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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale du fractionnement isotopique du fer aux conditions hydrothermales

Saunier, Gaëlle 04 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
: Le but de cette thèse est de générer les premières données expérimentales de fractionnement des isotopes de Fe entre minéraux et fluides en conditions hydrothermales et de les confronter aux prédictions théoriques et aux données naturelles. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié le fractionnement isotopique du fer entre hématite, pyrite, et fluides aqueux de différente composition, entre 200 et 450°C et jusqu'à 600 bar. Les expériences ont consisté à précipiter ou à dissoudre, dans des solutions de compositions connues, de la pyrite ou de l'hématite dans des réacteurs hydrothermaux. Les résultats montrent un fractionnement à l'équilibre quasi-nul entre l'hématite et un fluide dominé par les complexes chlorurés du fer ferrique, alors qu'une solution où les espèces chlorurées du fer ferreux dominent s'enrichit en isotope léger en équilibre avec l'hématite (57Fefl-hm =-0,5±0,1 ‰, 300°C/80bar). Ces résultats sont en bon accord avec les prédictions théoriques. Par contre, nos expériences de précipitation de la pyrite à 450°C et 600 bar à partir de fluides salins contenant du fer et du soufre montrent systématiquement des facteurs de fractionnement de ~1,5‰ plus grands (57Fefl-pyr~0,5 à 0,8‰ ±0,2‰) que ceux prédits par les calculs en équilibre avec une pyrite. Ceci peut s'expliquer par le mécanisme de précipitation de la pyrite via la mackinawite qui, lors de sa formation, s'équilibrerait avec le fluide mais garderait sa composition isotopique lors de sa transformation rapide en pyrite. Cette étude constitue la première calibration expérimentale du fractionnement isotopique dans les systèmes FeII/III(aqueux)-hématite, et FeII(aqueux)-pyrite aux températures hydrothermales.

Studie och riskanalys av sulfidleror i Uppsala stad / Study and risk analysis of sulphide clays in the city of Uppsala

Wennerberg, Håkan January 2005 (has links)
<p>Most of the city of Uppsala rests on postglacial clay with a varying content of sulphur. The sulphur occurs naturally in the clay in reduced form as sulphide and the clay is for that reason usually called “sulphide clay”. Excavation during construction activities gives rise to large amounts of excavation material, of which the sulphide clay is a considerable part.</p><p>When the clay is exposed to air and water, an oxidation of the sulphides occurs which may produce an acid leachate and the mobilisation of heavy metals bound in the clay or underlying material. The aim of the work has been to improve our understanding of the behaviour of sulphide clays and produce a basis for risk assessment in the future handling of excavation material with high sulphide content. After sampling had been carried out in two places, batch tests were performed to examine the long-term acidification potential of clays with different calcium carbonate content. The tests were performed with continuous air supply and during the experiment leachate water was analysed with respect to pH, alkalinity, dissolved sulphate and mobilised metals. The results from the laboratory study showed that a clay with a high calcium carbonate content and thus a high net neutralisation potential (NNP) will consume the generated acid and prevent against a lowering of the pH.</p><p>In clay lacking calcium carbonate, the pH dropped significantly and caused a mobilisation of chiefly Cd, Mn, Co, Ni, Ca and As. Regardless of the changes in pH over time, a large production of sulphur was observed as a result of the sulphide oxidation. In a risk assessment, it is suggested that the NNP should be determined by methods agreed upon to facilitate future comparisons and because different methods may give different results. A clay with a NNP<5 kg CaCO3/ton should be further analysed with respect to metal content to establish the leachate generation potential and estimate the future environmental influence of the excavation material.</p> / <p>Uppsala stad vilar till stor del på postglacial lera med varierande svavelhalt. Svavlet finns naturligt i leran i reducerad form som sulfid och leran kallas därför vanligtvis för ”sulfidlera”. Vid schaktningsarbete i samband med byggnation uppkommer stora mängder schaktmassor varav en betydande del är sulfidlera.</p><p>Då leran exponeras för luft och nederbörd sker en oxidation av sulfiderna som kan ge upphov till surt lakvatten och läckage av tungmetaller bundna i leran eller underliggande material. Syftet med arbetet har varit att öka kunskaperna om hur sulfidleror beter sig och ta fram ett underlag för riskbedömning i samband med den framtida hanteringen av sulfidhaltiga schaktmassor i Uppsala. Efter genomförd provtagning på två platser utfördes skaktest för att undersöka den långsiktiga försurningspotentialen hos lera med varierande kalkinnehåll. Testerna utfördes med kontinuerlig tillförsel av luft och löpande under försökets gång togs lakvatten ut för analys avseende pH, alkalinitet, löst sulfat och utlakade metaller.</p><p>Resultaten från den laborativa studien visade att en kalkhaltig lera med hög nettoneutralisationspotential (NNP) kan förbruka den bildade syran och därigenom genereras ingen pH-sänkning. I lera som saknar kalk sjönk pH kraftigt och föranledde läckage av framförallt Cd, Mn, Co, Ni, Ca och As.</p><p>Oavsett utvecklingen av pH observerades en stor utlakning av svavel till följd av oxidationen av sulfider. I en riskbedömning föreslås att lerans NNP bestäms enligt överenskomna metoder för att underlätta framtida jämförelser och för att olika tekniker kan ge olika resultat. En lera med NNP-värde < 5 kg CaCO3/ton bör analyseras vidare avseende metallinnehåll för att fastställa den potentiella utlakningen och bedöma schaktmassans framtida naturpåverkan.</p>

