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Factors of public-private partnerships (PPP) attracting private investors in developing countries : A quantitative research study of inexperienced and experienced private investorsKoch, Axel, Hammarsköld, Ludwig January 2022 (has links)
Background: Acquiring capital is a crucial component for developing countries to strengthen their economies and gathering it solely through national channels is challenging. Public-private partnerships allows for foreign capital to fund projects aimed at developing infrastructure through private investors. Yet, the topic of how to attract investors to public-private partnerships is largely unexplored. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how investors with different levels of experience perceive attributes of public-private partnerships in developing countries. Furthermore, to add to the current body of knowledge of the topic, as it is limited to investors with extensive experience. Thus, we investigate investors with a range of previous knowledge and their observed preferences regarding investment opportunities. Method: This bachelor thesis is written in accordance with a positivist approach where quantitative data was extracted through a questionnaire from 31 individuals with different investments experience. The results are later analysed in terms of mean value, standard deviation, multivariate multiple regression analysis and p-value approach. The data is later discussed in terms of relevance, connection to literature and in context to the frame of reference. Conclusion: The results gathered in this thesis showcased that 3 out of 14 factors indicated a statistical significance. Which refers to that the level of investor experience influence how the individual investor perceives adequate local expertise, political support and acceptance of PPPs and capabilities of the developing country. This on the other hand also represents the overall homogenous perception and assumption regarding various factors of PPPs in developing countries from an experienced and inexperienced investors perspective. Moreover, this study provides additional knowledge and literature background regarding how investor experience influence perception on various factors associated with PPP markets in developing countries.
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Evaluating the Role and Impact of Public-Private Partnerships in Education in Achieving the Goal of Equitable Access to Quality Education in the Sindh, PakistanRind, Gul Muhammad 08 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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People's perceptions of government in terms of the assessment and feasibility of development programmesIturralde, Diego 01 August 2002 (has links)
This study is about the perceptions, feelings, attitudes and knowledge of people towards government with regard to service delivery and participation with communities in order to accelerate social development. Government's enthusiasm to get things done often results in development not occurring at all. Entering into balanced partnerships with the private sector and communities needs to be explored a lot deeper. It must be borne in mind that people's attitudes, perceptions and feelings may differ according to the different strata of government. The study was undertaken to ascertain how people feel and thereby assess how effective government has been in the past seven years. This in turn will enable government to focus its efforts in the right direction. The study took into account various theoretical issues regarding the role of the state in developing a nation, the importance of knowledge and the management thereof as well as the changing face of development over the years. The shift in paradigm of the study of development is discussed as a matter of importance with structural adjustment programmes often resulting in slowed development and negative economic growth. Often schools of thought in development try to impose their thinking, but what this paper proposes is that schools of thought are not of importance here but quality of life in terms of social development and empowerment are. The study was conducted by means of three focus groups whereby each focus group had different characteristics. After the focus groups were conducted coding of the information gathered took place so as to facilitate analysis and interpretation. The study found that people are generally happy with the efforts of national government but that the delivery of service by regional and local government does not meet their expectations. It is also clear that the private and NGO sector seem to concentrate on the big urban townships whilst ignoring the plight of rural areas. The road ahead seems to indicate that consultation must take place and be improved with the communities as well as with big business who wish to develop their social responsibility programmes. It is recommended that local government be improved in terms of its effectiveness and responsiveness to its communities. Private sector must also re-assess its role in social development in the communities of its employees. The importance of this is then that government and private sector can work together in partnership in order to accelerate the pace of development. The credibility of government amongst the people as well as the reinforcement of democracy is at stake and the development of impoverished areas by ways of innovative strategies can only benefit all the peoples of our country. / Thesis (MA (Sociology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Sociology / unrestricted
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Between control and care : UNHCR and the use of biometricsSmit, Marie January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, humanitarian organisations increasingly embraced biometric technologies to respond to refugee crises. Therefore, this thesis studied the features and effects of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) biometric cash transfer programme in Jordan. The method that has been used is an analysis of relevant academic literature, reports, policies, and news articles examining biometric tools and the varying uses of biometrics in humanitarian contexts. In particular, attention has been paid to the effects of biometrics on refugee management, as well as on UNHCR and its beneficiaries in Jordan. The analysis uses the concepts of accountability, humanitarian neophilia, and humanitarian technology governance to improve understanding of what the use of biometrics means for the humanitarian sector and those dependent on it. The analysis shows that UNHCR’s biometric cash transfer programme has improved downward accountability by speeding up registration processes, thereby ensuring quicker financial inclusion of refugees. Biometrics also improve upward accountability by providing instant metrics regarding beneficiaries, distributions, and other audit trails. Yet, the analysis also reveals serious concerns about experimentation with new technologies in humanitarian settings, a lack of informed consent and data safeguards for refugees, and UNHCR’s increasing dependence on the private sector. UNHCR’s use of biometrics also improves the reputation of these technologies, generates new protection challenges, and increases exclusion risks for non-registered refugees.
