Spelling suggestions: "subject:"provincial""
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Estudio y análisis de los museos y colecciones museográficas de la provincia de AlicanteMarco Such, María 07 October 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Eficiencia de los centros públicos de educación secundaria de la provincia de AlicanteFuentes Pascual, Ramón 11 December 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Flora, vegetació i fitogeografia de la Marina BaixaSolanas Ferrándiz, José Luis 25 October 1996 (has links)
No description available.
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Valoración de los impactos ambientales de origen humano en los sistemas naturales de dunas al sur de Alicante: análisis espacial de las comunidades tipo afectadasAbeso Oyana, Eulogio 21 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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La (no) coordinación en el proceso de Implementación de políticas de saneamiento: El caso del Plan Nacional de Saneamiento 2006-2015 en la Provincia del Santa en el periodo 2011-2014Legendre Salazar, Sheila Mabel 07 March 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación aborda la (no) coordinación que se presenta en la
implementación de políticas de saneamiento, producto del análisis del Plan
Nacional de Saneamiento 2006-2015 aplicado en la Provincia del Santa. El estudio
formuló como objetivo general: Analizar los problemas de coordinación entre las
instituciones involucradas en la implementación de las políticas de saneamiento en
la Provincia del Santa en el periodo 2011-2014. Se planteó como hipótesis: La
normativa en materia de saneamiento es emitida por el Ministerio de Vivienda,
Construcción y Saneamiento, a través del Viceministerio de Construcción y
Saneamiento y la Dirección Nacional de Saneamiento. Sin embargo, los
operadores de la norma, como son: la Municipalidad Provincial del Santa, la
Municipalidad Distrital de Nuevo Chimbote, y la EPS SEDACHIMBOTE, están
involucradas directamente en el cumplimiento de los planes emitidos por el MVCS.
De la revisión de información, puedo sostener que la falta de coordinación en este tipo de política se produjo por diversos factores tales como priorización de planes individuales en base a sus necesidades, capacidades técnicas no comprometidas a la solución de problemas existentes, falta de proyectos mancomunados, presupuestos participativos incorrectos, incumplimiento de procesos formales, coordinación interrumpida por autonomía de acción de cada institución, desinterés de las agencias públicas, autonomía de poder debilitada, falta de capacidad estatal.
Esta tesis se encuentra dividida en 4 capítulos. El primero comprende el Marco
teórico y el estado de cuestión. En el segundo capítulo se analizaron las políticas
de saneamiento en la Provincia del Santa: Plan Nacional de Saneamiento 2006-
2015, la regulación, participación de instituciones, planes y presupuesto. El tercer
capítulo toca la Coordinación en la Implementación de la Política de Saneamiento,
actores, relaciones interinstitucionales, mecanismos implementados y proyectos
priorizados. El cuarto capítulo describe las causas y consecuencias de la falta de
coordinación. / The present investigation addresses the (non) coordination that presents in the
implementation of sanitation policies, product of the analysis of the National Plan of
Sanitation 2006-2015 applied in the Province of Santa. The study formulated as a
general objective: Analyze the problems of coordination between the institutions
involved in the implementation of sanitation policies in the Province of Santa in the
period 2011-2014. It was proposed as a hypothesis: The regulations on sanitation
are issued by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, through the
Vice Ministry of Construction and Sanitation and the National Sanitation Department. However, the operators of the standard, such as: the Provincial Municipality of Santa, the District Municipality of Nuevo Chimbote, and the EPS SEDACHIMBOTE, are directly involved in complying with the plans issued by the MVCS. From the review of information, I can argue that the lack of coordination in this type of policy was produced by various factors such as prioritization of individual plans based on their needs, technical capabilities not committed to solving existing problems, lack of joint projects , incorrect participatory budgets, non-compliance with formal processes, interrupted coordination due to autonomy of action of each institution, lack of interest of public agencies, weakened autonomy of power, lack of state capacity. This thesis is divided into 4 chapters. The first comprises the theoretical framework and the state of the question. In the second chapter, sanitation policies were analyzed in the Santa Province: National Sanitation Plan 2006-2015, regulation, participation of institutions, plans and budget. The third chapter deals with the Coordination in the Implementation of the Sanitation Policy, actors, interinstitutional relations, implemented mechanisms and prioritized projects. The fourth chapter describes the causes and consequences of the lack of coordination. / Tesis
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“Siempre de pie, nunca de rodillas” : construcción, enunciación y reproducción de la identidad k´ana en EspinarBanda Méndez, José Carlos 21 March 2019 (has links)
En esta tesis, se discuten y analizan las distintas narrativas sobre la identidad k´ana en Espinar.
