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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att arbeta med särskilt begåvade elever i matematik : Möjligheter och hinder i arbetet med särskilt begåvade elever i matematik – ur ett lärarperspektiv / Working with promising students in mathematics : Opportunities and obstacles in the work with promising students in mathematics – from a teachers’ perspective

Hedin, Nicole, Storm, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka lärares syn på arbetet med särskilt begåvade elever i matematik, samt de möjligheter och hinder som upplevs i det arbetet. Studiens valda metod i undersökningen är kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som vänder sig till lärare. Totalt 18 lärare intervjuades. Data analyserades utifrån ett händelselogiskt perspektiv som ser till både inre och yttre påverkansfaktorer. Av resultatet framkommer det att lärares definition av matematisk särskild begåvning varierar. Samtliga lärare betraktar de inre faktorerna hos eleven som mest betydande i fråga om eleven uppfattas som särskilt begåvad i matematikämnet. Likt elevens motivation, förmåga att kommunicera, dra slutsatser och flexibilitet i ämnet. Majoriteten av de deltagande lärarna i studien förknippar matematiskt särskilt begåvade elever med ett logiskt tänkande. Lärarna ser då till elevens förmåga att se samband, mönster, generalisera och kreativa behärskning i ämnet. Lärarens definition av matematisk särskild begåvning bestämmer vilka elever som identifieras som särskilt begåvade i matematikämnet. Majoriteten lärare, 12 stycken, anser att de har goda förutsättningar att identifiera eleverna i fråga. Ändå är det 13 av lärarna i studien som anser att de inte kan ge de särskilt begåvade eleverna den stimulans som de behöver i matematikundervisningen. Vilket tyder på att en stor del lärare inte vet hur de ska möta de särskilt begåvade elevernas behov i matematikundervisningen. Faktorer som möjliggör arbetet med eleverna i fråga är få och majoriteten lärare anser att de skapar sina egna möjligheter, i den egna undervisningen. Således är lärares inre faktorer, i fråga om erfarenhet och kompetens, av stor betydelse. Däremot upplever lärarna att det finns betydligt fler hinder i arbetet med de särskilt begåvade eleverna i matematik. Dessa hinder utgörs i större utsträckning av yttre faktorer som brist på tid, resurser i form av personal och kompetensutveckling. / This study aims to examine teachers' views on the work with promising students in mathematics, as well as the opportunities and obstacles experienced in that work. The study’s chosen method for data collection is qualitative semistructured interviews aimed at teachers. Data was ana- lyzed from an event logic perspective that comprises both internal and external influencing factors. By looking at the result, it reveals that the teachers’ definition of mathematical promising ability varies. All teachers consider the internal factors of the pupil as most significant in terms of whether the pupil is perceived as promising in the subject of mathematics. Such as the pupils’ motivation, ability to communicate, draw conclusions and flexibility on the subject. The majority of the participating teachers in the study associates mathematically promising pupils with a logical thinking. The teachers then look at the pupil's ability to see connections, patterns, generalize and creative mastery of the subject. The teachers' definition of mathematical promising ability determines which students are identified as promising in the subject. The majority of teachers, twelve, consider themselves to have good chances to succeed with identi- fying the pupils in question. Yet, thirteen of the teachers in the study believe that they do not provide the mathematically promising students with the stimulus they need. Suggesting that a large number of teachers do not know how to meet the needs of mathematically promising pupils. Factors that enable the work with the pupils in question are few and the majority of teachers believe that they create their own opportunities, in their own classroom teaching. Thus, the teachers' internal factors, in terms of experience and competence, are of great importance. However, the teachers experience that there are far more obstacles in the work with the mathematically promising pupils. These barriers consist to a greater extent of external factors such as lack of time, resources in the form of staff and professional development.

Técnicas de aumento de eficiência para metaheurísticas aplicadas a otimização global contínua e discreta / Efficiency--enhancement techniques for metaheuristics applied and continuous global optimization

