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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validação do processo de perfuração do aço AISI4140 pelo método de puncionamento assistido por simulação numérica comparado com experimento prático para fabricação de eixos vazados para aerogeradores

João, André de Jesus da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo de analisar, comparar e validar, pelos métodos de simulação numérica e experimental, o comportamento do processo de perfuração por puncionamento para o aço AISI4140. Esse estudo será a base para a fabricação de eixos vazados em aerogeradores de energia como, em substituição a eixos maciços usualmente obtidos por fundição. O processo de perfuração por puncionamento é relativamente simples quando comparado com processos de perfuração mais elaborados, como cortes à laser, eletroerosão, usinagem, etc. No desenvolvimento e otimização do processo de perfuração para aplicação nos referidos eixos, surge, como auxílio, o processo de perfuração por puncionamento assistido por simulação computacional pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos - FEM. Neste estudo os corpos de prova, os punções e todo ferramental do processo de perfuração em si, foram modelados computacionalmente no “software” “Simufact.Forming 12.0”, avaliando-se as melhores formas e geometrias dos punções para o processo de puncionamento. Na simulação numérica foi utilizado o aço presente na biblioteca do referido “software” que corresponde ao aço AISI4140. Os resultados presentes na análise do processo computacional de perfuração por puncinamento mostraram que os punções de geometria estreita são os que apresentaram as menores forças para perfuração dos corpos de prova quando comparados às outras geometrias (denominadas de inclinada e pontuda). Para os estudos experimentais, o ferramental proposto foi confeccionado e montado para a devida comparação com os resultados obtidos a partir da simulação computacional. Os experimentos práticos bem como as simulações computacionais, foram montados para corpos de prova cilíndricos a 1100 ºC sendo perfurados por punções a uma velocidade de 3,7 mm/s. De acordo com os dados de força e deslocamento medidos pelo equipamento de aquisição de dados, pela célula de carga e pelo transdutor potenciométrico (LVDT), pôde-se realizar uma análise e estimativa das forças máximas que cada punção exerceu sobre as peças puncionadas. Os resultados das simulações computacionais demonstraram uma variação de 14% a 23% maiores das forças máximas de puncionamento, quando comparadas com as experimentais. Este resultado mostra que o “software” de simulação computacional pode prever, com boa aproximação, a força máxima de perfuração por puncionamento dos punções com diferentes formas e geometrias. O processo de perfuração por puncionamento pode ser considerado uma forma alternativa de perfuração para confecção de furos em corpos cilíndricos que, posteriormente, serão usados para manufatura de eixos vazados pelo processo de forjamento em matriz aberta. / This work was developed in order to analyze, compare and validate the methods of numerical and experimental simulation, the behavior of punching a punching process for AISI4140 steel. This study will be the basis for the manufacture of hollow shafts in wind turbine energy as a substitute for solid shafts usually obtained by casting. The puncturing by puncturing process is relatively simple compared to more elaborate drilling processes such as laser cutting, spark erosion, machining, etc. The development and optimization of the drilling process for use in these axes, emerges as an aid, the drilling process by punching assisted by computer simulation by Finite Element Method - FEM. In this study the samples, the punches and tooling throughout the drilling process itself, were computationally modeled on the "software" "Simufact.Forming 12.0", evaluating the best ways and geometries of the punches for the punching process. In numerical simulation was used this steel in the library of that "software" which is the AISI4140 steel. The results presented in the analysis of the computational process of drilling by puncinamento shown that close geometry punctures are those who had the lowest forces for drilling of the specimens when compared to other geometries (called inclined and pointed). For experimental studies, the proposed tooling was made and assembled for due comparison with the results obtained from computer simulation. Practical experiments and computer simulations were assembled cylindrical specimens at 1100 ° C being pierced by a punch of 3.7 mm / s. According to the data of force and displacement measured by the data acquisition equipment, the load cell and the potentiometric transducer (LVDT), it was possible to conduct an analysis and estimate of the maximum forces exerted on each punch punched parts. The results of computer simulations have demonstrated a variation of 14% to 23% higher maximum puncture forces of, when compared with the experimental. This result shows that the "software" of computer simulation can predict with good approximation, the maximum force of drilling by punching the punches of different shapes and geometries. The punching process for punching can be considered an alternative form of drill for making holes in cylindrical objects, which subsequently will be used to manufacture hollow shafts by forging process in an open array.

