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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die begaafde student en die gemiddelde student : 'n vergelykende psigologiese ondersoek / Catharina Elizabeth de Vos

De Vos, Catharina Elizabeth January 1988 (has links)
MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY: In a young growing country such as the Republic of south Africa there is a growing need for higher productivity. The gifted person does not always perform according to his abilities, because he is not identified at an early age and is therefore not completely understood. Previously, gifted persons were only identified by their mental abilities, whereas it is known that there are more factors involved, such as personality, interests, study methods and attitudes. etc. Psychological aspects that play an important role in the better understanding of the gifted person are the following :- - academic performance, - influence of the gifted person on the family, - the influence of inheritance and environment on giftedness, - education of the gifted, - sex differences with the gifted. AIM OF THE RESEARCH: The general aim of this study was to compare the gifted and average groups of students according to their abilities, scholastic achievement, interests, personalities and study-orientation. This was done through the following specific aims to determine if:- i) the gifted and average groups (both sexes included) differed in their profiles of the cognitive variables (SAT and standard ten results). ii) the mean profiles of the gifted and average groups (both sexes included) comparing non-cognitive variables (19FII, PHSF, SSHA), differed. iii) the mean profiles of the gifted male and average male groups comparing the cognitive variables differed. iv) the mean profiles of the gifted male and average male groups comparing the non-cognitive variables proved to be significantly different. v) the mean profiles of the gifted female and average female groups comparing cognitive variables were significantly different. vi) the mean profiles of the gifted female and average female groups comparing non-cognitive variables were different. The second aim of this study was to determine by t-tests whether there is a statistically meaningful difference between the different groups on the various fields or components of the psychometric instruments. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION: In the first place, a study of the relevant literature was undertaken, concerning the concepts of average, gifted, interest, aptitude, personality and study methods and attitudes. The psychometric instruments used in this research are discussed thoroughly according to their development, contents, reliability and validity. The sample used in this research consisted of one hundred and forty average students (seventy male and seventy female) and seventy gifted students (thirty five male and thirty five female) which were selected after the 1984 mass testing of first year students of the PU for CHE. Statistical operations were done for these groups with the aid of a computer. This work included the drawing-up of mean profiles on each variable (cognitive and non-cognitive) for each group (i.e. the gifted and average groups, the gifted and average male groups; and the gifted and average female groups) as well as the statistical comparison of these profiles with each other. In the second place t-tests were completed to detect differences between these groups on different fields of interest, personality, abilities, etc. CONCLUSIONS With regard to the first aim of this study, the following can be concluded: i) The gifted and average groups' mean cognitive profiles (both sexes included) were not parallel. ii) The gifted and average groups' mean non-cognitive profiles were not parallel. iii) The gifted and average male groups' mean cognitive profiles were not parallel. iv) The gifted and average male groups' mean non-cognitive profiles were parallel. v) The gifted and average female groups' mean cognitive profile were not parallel. vi) The gifted and average female groups' mean non-cognitive profile were not parallel. With regard to the t-tests, the following can be concluded:- The gifted group (both sexes included) showed statistically better performance on the following fields or components compared to the average group. a) Subjects: Afrikaans (1st language), English (2nd language), German higher grade, Latin higher grade, Mathematics higher grade, Science higher grade, Biology higher grade, History higher grade, Geography higher grade & standard grade, Accountancy higher grade & standard grade, Domestic Science higher grade and standard grade, Wood & Metal work standard grade, Technical Drawings higher grade and Typing standard grade. b) Interests (19FII):- Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Creative Thought and Numerical. c) Personality: (PHSF):- Desirability scale. d) Study Methods and attitudes (SSHA) - The average students (both sexes included) showed a statistically higher performance on clerical interest and sociability (Groups). The gifted male group performed statistically better on the following fields:- a) Subjects:- Afrikaans (1st language), English (2nd language), Latin higher grade, Mathematics higher grade, Science higher & standard grade, Accountancy higher grade, Technical Drawings higher grade and Wood & Metal work standard grade. b) Interests:- Creative thought. c) Personality:- Desirability Scale. - The average male students performed higher on the following:- a) Interests:- Clerical b) Personality:- Sociability (G) The gifted female group showed the following statistically higher performances:- a) Subjects:- Afrikaans (1st language), English (2nd language), German higher grade, Mathematics higher grade, Science higher grade, History higher grade, Geography higher grade. Accountancy higher and standard grade. Biology higher grade, Domestic Science standard grade and Typing standard grade. b) Interests:- Fine arts, Creative Thought, Practical - Male, and Numerical. c) Personality:- None. It was also found that the gifted group as a whole, as well as the gifted female group, tend to be more actively inclined towards interests. RECOMMENDATIONS The results of this study show that the gifted student does differ in many ways from the average student. There is thus a need for early identification of the gifted person so that he could be understood and so that there could be catered for this student at school level. The following recommendations can be made in connection with future research studies:- a) More meaningful findings may be gathered on the personality of the average student by including a second personality questionnaire such as the Jung Personality Questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire could lead to better understanding of the PHSF results of this study. b) More instruments can be used to evaluate study orientation, such as personal questionnaires and interviews. c) It is also recommended that the size of the groups be increased in order to increase the reliability of such findings. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1988

'n Ondersoek na die verband tussen sekere aspekte van die verhoudingslewe en die akademiese prestasie van universiteitstudente / Jacob Coenraad Combrink

