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從人類表演學看使徒信心會之合與分. / Cohesion and division: the Apostolic Faith from a perspective of performance theory / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Cong ren lei biao yan xue kan Shi tu xin xin hui zhi he yu fen.January 2013 (has links)
陳明麗. / "2013年8月". / "2013 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 196-220). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Chen Mingli.
552 |
Teologiese elemente van lofprysings en aanbidding in kontemporêre jeugbedieningTaljaard, Dirk Cornelis 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Lofprysing en aanbidding, wat die kern behoort le vorm van elke erediens, omdat God sentraal staan daarin, en wat ook die middelpunt van die erediens van die !ewe behoort le wees, omdat dit die reaksie van dankbaarheid op God se goedheid is, word in die Gereformeerde tradisie heel dik els met groot skeptisisme bejeen.
Deels gebeur dit omdat die begrippe "lofprysing" en "aanbidding" dalk nog nie duidelik gedefinieer is nie en daar dikwels baie subjektiewe betekenis daaraan gegee word.
Dis 'n groat jammerte omdat dit baie van die vreugde, die hartlikheid en die warmte van byeenkomste van die geloofsgemeenskap ontneem. Verder het dit tot gevolg dat sommige lid mate - en veral jongmense - hulle heil elders gaan soek, waar hulle behoeftes aangespreek word.
Aangesien hierdie 'n studie is wat fokus op die Skriftuurlike en teologiese
begronding van lofprysing en aanbidding, asook die behoeftes van jongmense, word aandag geskenk aan belangrike tendense wat 'n invloed uitoefen op hulle behoeftes, voor- en afkeure en algemene lewensuitkyk. Sake wat aan die orde kom is onder andere kultuur - met verwysing na subkulture en pop-kultuur - die sogenaamde Generasieteoriee en spiritualiteitstipes.
Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak oor hoe gemeentes en kerke, met in
agneming van veral die behoeftes van jongmense, lofprysing en aanbidding op 'n Skriftuurlike en teologiese verantwoorde wyse kan beplan en aanbied, terwyl jongmense in die proses bemagtig word om mede-verantwoordelikheid daarvoor te aanvaar. / Praise and worship, central to every church service, as a grateful response to God's goodness and mercy, is frequently met with scepticism within the Reformed tradition. This is, partly, due to different definitions, resulting in a variety of subjective interpretations.
It deprives the faith community of the joy and warmth expected to be experienced at gatherings. It furthermore results in youth having to seek alternative pastures for their specific needs.
This research focuses on the Scriptural and theological foundation of praise and worship, as well as the needs of the youth, relevant trends influencing their needs, their preferences and dislikes as well as their attitude towards life in general. Aspects such as culture and the so called Generational theories and types of spirituality will come under scrutiny.
Lastly recommendations are made for planning and presentation of Scriptural sound praise and worship, whilst, at the same time, empowering them to take joint responsibility. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Diac. (Jeugwerk)
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Liturgievorming in 'n veranderende konteksBester, Hendrik Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
The forming of liturgy in the Dutch Reformed Church is in a crisis. The current context demands new liturgies in order to facilitate meaningful communication between God and His children. The problem is that no healthy practice of liturgy forming exists and more decay than change takes place. Therefore, the need exists for a workable theory for liturgy forming which can be used in the forming of a justified liturgy. In this study a theory and liturgies are worked out which takes the liturgy forming through the centuries into account. The theory, which is known as the three resources theory, is a dynamic theory in which the energy resources are placed in interaction with one another in order to form new liturgies. The three energy resources are the Bible, the tradition and the context. These three resources are focused on an eschatological focus point in the future. The Bible as energy resource especially has authority since it contains the worship style and example of Jesus Christ. The tradition exists of the narrative off liturgy forming through the centuries. The tradition offers a treasure of examples, which can be used for liturgy forming in the current context. The current context forms an integral part of the liturgy forming process. The post-modernism, the remains of the modernism, globalisation, the transformation process in South Africa and the modem developments in the