Kartering av markföroreningar inom Skutskärs Bruk samt utvärdering av spridningsrisker enligt Naturvårdsverkets MIFO fas 2

Lundell, Lisa January 2005 (has links)
<p>With the prospect of future construction on the Skutskär Pulp Mill property, Stora Enso Fine Paper has initiated an investigation of soil contaminants and a risk assessment of these contaminants. A soil and groundwater investigation has therefore been conducted on an open area of about 16 000 square meters, situated between the current wood room and digester house. To be able to integrate this study into an investigation for the whole industrial property, the study has been carried out as a phase 2 study according to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s Methods of Inventories of Contaminated sites (MIFO).</p><p>The site investigation has involved soil and groundwater sampling, together with the analysis of heavy metals and organic contaminants. The degree of hazard posed by the contaminants, the level of contamination, the potential for migration of the contaminants, as well as the degree to which protection of human health and the environment is required in the area, have been weighed together for an overall risk assessment of the area with regard to human health and the environment.</p><p>The investigated area was built up by filling in the coastal waters. The fill material consists mainly of sand that becomes finer below the groundwater surface at the depth of about 2.3 m.</p><p>Above the groundwater surface pyrite cinders was encountered. Underneath the cinders, lime sludge, bark and wood fiber were found at different depths. The deepest layer encountered consists of moraine.</p><p>The results showed that most of the heavy metals in the soil originate from the pyrite cinders. The level of contamination was assessed as very high for Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd and Hg. In the groundwater, the level of contamination was assessed as high for Al and moderate for Pb and Cr. The level of organic contaminants was in general low. Heavy oils were encountered in shallow soil layers. Mercury was analysed due to risk of migration from an earlier factory that produced chlorine alkali. The metal was encountered in both the shallow and the deeper layers of soil. Only three of 56 soil samples exceeded the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency’s guideline value for less sensitive land use of 7 mg Hg/kg dry weight.</p><p>The investigation indicates that the metals still are bound to the pyrite cinders and that most of the leachable parts were mobilized during the years when the ground was not covered with asphalt.</p><p>Most of the contaminant migration is assumed to take place through groundwater advection. The groundwater flows in the direction of the dock and was calculated to about 3 m3 per day. The gradient in the area is about 0.5 %. The average linear groundwater velocity was computed to about 5 m per year. The transport of the pollutants might be slower due to adsorption and precipitation. Groundwater sampling indicates that the transport to the dock is up to 100 g Zn, 10 g Cr, 8 g Pb and 0.02 g Hg per year.</p><p>The site was assigned to risk class 3, i.e. moderate risk regarding human health and environment and relatively low urgency concerning additional investigations.</p> / <p>Inför framtida ombyggnationer inom industrifastigheten vill Skutskärs Bruk, Stora Enso, kartlägga markföroreningar och utvärdera vilken spridningsrisk de utgör. En undersökning av mark- och grundvattenförhållanden har därför utförts på en ca 16 000 m2 stor yta, belägen mellan dagens renseri och kokeri. Undersökningen har utförts enligt Naturvårdsverkets Metodik för Inventering av Förorenade Områden (MIFO) för att i framtiden kunna integreras i en fas 2- undersökning för hela fastigheten.</p><p>Arbetet har inneburit provtagning av mark- och grundvatten som analyserats med avseende på tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. Föroreningarnas farlighet, föroreningsnivån, spridningsförutsättningarna samt objektets känslighet och skyddsvärde har vägts samman för att bedöma områdets risk för människors hälsa och miljö.</p><p>Området utgörs av utfylld havsbotten. Massorna består främst av sand som blir siltigare under grundvattenytan på ca 2,3 m djup under markytan. Ovan grundvattenytan påträffades kisaska. Därefter hittades mesa, bark och träfiber på varierande djup. Fyllningen underlagras av morän.</p><p>Resultatet visade att huvuddelen av tungmetallerna i marken härstammade från kisaskan. Föroreningsnivån bedömdes som mycket stor för Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd och Hg. I grundvattnet bedömdes föroreningsnivån som stor för Al och måttlig för Pb och Cr. Halten organiska föroreningar var generellt sett låg. Tyngre oljor påträffades i ytliga marklager.</p><p>Kvicksilver har analyserats eftersom risk för spridning från en före detta kloralkalifabrik uppströms området förelåg. Ämnet påträffades både i ytnära marklager och på större djup. Endast tre av 56 markprover översteg Naturvårdsverkets gränsvärde för mindre känslig markanvändning på 7 mg/kg TS.</p><p>Undersökningen tyder på att metallerna fortfarande är bundna till kisaskan och att stora delar av den lakbara delen transporterades bort under de år som ytan var oasfalterad.</p><p>Huvuddelen av föroreningstransporten antas ske genom advektion. Grundvattnet flödar i riktning mot hamnbassängen och beräknas uppgå till ca 3 m3/dygn. Områdets gradient är ca 0,5 %. Vattenpartiklarnas hastighet beräknades till ca 5 m/år. Föroreningstransporten kan vara lägre på grund av adsorption och utfällning. Grundvattenprovtagningen tyder på att den årliga transporten till hamnbassängen skulle kunna uppgå till 100 g Zn, 10 g Cr, 8 g Pb och 0,02 g Hg.</p><p>Objektet bedömdes tillhöra riskklass 3, det vill säga måttlig risk för människa och miljö samt relativt låg angelägenhet för vidare undersökningar.</p>