Combrink, Jacob Coenraad January 1970 (has links)
This study was an attempt to determine whether there are factors related to student dating which can be associated with the level of students’ academic performance, and, if any exist, to establish the nature of these factors and to determine and explain this association or relationship. The sample was drawn from students in the final (third) year of their B.A. course. The sample included both men and women. It was drawn from the Potchefstroom University for C.H.E. and the University of Pretoria. The results indicated a definite relationship between certain aspects of students' dating and their academic success. The most important observation concerned the dating pattern: Students who classified themselves as having a steady date (going steady) almost without exception obtained higher marks than could have been expected from their academic aptitude. (Matriculation results were used as an indication of this sample's academic aptitude, having been statistically proved to bear the highest correlation with their actual academic performance.) The academic performance of students who did date but who did not have a steady date was, in almost every case, found to be poorer than could have been expected from their academic aptitude. Many indications were found that these two groups of students do not only differ regarding the level of their academic performance but also as regards a number of other characteristics, the development of which, of course, may very well have been further stimulated by the nature of their specific dating patterns. The academic performance of students who did not date at all was found to be, in some cases, slightly poorer, and, in other instances, slightly better than could have been expected; no definite pattern emerged. Some other aspects of student dating proved, in some cases, to have a significant relationship with students’ academic performance. These were: the length of the period (number of years) for which they had been going steady and the time (average in hours per week) spent on dating activities. Where students of the two universities were concerned, certain differences in the relationship between their dating behaviour and academic performance were observed. Only very slight differences were observed between the two sexes as far as the relationship between these two variables are concerned. The study shed more light on the problem of factors associated with students' academic success by presenting an analysis of the influence of certain aspects of dating behaviour on the level of students’ academic performance. Furthermore it served to elucidate the role of dating as a significant part of student life, and the influence of certain dating patterns and other variables associated with dating on many aspects of their university life, including their academic performance. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO

'n Sosiologiese studie van bepaalde aspekte van kunsopvoeding met enkele verwysings na die primêre skool van Transvaal / Hendrik Adriaan Roets

Roets, Hendrik Adriaan January 1971 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to indicate that art education can also make a particular contribution to the social forming and development of the child to which Sociology can add knowledge in education. To achieve this (aim) it is shown how art education has developed historically from the rational stage of the teaching of drawing up to the modern concept of creative expression by the child in the primary school. Conjoined with this modern concept the Calvinistic/Christian's philosophy of life and education with particular emphasis on the purpose, view of the child, the content, the method, the discipline; evaluation and organisation of art education as fundamental foundation of art education are given in outline. Particular emphasis is laid on the social forming, i.e. growth and development stages of the child in art education to which the family group must also contribute by means of co-operation and interaction with the school. The views of various researchers and those of the writer-about art education in the Western world are utilised to Indicate what the excellencies of art education are or should be. Unfortunately this is not the case in all the primary schools in Transvaal. These shortcomings are revealed with directives for the effective realisation of art education within the framework of the general education and teaching in the school. Recommendations are made among other things with the view to effective organisation and administration of art centres at all primary schools in Transvaal, the utilisation of facilities and stock by the teacher, the importance of talent, the academical and professional training of teachers for this task and vocation which is still mainly the Cinderella in the present construction. That this subject is done justice to by some schools in Transvaal is proved by the high quality of child art held at the art exhibition at the Republic festival in which primary schools in Transvaal took part. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO

Leesverbetering van kinders deur terapeutiese onderhoude met die ouers as ortopedagogiese hulpverlening / Jacobus Schutte

