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Novel Mechanisms Regulating Dopamine Transporter Endocytic Trafficking: Ack1-Controlled Endocytosis And Retromer-Mediated RecyclingWu, Sijia 12 January 2017 (has links)
Dopamine transporters (DAT) facilitate high-affinity presynaptic dopamine (DA) reuptake in the central nervous system, and are required to constrain extracellular DA levels and maintain presynaptic DAergic tone. DAT is the primary target for addictive and therapeutic psychostimulants, which require DAT binding to elicit reward. DAT availability at presynaptic terminals ensures its proper function, and is dynamically regulated by endocytic trafficking. My thesis research focused on two fundamental questions: 1) what are the molecular mechanisms that control DAT endocytosis? and 2) what are the mechanism(s) that govern DAT’s post-endocytic fate? Using pharmacological and genetic approaches, I discovered that a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, activated by cdc42 kinase 1 (Ack1), stabilizes DAT plasma membrane expression by negatively regulating DAT endocytosis. I found that stimulated DAT endocytosis absolutely requires Ack1 inactivation. Moreover, I was able to restore normal DAT endocytosis to a trafficking dysregulated DAT coding variant identified in an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patient via constitutively activating Ack1. To address what mechanisms govern DAT’s post-endocytic fate, I took advantage of a small molecule labeling approach to directly couple fluorophore to the DAT surface population, and subsequently tracked DAT’s temporal-spatial post-endocytic itinerary in immortalized mesencephalic cells. Using this approach, I discovered that the retromer complex mediates DAT recycling and is required to maintain DAT surface levels via a DAT C-terminal PDZ-binding motif. Taken together, these findings shed considerable new light on DAT trafficking mechanisms, and pave the way for future studies examining the role of regulated DAT trafficking in neuropsychiatric disorders.
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Preconditioning of Isolated Rabbit Cardiomyocytes: Induction by Metabolic Stress and Blockade by the Adenosine Antagonist SPT and Calphostin C, a Protein Kinase C InhibitorArmstrong, Stephen, Downey, James M., Ganote, Charles E. 01 January 1994 (has links)
Objective: The aim was to determine if isolated rabbit cardiomyocytes could be preconditioned. Methods: Cardiomyocytes isolated from rabbit hearts were subjected to 15 min oxygenated preincubation, with and without substrate, prior to concentration into an ischaemic slurry, with or without glucose present. The effects of an adenosine agonist (CCPA), an adenosine receptor blocker (SPT), and the protein kinase C blocker, calphostin C, on rates of ischaemic contracture and survival of the myocytes were determined after various times of ischaemia, following resuspension of the cells in hypotonic media. Results: A glucose-free preincubation period protected myocytes from subsequent ischaemic injury, with a 40% reduction of cell death at 90-120 min and 1-2 h delay in cell death. CCPA added during preincubation and during the ischaemic period also tended to protect from injury, but the differences were not significant and protection was less than with a glucose-free preincubation. Although preincubation with CCPA did not precondition, SPT added to the preincubation medium only, or to both the preincubation medium and the ischaemic pellet, inhibited the preconditioning effect of a glucose-free preincubation period. Calphostin C, added only into the ischaemic pellet, inhibited the preconditioning effect of glucose-free preincubation. Conclusions: Glucose-free preincubation protects ischaemic isolated myocytes from subsequent ischaemia. The degree of protection is great enough to account for protection seen in intact hearts, following preconditioning protocols. Protection is blocked by SPT and a highly specific protein kinase C inhibitor, calphostin C. Protection from ischaemic injury that seems to mimic ischaemic preconditioning can be induced in isolated cardiomyocytes, and appears dependent on adenosine receptors and activation of protein kinase C.Cardiovascular Research 1994;28:72-77.
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The overall objective of this thesis was to examine mechanisms involved in the acute regulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-handling properties by second messenger signaling pathways in skeletal and cardiac muscle. The aim of the first study (Chapter Two) was to characterize changes in the kinetic properties of sarco(endo)-plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) proteins in cardiac and skeletal muscles in response to b-adrenergic, Ca2+-dependent calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) and protein kinase C (PKC) signaling. The aim of the second study (Chapter Three) was to determine if insulin signaling could acutely regulate SERCA kinetic properties in cardiac and skeletal muscle. The aim of the final study (Chapter Four) was to determine if alterations in plasma glucose, epinephrine and insulin concentrations during exercise are able to influence SR Ca2+-handling properties in contracting human skeletal muscle.
Data collected in Chapter Two and Chapter Three were obtained using tissue prepared from a group of 28 male Sprague-Dawley rats (9 weeks of age; mass = 280 ?? 4 g: X ?? S.E). Crude muscle homogenates (11:1 dilution) were prepared from selected hind limb muscles (soleus, SOL; extensor digitorum longus, EDL; the red portion of gastrocnemius, RG; and the white portion of gastrocnemius, WG) and the left ventricle (LV). Enriched SR membrane fractions, prepared from WG and LV, were also analyzed. A spectrophotometric assay was used to measure kinetic properties of SERCA, namely, maximal SERCA activity (Vmax), and Ca2+-sensitivity was characterized by both the Ca50, which is defined as the free Ca2+-concentration needed to elicit 50% Vmax, and the Hill coefficient (nH), which is defined as the relationship between SERCA activity and Ca2+f for 10 to 90% Vmax.
