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A Philosophical Analysis of California Determinate Sentencing, Three Strikes, and RealignmentStein, Madeline 01 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between philosophy and policy in the context of three California policies, Determinate Sentencing, Three Strikes, and Realignment. The philosophy portion includes theories of retribution, deterrence, and rehabilitation, focusing on the tensions and conflicts within them.
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Varför ska vi straffa? En tolkning, värdering och analys av de moraliska rättfärdigandena för straff / Why should we punish? An interpretation, valuation and analysis of the moral justifications for punishmentWegman, Joachim January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar det delområde inom rättsfilosofin som benämns straffteori och i det här fallet vad som rättfärdigar straff utifrån frågan om varför vi ska straffa. Frågan behandlas genom särskiljandet av juridiskt- och moraliskt straff samt straffteoretisk tolkning, värdering och analys. Utgångspunkten är de av Gertrude Ezorsky tre givna straffteoretiska kategorierna till rättfärdigande av straff: teleologisk-, retributivistisk- och teleologiskt retributivistisk straffteori. Här kommer Jeremy Bentham att representera den teleologiska kategorin, Immanuel Kant den retributivistiska och H. L. A. Hart den teleologiskt retributivistiska. Uppsatsen avslutas med en argumentation för åtminstone delar av innehållet hos en rimligen moraliskt rättfärdigad och intuitivt tillfredställande straffteori.
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Actions and Outcomes: The Evaluative Function of Moral EmotionsTscharaktschiew, Nadine 25 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Results from 10 empirical studies and 1 review article are described and can be summarized as follows: Only moral emotions represent an evaluation of person's behavior, whereas non-moral emotion provide information about outcomes. Positive moral emotions (e.g. pride, respect) signal that a person's (self or other) behavior was right, whereas negative moral emotions (e.g., guilt, indignation) signal that a person's behavior was wrong. These evaluations and signals are elicited by judgments of ought, goal attainment and effort (see Heider, 1958). Some moral emotions (e.g., shame or admiration) are also elicited by judgments on a person's ability. A person's responsibility (Weiner, 1995, 2006) and the perceived morality of a person's behavior (i.e., with regard to rightness and wrongness) represent further cognitive antecedents of moral emotions. Some moral emotions (e.g., regret, sympathy) are also influenced by a person's empathy (see Paulus, 2009) towards others. There are specific moral emotions that are closely connected to help-giving (e.g., sympathy), whereas other moral emotions are more closely related to reward (e.g., admiration) or punishment (e.g., anger). With regard to the cognitive effort underlying emotions, moral emotions require more cognitive effort (i.e., longer reaction times) than non-moral emotions.
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"Death is Different" Jurisprudence and LWOP: Rethinking Life Without Parole in American Criminal JusticeEvrigenis, Amelia 01 January 2015 (has links)
My thesis critically examines the role that the U.S. Supreme Court's "death is different" jurisprudence has played in the development of life without parole (LWOP) sentencing.
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Fysisk bestraffning och psykologisk kontroll som riskfaktorer för depressiva symptom hos ungdomar / Corporal Punishment and Psychological Control as Risk Factors forDepressive Symptoms in Adolescents¹Andersson, Emma, Jakobsson, Beatrice January 2014 (has links)
Fysisk bestraffning och psykologisk kontroll som utförs av föräldrar är exempel på problematiska föräldrabeteenden som kan orsaka depressiva symptom hos ungdomar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns skillnader i depressiva symptom mellan ungdomar som har utsatts för fysisk bestraffning och ungdomar som har utsatts för psykologisk kontroll över tid. Studien använder sig utav sekundärdata från ett forskningsprojekt, bestående av enkätsvar som har samlats in från ungdomar mellan 13-15 år i en mellanstor svensk stad. Studien visade inga skillnader i depressiva symptom hos ungdomarna när symptomen av fysisk bestraffning och psykologisk kontroll jämfördes över tid. Dock var sambanden mellan fysisk bestraffning och depressiva symptom svagare än mellan psykologisk kontroll och depressiva symptom. / Corporal punishment and psychological control exercised by parents are examples of problematic parental behaviors that can cause depressive symptoms in adolescents. The study aims to investigate whether there are differences in depressive symptoms among adolescents who have experienced physical punishment and adolescents who have experienced psychological control over time. The study used secondary data from a research project, consisting of survey responses collected from adolescents in the ages between 13-15 years old in a medium-sized Swedish city. The study showed no differences in depressive symptoms in adolescents over time when the symptoms of physical punishment and psychological control were compared. However, the relationships between physical punishment and depressive symptoms was weaker than between psychological control and depressive symptoms.