Schutte, Jacobus January 1979 (has links)
INTRODUCTION - The inability to read well is an indication of discord in a child's life. This discord may result from a variety of problems such as physiological, physical, educational, environmental and others. It may be due to interaction between some or all of these factors. All reading retarded children develop a certain imbalance in their lives. From a study of the literature it appears clear that, in spite of remedial education in reading skills, weak readers remain weak readers. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY - In establishing the purpose of this study one took the point of view that education is a positive conscious process deliberately undertaken to bring about a change in a reading retarded pupil. THE AIM OF THE STUDY IS AS FOLLOWS - 1) According to the literature personality may be viewed as an individual's most remarkable form of adjustment. The development of personality is an individual process in which the social environment influences people in different ways. As a child's social environment expands during his various stages of development so a continuous interaction takes place between the developing child and his expanding environment such that certain motivational forces are strengthened while others are weakened. New standards are set and the child is confronted with new problems and challenges. If the child has been suitably prepared to tackle and master the problems then his self-concept becomes clearer and stronger, but where the demands are too great for the child to cope with them one may encounter the development of psychological and psychosomatic problems which may in turn lead to serious reading problems. The aim of this study is to establish the relationship between personality and reading retardation by means of evaluation and interview. 2. It appears from the literature that parents exercise great influence on the developing personality of the retarded children. It seems apparent that a good upbringing is a prerequisite of good reading skills. All children, reading retarded included, strive for the following basic needs: a) the preservation of physical health; b) the need for personal recognition and to be seen as a person of value and importance; c) the need for security, love, affection, comfort and safety. The reading retarded pupil has a strong drive for the fulfilment of these needs. Should there be any disturbing factors in the family the pupil may develop certain problems which in turn may influence his emotional status. This may lead to reading problems or aggravate existing reading problems. This study has as its basis the hypothesis that the quality of the parent child relationship is the chief cause of reading retardation in pupils. This study will attempt to show empirically the connection between parent child relationships and reading retardation, as well as establishing a healthy parent child relationship through counselling of parents of reading retarded children, without these children themselves receiving counselling. According to the literature the majority of pupils with reading problems experience serious emotional problems which may be viewed as the primary cause or secondary result of reading retardation. Emotional problems may be seen as the causal factor in auditory discrimination, intelligence problems such as subtest scatter, poor hand eye coordination, hyperactivity, laterality and directional- problems, figure ground perceptual problems, personality problems and a poor self-concept which may affect the reading skills in various ways. The purpose of the study is to reduce emotional problems in reading retarded pupils using only individual counselling of their parents. 4. The self-concept of a pupil includes three aspects i.e.: self-image ; the ideal self and self (…….part missing……) the commencement of the study. The second took place a year after the first evaluation and during this period remedial teaching was given to groups B and C while the parents of groups A and B received counselling. The third evaluation took place nine months after the second evaluation and during this period none of the groups had received any remedial help. With the exception of the intelligence tests applied at the commencement of the study, the following tests and questionnaires were applied to all of the pupils: i) the New South African Individual Scale; ii) the "Burt rearranged word recognition test"; iii) the "Children 1 s personality questionnaire"; iv) “The Hutt adaptation of the Bender-Gestalt test"; v) the "Draw a family" projective technique; vi) the "Bristol social adjustment guides. The child in the school"; vii) the "Bristol social adjustment guides. The child in the family". The following educational diagnoses were made after evaluation of the results of each of the evaluations and were then compared with one another: i) intelligence analysis; ii) reading age; iii) reading expectancy age; iv) reading expectancy quotient; v) chronological age; vi) reading quotient; vii) analysis of the tests and questionnaires; viii) analysts of the scholastic progress. ORTHOPEDAGOGIC AND ORTHODIDACTIC ASSISTANCE - The three groups received the following assistance: Group A: The parents of group A were given individual counselling for a period of one year using the eclectic approach while the pupils were given no assistance at all. Group B: The parents of group B were given individual counselling for one year while at the same time the pupils were afforded individual remedial reading assistance. Group C: The parents of this group were given no guidance but the pupils did receive remedial assistance in reading for a period of one year. Results: The reading ability of the children in group' A (counselling group) showed greater improvement than that of the children in group C. This group (group C) having received only remedial assistance. The long-term reading improvement was also better in group A than it was in group C. These results may be accepted as being statistically 99% reliable. According to these results individual counselling to parents of reading retarded children is a better remedial approach than remedial teaching given to the pupils themselves. Individual counselling to parents coupled with remedial teaching to pupils is a better method than remedial teaching being used on its own. It thus appears that too much reliance is placed on remedial teaching as a method of overcoming reading retardation, According to this study it appears that a large number of reading retardation cases are due to emotional problems originating in the home environment. A further assumption may be that many of the processes involved in reading skills are consciously or unconsciously blocked as a result of these emotional problems. In reality the pupil "refuses" to read presumably because he wishes to draw his parents' attention to himself. He thus uses the wrong tactics to attract this attention causing still more emotional disturbance and himself experiencing further emotional problems. The pupils in the counselling group changed from a schizothymic personality to a cyclothymic personality while the pupils receiving remedial teaching remain schizothymic personalities. The children of the counselling group developed a better abstracting ability than those who only received remedial teaching. The counselling groups (groups A and B) became more adult emotionally than those in the remedial group (group C). This can presumably be ascribed to the changed attitude of the father. As a result of counselling the parents were able to bring about a change in the child's attitude from one of irritability towards reading to one of receptiveness. The remedial group remained irritable. The children in the remedial group showed a marked correlation with femininity while the counselling group did not, The children• in the two counselling groups showed a low level of tension and were more relaxed, restful, unfrustrated and calm than they were before the commencement of the study. The remedial group continued showing a tendency towards a high level of tension. As a result of the counselling given the parents, the children in the counselling groups were able to overcome their perceptual problems, These perceptual problems, it is presumed, were largely of an emotional nature. Generally speaking the children in these groups were also able to eliminate psychological blocking. Children in the remedial group continued to experience perceptual problems, The children in the counselling groups showed a greater reduction of aggression, uncertainty and helplessness than those in the remedial group. The children in the counselling groups no longer withdrew from situations. They made use of initiative and found it easy to respond to a stimulus. Depressiveness was largely eliminated, The hostile feelings of the children in the counselling groups towards their parents were greatly reduced while children in the remedial group continued to show strong signs of hostility towards their parents, It also appeared that the mothers of the children in the counselling groups found their children more acceptable than the mothers of the remedial group children. Psychosomatic problems such as enuresis, headache, chronic pain poor co-ordination and poor speech were much more reduced in children in the counselling groups than in those in the remedial group. There was more general improvement in academic achievement in children in the counselling groups while children in the remedial group showed far less improvement academically. Thus the inarguable conclusion may be drawn that individual counselling to parents is a successful method of remedying reading retardation in children. / Proefskrif--PU vir CHO

"Die vrugbare tuin van Fallus" 'n Beliggaamde beeld van die manlike psige onder mediese pasiënte (Afrikaans)

Pienaar, Shane Bridget 03 October 2005 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Psychology / unrestricted

Sport psychological characteristics of talented 13-year old adolescents / Ri-Ellen Kemp