The observations made in Chapter Two indicated that b-adrenergic signaling, activated by epinephrine, increased (P<0.05) Ca2+-sensitivity, as shown by a left-shift in Ca50 (i.e. reduced Ca50), without altering Vmax in LV and SOL but had no effect (P<0.05) on EDL, RG, or WG. Further analysis using a combination of cAMP, the PKA activator forskolin, and/or the PKA inhibitor KT5270 indicated that the reduced Ca50 in LV was activated by cAMP- and PKA-signaling mechanisms. However, although the reduced Ca50 in SOL was cAMP-dependent, it was not influenced by a PKA-dependent mechanism. In contrast to the effects of b-adrenergic signaling, CaMKII activation increased SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity, as shown by a left-shift in Ca50 and increased nh, without altering SERCA Vmax in LV but was without effect in any of the skeletal muscles examined. The PKC activator PMA significantly reduced SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity, by inducing a right-shift in Ca50 and decreased nH in the LV and all skeletal muscles examined. PKC activation also reduced Vmax in the fast-twitch skeletal muscles (i.e. EDL, RG and WG), but did not alter Vmax in LV or SOL.
The results of Chapter Three indicated that insulin signaling increased SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity, as shown by a left-shift in Ca50 (i.e. reduced Ca50) and an increased nH, without altering SERCA Vmax in crude muscle homogenates prepared from LV, SOL, EDL, RG, and WG. An increase in SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity was also observed in enriched SERCA1a and SERCA2a vesicles when an activated form of the insulin receptor (A-INS-R) was included during biochemical analyses. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments were conducted and indicated that IRS-1 and IRS-2 proteins bind SERCA1a and SERCA2a in an insulin-dependent manner. However, the binding of IRS proteins with SERCA does not appear to alter the structural integrity of the SERCA Ca2+-binding site since no changes in NCD-4 fluorescence were observed in response to insulin or A-INS-R. Moreover, the increase in SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity due to insulin signaling was not associated with changes in the phosphorylation status of phospholamban (PLN) since Ser16 or Thr17 phosphorylation was not altered by insulin or A-INS-R in LV tissue.
The data described in Chapter Four was collected from 15 untrained human participants (peak O2 consumption, VO2peak= 3.45 ?? 0.17 L/min) who completed a standardized cycle test (~60% VO2peak) on two occasions during which they were provided either an artificially sweetened placebo (PLAC) or a 6% glucose (GLUC) beverage (~1.00 g CHO per kg body mass). Muscle biopsies were collected from the vastus lateralis at rest, after 30 min and 90 min of exercise and at fatigue in both conditions to allow assessment of metabolic and SR data. Glucose supplementation increased exercise ride time by ~19% (137 ?? 7 min) compared to PLAC (115 ?? 6 min). This performance increase was associated with elevated plasma glucose and insulin concentrations and reduced catecholamine concentrations during GLUC compared to PLAC. Prolonged exercise reduced (p<0.05) SR Ca2+-uptake, Vmax, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Ca2+-release rates during both PLAC and GLUC. However, no differences in SR Ca2+-handling properties were observed between conditions when direct comparisons were made at matched time points between PLAC and GLUC.
In summary, the results of the first study (Chapter Two) indicate that b-adrenergic and CaMKII signaling increases SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity in the LV and SOL; while PKC signaling reduces SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity in all tissues. PKC activation also reduces Vmax in the fast-twitch skeletal muscles (i.e. EDL, RG, and WG) but has no effect on Vmax in the LV and SOL. The results of the second study (Chapter Three) indicate that insulin signaling acutely increases the Ca2+-sensitivity of SERCA1a and SERCA2a in all tissues examined, without altering the Vmax. Based on our observations, it appears that the increase in SERCA Ca2+-sensitivity may be regulated, in part, through the interaction of IRS proteins with SERCA1a and SERCA2a. The results of the final study (Chapter Four) indicate that alterations in plasma glucose, epinephrine and insulin concentrations associated with glucose supplementation during exercise, do not alter the time course or magnitude of reductions in SERCA or Ca2+-release channel (CRC) function in working human skeletal muscle. Although glucose supplementation did increase exercise ride time to fatigue in this study, our data does not reveal an association with SR Ca2+-cycling measured in vitro. It is possible that the strength of exercise signal overrides the hormonal influences observed in resting muscles. Additionally, these data do not rule out the possibility that glucose supplementation may influence E-C coupling processes or SR Ca2+-cycling properties in vivo.
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Régulation des hémicanaux de connexine 43 : implication dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiquesAl Hawat, Ghayda 12 1900 (has links)
La connexine 43 (Cx43) est l’unité protéique de base dans la formation des canaux des jonctions gap (JG) responsables des échanges intercellulaires. Toutefois, elle forme aussi des canaux non-jonctionnels à large conductance, nommés hémicanaux (Hc), qui fournissent un accès entre l’intérieure des cellules et le milieu extracellulaire.
Bien qu’ils soient beaucoup moins étudiés que les JG, on estime que les Hc restent
normalement à l’état fermé, et ce, grâce à la phosphorylation des connexines qui les
forment. Suite à un stress ischémique, les Cx43 se déphosphorylent et entraînent ainsi
l’ouverture des Hc de Cx43 (HcCx43), un effet qui compromet la survie des cellules.
La protéine kinase C (PKC) est l’enzyme de phosphorylation qui possède le plus grand nombre de sites de phosphorylation sur la Cx43 en comparaison avec les autres kinases. Ses fonctions dépendent de la mise en jeu d’un répertoire d’au moins 12 isoformes distinctes. Dans les cardiomyocytes, les isoformes de PKC participent au développement des réponses adaptées ou mésadaptées au stress ischémique. Malgré que
la régulation des canaux de Cx43 par la PKC lors d’une ischémie soit bien documentée,
il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de connaissances sur les effets fonctionnels spécifiques qu’exercent des différentes isoformes de PKC sur les HcCx43, ni sur la valeur thérapeutique de la modulation de ses derniers. Dans ce contexte, nous avons proposé que les HcCx43 sont régulés sélectivement et différentiellement par les différentes isoformes de PKC et que l’inhibition spécifique de ces hémicanaux peut protéger le coeur lors d’un événement ischémique. Le présent travail comporte trois études qui ont été entreprises spécialement dans le but de valider ces hypothèses.