La dimension étnica está cada vez más presente en las narrativas identitarias y ello se ha visto
impulsado por los conflictos sociales ocurridos en las últimas décadas. Por esta razón, es
importante discutir los distintos usos políticos de estas narrativas. Para ello, debemos
aproximarnos a las fronteras étnicas y concebir estas narrativas como producciones elaboradas
por sujetos con plena agencia. Asimismo, debemos comprenderlas como discursos que son
producto de un pasado histórico, pero también recreados en un contexto social marcado por
los conflictos sociales producto de la actividad minera. El análisis cualitativo nos ha permitdo
identificar estos usos y reconocer que las narrativas identitarias se entrelazan en una arena de
negociación política en la que se busca ejercer poder y legitimar proyectos politicos. Es decir,
las narrativas identitarias sobre lo k´ana en Espinar recrean distintas narrativas históricas bajo
una negociación política que busca legitimar un poder actual. / Tesis
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Las mujeres en el Manuscrito de Huarochirí : la sexualidad como ordenadora del cosmosMaceda Sotomayor, Diana Teresa 15 November 2013 (has links)
Como se sabe el Manuscrito de Huarochirí es un documento quechua de principios del
siglo XVII y testimonio singular de la cosmovisión de una comunidad andina—la de la
doctrina de San Damián en la provincia de Huarochirí, es decir, perteneciente a la
serranía de Lima—durante una etapa turbulenta del mundo colonial peruano, que
corresponde y es resultado de una violenta campaña de extirpación de idolatrías. / Tesis
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Integrando dimensiones para la comprensión del proceso de abandono de los sistemas de andenería de la comunidad campesina de San Juan de Iris, subcuenca Santa Eulalia, HuarochiríYakabi Bedriñana, Katiusca Susana 04 September 2017 (has links)
The present research, "Integrating dimensions for the understanding of the abandonment
process of highland terracing systems of the rural community of San Juan de Iris, Santa Eulalia
sub–basin, Huarochirí" has as general objective to analyze articulately physical, social,
economic, productive and institutional factors that lead to the abandonment of the highland
terracing systems. The integrated understanding of the problematic is the base to propose
recommendations for a productive system that contributes to the sustainable development of
the community, as well as to the conservation and enhancement of its agricultural terraces.
In order to achieve this objective, the methodology was organized in three phases in which
instruments of different sciences, such as soil science, geography and anthropology, were
applied to collect qualitative and quantitative information. The first phase consisted in a revision
of bibliographical, statistical and cartographical information, as a basis for the research
approach and the methodology itself. In the fieldwork, soil samples of the platforms were taken,
and quantitative information and perception were collected through surveys, interviews and a
workshop. Finally, in the third phase, precipitation data was acquired with the subsequent
calculation of interannual variability, the physical and chemical properties of the sampled soil
were analyzed and interpreted, the information obtained from the surveys, interviews and
workshop were systematized and the analysis was made. Applying a participatory approach, the
rural community of San Juan de Iris was involved throughout the investigation to be an active
part of the process.
The highland terracing system studied belongs to the rural community of San Juan de Iris, in the
district of the same name, located in left margin of the upper part of the Santa Eulalia sub–
basin, Huarochirí, in the Andean zone of Lima. In the 1990s, this community was benefited from
a rehabilitation experience of the National Program for Watershed Management and Soil
Conservation (PRONAMACHCS, for its acronym in Spanish); nevertheless, at the present time,
59.7% of its terracing systems are in a situation of abandonment. For this reason, this
community was chosen as the case study.
Field verification carried out by PRONAMACHCS indicates that the abandonment of terraces in
San Juan de Iris was in an 80% due to the water deficit (natural factor) and 20% to the migration
from the countryside to the city (social factor). However, the Andean rural reality is much more
complex; therefore, physical, institutional, economic-productive, and social dimensions of the
territory were explored in the research. The main drivers of the abandonment of the San Juan
de Iris terracing systems were the search for generating economic power (economic-productive
factor); migration of young people and adults (social factor); perception of decrease and lack of
water resources (physical-natural factor); change in the regime of the land tenure (institutional
factor); and dependence on projects and programs of external agents (socio-institutional factor).
With the main drivers of the abandonment process of the terracing systems identified, it is
possible to propose the actions in order to eliminate the causes of the problem. Otherwise, the
consequences derived from the abandonment process will intensify: underutilization of the soil
resource and food insecurity; increasing pressure on the natural pasture ecosystem that leads
to a risk in the profitability of livestock; loss of ancestral technique and knowledge; and lack of
initiative for the conservation of their agricultural terraces and for the development of the
As a solution strategy is proposed to position the highland terraces as key element in the
development of the rural community of San Juan de Iris. For this, the agriculture on terraces
must respond to the expectations of the community, so that by their own and shared initiative,
they will include this productive and cultural resource in their vision of development. / Tesis
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Estudio de la transpiración del esparto (Stipa tenacissima L.) en una cuenca del semiárido alicantino: un análisis pluriescalarRamírez Collantes, David Antonio 22 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Consideraciones geográficas en torno al binomio clima-turismo: aplicación al litoral alicantinoMartínez Ibarra, Emilio 05 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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