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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan ur ett lärarperspektiv : en kvalitativ studie / School-Based Health Promotion. Teachers’ Perspective : a qualitative study

Törnblom, Cia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan har visat sig vara en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande arbete. Det hälsofrämjande projektet Hälsoverkstaden genomfördes i 13 skolor i Helsingfors med omnejd under åren 2006-2008 med temaområdena kost, fysisk aktivitet och sömnvanor.Syftet: Att undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av engagemang och deltagande i Hälsoverkstadsprojektet.Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och fokusgrupper användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med 20 lärare från projektskolorna. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: En god kommunikation och samverkan inom skolan och med projektorganisatören avgjorde hur fruktbart projektet i skolan hade varit. Faktorer som påverkade engagemanget var, hur skolan vid starten hade förbundit sig (commitment) och hur kollegiet förhöll sig, stödjande eller mindre stödjande, till projektarbetet. Commitment påverkades också av kommunikationen och informationsflödet. Ledarskapet i skolan hade en inverkan på organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan, vilket inverkade på hanterbarheten och lärarnas engagemang. Lärarna önskade väl utarbetade verktyg som utgick från skolans behov och var formade för att integreras i undervisningen. Skolan upplevdes som en bra arena för att arbeta med hälsa och de valda levnadsvanorna upplevdes som meningsfulla. Projektprocessen hade upplevts som fragmenterad, men också som logisk och lätt. Skolornas målsättningar för projektet var oklara, vilket också kom fram i svårigheten att beskriva implementeringen av verktygen. Trots detta upplevde lärarna att de hade fått nya insikter, positiva erfarenheter och mycket hade genomförts under projektåren.Slutsatser: En god kommunikation och dialog mellan alla berörda parter stöder engagemang och delaktighet i ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan. Ändamålsenligt utarbetat material och organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan gör det hanterbart och begripligt för lärarna / Background: Schools have long been considered a good arena for health promotionactivities. The Health workshop was a health promotion project that was implemented in 13schools in the Helsinki area during 2006–2008. The three health habits used were physicalactivity, nutrition and sleeping patterns.Aim: This study aimed to explore how teachers experienced their participation andengagement in the Health Workshop project.Results: Good communication between schools and project administrators was crucial for afruitful process. Factors such as initial commitment and teachers’ approach, whethersupportive or unsupportive, influenced their experience, and communication andinformation flow influenced their commitment to the project. Internal management figuredimportantly in the project organization, affecting teachers’ ability to manage and participatein the work. Teachers wanted well-designed and easily integrated tools based on theparticular needs of the school. They perceived school as a good arena for health promotion,and they experienced the chosen health habits as meaningful. They ranked the projectprocess as logical and easy, but also as fragmented. The schools’ goals for the project wereunclear, making it difficult to describe the implementation of the tools. However, theteachers’ felt that they gained new insights and positive experiences, and that much had beenaccomplished during the project period.Conclusion: Good communication and active dialogue among all participants supportinvolvement and participation in school-based health promotion projects. Appropriatelydesigned tools and well-organized tasks make health promotion both manageable andunderstandable for teachers. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-96-2</p>

Arbetsgivares förväntningar på skolsköterskor : En innehållsanalys av platsannonser / Employers' expectations on school nurses : A content analysis of job advertisements

