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Classificação de dados estacionários e não estacionários baseada em grafos / Graph-based classification for stationary and non-stationary dataJoão Roberto Bertini Júnior 24 January 2011 (has links)
Métodos baseados em grafos consistem em uma poderosa forma de representação e abstração de dados que proporcionam, dentre outras vantagens, representar relações topológicas, visualizar estruturas, representar grupos de dados com formatos distintos, bem como, fornecer medidas alternativas para caracterizar os dados. Esse tipo de abordagem tem sido cada vez mais considerada para solucionar problemas de aprendizado de máquina, principalmente no aprendizado não supervisionado, como agrupamento de dados, e mais recentemente, no aprendizado semissupervisionado. No aprendizado supervisionado, por outro lado, o uso de algoritmos baseados em grafos ainda tem sido pouco explorado na literatura. Este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo não paramétrico baseado em grafos para problemas de classificação com distribuição estacionária, bem como sua extensão para problemas que apresentam distribuição não estacionária. O algoritmo desenvolvido baseia-se em dois conceitos, a saber, 1) em uma estrutura chamada grafo K-associado ótimo, que representa o conjunto de treinamento como um grafo esparso e dividido em componentes; e 2) na medida de pureza de cada componente, que utiliza a estrutura do grafo para determinar o nível de mistura local dos dados em relação às suas classes. O trabalho também considera problemas de classificação que apresentam alteração na distribuição de novos dados. Este problema caracteriza a mudança de conceito e degrada o desempenho do classificador. De modo que, para manter bom desempenho, é necessário que o classificador continue aprendendo durante a fase de aplicação, por exemplo, por meio de aprendizado incremental. Resultados experimentais sugerem que ambas as abordagens apresentam vantagens na classificação de dados em relação aos algoritmos testados / Graph-based methods consist in a powerful form for data representation and abstraction which provides, among others advantages, representing topological relations, visualizing structures, representing groups of data with distinct formats, as well as, supplying alternative measures to characterize data. Such approach has been each time more considered to solve machine learning related problems, mainly concerning unsupervised learning, like clustering, and recently, semi-supervised learning. However, graph-based solutions for supervised learning tasks still remain underexplored in literature. This work presents a non-parametric graph-based algorithm suitable for classification problems with stationary distribution, as well as its extension to cope with problems of non-stationary distributed data. The developed algorithm relies on the following concepts, 1) a graph structure called optimal K-associated graph, which represents the training set as a sparse graph separated into components; and 2) the purity measure for each component, which uses the graph structure to determine local data mixture level in relation to their classes. This work also considers classification problems that exhibit modification on distribution of data flow. This problem qualifies concept drift and worsens any static classifier performance. Hence, in order to maintain accuracy performance, it is necessary for the classifier to keep learning during application phase, for example, by implementing incremental learning. Experimental results, concerning both algorithms, suggest that they had presented advantages over the tested algorithms on data classification tasks
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Aplikace metody difrakce zpětně odražených elektronů v materiálovém inženýrství / Application of Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials EngineeringMan, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with principles and common applications of the electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method. Some practical experience in application of the method to a study of highly deformed structure of copper and its thermal stability is described on one hand, and, on the other hand, to a study of phase composition of TRIP steel on various levels of imposed strain. The limitations of EBSD method are discussed along with its resolution in comparison with other complimentary techniques.
