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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morgon-TV : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svensk morgon-TV

Persson, Mats January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to compare morning television in the swedish public service chanel SVT and the public service/comercial chanel TV4 in Sweden to find out what the difference is between them.</p><p>Material/Method: This essay focuses on one week of recorded morning television from SVT´s Gomorron Sverige and TV4´s Nyhetsmorgon. The method used is quantitative analysis.</p><p>Main results: This study has shown that morning television differs between public service television and comercial television in three aspects. It differs in content, flow and the presenters role to frame the program.</p>

På nära håll är ingen normal : handikappdiskurser i Sveriges Television 1956 – 2000

Ljuslinder, Karin January 2002 (has links)
Even though the goals of Swedish disability-politics are equality, full participation and autonomy, people with disabilities almost every day encounter discrimination and oppression. This thesis deals with the question of the public service-medias role in this discrepancy between political rhetoric and practices. The study of mass media’s role is interesting considering its cultural impact and the importance of cultural values in all kinds of communication situations. The focus of the study is on Swedish public service-television and the aim is to investigate the role of SVT in the implementation of the political goals of disability-politics. To what extent do SVT promote these goals and to what extent do they counteract them? The study’s ambition is both descriptive and analytical. Theoretically the study takes as its point of departure a social constructionist perspective. The only reality we thus can get in contact with is one that, via our language, has passed through our former knowledge and experiences. Language is therefore the main object of study. Another theoretical point of departure is a normative view on the role of mass media in society. This approach is characterized by the assumption that mass media has a certain usefulness for society as a whole, which in itself is a central purpose for public service-media. The study is based on data consisting of programme descriptions and video copies of programmes from the start of SVT in 1956 until 2 000. Altogether it represents more than 2 000 TV-programmes and over 40 000 broadcasting hours. Furthermore, the data consist of official political documents regarding media and disability matters. The data are approached from a discourse-analytical perspective and investigated in three studies. One of the data clusters was used to carry out a quantitative outline of SVT’s representations of disability. Another was used in an analysis of the socio-historical context and its changes over time and yet another was an analysis of the contents and narratives of the programmes. The main conclusions are that disabled persons and programmes that deals with disability issues are, and has been, rare in SVT, not more than 1-2 hours per 1 000 broadcast hours. The amount is the same today as it was in 1956. Another conclusion is that even though it seems like SVT is trying to promote the goals of disability-politics the consequences appears to be that SVT instead counteract them. One reason might be that the dominating representation in SVT has been of disability and disabled persons as normal. But because of journalistic practices, the outcome becomes portrays of deviance and The Other. This solution, however, is too simplistic. There is also a problem with the political rhetoric. As long as political goals, formulated in terms of ideals, which by definition are impossible to achieve, there will always be a discrepancy between political rhetoric and practices. The final conclusion therefore, is that reflections need to be done and consciousness needs to be raised in order to discover the discrepancy and from that point, try to create a change.

Quality and diversity in Swedish television? : In what way has public service television been affected by competition from commercial broadcasters in terms of quality and diversity

Jingklev, Niklas January 2005 (has links)
Abstract Purpose/Aim: To study the effect competition from commercial-TV has had on public-service-TV in Sweden in terms of quality and diversity. Material/Method: Literature study Main results: The SVT Corporation continues to offer a wide range of quality programming. Its new digital-TV ventures also show clear characteristics of high ambitions in regards to quality and diversity. The company’s investment in light entertainment is not in conflict with its public service commitments. TV4 has shown a clear tendency to move towards a more commercial outline. Its programming shows a smaller diversity-profile and light entertainment has increased substantially. Its digital-TV ventures are also of lesser ambitions in regards to quality and diversity than those of SVT. Keywords: Public Service, Media, Quality, Commercialisation, Diversity

Knowledge management practices in the public sector in Botswana

Komanyane, Kelebogile January 2010 (has links)
The study investigates knowledge management (KM) practices in the public sector in Botswana. The underlying premise is that good KM leads to efficiency and effectiveness. The study assesses the KM practices in the government departments by means of a questionnaire survey of senior managers. The assumption is that the corporate manager/directors will know what knowledge is there, how knowledge is created, shared and flow in the organization. The main question of this study is whether the Botswana public sector is practicing KM. The study explores the problem and questions by means of a questionnaire survey amongst 43 departmental directors of the Government of Botswana. The overall finding is that information management rather than KM is being practiced. The respondents, senior public service managers, certainly recognize the value of and the need for KM. But, they themselves identify certain weaknesses, such as lack of knowledge of KM among their staff, weak communication inside and across the departments, lack of policy and lack of good KM systems.