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Drugs and drug policies in Oman with special reference to the death penaltyAl-Balushi, Rashid Bin Hamed January 2004 (has links)
The problem of drugs in Oman has assumed serious proportions in recent years. It leads to creation of an underground economy and is associated with loss of skilled manpower. However, the problem has several dimensions. It has direct and indirect adverse effects. In response to increases in both worldwide drug production and drug demand in Oman, law makers in Oman instituted legal measures designed to protect the health, welfare and finance of people from the effects of drug use. In addition, law makers in Oman have recognized that trade in illicit drugs is a global activity and that drug-related activities are associated with other criminal behaviour; therefore they have tried to honour the spirit of international conventions related to drug control. Thus, the Drug Act No. 17 was passed in March 1999 and came into force on 6th April 1999, to regulate the procedures regarding the trafficking and trade of drugs in Oman. The most striking feature of the new law is a 'death penalty. The death penalty would be applied to those charged with drug trafficking and smuggling, as laid down in article No 43. Therefore, the question is can the death penalty deter criminals from committing trafficking and smuggling in drugs? No research has been done to examine the effect of the new drug law in Oman. This thesis aims to fill that gap and investigate the impact of the new drugs law in Oman. Data collection for the study was carried out using three methods: questionnaire, semi-structured interview and documentary data from police files before and after the introduction of the death penalty for the period from 1st April 1996 to 31st March 2002. The total period covered was 72 months. Statistical reports and other research papers carried out in Oman and other countries were also reviewed. The results of testing a number of hypotheses indicated that since the introduction of the death penalty for drug offences, the numbers of drug arrests and the incidence of violence related to drug offences have increased. In addition, the smuggling of drugs by sea has increased. Moreover, heroin trafficking has increased since the introduction of the death penalty. The study found that there is a lack of knowledge about drugs (the types of drugs, punishment, addictions treatment and belief about drug effects) among both groups of participants, drug offenders and non-drug offenders. Finally, the findings of this study indicate that the introduction of the death penalty in Oman does not deter drug offenders from involvement in drug related offences in general and drug trafficking offences in particular.
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Okänslighet för bestraffning hos ungdomar med psykopatiska drag och föräldrabeteenden. / Insensitivity to punishment among youths with psychopathic traits and parenting behaviors.Karlsson, Carolina, Filipovic, Emira January 2014 (has links)
Psykopati är en personlighetsstörning där specifika beteendemönsteringår. Man kan hitta psykopatiska drag hos barn och ungdomar. Detfinns begränsat med forskning gällande ungdomar med psykopatiskadrag och okänslighet för bestraffning, samt hur föräldrabeteendenpåverkas. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om ungdomarsokänslighet för bestraffning medierar länken mellan psykopatiskadrag och föräldrabeteenden. Studien är gjord på tidigare insamladdata från en medelstor stad i Sverige. Sammanlagt deltog 968 flickoroch pojkar, samt svarade deras föräldrar på enkäter. Resultatetvisade att ungdomars okänslighet för bestraffning delvis medierarlänken mellan ungdomars psykopatiska drag och föräldrabeteenden.Dock visade fynden olika resultat för olika föräldrabeteenden. / Psychopathy is a personality disorder where specific patterns ofbehavior are included. It is possible to find psychopathic traits amongchildren and adolescents. There is limited research concerningadolescents with psychopathic traits and insensitivity to punishment,also how the parenting behaviors are affected. The purpose of thisstudy is to research if adolescents’ insensitivity to punishmentmediates the link between psychopathic traits and parenting behaviors.The study is conducted by using previously collected data from anaverage sized city in Sweden. There were 968 participants, where bothgirls and boys and their parents filled out questionnaires. The resultshowed that adolescents’ insensitivity to punishment partly mediatesthe link between youth’s psychopathic traits and parenting behaviors.However the findings showed different paths for different parentingbehaviors.