Sulfidická mineralizace v okolí bílinského zlomu / Sulphidic mineralization in the vicinity of the Bílina fault

Markes, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The neoidic sulphide mineralization located in tertiary sediments of Lom Bílina in Bílina's fault is of hydrothermal origin. The sulphidic mineralization is associated with fault systems of Eger rift and temperature of fluid crystallization was about 50řC. The mineralization of Bílina's fault is rather monotonous, the marcasite and pyrite is mostly found without a trace elements. In the crystals were also registered zones with the contents of trace elements, especially As and Ni. The contents of As enriched precipitation zones were fluctuating from 0,2 to 5,4 wt. %, Ni enriched zones were ranged from 1,6 to 5,9 wt. %. The precipitation zones with increased As and Ni content were very thin, there were very short time intervals of As and Ni enriched fluids precipitation. In the marcasite crystals were also found the porous zones of clay mineral microinclusions. These zones showed higher content of Al and Si. There is high abundance of Fe-disulfides at Bílina's fault-dispersed in coal bed, or bonded to tectonic zone of the Bílina's fault. Pyrite and marcasite are dispersed in the coal bed and genetially aren't related to sulphides bonded to Bílina's fault.

Soil Microbiome Dynamics During Pyritic Mine Tailing Phytostabilization

Hottenstein, John, Hottenstein, John January 2016 (has links)
Challenges to the reclamation of pyritic mine tailings arise from in-situ acid generation that severely constrains natural revegetation. While microbial communities that participate in acid generation through iron and sulfur (FeS) oxidation in acidic aquatic environments are well studied, relatively little information is available concerning the initial dynamics of in-situ soil acidification due to microbial FeS oxidation that occur in moderately acidic conditions. This research characterizes the taxonomic composition and behavior of microbial FeS oxidizing communities across a pH gradient from moderately acidic to highly acidic environmental conditions. We combine results from a 7-year compost-assisted phytostabilization field study with a controlled microcosm enrichment experiment that was conducted in an artificial soil matrix to follow the influence of pH on development of the soil microbiome. Microcosm results show that biological activity significantly increases the acidification rate in moderately acidic pH conditions in comparison to abiotic controls. Taxonomic profiles of the microbial communities in the microcosms and from the field study reveal that populations associated with both heterotrophic and lithotrophic activity (Alicyclobacillaceae, Acetobacteraceae and Xanthomonadaceae) dominate during acidification in moderately acidic conditions. These results suggest that chemoheterotrophs are an important element of the microbial community that help enable, directly and indirectly, lithotrophic FeS oxidation across moderately acidic conditions. Taken together, this research suggests that shifts of microbial populations associated with pH transitions have the potential to be used as bioindicators of the present and future status of the phytostabilization process.

The role of heavy minerals in the thermal maturation of the woodford shale, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma

Coddington, Kacee January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Geology / Matthew W. Totten / Shales are generally regarded as organic rich source and seal rocks that are unworthy of the amount of research that has been given to their coarser-grained counterparts, even though shales comprise nearly two-thirds of Earth’s sedimentary record (Potter et al., 1980). The Woodford Shale is acknowledged as a prolific source rock across much of Oklahoma and the midcontinent (Lambert, 1990). Up to 8% world's original hydrocarbon reserves are estimated to have been sourced by the Woodford and its equivalents (Fritz et al., 1991). Study of the heavy-mineral fraction in sedimentary rocks is important because it can indicate provenance and some of the diagenetic changes that occur in sedimentary rocks. This goal of this study is to describe the heavy-mineral fraction of eight Woodford Shale samples from the Greater Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma, and determine whether or not the constituents that make up the heavy-mineral fraction have any impact on the process of thermal maturity within source rocks. This study utilizes a method designed to efficiently separate the heavy-mineral fraction of shale samples. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) are used in this study to identify mineralogy, grain size, composition and shape. Mineral distributions in the samples have been determined from point counting. The weight percent of the heavy mineral fraction was calculated for each of the samples. This was then compared to their location within the basin, depth, vitrinite reflectance and total organic carbon (TOC). We found that as the thermal maturity increase, the weight percent of heavy minerals also increases. Pyrite (FeS₂) was the most abundant heavy mineral found in the Woodford samples used in this study. From analyzing the different forms of pyrite, it was found that as thermal maturity increases, framboidal pyrite alters to euhedral pyrite.

Caracterização e correlação de inclusões sólidas em pirita com alteração hidrotermais no pórfiro de cobre de Cuajone - Perú / Characterization and correlation of inclusions in pyrite with strong hydrothermal alterations in the porphyry copper Cuajone-Peru