Melo, Vinícius Veloso de 07 December 2009 (has links)
Vários problemas do mundo real podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização global, os quais são comuns em diversos campos da Engenharia e Ciência. Em geral, problemas complexos e de larga-escala não podem ser resolvidos de forma eficiente por técnicas determinísticas. Desse modo, algoritmos probabilísticos, como as metaheurísticas, têm sido amplamente empregados para otimização global. Duas das principais dificuldades nesses problemas são escapar de regiões sub-ótimas e evitar convergência prematura do algoritmo. À medida que a complexidade do problema aumenta, devido a um grande número de variáveis ou de regiões sub-ótimas, o tempo computacional torna-se grande e a possibilidade de que o algoritmo encontre o ótimo global diminui consideravelmente. Para solucionar esses problemas, propõe-se o uso de técnicas de aumento ou melhoria de eficiência. Com essas técnicas, buscase desenvolver estratégias que sejam aplicáveis a diversos algoritmos de otimização global, ao invés de criar um novo algoritmo de otimização ou um algoritmo híbrido. No contexto de problemas contínuos, foram desenvolvidas técnicas para determinação de uma ou mais regiões promissoras do espaço de busca, que contenham uma grande quantidade de soluções de alta qualidade, com maior chance de conterem o ótimo global. Duas das principais técnicas propostas, o Algoritmo de Otimização de Domínio (DOA) e a arquitetura de Amostragem Inteligente (SS), foram testadas com sucesso significativo em vários problemas de otimização global utilizados para benchmark na literatura. A aplicação do DOA para metaheurísticas produziu melhoria de desempenho em 50% dos problemas testados. Por outro lado, a aplicação da SS produziu reduções de 80% da quantidade de avaliações da função objetivo, bem como aumentou a taxa de sucesso em encontrar o ótimo global. Em relação a problemas discretos (binários), foram abordados problemas nos quais existem correlações entre as variáveis, que devem ser identificadas por um modelo probabilístico. Das duas técnicas de aumento de eficiência propostas para esses problemas, a técnica denominada Gerenciamento do Tamanho da População (PSM) possibilita a construção de modelos probabilísticos mais representativos. Com o PSM foi possível atingir uma redução de cerca de 50% na quantidade de avaliações, mantendo a taxa de sucesso em 100%. Em resumo, as técnicas de aumento de eficiência propostas mostramse capazes de aumentar significativamente o desempenho de metaheurísticas, tanto para problemas contínuos quanto para discretos / Several real-world problems from various fields of Science and Engineering can be modeled as global optimization problems. In general, complex and large-scale problems can not be solved eficiently by exact techniques. In this context, Probabilistic algorithms, such as metaheuristics, have shown relevant results. Nevertheless, as the complexity of the problem increases, due to a large number of variables or several regions of the search space with sub-optimal solutions, the running time augments and the probability that the metaheuristics will find the global optimum is significantly reduced. To improve the performance of metaheuristics applied to these problems, new eficiency-enhancement techniques (EETs) are proposed in this thesis. These EETs can be applied to different types of global optimization algorithms, rather than creating a new or a hybrid optimization algorithm. For continuous problems, the proposed EETs are the Domain Optimization Algorithm (DOA) and the Smart Sampling (SS) architecture. In fact, they are pre-processing algorithms that determine one or more promising regions of the search-space, containing a large amount of high-quality solutions, with higher chance of containing the global optimum. The DOA and SS were tested with signicant success in several global optimization problems used as benchmark in the literature. The application of DOA to metaheuristics produced a performance improvement in 50% of problems tested. On the other hand, the application of SS have produced reductions of 80% of the evaluations of the objective function, as well as increased the success rate of finding the global optimum. For discrete problems (binary), we focused on metaheuristics that use probabilistic models to identify correlations among variables that are frequent in complex problems. The main EET proposed for discrete problems is called Population Size Management (PSM), which improves the probabilistic models constructed by such algorithms. The PSM produced a reduction of 50% of function evaluations maintaining the success rate of 100%. In summary, the results show that the proposed EETs can significantly increase the performance of metaheuristics for both discrete and continuous problems

Seleção de espécies/procedências e propagação vegetativa de Eucalyptus spp. na região norte de Santa Catarina / Selection of species origins and vegetative propagation of Eucalyptus spp. in North of Santa Catarina - Brazil