Dans la première étude, nous avons profité de l’expertise du laboratoire du Dr
Baroudi dans la dissection des isoformes de PKC pour étudier le rôle fonctionnel de
chacune d’elles dans la régulation des HcCx43 en utilisant une gamme unique de
peptides synthétiques inhibiteurs et activateurs spécifiques des isoformes de PKC, en combinaison avec la technique du patch-clamp. Nous avons démontré, entre autre, que les HcCx43 sont particulièrement inhibés par l’isoforme PKC epsilon, connue pour son effet cardioprotecteur contre les dommages ischémiques lors d’un préconditionnement ischémique.
Dans la deuxième étude, nous avons caractérisé l’effet d’un peptide synthétique
mimétique structural de la Cx43 sur la fonction des HcCx43. En plus d’avoir élucidé ces effets sur les propriétés fonctionnelles du canal, nous avons démontré d’une manière
directe et indéniable que le peptide Gap26 inhibe et spécifiquement les HcCx43 et que
son administration in vitro (cardiomyocytes isolés) et ex vivo (coeur intact) confère à ces modèles expérimentaux une résistance importante contre le stress ischémique.
Dans la troisième étude, nous avons investigué pour la première fois in vivo le
potentiel de deux peptides uniques mimétiques structuraux de la Cx43, Gap26 et Gap27, dans la cardioprotection contre les lésions ischémiques lorsqu’ils sont administrés à basse dose sous forme d’un bolus intraveineux unique. Nous avons démontré que l’injection de ces peptides avant ou après la survenue de l’ischémie réduit significativement la taille de l’infarctus qui en résulte.En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats révèlent le rôle bénéfique de l’inhibition des HcCx43 lors d’une ischémie et dévoilent un potentiel thérapeutique prometteux des mimétiques structuraux de Cx43 dans la prévention et le traitement de l’infarctus du myocarde. / Connexin 43 (Cx43) is the basic unit in the composition of Gap junction channels but also of the non-junctional unapposed hemichannels (Hc). Gap junction channels play key roles in cardiac function by allowing conduction of electrical impulses
and exchange of biologically important molecules between cells. The unapposed Hc,
however, perform functions different from those achieved by Gap junction channels
mainly by providing pathways between the cytosol and the extracellular space allowing
movement of ions and other small metabolites. Although they are much less studied than Gap junction channels, Hc are believed to remain normally in a closed state and that phosphorylation is an important factor promoting their closure. Under ischemic stress,the amount of non-phosphorylated Cx43 increases resulting in increasing hemichannels opening, an effect that can lead to irreversible tissue injury and cell death.
Protein kinase C (PKC) possesses the largest number of phosphorylation sites on Cx43
and exerts significant control on Cx43 channels. Its function depends on the involvement of at least 12 distinct isoformes. Various PKC isoforms exert specific cellular and cardiovascular functions, nonetheless the functional role of PKC isoforms in the modulation of the unapposed Cx43 hemichannels has never been assessed, neither has the therapeutic potential of Cx43Hc modulation in the protection of ischemic heart. In this context, three studies have been performed, they form the body of this thesis.
In the first study, a unique set of synthetic PKC isoform-selective activator and
inhibitor peptides was utilised. In combination with the patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that Cx43Hc conductance is strongly inhibited by, among many isoforms, epsilon PKC isoforme, known for its cardioprotective effect against ischemic injury.
In the second study, we characterized the effect of a synthetic structural mimetic
peptide of Cx43. Using patch clamp technique, we have demonstrated that the peptide Gap26 inhibits directly and specifically Cx43Hc, we also showed that Gap26 can confer resistance to cardiomyocytes (in vitro) and intact heart (ex vivo) against ischemia.
In the third study, we investigated for the first time in vivo the capability of a
unique pair of structural Cx43 mimetic peptides, Gap26 and Gap27, to protect heart
from ischemic injury when administered in single low-dose intravenous boluses. We
demonstrated that administration of either one or both peptides, before or after the onset of ischemia renders heart more resistant to ischemia and reduces significantly the size of myocardial infarct.
Altogether, our results revealed salvatory effect of Cx43Hc inhibition during
ischemia and uncovered therapeutique potentials of the synthetic structural mimetic peptides of Cx43 in ischemic heart disease.
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Synthesis and bioevaluation of laccase substrates and substituted quinolinesPrasain, Keshar January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemistry / Duy H. Hua / Our research work is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, synthesis of substituted phenolic compounds including halogenated di- and trihydroxybenzenes, aminophenols, and substituted di-tert-butylphenols, their redox potential, laccase oxidation, and mosquito anti-larval activities are discussed. The synthesized substituted phenols were found to be the substrates but not the inhibitors of laccase. An inverse correlation between the oxidation potential and the laccase oxidation efficiency of halogenated hydroxybenzenes and aminophenols was established. However, substituted di-tert-butylphenols were found to have anti-larval activities in mosquitoes resulting in the death of the larvae just before reaching pupation. Among the di-tert-butyl phenols studied, water insoluble, 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)phenol (16), 2-(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-methylpropanal oxime (14), and 6,8-di-tert-butyl-2,2-dimethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromene (17) caused the mortility of 98%, 93%, and 92% of Anopheles gambiae larvae in the concentration of 182 nM, 3.4 µM, and 3.7 µM, respectively. In particular, compound 16 had similar anti-larval activities as compared to MON-0585, an anti-larval agent reported by Monsanto in the 70’s.
In the second chapter, inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation by substituted quinolines (PQs) is inverstigated. PQ compounds such as N-(3-aminopropyl)-6-methoxy-4-methyl-5-(3-(trifluormethyl)phenoxy)quinolin-8-amine (PQ1), N-(furan-2-ylmethyl)-6-methoxy-4-methyl)-5-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy)quinolin-8-amine (PQ11), and 6-methoxy-4-methyl-N-(quinolin-4-ylmethyl)-5-(3-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy)quinolin-8-amine (PQ15) were found to inhibit PKC phosphorylation with IC50 values of 35 nM, 42.3 nM, and 216.3 nM respectively, among which PQ1 and PQ11 were found to be potent PKC inhibitors as comparable to that of staurosporine (IC50 = 33 nM).
