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Investigating the large N limit of SU(N) Yang-Mills gauge theories on the latticeGarcía Vera, Miguel Francisco 02 August 2017 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit praesentieren wir Resultate der topologischen Suszeptibilitaet “chi” und untersuchen die Faktorisierung der reinen SU(N) Yang-Mills Eichtheorie im 't Hooft'schen Grenzwert grosser N. Ein entscheidender Teil der Berechnung von chi in der Gittereichtheorie ist die Abschaetzung des topologischen Ladungsdichtekorrelators, die durch ein schlechtes Signal-Rausch- Verhaeltnis beeintraechtigt ist. Um dieses Problem abzuschwaechen, fuehren wir einen neuen, auf einem mehrstufigen Vorgehen beruhenden Algorithmus ein, um die Korrelationsfunktion von Observablen zu berechnen, die mit dem Yang-Mills Gradientenfluss geglaettet wurden. Angewandt auf unsere Observablen, erhalten wir Ergebnisse, deren Fehlerskalierung besser ist, als die von herkoemmlichen Monte-Carlo Simulationen.
Wir bestimmen die topologische Suszeptibilitaet in der reinen Yang-Mills Eichtheorie fuer Eichgruppen mit N = 4,5,6 und drei verschiedenen Gitterabstaenden. Um das Einfrieren der Topologie zu umgehen, wenden wir offene Randbedingungen an. Zusaetzlich wenden wir die korrekte Definition der topologischen Ladungsdichte durch den Gradientenfluss an. Unser Endresultat im des Grenzfalls von grossen N repraesentiert eine neue Qualitaet in der Verifikation der Witten-Veneziano Formel.
Schliesslich benutzen wir die Gitterformulierung, um die Erwartungswertfaktorisierung des Produkts eichinvarianter Operatoren im Grenzwert grosser N zu verifizieren. Wir arbeiten mit durch den Yang-Mills Grandientenfluss geglaetteten Wilsonschleifen und Simulationen bis zur Eichgruppe SU(8). Die Extrapolationen zu grossen N sind in Ueberstimmung mit der Faktorisierung sowohl fuer endlichen Gitterabstand als auch in Kontinnumslimes. Unsere Daten erlauben uns nicht nur die Verifizierung der Faktorisierung, sondern auch einen hochpraezisen Test des 1/N Skalierungsverhaltens. Hier konnten wir das quadratische Skalierungsverhalten in 1/N finden, welches von 't Hooft vorhergesagt wurde. / In this thesis we present results for the topological susceptibility “chi”, and investigate the property of factorization in the 't Hooft large N limit of SU(N) pure Yang-Mills gauge theory. A key component in the lattice gauge theory computation of chi is the estimation of the topological charge density correlator, which is affected by a severe signal to noise problem. To alleviate this problem, we introduce a novel algorithm that uses a multilevel type approach to compute the correlation function of observables smoothed with the Yang-Mills gradient flow. When applied to our observables, the results show an scaling of the error which is better than the one of standard Monte-Carlo simulations.
We compute the topological susceptibility in the pure Yang-Mills gauge theory for the gauge groups with N = 4, 5, 6 and three different lattice spacings. In order to deal with the freezing of topology, we use open boundary conditions. In addition, we employ the theoretically sound definition of the topological charge density through the gradient flow. Our final result in the limit N to infinity, represents a new quality in the verification of the Witten-Veneziano formula.
Lastly, we use the lattice formulation to verify the factorization of the expectation value of the product of gauge invariant operators in the large N limit. We work with Wilson loops smoothed with the Yang-Mills gradient flow and simulations up to the gauge group SU(8). The large N extrapolations at finite lattice spacing and in the continuum are compatible with factorization. Our data allow us not only to verify factorization, but also to test the 1/N scaling up to very high precision, where we find it to agree very well with a quadratic series in 1/N as predicted originally by 't Hooft for the case of the pure Yang-Mills gauge theory.
