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(O)jämställd rapportering i allmänhetens tjänst? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av rapporteringen i SVT:s Sportspegeln och Yles SportrutanRunsten, Viktor, Sirén, Bille January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och belysa genus i sportrapportering i public service-medier i Sverige och Finland. Huvudspåret i undersökningen är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av SVT:s och Yles huvudsportsändningar. Sändningarna analyseras utifrån frågeställningar som hur mycket utrymme totalt som ges åt herr- respektive damidrott och hur högt de olika könens idrott och de olika grenarna prioriteras. Vårt teoretiska ramverk utgörs av genusteori, dagordningsteori och teorier om kommersialisering. Innehållsanalysen kompletteras med kvalitativa intervjuer med centrala personer som ansvarar för innehållet i programmen. Underlaget för den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen är sammanlagt 74 avsnitt av SVT:s program Sportspegeln och Yles program Sportrutan, vilket ger totalt 1072 analysenheter. Vi undersöker avsnitten med fokus på idrottarnas kön, längden på inslag, typ av sport med mera. Undersökningen visar att SVT har en högre andel kvinnor i sin sportrapportering än Yle, men att båda bolagen prioriterar herridrott betydligt högre än damidrott. Intervjuerna visar att SVT:s redaktion har ett tydligt fokus på genustänk, medan Yle saknar en liknande jämställdhetsplan. Utifrån resultatet drar vi slutsatsen att kvinnor är underrepresenterade i sportrapporteringen och att SVT har en mer jämställd rapportering tack vare en medveten strategi.
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PPP模式是推动电子政务平台健康发展的良药吗? --来自华东地区50个城市政务App的面板数据分析January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 当前各个城市都在努力推动“互联网+政务”的公共服务新模式,打造政府公共服务平台,提供“一站式”的服务资源,以民众需求为中心,解决民众信息查询、政府办事预约、政策咨询等公共活动的需要。可以看出,政务平台给民众的生活带来极大的便利,是当前各地政府响应中央建立“智慧城市”“数字中国”的重要举措。
在第四部分中,本文分析了研究结果,认为政务平台采用PPP模式能够有效促进政务平台的建设水平,提高用户满意度;并且PPP模式与合作企业的估摸、信息的透明程度和平台的交互能力存在显著的交互作用,共同影响用户对政务平台的评价。政府引入PPP模式,充分对接可利用资源,并加强盈利控制,对当前政务平台的建设是具有积极意义的。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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The United States has a long-standing history of appropriating Indigenous representations for the use of mascots in athletics. Despite protest by Indigenous groups against this practice, professional athletics teams continue to appropriate Indigenous representations as mascots. The National Congress of American Indians produced a public service announcement (PSA), Proud to Be (PTB), to elicit support from the general public for changing the name/mascot Redskins. The purpose of the proposed research is to experimentally examine the effects that PTB has on support among Non-Indigenous participants, as function of political alignment. We considered two competing outcomes: The Counterproductive Hypothesis predicts the more conservative participants are, the less supportive they will be of changing the Redskin name/mascot, especially after watching the PTB rather than two control PSAs (directed at ending the word retard or reducing texting and driving). We also expect that the more conservative participants are, the less supportive they will be of either “name change” campaign, especially the one that corresponds with the PSA they view. Alternately, The Effective Hypothesis predicts if the PSA induces empathy among viewers, it could elicit support independent of political perspective. That is, participants will be supportive of changing the Redskin name/mascot after watching PTB rather than either control PSA. This effect will occur through the effects of PTB on increased empathy (specific to the target group). Preliminary analyses provide support for the Effective Hypothesis: Regardless of political perspective, participants experienced increased empathy for Indigenous People after viewing PTB, which led to increased support for the message promoted by Proud to Be.