Punção em lajes de concreto armado com furo e transferência de momento: comparação de normas. / Punching shear in reinforced concrete stabs with hole and moment transfer: comparison of standards.

Carolina Ribeiro da Silva 06 December 2017 (has links)
O crescente uso de lajes sem vigas (lisa com ou sem capitel) como solução estrutural de edificações, justificado por questões econômicas e construtivas, têm destacado a importância do estudo desses elementos estruturais. Já as desvantagens desse sistema estrutural estão associadas às altas tensões geradas na região próxima dos pilares, originando o fenômeno de punção. As normas atuais especificam uma seção íntegra resistente para dimensionamento à punção, entretanto, devido principalmente à passagem de instalações hidráulicas e elétricas através dos pavimentos, é necessária a execução de furações, em alguns casos muito próximas ao contorno dos pilares, o que implica diretamente na redução dessa seção e da resistência das lajes. Portanto, são necessários modelos de cálculo específicos para isso. A NBR 6118 tem critérios para esse problema, mas são antigos e precisam ser modernizados. Assim, comparando os dados experimentais de algumas pesquisas com as cargas últimas estimadas para normas vigentes (fib MC2010:2013, EC2:2004, ACI-318:2014 e NBR 6118:2014), este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar limitações das normas estudadas e verificar a eventual possibilidade de melhorias. Com base nos resultados observados foi proposta uma alteração para a NBR 6118: 2014 no cálculo da punção para lajes lisas com furo(s) na região do pilar, de modo que seja considerado no dimensionamento o momento gerado pela excentricidade do perímetro crítico devido à presença de furo(s) na laje. / The increasing use of flat slabs (slabs without beams with or without drop panel) as a structural solution of buildings, justified by economic and constructive issues, has highlighted the importance of the study of these structural elements. The disadvantages of this structural system are associated with high stresses generated in the region near of the columns, causing the punching shear phenomenon. The current standards specify a resistant section for punching shear design, however, due mainly to the passage of hydraulic and electric installations through the floors, it is necessary to execute holes, in some cases very close to the boundaries of the columns, which reduces this section and the slab strength. Therefore, it is necessary to specify calculation models for that. The NBR 6118 has criteria for this problem, nonetheless it is old and needs to be modernized. Comparing experimental data from some researches, with the estimated ultimate loads for current standards (fib MC2010: 2013, EC2: 2004, ACI-318: 2014 and NBR 6118: 2014), this work had as objective to identify limitations of the standards studied and verify possible improvements. Based on the observed results, it was proposed a modification for NBR 6118: 2014 in the design of the punching shear of flat slabs with hole(s) near of the column, considering the moment caused by the eccentricity of the critical perimeter due to the presence of hole(s) in the slab.

Validação do processo de perfuração do aço AISI4140 pelo método de puncionamento assistido por simulação numérica comparado com experimento prático para fabricação de eixos vazados para aerogeradores