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Computational Methods to Characterize the Etiology of Complex Diseases at Multiple LevelsElmansy, Dalia F. 29 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Désaffiliation chez les évangéliques de deuxième génération au Québec : conversion et pureté sexuelle inatteignablesGagné, Benjamin 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse la question de la désaffiliation et les concepts afférents chez les évangéliques de deuxième génération au Québec nés de parents convertis et socialisés dans le milieu évangélique. Au Canada depuis 2011, on remarque une tendance générale à une croissance modérée, si ce n’est une stabilité des groupes évangéliques. Derrière cette relative stabilité, l’on trouve notamment le phénomène de la désaffiliation religieuse, à savoir une désadhésion, un désengagement et une désidentification du milieu évangélique. Cette recherche est menée selon une approche qualitative biographique et semi-directive auprès de douze désaffiliés issus du milieu évangélique québécois. L’analyse des données prend appui sur les cadres théoriques conceptualisant la succession des générations, la déconversion et la désaffiliation. Il ressort que du point de vue générationnel la désaffiliation constitue un produit de la modernité tardive autour de la question du choix religieux, de la mobilité géographique et de l’adaptation des nouvelles églises urbaines. Du point de vue des enjeux spécifiquement liés au milieu évangélique, la désaffiliation survient pour certains interrogés suite à des difficultés à reproduire un modèle de conversion dominant véhiculé par la première génération et central à l’identité évangélique. À la fin des années 1990, le passage de l’école chrétienne publique, ou de l’école à la maison, vers l’univers de l’éducation publique déconfessionnalisée, produit une forme de « choc scolaire » amorçant une remise en question suscitant un début de « désadhésion ». Au mode de vie évangélique « tout ou rien », s’imbrique l’idéal de la pureté sexuelle et du mariage dont l’échec vient aussi agir comme déclencheur de désaffiliation engendrant le « désengagement » religieux. Au fil de la vie de ces membres, la désaffiliation se produit selon une chronologie marquée généralement par un désengagement suivi d’une « désidentification ». Enfin, par son examen de la trajectoire des trois quarts des interrogés s’orientant vers la non-religion, cette recherche contribue à l’élargissement des connaissances concernant la manière dont la désaffiliation évangélique contribue à la croissance du phénomène des sans-religions. Elle comble un manque de données empiriques concernant le sujet de la désaffiliation religieuse au sein des milieux du Réveil évangélique et québécois. / This master thesis analyzes the issue of disaffiliation and related concepts among second- generation evangelicals in Quebec born of converted parents and socialized in the evangelical milieu. In Canada since 2011, there has been a general trend of moderate growth, if not stability, among evangelical groups. Behind this relative stability lies the phenomenon of religious disaffiliation, that is, disadhesion, disengagement, and disidentification from the evangelical milieu. This research is conducted using a qualitative biographical and semi-directive approach with twelve disaffiliated persons from the evangelical milieu in Quebec. The analysis of the data is based on theoretical frameworks that conceptualize disaffiliation, deconversion, and generational succession. It emerges that from a generational point of view, disaffiliation is a product of late modernity around the issue of religious choice, geographic mobility, and the adaptation of new urban churches. From the point of view of issues specifically linked to the evangelical milieu, disaffiliation occurs for some respondents as a result of difficulties in reproducing a dominant conversion model conveyed by the first generation and central to evangelical identity. At the end of the 1990s, the transition from public Christian schools, or homeschooling, to the world of deconfessionalized public education produced a form of "school shock" that initiated a questioning that led to the beginning of disadhesion. To the evangelical way of life "all or nothing" is interwoven with the ideal of sexual purity and marriage whose failure also acts as a trigger of disaffiliation generating religious disengagement. Throughout these members' lives, disaffiliation occurs according to a chronology generally marked by disengagement followed by disidentification. Finally, by examining the trajectory of three- quarters of respondents moving toward non-religion, this research contributes to the expansion of knowledge about how evangelical disaffiliation contributes to the growth of the phenomenon of the non-religious. It fills a gap in empirical data concerning the subject of religious disaffiliation within the Evangelical Revival in Quebec milieu.