Frigotto, Taciana 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudia Rocha (claudia.rocha@udesc.br) on 2017-12-08T11:11:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF16MA057.pdf: 1146330 bytes, checksum: 87ce579ee0bdc4ea559098e0a886c2f6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-08T11:11:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF16MA057.pdf: 1146330 bytes, checksum: 87ce579ee0bdc4ea559098e0a886c2f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / PROMOP / The objective was to rescue, preserve and multiply the genetic material of the best species/origins selected Eucalyptus spp., to southern Brazil and select the best clones for propagation in Commercial level. The forest Eucalyptus spp. the study is located in the city of Rio Negrinho, SC. The forest was planted in December 1999. The species of the gender Eucalyptus sp. present in the experimental area are grown from seeds, from different locations. For selection of the best sources, subjects were evaluated for survival, height, diameter at breast height, volume, and features like the trunk tortuosity and fork. For vegetative material rescue experiment was applied the techniques of annealing and semi-annealing nine potential species, where individuals were evaluated number of shoots, number of cutting, survival and rooting. The same was evaluated according to the youthfulness through different heights from the ground for E. benthamii. The potential species for quantitative and qualitative variables, as well as the ranking used to select the best species, three species that stood out were E. dunni, E. benthamii and E. dorrigoensis. Regarding the origins for E. smithii the origin Wilson Promontorj to E.benthamii Australia, as well as E. viminalis and E. deanei the origin Manville SC and E. macarthurii Pieter Maritz. Among the vegetative recovery methods tested, the girdling showed better results due to the issuance of shoots. For the survival and 12 13 rooting of seedlings it is necessary to further study since only E. deanei embedded material obtained using IBA at 3000 mg L-¹. As for the issue of shoots depending on the degree of youthfulness to E. benthamii is recommended to perform the incision in the trees at the height of 20 and 50 cm above the ground, and new studies because not yielded results as the survival and rooting of cuttings / O objetivo do estudo foi resgatar, conservar e multiplicar o material genético das melhores espécies/procedências selecionadas de Eucalyptus spp., para a região norte de Santa Catarina e selecionar os melhores clones para a propagação em nível comercial. O povoamento de Eucalyptus spp. do estudo está localizada no município de Rio Negrinho, SC. O talhão foi plantado em dezembro de 1999. As espécies do gênero Eucalyptussp. presentes na área experimental são oriundas de sementes, provenientes de diversos locais. Para seleção das melhores procedências, os indivíduos foram avaliados quanto à sobrevivência, altura, diâmetro à altura do peito, volume, e características qualitativas como tortuosidade do tronco e bifurcação. Para o experimento de resgate de material vegetativo foramaplicadas as técnicas de anelamento e semianelamento em nove espécies potenciais, onde os indivíduos foram avaliados em termos de número de brotações, número de estacas, sobrevivência e enraizamento. O mesmo foi avaliado em função da juvenilidade através das diferentes alturas em relação ao solo para a E. benthamii. As espécies potencias em relação às variáveis quantitativas e qualitativas, assim como o ranking utilizado para selecionar as melhores espécies, as três espécies que se destacaram foram E. dunni. E. benthamiie E. dorrigoensis. Em relação as procedências para E. smithii a procedência de Wilson Promontorj, para E.benthamii a Austrália, assim como para E. deanei e E. viminalis a procedência Manville SC, e para E. macarthuriiPieter Maritz. Dentre os métodos de resgate vegetativo testados, o anelamento apresentou melhores resultados em função da emissão de brotações. Para a sobrevivência e o enraizamento dos propágulos torna-se necessário novos estudos uma vez que apenas E. deanei obteve 8 9 material enraizado com a utilização de AIB na concentração de 3.000 mg L-¹. Quanto a emissão de brotos em função do grau de juvenilidade para E. benthamii, recomenda-se realizar a incisão nas árvores na altura de 20 e 50 cm acima do solo, e a realização de novos estudos pois não obteve-se resultado quanto a sobrevivência e enraizamento das estacas

Técnicas de aumento de eficiência para metaheurísticas aplicadas a otimização global contínua e discreta / Efficiency--enhancement techniques for metaheuristics applied and continuous global optimization