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Première mesure des sections efficaces de courant chargé et neutre avec le faisceau de positrons polarisé à HERA II et analyses QCD-électrofaiblesPortheault, B. 29 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
En 2003-2004 le collisionneur HERA à délivré des collisions $e^+p$ avec un faisceau de positrons polarisé longitudinalement. Ce travail présente la mesure des section efficaces de DIS inclusive polarisées Courant Neutre et Courant Chargé avec le détecteur H1 en utilisant un lot de données de 15,3 pb$^(-1)$ de polarisation moyenne $P=0,33$ et un lot de données de 21,7 pb$^(-1)$ de polarisation moyenne $P=-0,40$. La mesure de la section efficace CC totale pour $Q^2>400$ GeV$^2$, $y<0,9$ donne \begin(eqnarray \sigma_(CC)(P=+0,33)&=& 34,67\mbox( pb )\pm 1,94\mbox( pb )\:(\mbox(stat))\pm 1,66\mbox( pb )\:(\mbox(sys)) \\ \sigma_(CC)(P=-0,40)&=& 13,80\mbox( pb )\pm 1,04\mbox( pb )\:(\mbox(stat))\pm 0,94\mbox( pb )\:(\mbox(sys)). \end(eqnarray) En accord avec le Modèle Standard qui prédit la proportionnalité de la section efficace avec la polarisation. Dans une deuxième partie, on réalise une analyse QCD des données de H1 pour extraire les densités de partons. Cette analyse est ensuite étendue à la détermination jointe des paramètres électrofaibles comme la masse du boson $W$ et des couplages des quarks au boson $Z$. Une analyse QCD globale des données de DIS et de Drell-Yan est réalisée, en particulier utilisée pour obtenir l'asymétrie de la mer étrange $\int_0^1 x(s-\bar(s))\mathrm(d)x=(1,8\pm3,8)\times10^(-4)$. L'impact des nouvelles données de E866 sur les densités de quark à très grand $x$ est discuté. On obtient une extraction de la constante de couplage forte $\alpha_s=0,1197\pm0,0008 \mbox( (exp)) ()^(+0,0005)_(-0,0007)\mbox( (mod))\pm0,006 \mbox( (th))$.
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QCD jet evolution at high and low scales / QCD Jet Evolution an hohen und niedrigen SkalenWinter, Jan-Christopher 23 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with a broad range of aspects that concern the simulation of QCD jet physics by Monte Carlo event generators. Phenomenological work is presented in validating the CKKW approach for merging tree-level matrix elements and parton showers. In the second part the main project is documented comprising the definition, realization and verification of a new QCD colour-dipole cascade. Finally, a new cluster-hadronization model is introduced.
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In-Medium QCD Sum Rules for omega Meson, Nucleon and D Meson / QCD-Summenregeln für im Medium modifizierte omega-Mesonen, Nukleonen und D-MesonenThomas, Ronny 29 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The modifications of hadronic properties caused by an ambient nuclear medium are investigated within the scope of QCD sum rules. This is exemplified for the cases of the omega meson, the nucleon and the D meson. By virtue of the sum rules, integrated spectral densities of these hadrons are linked to properties of the QCD ground state, quantified in condensates. For the cases of the omega meson and the nucleon it is discussed how the sum rules allow a restriction of the parameter range of poorly known four-quark condensates by a comparison of experimental and theoretical knowledge. The catalog of independent four-quark condensates is covered and relations among these condensates are revealed. The behavior of four-quark condensates under the chiral symmetry group and the relation to order parameters of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking are outlined. In this respect, also the QCD condensates appearing in differences of sum rules of chiral partners are investigated. Finally, the effects of an ambient nuclear medium on the D meson are discussed and relevant condensates are identified. / Die Veränderungen von Hadroneneigenschaften durch ein umgebendes nukleares Medium (Kernmaterie) werden mit der Methode der QCD-Summenregeln untersucht. Dies wird am Beispiel des omega-Mesons, des Nukleons und des D-Mesons vorgeführt. Durch die Summenregeln werden integrierte Spektraldichten dieser Hadronen in Beziehung zu Eigenschaften des QCD-Grundzustandes, quantifiziert in Kondensaten, gesetzt. Diskutiert wird am Beispiel des omega-Mesons und des Nukleons, wie diese Summenregeln eine Einschränkung des Parameterbereiches von wenig bekannten Vierquark-Kondensaten durch Vergleich von experimentellen und theoretischen Erkenntnissen erlauben. Ein Katalog unabhängiger Vierquark-Kondensate wird aufgestellt und Relationen zwischen diesen Kondensaten werden deutlich gemacht. Das Verhalten der Vierquark-Kondensate unter der chiralen Symmetriegruppe und der Zusammenhang mit Ordnungsparametern spontaner chiraler Symmetriebrechung werden behandelt. In dieser Hinsicht werden auch die in Differenzen der Summenregeln chiraler Partner eingehenden QCD-Kondensate untersucht. Schließlich werden die Effekte endlicher Kerndichten beim D-Meson diskutiert und relevante Kondensate identifiziert.