Sucapuca Goyzueta, Carmen Juli 19 August 2008 (has links)
A mina Cuajone é uma jazida de tipo pórfiro de cobre (porphyry copper), localizada na Província Cuprífera do Pacífico, nos flancos ocidentais da Cadeia Andina, no estado de Moquegua, sul do Perú, em coordenadas 17° 02\'(S) e 70° 42\'(W) e altitudes entre 3100 e 3830 m. A região é caracterizada pela ocorrência, na base, de derrames vulcânicos (andesitos e riolitos) cretácicos do Grupo Toquepala, que s~ao invadidos por um complexo intrusivo (quartzo monzonitos - quartzo latitos) associado à mineralização. Fluxos vulcânicos mais recentes, compostos principalmente por traquitos, tufos e aglomerados traquíticos e conglomerados riolíticos das Formações Huaylillas e Chuncatala recobrem todo o conjunto. A análise petrográfica de 77 amostras representativas de 22 testemunhos de furos de sondagem distribuídos em três perfis da jazida de Cuajone permitiu a caracterização das seguintes rochas: andesitos, riolitos, quartzo latitos, latitos, micro-granodioritos porfiríticos, microtonalitos porfiríticos, pórfiros-I (micro quartzo monzonitos - micro monzogranitos (?)), pórfiros- II (micro tonalitos - micro leucoquartzo dioritos (?)) e micro-brechas. Estas rochas encontram-se afetadas por alterações hidrotermais em graus variáveis, identificando-se oito tipos ou combinações de tipos principais: potássica, potássica-propílica, propílica-potássica, potássica-propí?lica/fílica, propílica, propílica-fílica, fílica-propílica e fílica. O exame microscópico em detalhe sob luz refletida das fases sulfetadas demonstrou que a pirita (py), o sulfeto mais abundante, apresenta freqüentemente inclusões diminutas de calcopirita, cp, (X0,0 e 0,X ?m), quase sempre acompanhada de pirrotita (po), cubanita (cb) e mackinawita (mck), que aparecem formando intercrescimentos tí?picos. Estas inclusões apresentam formas arredondadas, ovais ou mesmo idiomórficas que, devido às suas dimensões, quase sempre não são reconhecidas em exames convencionais ao microscópio. Os intercrescimentos identificados foram classificados de acordo com a sua morfologia, utilizando-se para tanto de nomenclatura específica, e suas abundâncias relativas. Os resultados mostram que os mais abundantes são: tipo cp/po:1b (calcopirita + pirrotita, morfologia de tipo 1b) e py/po:1e na zona de alteração potássica, py/po:1e e cp/mck:4f nas zonas potássicapropílica e propílica-potássica, cp/mck:4f e py/po:1e na zona propílica e cp/po:1b e cp/mck:4f nas zonas de alteração potássica-propílica/fílica, propílica-fílica, fílica-propílica e zona de alteração fílica. A análise de distribuição das inclusões/intercrescimentos indica que a sua mineralogia pode ser correlacionada com a tipologia da alteração hidrotermal, particularmente quando se consideram as freqüências e/ou abundâncias relativas. Assim, observa-se que a pirrotita ocorre em todos os tipos de alteração, porém sua freqüência é notadamente superior nas amostras com alteraçãao potássica. A cubanita, ainda que seja pouco abundante, é freqüente nas zonas onde há contribuição da alteração fílica. Apesar de ser encontrada também nas zonas potássica-propílica e propílica-potássica, a sua freqüência é praticamente insignificante quando comparada com a das demais fases encontradas, enquanto a mackinawita apresenta freqüência significativamente superior nas rochas afetadas pela alteração propílica. A tipologia e a distribuição das inclusões/intercrescimentos, aliadas às informações experimentais disponíveis para o diagrama de fases Cu-Fe-S, são compatíveis com temperaturas entre ca. 180 e 500 °C para a origem da mineralização de Cu (calcopirita, cubanita). / The Cuajone mine is a porphyritic copper deposit (porphyry copper), located in the Pacific Copper Province, eastern flanks of the Andean Cordillera, state of Moquegua, south of Peru, with geographic coordinates 17 ° 02 \'(S) and 70 ° 42 \'(W) and altitudes between 3100 and 3830 m. The region is characterized from base to top by cretaceous volcanics (andesites and rhyolites) from Toquepala Group, which are invaded by a intrusive complex (quartz monzonites-quartz latites) associated to the ore deposits. Covering these units there are more recent volcanic flows composed mainly by trachyte, trachytic tuff, rhyolitic conglomerates and trachytic agglomerate from Huaylillas and Chuncatala Formations. Petrographic analysis of 77 samples representing 22 drilling cores distributed in three profiles of Cuajone Mine allowed the identification of the following lithotypes: andesite, rhyolite, quartz latite, latite, porphyritic micro-granodiorite, porphyritic micro-tonalite, porphyry-I (micro quartz monzonites-monzogranites (?)), porphyry-II (micro tonalites-micro leucoquartz diorites (?)) and micro-breccias.These rocks are affected by variable degrees of hydrothermal alteration with predominance of eight types or combinations of the following main types: potassic, potassic-propylitic, propylitic-potassic, potassic-propylitic/phylic, propylic, propylitic-phylic, phylic and propylitic-phylic. Detailed microscopic investigation under reflected light revealed that among the sulphide phases, pyrite (py) is the most abundant, with frequent chalcopyrite (cp) tiny inclusions (X0, 0 and 0, X ?m), almost always accompanied by pirrotite (po), cubanite (cb) and mackinawite (mck), occurring as typical intergrowths. These inclusions show round to oval or idiomorphic shapes and are commonly overlooked during conventional microscopic analyses due to their small dimensions. The intergrowths identified during petrographic analysis were classified according to their morphology, using specific nomenclature and relative abundances. The results show that the most abundant types are: cp/po:1b (chalcopyrite + pirrotite, morphology type 1b) and py/po:1e in the potassic alteration zone, py/po:1e and cp/mck:4f in areas of potassic-propylitic and propylitic-potassic alteration, cp/mck:4f and py/po:1e in the propylitic zone and cp/po:1b and cp/mck:4f in potassic-propylic/phylic alteration zones; propylitic-phylic, phylic-propylitic and phylic zones. The distribution pattern of inclusions/intergrowths indicates that their mineralogy can be correlated with the type of hydrothermal alteration. This is particularly evident when considering frequency and/or relative abundance. Thus, pirrotite occurs in all types of alteration, although its frequency is especially higher in samples with potassic alteration. Cubanite is more characteristic in the potassic-propylic and propylic-potassic zones, while mackinawite is significantly more frequent in rocks affected by propylic alteration. The type and distribution of inclusions/intergrowths, allied to current experimental results for the Cu-Fe-S system, are compatible with temperatures between ca. 180 and 500 ° C for the genesis of the studied copper deposits (chalcopyrite, cubanite).