In chapter three, the tissue distribution of PQ1 and PQ11 in normal C57BL/6J mice and the effect of PQ1 on the normal tissues of mice were investigated. Substituted quinolines, PQ1 and PQ11 were distributed in the tissues in concentrations that were more than 40 folds of their effective dose. PQ1 and PQ11 were also found to penetrate the blood brain barrier and collect in the tissue in significant amounts. The administration of PQ1 and PQ11 had no effect in the normal behavior of the animals indicating no short term adverse effects. PQ1 was found to increase the expression of survivin, an anti-apoptotic factor and decrease the expression of cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-8, pro-apoptotic proteins. These studies suggests that PQ1 might have anti-apoptotic activities in normal cells, in contrast to the role of PQ1 in cancer cells where it has demonstrated to induce apoptosis. The study also indicated that PQ11 was better metabolized from the tissues over time as compared to PQ1.
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Anticorpos conformacionais para PKCs clássicas e suas aplicações / Conformational antibodies against classical PKCs and their applicationsPena, Darlene Aparecida 25 April 2016 (has links)
A família proteína quinases C (PKC) é composta por dez isoenzimas, as quais são capazes de fosforilar resíduos de serina e treonina. A ativação dessas quinases envolve mudanças conformacionais, como a remoção do pseudo-substrato do sítio ativo e associação dessas enzimas com lipídeos em membranas biológicas. Além disso, três fosforilações são importantes para a maturação/ enovelamento da enzima e não estão associadas com o estado de ativação das cPKCs. Apesar dessas quinases estarem envolvidas em vários processos patológicos, como carcinogênese e doenças cardiovasculares, ainda não se estabeleceu a relação entre estado de ativação das PKCs com essas doenças. Isso se deve, em parte, à ausência de ferramentas que possibilitam a distinção das formas ativas e inativas das PKCs. Na presente tese, baseando-se em mudanças conformacionais sofridas pelas PKCs durante o processo de ativação, dois anticorpos contra cPKCs ativas foram racionalmente desenvolvidos, sendo um anticorpo policlonal (anti-C2Cat) e outro monoclonal (4.8E). O anticorpo anti-C2Cat foi desenvolvido a partir de imunização de coelhos com um peptídeo localizado na região de interação entre os domínios C2 e catalítico na PKC inativa. Já o anticorpo monoclonal 4.8E foi produzido após a imunização de camundongos Balb/ C com extrato de proteínas proveniente de células HEK293T superexpressando formas constitutivamente ativas da PKCβI. A seletividade de anti-C2Cat e 4.8E por cPKCs ativas foi demonstrada por ensaios de ELISA e de imunoprecipitação, sendo que os anticorpos sempre apresentaram maior afinidade por cPKCs ativas purificadas, superexpressas ou mesmo as endógenas. O anticorpo anti-C2Cat foi capaz de monitorar a dinâmica espaço-temporal da ativação das cPKCs em linhagens de neuroblastoma (Neuro-2A e SK-N-SH) estimuladas com PMA, morfina, ATP ou glutamato por diferentes tempos. Ainda, um maior conteúdo de cPKCs ativas foi detectado por anti-C2Cat na linhagem de câncer de mama MDA-MB-231 (triplo- negativa) do que em células MCF-7 (ER+). Em acordo com esses dados, anti-C2Cat identificou uma maior ativação de cPKCs em tumores mais agressivos de câncer de mama (subtipo triplo-negativo) do que em tumores menos agressivos (ER+, subtipo luminal). Os anticorpos conformacionais anti-C2Cat e 4.8E foram aplicados para elucidar vias de sinalização que levam à carcinogênese em células MDA-MB-231, por meio da realização de ensaios de co-imunoprecipitação, seguida pela identificação das proteínas por espectrometria de massas. Usando essa abordagem, os resultados sugerem que as cPKCs ativas possam estar envolvidas com a tradução de proteínas envolvidas na migração celular, como actina. Em conjunto, os resultado obtidos na presente tese demonstram duas formas racionais de desenvolver anticorpos contra cPKCs ativas, sendo que algumas aplicações para estas ferramentas foram demonstradas. Estratégias baseadas em mudanças conformacionais, similares às apresentadas aqui, poderão ser utilizadas para a produção racional de anticorpos contra outras quinases ou proteínas / The protein kinase C family (PKC) is composed of ten isoenzymes, which are capable of phosphorylating serine and threonine amino acid residues. PKC activation involves conformational changes, such as removing the pseudo-substrate from the active site and binding of the enzyme to lipids in biological membranes. In addition, PKC undergoes three phosphorylations that are important for the maturation/ folding of the enzyme and are not linked with activation status. Despite the fact that these kinases are involved in various pathological processes, such as carcinogenesis and cardiovascular disease, a relationship between PKC activation status with these diseases has not yet been established. This is partly due to the lack of tools to detect active PKC in tissue samples. In this thesis, based on conformational changes suffered by PKC during its activation, two antibodies against active cPKCs were rationally developed; a polyclonal antibody (anti-C2Cat) and a monoclonal (4.8E). Anti-C2Cat was produced after immunization of rabbits with a peptide located at the interface between the C2 and catalytic domains of cPKCs in an inactive PKC. The monoclonal antibody 4.8E was produced after immunization of Balb/C mice with total lysates from HEK293T cells overexpressing constitutively active forms of PKCβI. The anti-C2Cat and 4.8E specificity by active cPKCs was demonstrated by ELISA and immunoprecipitation assays, where the antibodies always showed higher affinity to active cPKCs. Anti-C2Cat was able to detect the temporal and spatial dynamics of cPKC activation upon receptor (morphine, ATP or glutamate) or phorbol ester stimulation in neuroblastoma lines (Neuro-2A and SK-N-SH). Futhermore, anti-C2Cat is able to detect active PKC in human tissues. Higher levels of active cPKC were observed in the more aggressive triple negative breast cancer tumors as compared to the less aggressive estrogen receptor positive tumors. Also, both antibodies were applied to study signaling pathways that lead to carcinogenesis in MDA-MB-231 cells by performing co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry. Using this approach, the results suggest that active cPKCs may be involved in translation of proteins involved in cell migration, such as actin. Taken together, the results obtained in this thesis showed two rational ways to develop antibodies against active cPKCs and some applications for these tools were demonstrated. Strategies based on conformational changes, similar to those presented herein may be used for rational production of antibodies against other kinases and proteins.
