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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre a capela e a catedral: tensões e reinvenções da identidade religiosa na experiência do protestantismo histórico atual / Between the capel and the cathedral: tensions and reinventions of religious identity the experience of current historical protestantism

Carlos Henrique Pereira de Souza 26 May 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O trabalho analisa as transformações ocorridas nas igrejas protestantes históricas no campo religioso atual. A partir da análise de um estudo de caso feito em uma igreja histórica no Rio de Janeiro, a pesquisa busca compreender que elementos podem ser identificados na experiência religiosa desta comunidade, que indicam transformações em sua identidade religiosa. A reflexão parte de uma discussão sobre a própria noção de pentecostalização, que no contexto do campo religioso evangélico, tem sido utilizada como elemento que simboliza a disputa de identidade entre os grupos ligados ao protestantismo histórico e os movimentos pentecostais. O texto faz uma análise sobre as tensões existentes entre grupos tradicionais, ligados ao que foi chamado aqui de intelectualidade protestante, que faz uso do termo como categoria acusatória, ou seja, a pentecostalização para estes setores seria uma espécie de degeneração da tradição das igrejas históricas. A pesquisa visa repensar essa categoria que aparece no campo religioso, discutindo aspectos teóricos sobre a acusação aos pentecostais e sua influência no campo como uma religiosidade mágia que é enfrentada pela religiosidade intelectualizada presente na tradição histórica do protestantismo. A noção de pentecostalização utilizada na pesquisa aponta que para além dessa dicotomia magia (pentecostais) e religião (históricos), estão ocorrendo mudanças importantes na identidade religiosa evangélica, onde as igrejas históricas estão dialogando e resignificando elementos da matriz pentecostal com o objetivo de resignficar essas práticas a fim de dialogar com as mudanças ocorridas no campo evangélico atual, principalmente diante do crescimento do movimento pentecostal. / The paper analyzes the changes occurring in the mainline Protestant churches religious field current. From the analysis of a case study in a historic church in Rio de Janeiro, the research seeks to understand which elements can be identified in the religious experience of this community, which indicate trannformações in their religious identity. The reflection part of a discussion of the notion of Pentecostalization, Which in the context of the religious evangelical, has been used as an element that symbolizes the struggle between identity groups linked to historical Protestantism and Pentecostal movements. The text makes an analysis on the tensions between traditional groups, linked to what was here called Protestant intelligentsia, which makes use of the term as accusatory category, ie Pentecostalization for these sectors would be akind of degeneration of the tradition of the historic churches. The research aims to rethink this category that appears in the religious field, discussing the theoretical aspects of the charge to the Pentecostals and their influence on the field as a religious magic that is faced by religion in this intellectualized historical tradition of Protestantism. The notion of Pentecostalization used in this research indicates that beyond this dichotomy magic (Pentecostal) and religion (historical), there are important changes in the evangelical religious identity, where the historic churches are talking and redefining the matrix elements for the purpose of Pentecostal resignficar these practices to diaolgar with the changes in the evangelical field day, especially given the growth of the Pentecostal movement.

Redressés et réveillés, les protestants drômois et ardéchois sous le régime concordataire (1801-1905) : une même réalité avec des nuances importantes / Upright and revived, the Protestants of the Reformed Church in Drôme and in Ardèche under the Concordat : a similar reality with important differences

Mazet, Michel 20 November 2017 (has links)
Entre 1802 et 1905, le protestantisme français devient une religion d’État, après deux siècles de persécutions. Dans la Drôme et en Ardèche, les protestants sont très nombreux. Ils retrouvent une place importante dans les villages puis dans les villes où ils vivent. Ils construisent des temples, ouvrent des écoles, créent des œuvres charitables. Ils développent, progressivement mais incomplètement, leurs institutions héritées du XVIe siècle. Ils sont touchés, dans leur vie religieuse quotidienne, par un mouvement revivaliste. Ils se divisent en deux tendances, l’une libérale, l’autre plus conservatrice, ce qui cause des luttes internes majeures. Ils sont confrontés au catholicisme dominant et à la déchristianisation naissante. Ils vivent une évolution démographique différente, marquée par le déclin dans la Drôme et une relative croissance en Ardèche. / Between 1802 and 1905, French reformed protestantism becomes a state religion after two centuries’ persecution. In Drôme and Ardèche, reformed protestants are numerous. They are given a chief position again in the villages, and then, in the towns where they live. They build churches, open schools and form charities. They gradually, but not thoroughly, develop the institutions they inherited from the XVIth century.They are struck by a revivalist movement in their everyday religious life. They split up into two trends of opinion, a liberal one and a more conservative one, which is the cause of serious inner clashes. They face the overcoming power of catholicism and the rising of dechristianization. They evolve differently, as to their number, with a population on the wane in Drôme versus a comparative increase in Ardèche.