human sciences are all forces which influence the liturgy forming process indirectly. These energy circles are placed in interaction with one another, new justified liturgies are formed which makes meaningful communication between God and His children possible. The investigation on liturgy forming in 13 various congregations in England and South Africa indicated that, where one or more of the energy resources is neglected, responsible energy forming does not take place. The current context requires that modem liturgy should emphasize symbols, emotion and dialogue. More love should also be shown during services. / Die liturgievorming van die Ned Geref Kerk is in 'n krisis. Die huidige konteks stel nuwe eise aan die liturgie wat vra vir nuwe liturgiee om die kommunikasie tussen God en Sy kinders sinvol en betekenisvol te fasiliteer. Die probleem is dat daar nie 'n gesonde praktyk van liturgievorming bestaan nie en dat meer verval as verandering plaasvind. Daar is dus 'n behoefte aan 'n werkbare teorie vir liturgievorming wat gebruik kan word in die vorming van verantwoorde liturgie. In hierdie studie word 'n teorie en liturgiee uitgewerk wat die werkende energiebronne in liturgievorming deur die eeue in ag neem. Die teorie, wat bekendstaan as die driebronneteorie, is 'n dinamiese teorie waarin die energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word vir die vorming van nuwe liturgiee. Die drie energiebronne is die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks. Hierdie drie bronne word gefokus op 'n eskatologiese fokuspunt in die toekoms. Die Skrif as energiebron is veral gesagdraend omdat dit die aanbiddingstyl en voorbeeld van Jesus Christus bevat. Die tradisie bestaan uit die verhaal van die liturgievorming deur die eeue waar die drie energiebronne telkens in wisselwerking met mekaar was. Die tradisie bied 'n skatkis van voorbeelde waaruit geleen kan word vir liturgievorming in die huidige konteks. Die huidige konteks is 'n integrale deel van die liturgievormingsproses. Die Postmodemisme, die reste van die Modemisme, globalisering, die oorgangsituasie in Suid-Afrika en hedendaagse ontwikkelinge in die menswetenskappe is almal kragte wat indirek inwerk op die liturgievormingsproses. Slegs wanneer die energiesirkels in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word, word verantwoordelik nuwe liturgiee gevorm wat sinvolle kommunikasie tussen God en sy kinders bewerkstellig. Die ondersoek na die liturgievorming in 12 verskillende gemeentes in Engeland en Suid-Afrika het aan die lig gebring dat waar een of meer van die energiebronne verwaarloos word, verantwoordelike vorming nie plaasvind nie. Die huidige konteks vra dat byderwetse liturgie meer klem op simbole, emosie en dialogiese kommunikasie sal plaas. Liturgie sal ook moeite moet doen om meer liefde oor te dra in die eredienste. Ter wille van die fasilitering van 'n dieper spiritualiteit kan die liturgie van die Ned Geref Kerk spesifieke liturgiese elemente en -houdings gaan leen by antler spiritualiteite en so sy eie liturgie verbreed. Dit bly 'n haalbare uitdaging om voortdurend verantwoordelik liturgie te vorm indien die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks as energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geraadpleeg word en gefokus word op die eskatologiese. / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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Die erediens as uitdrukking van die dinamiese ontmoeting tussen God en mens : 'n pentakostalistiese perspektief / Andreas Petrus du PreezDu Preez, Andreas Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Pentecostalism has, in recent times, undeniably contributed towards the growth of the
church as a whole. Public worship services inherently submit and contribute towards the
meeting between man and God as well as fellowship between the people who form part of
said service. Public services in honor of God speak to the purposes of God and man’s
fundamental desire to meet with our Creator. Consequently, research into this phenomenon
proves vital in determining and even extending the role of the Pentecostal ideology in
correlation to the longevity of honorary public services.
Chapters 2 through 4 shed light on some of the key concepts that clarifies the dynamic
nature of these events, throughout the service wherein the radiant power of God touches the
human heart in some astounding ways.
Exegetic studies have been undertaken into 2 Chronicles 5-7 which examines these
instances of divine meeting in the Old Testament while the second chapter of Acts deals with
the event from a New Testament perspective. In addition to this, 1 Corinthians 11-14 was
utilized to highlight the role of the Holy Ghost as the instigator for divine meeting.
