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Hur påverkar färgassociationer konsumenters köpbeteende vid val av produkter i livsmedelsbranschen? : En kvalitativ studie om vikten av färgval inom marknadsföring och dess påverkan på konsumentbeteendeDjordjevic, Andjela, Mahdessian, Palig January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to clarify and confirm previous research and expand the knowledge in this research area, since the majority of the information and knowledge that is available today is mostly repetitive. The theoretical frame of this study is based on theories, such as Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbein, M. & Ajzen, I. 1967), alongside previous research done in this research area. The previous research consists of, among other things, analysed associations with the six different colours that this study also emphasizes. The theoretical synthesis is based on the deductive process; meaning, the authors of this survey have collected data and by observing this data, the authors determine whether these theories and previous researchers' arguments can be confirmed or not. Since this survey is based on a qualitative research method, the data collection for this study was executed through focus group interviews. The authors of this survey interviewed three focus groups with various participants in each focus group. Considering that this study focuses on the consumer and its behavior in the grocery store, the researchers selected interviewees who themselves are consumers and who regularly shop in the grocery store. In conclusion, the participants in the focus group interviews confirm that colour associations have an impact on their buying behavior in grocery stores.
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Obsahová analýza řetězových e-mailů vztahujících se k prezidentským kandidátům / Content analysis of chain e-mails related to presidential candidatesTunová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide analysis of chain emails during the second direct presidential election in the Czech Republic. The main goal of this work is to set out a semiotic analysis in order to provide detailed research of emails related to both candidates Miloš Zeman and Jiří Drahoš. The chain emails usually using a specific linguistic terms and persuasive procedures. Therefore, the attention will be paid mainly to linguistic and persuasive procedures which are identified. In order to examine the phenomenon the theoretical framework will be based on several key words and terms such as: chain emails, disinformation, hoax, semiotics, etc. Aforementioned, this work is aiming to provide a detailed overview of chain mails. In order to address the topic, I will approach the political background within the media context to present solid foundational analysis, which will conduct disinformation topics.
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"Mně bylo osmnáct let a vdávala jsem se z čistý lásky." Vývoj svatebního obřadu v komunistickém Československu / "I was eighteen and got married out of real love." Evolution of wedding ceremony in Communist CzechoslovakiaHodačová Balvínová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this master's thesis is the study of the development and changes of the wedding customs in the years 1948 - 1989, i.e. during the period of communistic Czechoslovakia. These developments and changes were monitored by oral history quality research - by the direct interviews with participants in discussions and comparison with available sources and photographic documentation from the weddings in each period of time. The work is focused more detailed on the influence of the socialism and its economic and cultural conditions over the development of wedding practices and customs and then on deviations from the Western, or better to say non-communistic model of changes in wedding customs in Europe during the post-war period of the 20th Century. The research was pursued at the regional level. The narrators were selected with regard to their responsibility for the appropriate generation and to the time they have married.
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Hur behandlas psykisk hälsa i gymnasieskolans undervisning? : En analys av läromedel i gymnasieskolan / How is mental health treated in upper secondary school teaching?Andersson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Health is an interesting and highly relevant subject today. Physical health is something we see everywhere, in newspapers, on tv and social media, what to eat, how to exercise etc. Mental health however is still taboo even though it’s a growing problem in today’s society. Mental health is associated with many problems in our society such as lower school result and depression. This paper compare how mental health is treated compared to physical health in upper secondary school literature. This comparison is made by a comparative and a thematic analysis of six books intended for the biology and nature science classes in Swedish high school. All investigated literature has a more comprehensive section when it comes to physical health compared to mental health. There is a positive trend where the newer literature has a more extensive mental health section compared to the older literature. It´s important to increase knowledge about mental health because it is one of the most important factors in increasing well-being, and increased well-being results in better school results. In the future it’s important to identify success factors for a successful health education.