Kemp, Ri-Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Sport psychological skills are associated with performance in sport. Furthermore it is stated that there are also gender differences with regards to sport psychological skills. The sport psychological profiles of successful and less successful athletes also differ from each other. One hundred and sixty two grade 8 learners with a mean age of 13.2±0.33 years from a High School in Potchefstroom in the North-West province of South Africa were tested. The participants were subjected to the Australian Talent Search Protocol as well as the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory – 28 (ACSI-28) and a demographic questionnaire which collected the general information of participants were completed. Firstly, the group was divided into two groups by means of a median split on the Australian Talent Search Protocol which resulted in a talented group of 16 adolescents and 146 less talented adolescents. The talented adolescents outscored their less talented counterparts in all seven sport psychological variables with statistically significant better scores in coping with adversity, peaking under pressure, goal setting, confidence and coachability. Secondly the group of 162 participants was divided into two groups according to gender which resulted in male group of 77 and female group of 85. The male and female adolescent sport participants did not differ significantly in any of the sport psychological skills. All sport psychological skills revealed a small practical significance. The male group obtained better scores in peaking under pressure, goal setting, freedom from worry, selfconfidence and average coping ability. The female group obtained better scores in coping with adversity, concentration and coachability. Therefore, although a relationship exists between sport performance and sport psychological skills there are a few factors such as maturation and cognitive development that can influence sport psychological skills and development. / MSc (Sport Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

An evaluation of some cognitive, affective, and school variables as predictors of the academic achievement of standard 10 pupils in Kwazulu schools / Daniel Mfana Gumede