Estudo eletroquímico das interações entre sulfetos de ferro / Electrochemical study of iron sulphides interactions

Almeida, Cecilia Maria Villas Boas de 23 November 1999 (has links)
Foram realizados estudos do comportamento eletroquímico de eletrodos de pinta, pirrotita e arsenopirita em meio ácido. A investigação incluiu tanto a dissolução dos minerais (isolados ou combinados dois a dois) como o estudo da deposição de íons prata sobre eles, levando em consideração as propriedades semicondutoras de cada um. Com base nos dados obtidos, empregando voltametria cíclica, medidas de capacitância, medidas fotoeletroquímicas e microscopia eletrônica de varredura, foram propostos mecanismos de dissolução para cada mineral. A oxidação dos três minerais em função dos produtos obtidos foi avaliada a partir das quantidades relativas de SO42-, S e Fe(OH)3 e constatou-se que a quantidade relativa de sulfato produzida pela pirita é maior que a quantidade obtida do eletrodo de pirrotita. A arsenopirita apresenta comportamento intermediário. O hidróxido de ferro produzido pela pirrotita é maior que o obtido da pirita e da arsenopirita. A presença do As2S3 na superfície do eletrodo de arsenopirita dificulta a redução do enxofre. Os dados obtidos com os eletrodos mistos mostram que, em potenciais próximos de Eca, as reações que produzem enxofre e Fe(III) predominam. Acima de 0,8 V, tem início a oxidação de S e/ou S2O32- gerando sulfato para os três eletrodos, além da oxidação do As2S3 nos eletrodos que contém arsenopirita. A presença da pirita na mistura dos minerais, em quantidade maior que 60%, pode abaixar o pH local favorecendo a decomposição do tiossulfato. Os valores dos potenciais de bandas planas foram estimados com base nos modelos de Gärtner e Mott-Shottky e o valor da energia de banda proibida, de cada mineral e dos eletrodos mistos, foi avaliado. Foi estabelecido que, em meio de solução tampão de ácido acético/acetato de sódio, pH = 4,5, o nível de Fermi dos minerais está vinculado ao potencial de óxido redução do eletrólito. O potencial de circuito aberto é determinado pela presença de óxidos/hidróxidos de ferro na superfície dos eletrodos. Sob iluminação todos os eletrodos apresentaram fotoefeitos. Com o aumento da porcentagem de pirrotita ocorre uma diminuição na fotocorrente registrada. Já a adição de arsenopirita, provoca um aumento nos fotoefeitos observados. A adição de pirrotita faz diminuir a eficiência quântica dos eletrodos enquanto que a adição de arsenopirita favorece a resposta fotoeletroquímica das superfícies. O aumento da quantidade de pirrotita na superfície faz com que a energia de banda proibida diminua. A mistura pirita/pirrotita para qualquer composição deve favorecer a produção de enxofre em detrimento da de sulfato. Quando se utilizam eletrodos de pirita/arsenopirita não se observam variações a circuito aberto. A investigação sobre a deposição de íons prata sobre os eletrodos mostrou que o contato com os íons metálicos em solução não produz modificações morfológicas significativas na superfície dos eletrodos. A prata metálica e os sulfetos de prata formados são incorporados em pequenos núcleos espalhados pela superfície. Ficou demonstrado que sulfeto de prata e prata elementar podem ser identificados pela análise dos voltamogramas. Nos eletrodos construídos com combinações de minerais as interações com os íons prata ocorrem, preferencialmente, nos grãos de pirrotita ou arsenopirita para todas as composições. A interação mineral/prata ocorre mediante a competição de vários sítios da superfície pelos íons em solução. A quantidade de íons prata em solução tem um papel importante no aumento da velocidade de dissolução dos sulfetos. O consumo de H2S e de S2O32- deve causar o aumento na velocidade de dissolução dos minerais. De uma maneira geral, pode-se concluir que as combinações pirita-pirrotita otimizam as interações com os íons Ag+, tanto por oferecer maior quantidade de sítios de enxofre/intermediários para as interações químicas como por apresentar maior quantidade de