten diese Mutationen zu einem temperatur-sensitiven Faltungsphänotyp und die Hysterese im Denaturierungsübergang wurde verstärkt. Offenbar wird durch die Unterbrechung des Asparaginstapel ein essentielles, thermolabiles Faltungsintermediat destabilisiert. Der Asparaginstapel wird somit bei der Faltung sehr früh ausgebildet und ist wahrscheinlich schon im Übergangszustand vorhanden. / Pectate lyases belong to a family of proteins secreted by plant pathogenic microbes. The enzymes cleave alpha-1,4 linked galacturonic acid by a beta-elimination that results in an unsaturated product, which can be quantified spectrophotometrically. Calcium is essential for the activity and the pH-optimum is near 8.5. All known structures of pectate and pectin lyases have the same structural motif - a right handed parallel beta-helix. The structure of pectate lyase from Bacillus subtilis (BsPel) has been solved in complex with calcium. It is a monomeric protein, with a molecular mass of about 43 kDa and without disulfide bonds. This allows its high-yield recombinant expression in the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Parallel beta-helices are relative large proteins, however with a simple folding topology. The objective of this work was to characterize the folding mechanism of BsPel. In particular we investigated the role of the interactions of certain residues in the parallel beta-helix for the stability of the native protein and the stability of essential folding intermediates.<br /> <br /> Refolding of BsPel was possible at low protein concentrations and low temperature. However, denaturation of BsPel was not freely reversible. De- and renaturation curves showed a large apparent hysteresis. Furthermore, the folding rate constant deduced from fluorescence and circulardichroism measurements showed a very strong dependence on denaturant concentrations near the midpoint of the renaturation transition. This can be explained with a cooperative unfolding of an essential folding intermediate. Upon stabilisation of the temperature-sensitive intermediate by addition of glycerol in the renaturation buffer, the hysteresis is reduced, but does not disappear. Reverse double mixing kinetic experiments have shown that two transient folding intermediates are on the folding pathway. These intermediates are on parallel pathways and both can fold to the native state. Fluorescence emission spectra have shown the native-like structure of both intermediates. Furthermore, data from proline double mixing kinetic experiments revealed that isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl bonds was responsible for the slow kinetics in the reactivation of the enzyme. However, the isomerization of the single cis-peptidyl-prolyl bond at Pro281 was not responsible for the slowest folding phase observed, but rather the isomerization of other trans-peptidyl-prolyl bonds. Thus, both transient folding intermediates observed probably represent two populations of folding intermediates with non-native X-Pro-peptide bonds. The difference of the two populations is at least one non-native X-Pro-peptide bond.<br /> <br /> Mutations of the proline 281 against various residues (Ala, Ile, Leu, Phe, Gly) resulted in a strong destabilization of the native protein. Also, the activity of the mutant proteins was strong reduced due to the position of the mutation site near the putative active center of the protein. At 10&#176;C the kinetic folding behavior of the proline mutants was not significant changed. However, the strong destabilization of the native state in the proline mutants resulted in a reversible folding equilibrium at pH 7 and 10&#176;C. The unfolding of the P281A mutant was reversible as determined by fluorescence emission and enzyme activity measurements. The coincidence of these detected transitions is consistent with a two-state equilibrium transition. At pH 7 and 10&#176;C the delta G&#176;(H<sub>2</sub>O) for folding of P281A was <nobr>-&nbsp;64.2&nbsp;&#177;&nbsp;0.4&nbsp;kJ/mol,</nobr> with a midpoint of the transition at 1.1 M GdmCl and a cooperativity of <nobr>-&nbsp;58.2&nbsp;&#177;&nbsp;0.3&nbsp;kJ/(mol&#183;M).</nobr><br /> <br /> BsPel has an asparagine ladder in turn 2 of the parallel beta-helix with extensive network of side-chain hydrogen bonds between the Asn residues. Such an Asn-ladder is a conserved feature of many monomeric beta-helices crystallized so far. The middle Asn residue (271) was selected and exchanged for various residues. Most of the mutants were expressed at 25&#176;C as soluble and active proteins but with a significant reduction in yield. Mutants N271T and N271A were selected to study the stability and refolding of these proteins in comparison with the wild-type protein. The substitution in the Asn-ladder did not drastically destabilize the native protein, but caused a temperature-sensitive-folding (tsf) phenotype with an increased hysteresis in the de- and renaturation transition curves. In addition, the disruption of the Asn-ladder resulted in destabilization of an essential, thermosensitive folding intermediate. Thus, the Asn-ladder is formed very early during the folding, probably well before the transition state of folding.