João, André de Jesus da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com objetivo de analisar, comparar e validar, pelos métodos de simulação numérica e experimental, o comportamento do processo de perfuração por puncionamento para o aço AISI4140. Esse estudo será a base para a fabricação de eixos vazados em aerogeradores de energia como, em substituição a eixos maciços usualmente obtidos por fundição. O processo de perfuração por puncionamento é relativamente simples quando comparado com processos de perfuração mais elaborados, como cortes à laser, eletroerosão, usinagem, etc. No desenvolvimento e otimização do processo de perfuração para aplicação nos referidos eixos, surge, como auxílio, o processo de perfuração por puncionamento assistido por simulação computacional pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos - FEM. Neste estudo os corpos de prova, os punções e todo ferramental do processo de perfuração em si, foram modelados computacionalmente no “software” “Simufact.Forming 12.0”, avaliando-se as melhores formas e geometrias dos punções para o processo de puncionamento. Na simulação numérica foi utilizado o aço presente na biblioteca do referido “software” que corresponde ao aço AISI4140. Os resultados presentes na análise do processo computacional de perfuração por puncinamento mostraram que os punções de geometria estreita são os que apresentaram as menores forças para perfuração dos corpos de prova quando comparados às outras geometrias (denominadas de inclinada e pontuda). Para os estudos experimentais, o ferramental proposto foi confeccionado e montado para a devida comparação com os resultados obtidos a partir da simulação computacional. Os experimentos práticos bem como as simulações computacionais, foram montados para corpos de prova cilíndricos a 1100 ºC sendo perfurados por punções a uma velocidade de 3,7 mm/s. De acordo com os dados de força e deslocamento medidos pelo equipamento de aquisição de dados, pela célula de carga e pelo transdutor potenciométrico (LVDT), pôde-se realizar uma análise e estimativa das forças máximas que cada punção exerceu sobre as peças puncionadas. Os resultados das simulações computacionais demonstraram uma variação de 14% a 23% maiores das forças máximas de puncionamento, quando comparadas com as experimentais. Este resultado mostra que o “software” de simulação computacional pode prever, com boa aproximação, a força máxima de perfuração por puncionamento dos punções com diferentes formas e geometrias. O processo de perfuração por puncionamento pode ser considerado uma forma alternativa de perfuração para confecção de furos em corpos cilíndricos que, posteriormente, serão usados para manufatura de eixos vazados pelo processo de forjamento em matriz aberta. / This work was developed in order to analyze, compare and validate the methods of numerical and experimental simulation, the behavior of punching a punching process for AISI4140 steel. This study will be the basis for the manufacture of hollow shafts in wind turbine energy as a substitute for solid shafts usually obtained by casting. The puncturing by puncturing process is relatively simple compared to more elaborate drilling processes such as laser cutting, spark erosion, machining, etc. The development and optimization of the drilling process for use in these axes, emerges as an aid, the drilling process by punching assisted by computer simulation by Finite Element Method - FEM. In this study the samples, the punches and tooling throughout the drilling process itself, were computationally modeled on the "software" "Simufact.Forming 12.0", evaluating the best ways and geometries of the punches for the punching process. In numerical simulation was used this steel in the library of that "software" which is the AISI4140 steel. The results presented in the analysis of the computational process of drilling by puncinamento shown that close geometry punctures are those who had the lowest forces for drilling of the specimens when compared to other geometries (called inclined and pointed). For experimental studies, the proposed tooling was made and assembled for due comparison with the results obtained from computer simulation. Practical experiments and computer simulations were assembled cylindrical specimens at 1100 ° C being pierced by a punch of 3.7 mm / s. According to the data of force and displacement measured by the data acquisition equipment, the load cell and the potentiometric transducer (LVDT), it was possible to conduct an analysis and estimate of the maximum forces exerted on each punch punched parts. The results of computer simulations have demonstrated a variation of 14% to 23% higher maximum puncture forces of, when compared with the experimental. This result shows that the "software" of computer simulation can predict with good approximation, the maximum force of drilling by punching the punches of different shapes and geometries. The punching process for punching can be considered an alternative form of drill for making holes in cylindrical objects, which subsequently will be used to manufacture hollow shafts by forging process in an open array.

Análise experimental da punção em lajes de concreto armado e protendido / Experimental punching shear analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete slabs

José Luiz Pinheiro Melges 29 March 2001 (has links)
As lajes lisas podem oferecer diversas vantagens quando comparadas ao sistema de lajes, vigas e pilares, sendo, em muitos casos, mais econômicas. O uso da protensão pode oferecer outras vantagens, tais como um melhor controle da fissuração e dos deslocamentos transversais da laje. Como a punção é um dos pontos fracos das lajes lisas protendidas, face à grande esbeltez destas lajes, apresentam-se resultados experimentais de ligações laje-pilar interno, com carregamento concêntrico, com e sem armadura de punção (conectores tipo-pino), com e sem protensão por pós-tração (cabos não aderentes). Os principais aspectos analisados foram as influências da armadura de punção e da protensão na resistência da ligação laje-pilar. Fez-se também uma análise envolvendo a previsão da resistência da ligação, dada por algumas normas e códigos. Observa-se que, de um modo aproximado, a armadura de punção eleva significativamente a resistência do modelo à punção, seja ele de concreto armado ou protendido. Observa-se ainda que, embora diminuindo a taxa de armadura dos modelos de concreto armado, para que se introduzissem as cordoalhas de protensão, os valores experimentais obtidos mostram que a presença da protensão aumentou a resistência da ligação. De um modo geral, a melhor norma que reflete o comportamento da ligação lajepilar é a Revisão da NB-1 (2000). Com relação aos modelos protendidos, o ACI poderia ter tido um bom desempenho, caso não houvesse uma restrição tão rígida com relação ao uso de armaduras de punção / The use of flat plates may offer some economical and aesthetic benefits when compared with other structural systems. The use of post-tensioned slabs may offer other advantages, as a better crack and deflection control and a thinner slab for the same span and load conditions. This work presents some experimental results and conclusions about the punching shear failure, as it is a critical problem for flat plate structures, post-tensioned or not. The main aspects analyzed are the influence of the shear reinforcement (studs) and of the post-tensioning with unbonded tendons on a slab – internal column connection strength. A comparison between experimental results and those given by some standards is presented. This comparison aims to verify if the codes accurately predict the punching shear strength of the connection. It can be noted that, in an specific comparison, the studs enhance the punching shear strength of the slab-column connection. In spite of the use of less flexural reinforcement in the post-tensioned models, the punching shear strength of the connection had a higher value when compared with the reinforced ones. This fact is due to the presence of the prestressed strands

