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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung des spaltungsinduzierten Versagens von TRC Prüfkörpern

Schoene, Jens, Reisgen, Uwe, Schleser, Markus, Jeřábek, Jakub 01 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Bewehrungen mit einer hochmoduligen Polymertränkung erreichen im Betonbauteil Textilspannungen von über 1200 N/mm². Ab diesem Niveau wurden in Dehnkörperversuchen Längsrisse und Betonabplatzungen beobachtet. Für die Eingrenzung und Identifikation der elementaren, verantwortlichen Mechanismen weisen großformatige Dehnkörper störende Einflüsse von Randeffekten und Imperfektionen auf. Daher wurde ein neuer Versuchsaufbau entwickelt, bestehend aus einem in einen Betonquader eingebetteten Einzelroving. Die simple Herstellung und die Verlässlichkeit dieser Kategorie von Experimenten in Bezug auf die Reproduzierbarkeit und der geringen Streuung der Resultate machen sie zu einer robusten Grundlage für experimentelle Untersuchungen des Verhaltens von TRC. Die experimentell ermittelten Bruchlasten werden zunächst bezüglich ihrer Leistung diskutiert und dann die beobachteten Bruchvorgänge kategorisiert hinsichtlich kompatibler mechanischer Hypothesen für die Initiierung von Längsrissen und des Spaltversagen. / Reinforcements with a high-modulus, polymeric impregnation achieve textile tensions of 1200 N/mm² and more in concrete parts. Starting at this level longitudinal cracks and splitting were observed in tests. In order to isolate and identify the fundamental, responsible mechanisms large-scale specimen show an interfering impact of boundary effects and imperfections. Therefore a new test set-up was developed, consisting of a single roving embedded in a single concrete cuboid. The simplicity of production and reliability of this class of experiments in terms of repeatability and low scatter of results makes them a robust basis for experimental investigation of TRC behavior. The experimentally obtained strengths are discussed in terms of the performance, followed by the categorization of observed failure patterns with respect to the available mechanical hypotheses of the longitudinal crack initiation and splitting failure.

Global Talent Flow as 'Musical Chairs' : Driving Forces of Young Talents:An Examination of Italy and Lithuania

Hoerstel, Jonas, Jaeger, Patrick January 2018 (has links)
This Master thesis examines the impact of the individual driving forces of young highly educated talents from Italy and Lithuania to apply for a job abroad after the graduation. By investigating the motivations and influences during this decision-making process, we clarify the role of different impulses on the individual’s decision to become part of the phenomenon known as the global talent flow. Within this study, we obtain the actor’s view, while we use an inductive approach to put the construction of meaning of the participants in the center of our study. This aim of our qualitative study is further strengthened by the use of semi-structured interviews and the usage of the phenomenology approach. The data is analyzed and interpreted according to the emerged themes and linked back to the existing theory on‘migration’, the ‘Push-Pull-Mooring’ paradigm, the ‘gravity’ model, and the knowledge flow according to ‘brain gain’, 'brain drain’, and ‘brain circulation’. This study highlights the variety of facets which are of importance to the individuals within the decision-making process of the non-rational phenomenon of the global talent flow. Although the main motivation - the opportunity to grow - is shared among all participants, a clear distinction can be made between the ‘professional’ and the ‘personal’ growth. Furthermore, our study reveals the direct influence of initiatives taken by the European Union (EU), such as the ERASMUS+ Programme on the mobility of young talents and the impact of possible unforeseen side effects such as the ‘brain drain’ in some of the member countries of the EU. Our findings contribute another layer to the understanding of the driving forces of tomorrow’s mobile workforce to apply for a job abroad. This comprehension is fundamental to policymakers, companies, the society at larger, and the young talents themselves, as it becomes crucial to attract this ‘brain’ to secure long-term development of all stakeholders of the global talent flow within the EU.