Specific issues addressed by the research include service preparation and the role of music
and its contribution to ambience preceding a meeting between man and God. Moreover, a
keen focus on the sermon and the delivery thereof as well as its progression leading up to
the conclusion and summary in closing and prayer, are all dealt with as part of this study.
This dynamic, in essence, becomes visible through the statement issued by the life of each
disciple as a living testament to this consuming and changing event. Honorary public
services fit the bill as an event to promote divine meeting.
Chapter 5 delves into some of the auxiliary sciences i.e. sociology, communication science,
psychology and the field of antropology. The principles in chapters 2 through 4 are affirmed
by these aspects of science and provide perspective on the practical applications thereof.
All these factors in relation to practice have also been scrutinized through empirical
research. This research clearly places divine meeting as a central to and inseparable from
perceiver experience.
Chapter 7 provides practical guidelines to alternative approaches in practicum. The study
proposes a model whereby certain aspects can be examined from a Pentecostal point of
view in order to tailor services as a dais for divine meeting. Most importantly it should be
evident in the life of the participant that they have truly encounter God. This meeting is the
prime objective and at the heart of public service. It serves and should always serve as a
doorway to Christian life. / PhD (Liturgics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die erediens as uitdrukking van die dinamiese ontmoeting tussen God en mens : 'n pentakostalistiese perspektief / Andreas Petrus du PreezDu Preez, Andreas Petrus January 2014 (has links)
Pentecostalism has, in recent times, undeniably contributed towards the growth of the
church as a whole. Public worship services inherently submit and contribute towards the
meeting between man and God as well as fellowship between the people who form part of
said service. Public services in honor of God speak to the purposes of God and man’s
fundamental desire to meet with our Creator. Consequently, research into this phenomenon
proves vital in determining and even extending the role of the Pentecostal ideology in
correlation to the longevity of honorary public services.
Chapters 2 through 4 shed light on some of the key concepts that clarifies the dynamic
nature of these events, throughout the service wherein the radiant power of God touches the
human heart in some astounding ways.
Exegetic studies have been undertaken into 2 Chronicles 5-7 which examines these
instances of divine meeting in the Old Testament while the second chapter of Acts deals with
the event from a New Testament perspective. In addition to this, 1 Corinthians 11-14 was
utilized to highlight the role of the Holy Ghost as the instigator for divine meeting.
Specific issues addressed by the research include service preparation and the role of music
and its contribution to ambience preceding a meeting between man and God. Moreover, a
keen focus on the sermon and the delivery thereof as well as its progression leading up to
the conclusion and summary in closing and prayer, are all dealt with as part of this study.
This dynamic, in essence, becomes visible through the statement issued by the life of each
disciple as a living testament to this consuming and changing event. Honorary public
services fit the bill as an event to promote divine meeting.
Chapter 5 delves into some of the auxiliary sciences i.e. sociology, communication science,
psychology and the field of antropology. The principles in chapters 2 through 4 are affirmed
by these aspects of science and provide perspective on the practical applications thereof.
All these factors in relation to practice have also been scrutinized through empirical
research. This research clearly places divine meeting as a central to and inseparable from
perceiver experience.
Chapter 7 provides practical guidelines to alternative approaches in practicum. The study
proposes a model whereby certain aspects can be examined from a Pentecostal point of
view in order to tailor services as a dais for divine meeting. Most importantly it should be
evident in the life of the participant that they have truly encounter God. This meeting is the
prime objective and at the heart of public service. It serves and should always serve as a
doorway to Christian life. / PhD (Liturgics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Teologiese elemente van lofprysings en aanbidding in kontemporêre jeugbedieningTaljaard, Dirk Cornelis 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Lofprysing en aanbidding, wat die kern behoort le vorm van elke erediens, omdat God sentraal staan daarin, en wat ook die middelpunt van die erediens van die !ewe behoort le wees, omdat dit die reaksie van dankbaarheid op God se goedheid is, word in die Gereformeerde tradisie heel dik els met groot skeptisisme bejeen.