Entre a capela e a catedral: tensões e reinvenções da identidade religiosa na experiência do protestantismo histórico atual / Between the capel and the cathedral: tensions and reinventions of religious identity the experience of current historical protestantism

Carlos Henrique Pereira de Souza 26 May 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O trabalho analisa as transformações ocorridas nas igrejas protestantes históricas no campo religioso atual. A partir da análise de um estudo de caso feito em uma igreja histórica no Rio de Janeiro, a pesquisa busca compreender que elementos podem ser identificados na experiência religiosa desta comunidade, que indicam transformações em sua identidade religiosa. A reflexão parte de uma discussão sobre a própria noção de pentecostalização, que no contexto do campo religioso evangélico, tem sido utilizada como elemento que simboliza a disputa de identidade entre os grupos ligados ao protestantismo histórico e os movimentos pentecostais. O texto faz uma análise sobre as tensões existentes entre grupos tradicionais, ligados ao que foi chamado aqui de intelectualidade protestante, que faz uso do termo como categoria acusatória, ou seja, a pentecostalização para estes setores seria uma espécie de degeneração da tradição das igrejas históricas. A pesquisa visa repensar essa categoria que aparece no campo religioso, discutindo aspectos teóricos sobre a acusação aos pentecostais e sua influência no campo como uma religiosidade mágia que é enfrentada pela religiosidade intelectualizada presente na tradição histórica do protestantismo. A noção de pentecostalização utilizada na pesquisa aponta que para além dessa dicotomia magia (pentecostais) e religião (históricos), estão ocorrendo mudanças importantes na identidade religiosa evangélica, onde as igrejas históricas estão dialogando e resignificando elementos da matriz pentecostal com o objetivo de resignficar essas práticas a fim de dialogar com as mudanças ocorridas no campo evangélico atual, principalmente diante do crescimento do movimento pentecostal. / The paper analyzes the changes occurring in the mainline Protestant churches religious field current. From the analysis of a case study in a historic church in Rio de Janeiro, the research seeks to understand which elements can be identified in the religious experience of this community, which indicate trannformações in their religious identity. The reflection part of a discussion of the notion of Pentecostalization, Which in the context of the religious evangelical, has been used as an element that symbolizes the struggle between identity groups linked to historical Protestantism and Pentecostal movements. The text makes an analysis on the tensions between traditional groups, linked to what was here called Protestant intelligentsia, which makes use of the term as accusatory category, ie Pentecostalization for these sectors would be akind of degeneration of the tradition of the historic churches. The research aims to rethink this category that appears in the religious field, discussing the theoretical aspects of the charge to the Pentecostals and their influence on the field as a religious magic that is faced by religion in this intellectualized historical tradition of Protestantism. The notion of Pentecostalization used in this research indicates that beyond this dichotomy magic (Pentecostal) and religion (historical), there are important changes in the evangelical religious identity, where the historic churches are talking and redefining the matrix elements for the purpose of Pentecostal resignficar these practices to diaolgar with the changes in the evangelical field day, especially given the growth of the Pentecostal movement.

Protestantismo e modernidade no Brasil / Protestantism and modernity in Brazil.

