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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educators' experiences of their role in supporting children from divorced families : a phenomenological study

Vermeulen, Karen Dina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Divorce is a common phenomenon throughout the world. According to the South African Population census in 1996 (Stats SA, 2001: 1.7) almost a tenth of the individuals that got married that year, had been separated or divorced. In the United States of America it is estimated that almost one out of every two couples eventually divorce (Dreman, 1999: 150). According to Pedro-Carroll, Sutton and Wyman (1999:467) many children may be at risk as a result of the negative consequences of marital disruption. These children challenge us, as educators, to support them in ways that will reduce risk factors and promote resilient outcomes for them. The statement by Pedro-Carroll et al. (1999:467) provides a rationale for this study, namely that children from divorced families may need support when experiencing the consequences of divorce. I argue that the school system, especially educators, play an important role in supporting children form divorced families. The school environment may serve as a source of support for children from divorced families, where educators are in a good position to be empathic to these children's problems and needs (Bray and Berger, 1992:73; Dreman, 1999:163). Therefore, I explored the phenomenon of educators' experiences of their role in supporting children from divorced families. The methods I made use of was firstly, semi-structured interviews to gain the educators' experiences individually. Two focus group sessions followed, where I also determined their experiences in a group dynamic. Through the produced and trascribed data I gained new insights into educators' experiences on this matter, by identifying themes from their experiences. One hundred and sixty one (161) themes were identified from the produced data. The findings were presented in four areas of experience, namely, educators' experiences in terms of:.the child; themselves; the school; and the parents. Some participants have experienced that generally children come across as uncertain and stressed, when their parents divorce, and that children may even feel that the divorce is his fault. It was also mentioned that children may exhibit psychosomatic symptoms due to the stress they experience. In terms of the educators' experiences of the school environment it was mentioned that the school provides structure for the children from divorced families. According to Wallerstein et al. (1980:277) the school can provide structure in a child's life at a time when the major structure of his life, the family, is crumbling. Mostly, educators have experienced that they do play an important role in supporting these children. Some even mentioned that they, as educators, have to sometimes fulfil a parental role for that child. According to Ligon and McDaniel (1970:76) educators are of inestimable help to children who bring their problems to them. I believe that the findings of this phenomenological study add credence to the research on educators as a supportive system for children from divorced families. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Egskeiding is 'n algemene verskynsel deur die wêreld heen. Volgens die Suid- Afrikaans Populasie sensus in 1996 (Stats SA, 2001 :1.7), het ongeveer 'n tiende van die individue wat daardie jaar getroud is, geskei. In die Verenigde State van Amerika is daar beraam dat ongeveer een uit elke twee egpare uiteindelik skei (Dreman, 1999:150). Volgens Pedro-Carroll, Sutton en Wyman (1999:467) kan baie kinders moontlik onder risiko geplaas word as gevolg van die negatiewe gevolge van fn gebroke huwelik. Hierdie kinders daag ons, as opvoeders, uit om hulle op wyses te ondersteun wat risiko faktore sal verminder en veerkragtige uitkomste vir hulle sal bevorder. Die stelling gemaak deur Pedro-Carroll et al. (1999:467) voorsien die studie van fn gegronde beredenering, naamlik dat kinders van geskeide gesinne moontlik ondersteuning benodig wanneer hulle die gevolge van egskeiding ervaar. Ek beredeneer dat die skool sisteem, spesifiek onderwysers, fn belangrike rol speel in die ondersteuning van kinders uit geskeide gesinne. Die skoolomgewing kan moontlik dien as fn bron van ondersteuning vir kinders van geskeide gesinne, waar onderwysers in 'n goeie posisie is om empaties te wees teenoor hierdie kinders se probleme en behoeftes (Bray en Berger, 1992:73; Dreman, 1999:163). Vir hierdie rede het ek die fenomeen van onderwysers se ervarings van hul rol in die ondersteuning van kinders uit geskeide gesinne, ondersoek. Die metodes waarvan ek gebruik gemaak het was eerstens, semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude om die onderwysers se ervarings individueel in te win. Twee fokus groep sessies het gevolg, waarin ek ook hul ervarings bepaal het in 'n groepsdinamiek. Deur die geproduseerde en getranskribeerde data het ek tot nuwe insigte gekom rakende onderwysers se ervarings in hierdie verband, deur temas te identifiseer vanuit hulle ervarings. Een honderd een en sestig (161) temas is geïdentifiseer vanuit die geproduseerde data. Die bevindinge is voorgestel in vier areas van ervaring, naamlik, onderwysers se ervarings van: die kind; hulself; die skool; en die ouers. Sommige van die onderwysers het ervaar dat kinders oor die algemeen as onseker en gespanne voorkom wanneer hulouers skei. Die kind kan selfs voel dat die egskeiding sy skuld is. Daar is ook genoem dat kinders psigosomatiese simptome kan toon weens spanning wat hul moontlik ervaar. In terme van die onderwysers se ervarings van die skoolomgewing is genoem dat die skool struktuur voorsien aan kinders van geskeide gesinne. Volgens Wallerstein et al. (1980:277) kan die skool struktuur voorsien in 'n kind se lewe in 'n tyd waar die hoofstruktuur van sy lewe, sy gesin, verbrokkel. Die onderwysers het meestal ervaar dat hulle wel 'n belangrike rol speel in die ondersteuning van hierdie kinders. Sommige van die onderwysers het selfs genoem dat hulle somtyds 'n ouerlike rol vervul vir so 'n kind. Volgens Ligon en McDaniel (1970:76) is onderwysers van onskatbare hulp vir kinders wat hul probleme na hulle toe bring. Ek vertrou dat die bevindinge van hierdie fenomenologiese studie geloofwaardigheid byvoeg tot die navorsing van onderwysers as 'n ondersteuningsisteem vir kinders van geskeide gesinne.