elétrons na superfície a circuito aberto. Por outro lado, a presença de arsenopirita prejudica as interações com a prata já que causa uma diminuição na concentração efetiva de elétrons na superfície. Além disto, a formação de sulfetos de arsênio limita a quantidade de enxofre disponível para as interações químicas com os íons em solução. / The electrochemical behavior of iron sulfides, pyrite, pyrrhotite and arsenopyrite was studied in acetic acid/sodium acetate buffer, pH = 4.5. The investigations included the dissolution of minerals (isolated and mixed in pairs) and the studies of the deposition of silver ions on the electrode surfaces, taking into account the semiconducting properties of each one. Based on the data obtained using cyclic voltammetry, capacitance and photoelectrochemical measurements and scanning electron microscopy, mechanisms of dissolution for each mineral were proposed. The dissolution of the three minerals was evaluated taking into account the relative amounts of SO42-, S and Fe(OH)3 obtained and evidenced that the relative amount of sulfate formed from pyrite is greater that from pyrrhotite. Arsenopyrite presents intermediate behavior. The quantity of iron hydroxide produced by pyrrhotite is greater that produced by pyrite and arsenopyrite. The presence of the As2S3 in the surface of the arsenopyrite electrode inhibits the reduction of sulfur. The results obtained with the electrodes constructed with two minerals show that, in potentials next to Eoc, the reactions producing sulfur and Fe(III) predominate. Above 0.8 V, the oxidation of S and/or S2O32- occurs, generating sulfate for all electrodes. On the electrodes, containing arsenopyrite, the oxidation of As2S3 also takes place. The presence of pyrite in the mixture of minerals (more than 40% in weight) causes a decrease of the local pH, favoring the thiosulfate decomposition. The values of the flat band potentials have been estimated based on Gartner\'s and Mott-Shottky \'s models. The value of the band gap energy, of each mineral and of the mixed electrodes, was evaluated. It was established that, in the working solution, the Fermi level of the minerals coincided with the redox potential of the electrolyte. The open circuit potential is determined by the presence of oxides/hydroxides on the electrode surface. The pyrrhotite addition reduces the quantum efficiency while the presence of arsenopyrite favors the photoelectrochemical yield of the electrodes. An increase of the amount of pyrrhotite produces a decrease in the value of the bandgap energy of the electrodes. The pyrite/pyrrhotite mixture, for any composition, favors the sulfur production in detriment of the sulfate one. At open circuit conditions, the mixture pyrite/arsenopyrite does not present any variation. The study of the deposition of silver ions showed that the contact with the metallic ions in solution does not produce significant morphologic modifications on the electrode surfaces. The metallic silver and the silver sulfide formed are incorporated in small grains spread along the surface. It was demonstrated that silver sulfide and elemental silver might be identified by the inspection of the voltammograms. In the electrodes constructed with mineral combinations the interactions with silver ions occur, specially, in the grains of pyrrhotite or arsenopyrite for all compositions. The silver concentration in solution plays an important role increasing the dissolution rate of the sulfides. The S2O32- and H2S consumption may intensify the dissolution rate of the minerals. The mixture pyrite-pyrrhotite improves the interactions with Ag+ ions, at open circuit, by producing more S2O32-/S for the chemical interactions and by increasing the electron concentration at the surface. On the other hand, the presence of arsenopyrite disfavors the interactions with silver as it reduces the number of charge carriers on the electrode surface. Moreover, the formation of arsenic sulfides limits the reduction of sulfur and the chemical interactions with ions in solution.