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Que peut-on dire des migrations climatiques dans les Antilles? : étude qualitative exploratoire des déplacements de populations pendant l’ouragan Maria à la DominiqueHenneton, Victor 08 1900 (has links)
L’ouragan Maria a frappé la Dominique en septembre 2017, et a occasionné des dégâts colossaux à ce petit état insulaire en développement (PEID), situé entre la Martinique et la Guadeloupe. Plusieurs milliers de personnes auraient été déplacés pendant cet événement climatique extrême tropical (ECET). La capacité qu’elles ont eue à y faire face tient compte de divers facteurs de vulnérabilité (ressources socioéconomiques, qualité des infrastructures, etc.).
Une série d’entrevues ont été conduites sur place en 2019 et en 2020, dans le cadre du projet CliMiHealth, auprès de personnes ayant été déplacées lors de l’ouragan. Ce projet vise à mieux comprendre leurs expériences migratoires et sanitaires, dans un contexte de changements climatiques aux Antilles. Notre étude exploratoire s’intéresse quant à elle aux spécificités des migrations climatiques internes en contexte insulaire caribéen pendant un ouragan, à la lumière de la vulnérabilité des personnes déplacées par ce type d’événements.
Les analyses des données qualitatives suggèrent que la migration en contexte d’ouragan serait marquée d’une trajectoire multi-étapes, proche du lieu de départ. Nous estimons que ce déplacement tient plus d’une mobilité que d’une migration, dont la multiplicité dépendrait des opportunités qui se présentent aux personnes grâce à leur réseau social notamment. Ce facteur jouerait un rôle crucial dans la réduction de leur vulnérabilité.
En outre, les perceptions du changement climatique varieraient selon le niveau d’éducation des personnes. Plus les personnes auraient un niveau scolaire élevé, plus elles s’accorderaient avec le discours scientifique des changements climatiques. L’intensité de l’ouragan semble avoir marqué les personnes, événement pour lequel elles s’estiment impuissantes. La temporalité des besoins exprimés serait aussi liée au niveau d’éducation, et soulève des tensions quant au soutien des institutions pendant l’ouragan. Nous encourageons une présence institutionnelle plus accrue auprès des populations plus vulnérables, particulièrement à l’approche de la saison des ouragans. / Hurricane Maria struck Dominica in September 2017, causing colossal damage to the small island developing state (SIDS), located between Martinique and Guadeloupe. Several thousand people were reportedly displaced during this extreme tropical weather event (ETWE). Their ability to cope with it considers various vulnerability factors (socioeconomic resources, quality of infrastructure, etc.).
A series of interviews were conducted on site in 2019 and 2020, as part of the CliMiHealth project, with people who were displaced by the hurricane. This project aims to better understand their migration and health experiences in the context of climate change in the Caribbean. Our exploratory study focuses on the specificities of climate-related migration in a Caribbean island context during a hurricane, considering the vulnerability of displaced persons to this type of event.
The analyses of qualitative data suggest that migration in the context of a hurricane is marked by a multi-stage trajectory, close to the place of departure. We believe that this displacement is more akin to mobility than to migration, the multiplicity of which would depend on the opportunities presented to people through their social network. This factor would play a crucial role in reducing their vulnerability.
In addition, perceptions of climate change would vary according to people's level of education. The higher the level of education, the more they would agree with the scientific discourse on climate change. The intensity of the hurricane seems to have left its mark on people, against which they feel powerless. The temporality of the needs expressed would also be linked to the level of education, and raises tensions regarding institutional support during the hurricane. We encourage a greater institutional presence with the most vulnerable populations, especially as the hurricane season approaches.