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Vital Collaboratives, Alliances, and Partnerships: A Search for Key Elements of an Effective Public-Private Partnership.Young, Charles Keith 18 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Owing to the significant structural changes that have occurred in the global marketplace over the past 2 decades, a corresponding increase of public-private partnerships have been established among the business sector, local governments, and public community colleges. This qualitative project sought to identify and substantiate key elements that may be common to the formation, implementation, and maintenance stages of public-private partnerships. Who or what minimum conditions are necessary to the successful navigation of each stage? What obstacles typically arise during each stage, and how are they managed or circumvented? What sorts of benefits are generated through these partnerships and what measures may be applied to determine whether a partnership is meeting its mission objectives or not?
To investigate these elements, the researcher interviewed 18 key stakeholders directly involved with 1 or more partnerships between 1 or more divisions of a community college located in Tennessee (CCTN) and their respective for-profit private sector concerns. Data collected were entered into the NVivo8 program for qualitative coding, analysis, and interpretation. Data analysis suggested that visionary and innovative leadership was critical to the formation and implementation of partnerships; key themes of "people," "training," "business," and "need" influenced the life cycle of the partnership; persons identified as "champions" formed the "critical mass" necessary to create and sustain partnerships; and both public and private sectors implemented informal and formal assessments, but differences existed in how and what they measured to determine the efficacy of each partnership. By substantiating, uncovering, or affirming common elements relevant to the establishment and maintenance of public-private partnerships as described in existing literature and this study, partnership stakeholders may find additional perspectives that may assist and guide the creation, implementation, and assessment of effective, mutually-beneficial public-private partnerships.
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Hub Criativo do Beato- For whom by whom? : A narrative study of global entrepreneurial and creative urban practices in the eastern riverside of LisbonLönnervall, Solveig, Sundell, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the phenomenon of creative hubs in former industrial sites based upon the case study of Hub Criativo do Beato and its process of implementation in Lisbon, Portugal. The hub is explored in relation to political-cultural power embedded in the practice of globalism and public-private partnership. The empirical study represents a common case of creative hubs, but also indicates of a unique aspect of implementation as the decision-making process is shown to bypass the municipal planning department. Conflicting narratives between the rhetoric of the intermediary actor StartUp Lisboa and local concerned are analysed by given value-and-power questions of Flyvbjerg (2002) in relation to globalisation, the creative economy and neo-liberalisation. Data is collected through interviews with actors representing different perspectives and interest to the eastern riverside. Findings shows that globalisation is in the eye of the intermediary manager of the project as an opportunity to accumulate investments and knowledge for the city. The local economic practitioners portray an already ongoing entrepreneurial and global processes in the eastern riverside, and present opposed wishes for governmental involvement within the entrepreneurial and creative practice. The conclusion draws attention to the principal concern of the creative discourse taken for granted in practise. In this case, narratives show that Hub Criativo do Beato is carried out mainly for the city to compete on the global arena, without greater concern for the local context, which resulted in missing great opportunities to deal with challenges and local participation in the planning approach to the eastern riverside of Lisbon.