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Event generation at lepton colliders / Generierung von Ereignissen an LeptonbeschleunigernKuhn, Ralf 01 September 2002 (has links) (PDF)
The Monte-Carlo simulation package APACIC++/AMEGIC++ is able to describe current and future electron-positron annihilation experiments, namely the LEP collider at CERN and the TESLA collider at DESY. APACIC++ is responsible for the complete generation of one event and AMEGIC++ deals with the exact calculation of matrix elements. The development of both programs was the major task of my thesis. / Das Monte Carlo Simulationspaket APACIC++/AMEGIC++ ist in der Lage Elektron-Positron Annihilationsexperimente wie sie bei Lep am Cern stattfanden und zukuenftig an einem Linearbeschleuniger, z.B. Tesla am Desy durchgefuehrt werden zu beschreiben. Dabei ist APACIC++ verantwortlich fuer die gesamte Generierung eines Ereignisses und AMEGIC++ ein dedizierter Matrixelement-Generator. Die Entwicklung beider Programme war das Hauptthema meiner Dissertation.
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Event generation at hadron collidersSchälicke, Andreas 04 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Simulation von hochenergetischen Hadron-Kollisionsexperimenten, wie sie im Moment am Tevatron (Fermilab) durchgeführt werden und in naher Zukunft am Large Hadron Collider (LHC) am CERN zu erwarten sind. Für die Beschreibung dieser Experimente wird ein Algorithmus untersucht, der es ermöglicht, exakte Multijet-Matrixelemente auf Baumgraphenniveau in die Simulation einzubeziehen und so die Qualität der Vorhersage deutlich zu verbessern. Die Implementierung dieses Algorithmus in den Eventgenerator &quot;SHERPA&quot; und die Erweiterung des Parton Showers in diesem Programm ist das Hauptthema dieser Arbeit. Die Ergebnisse werden mit experimentellen Daten und mit anderen Simulationen verglichen. / This work deals with the accurate simulation of high energy hadron-hadron-collision experiments, as they are currently performed at Fermilab Tevatron or as they are expected at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. For a precise description of these experiments an algorithm is investigated, which enables the inclusion of exact multi-jet matrix elements in the simulation. The implementation of this algorithm in the event generator &quot;SHERPA&quot; and the extension of its parton shower is the main topic of this work. The results are compared with those of other simulation programs and with experimental data.
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In-medium width of the η' mesonNiblaeus, Carl January 2013 (has links)
In this master’s thesis the width of the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> meson is studied as a function of temperature. We consider a background medium consisting of a pion gas and assume a vanishing net baryon chemical potential. The width is obtained in the framework of large <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?N_%7Bc%7D" /> chiral perturbation theory and we consider terms up to next-to-leading order in the effective Lagrangian. We use a low-density approximation to calculate the width increase due to scattering with pions from the heat bath. The results suggest that the in-medium width for the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> may become of considerable size: at a temperature <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?T%5Capprox%2075" /> MeV we find a width increase of <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5CDelta%5CGamma%5Capprox%203-4" /> MeV, comparable to the inverse lifetime of the fireball created in a heavy-ion collision. The <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> is of particular interested since it is intimately connected to the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?U(1)_%7BA%7D" /> anomaly of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). It has been speculated that <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?U(1)_%7BA%7D" /> may become a symmetry of QCD at high temperatures and studies of the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> could indicate if that is the case. Depending on for how large temperatures the results from large <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?N_%7Bc%7D" /> can be trusted, they indicate that the <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Ceta'" /> may be possible to study experimentally in heavy-ion collisions due to its sizable in-medium width.
