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Teachers' experiences of power relations as psychological violence / Alecia Human-van der WesthuizenHuman-van der Westhuizen, Alecia January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine teachers’ experiences of power relations as
psychological violence and the impact it has on their health. This study, using a qualitative
approach, thus investigates the association between power relations and the dimensions
thereof and how it manifests as psychological violence. In turn, it may have detrimental
effects on the health of the teacher and the whole teaching-learning process. Based on the
findings, recommendations for this - and future research - are proposed.
Open-ended phenomenological interviews were used to collecct the qaulitative data. Eleven
participants indicated their willingness to be individually interviewed for the study. The
qualitative findings indicated that teachers experience power relations as psychological
violence, it is experienced severely and emanates mostly from colleagues in management
positions. The most prevalent and severe forms of power relations as psychological violence
as experienced by teachers include being subjected to power abuse from principals; being
subjected to autocratic management styles and management’s power abuse through the
abdication of responsibility. The most severe physical health consequenses as experienced
by teachers include feeling tired and experiencing physical ill health. It further emerged that
the most severe phychological health consequenses were experienced in the form of feelings
of helplessness and feeling emotional or wanting to cry. Teachers’ lack of work productivity
and motivation were the most severe behavioural consequense because of the experience of
power abuse as psychological violence. Teachers’ personal and family relations and
teachers withdrawing socially were the most evident social consequense due to negative
The findings from the study indicated that teachers experience power relations as
psychological violence in various forms and that it is highly prevalent. The research results
have shown that teachers identified many dimensions of power relations, such as
management styles, the perception or experience of someone’s power or “weak point”,
possessing no power or status, female teachers being treated in a subordinate manner and
racial or cultural differences of others as a contributer to abuse power in relationships at
This study contributes towards the power relations and psychological violence literature in
general and in particular, teachers’ experiences in South Africa. In the light of the findings
the study recommends that teacher support programmes should be put in place in order to
address the experience of power relations as psychological violence. It further recommends that teachers and students studying to become teachers should be provided with information
about power relations as psychological violence to create awareness. / Thesis (MEd (Educational Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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'n Arbeidsregtelike perspektief op die werksvervulling van die graad R–opvoeder / Margaret C. RossouwRossouw, Margaret Calldo January 2011 (has links)
Current policy to extend early childhood education by placing grade R in public primary schools is politically, economically and educationally motivated. Quality education in grade R has definite long term economic advantages and could ensure equal educational opportunities. The educator is a key factor in this issue and her perception of her work life determines to a large extent the success of the initiative.
The work fulfilment of the grade R educator is approached in this research from a labour law perspective and was conducted in the field of Education Law. The philosophic base of Education Law is found in the German educational term geborgenheit, which refers to the safety and security of all role players in education. The experience of security is regarded as a prerequisite for work fulfilment. The Constitution, education legislation, labour law, relevant case law and the common law were studied as legal determinants for work fulfilment.
A qualitative enquiry into educators’ perceptions of their work life was conducted amongst participants in a specific area, which included schools from different socio–economic and cultural backgrounds. The essence of the findings is that, in spite of the existence of legislation which in principle should provide for physical and psychological security, educators still experience insecurity and therefore a lack of work fulfilment because of the ineffective implementation of law and policy.
Widespread ignorance regarding the nature of quality education in grade R exists and the insistence on educator centralised teaching limits the work fulfilment of especially well–trained educators. Awareness of the advantages of a play based, whole–child approach has to be developed. This approach, as well as knowledge of legal determinants, promote work fulfilment, since both serve the best interests of the child as well as the educator. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Positive psychology and subclinical eating disorders in South Africa : a literature review / Kirsten D.K.Kirsten, Doret Karen January 2011 (has links)
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body–dissatisfaction (BD) and drive for thinness (DT) globally and locally, and the at–risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exists no South African program tailored to the needs of afflicted female students and which includes a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory. In this chapter a theoretical overview on the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence and the rationale for a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory are provided. Thereafter three preliminary South African studies, namely two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis & Swanepoel, 2010) and the Weight Over–concern and Well–being program of Kirsten, Du Plessis and Du Toit (2007) are discussed. Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing Positive Psychology theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and promote protective factors. As such, Well–being therapy (Fava & Ruini, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well–being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and Self–Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) that can promote true self–esteem in the form of self–determination and mindfulness (Kabat–Zinn, 1998), with its inherent self–compassion, kindness and self–forgiving manner, show promise. More in–depth studies with larger samples are however needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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'n Arbeidsregtelike perspektief op die werksvervulling van die graad R–opvoeder / Margaret C. RossouwRossouw, Margaret Calldo January 2011 (has links)
Current policy to extend early childhood education by placing grade R in public primary schools is politically, economically and educationally motivated. Quality education in grade R has definite long term economic advantages and could ensure equal educational opportunities. The educator is a key factor in this issue and her perception of her work life determines to a large extent the success of the initiative.