Aplicação do ensaio APULOT na determinação da resistência à compressão in loco do concreto nas primeiras idades

Martinez, Sergio Elias Gavilan January 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propõe analisar, avaliar e validar o uso de ensaios de aderência açoconcreto para estimativa da resistência à compressão axial do concreto in loco nas primeiras idades em canteiros de obras, como alternativa ao controle de qualidade tradicional. Alguns pesquisadores propuseram a utilização de um ensaio de aderência modificado, que denominaram Appropriate Pull-Out Test (APULOT), como uma adaptação do método pullout test (POT) tradicional, normalizado pela norma EN12504-3. Para viabilizar o uso do ensaio APULOT como ensaio que possa ser implementado na prática do controle tecnológico do concreto em canteiros de obras e seja representativo da resistência in loco é necessário definir um padrão para o mesmo. O presente trabalho desenvolveu um molde específico para o ensaio, analisou a influência do processo da cura nos resultados da tensão máxima de aderência, estudou como a medição da maturidade no concreto pôde auxiliar na determinação do momento certo para fazer o ensaio de arrancamento e comparou resultados dos ensaios feitos em corpos de prova para teste de aderência com ensaios de arrancamento de barras de aço em painéis de concreto. Para tanto foram feitos nove concretagens empregando diferentes tamanhos e configurações de corpos de prova, ensaios de arrancamento, extrações de testemunhos de painéis de concreto, ensaios à compressão simples e medições de maturidade dos concretos empregados. Também se realizaram registros de temperatura ambiente e velocidade do vento na vizinhança dos painéis, buscando estabelecer relações entre a maturidade e as condições ambientais do canteiro. Os ensaios descritos anteriormente realizaram-se às idades de 3, 5, 7 e 28 dias. Os resultados obtidos mostram que, sob condições padronizadas de ensaio, existe ótima correlação entre a tensão máxima de aderência e a resistência à compressão do concreto e por tanto o ensaio de aderência pode ser utilizado para fazer uma estimativa da resistência à compressão do concreto in loco nas primeiras idades. / This research aims to analyze, evaluate and validate the use of steel-concrete bond tests to estimate the axial compression strength of in situ concrete at early ages on construction sites, as alternative to conventional strength control tests. Some researchers have proposed the use of a modified bond test, named Appropriate Pull-Out Test (APULOT), as an adaptation of the traditional pull-out test method (POT) standardized by the EN12504-3. To implement the APULOT as a strength control procedure for concrete on construction site, standardization is needed. This study developed a specific mold for the test; analyzed the influence of curing process on the results of the maximum bond stress; studied how measuring the maturity in the concrete could help to determine when is the right time to make the pull-out test; compared results of tests made on cores for testing the bond and pull-out tests on steel bars in concrete panels. Therefore, it have been made nine concrete events, pull-out tests using different sizes and configurations of cylindrical concret specimen, pull-out tests and extraction of cores from concrete panels, compressive test and maturity measurements of specific employees. Also, temperature and wind speed records have been performed in the panel´s sourrundings, seeking to establish relationships between maturity and ambiental conditions on construction site. The tests described above were carried out at 3, 5, 7 and 28 days. The results show that, under standardized test conditions, a correlation between the maximum bond stress and the concrete compression strength exists, and therefore, bond test can be used to estimate the in situ compression strength of the concrete in the first ages.

Análise eletromiográfica de músculos do membro inferior em pacientes com Doença de Parkinson durante a realização do Pull Test