Gumede, Daniel Mfana January 1989 (has links)
1. DIE DOEL VAN DIE NAVORSING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie (dit is persentasie slaag) onder die kognitiewe, affektiewe en skoolveranderlikes vas te stel. Die teikengroep het uit standerd 10 leerlinge in Kwazulu skole bestaan. 2. DIE BEVINDINGE UIT DIE LITERATUUR: Om die voorgemelde doel te bereik 1s die oorsig van literatuur met verwysing na die vermelde onafhanklike veranderlikes gedoen, en die volgende gevolgtrekkings is bereik. 2.1 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDES VAN DIE KOGNITIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van die kognitiewe veranderlikes, het die literatuur daarop gewys dat die kognitiewe veranderlikes ongeveer 25 persent van die variansie in die akademiese prestasie verklaar. Belangrik in hierdie verband is die bevindinge deur Lavin (1967), Bloom (1979) en talle ander wat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie en aanleg ondersoek het. Die ander belangrike bevinding, in verband met intelligensie as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie, is dat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie daal as die leerlinge die hoer klasse bereik. Met ander woorde, intelligensie is volgens die literatuur 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in die primêre klasse. Sowel Lavin (1967) as Jensen (1980) het hierdie bewering gemaak. Die voorspellingswaarde van vorige deur die literatuur te bestudeer. literatuur daarop gewys dat voorspeller van akademiese prestasie is. Wat aanleg as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie betref, wys die literatuur daarop dat variansie wat grater as 25 persent in akademiese prestasie is, verklaar kan word op grond van aanleg. In hierdie verband kan die werke van Von Mollendorf (1978) en Vander Westhuizen (1987) genoem word. 2.2 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE AFFEKTIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Die affektiewe veranderlikes wat hier betrokke is, is persoonlikheid en beroepsbelangstelling. Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van persoonlikheid is teenstrydige bevindinge in die literatuur verkry. Enersyds het ondersoeke wat in Amerika gedoen is, getoon dat die byvoeging van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes by die kognitiewe veranderlikes in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie 'n toename in die verklaring van variansie meebring. Andersyds het die navorsing wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, nie 'n duidelike beeld gegee nie. In die algemeen het die Suid-Afrikaanse ondersoeke daarop gewys dat die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes van min waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie. Uit die studie van die literatuur, betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van beroepsbelangstelling, het dit geblyk dat beroepsbelangstelling van minder waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie is as beroepsbelangstelling. 2.3 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE SKOOLVERANDERLIKES: Die skoolveranderlikes is in twee groepe verdeel: die fisiese wat skoolgrootte, klasgrootte, skoolligging en skool fasiliteite behels, en die sosiale wat die prinsipaal en die onderwysers behels. Die oorsig van die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die fisiese fasiliteite belangrik is vir opvoeding, maar hulle uitwerking op die kwaliteit van onderrig afhanklik is van hulle benutting deur die onderwysers. Byvoorbeeld, kleiner klasse het nie beduidend bygedra tot beter prestasie as die grater klasse nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat deur Bloom (1976) onder andere, bereik is, is dat die hele skoolomgewing belangrik is vir onderrig en n1e net die fisiese fasiliteite nie. Ongeveer 5 persent van die variansie in akademiese prestasie is volgens Bloom (1979) deur die skool verklaar. Dit was om hierdie rede dat die hele skool in hierdie ondersoek bestudeer is. Literatuur het ook deurgaans daarop gewys dat die verskille tussen die skole in akademiese prestasie verdwyn as intelligensie en die sosio-ekonomiese status gekontroleer is. 2.4 DIE INVLOED VAN GESLAG OP AKADEMIESE VOORSPELLING: Die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die twee geslagte se akademiese prestasie verskil. Die dogters, byvoorbeeld, presteer beter as seuns in toetse wat verbale aanleg verg, terwyl die seuns beter as dogters in wiskunde presteer: Die twee geslagte het geen verskille in intelligensie getoon nie. 3. DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK 3.1 DIE FORMULERING VAN HIPOTESES: 3. 1. 1 Hoof hipotese HOOF HIPOTESE 1 - Die aanleg veranderlikes is die beste voorspellers van standerd 10 akademiese prestasie in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes. HOOF HIPOTESE 2 - Die affektiewe veranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. HOOF HIPOTESE 3 - Die skoolveranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. 3.1.2 Onderhipotese ONDERHIPOTESE 1 - Die gehalte van die skool het beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 3 - Die ligging van die skool het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 4 - Skoolsoort het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 5 - Geslag het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 6 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen koshuis en dagskole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. ONDERHIPOTESE 7 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse skole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 3.2 DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK: Die empiriese ondersoek is ingestel om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. 3.2.1 Die teikengroep en die steekproef Die KwaZulu 1983 standerd 10 leerlinge is die teikengroep. Om die invloed van die ~kool op voorspelling vas te stel is 'n 10 persent ewekansige steekproef uit 170 sekondêre skole geneem (dit is 17 skole). As gevolg van die ewekansige steekproef is 'n monster van 1912 leerlinge gevorm. Die vermindering van die steekproef tot 1615 leerlinge in sommige analises, is 'n gevolg van onvolledige data van sekere leerlinge. 3.2.2 Die veranderlikes wat gebruik is Die onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: a. Aanlegtoetsresultate (AAT) b. Persoonlikheidsresultate (HSPQ) c. Belangstellingsresultate (VIQ) d. Skoolveranderlikheidstotaal (SVTOT) Die afhanklike wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: e. Standerd 10 geslaag persentasie. Die modererende veranderlikes wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is die volgende: f. Die skoolgehalte; g. Die vakgroepe wat die leerlinge leer; h. Die ligging van die skool (stedelik of plattelands); i. Skooltipe (koshuis of dag); en j. Geslag. In hierdie ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van gestandardiseerde meetinstrumente om kognitiewe, en affektiewe veranderlikes te meet. Om die "skool" te meet is verskeie skoolveranderlikes eers geoperasionaliseer en daarna punte volgens rangorde deur die inspekteurs toegeken. Geslag is in hierdie ondersoek as modererende veranderlike gebruik om die invloed daarvan op voorspelling te bestudeer. Om die invloed van die skool as 'n modererende veranderlike te bestudeer is die steekproef verder verdeel volgens skoolgehalte, skoolligging en skooltipe. Die leerlinge was ook gegroepeer volgens die vakgroepe wat hulle geneem het (dit is algemeen, natuurwetenskap en handel). 4. STATISTIESE TEGNIEKE WAT IN HIERDIE NAVORSING GEBRUIK IS EN DIE RESULTATE VAN DIE ONDERSOEK: 4.1 MEERVOUDIGE REGRESSIE-ANALISE: Deurgaans toegepas is die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR program) om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie te identifiseer. Die resultate van die analise het daarop gedui dat: i. die kognitiewe veranderlikes die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie is, in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes; ii. die affektiewe veranderlikes van min voorspellingswaarde is; en iii. die skoolveranderlike 'n beduidende effek op voorspellings het. As gevolg van meervoudige regressie-analise is die kognitiewe en skoolveranderlikes gebruik as kontrole veranderlikes in die moderatorveranderlike studie. Die affektiewe veranderlikes is weggelaat weens hulle geringe bydrae tot R2 . 4.2 VARIANSIE ANALISE: Die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR) is ook gebruik by die moderatorondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek het daarop gedui dat: i. die skoolgehalte 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie het; ii. die vakgroepe wat leerlinge leer 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; iii. die skoolligging 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voor spelling het; iv. die skooltipe 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; v. geslag geen beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van algehele akademiese prestasie het nie; vi. die verskil in akademiese prestasie tussen die koshuisskole en dagskole bly steeds dieselfde selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is; en vii. die verskil in die akademiese prestasie van stedelike en plattelandse leerlinge steeds dieselfde bly selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 5. IMPLIKASIES VIR VERDERE ONDHRSOEK: In hierdie studie is gevind dat aanleg 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in goeie skole is, maar nie in swak skole nie. 'n Geldigheidsstudie is nodig om swak voorspelbaarheid in swak skole vas te stel. Sulke geldigheidstudies moet die sistematiese veranderlikes ook bestudeer sodat hulle invloed op R2 verklaar kan word. In hierdie studie is ook gevind dat die plattelandse skole akademies beter as stedelike skole presteer. Die bevinding is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van die vorige navorsers. 'n Verdere studie is dus ook nodig om die bevindinge van hierdie studie te bevestig of te verwerp. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat hierdie bevinding die invloed van die onrus wat gedurende daardie jare plaasgevind het, weerspieël. Verdere navorsing is ook nodig om die invloed van die groepvakke op akademiese prestasie te bevestig en o.a. die geldigheid van die resultate van hierdie navorsing te toets. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van die insluiting van 'n toets in moedertaal in die AAT battery vir voorspellings van akademiese prestasie vas te stel. Die resultate van hierdie studie (kyk tabel 6 • 2 ) het getoon dat die AAT die swakste met Zulutaal korreleer. 'n Toets in moedertaal blyk dus nodig te wees. 6. OPVOEDKUNDIGE IMPLIKASIE: Die kruisvalidasie van die beste stelveranderlikes het daarop gewys dat dit goed by goeie skole kan voorspel en nie by swak skole nie. Om al die skole se akademiese prestasie te verbeter, word dit aanbeveel dat die toetse aan die begin van die jaar toegepas moet word en dat die nuwe snitpunte (kyk paragraaf 6.7) by die verwagtingstabel gebruik moet word. Die vroegtydige beskikbaarheid van die toetsresultate kan help om leerlinge en die onderwysers te motiveer om beter te presteer. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1989