Deels gebeur dit omdat die begrippe "lofprysing" en "aanbidding" dalk nog nie duidelik gedefinieer is nie en daar dikwels baie subjektiewe betekenis daaraan gegee word.
Dis 'n groat jammerte omdat dit baie van die vreugde, die hartlikheid en die warmte van byeenkomste van die geloofsgemeenskap ontneem. Verder het dit tot gevolg dat sommige lid mate - en veral jongmense - hulle heil elders gaan soek, waar hulle behoeftes aangespreek word.
Aangesien hierdie 'n studie is wat fokus op die Skriftuurlike en teologiese
begronding van lofprysing en aanbidding, asook die behoeftes van jongmense, word aandag geskenk aan belangrike tendense wat 'n invloed uitoefen op hulle behoeftes, voor- en afkeure en algemene lewensuitkyk. Sake wat aan die orde kom is onder andere kultuur - met verwysing na subkulture en pop-kultuur - die sogenaamde Generasieteoriee en spiritualiteitstipes.
Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak oor hoe gemeentes en kerke, met in
agneming van veral die behoeftes van jongmense, lofprysing en aanbidding op 'n Skriftuurlike en teologiese verantwoorde wyse kan beplan en aanbied, terwyl jongmense in die proses bemagtig word om mede-verantwoordelikheid daarvoor te aanvaar. / Praise and worship, central to every church service, as a grateful response to God's goodness and mercy, is frequently met with scepticism within the Reformed tradition. This is, partly, due to different definitions, resulting in a variety of subjective interpretations.
It deprives the faith community of the joy and warmth expected to be experienced at gatherings. It furthermore results in youth having to seek alternative pastures for their specific needs.
This research focuses on the Scriptural and theological foundation of praise and worship, as well as the needs of the youth, relevant trends influencing their needs, their preferences and dislikes as well as their attitude towards life in general. Aspects such as culture and the so called Generational theories and types of spirituality will come under scrutiny.
Lastly recommendations are made for planning and presentation of Scriptural sound praise and worship, whilst, at the same time, empowering them to take joint responsibility. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Diac. (Jeugwerk)
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Liturgievorming in 'n veranderende konteksBester, Hendrik Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
The forming of liturgy in the Dutch Reformed Church is in a crisis. The current context demands new liturgies in order to facilitate meaningful communication between God and His children. The problem is that no healthy practice of liturgy forming exists and more decay than change takes place. Therefore, the need exists for a workable theory for liturgy forming which can be used in the forming of a justified liturgy. In this study a theory and liturgies are worked out which takes the liturgy forming through the centuries into account. The theory, which is known as the three resources theory, is a dynamic theory in which the energy resources are placed in interaction with one another in order to form new liturgies. The three energy resources are the Bible, the tradition and the context. These three resources are focused on an eschatological focus point in the future. The Bible as energy resource especially has authority since it contains the worship style and example of Jesus Christ. The tradition exists of the narrative off liturgy forming through the centuries. The tradition offers a treasure of examples, which can be used for liturgy forming in the current context. The current context forms an integral part of the liturgy forming process. The post-modernism, the remains of the modernism, globalisation, the transformation process in South Africa and the modem developments in the human sciences are all forces which influence the liturgy forming process indirectly. These energy circles are placed in interaction with one another, new justified liturgies are formed which makes meaningful communication between God and His children possible. The investigation on liturgy forming in 13 various congregations in England and South Africa indicated that, where one or more of the energy resources is neglected, responsible energy forming does not take place. The current context requires that modem liturgy should emphasize symbols, emotion and dialogue. More love should also be shown during services. / Die liturgievorming van die Ned Geref Kerk is in 'n krisis. Die huidige konteks stel nuwe eise aan die liturgie wat vra vir nuwe liturgiee om die kommunikasie tussen God en Sy kinders sinvol en