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Modelagem molecular aplicada à elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na ação antiproliferativa e hemolítica das alquilfosfocolinas / Molecular modeling applied to the elucidation of the antiproliferative and hemolytic mechanisms of action of alkylphosphocholinesSá, Matheus Malta de 28 April 2014 (has links)
As alquilfosfocolinas (APC) são uma classe de fármacos derivados de fosfolipídios endógenos que apresentam potencial antitumoral. Diferentemente de outros fármacos antitumorais que agem no DNA da célula, as APCs têm como primeiro local de ação a membrana plasmática e proteínas de sinalização, como a PKC. O objetivo desse trabalho é elucidar, através de metodologias computacionais, os possíveis mecanismos de ação das APCs que provocam hemólise, inibição da PKC e interação com membranas celulares. Inicialmente, a toxicidade de um conjunto de 34 APCs foi estudada pelos métodos quimiométricos de Análise de Agrupamentos Hierárquicos (HCA) e Componentes Principais (PCA). As moléculas foram simuladas com dinâmica molecular (DM) e propriedades físico-químicas e estruturais foram calculadas para os confôrmeros de menor energia. Após aplicação de HCA e PCA, as APCs foram divididas em 3 grupos, de acordo com suas características estruturais. Os resultados sugerem que a presença de grupos catiônicos volumosos, ou anéis como adamantila e ciclohexila, aumentam a hemólise de compostos de cadeia alquílica longa. Anéis macrocíclicos como ciclopentadecila parecem ser importantes para o potencial hemolítico de compostos com cadeia alquílica curta. Com relação a compostos sem anéis e de cadeia linear, grupos catiônicos menos volumosos parecem favorecer a hemólise. Na próxima etapa do estudo, 7 derivados de APC, com diferentes grupos catiônicos, foram selecionados e ancorados no domínio C2 da PKCα. O intuito foi mapear resíduos de aminoácidos importantes para a interação dos ligantes com a enzima, e comparar com o modo de ligação do ativador endógeno fosfatidilserina (PS). Mais uma vez, HCA e PCA foram aplicados para extrair informação relevante do mapeamento. Os resultados mostraram que as cadeias laterais de Pro188, Asn189, Arg216, Trp247, Asp249 e Thr250 não permitem a aproximação adequada do ligante, o que impede que a porção fosforila se coordene com um dos átomos de cálcio. A porção catiônica da PS, em contrapartida, consegue estabelecer ligação-hidrogênio com Asn189 de forma a posicionar os oxigênios da fosforila para interagir, ao mesmo tempo, com o átomo de cálcio. Com menos pontos de coordenação, a afinidade de ligação do cálcio pela PKCα diminui e a ativação da enzima fica comprometida, interrompendo toda a cascata de sinalização que depende dela. A parte final desse trabalho se dedicou ao estudo da interação da miltefosina com diferentes bicamadas lipídicas sob o ponto de vista termodinâmico. Oito bicamadas de diferentes fosfolipídios foram simuladas por DM e a interação energética da miltefosina foi calculada por Umbrella Sampling. Os resultados mostraram que a miltefosina apresenta maior partição em bicamadas contendo colesterol, sendo a miscibilidade nesses sistemas cerca de 76 vezes maior que os valores encontrados para bicamadas sem colesterol. Além disso, verificou-se que a internalização da miltefosina é mais fácil em regiões contendo lipídeos poli-insaturados, provavelmente devido ao empacotamento mais frouxo da bicamada. Os dados sugerem que a miltefosina age principalmente em rafts lipídicos e que células contendo mais lipídicos poli-insaturados podem incorporar maior quantidade do fármaco. / Alquilfosfocolines (APCs) comprise a class of drugs with antitumor activity derived from endogenous phospholipids. Differently from other drugs whose primary site of action is the DNA, APCs act firstly in the plasma membrane and signaling proteins, such as PKC. The main objective of this work is to elucidate, via computational approaches, the possible mechanisms of actions that cause hemolysis, PKC inhibition and interaction with cellular membranes. Initially, a set of 34 APCs was studied by means of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The molecules were simulated by means of molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and molecular and structural properties were calculated for the lowest-energy conformer. After HCA and PCA methodologies, the set was divided into 3 groups according to their structural features. The findings suggest that the presence of bulky cationic moieties, or the adamantyl and cyclohexil rings, increase the hemolytic potential of compounds with long alkyl chains. Macrocyclic rings, such as cyclopentadecyl, seem to be important to elevate the hemolysis of compounds with short alkyl chains. Regarding linear carbon chain derivatives with no ring substitution, less bulky cationic head groups seem to favor hemolysis. In the next step of this work, 7 APC derivatives were selected and docked in the C2 domain of PKCα. The aim now was to map the residues relevant for ligands interaction compared to the binding mode of the endogenous activator, phosphatidylserine (PS). HCA and PCA were again applied in order to extract relevant information from the mapping. The results showed that the lateral chains of Pro188, Asn189, Arg216, Trp247, Asp249 and Thr250 do not allow the proper approximation of the ligands, impeding the phosphoryl moiety from coordinating with one of the calcium atoms. On the other hand, the cationic moiety of PS forms hydrogen-bonding with Asn189 in order to position the oxygens to interact, at the same time, with a calcium atom. With less coordination sites, calcium binding affinity diminishes and the enzyme activation is compromised, interrupting the signaling cascade. The final part of this work was dedicated to the study of miltefosine interaction with different lipid bilayers from the thermodynamics standpoint. Eight bilayers were simulated with MD and the energetic interaction was calculated via Umbrella Sampling simulations. The findings showed that miltefosine has higher partition in bilayers containing cholesterol, with miscibility of about 76 times higher than the values referring to bilayers without cholesterol. Moreover, it was observed that the internalization of miltefosine is facilitated in regions containing polyunsaturated lipids, probably due to the looser packing. The data suggest that miltefosine acts primarily in lipid rafts, and that cells containing more polyunsaturated lipids in their membranes can incorporate higher quantities of this drug.