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Discipline and torture, or, How Iranians became modernsRejali, Darius M. January 1987 (has links)
In this dissertation, I undertake an empirical analysis of Iranian punitive practices over the last century. In thiscontext, I set out to investigate three issues. First, I critically examine the claim that modernity is characterizedby a diminution of corporal punishments, considering both the older humanist-progressivist verions of this claim and therevisionist-Nietzschean versions that have been advanced by several scholars including Michel Foucault, David Rothman,Michael Ignatieff, John Langbein, Gerhard Oestreich and Marc Raeff. In particular, I examine the relationship betweenmodern torture and might be called the "disciplinary process" that is said to characterize modernization. Second, I evaluate Chomsky and Herman's hypothesis that developing societies are characterized by a specific economy of violence that might be described as "state terrorism." Third, I test the utility of Foucault's theoretical approach to the study of power. / Dans cette these, j'entreprends une analyse empirique des coutumes punitives iraniennes depuis un siecle. A cette fin, j'examine trois aspects. Premierement, j'examine d'une maniere critique le point de vue suivant lequel, la modernite se caracterise par une diminution des punitions physiques, tout en considerant l'interprétation traditionnelle humanistico-progressive de ce point de vue et les interpretations Nietzscheo-revisionnistes qui ont ete suggerees par plusieurs penseurs, tels que Michel Foucault, David Rothman, Michael Ignatieff, John Langbein, Gerhard Oestreich, et Marc Raeff. Plus precisement j'examine la relation entre la torture au XXieme siecle et ce que l'on pourrait appeler le "processus disciplinaire" qui, soi-disant, caracterise la modernisation. Deuxiemement, j'évalue les hypothèses de Noam Chomsky et d'Edward Herman suivant lesquelles les sociétés en voie de développement sont caractérisées par la violence d'une manière bien précise, et qui pourrait etre decrite comme "une économie de terrorisme d'état." Troisièmement, j'examine l'utilité de l'approche théorique de Michel Foucault pour l'etude du pouvoir. fr
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仲間集団から内在化される集団境界の評定黒川, 雅幸, KUROKAWA, Masayuki, 三島, 浩路, MISHIMA, Kouji, 吉田, 俊和, YOSHIDA, Toshikazu 20 April 2006 (has links)
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Community service in Uganda as an alternative to imprisonment: a case study of Masaka and Mukono districts.Birungi, Charles January 2005 (has links)
Community service as an alternative to imprisonment at its inception was taken up very strongly by the judiciary as part of the reform of the criminal justice system in Uganda. The successful enactment of the Community Service Act, Act no: 5/2000, was an achievement towards the implementation of the programme in the country. However, its implementation as an alternative sentence is currently proceeding at a slow pace. The Ugandan law still allows courts to exercise their discretionary powers with regard to either using prison sentences or community service. Courts still seem to prefer to use imprisonment irrespective of the nature of the offence, thus leading to unwarranted government expenditure and prison overcrowding. An additional problem is that some offenders come out of prison having been negatively affected by their interaction with even more serious offenders. This study was undertaken to establish whether community service as an alternative to imprisonment can be effective with regard to reducing recidivism and to accelerating reconciliation and reintegration of minor offenders back into their communities.
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