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Aspects of charmonium physics in Lattice QCD / Aspects de la physique du charmonium dans le réseau QCDBailas, Gabriela 27 September 2018 (has links)
Les états de charmonium fournissent une source de connaissances pertinente pour déterminer les paramètres fondamentaux du Modèle Standard. Un aspect important de la compréhension et des tests de la QCD est de faire des prédictions précises du spectre des hadrons et de les tester par rapport à des données expérimentales de haute qualité. Notre cadre théorique est Lattice QCD, qui est considéré comme le seul moyen connu de traiter le lagrangien QCD complet de manière non perturbative et bien adaptée au calcul numérique. En utilisant l'action Wilson-Clover avec N_f = 2 saveurs dynamiques, nous étudierons les deux mésons charmonium eta_c et J/\psi. Nous allons également étudier certaines propriétés de leur première excitation radiale eta_c (2S) et \psi(2S). / Charmonium states provide a relevant source of knowledge for determining fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. An important aspect of understanding Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD) is to make precise predictions of the hadron spectrum and to test them against high-quality experimental data. Our theoretical framework is Lattice QCD, which is considered to be the only known way to treat the full QCD Lagrangian non perturbatively from first principles, in a manner well suited to numerical computation. By using the Wilson-Clover action with N_f = 2 dynamical flavors, we will study the two charmonium mesons eta_c and J/\psi. We will also investigate some properties of their first radial excitations eta_c(2S) and psi(2S).
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O vértice D*Dp usando as regras de soma da QCD / The D*Dp vertex using the QCD sum rulesBruno Osório Rodrigues 03 March 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A física de partículas vem atualmente estudando tópicos como o plasma de quarks e glúons (QGP), o bóson de Higgs e a matéria escura, que requerem experimentos de colisões entre partículas cada vez mais energéticas. Para isso, são necessários aceleradores capazes de gerar partículas projéteis a cada vez mais altas energias, o que pode levar a uma nova física. Quando novos dados surgem nos laboratórios, novos processos são necessários para explicar estes dados e algumas vezes a estrutura interna das partículas envolvidas é desconhecida. Nos modelos teóricos, usados para descrever estes processos de espalhamento, é comum introduzir o fator de forma. O fator de forma é simplesmente uma maneira de simular a sub-estrutura das partículas envolvidas nestes processos com função da energia ou momento. A obtenção dos atores de forma pode ser feita usando o método conhecido como Regras de Soma da QCD (RSQCD). Neste trabalho, será estudado o vértice D*Dp usando as RSQCD, de modo que seja possível obter os seus fatores de forma e sua constante de acoplamento. Para isso, foram estudados os casos em que o méson ρ e o méson D estão fora de suas camadas de massa. O vértice D*Dp é muito importante para entender melhor o ρπ Puzzle, onde o méson Ј/ψ decai ρπ em com um branching ratio maior do que o esperado (este é um processo suprimido pela regra de OZI). Estudando este processo com graus de liberdade mesnicos, é possível escapar da regra de OZI, uma vez que o processo Ј/ψ→ DD → ρπ não é suprimido por OZI. Ao se fazer isso, aparecerá, entre outros, o vértice D*Dp . Este é um vértice que também aparece em outros decaimentos, como por exemplo X(3872) →Ј/ψp e B→Ј/ψD. Ao final do desenvolvimento, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho para o vértice D*Dp foram comparados com outros encontrados na literatura, se mostrando compatíveis com estes outros trabalhos. / The particle physics have been studying topics like the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), Higgs boson and dark matter, which require experiments in heavy-ion collisions. Therefore, accelerators capable of generate high energy particle beams are necessary and may generate new physics. When new data arise in the laboratories, new processes are necessary to explain this data and sometimes, the internal structure of the involved particles is unknow or are virtual. In the theoretical