Sport psychological characteristics of talented 13-year old adolescents / Ri-Ellen Kemp

Kemp, Ri-Ellen January 2013 (has links)
Sport psychological skills are associated with performance in sport. Furthermore it is stated that there are also gender differences with regards to sport psychological skills. The sport psychological profiles of successful and less successful athletes also differ from each other. One hundred and sixty two grade 8 learners with a mean age of 13.2±0.33 years from a High School in Potchefstroom in the North-West province of South Africa were tested. The participants were subjected to the Australian Talent Search Protocol as well as the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory – 28 (ACSI-28) and a demographic questionnaire which collected the general information of participants were completed. Firstly, the group was divided into two groups by means of a median split on the Australian Talent Search Protocol which resulted in a talented group of 16 adolescents and 146 less talented adolescents. The talented adolescents outscored their less talented counterparts in all seven sport psychological variables with statistically significant better scores in coping with adversity, peaking under pressure, goal setting, confidence and coachability. Secondly the group of 162 participants was divided into two groups according to gender which resulted in male group of 77 and female group of 85. The male and female adolescent sport participants did not differ significantly in any of the sport psychological skills. All sport psychological skills revealed a small practical significance. The male group obtained better scores in peaking under pressure, goal setting, freedom from worry, selfconfidence and average coping ability. The female group obtained better scores in coping with adversity, concentration and coachability. Therefore, although a relationship exists between sport performance and sport psychological skills there are a few factors such as maturation and cognitive development that can influence sport psychological skills and development. / MSc (Sport Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

An evaluation of some cognitive, affective, and school variables as predictors of the academic achievement of standard 10 pupils in Kwazulu schools / Daniel Mfana Gumede