Caractérisation expérimentale et contribution à la modélisation numérique de l'endommagement en cisaillement des aciers HLE. Applications au procédé de poinçonnage / Experimental characterization and contribution to the numerical modeling of shear damage in HSLA steels.Punching process applications

Achouri, Mohamed 06 December 2012 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ces travaux de thèse est de caractériser lecomportement et l’endommagement d’un matériau HLE durant le procédé depoinçonnage. Ils comportent dans un premier temps, une étude expérimentale quirepose sur des observations micrographiques et des essais macroscopiques àdifférents états de contrainte, afin d’identifier les mécanismes physiquesd’endommagement mis en jeu. Cette étude est complétée par une modélisationnumérique du modèle d’endommagement de Gurson modifié en cisaillement et sonimplémentation dans ABAQUS/Explicit. Une stratégie d’identification des paramètresmatériau basée sur une large gamme de configurations expérimentales a été mise enplace. Des essais de poinçonnage ont été réalisés en faisant varier le jeu poinçon-matrice, afin de tester la capacité prédictive du modèle de Gurson modifié par rapportau modèle de GTN classique et à un critère découplé basé sur l’initiation de rupture.L’influence du jeu poinçon-matrice sur la qualité de découpe et sur les niveaux desétats de contrainte et de déformation a été également mise en évidence. Lesprédictions de rupture obtenues par cette approche et pour le matériau étudié sont enbon accord avec les observations expérimentales. Il reste à valider le modèle pourdes configurations de couples matériau/procédé plus étendues et à réaliser sonenchainement avec les autres procédés de mise en forme. / The main objective of this thesis is to characterize the behavior anddamage of a HSLA materials during the punching process. They comprise in a firsttime, an experimental study based on micrographic observations and macroscopictests at different stress states to identify the physical mechanisms of damage set in.This study is complemented by a numerical simulation modeling of a Gurson damagemodel modified in shear case and its implementation in ABAQUS / Explicit. Anidentification strategy of material parameters based on a wide range of experimentalconfigurations has been realized. Punching tests were performed by varying thepunch-die clearance to test the predictive ability of the modified Gurson modelcompared to the standard GTN model and to decoupled criterion based on the ductilefracture initiation. The influence of the punch-die clearance blanking quality and instress and strain states levels was also highlighted. Predictions of fracture obtainedby this approach and for the material studied are in good agreement withexperimental observations. It remains to validate the model for larger couple’smaterial/process configurations and realize its concatenation with other formingprocesses.

Analysis of repaired/strengthened R.C. structures using composite materials : punching shear

Abdullah, Ahmad Mahmoud January 2011 (has links)
Fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) have been used widely in civil engineering in order to improve the structural response (deformation and stress). Most of the current codes for the strengthening of RC structures do not provide enough provision for the design of the column-slab connections strengthened with externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) due to the lack of research covering this area. This study is to investigate, both experimentally and analytically, the effectiveness of bonding pre-stressed carbon fibre plates to the tension surface of concrete column-slab connections in both the serviceability and ultimate limit state. The experimental programme comprises five full-scale specimens that are designed and fabricated to simulate an interior column-slab connection. The prestressing technique, application procedure and prestressing device are described in detail in this study. Different prestressing forces are applied to the FRP plates bonded to the concrete substrate. The structural response of the strengthened specimens are compared with a reference specimen in terms of punching shear strength, deflection profile, strain, crack opening displacement and failure modes. Furthermore, a finite element model using ABAQUS is built to obtain a further insight into the punching behaviour of the test slabs. Both experimental and numerical results are compared, and a parametric study on the effect of the FRP-concrete interface on the structural integrity is conducted. Results are also compared with Eurocode 2 and ACI for the prediction of the punching strength. It was found that bonding of prestressed FRP plates to the tensile face of the concrete slabs improved the serviceability, but was not able to enhance the ultimate behaviour as much as the non-prestressed FRP plates. The development of the critical diagonal crack (CDC) was the main reason for diminishing the ultimate strength of the strengthened slabs.