Prolyl-4-hydroxylase domain 3 (PHD3) is a critical terminator for cell survival of macrophages under stress conditions

Swain, Lija 07 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Structural and mechanistic studies on prolyl hydroxylases

Chowdhury, Rasheduzzaman January 2008 (has links)
Oxygen dependent prolyl-4-hydroxylation of the alpha-subunit of the hypoxia inducible transcription factor (HIF-alpha) plays an essential role in the hypoxic response. Hydroxylation of proline residues in the N- or C-terminal oxygen dependent degradation domains (NODD or CODD) increases the affinity of HIF-alpha to the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) by approx. 1000 fold so signalling for HIF-alpha degradation. With limiting oxygen, HIF-alpha hydroxylation slows, it dimerises with HIF-beta and activates the transcription of a gene array. Prolyl-4-hydroxylation also stabilises the triple helix structure of collagen, the most abundant human protein. Both the collagen and the HIF prolyl hydroxylases (PHDs) are Fe(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases. Crystal structures of PHD2 in complex with CODD were determined in the current study. Together with biochemical analyses, the results demonstrate that catalysis involves a mobile region of PHD2 that encloses the hydroxylation site and stabilises the PHD2.Fe(II).2OG complex. When bound to PHD2 the pyrrolidine ring of the non-hydroxylated proline-residue adopts a C⁴-endo conformation. Evidence is provided that 4R-hydroxylation enables a stereoelectronic effect that changes the proline conformation to the C⁴-exo state, as observed when hydroxylated HIF-alpha is bound to pVHL and in collagen. The results help to rationalise NODD/CODD selectivity data for PHD isoforms and the effects of clinically observed mutations on PHD2 catalysis. Analyses on the interaction of nitric oxide with PHD2 are described and discussed with respect to regulation of the hypoxic response by nitric oxide.

Studies on HIF hydroxylases

Webb, James D. January 2008 (has links)
Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is the master regulator of genes involved in adaptation to hypoxia. The stability and transcriptional activity of HIF are regulated by post-translational hydroxylations: prolyl hydroxylation by the prolyl hydroxylase domain-containing enzymes PHD1 – 3 earmarks HIF for proteasomal degradation, whilst asparaginyl hydroxylation by factor inhibiting HIF (FIH) blocks the interaction of HIF with the transcriptional coactivators p300/CBP. The PHDs and FIH hydroxylate HIF directly from molecular oxygen and are therefore oxygen sensors. Recent literature shows that FIH also hydroxylates a number of proteins containing an ankyrin-repeat domain (ARD). Together with reports suggesting that the PHDs are involved in HIF-independent pathways, this suggests that the HIF hydroxylases may have a wide range of non-HIF targets. This thesis describes my investigations into novel substrates of the HIF hydroxylases. This work has characterized the FIH-dependent hydroxylation of the ARD-containing protein Notch1, and defined a consensus sequence for hydroxylation that corresponds to the ankyrin-repeat consensus. Using this consensus potential sites of hydroxylation in a novel ARD FIH substrate, myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 (MYPT1), were identified then subsequently confirmed and characterized. Notch1 competes with HIF for FIH hydroxylation. My experiments show that this occurs because Notch1 is a more efficient substrate than HIF, whilst studies on MYPT1 and other proteins indicate that competitive inhibition of FIH may be a general property of ARDs. There are more than 300 ARD proteins in the human genome, and this thesis demonstrates that FIH may hydroxylate a significant percentage of these. In addition to the analysis of ARD hydroxylation a proteomic investigation into novel PHD3 substrates has identified two candidate proteins, suggesting that the PHDs may also have multiple targets. These results have important implications for oxygen sensing, and indicate that post-translational hydroxylation is likely to be a widespread modification in cell biology.

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