Gumede, Daniel Mfana January 1989 (has links)
1. DIE DOEL VAN DIE NAVORSING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie (dit is persentasie slaag) onder die kognitiewe, affektiewe en skoolveranderlikes vas te stel. Die teikengroep het uit standerd 10 leerlinge in Kwazulu skole bestaan. 2. DIE BEVINDINGE UIT DIE LITERATUUR: Om die voorgemelde doel te bereik 1s die oorsig van literatuur met verwysing na die vermelde onafhanklike veranderlikes gedoen, en die volgende gevolgtrekkings is bereik. 2.1 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDES VAN DIE KOGNITIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van die kognitiewe veranderlikes, het die literatuur daarop gewys dat die kognitiewe veranderlikes ongeveer 25 persent van die variansie in die akademiese prestasie verklaar. Belangrik in hierdie verband is die bevindinge deur Lavin (1967), Bloom (1979) en talle ander wat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie en aanleg ondersoek het. Die ander belangrike bevinding, in verband met intelligensie as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie, is dat die voorspellingswaarde van intelligensie daal as die leerlinge die hoer klasse bereik. Met ander woorde, intelligensie is volgens die literatuur 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in die primêre klasse. Sowel Lavin (1967) as Jensen (1980) het hierdie bewering gemaak. Die voorspellingswaarde van vorige deur die literatuur te bestudeer. literatuur daarop gewys dat voorspeller van akademiese prestasie is. Wat aanleg as voorspeller van akademiese prestasie betref, wys die literatuur daarop dat variansie wat grater as 25 persent in akademiese prestasie is, verklaar kan word op grond van aanleg. In hierdie verband kan die werke van Von Mollendorf (1978) en Vander Westhuizen (1987) genoem word. 2.2 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE AFFEKTIEWE VERANDERLIKES: Die affektiewe veranderlikes wat hier betrokke is, is persoonlikheid en beroepsbelangstelling. Betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van persoonlikheid is teenstrydige bevindinge in die literatuur verkry. Enersyds het ondersoeke wat in Amerika gedoen is, getoon dat die byvoeging van die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes by die kognitiewe veranderlikes in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie 'n toename in die verklaring van variansie meebring. Andersyds het die navorsing wat in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, nie 'n duidelike beeld gegee nie. In die algemeen het die Suid-Afrikaanse ondersoeke daarop gewys dat die persoonlikheidsveranderlikes van min waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie. Uit die studie van die literatuur, betreffende die voorspellingswaarde van beroepsbelangstelling, het dit geblyk dat beroepsbelangstelling van minder waarde is in die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie is as beroepsbelangstelling. 2.3 DIE VOORSPELLINGSWAARDE VAN DIE SKOOLVERANDERLIKES: Die skoolveranderlikes is in twee groepe verdeel: die fisiese wat skoolgrootte, klasgrootte, skoolligging en skool fasiliteite behels, en die sosiale wat die prinsipaal en die onderwysers behels. Die oorsig van die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die fisiese fasiliteite belangrik is vir opvoeding, maar hulle uitwerking op die kwaliteit van onderrig afhanklik is van hulle benutting deur die onderwysers. Byvoorbeeld, kleiner klasse het nie beduidend bygedra tot beter prestasie as die grater klasse nie. Die gevolgtrekking wat deur Bloom (1976) onder andere, bereik is, is dat die hele skoolomgewing belangrik is vir onderrig en n1e net die fisiese fasiliteite nie. Ongeveer 5 persent van die variansie in akademiese prestasie is volgens Bloom (1979) deur die skool verklaar. Dit was om hierdie rede dat die hele skool in hierdie ondersoek bestudeer is. Literatuur het ook deurgaans daarop gewys dat die verskille tussen die skole in akademiese prestasie verdwyn as intelligensie en die sosio-ekonomiese status gekontroleer is. 2.4 DIE INVLOED VAN GESLAG OP AKADEMIESE VOORSPELLING: Die literatuur het daarop gewys dat die twee geslagte se akademiese prestasie verskil. Die dogters, byvoorbeeld, presteer beter as seuns in toetse wat verbale aanleg verg, terwyl die seuns beter as dogters in wiskunde presteer: Die twee geslagte het geen verskille in intelligensie getoon nie. 3. DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK 3.1 DIE FORMULERING VAN HIPOTESES: 3. 1. 1 Hoof hipotese HOOF HIPOTESE 1 - Die aanleg veranderlikes is die beste voorspellers van standerd 10 akademiese prestasie in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes. HOOF HIPOTESE 2 - Die affektiewe veranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. HOOF HIPOTESE 3 - Die skoolveranderlikes bring 'n toename mee in die variansie wat verklaarbaar is in akademiese prestasie as dit by die kognitiewe veranderlikes bygevoeg word. 3.1.2 Onderhipotese ONDERHIPOTESE 1 - Die gehalte van die skool het beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 3 - Die ligging van die skool het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 4 - Skoolsoort het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 5 - Geslag het 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie in standerd 10. ONDERHIPOTESE 6 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen koshuis en dagskole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. ONDERHIPOTESE 7 - Daar bestaan steeds 'n verskil tussen stedelike en plattelandse skole in akademiese prestasie selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 3.2 DIE EMPIRIESE ONDERSOEK: Die empiriese ondersoek is ingestel om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. 3.2.1 Die teikengroep en die steekproef Die KwaZulu 1983 standerd 10 leerlinge is die teikengroep. Om die invloed van die ~kool op voorspelling vas te stel is 'n 10 persent ewekansige steekproef uit 170 sekondêre skole geneem (dit is 17 skole). As gevolg van die ewekansige steekproef is 'n monster van 1912 leerlinge gevorm. Die vermindering van die steekproef tot 1615 leerlinge in sommige analises, is 'n gevolg van onvolledige data van sekere leerlinge. 3.2.2 Die veranderlikes wat gebruik is Die onafhanklike veranderlikes wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: a. Aanlegtoetsresultate (AAT) b. Persoonlikheidsresultate (HSPQ) c. Belangstellingsresultate (VIQ) d. Skoolveranderlikheidstotaal (SVTOT) Die afhanklike wat in hierdie ondersoek gebruik is, is die volgende: e. Standerd 10 geslaag persentasie. Die modererende veranderlikes wat in hierdie studie bestudeer is, is die volgende: f. Die skoolgehalte; g. Die vakgroepe wat die leerlinge leer; h. Die ligging van die skool (stedelik of plattelands); i. Skooltipe (koshuis of dag); en j. Geslag. In hierdie ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van gestandardiseerde meetinstrumente om kognitiewe, en affektiewe veranderlikes te meet. Om die "skool" te meet is verskeie skoolveranderlikes eers geoperasionaliseer en daarna punte volgens rangorde deur die inspekteurs toegeken. Geslag is in hierdie ondersoek as modererende veranderlike gebruik om die invloed daarvan op voorspelling te bestudeer. Om die invloed van die skool as 'n modererende veranderlike te bestudeer is die steekproef verder verdeel volgens skoolgehalte, skoolligging en skooltipe. Die leerlinge was ook gegroepeer volgens die vakgroepe wat hulle geneem het (dit is algemeen, natuurwetenskap en handel). 4. STATISTIESE TEGNIEKE WAT IN HIERDIE NAVORSING GEBRUIK IS EN DIE RESULTATE VAN DIE ONDERSOEK: 4.1 MEERVOUDIGE REGRESSIE-ANALISE: Deurgaans toegepas is die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR program) om die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie te identifiseer. Die resultate van die analise het daarop gedui dat: i. die kognitiewe veranderlikes die beste voorspellers van akademiese prestasie is, in vergelyking met die affektiewe en die skoolveranderlikes; ii. die affektiewe veranderlikes van min voorspellingswaarde is; en iii. die skoolveranderlike 'n beduidende effek op voorspellings het. As gevolg van meervoudige regressie-analise is die kognitiewe en skoolveranderlikes gebruik as kontrole veranderlikes in die moderatorveranderlike studie. Die affektiewe veranderlikes is weggelaat weens hulle geringe bydrae tot R2 . 4.2 VARIANSIE ANALISE: Die meervoudige regressie-analise (BMDPIR) is ook gebruik by die moderatorondersoek. Die resultate van die ondersoek het daarop gedui dat: i. die skoolgehalte 'n beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van akademiese prestasie het; ii. die vakgroepe wat leerlinge leer 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; iii. die skoolligging 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voor spelling het; iv. die skooltipe 'n beduidende invloed op akademiese voorspelling het; v. geslag geen beduidende invloed op die voorspelling van algehele akademiese prestasie het nie; vi. die verskil in akademiese prestasie tussen die koshuisskole en dagskole bly steeds dieselfde selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is; en vii. die verskil in die akademiese prestasie van stedelike en plattelandse leerlinge steeds dieselfde bly selfs as aanleg gekontroleer is. 5. IMPLIKASIES VIR VERDERE ONDHRSOEK: In hierdie studie is gevind dat aanleg 'n goeie voorspeller van akademiese prestasie in goeie skole is, maar nie in swak skole nie. 'n Geldigheidsstudie is nodig om swak voorspelbaarheid in swak skole vas te stel. Sulke geldigheidstudies moet die sistematiese veranderlikes ook bestudeer sodat hulle invloed op R2 verklaar kan word. In hierdie studie is ook gevind dat die plattelandse skole akademies beter as stedelike skole presteer. Die bevinding is teenstrydig met die bevindinge van die vorige navorsers. 'n Verdere studie is dus ook nodig om die bevindinge van hierdie studie te bevestig of te verwerp. Die moontlikheid bestaan dat hierdie bevinding die invloed van die onrus wat gedurende daardie jare plaasgevind het, weerspieël. Verdere navorsing is ook nodig om die invloed van die groepvakke op akademiese prestasie te bevestig en o.a. die geldigheid van die resultate van hierdie navorsing te toets. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van die insluiting van 'n toets in moedertaal in die AAT battery vir voorspellings van akademiese prestasie vas te stel. Die resultate van hierdie studie (kyk tabel 6 • 2 ) het getoon dat die AAT die swakste met Zulutaal korreleer. 'n Toets in moedertaal blyk dus nodig te wees. 6. OPVOEDKUNDIGE IMPLIKASIE: Die kruisvalidasie van die beste stelveranderlikes het daarop gewys dat dit goed by goeie skole kan voorspel en nie by swak skole nie. Om al die skole se akademiese prestasie te verbeter, word dit aanbeveel dat die toetse aan die begin van die jaar toegepas moet word en dat die nuwe snitpunte (kyk paragraaf 6.7) by die verwagtingstabel gebruik moet word. Die vroegtydige beskikbaarheid van die toetsresultate kan help om leerlinge en die onderwysers te motiveer om beter te presteer. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1989