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Grön, grönare, greenwashing : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur greenwashing uttrycks i förpackningsdesign / Green, greener, greenwashing : A qualitative textanalysis of how greenwashing is expressed in packaging designButkuviene, Tanja January 2022 (has links)
Medan många företag ställer om till grön produktion och marknadsför dessa gröna initiativ, utnyttjar vissa företag denna trend genom greenwashing, vilseledande marknadsföring som inte håller det som lovas. Trots att greenwashing är ett allvarligt problem för samhälle, företag och individ, finns väldigt lite forskning, specifikt kring greenwashings visuella uttryck, eller executional greenwashing.Studien ämnar att, genom en kvalitativ textanalys med ett multimodalt vidgat textbegrepp, utifrån retorik och semiotik, baserat på Ledin och Machins (2018) förpackningsanalys delområden, undersöka hur greenwashing kommer till uttryck. Detta undersöktes genom bland annat appellform, konnotationer och andra visuella metoder. I studien analyserades förpackningarna till Arvid Nordquists kaffe, Classic Gran Dia och Schwarzkopfs hårfärg, Natural & Easy, 570.I studiens teoretiska ramverk och tidigare forskning diskuteras hållbarhetskommunikationen hos förpackningsdelar som exempelvis produktmärkningar, bild, text, form och färg, där olika relevanta teorier förs in och exemplifieras med greenwashad eller grön marknadsföring. Även marknadsföringens designprinciper tas upp, och relevanta teorier runt tolkande, mottagare och kontext lyfts.Den första forskningsfrågan sökte svar på vilka retoriska och visuella metoder som framkom inom greenwashing. Analysen visar att appellformerna framkom på liknande sätt på både en grön och en greenwashad förpackning. Ethos framkommer genom produktmärkningarna, medan pathosargumenten framkom mestadels i bild. Textbaserade argument tenderade att vara logos. Konnotationernas samspel med produktens faktiska egenskaper och logiska argument avgör huruvida kommunikationen upplevdes som grön eller greenwashad. I studiens delar som förklarades greenwashade återfanns bland annat konnotationerna gamla tider, natur, oförändrad, äkta, oskyldigt, ekologiskt, kvinnligt, handgjort, organiskt, personligt, enkelt, modernt, tradition och hantverk. Greenwashing framkom genom brist på transparens och otydlighet om återvinningsbarhet. Greenwashing framkom i textbaserad argumentation som föreföll bland annat vag, vilseledande och hade förväxlingsbar formulering. Greenwashing framkom också genom visuell låg läsbarhet och förändrad läsordning genom bland annat användandet av versaler, gradvariation, fetstil, samt information utspridd på olika sidor.Den andra forskningsfrågan fokuserade på relationen eller skillnaden i uttrycket mellan grön och greenwashad. Den greenwashade förpackningen använde naturliga konnotationer fanns i större utsträckning. Det blev också tydligt att textens förmåga att förändra intrycket av en bild som greenwashad beror på om deras budskap samspelar. Det fanns även en uttalad skillnad iförpackningarnas läsbarhet, vilket kan användas strategiskt för att erbjuda en alternativ, grönare tolkning. Genom produktmärkningarna har vi också sett att gröna och greenwashade förpackningar verkar knyta an till den en grön samhällsdiskurs.De observerade relationerna eller skillnaderna mynnade ut i den tredje forskningsfrågans efterfrågade potentiella implikationer med rekommendationer för utformningen av grön marknadsföring, så som tydlighet, läsbarhet, fokus på att text och bild samspelar samt transparens. Uppmaningen till konsumenter rörde främst att inhämta adekvat kunskap om märkningar och retorisk argumentation. / Whilst many businesses transition to green production and market this initiative, some businesses instead use this green trend by greenwashing, use of misleading marketing claims that do not live up to its promise. Despite greenwashing being a serious problem for society, businesses and individuals, there is a lack of research, particularly regarding its visual expression; called executional greenwashing.This study aims to, by the means of qualitative text analysis with a multimodal, extended text concept, originating with tools from rhetoric and semiotics, based on Ledin and Machins (2018) packaging analysis area examine how greenwashing is expressed. This is investigated through the use of rhetoric appeals, connotations, and other visual methods. The study analyzed the packaging of Arvid Nordquist's coffee, Classic Gran Dia, and Schwarzkopf hair dye, Natural & Easy, 570.In the studies, theoretical framework, and earlier research, the sustainability communication of the packaging areas, for example, imagery, text, shape, and color are discussed, and relevant theories are brought in and exemplified by greenwashed or green marketing. Some marketing design principles are explained, as well as relevant theories regarding the interpretation, the receiver, and context.The first research question aimed to find what rhetoric and visual methods are evident in greenwashing. The analysis showed that appeals were used similarly within a green or