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Public Service Announcements to Promote Physical ActivityErickson, Jennifer 01 January 2018 (has links)
The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes physical activity as a primary way to maintain health, but many individuals do not participate in this health-promoting behavior. Despite the potential for public service announcements (PSAs) to communicate health information and promote behavioral change, no prior research on developing video PSAs to promote physical activity was found. The purpose of this quasi-experimental study was to examine how affective and information video PSAs for a public health campaign affect future levels of intention to engage in physical activity. The PSAs were developed and filmed specific for this study using the model of goal directed behavior (MGDB) as the foundation for PSA development. Participants were recruited to view PSAs with the message foci of empathy, fear, information, and combination messages to determine which focus area is perceived to be most persuasive for promoting physical activity. This research examined moderating effects of current physical activity habits related to the duration of physical activity and the covariance with stage of change readiness. Differences in perceived effectiveness between the different message foci were found with participants perceiving the empathy video as most effective, followed by combination, with fear and information being perceived as least effective. For participants who meet WHO recommendations for exercise activity, the PSA based on fear was most effective, with fear also being most effective for those participants right below that level of physical activity. Many participants (61%) had a positive affect while watching the four PSA videos. Social implications related to improving public health communication through video PSAs that effectively promote health behavior change.
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Workplace bullying in Australian public service administrationsHutchinson, Jacquie January 2008 (has links)
This is a study of workplace bullying policy in the public service. The research draws on interviews with policy actors from three groups located in four Australian states and one Australian territory. The groups are senior managers, policy implementors and employee advocates. The study is also informed by research and popular literature to examine how assumptions about what the problem is in workplace bullying dictates the direction taken in policy development. Unlike much of the research into workplace bullying that is based on psychological theorisations, this study is influenced by scholars who focus on the power imbalances that underpin workplace bullying. The key argument in this thesis is that the conceptual dominance of 'gender neutrality' operates to mask the gendered power imbalances which perpetuate bullying behaviour. Hence, to start to address workplace bullying, the effects of power must be acknowledged and addressed in the organisational policy responses to the growing phenomenon of workplace bullying. However, analysing the effects of power is insufficient if gender is not made visible in the analysis. The methodological touchstone for this is Carol Bacchi's 'whats the problem' approach (1999), which is taken further through feminist organisational theory, post modernist understandings of power realtions and a critique of New Public Management practices. The thesis shows how workplace bullying policies in Australian public service administrations have been carefully crafted as gender-neutral, and interweaves data and literature to develop a thesis for why such an approach is a deeply flawed outcome of gender politics. This thesis concludes with some modest suggestions about how organizations might more effectively develop more effective gender-sensitive approaches to workplace bullying.
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Myth, Monolith or Normative Model? Evolution of the Career Service Model of Employment in the Queensland Public Service 1859-2000Colley, Linda Katurah, n/a January 2005 (has links)
Public services play an essential role in society, and every citizen uses them. They have traditionally been the principal means of implementing the political will, through policy development and implementation. Yet it is almost a national sport to criticise public servants. Their image is often poor, fed by television programmes such as Yes Minister. Common perceptions include that they have little real merit, do not work hard, are under little pressure to perform, are too powerful, are almost impossible to dismiss, and could benefit from some private sector experience. Such are the consequences of the career service model of employment that public servants enjoy. This thesis considers the much-maligned career service model of public sector employment relations, and asks how important it was, how it evolved, and why. First, it outlines the traditional understanding of public service employment, with its central tenets of merit, tenure, standardised conditions and political neutrality, all administered by an independent central personnel agency, and then explores the adoption, adaptation and reform of that model in three major western democracies - Britain, the United States and Australia. Then, it considers the implementation and evolution of that model in the Queensland public service from 1859 to 2000. The thesis argues that the traditional career service model was necessary to overcome problems of politicisation, corruption, insecurity and inefficiency that arose from the previous patronage model in the early 1800s. The model contained sound principles that were largely consistent with Westminster conventions, and were considered necessary for effective service in a political environment. Poor implementation of the model led to growing dissatisfaction by the late 20th century. However, rather than diagnose the problem as poor implementation and perhaps inadequate political leadership of the service, the career service model itself was found deficient, and was subjected to extensive reform through the weakening of its central tenets. The evolution of the career service demonstrates some circularity, as the problems of politicisation and insecurity that existed prior to the career service model begin to re-emerge.
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Comparing expectations and experience of public and private sector management in Australia: a study of Australian Public Service Interchange Program participantsStanton, Meryl, n/a January 1984 (has links)
This thesis establishes an empirically based dialogue between two theoretical approaches to management, one emphasing structure and the other process, by examining the question of whether management in private sector, profit oriented organizations is similar to, or different from, management in government departments. Subjects for the study were participants in the Australian Public Service (APS) Interchange Program, under which APS members work temporarily in other organizations, and managers from outside the Service spend some time in the APS. The measuring instruments used were a questionnaire designed to test empirically and to extend research by Fottler (1981), a standardised measure of personal values and two questionnaires to gather personal details and job related information pertinent to the parent and host organizations.