Vinícius Veloso de Melo 07 December 2009 (has links)
Vários problemas do mundo real podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização global, os quais são comuns em diversos campos da Engenharia e Ciência. Em geral, problemas complexos e de larga-escala não podem ser resolvidos de forma eficiente por técnicas determinísticas. Desse modo, algoritmos probabilísticos, como as metaheurísticas, têm sido amplamente empregados para otimização global. Duas das principais dificuldades nesses problemas são escapar de regiões sub-ótimas e evitar convergência prematura do algoritmo. À medida que a complexidade do problema aumenta, devido a um grande número de variáveis ou de regiões sub-ótimas, o tempo computacional torna-se grande e a possibilidade de que o algoritmo encontre o ótimo global diminui consideravelmente. Para solucionar esses problemas, propõe-se o uso de técnicas de aumento ou melhoria de eficiência. Com essas técnicas, buscase desenvolver estratégias que sejam aplicáveis a diversos algoritmos de otimização global, ao invés de criar um novo algoritmo de otimização ou um algoritmo híbrido. No contexto de problemas contínuos, foram desenvolvidas técnicas para determinação de uma ou mais regiões promissoras do espaço de busca, que contenham uma grande quantidade de soluções de alta qualidade, com maior chance de conterem o ótimo global. Duas das principais técnicas propostas, o Algoritmo de Otimização de Domínio (DOA) e a arquitetura de Amostragem Inteligente (SS), foram testadas com sucesso significativo em vários problemas de otimização global utilizados para benchmark na literatura. A aplicação do DOA para metaheurísticas produziu melhoria de desempenho em 50% dos problemas testados. Por outro lado, a aplicação da SS produziu reduções de 80% da quantidade de avaliações da função objetivo, bem como aumentou a taxa de sucesso em encontrar o ótimo global. Em relação a problemas discretos (binários), foram abordados problemas nos quais existem correlações entre as variáveis, que devem ser identificadas por um modelo probabilístico. Das duas técnicas de aumento de eficiência propostas para esses problemas, a técnica denominada Gerenciamento do Tamanho da População (PSM) possibilita a construção de modelos probabilísticos mais representativos. Com o PSM foi possível atingir uma redução de cerca de 50% na quantidade de avaliações, mantendo a taxa de sucesso em 100%. Em resumo, as técnicas de aumento de eficiência propostas mostramse capazes de aumentar significativamente o desempenho de metaheurísticas, tanto para problemas contínuos quanto para discretos / Several real-world problems from various fields of Science and Engineering can be modeled as global optimization problems. In general, complex and large-scale problems can not be solved eficiently by exact techniques. In this context, Probabilistic algorithms, such as metaheuristics, have shown relevant results. Nevertheless, as the complexity of the problem increases, due to a large number of variables or several regions of the search space with sub-optimal solutions, the running time augments and the probability that the metaheuristics will find the global optimum is significantly reduced. To improve the performance of metaheuristics applied to these problems, new eficiency-enhancement techniques (EETs) are proposed in this thesis. These EETs can be applied to different types of global optimization algorithms, rather than creating a new or a hybrid optimization algorithm. For continuous problems, the proposed EETs are the Domain Optimization Algorithm (DOA) and the Smart Sampling (SS) architecture. In fact, they are pre-processing algorithms that determine one or more promising regions of the search-space, containing a large amount of high-quality solutions, with higher chance of containing the global optimum. The DOA and SS were tested with signicant success in several global optimization problems used as benchmark in the literature. The application of DOA to metaheuristics produced a performance improvement in 50% of problems tested. On the other hand, the application of SS have produced reductions of 80% of the evaluations of the objective function, as well as increased the success rate of finding the global optimum. For discrete problems (binary), we focused on metaheuristics that use probabilistic models to identify correlations among variables that are frequent in complex problems. The main EET proposed for discrete problems is called Population Size Management (PSM), which improves the probabilistic models constructed by such algorithms. The PSM produced a reduction of 50% of function evaluations maintaining the success rate of 100%. In summary, the results show that the proposed EETs can significantly increase the performance of metaheuristics for both discrete and continuous problems

'n Karakterbouprogram vir verdere onderwys en opleidingskolleges / Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks

Freeks, Fazel Ebrihiam January 2007 (has links)
Value and character education possess the inherent building blocks for the preservation of a healthy society. It is the art of life that keeps the environment friendly, free and safe allowing earth's inhabitants to play, to live and to work in peace. Value and character education possess values that remove evil from society and institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, etc. One of the primary aims of value and character education is to allow learners to experience life at its' fullest. The main purpose of this study is the development of an effective character building program for a specific further education and training college. It is obvious from the available literature that society is experiencing a crisis regarding values, character and morality. The decline of human and societal values portrayed in the media has compelled the current government to initiate a value educational program in schools. The values of the government however, are focused on nation building, democracy and human rights with the purpose of overcoming the inequalities and injustices of the apartheid system. However, the inhabitants of South Africa seek more than aspects based on democracy, nation building and human rights. They seek values that promote moral behaviour, values of work ethics and values that are aimed at developing their full potential. Value and character education could probably ensure the provision of a successful life and future for today's youth. The researcher has therefore investigated and analysed the precise meanings of the following terms: values, norms, principles, standards, ethics, character education, values education. Various character educational programs that succeeded in oversees countries were also studied. Focus was also given to educational guidelines including principles, outcomes and promising practices that the lecturer could use in the classroom to stimulate the students and to promote character education. To determine what the present value orientation of the students are, a questionnaire was compiled for further education and training colleges in the North-West Province. To ascertain the opinions and contributions of values education and character education, semi-structured interviews were held with the student council, the head of the support services and an official of the student support services. The overall aim of the study is: To create a character-building program for further education and training colleges after establishing the value orientation of the students. This empirical research has pointed out specific problem areas and has shown that it is not only essential but also urgent to implement a value and character educational program for further education and training colleges. Guidelines for such a program have been set on the basis of this study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

'n Karakterbouprogram vir verdere onderwys en opleidingskolleges / Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks

Freeks, Fazel Abrihiam January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Talking academics, practicing care : a student-centered analysis of caring in academically promising, low-income high schools

Smith, Pamela Ann, 1955- 14 May 2015 (has links)
This student-centered analysis of caring in three academically promising, low-income public high schools in Texas used an instrumental case study design (Stake, 1998) to investigate students' perceptions and experiences of receiving care in high school. The analysis also examined the teacher and administrator practices that contributed to students' experience of receiving care, and considered the resources that supported the adults' caring practice at the three schools. Archival data consisting of open-ended interviews with students, teachers, administrators, and school staff were analyzed qualitatively. Results suggest that caring should be evaluated in context. In the high school context students experience care through having their teachers' and administrators’ help and support with academics. Results also suggest that students experience caring through teacher and administrator behaviors and attitudes that respond to their developmental needs. That is, they experience care when adults at school establish a style and pattern of interaction similar to "authoritative parenting" (Baumrind, 1987). Recognition from adults in the school is very important for high school students, and especially salient for low-income and minority adolescents who often receive negative and discriminatory feedback from the community. / text