Caracterização e correlação de inclusões sólidas em pirita com alteração hidrotermais no pórfiro de cobre de Cuajone - Perú / Characterization and correlation of inclusions in pyrite with strong hydrothermal alterations in the porphyry copper Cuajone-Peru

Carmen Juli Sucapuca Goyzueta 19 August 2008 (has links)
A mina Cuajone é uma jazida de tipo pórfiro de cobre (porphyry copper), localizada na Província Cuprífera do Pacífico, nos flancos ocidentais da Cadeia Andina, no estado de Moquegua, sul do Perú, em coordenadas 17° 02\'(S) e 70° 42\'(W) e altitudes entre 3100 e 3830 m. A região é caracterizada pela ocorrência, na base, de derrames vulcânicos (andesitos e riolitos) cretácicos do Grupo Toquepala, que s~ao invadidos por um complexo intrusivo (quartzo monzonitos - quartzo latitos) associado à mineralização. Fluxos vulcânicos mais recentes, compostos principalmente por traquitos, tufos e aglomerados traquíticos e conglomerados riolíticos das Formações Huaylillas e Chuncatala recobrem todo o conjunto. A análise petrográfica de 77 amostras representativas de 22 testemunhos de furos de sondagem distribuídos em três perfis da jazida de Cuajone permitiu a caracterização das seguintes rochas: andesitos, riolitos, quartzo latitos, latitos, micro-granodioritos porfiríticos, microtonalitos porfiríticos, pórfiros-I (micro quartzo monzonitos - micro monzogranitos (?)), pórfiros- II (micro tonalitos - micro leucoquartzo dioritos (?)) e micro-brechas. Estas rochas encontram-se afetadas por alterações hidrotermais em graus variáveis, identificando-se oito tipos ou combinações de tipos principais: potássica, potássica-propílica, propílica-potássica, potássica-propí?lica/fílica, propílica, propílica-fílica, fílica-propílica e fílica. O exame microscópico em detalhe sob luz refletida das fases sulfetadas demonstrou que a pirita (py), o sulfeto mais abundante, apresenta freqüentemente inclusões diminutas de calcopirita, cp, (X0,0 e 0,X ?m), quase sempre acompanhada de pirrotita (po), cubanita (cb) e mackinawita (mck), que aparecem formando intercrescimentos tí?picos. Estas inclusões apresentam formas arredondadas, ovais ou mesmo idiomórficas que, devido às suas dimensões, quase sempre não são reconhecidas em exames convencionais ao microscópio. Os intercrescimentos identificados foram classificados de acordo com a sua morfologia, utilizando-se para tanto de nomenclatura específica, e suas abundâncias relativas. Os resultados mostram que os mais abundantes são: tipo cp/po:1b (calcopirita + pirrotita, morfologia de tipo 1b) e py/po:1e na zona de alteração potássica, py/po:1e e cp/mck:4f nas zonas potássicapropílica e propílica-potássica, cp/mck:4f e py/po:1e na zona propílica e cp/po:1b e cp/mck:4f nas zonas de alteração potássica-propílica/fílica, propílica-fílica, fílica-propílica e zona de alteração fílica. A análise de distribuição das inclusões/intercrescimentos indica que a sua mineralogia pode ser correlacionada com a tipologia da alteração hidrotermal, particularmente quando se consideram as freqüências e/ou abundâncias relativas. Assim, observa-se que a pirrotita ocorre em todos os tipos de alteração, porém sua freqüência é notadamente superior nas amostras com alteraçãao potássica. A cubanita, ainda que seja pouco abundante, é freqüente nas zonas onde há contribuição da alteração fílica. Apesar de ser encontrada também nas zonas potássica-propílica e propílica-potássica, a sua freqüência é praticamente insignificante quando comparada com a das demais fases encontradas, enquanto a mackinawita apresenta freqüência significativamente superior nas rochas afetadas pela alteração propílica. A tipologia e a distribuição das inclusões/intercrescimentos, aliadas às informações experimentais disponíveis para o diagrama de fases Cu-Fe-S, são compatíveis com temperaturas entre ca. 180 e 500 °C para a origem da mineralização de Cu (calcopirita, cubanita). / The Cuajone mine is a porphyritic copper deposit (porphyry copper), located in the Pacific Copper Province, eastern flanks of the Andean Cordillera, state of Moquegua, south of Peru, with geographic coordinates 17 ° 02 \'(S) and 70 ° 42 \'(W) and altitudes between 3100 and 3830 m. The region is characterized from base to top by cretaceous volcanics (andesites and rhyolites) from Toquepala Group, which are invaded by a intrusive complex (quartz monzonites-quartz latites) associated to the ore deposits. Covering these units there are more recent volcanic flows composed mainly by trachyte, trachytic tuff, rhyolitic conglomerates and trachytic agglomerate from Huaylillas and Chuncatala Formations. Petrographic analysis of 77 samples representing 22 drilling cores distributed in three profiles of Cuajone Mine allowed the identification of the following lithotypes: andesite, rhyolite, quartz latite, latite, porphyritic micro-granodiorite, porphyritic micro-tonalite, porphyry-I (micro quartz monzonites-monzogranites (?)), porphyry-II (micro tonalites-micro leucoquartz diorites (?)) and micro-breccias.These rocks are affected by variable degrees of hydrothermal alteration with predominance of eight types or combinations of the following main types: potassic, potassic-propylitic, propylitic-potassic, potassic-propylitic/phylic, propylic, propylitic-phylic, phylic and propylitic-phylic. Detailed microscopic investigation under reflected light revealed that among the sulphide phases, pyrite (py) is the most abundant, with frequent chalcopyrite (cp) tiny inclusions (X0, 0 and 0, X ?m), almost always accompanied by pirrotite (po), cubanite (cb) and mackinawite (mck), occurring as typical intergrowths. These inclusions show round to oval or idiomorphic shapes and are commonly overlooked during conventional microscopic analyses due to their small dimensions. The intergrowths identified during petrographic analysis were classified according to their morphology, using specific nomenclature and relative abundances. The results show that the most abundant types are: cp/po:1b (chalcopyrite + pirrotite, morphology type 1b) and py/po:1e in the potassic alteration zone, py/po:1e and cp/mck:4f in areas of potassic-propylitic and propylitic-potassic alteration, cp/mck:4f and py/po:1e in the propylitic zone and cp/po:1b and cp/mck:4f in potassic-propylic/phylic alteration zones; propylitic-phylic, phylic-propylitic and phylic zones. The distribution pattern of inclusions/intergrowths indicates that their mineralogy can be correlated with the type of hydrothermal alteration. This is particularly evident when considering frequency and/or relative abundance. Thus, pirrotite occurs in all types of alteration, although its frequency is especially higher in samples with potassic alteration. Cubanite is more characteristic in the potassic-propylic and propylic-potassic zones, while mackinawite is significantly more frequent in rocks affected by propylic alteration. The type and distribution of inclusions/intergrowths, allied to current experimental results for the Cu-Fe-S system, are compatible with temperatures between ca. 180 and 500 ° C for the genesis of the studied copper deposits (chalcopyrite, cubanite).