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Caracterização do papel das proteínas quinases C (PKCs) na proliferação e auto-renovação das células tronco embrionárias murinas / Characterization of the role of protein kinases C (PKC) in proliferation and self-renewal of murine embryonic stem cellsGaravello, Nicole Milaré 04 August 2011 (has links)
Células tronco embrionárias (CTE) são capazes de proliferar indefinidamente mantendo a sua pluripotência, isto é, a capacidade de se diferenciar em diversos tipos celulares perante estímulos adequados. Esse potencial tem sido intensamente estudado, de modo a permitir a utilização dessas células em terapias de reposição celular. Trabalhos anteriores demonstraram que as proteínas kinases C (PKC) são importantes moduladores moleculares de cascatas de sinalização que levam ao processo de proliferação e auto-renovação das CTE. Porém o papel exato das diferentes isoenzimas das PKCs ainda não foi elucidado. Isso ocorre porque a família das PKCs é composta por pelo menos dez isoenzimas e apenas, recentemente, desenvolveram-se moduladores específicos para as diferentes isoenzimas, o que permitirá estudar o papel específico dessas quinases. No presente trabalho verificamos que a ativação da PKCδ induziu a proliferação de CTE indiferenciadas sem induzir a diferenciação das mesmas. Para tentar elucidar as vias de sinalização mediadas pela PKCδ que levam à proliferação das CTE indiferenciadas realizamos estudos de fosfoproteômica o que possibilitou a identificação de potenciais alvos diretos e indiretos da PKCδ. Dentre os alvos identificados foram encontradas diversas proteínas relacionadas com proliferação, transcrição, tradução e resposta ao stress (chaperonas), contribuindo para a hipótese de que a ativação da PKCδ leva à proliferação das CTE indiferenciadas. Em diversos sistemas, a ativação da PKCδ leva à ativação da MAPK, em particular das ERK1/ 2, sendo essa via capaz de induzir a proliferação de diversas linhagens celulares. Identificamos diversas proteínas alvos da PKCδ, que interagem também com componentes da via das MAPKs. Desta forma, verificamos a influência da ativação da PKCδ na via das MAPKs. De fato, a ativação da PKCδ na linhagem de CTE murinas indiferenciadas, E14TG2a, ativou a MEK, ERK1/ 2 e o fator de transcrição ELK-1. Como estudos anteriores demonstraram que a inibição da ERK1/ 2 mantém CTE indiferenciadas e que a ativação desta via poderia levar à diferenciação de CTE, investigamos a cinética de ativação da ERK pela PKCδ. Demonstramos que a ativação da ERK pela PKCδ se da de modo transiente e que apesar da PKCδ não translocar para o núcleo, sua ativação induz a fosforilação e translocação nuclear da ERK, que atuará na fosforilação do fator de transcrição ELK-1. Desta forma, concluímos que a PKCδ induz a proliferação das CTE murinas indiferenciadas ativando transitoriamente a via das ERK1/ 2, que translocam para o núcleo fosforilando fatores de transcrição como a ELK1 e levando possivelmente ao aumento de proliferação dessas células. A ativação transiente das ERK1/ 2 pela PKCδ é importante para a auto-renovação das CTE. / Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are able of proliferating indefinitely maintaining their pluripotency, which is the capability to differentiate in different cell types upon appropriate stimuli. Pluripotency has been intensely investigated in order to allow the use of these cells in cellular replacement therapies. Previous work has demonstrated that the serine/ threonine kinases, such as, Protein kinases C (PKC) are important modulators of signaling cascades that lead to the process of proliferation and self-renewal of ESC. However, the exact role of the different PKC isoenzymes still remains to be elucidated. Due to the fact that the PKC family is composed of at least ten different isoenzymes and only recently isoenzyme specific modulators have been developed, which now allows the elucidation of these kinases roles. In the present work we verified that activation of PKCδ induced undifferentiated ESC have their proliferation rate increased. Trying to elucidate the signaling pathways mediated by PKCδ that lead to the proliferation increase we performed phosphoproteomic studies to identify potential PKCδ targets. Between the targets identified we found several proteins related with proliferation, protein transcription, translation and stress response (chaperones). These targets contributed to the hypothesis that PKCδ activation leads to undifferentiated ESC proliferation. In different cell lines, PKCδ activation leads to MAPK activation, through ERK1/ 2 activation, which are frequently involved with cellular proliferation. We also identified several targets of PKCδ that Interact with several components of MAPK`s signaling cascade. PKCδ activation in murine undifferentiated ESC line, E14TG2a, led to MEK, ERK1/ 2 and the transcription factor Elk-1 activation. Some articles demonstrate that the inhibition of ERK1/2 are responsible to maintains ESC undifferentiated and that it`s activation could lead to ESC differentiation. Analysing the kinetics of ERK activation in the ESC by PKCδ, we show that ERK activation was transient and despite the fact that PKCδ does not translocated to the nucleus upon activation, but induces ERK activation and it`s nuclear translocation, where ERK could phosphorylate the transcription factor Elk-1. In conclusion PKCδ induces undifferentiated murine ESC proliferation increase by a transient ERK activation and it`s nuclear translocation.