betekenisvol te fasiliteer. Die probleem is dat daar nie 'n gesonde praktyk van liturgievorming bestaan nie en dat meer verval as verandering plaasvind. Daar is dus 'n behoefte aan 'n werkbare teorie vir liturgievorming wat gebruik kan word in die vorming van verantwoorde liturgie. In hierdie studie word 'n teorie en liturgiee uitgewerk wat die werkende energiebronne in liturgievorming deur die eeue in ag neem. Die teorie, wat bekendstaan as die driebronneteorie, is 'n dinamiese teorie waarin die energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word vir die vorming van nuwe liturgiee. Die drie energiebronne is die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks. Hierdie drie bronne word gefokus op 'n eskatologiese fokuspunt in die toekoms. Die Skrif as energiebron is veral gesagdraend omdat dit die aanbiddingstyl en voorbeeld van Jesus Christus bevat. Die tradisie bestaan uit die verhaal van die liturgievorming deur die eeue waar die drie energiebronne telkens in wisselwerking met mekaar was. Die tradisie bied 'n skatkis van voorbeelde waaruit geleen kan word vir liturgievorming in die huidige konteks. Die huidige konteks is 'n integrale deel van die liturgievormingsproses. Die Postmodemisme, die reste van die Modemisme, globalisering, die oorgangsituasie in Suid-Afrika en hedendaagse ontwikkelinge in die menswetenskappe is almal kragte wat indirek inwerk op die liturgievormingsproses. Slegs wanneer die energiesirkels in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word, word verantwoordelik nuwe liturgiee gevorm wat sinvolle kommunikasie tussen God en sy kinders bewerkstellig. Die ondersoek na die liturgievorming in 12 verskillende gemeentes in Engeland en Suid-Afrika het aan die lig gebring dat waar een of meer van die energiebronne verwaarloos word, verantwoordelike vorming nie plaasvind nie. Die huidige konteks vra dat byderwetse liturgie meer klem op simbole, emosie en dialogiese kommunikasie sal plaas. Liturgie sal ook moeite moet doen om meer liefde oor te dra in die eredienste. Ter wille van die fasilitering van 'n dieper spiritualiteit kan die liturgie van die Ned Geref Kerk spesifieke liturgiese elemente en -houdings gaan leen by antler spiritualiteite en so sy eie liturgie verbreed. Dit bly 'n haalbare uitdaging om voortdurend verantwoordelik liturgie te vorm indien die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks as energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geraadpleeg word en gefokus word op die eskatologiese. / D.Th. (Practical Theology)
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A theological exploration of the role and use of music for worship in the Methodist Church of Southern AfricaVan de Laar, John William 11 1900 (has links)
A theology of Church music for worship has been conspicuous by its absence. The need is
clearly demonstrated in this thesis, as is the methodology to develop this theology. The
Biblical record of musical usage shows that theological principles can be uncovered to guide
theuse of music today. The same process can be applied to the use of music for worship in
church history. In order for these principles to have practical application, the challenges
facing the Methodist of Southern Africa today are examined. Finally, a theology of Worship
Music is developed under three headings. The first, Worship Music as Sacred Sound,
explores the inherent music making of God, and of humanity. The second heading, Worship
Music as Sacred Act, explores the way music is used as part of the Church's worship activity.
The third heading, Worship Music as Sacred Word, explains how music can communicate in
worship. / Philosophy, Practical & Sytematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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Lobpreis- und Anbetungslieder – Eine kritisch-würdigende Analyse der aktuellen Hillsong-Lieder / Praise and worship songs : a critical analysis of popular Hillsong songsEhlebracht, Simon 10 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German and English / Die Masterarbeit untersucht die 20 meist gespielten Hillsong-Lieder aus dem Jahre
2016 in Deutschland. Untersuchte Aspekte sind die Hauptthemen der Liedtexte, die
Sänger- / Adressat-Perspektive, die Einordnung in das gesamtbiblische Narrativ sowie
die Funktionen der Lieder innerhalb des Gottesdienstes. Anhand dieser Aspekte
wird der Kritik, die an die Lieder gerichtet wird, begegnet. Kritisiert wird unter anderem
die theologische Substanzlosigkeit der Lieder, das verzerrte Gottesbild, fehlende
Themen wie Leid, Klage, Soziale Gerechtigkeit oder die Fokussierung auf das
Individuum anstatt auf Gott.