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Ju mer vi är tillsammans : En studie av planeringsdilemman och institutionella förutsättningar och förändringar i privat-offentliga partnerskap i svensk stadsutveckling / The more we are together : A study of planning dilemmas and institutional conditions and changes in public-private partnership in Swedish urban developmentAntman Debels, Felix January 2019 (has links)
Sweden is going through a period of urbanization that has led to a deficit of housing, office space and public buildings. The ability for municipalities’ to enact their urban development plans has at the same time been curtailed compared to 30 years ago. The municipalities are more dependent on the market and on cooperation with private actors than before. In this study a new phenomenon in Swedish urban development is studied: large scale and long-term private-public partnerships between a municipality and one or two private actors. The study is performed through a case study of an agreement between Stockholm city and a private company in the meatpacking district of Stockholm and of an agreement between Huddinge municipality and a private company in Flemingsberg. The motivations for the collaborations, the goals of the municipalities and the private actors, their strategies and changes in institutional settings are studied. The research has been conducted through document studies and interview with officials from the municipalities and corporations. The result is analyzed by applying a theoretical framework where the motives and strategies are investigated in relation to how they navigate three different dilemmas in planning: (1) the tension between a demand or a supply led urban development, (2) between a closed and open notion of time and space, and (3) between specific or general regulations. The projects relation to risk and uncertainty is also studied. The institutional changes are studied through a framework developed from the new institutional theory where actions and decisions in the urban development process is analysed through the perspective of how institutional norms on three hierarchical levels is forming the urban development practice. The result shows that the studied cooperation mainly is motivated by the need to enhance implementation of the plans and to handle risks. The goal of the companies is to secure their future values by acting as an area developer. To reach these goals a more open notion of time and space and a more flexible regulatory framework is deployed. The consequence is that the municipalities transfer more responsibility to the private actors and that the municipalities at the same time take on a responsibility to create a market situation that makes the corporation provide public amenities through their business model. One conclusion is that planning is performed through the market and that the public actors have to be market-sensitive. The other conclusion is that planning has evolved in to a practice of planning through contracts. / Sverige är inne i en period av urbanisering med brist på bostäder, kontor och offentliga lokaler som följd. Samtidigt ser kommunernas möjligheter att genomföra sina stadsutvecklingsplaner annorlunda ut idag jämfört med 30 år sedan. Kommunerna är mer beroende av marknaden och samarbeten med privata aktörer. Denna studie studerar ett fenomen som uppstått de senaste åren: stora och långsiktiga samverkansprojekt mellan privata fastighetsbolag och kommuner. Genom en fallstudie av samarbetet mellan Atrium Ljungberg och Stockholms stad i Slakthusområdet och samarbetet mellan Fabege och Huddinge kommun i Flemingsberg studeras vad som motiverar dessa samarbeten, vilka mål aktörerna vill uppnå, vilka strategier de använder och vilka institutionella konsekvenser detta får. Med utgångspunkt i forskningen om hur den offentliga styrningen har förändrats mot större beroende av nätverk och kontrakt, om samverkan och privat-offentlig partnerskap och den svenska stadsutvecklingsmodellen har fallen studerats genom intervjuer med tjänstemän och bolagsrepresentanter samt dokumentstudier. Resultatet har analyserats genom att applicera ett teoretiskt ramverk där motiven och strategierna studerats utifrån hur de hanterar tre dilemman i planeringen: utbudsstyrd eller efterfrågansstyrd planering, öppen eller specifik rums- och tidsuppfattning och precisa eller generella regleringar. Samt hur de förhåller sig till risk och osäkerhet. De institutionella förändringarna studeras utifrån ett nyinstitutionellt ramverk: där handlade och beslut i planeringsprocessen betraktas utifrån tre hierarkiska nivåer av institutionella normer som begränsar och formar stadsutvecklingspraktiken. Resultaten visar att dessa samarbeten i huvudsak motiveras för att skapa genomförandekraft i stadsutvecklingen, möjliggöra en utveckling av kommersiella lokaler och kultur samt att hantera risker. Bolagens mål är att kunna säkra värden genom att agera områdesutvecklare. För att nå dessa mål appliceras en öppen rums- och tidsuppfattning och flexiblare regleringar där projekten styrs genom samarbetet. Det får till konsekvens att kommunerna för över större ansvar för helheten till de privata aktörerna och samtidigt tar på sig ett ansvar för att skapa en marknadssituation där bolagen kan leverera allmänna nyttigheter genom sin affärsmodell. En av slutsatsen är att dessa fall utgör exempel på hur planering i högre grad drivs genom marknaden och att kommunen därför måste vara känsliga för hur marknaden kan användas för att uppnå sina mål. En annan av studiens slutsatser är att planering i allt högre grad har utvecklats mot en slags planering genom kontrakt.