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Mothers, Militants, Martyrs, & “M’m! M’m! Good!” Taming the New Woman: Campbell Soup Advertising in Good Housekeeping, 1905 – 1920Liggett, Lori S. 06 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Les Effets de la mondialisation sur la langue et la culture francaises dans le contexte des affaires et de la publiciteEffects of Globalization on French Language and Culture in the Context of Business and AdvertisingDubell, Andrea 04 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantitative NMR-Spektroskopie als Referenzverfahren in der analytischen ChemieMalz, Frank 10 July 2003 (has links)
Die Globalisierung von Handel und Wirtschaft macht es nötig, nationale Analysenergebnisse international gegenseitig anzuerkennen. Dabei kann die Richtigkeit der Analysenwerte durch Ruckführung auf Einheitsnormale mittels Primärmethoden, Zertifizierte Referenzmaterialien (ZRM) und Referenzverfahren gewährleistet werden. Die quantitative hochauflösende 1H-SP-NMR bietet sich aufgrund ihrer ausgezeichneten Selektivität und ihrem Potenzial als relative Primärmethode geradezu als Referenzverfahren an. Für vier wichtige Anwendungsbereiche (Bestimmung von Stoffmengenverhältnissen und -anteilen in mol/mol bzw. mol/mol %, der Reinheitsbestimmung über die Hauptkomponentenanalyse in g/g % und der Gehaltsbestimmung in mg/g) wurden anhand idealer Modellsysteme in Lösung (5-Komponenten: Ethyl-4-toluolsulfonat, [2,2]-Paracyclophan, Durol, Cyclododekan, Oktamethylcyclotetrasiloxan; Maleinsäure; 3-Trimethyl-2,2,3,3-tetradeuteropropionsäure-Natriumsalz (TSP)) die Messgleichungen und vollständigen Unsicherheitsbudgets aufgestellt sowie Arbeitsanweisungen zur quantitativen Aufnahme und Auswertung von 1H-NMR-Messungen erarbeitet. Dazu war für die Reinheits- und Gehaltsbestimmung ein System interner NMR-Standards aufzubauen (ZRM Benzoesäure, Maleinsäure, TSP-Lösung, Durol), das den Forderungen nach metrologischer Rückführung genügte. Zur Minimierung der Messunsicherheit wurden systematisch die Einflüsse gerätespezifischer Parameter und der Auswertung umfangreich untersucht und quantifiziert. Mittels mitorganisierter nationaler und internationaler CCQM-Ringversuche konnten allgemeingültige (unabhängig von der Gerätekonfiguration) Aussagen über die Messunsicherheit der Methoden bzw. Verfahren getroffen werden. Für realitätsbezogene Fragestellungen der Reinheitsbestimmung möglicher Referenzmaterialien für den pharmazeutischen Bereich (Spiraeosid, Thymol, Loganin) sowie von Xylol-Isomeren-Gemischen und der Gehaltsbestimmung 0,1%-iger wässriger Ethanollösungen mussten teilweise die quantitative 1H-entkoppelte 13C-NMR validiert und der quantitative Einsatz der 1H-Wasserunterdrückung (Presaturation) erstmalig entwickelt werden. Um die Güte der quantitativen NMR-Verfahren als Referenzverfahren bewertet zu können, wurde durch Beteiligung an internationalen Ringversuchen auf höchstem metrologischen Niveau (CCQM) deren Messunsicherheiten mit denen anderer analytischer Verfahren verglichen. Es konnten somit vier Referenzverfahren durch Dokumentation der Prüfbereiche, Messunsicherheiten und Einsatzgebiete der quantitativen hochauflösenden 1H- und 13C-NMR formuliert werden. / The globalisation of trade and economics makes requires mutual international recognition of analytical measurement results. The trueness of analytical results can be secured by establishing traceability to measurement standards for SI units using primary methods, certified reference materials (CRM) and reference methods. The quantitative high resolution 1H-SP-NMR offers itself as reference method due to its excellent selectivity and its potential as relative primary method. For four important areas of application (determination of amount-of-substance ratios and fractions in mol/mol and mol/mol %, respectively, purity determination by main component analysis in g/g %, and determination of minor component mass fractions in mg/g) the measuring equations and complete uncertainty budgets were set up, and work instructions for the acquisition and evaluation of quantitative 1H-NMR measurements were compiled, on the basis of ideal model systems in solution (5 components: Ethyl-4-toluenesulfonate, [2,2]-Paracyclophane, Durene, Cyclododecane, Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane; Maleic acid; 3-Trimethyl-2,2,3,3-tetradeuteropropionic acid sodium salt (TSP)). In addition, a system of internal NMR standards had to be built up (CRM benzoic acid, maleic acid, TSP solution, Durene) for the determination of composition and purity, which meets the demands for metrological traceability. For the minimization of measurement uncertainty, the influences of instrument-specific parameters and data evaluation techniques were extensively examined and quantified. By means of national and jointly organized international CCQM intercomparisons generally applicable statements (independent of the measuring system configuration) about the measurement uncertainty for the different methods could be specified. For addressing real-life problems in purity determination of prospective reference substances for the pharmaceutical field (spiraeoside, thymol, loganin) as well as of xylene isomer mixtures and the analysis of 0,1 % aqueous ethanol solutions, the quantitative 1H-decoupled 13C-NMR had to be validated in part and the quantitative application of the 1H water suppression (presaturation) was developed for the first time. In order to estimate the power of quantitative NMR as a reference method, measurement uncertainties were compared with those of other analytical methods by participation in international intercomparisons on the highest metrological level (CCQM). Thus, four reference methods of the quantitative high resolution 1H- and 13C-NMR could be specified in terms of measuring ranges, measurement uncertainties and application fields.