Akutpsykologiskt stöd efter en händelse : En studie kring hur stödet bedrivs under insats och plutonchefens roll / The early psychological support after an incident : a study on how the aid isbeing carried out and the Platoon Commander's role in it

Carlsson, Erik January 2011 (has links)
Efter en traumatisk händelse är det viktigt att kunna ta hand om dem som påverkas av situationen, både fysiskt och psykiskt. Detta förutsätter att det finns en fungerande stödorganisation, med chefer som vet vad deras uppgift är i efterarbetet. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att ta reda på hur det akutpsykologiska stödet är utformat inom den svenska Försvarsmakten och hur det har tillämpats under FS19, samt vilken roll plutonchefen har i den. Vidare har studien fokuserat på vilken utbildning plutonchefen har och bör ha. Studien har skett genom kvalitativ textanalys och genom intervjuer. De viktigaste slutsatserna som kan dras av resultaten, är att synen på hur det akutpsykologiska stödet ska bedrivas varierar. Studien har också visat att tillämpningen av det akutpsykologiska stödet har skiljt sig mellan enheterna och att utbildningsnivån inom akutpsykologiskt stöd, varie-rade mellan plutoncheferna. / After a traumatic incident, it is important to be able to care for those who are affected by the situation,both physically and mentally. This requires that you have a working support organization,whose chiefs know what to do. The aim of this essay has been to find out how the immediate psychological assistance works inthe Swedish Armed Forces in international missions, after an incident and what role the platooncommander have in it. Furthermore the study focused on the education that the platoon commandershave in immediate psychological assistance and what training they would need. The study wasconducted through qualitative text analysis and interviews with personnel in Försvarspsykiatrinand with soldiers and officers from FS19. Data processing of the results has been based ongrounded theory. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the results, is that there are currentlyno unified visions of how the acute psychological support should be conducted. The oldtheories, that a person who have been involved in a traumatic event, should undergo support in theform of a relief call or debriefing, is now considered to be incorrect by some of the interviewed. The study has further shown that the practice of the acute psychological assistance has been dividedbetween the units and the educational level of acute psychological assistance, which isvaried between the platoon commanders The study has also revealed several factors that affecthow the aid is being carried out and what effect it creates in the unit.