Young adults' experiences of their relationships with familialy-related older people / Ursula Nagel

Nagel, Ursula January 2014 (has links)
Intergenerational relationships can be defined as interactions between members of different generations. There are two different groups of intergenerational relationships, historical and familial. The familial relationship consists of members who are familially related, while historical generations can be viewed as a cohort, or a group of people who have experienced similar historical events, because they are the same age or have lived through the same historical period. Most research in South Africa has focused on intergenerational relationships among African families. Research into these families highlights the role of grandparents as people with wisdom, life experience and the educative relationship they have with their grandchildren. Grandchildren, on the other hand, have to take care of their grandparents and respect them as older people. Members of the different generations provide social support, despite the fact that they are not familially-related. The norms that guided the interactions between these two generations provide individuals with a sense of continuity and stability. Social theories regarding intergenerational relationships are: the solidarity model, the solidarity and conflict model, and ambivalence. Current theories from the psychological perspective are: intergenerational intelligence and self-interactional group theory (SIGT). Little research has been conducted into intergenerational relationships among white familial generations in South Africa even though the phenomenon has been widely researched internationally. In order to establish the nature of the intergenerational relationship, young adults’ lived experiences of their relationships with older people was the focus of this research. This focus has been motivated by the fact that young adults and older people can benefit from effective intergenerational relationships; young adults provide a source of physical and emotional care for older people, where the older person in turn provide a source of affirmation and shared experience for young adults. This research is further motivated by the fact that it cannot be assumed that white generations in South Africa are necessarily following international trends. The study was conducted at the North-West University, at Potchefstroom in South Africa. Psychology Honours students were purposively selected to participate because of their age group as young adults, and their knowledge of human behaviour. It was thought that their description of their relational experiences would be of particular interest. Nineteen young adults (eighteen women and one man) aged 21 to 30 formed part of the study. Ethical approval for the research was obtained from North-West University. The participants gave informed consent that their participation was voluntary, and that they had been made aware that they could withdraw from the study at any time for whatever reason without any negative consequences. They were provided with the materials of the Mmogo-method®, which consist of clay, straws and colourful beads, and were invited to make a visual representation of their relationship with a person older than 60 years. When all the participants had completed their visual presentations, the researcher asked what each had made and why they had made it. An informal group discussion was conducted after each participant had told the others what they had made. During the discussion participants shared their subjective view of their experiences of their relationship with older people. The researcher employed visual data analysis and discourse analysis to analyse the data. Different guidelines were applied to ensure the trustworthiness of the research process and the findings. The results revealed that young adults experienced four types of relationships, which are presented as typologies. The two axes which describe the four types of relationships are: intimacy (physical and emotional) or distance and empathy or judgemental. The four types of intergenerational relationships that emerged from the combination of the different axes were: effective, normative-guided, ineffective, and double-bind. These findings can be used to develop programmes and interventions to promote intergenerational relationships. They also provide an opportunity for cross-cultural and international data to be compared with the four different relationship types. / MA (Clinical Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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