Benefícios ambientais da recuperação da pirita na mineração de carvão em SC

Weiler, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
Os depósitos de carvão no Brasil possuem conteúdos relativamente baixos de matéria orgânica. Aproximadamente 65% do carvão ROM (Run-of-min) extraído de minas subterrâneas na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina são descartados como resíduo em depósitos de rejeitos. Esse rejeito contem minerais sulfetados, principalmente a pirita, que oxida e pode gerar drenagem ácida de minas, com diversos impactos ambientais e custos econômicos. Entretanto, com o processamento do rejeito de carvão para concentração da pirita, esta pode-se tornar matéria prima para diversos produtos, entre eles o ácido sulfúrico (insumo deficitário no país, utilizado em grandes quantidades na indústria de fertilizantes). O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o rejeito de carvão para concentração da pirita proveniente da camada Bonito, no estado de Santa Catarina, avaliando-se o seu potencial uso na produção de ácido sulfúrico e os ganhos ambientais com a dessulfurização do material remanescente. Para isso, foram construídas as curvas de separabilidade densimétrica de uma amostra de rejeito grosso e de uma amostra de rejeito fino. Definiram-se densidades de cortes, de forma a recuperar um material carbonoso remanescente (d<2,2), um material dessulfurizado (2,2<d<2,7) e um concentrado de pirita (d>2,7). Efetuou-se a caracterização das frações densimétricas através de imagens fotográficas e análises de cinzas, enxofre, umidade, poder calorífico, difração de raio-x (DRX), fluorescência de raio-x (FRX) e análise termogravimétrica. As análises ambientais realizadas foram: classificação de resíduos conforme NBR 10.004 e teste estático de predição de acidez pelo método de contabilização de ácidos e bases. Estimou-se a produção de ácido sulfúrico a partir do concentrado piritoso obtido com o processamento do rejeito de carvão das camadas Barro Branco e Bonito e avaliaram-se os ganhos ambientais. Os resultados demonstraram que o rejeito proveniente do circuito de grossos (87,2% do material descartado) possui teor de enxofre de 7,8% e 79,9% de cinzas, já os finos (12,8% do material) tem um teor de enxofre de 4,9% e 70,8% de cinzas. Com a separação densimétrica do rejeito em 2,2 e 2,7, obteve-se uma fração d<2,2 g/cm³ com recuperação mássica de 20,7% para os grossos e 45,2% para os finos que só possui aproveitamento energético em termoelétricas se misturado com carvão de baixo enxofre. O material dessulfurizado (2,2<d<2,7 g/cm³) corresponde a 66% em massa do rejeito para os grossos, possui 3,8% de enxofre e potencial de geração de acidez 60% inferior ao rejeito original. Já a fração pirítica (d>2,7 g/cm³) possui recuperação mássica de 13% para os grossos e teor de enxofre de 33,1%. Quando comparada com a camada Barro Branco, a camada Bonito apresenta níveis superiores de S na fração intermediária, com maior potencial de geração de acidez. De qualquer forma, os rejeitos de carvão grossos, tanto da Camada Barro Branco como Bonito, são passíveis de beneficiamento por processos gravimétricos para obtenção de concentrados com no mínimo 30% de enxofre. Caso houvesse um planejamento global de aproveitamento da pirita na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina para produção de ácido sulfúrico, um acréscimo de 14% da demanda brasileira deste insumo poderia ser realizado com os atuais níveis de produção de carvão, reduzindo em até 75% o enxofre disposto no ambiente e trazendo benefícios econômicos e ambientais à região carbonífera de Santa Catarina. / The grade of coal deposits in Brazil is relatively low, and approximately 65% of the run-of-mine (ROM) coal extracted from underground mines in the carboniferous region of Santa Catarina is discarded as waste in dump deposits. These waste discards contain sulfide minerals, particularly pyrite, which oxidize and give rise to acid rock drainage (ARD) with recognized environmental impacts and economic costs. However, the coal waste could be gravimetrically processed to produce a pyrite concentrate to be used as a raw material for sulfuric acid production (an income with deficient production in the country, largely used in fertilizer industry). The aim of this work was to study the coal waste from the Bonito seam in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, evaluating its use for the production of sulfuric acid and the environmental implications of remaining material after the desulfurizing step. Washability curves of coarse and fine waste material from a coal preparation plant working with the Bonito seam was performed. Three different density fractions were separated: a carbonaceous material (d<2.2 g/cm3), a desulfurized material (2.2 and 2.7 g/cm³), and a pyrite concentrate (d>2.7 g/cm³). Characterization studies were carried out by photographic images and ash, sulfur, moisture, calorific value, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Environmental classification of the waste was conducted in terms of NBR 10.004 and static acid prediction test by the acid-base accounting method. It was also estimated the production of sulfuric acid from Barro Branco and Bonito seams as well the environmental benefits of such desulfurization procedures. The results showed that the coarse fraction of coal tailing from Bonito seam (87.2% of the discarded mass) presents 7.8% sulfur and 79.9% ash. The fine waste fraction from the spirals circuit (12.8% of the discarded mass) showed 4.9% sulfur and 70.8% ash. Both materials were subjected to density separation. The fraction d<2.2 g/cm³, with a mass recovery of 20.7% for the coarse fraction and 45.2% for the fine fraction, could be only used for energy production if a moisture with low sulfur coal was provided. The intermediate density material (2.2<d<2.7 g/cm³), which corresponds to a 66% of the mass coarse mass fraction and presents 3.8% sulfur, have a 60% lower acid generation material than the raw waste. The pyrite concentrate (d>2,7) reached a 13% mass recovery with 33.1% sulfur. Comparing the Barro Branco and Bonito seams, the Bonito seam showed superior levels of sulfur in the 2.2<d<2.7 g/cm³ fraction, with a higher an acid generation potential. Nevertheless, the coarse fraction of both seams can be processed for pyrite concentration, reaching the minimum of 30% sulfur necessary for sulfuric acid production by roasting. Considering the levels of coal production in the carboniferous region of Santa Catarina, an input of 14% in the national demand of sulfuric acid would by supplied. This procedure will also reduce in 75% the pyrite disposed in landfills, bringing economic and environmental benefits to the local coal chain production.

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