Onkologinių ligų dvasiniai aspektai sergančiajam ir jo artimiesiems / The spiritual aspects of oncological diseases for patients and families

Kubiliūtė, Simona 11 June 2013 (has links)
Darbe analizuojami onkologinių ligų dvasiniai aspektai sergančiųjų bei artimųjų gyvenimuose. Akcentuojami visi jausmai, emocijos ir išgyvenimai, su kuriais susiduria sergantieji ir jų artimieji. Paliečiama tema apie pagalbą, kuri suteikiama sergantiesiems ir artimiesiems bei suteikiamo ar nesuteikiamos pagalbos trūkumus. Paliečiama tema apie Dievą ir tikėjimą, jo įtaką susirgus onkologine liga ar būnant šalia sergančiojo. Analizuojama įvairi literatūra bei ţiniasklaidos šaltiniai, kuriuose pasakojama ne tik apie ligą, bet ir apie organizuojamas akcijas. Empirinėje dalyje pateikiama informacija, kuri gauta respondentų dėka. Tyrimu pagrindţiama teorinė dalis, kuri labai svarbi atskleidţiant temą. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais galima teigti: Onkologinė liga pakeičia gyvenimą ne tik sergančiajam, bet ir jo artimiesiems. Pasikeičia ţmonių gyvenimo būdas, mąstymas, vertybės bei elgesys. Tikėjimas sergant daţniausiai lieka toks pat; būna išimčių, kad tikėjimas Dievu labai sustiprėja. Taip pat verta paminėti, kad jei ţmogus netikėjo, tai jis nepradeda tikėti, kai artimasis suserga arba kai ţmogus suserga pats. Dvasinė ir psichologinė būsena pasikeičia, kadangi ţmogus išgyvena labai didelį stresą, šoką, liūdesį ir daug įvairių emocijų, kurios pakeičia daugelį gyvenimo aspektų. Dvasinė – psichologinė pagalba neteikiama ir nesiūloma, jei ţmonės patys neieško. Tai didţiulė problema, kadangi tokia pagalba yra reikalinga sergantiesiems ir jų artimiesiems. Gerumo akcijos sergančiųjų ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper analyzes the spiritual aspects of oncological patients and loved ones lives. With emphasis on all the feelings, emotions and experiences faced by people with their relatives. Touched on the topic of advice given to patients and relatives, and granted or denied assistance gaps. Touched the subject of God and religion, its influence on suffering from cancer or being near sick. Analyzing diverse literature and media sources, which tells the story not only of the disease, but also about the promotions. The empirical part of the information obtained through the respondents. The study justified theoretical part, which is very important for revealing the subject. Based on the results of the study can be stated: • oncological disease changes your life, not only sick, but also his family. • A change in people's way of living, thinking, values and behavior. • Belief in patients usually remain the same and there is exceptions to a stronger faith in God. It is also worth noting that if a man did not believe, he does not start to believe when a loved one becomes sick or when a person gets sick himself. • The spiritual and psychological state changes as a person is going through a very high stress, shock, sadness and a lot of different emotions that replace many aspects of life. • Spiritual - not provided psychological support and fails if they themselves seek. This is a huge problem, because such aid is necessary for patients and their loved ones. • Kindness Shares patients and... [to full text]

Educational psychology in higher education: Current scene in Portugal / La psicología educativa en la educación superior: la situación actual en Portugal