Nilsson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Riksföreningen för skolsköterskor och Svensk sjuksköterskeförening beskriver skolsköterskors yrkesspecifika kompetens i termer av sex kärnkompetenser: Personcentrerad vård, Samverkan i team, Evidensbaserad vård, Förbättringskunskap för kvalitetsutveckling, Säker vård samt Informatik. Specialistutbildningen till skolsköterska leder till en magisterexamen i omvårdnad men omvårdnad – som kompetens- och verksamhetsområde – nämns inte i Skollagens beskrivning av elevhälsans utformning. Nationella riktlinjer för skolsköterskors arbete saknas, inom flera områden, p.ga. brist på forskningsstöd. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vilka förväntningar från arbetsgivare som beskrivs i platsannonser för anställningar av skolsköterskor gällande 1) Vilka arbetsuppgifter skolsköterskor ska utföra samt 2) Vilka förhållningssätt och förmågor skolsköterskor ska uppvisa. Metod: En kvantitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats genomfördes på 105 platsannonser för anställningar av skolsköterskor inom kommunala skolor (45) friskolor (25) och bemanningsföretag (35). Resultat: Resultatet visar att arbetsgivare främst förväntar sig att skolsköterskor ska ingå i elevhälsovårdsteamet, arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande, genomföra vaccinationer, arbeta i datajournaler och IT-system samt genomföra hälsobesök. Engagemang i arbetet är det förhållningssätt som oftast efterfrågas. Vidare förväntas att skolsköterskor ska vara självständiga i yrkesutövningen, ha samarbetsförmåga samt kunna skapa goda relationer. Konklusion: Inga platsannonser beskrev några förväntningar från arbetsgivare på att skolsköterskor ska arbeta med omvårdnad. / Background: Professional competence in school nursing is defined in terms of six areas of expertise: Person-centered care, working in interdisciplinary teams, employing evidence-based practice, practicing safe care, applying quality improvement and utilizing informatics. School nurses hold a master´s degree in nursing science, but nursing science – as a professional area of expertise – is not mentioned in the Swedish Education Act. National guidelines for the work of school nurses are not available due to lack of research. Aim: To investigate what expectations are expressed by employers in job advertisements for the recruitment of school nurses regarding (1) what tasks school nurses should perform and (2) what attitudes and abilities school nurses should demonstrate. Method: A content analysis was conducted, guided by an inductive approach, on 105 job advertisements for vacant school nurse positions in municipal schools (45) independent schools (25) and staffing companies (35). Results: Results showed that employers expect school nurses to participate in the student health care team, work with health promotion, disease prevention, vaccinations, medical records, IT-systems and health examinations. Employers expect school nurses to be committed, independent, cooperative and to be able to establish good relationships. Conclusion: No employers expected school nurses to work with care or nursing.

”Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt”: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och… marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet / Double assignment turned out to be triple: fulfillment of learning objectives, work with values and ... marketing! : - A qualitative study of music teachers’ outreach activities

Scheffer, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools’ needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important.   My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises. With outreach activities I mean here the kind of official events that have cultural, tradition-bearing moves and where music teachers often have an additional responsibility for implementation, such as Speech Days, Lucia celebrations, “Open School days”, PTA meetings, et cetera.   Research issues 1) What is the significance of outreach activities expressed by music teachers and principals?   2) Which motives are expressed by the two occupation categories when it comes to outreach activities arranged by the school and how they can be related to the current governing documents?   3) To what extent are these activities and music teacher's work with these integrated in music as a school subject?   Results Outreach music activities play a big role in getting students to develop and demonstrate the basic knowledge and the breadth to which they dedicated themselves through the school’s music classes. As a consequence of that all students have been able to assimilate basic music skills outreach activities has been important to show the excellence of the pupils which they are happy to show, both for their own lifelong and life-wide learning and the school's ability to do PR for it’s well-functioning music activities. This allows the school to continue the good pedagogical work when new students secure the economic basis for the future. If outreach activities are used to give students control over their learning in the right way, it can additionally help to ensure that students stimulates to take an active part in school development at various levels, locally, nationally and internationally.   Music Teachers' motives for carrying out outreach activities varied between unequivocally curriculum-related goals, didactic goals at the individual level as well as PR and marketing-related reasons, with strong emphasis on the curriculum. A concrete motive for music teachers in the study was that all outreach activities are considered as good opportunities to "jam" with students, to gain experience through music situations similar to those that you can meet as a professional musician in the future, such as "master-apprentice" meetings. The strongest motive was to conduct outreach activities in relation to the substance in the curriculum, such as solo singing, choir, accompaniment, melody playing and to reflect on and discuss the importance of music, different genres, sound engineering, et cetera. For a couple of the principals the promotion of the school was of greater importance than for the others. They simply had to be so well performing that they each fall semester can attract a new first year class with students. Several of the principals in the study made a connection between the schools’ outreach activities and its work with values.   There was an almost unanimous agreement that outreach music activities are an integral and very important part of school music education, both among music teachers and principals. However, there were a couple of principals and even music teachers, who argued that the very large outreach activities were not optimally timed opportunities for assessment. Especially the music teachers in the study were in this respect divided into half’s, where the majority on the contrary argued that outreach activities are very important formative and stimulating opportunities for assessment. Even in this respect, i. e. when it comes to how outreach activities can be integrated in music as a school subject, strong arguments can be made to have requirements of curriculum related issues like singing, ensemble playing, accompaniment, melody playing, sound engineering and really almost everything in the curricula.   A polarization or loyalty conflict between prioritizing curriculum-related goals or PR did not seem to be verifiable, empirical data rather told that the participants in this study saw it as two activities in symbiosis. In contrast, some of the experienced music teachers spoke about the importance of "peeling off" unnecessary and costly project, and instead prioritize things that create greater opportunities for the student's musical learning.

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