Valdinei Aparecido Ferreira 27 March 2008 (has links)
Esta tese tem por tema as relações entre protestantismo e modernidade no Brasil. O objetivo primordial é a compreensão das transformações nas relações entre o protestantismo e a modernidade no Brasil. Para alcançar o objetivo, utilizamos, no exame do tema, a sociologia compreensiva de matriz weberiana. A investigação sociológica, que reservou lugar de destaque para o protestantismo na emergência da modernidade ocidental, passou, de um lado, a interessar-se pela compreensão e explicação do declínio da religião protestante na sociedade moderna e, de outro, se as religiões pentecostais na América Latina mantinham ainda afinidades com o protestantismo e com a modernidade. O protestantismo valeu-se, para sua inserção no Brasil, a partir de meados do século XIX, de sua afinidade com a modernidade representada pelos Estados Unidos. Todavia, o significado da modernidade para o protestantismo foi sendo alterado ao longo do século XX. A primeira transformação nas relações entre protestantismo e modernidade no Brasil ocorreu quando a identificação com a herança moderna norte-americana passou do questionamento, nas primeiras décadas do século XX, à rejeição completa, na década de sessenta, por setores enraizados no liberalismo teológico. A segunda transformação nas relações do protestantismo com a modernidade no Brasil é encontrada na introdução da reflexividade no campo do conhecimento teológico. No esforço de apresentar-se como religião moderna, o protestantismo de inspiração liberal utilizou a reflexividade para reinterpretar a Bíblia à luz da cultura e da razão e para redefinir suas relações com o catolicismo romano. De tempos em tempos, ao longo do século XX, assistiram-se polarizações no interior do campo protestante brasileiro em torno de esforços de acomodação e de rejeição dos pressupostos cognitivos da modernidade, representados pela reflexividade. A sociologia do protestantismo brasileiro privilegiou a análise dos grupos protestantes, reunidos em torno da rejeição da reflexividade, usualmente denominados como fundamentalistas. Demonstramos que a atitude de acomodação aos pressupostos cognitivos da modernidade tem tido presença constante no protestantismo brasileiro, e a sua condição minoritária no campo religioso protestante não se explica apenas por meio da repressão sofrida por parte dos setores conservadores, mas levando-se em conta também a própria natureza das crenças liberais. A repressão conservadora oferece aos setores liberais a oportunidade para realização de rituais de ruptura, que, no caso do protestantismo, consistem basicamente nalguma transgressão no campo das idéias e das palavras. A particularidade do protestantismo reside na construção de sua identidade em relação íntima com a modernidade, seja de rejeição, seja de acomodação. / The theme of this thesis is the relations between Protestantism and modernity in Brazil. The primary goal is the understanding of the transformations in the relations between Protestantism and modernity in Brazil. In order to achieve the objective we used in the examination of the theme, the sociology of the comprehensive Weberian matrix. The sociological research that reserved a place of prominence for Protestantism in the emergence of a western modernity, has become, on one hand, interested in the understanding and explanation of the decline of Protestant religion in modern society and, on the other hand, if the Pentecostal religions in Latin America still maintained affinities with Protestantism and with modernity. Due to its affinity with the modernity represented by the United States, the Protestantism was inserted in Brazil in the mid-nineteenth century. However, the meaning of modernity for Protestantism changed over the twentieth century. The first transformation in the relations between Protestantism and modernity in Brazil occurred when the identification with the modern legacy of the North American, changed from questioning, in the first decades of the twentieth century, to the complete rejection in the sixties by the theological liberalism. The second transformation in the relations of Protestantism with modernity in Brazil was found in the introduction of reflexivity in the field of theological knowledge. In the effort to present as a modern religion, the Protestantism of a liberal inspiration used the reflexivity to reinterpret the Bible in the light of culture and reason and to redefine its relations with Roman Catholicism. From time to time, throughout the twentieth century, we saw a polarization within the Protestant Brazilian field around efforts of accommodation and rejection of cognitive assumptions of modernity, represented by the reflexivity. The sociology of the Brazilian Protestantism focused on the analysis of the Protestant groups gathered around the rejection of reflection, usually called fundamentalists. We demonstrate that the attitude of accommodation to the cognitive assumptions of modernity has constant presence in the Brazilian Protestantism and its minority condition in the Protestant religious field can not be explained only by means of repression suffered by the conservative sectors, but taking into account also the very nature of liberal beliefs. The conservative repression offers to the liberal sectors the opportunity to conduct rituals of disruption, which in the case of Protestantism, basically consists in some transgression in the field of ideas and words. The particularity of Protestantism lies in the construction of their identity in intimate relation with modernity, whether rejection or accommodation.