'n Karakterbouprogram vir verdere onderwys en opleidingskolleges / Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks

Freeks, Fazel Ebrihiam January 2007 (has links)
Value and character education possess the inherent building blocks for the preservation of a healthy society. It is the art of life that keeps the environment friendly, free and safe allowing earth's inhabitants to play, to live and to work in peace. Value and character education possess values that remove evil from society and institutions such as schools, colleges, universities, etc. One of the primary aims of value and character education is to allow learners to experience life at its' fullest. The main purpose of this study is the development of an effective character building program for a specific further education and training college. It is obvious from the available literature that society is experiencing a crisis regarding values, character and morality. The decline of human and societal values portrayed in the media has compelled the current government to initiate a value educational program in schools. The values of the government however, are focused on nation building, democracy and human rights with the purpose of overcoming the inequalities and injustices of the apartheid system. However, the inhabitants of South Africa seek more than aspects based on democracy, nation building and human rights. They seek values that promote moral behaviour, values of work ethics and values that are aimed at developing their full potential. Value and character education could probably ensure the provision of a successful life and future for today's youth. The researcher has therefore investigated and analysed the precise meanings of the following terms: values, norms, principles, standards, ethics, character education, values education. Various character educational programs that succeeded in oversees countries were also studied. Focus was also given to educational guidelines including principles, outcomes and promising practices that the lecturer could use in the classroom to stimulate the students and to promote character education. To determine what the present value orientation of the students are, a questionnaire was compiled for further education and training colleges in the North-West Province. To ascertain the opinions and contributions of values education and character education, semi-structured interviews were held with the student council, the head of the support services and an official of the student support services. The overall aim of the study is: To create a character-building program for further education and training colleges after establishing the value orientation of the students. This empirical research has pointed out specific problem areas and has shown that it is not only essential but also urgent to implement a value and character educational program for further education and training colleges. Guidelines for such a program have been set on the basis of this study. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Advanced methods and models in uncertainty for the order promising process in supply chain characterized by the lack of homogeneity in product