Bisinoto, Cynthia, Marinho, Claisy, Almeida, Leandro da Silva 25 September 2017 (has links)
Facing the challenges brought by Higher Education growth, the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) created the Psychological Support Services. They seek to help the adaptation to the university setting, enhancing the overall students´ development and their integration in the labor market. This qualitative research studies the structure of the Psychological Support Services in HEIs of Portugal and the main activities developed by educational psychologists. Interviews were conducted with eight services and showed that all services are designed for students. Although the most frequent activity is the students' psychological consultation, educational psychologists also develop a variety of interventions: skill development programs, support to students with special needs, and mentoring programs to welcome new students. Traditionally the services were oriented by an individual intervention and in response to the students' problem. Nowadays they are working with other agents and in a preventive way. Actions directed to educational projects and the institutional evaluation could promote a qualitative change in services. / Con el fin de afrontar los desafíos del aumento demográfico de la educación superior, las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) crearon los Servicios de Apoyo Psicológico buscando:(a) ayudar a la adaptación a la universidad, (b) mejorar el desarrollo de los estudiantes y (c) favorecer su integración en el mercado laboral. El presente estudio investigó la estructura de los Servicios de Apoyo Psicológico en las IES de Portugal, así como las principales actividades desarrolladas por los psicólogos escolares. A partir de las entrevistas realizadasen ocho servicios de apoyo psicológico, se observó que todos ellos están diseñados para los estudiantes. Si bien la actividad principal es la consulta psicológica para los estudiantes, los psicólogos educacionales desarrollan también una variedad de actividades de intervención, tales como: programas de desarrollo de competencias, apoyo a los estudiantes con necesidades especiales y programas de tutoría para dar la bienvenida a nuevos estudiantes. Asimismo, en la actualidad los servicios están trabajando con otros agentes y de manera preventiva. Se propone que las acciones dirigidas a los proyectos educativos y la evaluación institucional podrían promover un cambio cualitativo en los servicios.

Psychická podpora a komunikace s rodinou novorozence na ARO, JIP / Psychological support and communication with family on newborn resuscitation, ICU

Morávková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE 1. LÉKAŘSKÁ FAKULTA Studijní program: Specializace ve zdravotnictví N5345 Studijní obor: Intenzivní péče MIP 5345T024 Bc. Tereza Morávková Psychická podpora a komunikace s rodinou novorozence na ARO/JIP Psychological support and communication with family on newborn resuscitation, ICU DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE Vedoucí diplomové práce: PhDr. Alena Mellanová, CSc. Praha ABSTRACT This diploma thesis is theoretical and empirical, and focuses on emotional support and communication with parents of a newborn in a resuscitation department or ICU. It analyzes the approach that the medical staff has towards these parents, specifically psychological support in the form of sufficient and adequate communication. The theoretical section begins with the classification of newborns. Next the reasons for intensive and neonatal care for very premature babies are discussed. The following chapter contains an analysis of the psychological changes that the parents of a newborn in a resuscitation department or ICU may experience. This chapter describes the general characteristics of fear and anxiety. The next section describes the reasons, possible manifestations and consequences of this fear and anxiety experienced by the families. The next chapter sets out the principles of communication with a family in a...

Etické aspekty a dilemata práce hasiče-záchranáře / Ethical aspects and dilemmas of work of fireman-rescuer

Tichá, Růžena January 2011 (has links)
A fire guard/rescuer vocation means to fight fire and to rescue human lives on daily basis. It is physically and mentally a very demanding job which impose excessive requirements on firemen/rescuers, especially during interventions at tragic events. In my thesis, I tried to realize fire guards'/rescuers' attitude to their job from the ethic side, especially how they perceive following ethic standards during their interventions. I am describing ethic dilemma in this occupation, firemen's attitude to this issue and their experience as well. In the theoretical part of my thesis I am introducing a summary of expert opinions on general apprehension of ethic and moral requirements, on the value system, on the stress incidence in a human life and on the need of psychological support. These all things compared to the professional fire guards'/rescuers' activities. The practical part is presented by the qualitative research where interviews with fire guards/rescuers and their commanders represent experiences and opinions of both groups on this issue. Key words: ethics, dilemma, fire guard/rescuer, values, psychological support, stress.