Política e Religião = repercussões da polêmica sobre o retorno dos jesuítas ao Brasil durante o Segundo Reinado (1840-1870) / Politics and Religion : the polemical repercussion about the return of the Jesuits to Brazil during the Second Reign (1840-1870)

Domingos, Simone Tiago 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Izabel Andrade Marson / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T05:05:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Domingos_SimoneTiago_D.pdf: 2432825 bytes, checksum: cbe3b605ef6a092476a5c547859c2954 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Em seus primeiros anos de retorno ao Brasil, os jesuítas se instalaram, primeiramente, em Desterro, a capital de Santa Catarina, para a fundação de um colégio que funcionou até meados de 1855. Em 1867, além da criação de um segundo colégio naquela cidade, obtiveram licença para abrir dois outros estabelecimentos: o primeiro em Itu ¿ o Colégio São Luís, hoje ainda em atividade na capital de São Paulo ¿ e outro em Recife, o São Francisco Xavier, que permaneceu aberto até 1874. O objetivo principal dessa tese é historiar e explicitar as experiências de fixação dos jesuítas no Império (entre as décadas de 1840 e 1870), destacando nesse percurso as dificuldades por eles encontradas, os meios pelos quais se defenderam e, sobretudo, a polêmica que se instaurou sobre o retorno da Ordem, particularmente nas províncias em que tiveram instituições de ensino ¿ Santa Catarina, S. Paulo e Pernambuco. Assim, a tese aborda a história dos inacianos no Império (entre as décadas de 1840 e 1870) e também tem por preocupação relacionar o debate ocorrido no Brasil à discussão internacional que se estabeleceu sobre a Companhia de Jesus. Para tanto, além de explorar a bibliografia existente sobre a Ordem e sobre a política imperial do período, analisa significativo conjunto de matérias publicadas em jornais de expressão que circularam nas citadas províncias. Explora ainda debates em fóruns políticos importantes, em destaque as Assembleias Provinciais e Geral. O intuito foi retomar a argumentação que sustentou a discussão sobre a presença dos jesuítas no Brasil e sua associação com os principais problemas da política imperial naquele período, a exemplo da imigração estrangeira, da liberdade religiosa, dos conflitos entre o clero nacional e o clero ultramontano, das relações entre o Estado monárquico e a Igreja / Abstract: During their first years after they had come back to Brazil, the Jesuits set up their order first in Desterro, the capital of Santa Catarina, where they founded a school which worked until mid-1855. In 1867, besides the creation of the second school in that city, the order got the permission to open two other establishments: the first one in Itu ¿ Colégio São Luís, that is still working but now in the capital of São Paulo ¿ and another one in Recife, São Francisco Xavier, that closed in 1874. The main purpose of this thesis is to relate and to make explicit the Jesuits¿ settlement experiences during the Empire (between 1840s and 1870s), highlighting the difficulties faced by them during that process, the ways they used to defend themselves, and, above all, the polemic created by the return of the religious order, especially in the provinces where the educational institutes were built, e.g. Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Pernambuco. This thesis discusses the history of Ignatians in the Empire (between 1840s and 1870s) as well as linking the discussions which occurred in Brazil with the existing international debate about the Jesuit Order. To this end, besides the examination of the existing bibliography about the Order and about the politics of the Empire at that time, this thesis analyzes a significant set of newspapers which had an expressive broadcast in the provinces mentioned before. This research also explores the debates that happened in important political spaces, in special General and Provincial Assemblies. The aim was to rediscuss the argumentation that supported the debate about the presence of the Jesuits in Brazil and their association with the main political problems faced by the Empire at that moment, for example, foreign immigration, religious freedom, the conflicts between national clergy and ultramontanist clergy and the relation between the monarchal State and the Church / Doutorado / Politica, Memoria e Cidade / Doutora em História

Damnation or Illumination: Harold Frederic's Social Drama and the Crisis of 1890s Evangelical Protestant Culture