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Validação da atividade do eixo intracelular PKCépsilon-ALDH2 como mecanismo-chave na cardioproteção induzida pelo exercício físico. / Intracellular PKCε-ALDH2 axis as a key mechanism in exercise-mediated cardioprotection.Domingues, Laís Santos 03 May 2018 (has links)
As doenças isquêmicas representam a principal causa de mortalidade e morbidade no mundo. Dessa forma, o melhor entendimento dos sinais intracelulares envolvidos no estabelecimento e propagação do dano induzido pela isquemia-reperfusão (I/R) é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias, futuramente utilizadas na prevenção e no tratamento do infarto agudo do miocárdio, acidente vascular cerebral e isquemia renal. O processo de isquemia-reperfusão gera danos irreparáveis aos tecidos acometidos. A reperfusão do tecido afetado, que ficara temporariamente mantido em hipóxia (com baixa tensão de oxigênio), resulta em um brusco aporte de oxigênio (alta tensão de oxigênio) e consequente colapso metabólico, caracterizado pela disfunção mitocondrial associada à elevada produção de radicais livres. Recentemente demonstramos que estímulos cardioprotetores (ex. pré-condicionamento isquêmico e etanol) são acompanhados pela ativação da proteína quinase C isoforma épsilon (PKCε), aumento de sua translocação para a mitocôndria e consequente fosforilação/ativação da enzima mitocondrial aldeído desidrogenase 2 (ALDH2). A ALDH2 é uma enzima chave na proteção contra danos isquêmicos devido a sua capacidade de oxidar aldeídos, como 4-hidroxi-2-nonenal e acetaldeído, produzidos durante estresse oxidativo. Semelhante ao pré-condicionamento isquêmico, o exercício físico (EF) também promove um aumento da tolerância do miocárdio à lesão de isquemia-reperfusão, entretanto os mecanismos celulares envolvidos nessa cardioproteção ainda são pouco compreendidos. No presente projeto de pesquisa buscamos validar o eixo intracelular PKCε-ALDH2 como possível mecanismo cardioprotetor induzido pelo EF frente estresse de isquemia-reperfusão. Inicialmente, utilizando camundongos selvagens, avaliamos se o exercício físico (7 dias consecutivos) modula a PKCε e a ALDH2, e se essa resposta é transiente ou sustentada. Em seguida, por meio da técnica de isquemia-reperfusão ex vivo (Langendorff), avaliamos a participação individual da PKCε e ALDH2 na cardioproteção mediada pelo exercício físico. Nossos resultados mostram que o exercício físico aumenta a expressão da PKCε no cardiomiócito de forma transiente, visto que 24h após a última sessão de exercício físico esse valor foi restabelecido, e a ALDH2 mostrou aumento sustentado em sua atividade, mantida até mesmo 24h após a última sessão de exercício físico. Além disso, sete dias de exercício físico é capaz de proteger o coração da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão. Entretanto, quando foram utilizados inibidores específicos ou animais geneticamente modificados, essa cardioproteção foi perdida. Assim, nossos resultados sugerem um papel importante do eixo PKCε-ALDH2 na cardioproteção induzida pelo exercício físico frente a uma lesão por isquemia/reperfusão. / Ischemic diseases are the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Thus, a better understanding of the intracellular signals involved in the establishment and propagation of damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion is essential to the development of new strategies that can be used in the prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction, stroke and renal ischemia. The process known as ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) causes irreparable damage to the affected tissues due to the wide variation in tissue oxygen tension. Reperfusion of the affected tissue, which had been temporarily maintained at hypoxia (low oxygen tension), results in abrupt oxygen supply (high oxygen tension) and consequent metabolic collapse, characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction associated with high production of free radicals. We recently demonstrated that cardioprotective stimuli (i.e. ischemic preconditioning and ethanol) are accompanied by increased translocation of protein kinase C isoform epsilon (PKCε) to the mitochondria and subsequent phosphorylation-activation of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme 2 (ALDH2), which has an inverse correlation with myocardial injury. ALDH2 is a key enzyme in the protection against ischemic damage due to its capacity to oxidize aldehydes (i.e. acetaldehyde and 4-hydroxynonenal) produced during oxidative stress. Similar to ischemic preconditioning, exercise promotes increased myocardial tolerance to ischemia-reperfusion injury; however, the cellular mechanisms involved in this process are still poorly understood. We proposed to validate the intracellular PKCε-ALDH2 axis as a possible exercise-mediated cardioprotective mechanism upon ischemia-reperfusion. Firstly, using wild-type mice, we evaluated whether exercise (7 consecutive days) modulates the activity of PKCε and ALDH2 (transient vs. sustained). Then, through the ex vivo ischemia-reperfusion technique (Langendorff), we evaluated the individual participation of PKCε and ALDH2 in exercise-mediated cardioprotection. Our results show that physical exercise increases the cardiomyocyte PKCε levels in a transient way, since this response was reestablished 24h after the last physical exercise session. Moreover, ALDH2 showed a sustained increase in its activity, which was maintained even 24h after the last session. In addition, seven days of physical exercise was able to protect the heart from ischemia and reperfusion injury, whereas this cardioprotection was lost when specific inhibitors or genetically modified animals (PKCε knockout mice and ALDH2 knock-in mice) were used. Thus, our results suggest an important role of the PKCε-ALDH2 axis in the cardioprotection induced by exercise against ischemia/reperfusion injury.