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Разработка стратегии продвижения инноваций как специфической GR-технологии: анализ инновационных предприятий г. Екатеринбурга : магистерская диссертация / Development of a strategy for the promotion of innovation as a specific GR-technology: analysis of innovation enterprises of EkaterinburgКудинов, В. В., Kudinov, V. V. January 2016 (has links)
The paper discusses scientific approaches and technologies of interaction of business with authorities. In the first Chapter proved the relevance of the topic of the thesis. In the second Chapter the basic technology of Government Relations (GR) as applied to innovative companies of Ekaterinburg. The third Chapter describes the conducted study in innovative companies of Yekaterinburg, to identify the most popular technologies GR. Developed a strategy for the promotion of innovation as a specific GR-technology. Relying on the provisions of the thesis, it will be possible to use the tools of this technology in the scientific analysis of the problems of development of state and municipal management and in the practical sphere of increase of efficiency of interaction of business with authorities. / В работе рассмотрены научные подходы и технологии взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти. В первой главе доказана актуальность темы диссертации. Во второй главе рассмотрены основные технологии Government Relations (GR) применительно к инновационным компаниям г. Екатеринбурга. В третьей главе описывается проведенное исследование в инновационных компаниях г. Екатеринбурга, для выявления наиболее популярных технологий GR. Разработана стратегия продвижения инноваций как специфическая GR-технология. Опираясь на положения диссертации, можно будет использовать инструментарий данной технологии как в научном анализе проблем развития государственного и муниципального управления, так и в практической сфере повышения эффективности взаимодействия бизнеса с органами власти.
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Развитие территории через механизмы муниципально-частного партнерства на примере строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта путем реализации концессионного соглашения : магистерская диссертация / The development of the territory through the mechanism of municipal private partnership on the example of the construction of the park extreme sports through the implementation of the concession agreementИльиных, С. В., Ilyinyh, S. V. January 2017 (has links)
The development of the TERRITORY THROUGH the mechanisms of the MUNICIPAL-the paper analyzes the economic background of using the mechanism of municipal-private partnership (MPP), are considered objective factors hindering and impeding the development of private law. Identify practical problems of development of the territory in implementing the mechanisms of the law. The article considers foreign experience of the use of MPP in the development of territories in the field of sports. It also analyzes the economic and investment potential of Berezovsky urban district and the feasibility of the MPP project in the field of extreme sports. Presented investment project on the construction of the Park extreme sports on the territory of Berezovsky urban district of the Sverdlovsk region through the implementation of the concession agreement. / В работе анализируются экономические предпосылки использования механизма муниципально-частного партнерства (МЧП), рассмотрены объективные факторы, тормозящие и препятствующие развитию МЧП. Определены практические проблемы развития территории при реализации механизмов МЧП. Рассмотрен зарубежный опыт использования МЧП при развитии территорий в сфере спорта. Также проводится анализ экономического и инвестиционного потенциала Березовского городского округа и возможности реализации проекта МЧП в сфере экстремальных видов спорта. Представлен инвестиционный проект строительства парка экстремальных видов спорта на территории Березовского городского округа Свердловской области путем реализации концессионного соглашения.
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Система финансирования социальной жилищной политики в России : магистерская диссертация / The system of financing social housing policy in RussiaЗасухина, В. С., Zasuhina, V. S. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию действующей социальной жилищной политики в России. Предметом исследования выступают механизмы финансирования социального жилья в рамках проводимой жилищной политики. Цель исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций по совершенствованию системы финансирования строительства социального жилья на основе государственно-частного партнерства. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по дальнейшему развитию социального жилья и способах финансирования его строительства с участием частных партнеров. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of current social housing policy in Russia. The subject of the research is the mechanisms of financing social housing in the context of the current housing policy. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations for improving the system of financing the construction of social housing on the basis of public-private partnership. In conclusion, recommendations for the further development of social housing and ways to finance its construction with the participation of private partners are indicated.
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