Ekonomisk styrning av statliga affärsverk

Charpentier, Claes January 1992 (has links)
Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.

Lilla Aktuellt - då och nu

Hägg, Marie, Amberg, Sofie January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar tv-programmet Lilla Aktuellt som är ett nyhetsprogram för barn. Programmet sänds på Barnkanalen (SVT) och har tidigare sänts på SVT 1. Vi har gjort en jämförande kvantitativ innehållsanalys på sammanlagt sexton program, åtta program från oktober och åtta från november månad, år 1993 och år 2008. Vårt syfte är att belysa hur programmet förändrats sedan starten 1993. Teoretiskt är vi inspirerade av Ingegerd Rydins bok Barnens röster. Program för barn i Sveriges Radio och television 1925-1999 (2000), Ebba Sundins avhandling Seriegubbar och terrorkrig, barn ochdagstidningar i ett förändrat medielandskap (2004), Siri Amram och Cecilia Hedquists kandidatuppsats’’Stor jämställdhet i ett litet format – en kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av Lilla Aktuellt utifrån ett genusperspektiv ’’(2007) samt generell teori om nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval. Studiens frågor är: Vilka ämnen rapporterar man om i Lilla Aktuellt? Var utspelas nyheterna geografiskt? Hur gestaltas inslagen? Resultatet visar att innehållet domineras av ”kultur och nöje” 1993 såväl som 2008. Ingen skillnad således. Nöjesprofilen är om möjligt mer markerad år 2008. Antalet underhållande nyheter har ökat sedan starten 1993. Inget inslag om miljö överhuvudtaget i Lilla Aktuellt som balans till den intensiva rapporteringen om klimathotet i de vanliga nyhetsprogrammen. Merparten av nyheterna har Sverige som ursprungsland. Inte heller här kan vi se någon förändring. Vår undersökning visar däremot att antalet nyheter från Europa 2008 är färre jämfört med 1993. Undersökningen visar också att könsfördelningen bland intervjupersoner var mer jämställd 1993 jämfört med samma period 2008.

När internet kom till Gärdet : En studie om public service på internet

Fahlén, Per, Björling, Rickard January 2009 (has links)
In the mid-1990’s, the global computer network known as the Internet was introduced in Sweden. With this study, we are shining a light on the entrance of Swedish Public Service media on the Internet. The two major Swedish Public Service companies Sveriges Television (“Swedish Television”, also called SVT) and Sveriges Radio (“Swedish Radio”, also called SR) are included in this study. SR published its first website in 1994 and the site featured a presentation of the results from the Swedish parliament elections of that year. SVT published its first website in 1995, when the company wanted to find a way to develop the classic teletext. The reason why we are studying these companies is that we wanted to find out why two publically funded companies decided to enter the new and relatively unknown Internet platform at a time when only three percent of the Swedish population had Internet access at home. We have interviewed technicians and board members working for either SR or SVT at the time surrounding their entry on the Internet and we have also accessed board documents and other written information from the companies. The study shows that both SR and SVT had an early presence on the Internet but without really investing. The respective boards were unsure about the usefulness of the new platform and the technicians were working without getting, according to themselves, enough time and money. The situation changed at the beginning of the 21st century, after the timeframe of our study.