Adams, Richmond Brookshire 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The present dissertation argues that more fully than any other fictional work in the latter third of the nineteenth century, Harold Frederic's _The Damnation of Theron Ware_ illuminates the cultural controversies within fin de siecle America. Given the inconsistent nature of its subsequent critical examination, Theron Ware lends itself to a type of new as well as traditional forms of historicist inquiry. While recent efforts by Lisa MacFarlane and Donna Campbell have broadened earlier perspectives to include the gender and theological controversies of the post bellum era, Theron Ware remains unexplored by still another vehicle that Frederic provides (127-143; 80-81). Within a complex and repeated series of episodes, Frederic uses standards of personal etiquette enunciated through a century-long series of published manuals to ponder both the inevitability and the likely consequences that will result from these "compendium of intellectual currents" (Campbell 80).

Creating a “National” Church: The De-Judaization of Protestantism and the Holocaust

McClenagan, Elizabeth 20 August 2021 (has links)
While the majority of German Protestant churches were silent in response to the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany, the Deutsche Christen or German Christian movement enthusiastically supported the Nazi regime’s goals and was actively involved in efforts to extract “Jewish” elements from Protestantism in an effort to create a “pure” German religion. Many scholars view the radical form of Protestantism expressed by this group as a by-product of Nazism. However, I argue that ideas promoting the de-Judaization of Protestantism were already existent within Protestant theology and that Hitler’s rise to power merely provided the opportunity for these ideas to come to fruition. I examine this topic by analyzing nationalistic and anti-Jewish ideas in German Protestant theological texts during the early twentieth century, focusing on how these ideas informed the later de-Judaization of certain churches between 1932 and 1945 under the German Christian movement, which included actions like eliminating the Old Testament from the Protestant Bible and refusing to recognize Jewish conversion to Christianity. I approach this topic by situating my analysis of several key Protestant theological texts within broader scholarly discussions about the position of the churches towards the Jews in Weimar and Nazi Germany. / Graduate

The Intersection of American Exceptionalism and Protestant Christianity: Distinction, Special Status, and Mission in the Early Republic

Graham, Ty J. 05 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Religious And Secular Responses To Nazism: Coordinated And Singular Acts Of Opposition

Sullivan, Kathryn 01 January 2006 (has links)
My intention in conducting this research endeavor is to satisfy the requirements of earning a Master of Art degree in the Department of History at the University of Central Florida. My research aim has been to examine literature written from the 1930's through 2006 which chronicles the lives of Jewish and Gentile German men, women, and children living under Nazism during the years 1933-1945. I was particularly interested and hopeful in discovering the various ways in which young German females were affected by the introduction and spread of Nazi ideology. My main goal was to sort through the features of everyday life to extricate the often subtle ways Germans rebuffed conformity to Nazism. And as the research commenced, it became increasingly necessary to acknowledge and distinguish the ongoing historical debate about what aspects of non-conformity are acceptably considered "resistance" among contemporary historians also analyzing this period. The original research questions I hoped to address and discuss were firstly these; Upon the arrival of Nazism on the heels of the Weimar Republic, how was Nazism received by German citizens; secondly, once Nazism gathered a contingent of strong support, what avenues existed for those opposed to Nazism?; and thirdly, in what ways did opposition, resistance, and non-conformance to Nazism manifest itself? This examination focused singly on efforts and motivations of German citizens within Germany, to illuminate reactions and actions of women and children; whether Jewish, Protestant, or Catholic because I feel their stories are often over-looked as being insignificant. This study further recognizes the contributions and great courage which manifest when faced with Hitler's totalitarian regime.

A covenant model of marriage for use in pastoral work

Connor, Walter Nelson Joseph January 1966 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / The problem of this study was to define a model of marriage around the concept of covenant for use in pastoral care which would be rooted in the Protestant Christian tradition and highly relevant to the needs and aspirations with which young people in American society approach marriage, empirically sound, and sufficiently differentiated and comprehensive to provide young people with realistic and practical guidance. This task involved: (1) constructing a model rooted in the Protestant Christian tradition and relevant to the needs of young Americans who approach marriage; (2) discovering in an exploration of values a basis for the husband-wife relationship conceptualized in the model; (3) describing processes by which this relationship might be attained; and (4) suggesting ways that pastors might use the model effectively in pastoral care. [TRUNCATED] / 2031-01-01

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