models, used to describe this scattering processes, is common to introduce the form factors. The form factor is a way to simulate the sub-structure of the involved particles as function of energy or momentum. The form factor can be obtained using a method called QCD Sum Rules (QCDSR). In this work, the vertex D*Dp will be studied using the QCDSR, in order to obtain its form factors and coupling constant.The D*Dp vertex is very important to understand the ρπ Puzzle, where the Ј/ψ meson decays in ρπ with a branching ratio bigger than expected (this is a suppressed process by the OZI Rule). Studying this process with hadronic degrees of freedom, its possible to escape of the OZI rule, once the Ј/ψ→ DD → ρπ is not suppressed by the OZI rule. In this process, the D*Dp vertex is necessary. There are other processes where this vertex is necessary: X(3872)→Ј/ψp and B→Ј/ψD for example. In this work, was only possible to obtain results from the ρ off-shell diagram. This results were compared with others obtained in the literature.
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Etude de l'identification de leptons tau pour la recherche de supersymétrie dans le cadre de l'expérience CMS au LHC / Study of tau lepton identification for searches for supersymetry in CMS experiment at LHCBodin, David 15 March 2012 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse présente une étude de l’identification des candidats tau par différents algorithmes dans les collisions pp au LHC et impliquant différents processus physiques : électrofaibles, production de quarks top, SUSY et QCD. Les leptons tau sont identifiés géométriquement dans la voie de désintégration hadronique car les jets issus de ces désintégrations sont généralement plus étroits et mieux isolés que les jets QCD. Une discrimination supplémentaire est appliquée en exigeant la présence d’un des modes de désintégration hadronique dominants du tau contenant un ou trois pions chargés et jusqu’à deux pions neutres. Les jets QCD produits en très grande quantité dans les collisions proton-proton du LHC constituent une source de bruit de fond importante pour les analyses impliquant l’identification de leptons tau. L’analyse des jets QCD produits dans le LHC pour les études de mauvaise identification porte sur 36 pb−1 de données enregistrées par le détecteur CMS pendant l’année 2010. Les efficacités d’identification et les taux de mauvaise identification nous révèlent une forte dépendance en les caractéristiques de l’évènement étudié : les efficacités sont globalement plus basses dans les évènements présentant une activité hadronique importante comme les évènements SUSY et tt que dans les évènements QCD mous et électrofaibles. Les effets de l'environnement sur l’identification de tau sont paramétrés à l’aide de deux variables globales : somme(ET) et la multiplicité de hadrons chargés. Les efficacités chutent typiquement de 80% entre les multiplicités de hadrons les plus faibles et le plus fortes. / The work presented in this thesis deals with tau identified by different algorithms in pp collision at LHC and in various kind of physics processes : Electroweak, top quark production, SUSY and QCD. Tau leptons are geometrically identified in their hadronic decay mode because the jets coming from those decays are generally more collimated and isolated than QCD jets. An additional discrimination is applied in asking the presence of one of the dominant # decay modes containing one or three charged pions and up to two neutral pions. The QCD jets produced in large quantities in LHC proton-proton collisions constitute a large background source for analyses involving tau-ID. The analysis of QCD jets produced in LHC for fake-rate studies processed 36pb−1 of data registered during year 2010. Identification efficiencies and fake-rate distributions reveals a strong dependency on event type : distributions are globally lower in events having a large hadronic activity like SUSY and tt events than in electroweak and QCD events. The environment effects of the collision on the identification of tau leptons can be parameterized by two global variables : somme(ET) and charged hadron multiplicity. Efficiencies drop down by 80% between the lowest and the highest charged hadron multiplicities.
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