Araújo, Tatiane Gomes de January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: A Doença de Parkinson (DP) é uma desordem neurodegenerativa, progressiva, patologicamente caracterizada pela perda neuronal de dopamina na via nigro-estriatal e pela presença de inclusões intraneuronais de corpos de Lewy. De etiologia desconhecida é consensualmente aceita como uma doença multifatorial com determinantes genéticos, ambientais e relacionados ao envelhecimento. Constitui-se na segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais comum em idosos. Caracteriza-se clinicamente pela tríade tremor, rigidez e bradicinesia. Juntam-se a esses sinais clássicos as alterações posturais, que levam a DP a ser considerada fator de risco independente para quedas. Apesar disso, a avaliação da estabilidade postural na DP ainda permanece imprecisa e com tratamento difícil. Objetivos e métodos: O principal foco desta dissertação é a compreensão dos mecanismos envolvidos nas alterações do equilíbrio na DP. Neste sentido realizamos uma avaliação da atividade elétrica muscular através da Eletromiografia (EMG) de superfície durante a realização do Pull Test (PT), em português teste de retropulsão. Padrões de latência e amplitude de ativação dos músculos tibial anterior, gastrocnêmio e bíceps femoral foram comparados durante a realização do PT entre pacientes com DP e indivíduos hígidos. Os padrões neurofisiológicos dos pacientes com DP foram comparados com escores no PT, tendência a quedas e administração de levodopa (períodos on e off). Resultados e conclusões: Foram encontradas diferenças significantes na atividade muscular entre DP e controles durante PT. Pacientes com DP apresentaram uma menor latência de ativação muscular. Além disso, após uma repetição em sequência de 10 PT, indivíduos controles apresentaram aumento progressivo das latências, sugerindo habituação. Já os pacientes com DP mantiveram uma latência de ativação constante, ou seja não apresentaram habituação. Não foram observadas diferenças relevantes de atividade muscular entre os DPs com PT positivo e negativo, entre caidores e não caidores e após a ingestão de Levodopa o que sugere a interferência de outros fatores relacionados à estabilidade postural, que levam a quedas na DP, em virtude da natureza heterogênea desses eventos. / Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder, progressive, pathologically characterized by neuronal loss of dopamine in the nigrostriatal pathway and the presence of intraneuronal inclusions of Lewy bodies. Of unknown etiology is widely accepted as a multifactorial disease with genetical, environmental and aging determinants. It constitutes the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the elderly. It is clinically characterized by a triad of tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia. Besides these classic signs we can add postural changes, leading PD to be considered an independent risk factor to falls. Despite this, the assessment of postural stability in PD remains unclear and difficult to treat. Objective and Methods: The main focus of this dissertation is understanding the mechanisms involved in balance disorders in PD. We undertook an assessment of muscle electrical activity through surface electromyography (EMG) while performing a Pull Test (PT). Patterns of latency and amplitude of muscle activation of the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and biceps femoris muscles were compared during the course of PT between PD patients and healthy individuals. Neurophysiological patterns of PD patients were compared with scores on the PT, the tendency to fall and administration of levodopa (on and off periods). Results and Conclusion: Significant differences were found in muscle activity between PD and controls during PT. PD patients had a lower latency of muscle activation. Furthermore, after a repetition in sequence of 10 PT, control subjects showed a progressive increase in latency, suggesting habituation. Patients with PD a latency of activation remained constant or showed no habituation. However, there were no significant differences in muscle activity between the PDs with positive and negative PT, between fallers and non fallers and after administration of L-dopa suggesting the influence of other factors related to postural stability, leading to falls in PD, due to the heterogeneous nature of these events.

Revestimentos de silanos obtidos sobre aço carbono e sua utilização como agentes promovedores de adesão em uniões aço-resina epóxi

Mudry, Guillermo Alejandro January 2011 (has links)
A utilização de silanos como agentes promovedores de adesão demonstrou ser uma solução útil para a união entre materiais dissimilares, incrementando a adesão e aumentando inclusive a resistência a corrosão entre os mesmos . A utilização destes agentes como promovedores de adesão, sobre diferentes combinações de materiais, continua sendo estudada atualmente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a capacidade de diferentes tipos de silanos como agentes promovedores de adesão. tanto funcionais como não funcionais, na união entre aço SAE 1060 e resina epóxi. Para isto, foram primeiramente obtidos filmes de silano sobre amostras de aço através de diferentes tratamentos. Estes filmes obtidos foram caracterizados por meio de diferentes técnicas. Foram realizados testes de aderência através do método especificado pela norma ASTM D3359 para avaliar a resistência de adesão dos diferentes filmes ao substrato. As amostras testadas foram analisadas através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Também, foram realizadas análises de espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) sobre as mesmas amostras, permitindo obter outras características dos filmes de silano formados. Os tratamentos que apresentaram melhores resultados na caracterização em MEV/EDS foram escolhidas para a preparação dos corpos de prova de uniões com resina epóxi. Estas uniões foram utilizadas para realizar testes de adesão do tipo arrancamento de modo a avaliar o efeito dos tratamentos com silano na resistência de adesão da união entre o substrato de aço e a resina epóxi. Os resultados dos testes de arrancamento permitem afirmar que existe uma melhoria na resistência de adesão com um dos tratamentos com silano sobre o substrato de aço seguido de revestimento com resina epóxi. A utilização de tratamentos com silanos mostram-se promissoras para esta aplicação. / The use of silanes as adhesion enhancer agent proved to be a useful solution for the union of dissimilar materials, increasing the bond strength between them, also increase the corrosion resistance. The use of these agents as adhesion enhancer, with different materials combination, is still being studied today. The aim of this work was to evaluate the ability of different silanes as adhesion agent promoters in joints of SAE 1060 steel and epoxy resin; both functional and not functional silanes. At the beginning and for this purpose were different types of treatments used to obtain silane films on steel samples. Different techniques were used to characterize these films. To evaluate the bond strength adhesion test where performed according to the ASTM D3359 standard. Samples were analyzed with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDX) analyses were also performed on the same sample allowing to obtain others characteristics of the silane films formed. The treatments that have shown a better performance in the SEM/EDX analyses were selected to make steel and epoxy resins joint samples. These specimens were used to perform pull-out type adhesion test to evaluate the effect of the silanes treatments in the bond strength of steel and epoxy resin joints. The results of de pull-out test indicate that the use of silane improves the bond strength of steel and epoxy resin joints. The use of silane treatments has shown promising results for this application.