Grillo Espinoza, Hanzel 22 September 2019 (has links)
The Lack of Homogeneity in the Product (LHP) appears in productive processes with raw materials, which directly stem from nature and/or production processes with operations that confer heterogeneity to the characteristics of the outputs obtained, even when the inputs used are homogeneous. LHP appears in different sectors such as ceramic tile, horticulture, marble, snacks, among others. LHP becomes a managerial problem when customers require to be served with homogeneous product. Supply chains responsible to provide homogeneous product face the need to include classification activities in their productive processes to obtain sub-lots of homogeneous product. Due to the inherent LHP uncertainty, these homogeneous sub-lots will not be known until the product have been produced and classified. An improper management of the LHP can have a very negative impact on the customers' satisfaction due to inconsistencies in the answer to their requirements and also on the Supply Chain's efficiency. The Order Promising Process (OPP) appears as a key element for properly managing the LHP in order to ensure the matching of uncertain homogeneous supply with customer order proposals. The OPP refers to the set of business activities that are triggered to provide a response to the orders from customers. These activities are related to the acceptance/rejection decision, and to set delivery dates. For supply chains affected by the LHP, the OPP must consider the homogeneity as another requirement in the answer to the orders. Besides, due to the LHP inherent uncertainty, discrepancies between the real and planned homogeneous quantities might provoke that previously committed orders cannot be served. The Shortage Planning (SP) process intends to find alternatives in order to minimise the negative impact on customers and the supply chain. Considering LHP in the OPP brings a set of new challenging features to be addressed. The conventional approach of assuming homogeneity in the product for the master production schedule (MPS) and the quantities Available-To-Promise (ATP) derived from it is no longer adequate. Instead, both the MPS and ATP should be handled in terms of homogeneous sub-lots. Since the exact quantity of homogeneous product from the planned lots in the MPS is not exactly known until the classification activities have been performed, the ATP also inherits this uncertainty, bringing a new level of complexity. Non-homogeneous product cannot be accumulated in order to fulfil future incoming orders. Even more, if the product handled is perishable, the homogeneity management becomes considerably more complex. This is because the state of the product is dynamic with time and related variables to it, like quality, price, etc., could change with time. This situation could bring unexpected wasting costs apart from the shortages already mentioned. The perishability factor is itself another source of uncertainty associated to the LHP. This dissertation proposes a conceptual framework and different mathematical programming models and tools, in both deterministic and uncertainty environments, in order to support the OPP and SP under LHP's effect. The aim is to provide a reliable commitment with customer orders looking for a high service level not just in the due date and quantity but also in the homogeneity requirements. The modelling of the characteristics inherent to LHP under deterministic context constitutes itself one of the main contribution of this dissertation. Another novelty consists in the inclusion of uncertainty in the definition of homogeneous sub-lots, their quantities and their dynamic state and value. The uncertainty modelling approach proposed is mainly based on the application of fuzzy set theory and possibility theory. The proposed mathematical models and tools have been validated in real cases of SC, specifically in the ceramic tile sector for non perishables, and in the fruit sector for perishables. The results show a ... / La Falta de Homogeneidad en el Producto (LHP, por sus siglas del inglés ``Lack of Homogeneity in the Product'') aparece en procesos productivos con materias primas que derivan directamente de la naturaleza y/o procesos de producción con operaciones que confieren heterogeneidad a las características de los productos obtenidos, incluso cuando los insumos utilizados son homogéneos. La LHP aparece en diferentes sectores como la cerámica, horticultura, mármol, snacks, entre otros. Se convierte en un problema gerencial cuando los clientes requieren homogeneidad en el producto y las cadenas de suministro enfrentan la necesidad de incluir actividades de clasificación en sus procesos productivos para obtener sub-lotes de producto homogéneo. Debido a la incertidumbre inherente a la LHP, los sub-lotes homogéneos y su cantidad no serán conocidos hasta que el producto haya sido producido y clasificado. Una gestión inadecuada de la LHP puede tener un impacto muy negativo en la satisfacción de los clientes debido a inconsistencias en la respuesta a sus requerimientos y también en la eficacia de la Cadena de Suministro. El Proceso de Comprometer de Pedido (OPP, por sus siglas del inglés ``Order Promising Process'') aparece como un elemento clave para gestionar adecuadamente la LHP, con el fin de asegurar la coincidencia entre el suministro incierto de producto homogéneo y las propuestas de pedido del cliente. El OPP se refiere al conjunto de actividades empresariales realizadas para proporcionar una respuesta a las órdenes de los clientes. Estas actividades están relacionadas con las decisiones de aceptación/rechazo, y establecimiento de fechas de entrega para las órdenes del cliente. En las cadenas de suministro afectadas por la LHP, el OPP debe considerar la homogeneidad como otro requisito adicional en la respuesta a los pedidos. Además, debido a la incertidumbre intrínseca de la LHP, las discrepancias entre las cantidades homogéneas reales y planificadas podrían provocar que las órdenes comprometidas anteriormente no puedan ser completadas debido a la escasez