Morgon-TV : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svensk morgon-TV

Persson, Mats January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Purpose/Aim: The purpose is to compare morning television in the swedish public service chanel SVT and the public service/comercial chanel TV4 in Sweden to find out what the difference is between them. Material/Method: This essay focuses on one week of recorded morning television from SVT´s Gomorron Sverige and TV4´s Nyhetsmorgon. The method used is quantitative analysis. Main results: This study has shown that morning television differs between public service television and comercial television in three aspects. It differs in content, flow and the presenters role to frame the program.

Rapport och Nyheterna : - innehållsanalys av deras gemensamma nyheter

Klaxman, Frida January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to investigate contents in the news in order to search for similarities between the two television news reports, Rapport and Nyheterna. The news features that I examined in my investigation were broadcast in April and May 2006. SVT and TV4 are two Television channels both belonging to the analogue television network in Sweden, which means that they reach out to almost the whole country. Hence I thought it was interesting to investigate their reports on similar news. The question: - Which are the similarities and differences between how the two programmes describe their reporting on similar news? When I put together the information from the two programmes in the schedule I based my analysis on the following questions: topic, place, length, type of reporting and per-sons/sources. The method for this investigation is a quantitative content analysis. However, some part of the collection of information and description/interpretation of the material is qualita-tive. Rapport and Nyheterna had an average of 15 similar news features per week, of which foreign news dominated. During the three weeks the investigation took place Rapport and Nyheterna had in total 46 similar news features. In addition to foreign news political and crime news dominated. The news broadcast at Channel 4 has more in common with Rapport rather than the other way round. Rapports consignments are in addition to this always longer compared to Nyheternas. / Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka de inslag som handlar om samma äm-ne/händelse i Rapport och Nyheterna. De nyhetssändningar jag använde i min undersök-ning sändes under april och maj 2006. SVT och TV4 är tevekanaler som sänds via det analoga nätet i Sverige, vilket betyder att de når ut till nästintill hela Sverige. Jag tyckte det var intressant att undersöka hur rap-porteringen av lika ämnen/händelser ser ut. Frågeställningen: - Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan de två programmens nyhetsrapportering av de gemensamma ämnena/händelserna? I schemat som jag använde då jag sammanställde informationen från nyhetsprogrammen hade jag följande frågor till innehållet: ämne/händelse, placering, längd, typ av rapporte-ring och personer/källor. För undersökningen valdes den kvantitativa metoden i form av en innehållsanalys. Men en del av insamlingen av material och beskrivningen/tolkningen av materialet är av kva-litativt slag. Rapport och Nyheterna hade i genomsnitt 15 gemensamma händelser/ämnen per vecka, där utrikesnyheter dominerade. Under de tre veckorna som undersöktes hade Rapport och Nyheterna 46 gemensamma nyheter. Efter utrikesnyheter var politik och nyheter kring brott de som dominerade. Nyheterna i TV4 har mer gemensamt med SVT: s Rapport än tvärtom. Rapport har alltid längre sändningar än Nyheterna.

"Jag Liksom står väl på mig" : - en studie om sex personer med funktionsnedsättningar och deras upplevelser av bemötande i kontakten med handläggaren inom den offentliga sektorn.

Örnehag, Andreas, Wikström, Annika January 2009 (has links)
Treatment is both about the actual encounter and how individuals interact as well as the behaviour among the counterparts. Previous research shows that a person’s experience of how he/she is being treated is formed by conditions created by external factors, in literature known as the general view on treatment. The purpose of the study is to show how people with a physical disability experience the treatment from their Social Security Agency administrators. We have compared the empirical material with theories on treatment and power and analysed how this affect the interaction between the administrator and the disabled person. We have used qualitative interviews to collect the empirical material; in all we have conducted six semi-structural interviews. The result shows that the clients have experienced both positive and negative aspects of treatment, with emphasis on feelings of positive reception. The respondents have pointed out different strategies in order to take control of their own situation. Despite this, the Social Security Agency aadministrators always has the final say, i.e. the executive power. All respondents stress that the administrator must be a good listener, able to motivate them as well as humble during their encounter.   Key words: street-level bureaucrat, disability, treatment and public sector   Nyckelord: gräsrotsbyråkrat, funktionsnedsättning, bemötande, offentlig sektor

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