Contributing factors to punching power in Boxing : A narrative review summarizing determinant factors of punching power in boxing and means of improving them

Monfared, Saman January 2021 (has links)
Power is a complex area to study and is dependent on a great multitude of factors. Despite this, power-development is of interest in boxing. The purpose of this literature study was to analyze various factors that contribute to punching power in the sport of boxing and to provide a basis for improving it. Original and review articles ranging from the years 1963 to 2017 were retrieved from various databases (e.g., PubMed and Google Scholar). Out of 145 reviewed titles and abstracts, 79 of those met the criteria and were included in this review. Only articles related to power-development were included. The contributing components that were analyzed in this study were the following: force production, velocity production, high velocity strength, stretch shortening cycle, intention, and inter-intramuscular skill & coordination. Additionally, systematic planning strategies such as periodization and mixed methods approach were analyzed. It was concluded that all components are interdependent and positively affect the upper -and lower body power-production of athletes (and punching power consequently). Further empirical research on boxing-specific power development is still required.

Návrh výroby spodního dílu nabíjecí stanice / Design for production of lower part of charging station

Skalník, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a proposal of production technology of bottom part of charging station which is manufactured by DEL a.s. The component will be made of austenitic steel 17 349 which is 2 mm thick and its production series is 100 pieces a year. Punching and bending by MAG and TIG methods were chosen as the most suitable methods from the considered manufactoring technologies. Stud bolts will be welded by capacitor discharge. Based on the analysis of the technological calculations and the available machines in the manufacturing company was chosen that production is going to run through a punching press Pullmax 720, hydraulic CNC bending press OptiFlex 130 t 3,1 and welding sources TransPuls Synergic 3200, TransTig 1750 Puls and Nomark 65+. Technical and economical evaluation established cost calculation of semi-finished product material, welding wire, gaseous shield and stud bolts. The price of one piece is 3 117,70 Czech crowns.

Flexural, Shear, and Punching Shear Capacity of Three 48-Year-Old Prestressed Lightweight Concrete Double-Tee Bridge Girders

Pettigrew, Christopher S. 01 May 2014 (has links)
The Icy Springs Bridge in Coalville, Utah carries 2nd South Street over the Weber River west of Interstate 80. The bridge is owned by Coalville City and was originally constructed in 1965 as a single-span 51-foot long bridge using prestressed concrete double-tee girders. In the fall of 2013 the original bridge was replaced with a new 80-foot long single span bridge using prestressed concrete decked bulb-tee girders. The original girders were salvaged and transported to the Systems, Materials, and Structural Health Lab (SMASH Lab) where a series of tests were performed to determine the total losses in the prestressing of the strands, the flexural and shear capacities of the girders, and the punching shear capacity of the reinforced concrete deck. The results of these tests were compared to the values calculated using methods outlined in the 2012 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design (AASHTO LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications, the current bridge design code used by most departments of transportation, and a finite element model using the computer program ANSYS. For the shear and punching shear test results, the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications was conservative and was able to predict the type of failure that occurred. However, the tested flexural results were below the calculated flexural capacities using the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. A finite element model was created and calibrated to the test results for the various loading and support conditions. The actual tested material properties were compared to the material properties used in the finite element analyses to determine the difference between the actual girders and the theoretical models. Funding for this project was provided by the Utah Transportation Center.

Punching Shear of Flat Slabs

Lyčka, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The use of flat slabs in constructions due to its many functional and economic advantages is wide-spread. Behavior of flat slabs in shear and flexure is a fairly complex problem. Therefore, the punching shear failure belongs to one of the most critical aspects in the design of concrete buildings. Over the last decades several buildings have collapsed due to the failure of the punching shear strength, resulting in loss of lives and financial damages. These disasters revealed gaps in the current (or former) design codes and recommendations. As a part of theoretical framework of the dissertation a method for predicting the punching shear strength of flat slabs was developed. Several experiments on scaled down slabs were conducted in order to verify the proposed method and for optimization of its parameters. Proposed method in development predicts the punching shear for slabs without shear reinforcement according to the EC2 and replaces the area of the shear crack with a system of struts and ties.

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