Význam psychické podpory u budoucích matek během těhotenství a porodu / Importance of Psychological Support for to-be Mothers During Pregnancy and Childbirth

Juristová, Mária January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines the importance of psychological support from a supplementary person provided to mothers during their pregnancy and mainly during the process of childbirth. Such person may be a partner, relative, midwife, doula, doctor, etc. The aim of this thesis is to find out why the mother chooses to give birth in the presence of the specific person, how important is the psychological (and sometimes also physical) support from an accompanying person for such woman during delivery, or what specific action the mother considers psychologically supportive during the pregnancy and childbirth. Theoretical part describes a psyche of the mum-to-be and her need for psychological support during the pregnancy and the delivery and names the types of support in relation to a person, who is supporting. Practical part will be based on qualitative research carried out as half-structured interviews with mothers, who delivered a baby with accompaniment. The interpretative content analysis will be used to evaluate the interviews. Key words: woman, mother, motherhood, pregnancy, delivery, childbirth, psychological support, partner, doula, midwife

Психологические особенности детей, занимающихся в детской школе искусств : магистерская диссертация / Psychological characteristics of children engaged in children’s art school

Еременко, Л. Б., Eremenko, L. B. January 2021 (has links)
Объектом исследования явились психологические особенности подростков. Предметом исследования послужили психологические особенности подростков, занимающихся в школе искусств, в контексте занятий творческой деятельностью. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (73 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя описание применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 81 страница, на которых размещены 4 рисунка и 13 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются гипотезы, указываются методы и методологическая база, а также практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор отечественной литературы по теме психологических особенностей подростков. Представлены разделы, посвященные исследованию психологических черт личности творческих детей, проблематике мотивации к обучению в детской школе искусств в контексте подросткового возраста, вопросам построения психологического сопровождения воспитанников в детских школах искусств. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: опроснику «Определение творческих способностей» Г. Дэвиса, опроснику «Определение типов мышления и уровня креативности (творческих способностей)» Дж. Брунера, опроснику «Личностная креативность» Е. Е. Туник, тесту «Мотивация учебной деятельности: уровни и типы» И. С. Домбровской. Также в главе представлен сравнительный анализ результатов исследования в зависимости от вида творческой деятельности. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object of the study was the psychological characteristics of adolescents. The subject of the study was the psychological characteristics of adolescents engaged in art school, in the context of creative activities. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (73 sources) and an appendix, which includes a description of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis is 81 pages, which contain 4 figures and 13 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the research, defines the object and subject of the research, formulates hypotheses, specifies methods and methodological basis, as well as the practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of Russian literature on the topic of psychological characteristics of adolescents. The sections devoted to the study of the psychological personality traits of creative children, the problems of motivation to study in a children's art school in the context of adolescence, the issues of building psychological support for students in children's art schools are presented. The conclusions of the first chapter are the results of the study of the theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods studies and results obtained by all used methods: questionnaire "Definition of creativity" the City of Davis questionnaire "to determine the types of thinking and level of creativity (creative abilities)" George. For Bruner, the questionnaire of "Personal creativity" E. E. Tunick, test "Motivation of educational activity: levels and types of" I. С. Dombrovskaya. The chapter also presents a comparative analysis of the results of the study, depending on the type of creative activity. The conclusions of chapter 2 include the main results of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, are summarized and possible prospects for further development of this problem are described.