greenwashed packaging design. Ethos was mainly expressed in product markings and pathos through imagery. The text-based arguments tended to use logos. The connotations interplay with the product’s actual properties and logical marketing arguments decided whether the communication was experienced as green or greenwashed. Within the studies areas that were found greenwashed, several connotations were found, for example, old times, nature, unaltered, real, innocence, organic, feminine, handmade, personal, simple, modern, tradition, and craftsmanship. Greenwashing was expressed by a lack of transparency and unclearness about the packaging’s recyclability. Greenwashing was expressed in text-based arguments that appeared vague, misleading, and used easily mixed-up phrasing. Greenwashing was also evident by low visual readability and changed reading order by the usage of uppercase, variation in letter size, bold font, and the information being spread over different sides.The second research question focused on the relation or difference in the expression between green and greenwash. The greenwashed packaging used connotations related to nature more. It also became evident that the texts’ ability to change the impression of an image beinggreenwashed depended on the communications coherence. There where a significant difference in the packaging’s readability, which could be used strategically to offer up an alternative, greener interpretation. We also saw how green and greenwashed packaging seemed to tie into a green discourse.The observed relations or differences showed potential implications, as asked for by the third research question; including recommendations for the construction of green marketing material, such as the focus on clarity, readability, coherence between image and text, and transparency. The implications for the consumer consisted mainly of advice to obtain knowledge about markings and rhetoric argumentation.
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Qualitative and quantitative analysis of systems and synthetic biology constructs using P systemsKonur, Savas, Gheorghe, Marian, Dragomir, C., Mierla, L.M., Ipate, F., Krasnogor, N. 04 August 2014 (has links)
Yes / Computational models are perceived as an attractive alternative to mathematical models (e.g., ordinary differential equations). These models incorporate a set of methods for specifying, modeling, testing, and simulating biological systems. In addition, they can be analyzed using algorithmic techniques (e.g., formal verification). This paper shows how formal verification is utilized in systems and synthetic biology through qualitative vs quantitative analysis. Here, we choose two well-known case studies: quorum sensing in P. aeruginosas and pulse generator. The paper reports verification analysis of two systems carried out using some model checking tools, integrated to the Infobiotics Workbench platform, where system models are based on stochastic P systems. / EPSRC
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VEM FÅR SYNAS? : En ikonografisk visuell analys av läroböcker inom samhällskunskap för yrkesprogram på gymnasiet / Who is represented? : An iconographic visual analysis of social studies textbooks for vocational programs at upper secondary schoolsMaarman, Denzel January 2023 (has links)
Textbooks are one of the most common educational materials used at Swedish upper secondary schools. Diversity and inclusion have become increasingly important topics in Swedish society, and it is important to ensure that they are reflected in learning materials such as textbooks. The purpose of this research project was therefore to, through an intersectional theoretical approach, achieve increased knowledge about which constructions of social identities and roles as professional workers that are conveyed through teaching materials in three social studies textbooks. This study was governed by two research questions which are as follows: What constructions of social identities are conveyed through the books' images and text? and What constructions of professionals are conveyed through the books' images and text? These questions in the study were explored through a theoretical framework that presents representation in three perspectives, namely the age, gender, and ethnicity. Qualitative analysis method was applied to analyze both visual and textual content in this study. With regards to the visual aspect of the study, an iconographic analysis tool, which looks at the icons or symbols in images to determine the images original meaning or intent was used. The written text was analyzed with the help of Ammerts Typology which examined the establishing, explaining, reflecting/analyzing and normative presentation types of the surrounding text. The study shows that the textbooks' images and text partly lack aspects of inclusion and diversity. This result indicates that a possible revision existing textbook is needed, which may entail creating new materials that are more inclusive. It takes continuous effort and commitment to ensure that all social identities and occupations are represented in educational materials.