The results of the study indicate that Interchange participants found significant differences between the Service and the private-for-profit organizations in which they worked. The differences within the major structural variable, organization type, can be expressed in terms of managerial processes. Evidence was found of interrelationships between organization type, job related process variables and personal values. The theoretical significance of these results is discussed in terms of a pluralistic approach to managerial process, the practical implications for the APS are noted, and suggestions for further research are proposed.
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Strategic planning in Commonwealth departments: beyond magaerialism: from bounded rationality to bounded uncertaintyWills, Jules A., n/a January 1991 (has links)
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Management training and change in self-perceptionDunn, Lindsay, n/a January 1990 (has links)
This quasi-experimental study was to make a comparison between the
level of self-perception prior to and following a training process.
The study attested the view that the action learning based program in
question was an effective mechanism for change in self-perception.
The population studied were officers of the Australian Public Service
and the Commonwealth Teaching Service located in the Australian Taxation Office, Austrade, ACT Schools Authority and the Department
of Community Services and Health. A pilot study conducted in the
Public Service Board in 1987 suggested that an action learning
training process may be impacting on management competencies.
Respondent's attitudes to nine personality variables were measured
using the Saville Holdsworth Occupational (OPQ) Concept 5
Questionnaire. The variables were Assertive, Gregarious, Empathy,
Field of Use, Abstract, Structure, Anxieties, Controls and Energies.
Using the Solomon's Four quasi-experimental design, containing three
experimental and two control groups, pre-test, change and post-test
scores were compared using a one-way Analysis of Variance. Where
pre-tests were statistically significantly different an Analysis of
Covariance was used,
The general conclusion from the study was that the experimental
groups showed an overall insignificant relationship with training
particularly as control groups showed similar differences over time.
Apart from few exceptions the results did not support any strong
notion of positive change in self-perception as a result of a training
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Recent administrative reform in VietnamHai, Peter Nguyen Van, n/a January 1994 (has links)
Since the introduction in 1986 of Doi Moi program, a Vietnamese form of
Perestroika, which was designed partly to reduce the role of state bureaucracy
in the system, major economic reforms have been carried out in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV). However, while Vietnam's economic reforms
have generated considerable interest, its limited political reforms, especially in
the area of public administration, have not been a central concern among
political scientists, historians and researchers. In their efforts to revitalise the
state bureaucracy, reformers in Vietnam now recognise the importance of well
qualified bureaucrats, and they inevitably have to face the old issue of how best
to attract, motivate, train and retain public servants for a better government.
This paper, based on the search through the maze of official documents in
Vietnamese language, describes the SRV's political institutions, provides an
overview of Vietnam's administrative system against the backdrop of the
country's economic and political reforms, highlighting institutional interactions
induced by reform imperatives, discusses recent administrative reforms
emanating from the amended 1992 Constitution, and evaluates the effectiveness
of current administrative reform strategies. Comments will also be made on
. The roles and functions of central agencies in Vietnam
. Policy making processes and paradigms
. The 'emerging' dichotomy between policy and administration
. The 'ministerial department' a la Vietnamienne
. Machinery of government changes
. Human resource management initiatives
. The 'career service' nature of the Vietnamese public service, and,
. Central versus provincial governments.
Vietnamese Public Service is an important question and worthy of investigation
because of the increasingly close bilateral relationship between Australia and
Vietnam. Many Australian investors who have often been annoyed by
unnecessary delays caused by bureaucratic red tape and corruption, are now
keen to learn more about the policy making style of Vietnamese bureaucrats.
Vietnam still displays many deliberate trappings of a country run in a highly
centralist fashion. Its reorganisation strategy of the state's administrative
system will continue to bear the socialist imprints. Dr David Marr of the
Australian National University contends that layer upon layer of bureaucratic
influence, from Chinese Neo-Confucian to French Third Republic to Soviet
Stalinist, can be seen in Vietnam today. This paper argues that Vietnam's
political and cultural legacies will continue to exercise significant influence, as
they have in the past, on its public service's structures, strategies and ethics.
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