de producto. El proceso de planificación de la escasez (SP, por sus siglas del inglés "Shortage Planning") se encarga de encontrar alternativas para minimizar este impacto negativo en los clientes y la cadena de suministro. Considerar la LHP dentro del OPP implica un conjunto nuevo de características desafiantes que deben ser abordadas. El enfoque convencional de asumir la homogeneidad en el producto para el programa maestro de producción (MPS, por sus siglas del inglés "Master Production Schedule") y las cantidades disponibles a comprometer (ATP, por sus siglas del inglés "Available-To-Promise") derivadas de él, no es adecuado. En cambio, tanto el MPS como el ATP deben manejarse en términos de sub-lotes homogéneos. Dado que la cantidad exacta de producto homogéneo de los lotes previstos en el MPS no se sabe exactamente hasta que se han realizado las actividades de clasificación, el ATP también hereda esta incertidumbre, trayendo un nuevo nivel de complejidad. El producto no homogéneo no se puede acumular para satisfacer futuras órdenes entrantes. Más aún, si el producto manipulado es perecedero, el manejo de la homogeneidad se vuelve mucho más complejo. Esto se debe a que el estado del producto es dinámico en el tiempo, y variables relacionadas como calidad, precio, etc., podrían también cambiar con el tiempo. Esta situación puede provocar costos inesperados de desperdicio aparte de la escasez ya mencionada. El factor de perecedero es en sí mismo otra fuente de incertidumbre asociada a la LHP. Esta disertación propone un marco conceptual y diferentes modelos y herramientas de programación matemática, tanto en entornos deterministas como de incertidumbre, para apoyar al OPP y SP considerando el efecto de LHP. El objetivo es proporcionar un compromiso fiable con los pedidos de los clientes en busca de un alto nivel de servicio no s / La Falta d'Homogeneïtat en el Producte (LHP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés ''Lack of Homogeneity in the Product'') apareix en processos productius amb matèries primes que deriven directament de la natura i/o processos de producció amb operacions que conferixen heterogeneïtat a les característiques dels productes obtinguts, fins i tot quan les entrades utilitzades són homogènies . La LHP apareix en diferents sectors com la ceràmica, horticultura, marbre, snacks, entre altres. Es convertix en un problema gerencial quan els clients requereixen homogeneïtat en el producte i les cadenes de subministrament enfronten la necessitat d'incloure activitats de classificació en els seus processos productius per a obtindre sublots de producte homogeni. A causa de la incertesa inherent a la LHP, els sublots homogenis i la seua quantitat no seran coneguts fins que el producte haja sigut produït i classificat. Una gestió inadequada de la LHP pot tindre un impacte molt negatiu en la satisfacció dels clients degut a inconsistències en la resposta als seus requeriments i també en l'eficàcia de la Cadena de Subministrament. El Procés de Comprometre Comandes (OPP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés ''Order Promising Process'') apareix com un element clau per a gestionar adequadament la LHP, a fi d'assegurar la coincidència entre el subministrament incert de producte homogeni i les propostes de comanda del client. L'OPP es refereix al conjunt d'activitats empresarials realitzades per a proporcionar una resposta a les ordres dels clients. Aquestes activitats estan relacionades amb les decisions d'acceptació/rebuig, i establiment de dates de lliurament per a les ordres del client. En les cadenes de subministrament afectades per la LHP, l'OPP ha de considerar l'homogeneïtat com un altre requisit addicional en la resposta a les comandes. A més, a causa de la incertesa intrínseca de la LHP, les discrepàncies entre les quantitats homogènies reals i planificades podrien provocar que les ordres compromeses anteriorment no puguen ser completades a causa de l'escassetat de producte. El procés de planificació de l'escassetat (SP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Shortage Planning") s'encarrega de trobar alternatives per a minimitzar aquest impacte negatiu en els clients i en la cadena de subministrament. Considerar la LHP dins de l'OPP implica un conjunt nou de característiques desafiants que han de ser abordades. L'enfocament convencional d'assumir l'homogeneïtat en el producte per al programa mestre de producció (MPS, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Master Production Schedule") i les quantitats disponibles a comprometre (ATP, per les seues sigles de l'anglés "Available-To-Promise") derivades d'ell, no és adequat. En canvi, tant el MPS com l'ATP han de manejar-se en termes de sublots homogenis. Atés que la quantitat exacta de producte homogeni dels lots previstos en el MPS no se sap exactament fins que s'han realitzat les activitats de classificació, l'ATP també hereta aquesta incertesa, portant un nou nivell de complexitat. El producte no homogeni no es pot acumular per a satisfer futures ordees entrants. Més encara, si el producte manipulat és perible, el maneig de l'homogeneïtat es torna molt més complex. Açò es deu al fet que l'estat del producte és dinàmic en el temps, i variables relacionades com qualitat, preu, etc., podrien també canviar amb el temps. Aquesta situació pot provocar costos inesperats de rebuig a banda de l'escassetat ja esmentada. El factor de perible és en si mateix un altra font d'incertesa associada a la LHP. Aquesta dissertació proposa un marc conceptual i diferents models i eines de programació matemàtica, tant en entorns deterministes com d'incertesa, per a recolzar a l'OPP i SP considerant l'efecte de LHP. L'objectiu és proporcionar un compromís fiable amb les comandes dels clients a la recerca d'un alt nivell de servei no sols en la data i la quantitat esperades, s / Grillo Espinoza, H. (2017). Advanced methods and models in uncertainty for the order promising process in supply chain characterized by the lack of homogeneity in product [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/91110 / TESIS