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The role and position of women in Roman North African SocietyDe Marre, Martine Elizabeth Agnès 30 November 2002 (has links)
In this thesis I have endeavoured to throw light on both the private and public aspect of the lives of women
living in the Roman African provinces from the first century BC to the seventh century AD. Funerary
inscriptions reveal that the role of women in private life was projected in a manner which reflected the ideals
for Roman womanhood (pudicitia, castilas,fides and fecunditas), even when they clearly came of Afro~Punic
stock. In terms of the quality of their lives Roman African women of the propertied status groups (about whom
we know the most) had a good standard of living compared to other parts of the Roman Empire, and for example
were well~educated in the urbanized areas compared to provinces such as Gaul. Roman African women of the
elite also enjoyed a degree of autonomy enhanced by the increased financial independence granted to them in
terms of Roman law, which enabled them to function as benefactors in their communities in the same way as
their male counterparts, donating money for temples, baths and markets. In return for this they were duly
recognized in honorary inscriptions by their communities. Although this public role may appear to be in conflict
with the 'ideal' domestic or private role of the Roman matron, this activity was sanctioned by the fact that they
were acting in the interests of male family members who were engaged in municipal careers. In the 2nd and 3rd
centuries there are a few signs that women were beginning to act more in their own interests, but much of their
public role faded with the increasing dominance of the Christian Church which prescribed a more limited role
for women. The only exceptions occurred in the times of persecution through the temporary prominence gained
by women as martyrs and confessors, although this prominence cannot be said to have advantaged women in
general. During the Vandal and Byzantine period we know of only a few women, primarily those with
connections to the elite at Rome and Constantinople, who acted with the independence and authority of their class. / History / D.Litt. et Phil. (Ancient History)
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`n Sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering tot die eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoonlikheid van Jesus soos gevind in die JohannesevangelieKaiser, Elizabeth Hendrica 30 November 2003 (has links)
This study deals with the character of Jesus in the Gospel of John and follows the social-scientific approach and aims to correct the traditional views regarding the personality of Jesus. The aim is not a personality analysis but to situate Jesus as a typical person who was a part of and functioned in the first Mediterranean world.
The pivotal values of the ancient world such as honor/shame; collectivistic/dyadic personality; family and group orientation; kinship; the patronage system with the patron/broker/client relationship and the purity system are applied to reach the aim of my thesis. It is found that Jesus was a collectivistic/dyadic personality. He functioned in this family orientated as well as in a group orientated community and socially structured patronage system as a broker, totally the contrary to contemporary personality drawings of Jesus found in modern literature. / In hierdie studie, wat 'n skripsie van beperkte omvang is, word nie gepoog om 'n
persoonlikheidsanalise van Jesus te doen nie. Die studie wil die probleem van die
toepassings en interpretasies van Jesus in populere literatuur aanspreek. Jesus word deur
moderne mense en teoloe in prentjies en idees van 'n moderne mens met moderne
kategoriee, denke en perspektiewe, waardes en oordele beskryf, geteken en geinterpreteer,
en dit is nie 'n werklike getroue en realistiese weergawe van Jesus as historiese mens nie.