Die Arbeit weist nach, dass die Kritik an mangelndem Inhalt gerechtfertigt ist. Die
Lieder kommunizieren darüber hinaus ein einseitiges Gottesbild, das Jesus im Fokus
hat. Es wird dargestellt, dass die Themen Leid, Klage und Soziale Gerechtigkeit
unterrepräsentiert sind. Auf der grammatikalischen Ebene weisen die Lieder einen
starken Fokus auf das Individuum auf. Durch die Untersuchung der Funktionen wird
jedoch gezeigt, dass die meisten Lieder trotz einer Ich-Perspektive stark gemeinschaftsstiftend
sind. Das liegt vor allem an der koinonialen Funktionen sowie der
Kombinationen von diakonischer und seelsorgerlicher Funktion mancher Lieder.
Neben diesen Funktionen übernehmen die Lieder oft noch die kerygmatische, missionarische
und pädagogische Funktion. / The master thesis examines the 20 most played Hillsong songs from 2016 in Germany.
Aspects examined are the main themes of the lyrics, the singer-/ addressee
perspective, the classification into the biblical narrative as well as the functions of
the songs within the worship service. Based on these aspects, the criticism directed
at the songs is met. Criticized are, among other things, the theological lack of substance
of the songs, the distorted image of God, missing topics like suffering, lamentation,
social justice or the focus on the individual instead of God.
The work proves that the criticism of lack of content is justified. In addition, the
songs communicate a one-sided image of God that strongly focuses on Jesus as
an addressee. It shows that the issues of suffering, lamentation and social justice
are underrepresented. On the grammatical level, the songs have a strong focus on
the individual. Examining the functions, however, shows that most of the songs,
despite a first-person perspective, are strongly community-building. This is mainly
due to the koinonial function and the combinations of diaconal and pastoral function
of some songs. In addition to these functions, the songs often take on the kerygmatic,
missionary and pedagogical function / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)
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Missional character of music in worship : a study of select churches in the metropolitan city of Abeokuta, NigeriaOdewole, Israel Oluwagbemiga Omoniyi 06 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, the researcher engages in emerging work in music in worship to deepen contemporary conversations about musical styles in worship. This thesis critically examines the missional character of music in worship in seven selected evangelical churches in the metropolitan city of Abeokuta, Nigeria in order to propose a sustainable model for promoting God’s missions. . The selected churches are The Assemblies of God Church, Four Square Church, The Baptist Church, The Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, The Redeemed Christian Church of God, The Apostolic Faith, and The Gospel Faith Mission International. The thesis has investigated how missional and to what extent these churches have effectively sought to implement the missionary mandate in the area of music in worship.
The following specific objectives underpin the study: to establish the Biblical perspective of the missional character of music in worship in the life of the church, to study and outline the Theological perspective of the missional character of music in worship in the life of the church, to study the origin/history of music in the missional context, and outline the nature and emerging trends with regard to missional character of music in worship in the selected churches in Abeokuta, Nigeria, and to propose a sustainable model that can be adopted by churches to promote the missional character of music in worship effectively in Abeokuta, Nigeria. The following methods were used to achieve the objectives of the study: an exegetical study of relevant passages in the Scripture were engaged, relevant literature review on the Theological perspective of the missional character of music in worship in the life of the church were outlined, one-on-one interviews were carried out and self-administered interview questionnaires were served on the major leaders, worship leaders/choir members and key lay members of those selected churches in order to explore the origin/history of music in the missional context, its impact for good on the believers and non- believers, as well as the role, qualities and influence of the missional character of Music in Worship
in seven different denominations and all the information gathered from questionnaires served was evaluated and logical conclusions drawn as appropriate to formulate a sustainable model that can be adopted by churches to promote the missional character of music in worship effectively in the city of Abeokuta, Nigeria, in the final instance.
In closing, recommendations and conclusions are made to reassess and reconsider their missionary approaches, with a view to enhancing their ways of engaging music in their worship as the thesis goal explores the implications this work might have for Church leaders, pastors, worship leaders, musicians, liturgists and missionaries in their work of preparing music for worship across Christian denominations. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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