Análise neurofisiológica do equilíbrio através da eletromiografia durante a realização do pull test em indivíduos normais

Gamarra, Ariane Haydée Estrada January 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Com o aumento da idade, estudos demonstram que a população experimenta um declínio de sistemas fisiológicos participantes no controle da estabilidade postural. Dentre os métodos de avaliação descritos na literatura, encontra-se o Pull Test (PT), que é amplamente utilizado em escala mundial para avaliação do equilíbrio em indivíduos com doença de Parkinson. O teste examina a resposta do corpo a um deslocamento corporal posterior, oferecendo um identificador útil da estabilidade postural do indivíduo. O padrão de ativação muscular durante a realização do PT não foi ainda estudado. Objetivo: analisar o padrão da atividade eletromiográfica durante a realização do PT, em indivíduos hígidos acima de 40 anos de idade. Métodos: Vinte e três indivíduos hígidos realizaram o estudo eletromiográfico (EMG) de superfície dos músculos tibial anterior, gastrocnêmio medial e bíceps femoral durante a realização do PT. O PT e registros eletromiográficos foram realizados sucessivamente por 10 vezes em cada indivíduo. Os indivíduos foram também avaliados pelo Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Resultados: O registro EMG mostrou que a atividade muscular inicia pelo tibial anterior, sendo seguida sucessivamente pelo gastrocnêmio medial e bíceps femoral. A frequência do número de passos para a manutenção da estabilidade postural foi de 93,9% para 1 ou 2 passos e 6,1% para 3 passos ou mais. A latência para ativação muscular foi relacionada com o desempenho cognitivo no MoCA. Pacientes com escores no MoCA inferior a 26 apresentavam maior latência do tibial anterior (p=0,03) e do bíceps femoral (p=0,02). Além disso, a amplitude do gastrocnêmio medial relacionou-se inversamente com o índice de massa corporal (IMC) (p=0,01). Conclusão: Constatou-se que o declínio da função executiva e o sobrepeso estão relacionados com mudanças nas respostas 12 neurofisiológicas durante a realização do PT. Os mesmos podem contribuir para prejuízos da estabilidade postural nestes indivíduos. / Background: Physiologic systems that participate of the postural stability control are impaired with aging. Pull Test (PT) is an assessment method widely worldwide utilized for evaluating the balance in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. The test examines the body’s response to a posterior bodily displacement, offering a useful identifier of the individual’s postural stability. The pattern of muscle activation during the PT has not yet been studied. Objective: the objective of this study was to analyze the pattern of electromyographic activity during the PT, in healthy individuals, over 40 years of age. Methods: Twenty three healthy individuals have carried out an electromyographic (EMG) study of the tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medialis and biceps femoris muscles during the PT. The PT and the electromyographic recordings have been taken successively for 10 times in each individual. The individuals cognition have been assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Results: The EMG recording has showed that the muscle activity begins by the tibialis anterior, being successively followed by the gastrocnemius medialis and by the biceps femoris. The rate of the number of steps for keeping the postural stability was 93.9% for 1 or 2 steps, and 6.1% for 3 or more steps. The latency for muscle activation was related to the cognitive performance in the MoCA. Patients with MoCA scores lower than 26 have presented a larger latency in the tibialis anterior (p=0.03), and in the biceps femoris (p=0.02). Furthermore, the amplitude of the gastrocnemius medialis has been inversely related to the body mass index (BMI) (p=0.01). Conclusion: It has been found out that the decline in the executive function and overweight related to changes in the neurophysiologic 14 response during the taking of the PT. These may contribute for the losses of postural stability in such individuals.