The work fulfilment of the grade R educator is approached in this research from a labour law perspective and was conducted in the field of Education Law. The philosophic base of Education Law is found in the German educational term geborgenheit, which refers to the safety and security of all role players in education. The experience of security is regarded as a prerequisite for work fulfilment. The Constitution, education legislation, labour law, relevant case law and the common law were studied as legal determinants for work fulfilment.
A qualitative enquiry into educators’ perceptions of their work life was conducted amongst participants in a specific area, which included schools from different socio–economic and cultural backgrounds. The essence of the findings is that, in spite of the existence of legislation which in principle should provide for physical and psychological security, educators still experience insecurity and therefore a lack of work fulfilment because of the ineffective implementation of law and policy.
Widespread ignorance regarding the nature of quality education in grade R exists and the insistence on educator centralised teaching limits the work fulfilment of especially well–trained educators. Awareness of the advantages of a play based, whole–child approach has to be developed. This approach, as well as knowledge of legal determinants, promote work fulfilment, since both serve the best interests of the child as well as the educator. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Positive psychology and subclinical eating disorders in South Africa : a literature review / Kirsten D.K.Kirsten, Doret Karen January 2011 (has links)
Rapid escalation of Subclinical Eating Disorders (SED) in the form of high levels of body–dissatisfaction (BD) and drive for thinness (DT) globally and locally, and the at–risk status of university females are underscored by recent studies. As yet there exists no South African program tailored to the needs of afflicted female students and which includes a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory. In this chapter a theoretical overview on the nature and definition of SED, its prevalence and the rationale for a risk–protective focus grounded in Positive Psychology theory are provided. Thereafter three preliminary South African studies, namely two correlation studies (De Pãz Fransisco, 2007; Kirsten, Du Plessis & Swanepoel, 2010) and the Weight Over–concern and Well–being program of Kirsten, Du Plessis and Du Toit (2007) are discussed. Findings of these preliminary studies highlight the promise of utilizing Positive Psychology theoretical approaches to practically significantly reduce risk factors and promote protective factors. As such, Well–being therapy (Fava & Ruini, 2003) that promotes the six dimensions of psychological well–being (Ryff & Keyes, 1995), and Self–Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2000) that can promote true self–esteem in the form of self–determination and mindfulness (Kabat–Zinn, 1998), with its inherent self–compassion, kindness and self–forgiving manner, show promise. More in–depth studies with larger samples are however needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Psigometriese ondersoek na psigologiese optimaliteitVisser, Chrisna 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie ondersoek handel oor die psigometriese verwantskappe tussen verskeie konseptualiserings van psigologiese optimaliteit. Die konsepte selfaktualisering (vanuit 'n humanistiese raamwerk), gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid (vanuit 'n behavioristiese en salutogenesis paradigma) is vir die doeleindes van hierdie ondersoek gekies. Die gekose meetinstrumente, naamlik die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys vir
selfaktualisering, die Lewensorientasievraelys vir gevoel van koherensie en die Selfkontroleskedule vir aangeleerde vernuftigheid, is op 'n steekproef van 200 middelvlakbestuurders in 'n semi-staatsdiensorganisasie afgeneem. Pearsonkorrelasiekoeffisiente is bereken en 'n faktorontleding is gedoen. Daar is verskeie beduidende korrelasies verkry tussen die subskale van die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Lewensorientasievraelys, maar slegs enkele beduidende korrelasies tussen die Persoonlike Orientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule. Die Lewensorientasievraelys en die Selfkontroleskedule het egter beduidend gekorreleer. Die faktorontleding het getoon dat selfaktualisering aan die een kant, en gevoel van koherensie en aangeleerde vernuftigheid aan die ander kant as twee verskillende konstrukte van psigologiese optimaliteit beskou kan word. / The relationships between various conceptualisations of psychological optimisation are investigated. The concepts of self-actualisation (from a humanistic paradigm), sense of coherence and learned resourcefulness (from a salutogenesis paradigm) are relevant. The measuring instruments were the Personal Orientation Inventory (POl), the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) and the Self Control Schedule (SCS). They were administered by means of random sampling of 200 middle level managers in a semi-government organisation. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated and a factor analysis was done. Several significant correlations were obtained between the subscales of the POl and the OLQ, but limited correlations were found between the POl and the SCS. However, significant correlations between the OLQ and the SCS were apparent. The factor
analysis demonstrated that self-actualisation on the one hand and sense of coherence as well as learned resourcefulness on the other hand may be regarded as two seperate constructs of psychological optimisation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Thesis (M.Com.)--Universiteit van Suid Afrika, 1994.
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