Jesus word in populere literatuur as 'n individualis geteken; sy persoon en emosies word
alleenlik in moderne denke en kategoriee geinterpreteer en dit word slegs op grond van
moderne individuele ervaring gedoen. Hierdie interpretasies is nie tipies van die
kollektiwistiese, groep-georienteerde eerste-eeuse mediterreense persoon nie. Afsydigheid
en terughoudendheid (4:9, 10; 13:36-38) is kenmerkend van persone in hierdie samelewing
waar warmte in verhoudings ontbreek het (2:16; 9:16)'. Emosies soos 'liefde' wat Jesus
toon, is nie 'n emosionele konnotasie wat in die moderne samelewing dui op die
gevoelslewe van die mens nie. In hierdie antieke samelewing het 'liefde' gedui op
lojaliteit, solidariteit en groepgebondenheid en as Jesus die blinde man sy sig teruggee
(9:7), herstel hy nie hier die geneesde man se plek as individu in terme van die moderne
samelewing nie, maar hy herstel die sieke in sy regmatige, groep-georienteerde sosiale
plek in die antieke samelewing waarin hy - weens sy siekte - as 'buitestaander' geetiketteer
is en dus geen deel in die groep gehad het nie.
In hierdie antieke eerste-eeuse mediterreense samelewing het ander spilpuntwaardes as in
ons moderne samelewing gegeld. In hierdie kollektiwistiese en groepgebonde kultuur het
persone gedeel in 'n gemeenskap met die spilpuntwaardes, norme en ingestelde sosiale
reels van hierdie spesifieke kultuur en aspekte wat vormend op hulle ingewerk het. Jesus
se persoon en optrede moet nagevors word in hierdie sosiale sisteem waar mag deur simbole daargestel is, en waar mense, dinge en gebeure elkeen 'n simboliese werklikheid
verteenwoordig het. / New Testament / M. A. (Biblical Studies)
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Multivariate spectroscopic methods for the analysis of solutionsWiberg, Kent January 2004 (has links)
<p>In this thesis some multivariate spectroscopic methods for the analysis of solutions are proposed. Spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis form a powerful combination for obtaining both quantitative and qualitative information and it is shown how spectroscopic techniques in combination with chemometric data evaluation can be used to obtain rapid, simple and efficient analytical methods. These spectroscopic methods consisting of spectroscopic analysis, a high level of automation and chemometric data evaluation can lead to analytical methods with a high analytical capacity, and for these methods, the term high-capacity analysis (HCA) is suggested. It is further shown how chemometric evaluation of the multivariate data in chromatographic analyses decreases the need for baseline separation. </p><p>The thesis is based on six papers and the chemometric tools used are experimental design, principal component analysis (PCA), soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA), partial least squares regression (PLS) and parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The analytical techniques utilised are scanning ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, diode array detection (DAD) used in non-column chromatographic diode array UV spectroscopy, high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. The methods proposed are exemplified in the analysis of pharmaceutical solutions and serum proteins.</p><p>In Paper I a method is proposed for the determination of the content and identity of the active compound in pharmaceutical solutions by means of UV-Vis spectroscopy, orthogonal signal correction and multivariate calibration with PLS and SIMCA classification. Paper II proposes a new method for the rapid determination of pharmaceutical solutions by the use of non-column chromatographic diode array UV spectroscopy, i.e. a conventional HPLC-DAD system without any chromatographic column connected. In Paper III an investigation is made of the ability of a control sample, of known content and identity to diagnose and correct errors in multivariate predictions something that together with use of multivariate residuals can make it possible to use the same calibration model over time. In Paper IV a method is proposed for simultaneous determination of serum proteins with fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate calibration. Paper V proposes a method for the determination of chromatographic peak purity by means of PCA of HPLC-DAD data. In Paper VI PARAFAC is applied for the decomposition of DAD data of some partially separated peaks into the pure chromatographic, spectral and concentration profiles. </p>
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