The impact of quantitative easing on capital flows to the BRICS economies

Msoni, Malindi January 2018 (has links)
Magister Economicae - MEcon / A possible effect of quantitative easing (QE) undertaken by the United States of America (USA) Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) may have been an increase in capital flowing into emerging market economies (EMEs). The 2008 global financial crisis created an environment in which traditional monetary policies – cutting policy rates – became ineffective in stimulating growth. Faced with this policy environment, several high-income countries including the USA resorted to unconventional monetary policies notably QE, to grow their economies. While QE was effective in lowering interest rates in high-income countries, some argued that investors switched to higher yielding assets, mostly EME assets. Therefore, QE is perceived to have increased capital flows into EMEs. Using a dynamic panel data model with fixed effects this mini-thesis investigates empirically whether QE worked through unobservable channels to increase gross private capital inflows to Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) in the period 2000-2015. The study finds evidence in support of the view that QE increased capital inflows to EMEs. The results reveal that gross private capital inflows to the BRICS increased during the QE intervention period and that the increase was higher in the first period of QE than in subsequent QE periods. The empirical results also reveal differences in the way types of capital flows responded to QE; portfolio flows, and in particular equity flows were the most responsive to QE. / 2018-12-14

Photomarquage d'affinité couplé à la spectrométrie de masse pour l'identification de protéines interagissant avec des modifications épigénétiques de l'ADN / Photoaffinity labeling coupled with mass spectrometry to identify epigenetics modifications proteins partners

Thiebaut, Frédéric 25 October 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la méthylation de l'ADN en position 5 de la cytosine est apparue comme une importante modification épigénétique qui joue un rôle essentiel dans le contrôle spécifique de l'expression des gènes. Cependant, les mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation de la méthylation de l'ADN restent incompris. Des études récentes ont montré que des protéines de type oxydases, nommées TET, peuvent catalyser l'oxydation de la 5-méthylcytosine (5mC) et générer des dérivés oxydés de celle-ci ce qui soulève la question du rôle biologique des formes oxydées de la 5mC. L'identification et la caractérisation des protéines interagissant avec ces formes oxydées devraient permettre une meilleure compréhension de la fonction de ces modifications de l'ADN et de la régulation de la méthylation de l'ADN. Dans ce projet, nous avons développé des sondes photoactivables basées sur l'ADN pour capturer, isoler et caractériser les protéines associées à ces modifications épigénétiques de l'ADN. Tout d'abord, nous avons conçu et évalué les propriétés de différentes sondes oligonucléotidiques photoactivables. Nous avons ensuite réalisé une étude méthodologique afin de caractériser au niveau moléculaire les photoadduits obtenus par MALDI-TOF. Enfin, nous avons développé une méthode de pull-down couplé à du photomarquage et associée à une analyse protéomique par spectrométrie de masse afin d’identifier les protéines ayant une affinité spécifique pour ces modifications épigénétiques. / Over the past few decades, DNA methylation at the 5-position of cytosine has emerged as an important epigenetic modification that plays essential roles in the specific control of gene expression. However, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of DNA methylation remain unclear. Recent studies have shown that oxidase proteins, called TETs, can catalyze the oxidation of 5-methylcytosine (5 mC) and generate oxidized derivatives thereof, raising the question of the biological role of the oxidized forms of 5mC. The identification and characterization of proteins interacting with these oxidized forms should allow for a better understanding of the function of these DNA modifications and the regulation of DNA methylation.In this project, we develop DNA-based photoactivatable probes to capture, isolate and characterize the proteins associated with these epigenetic DNA modifications. First, we designed and evaluated the properties of different photoactivatable oligonucleotide probes. We then carried out a methodological study in order to characterize at the molecular level the obtained photoadducts by MALDI-TOF. Finally, we developed a pull-down method coupled to photolabelling and associated with proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry to identify proteins with specific affinity for these epigenetic changes.