Pratiques prometteuses des groupes interdisciplinaires de soutien à l’aide médicale à mourir : une analyse en éthique pragmatique

Perron, Catherine 12 1900 (has links)
L’aide médicale à mourir (AMM) a été introduite au Québec en décembre 2015. Chaque année, les instances régulatrices confirment la hausse croissante des demandes auxquelles doit répondre le personnel de la santé et des services sociaux. Pour chaque requête, des médecins, des infirmières et des pharmaciens sont interpellés. Des travailleurs sociaux, des intervenants en soins spirituels, des éthiciens, des gestionnaires et d’autres partenaires sont aussi partie prenante de ce soin de fin de vie. Dans la province, ce sont les groupes interdisciplinaires de soutien (GIS) qui sont mandatés de soutenir ces personnes dans les pratiques administrative, clinique, légale et éthique de l’AMM. Plus de cinq ans après l’implantation des GIS, des variabilités importantes sont observées dans leur constitution, leur rôle et leur fonctionnement. Cette variabilité influence possiblement la disponibilité et l'offre de soutien dont peuvent bénéficier les soignants, de même que l’accès et la qualité des soins et services aux patients. Pour répondre à ces enjeux, nous avons mené une recherche mixte et multiphasée afin de décrire les pratiques clinico-administratives actuelles des GIS, d'en faire l’analyse critique et de soumettre des recommandations visant la valorisation, dans le réseau de la Santé et des Services sociaux, des pratiques jugées comme étant prometteuses. Notre cadre théorique est inspiré de l’éthique pragmatique de John Dewey. La théorie de l'enquête sert d'assise à la méthodologie employée. Trois méthodes ont été privilégiées pour répondre à nos objectifs. D'abord, toutes les personnes impliquées dans la pratique de l'AMM ont été conviées à remplir un questionnaire mixte en ligne. Cette étape permettait une représentativité de l’ensemble des GIS et de la population à l’étude. En deuxième phase, des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été menés avec les coordonnateurs de 24 GIS et les représentantes de 10 maisons de soins palliatifs (MSP). Cette étape permettait d’accéder aux savoirs expérientiels et d’atteindre une profondeur dans le discours des participants. En troisième phase, sept groupes de discussion ont été menés avec 35 coordonnateurs des GIS et représentantes des MSP. À cette étape, la co-construction et la validation des recommandations avec les participants étaient poursuivies. Au total, 24 GIS et 10 MSP ont fait l'objet d'une analyse approfondie. Une cartographie de chaque milieu a été réalisée. Au terme de l’analyse, 30 pratiques et neuf sous-pratiques ont été identifiées comme étant prometteuses pour les GIS. Un niveau de recommandation leur a été attribué en fonction de leur caractère novateur, utile et adaptable. Parmi les pratiques prometteuses, on retrouve le partenariat, la communication, la collaboration, le partage d’information et d’outils entre les GIS et avec les MSP. La formation des professionnels, le mentorat, le réseautage et l’interdisciplinarité s’inscrivent aussi comme pratiques à formaliser. L’investissement des participants dans la communauté de pratique des GIS devrait être stimulé, de même que la réciprocité entre les communautés de pratique sur l’AMM dans la province. La communication et l’information à la population doivent impérativement être améliorées. Sous le prisme de l’éthique pragmatique, nous avons étudié la formation des valeurs des GIS et avons réussi à les distribuer sur ce que nous avons appelé le « continuum des GIS ». Entre la responsabilisation des équipes et la prise en charge des demandes d’AMM par les GIS, une approche mitoyenne, axée sur la valeur de soutien, devrait être privilégiée. L’évolution de l’AMM entraîne pour les parties prenantes d’importants besoins de formation, d’information et de soutien. Les complexités légale, éthique et psychosociale afférentes à cette pratique justifient la pérennité et l’investissement dans les GIS pour les années à venir. / Medical assistance in dying (MAiD) was introduced in Quebec in December 2015. Every year, regulatory bodies confirm the growing number of requests that health and social services personnel must respond to. For each request, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists are called upon. Social workers, spiritual care workers, ethicists, managers, and other partners are also involved in this end-of-life care. In the province, interdisciplinary support groups (ISGs) are mandated to support these people in the administrative, clinical, legal, and ethical practices of the MAiD. More than five years after the implementation of the ISGs, significant variability has been observed in their constitution, role, and functioning. This variability may influence the availability and the type of support for health care providers as well as access to and quality of care and services for patients. To address these issues, we conducted a mixed, multi-phase research project to describe current clinical-administrative practices of ISGs, to critically analyze them, and to submit recommendations for the development of practices deemed promising in the Health and Social Services network. Our theoretical framework is inspired by John Dewey’s pragmatic ethics. The theory of enquiry serves as the basis for the methodology employed. Three methods were chosen to meet our objectives. First, all those involved in the practice of MAiD were invited to complete a mixed online survey. This step allowed for representativeness of all ISGs and of the population under study. In the second phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the coordinators of 24 ISGs and representatives of 10 hospices. This stage allowed access to experiential knowledge and depth in the participants' discourse. In the third phase, seven focus groups were conducted with 35 ISG coordinators and hospice representatives. At this stage, the co-construction and validation of the recommendations with the participants were continued. In total, 24 ISGs and 10 hospices were analysed in depth. A mapping of each setting was drawn out. At the end of the analysis, 30 practices and nine sub-practices were identified as promising for ISGs. They were given a recommendation level based on their innovativeness, usefulness, and adaptability. Promising practices included partnership, communication, collaboration, sharing of information and tools between ISGs and with hospices. Training for professionals, mentoring, networking and interdisciplinarity are also practices that should be formalized. The investment of participants in the ISG community of practice should be stimulated, as should reciprocity between the province's MAiD communities of practice. Communication and information to the public must be improved. Through the lens of pragmatic ethics, we have studied the formation of ISG values and have managed to distribute them along what we have called the "ISG continuum". Between the empowerment of teams and the handling of MAiD applications by ISGs, a middle ground approach, focusing on the value of support, should be favoured. The evolution of the MAiD creates significant training, information, and support needs for stakeholders. The legal, ethical and psychosocial complexities of this practice justify the continuation and investment in ISGs for years to come.

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