Možnosti a úskalí práce školního metodika primární prevence na ZŠ / Possibilities and difficulties of a school primary prevention consultant work in primary schools

Vondrová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has been divided into two parts. The first - the theoretical part sta- tes the concept and methodology of school competence of a primary prevention worker at elementary school. The paper presents three reference frames of his wor- king - the legal framework, the framework of professional and social framework. These frameworks define specific competencies, potentials and risks in the per- formance of specialized activities in practice. General picture of the specialized activities SMPP is further elaborated in the following areas: methodology positi- ons in the school environment, the methodology and relationship with the school management , working among the pedagogical staff, the proportion of co-creation methodology for school climate and his possible influencing the climate. The text also discusses the ethics of educational and socio-educational work. Throughout following description of specific methods (social pedagogical intervention, facili- tation of communications, contract, consultation and supervision) The effect is by the potential interaction methodology at school. In conclusion, the theoretical work mentioned conflicts of children and youth with legal standards and presents the project Early Intervention System of the Ministry of Interior. The chapter on the SAHA provides data on...

Intervention auprès d’un groupe sectaire en contexte de protection de la jeunesse : donner la parole aux intervenant.es pour comprendre et améliorer leur vécu expérientiel

Morier, Marie-Pier 10 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à comprendre le vécu expérientiel d’intervenant.es de la protection de la jeunesse ayant travaillé auprès d’un groupe sectaire. Le premier objectif est de décrire leur vécu ainsi que les effets perçus de l’intervention aux plans personnel et professionnel. Ensuite, les facteurs ayant influencé leur vécu sont explorés. En dernier, des pistes afin d’améliorer le vécu des intervenant.es sont dégagées en prévision d’intervention dans des contextes similaires. Les contenus d’entrevues individuelles réalisées auprès de douze intervenant.es des équipes de l’évaluation et de l’application des mesures ayant travaillé dans la situation ciblée ont été soumis à une analyse thématique. Les résultats soulèvent plusieurs facteurs influençant la façon dont l’expérience est vécue par les intervenant.es, particulièrement selon l’étape du processus de la protection de la jeunesse. Les deux équipes décrivent une expérience différente. D’un côté, l’équipe de l’évaluation rapporte un vécu lourd et intense. D’un autre côté, les intervenant.es de l’application des mesures décrivent une expérience décevante et frustrante. De plus, selon les répondant.es, l’intervention a eu des effets dans les sphères personnelles (ex. affective) et professionnelles (ex.satisfaction au travail). Les participant.es de l’étude proposent des pistes d’amélioration en lien avec l’organisation et les conditions de travail ainsi qu’avec le soutien psychologique. Le mandat d’intervention différent des deux équipes ainsi que la présence de facteurs de risque associés au développement de difficultés émotionnelles semblent expliquer la distinction entre les vécus. En somme, l’intervention auprès d’un groupe s’apparentant à un mouvement sectaire constitue un contexte de travail exceptionnel et exigeant. Des mesures précoces pour assurer le bien-être ainsi que le soutien psychologique et clinique sont importantes afin d’améliorer le vécu expérientiel. / This research project sought to understand the lived experiences of child protective services caseworkers who intervened with a sect. The primary objective was to describe the CPS caseworkers’ experiences and their perception of the effects of the intervention on their personal and professional lives. Second, the factors that influenced their lived experiences were explored. Last, ways to improve CPS caseworkers’ lived experiences were identified, with a view to future interventions in similar settings. Thematic analysis was performed on the content of the individual interviews conducted with 12 CPS members of the assessment and service provision teams who had worked in the setting in question. The results point to a number of factors that influenced their lived experiences, in particular in relation to specific stages of the child protection process. The two teams described quite different experiences. On the one hand, the assessment team reported an intense, stressful experience. In contrast, the service provision team spoke of a disappointing, frustrating experience. Furthermore, the respondents said that the intervention impacted the personal (e.g., emotional) and professional (e.g., job satisfaction) spheres of their lives. Study participants suggested ways to improve their lived experiences in terms of organization and working conditions, as well as through psychological support. The differences between the lived experiences of the two teams would appear to stem from their different intervention mandates and the presence of risk factors associated with the development of emotional issues. To sum up, CPS intervention with members of a sect-like movement is an exceptional, very demanding work environment. It is essential to take early measures to ensure CPS caseworker well-being and provide psychological support and clinical supervision in order to improve their lived experiences.

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