Ukrainian Labor Migration to European Union Countries: The Case of the Czech Republic, with special attention to ?client system? as predominant way of organizing labor migration of Ukrainians

REMENÁROVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The Czech Republic is one of the most attractive European destinations for Ukrainian labor migrants. In 2012, there were 114 481 Ukrainian persons there and thus Ukrainian community in the Czech Republic is one of the largest in Europe, even though after the economic crisis around 30 000 Ukrainians left the county. Therefore, I will examine in this thesis, why is the Czech Republic so tempting for Ukrainian labor migrants. In other words, I will focus on main pull factors, which motivate Ukrainians to come to the Czech Republic. Because the majority of Ukrainian migrants are labor migrants, I will pay special attention to so-called ?client system?, a special system involved in organizing employment, accommodation and documents for Ukrainian labor migrants. I will discuss why the ?client system? was established in the Czech Republic and why Ukrainian labor migrants use its services to such an extent.

Síntese de butadienos push-pull

Santos, Reginaldo Pereira January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Anderson Orzari Ribeiro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ABC. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia/Química, 2016. / Este trabalho descreve a sintese de butadienos push-pull. Utilizou-se as reacoes de Vilsmeier-Haack para a obtencao de clorovinilaldeidos e posteriormente a reacao de Knoevenagel, obtendo-se assim os butadienos push-pull, que sao compostos de elevada conjugacao eletronica. Alem dos butadienos push-pull, obteve-se atraves de uma reacao de condensacao aldolica, catalisada por acido, uma nova pentadienona, a 2,6-bis-(4-hidroxi-3-metoxi-benziliden)-cicloexanona e uma tetraen-5-ona, a 9-dicloro-1,9-bis-(3,4-dimetoxi-fenil)-nona-1,3,6,8-tetraen-5-ona. Realizou-se a caracterizacao estrutural de todos esses compostos, confirmando-se assim a estrutura dos mesmos. Testou-se estes compostos a respeito de suas propriedades antioxidantes, bactericidas e fungicidas. O composto 2,6-bis-(4-hidroxi-3-metoxi-benziliden)-cicloexanona demonstrou elevada atividade antioxidante na concentracao de 260 ¿Êg/mL quando comparado com a quercetina, que e um fenol utilizado como padrao no teste de DPPH. Realizou-se dois testes de atividade bactericida e fungicida e os compostos apresentaram halo de inibicao a diversos micro-organismos sendo que o composto 2,6-bis-(4-hidroxi-3-metoxi-benziliden)-cicloexanona demonstrou ser o mais promissor, inibindo o crescimento de 7 das 9 especies de micro-organismos testados. / This work describes the synthesis of push-pull butadienes. The Vilsmeier-Haack reactions were used to obtain chloro-vinyl-aldehydes and later the Knoevenagel reaction to obtain the push-pull butadienes, which are compounds of high electronic conjugation. In addition to push-pull butadiene, applying acid catalyzed aldol condensation, new pentadienones were obtained, like 2,6-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene)¿cyclohexanone and a 9-dichloro-1,9-bis-(3,4-dimethoxy-phenyl)-1,3,6,8-tetraen-5-one. The structural characterization was carried out, confirming the structure the synthesized compounds. The compounds were tested for their antioxidant, bactericidal and fungicidal properties. The 2,6-bis-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene) -cyclohexanone showed a high antioxidant activity at 260 ìg/mL when compared to quercetin, which is a phenol used as a standard in the DPPH test. They showed inhibition to several microorganisms and the compound, 2,6-bis- (4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene) -cyclohexanone was the most promising, inhibiting the growth of 7 of the 9 species of microorganisms tested.

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