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Modelagem molecular aplicada à elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na ação antiproliferativa e hemolítica das alquilfosfocolinas / Molecular modeling applied to the elucidation of the antiproliferative and hemolytic mechanisms of action of alkylphosphocholinesMatheus Malta de Sá 28 April 2014 (has links)
As alquilfosfocolinas (APC) são uma classe de fármacos derivados de fosfolipídios endógenos que apresentam potencial antitumoral. Diferentemente de outros fármacos antitumorais que agem no DNA da célula, as APCs têm como primeiro local de ação a membrana plasmática e proteínas de sinalização, como a PKC. O objetivo desse trabalho é elucidar, através de metodologias computacionais, os possíveis mecanismos de ação das APCs que provocam hemólise, inibição da PKC e interação com membranas celulares. Inicialmente, a toxicidade de um conjunto de 34 APCs foi estudada pelos métodos quimiométricos de Análise de Agrupamentos Hierárquicos (HCA) e Componentes Principais (PCA). As moléculas foram simuladas com dinâmica molecular (DM) e propriedades físico-químicas e estruturais foram calculadas para os confôrmeros de menor energia. Após aplicação de HCA e PCA, as APCs foram divididas em 3 grupos, de acordo com suas características estruturais. Os resultados sugerem que a presença de grupos catiônicos volumosos, ou anéis como adamantila e ciclohexila, aumentam a hemólise de compostos de cadeia alquílica longa. Anéis macrocíclicos como ciclopentadecila parecem ser importantes para o potencial hemolítico de compostos com cadeia alquílica curta. Com relação a compostos sem anéis e de cadeia linear, grupos catiônicos menos volumosos parecem favorecer a hemólise. Na próxima etapa do estudo, 7 derivados de APC, com diferentes grupos catiônicos, foram selecionados e ancorados no domínio C2 da PKCα. O intuito foi mapear resíduos de aminoácidos importantes para a interação dos ligantes com a enzima, e comparar com o modo de ligação do ativador endógeno fosfatidilserina (PS). Mais uma vez, HCA e PCA foram aplicados para extrair informação relevante do mapeamento. Os resultados mostraram que as cadeias laterais de Pro188, Asn189, Arg216, Trp247, Asp249 e Thr250 não permitem a aproximação adequada do ligante, o que impede que a porção fosforila se coordene com um dos átomos de cálcio. A porção catiônica da PS, em contrapartida, consegue estabelecer ligação-hidrogênio com Asn189 de forma a posicionar os oxigênios da fosforila para interagir, ao mesmo tempo, com o átomo de cálcio. Com menos pontos de coordenação, a afinidade de ligação do cálcio pela PKCα diminui e a ativação da enzima fica comprometida, interrompendo toda a cascata de sinalização que depende dela. A parte final desse trabalho se dedicou ao estudo da interação da miltefosina com diferentes bicamadas lipídicas sob o ponto de vista termodinâmico. Oito bicamadas de diferentes fosfolipídios foram simuladas por DM e a interação energética da miltefosina foi calculada por Umbrella Sampling. Os resultados mostraram que a miltefosina apresenta maior partição em bicamadas contendo colesterol, sendo a miscibilidade nesses sistemas cerca de 76 vezes maior que os valores encontrados para bicamadas sem colesterol. Além disso, verificou-se que a internalização da miltefosina é mais fácil em regiões contendo lipídeos poli-insaturados, provavelmente devido ao empacotamento mais frouxo da bicamada. Os dados sugerem que a miltefosina age principalmente em rafts lipídicos e que células contendo mais lipídicos poli-insaturados podem incorporar maior quantidade do fármaco. / Alquilfosfocolines (APCs) comprise a class of drugs with antitumor activity derived from endogenous phospholipids. Differently from other drugs whose primary site of action is the DNA, APCs act firstly in the plasma membrane and signaling proteins, such as PKC. The main objective of this work is to elucidate, via computational approaches, the possible mechanisms of actions that cause hemolysis, PKC inhibition and interaction with cellular membranes. Initially, a set of 34 APCs was studied by means of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The molecules were simulated by means of molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and molecular and structural properties were calculated for the lowest-energy conformer. After HCA and PCA methodologies, the set was divided into 3 groups according to their structural features. The findings suggest that the presence of bulky cationic moieties, or the adamantyl and cyclohexil rings, increase the hemolytic potential of compounds with long alkyl chains. Macrocyclic rings, such as cyclopentadecyl, seem to be important to elevate the hemolysis of compounds with short alkyl chains. Regarding linear carbon chain derivatives with no ring substitution, less bulky cationic head groups seem to favor hemolysis. In the next step of this work, 7 APC derivatives were selected and docked in the C2 domain of PKCα. The aim now was to map the residues relevant for ligands interaction compared to the binding mode of the endogenous activator, phosphatidylserine (PS). HCA and PCA were again applied in order to extract relevant information from the mapping. The results showed that the lateral chains of Pro188, Asn189, Arg216, Trp247, Asp249 and Thr250 do not allow the proper approximation of the ligands, impeding the phosphoryl moiety from coordinating with one of the calcium atoms. On the other hand, the cationic moiety of PS forms hydrogen-bonding with Asn189 in order to position the oxygens to interact, at the same time, with a calcium atom. With less coordination sites, calcium binding affinity diminishes and the enzyme activation is compromised, interrupting the signaling cascade. The final part of this work was dedicated to the study of miltefosine interaction with different lipid bilayers from the thermodynamics standpoint. Eight bilayers were simulated with MD and the energetic interaction was calculated via Umbrella Sampling simulations. The findings showed that miltefosine has higher partition in bilayers containing cholesterol, with miscibility of about 76 times higher than the values referring to bilayers without cholesterol. Moreover, it was observed that the internalization of miltefosine is facilitated in regions containing polyunsaturated lipids, probably due to the looser packing. The data suggest that miltefosine acts primarily in lipid rafts, and that cells containing more polyunsaturated lipids in their membranes can incorporate higher quantities of this drug.
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