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Two Different Parties Competing for Two Core Issues? : An Analysis of Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist Values and the Right Ideology in Sweden, 2018-2022Pramchoobua Jakobsson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to analyze whether an ideological resemblance has occurred between the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats during the electoral periods 2018 and 2022. As such, an ideology focused systematic qualitative analysis has been applied with the additional lens of ideal type Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist values. The research questions for this study are: (1) What are differences and similarities between the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats in terms of Liberal, Conservative and Nationalist values during the two electoral periods? (2) Did an ideological resemblance occur between the two parties in two measuring points? The main findings of the study points to the implication that there is some degree of pathological normalcy when it comes to the Moderate Party’s election manifestos as there is a widespread use of all three ideal type ideologies in the election manifestoes from both chosen years. At the same time one could argue to a lesser extent that the Sweden Democrats have neared the Moderate Party as the ideal type Liberal values can be found abate to a far lesser extent compared to the the ideal type Nationalist and Conservative values in the election manifestos. As such, one can argue that an ideological resemblance between the two parties is apparent to a degree in the chosen measuring points though differences can also be found within the study between the two parties.
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Borde det öppnas en gruva för sällsynta jordartmetaller i renbetesland? : En kvalitativ av elevers upplevelser av undervisning i en kontroversiell samhällsfråga / Should a mine for rare earth elements be opened in reindeer herding area? : A qualitative analysis of student’s experiences of education in a controversial social issueJannok Björnström, Laila January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to describe and problematize students' experiences and perspectives on teaching a locally rooted controversial social issue in social studies from a process perspective. A starting point for the study is that teaching controversial social issues can contribute to students' democratic education by allowing students to practice participating in political conversations, increasing their political self-confidence and learning perspective-taking. Students' perspectives on teaching is investigated by collecting log books in a class during a period of teaching about a locally rooted controversial social issue in a social studies course at the upper secondary school. The logbooks were collected on five occasions and consist of the students’ reflections of the lessons. The result of the study can be related to the students' development of thoughts on the current question, the students' experiences of the teaching and their own reporting of what skills they have acquired. Firstly, the students developed their thoughts around the issue and showed evidence of perspective-taking. Particularly important for this is contextualization and the students' participation in a seminar where the issue was discussed. Secondly, the students felt that the teaching gave space to show feelings and opinions, but during the process also experienced obstacles to express feelings and opinions. These obstacles were linked to the relationships in the class, to the fact that the issue was perceived as complex and complicated and to a lack of knowledge on the issue to be able to take a stand. Factors that enabled the students to show feelings and opinions were, on the other hand, the seminar where the students shared the experience of being listened to and respected, that there were norms that enabled equal participation in the discussion and that they felt well prepared for the task. Finally, the results shows that the students' reflections on their knowledge went from being connected to the issue itself to being more connected to abilities such as arguing and speaking in front of others and perspective-taking. These abilities can also be said to have a strong connection to the school's democratic educational mission. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och problematisera elevers upplevelser och perspektiv på undervisning i en lokalt förankrad kontroversiell samhällsfråga i samhällskunskap ur ett processperspektiv. En utgångspunkt för studien är att undervisning i kontroversiella samhällsfrågor kan bidra till elevers demokratiska fostran genom att eleverna får träna sig i att delta i politiska samtal, att de ökar sin politiska självtilltro samt lär sig perspektivtagande. Elevers perspektiv på undervisningen undersöks genom insamling av loggböcker i en klass under ett arbetsområde i kursen samhällskunskap 2 på gymnasiet. Loggböckerna samlades in under fem tillfällen och består av elevernas reflektioner från lektionerna. Resultatet av studien kan relateras till elevernas utveckling av tankar i den aktuella frågan, elevernas upplevelser av undervisningen och deras egen rapportering av vilka kunskaper de fått med sig. För det första utvecklade eleverna sina tankar kring frågan och visade prov på perspektivtagande. Särskilt betydelsefullt för detta var kontexutalisering och elevernas deltagande i ett seminarium där frågan diskuterades. För det andra upplevde eleverna att undervisningen gav utrymme för att visa känslor och åsikter men upplevde under processens gång också hinder för att uttrycka känslor och åsikter. Dessa hinder var kopplade till relationerna i klassen, till att frågan upplevdes som komplex och komplicerad och till avsaknad av kunskap i frågan för att kunna ta ställning. Faktorer som möjliggjorde för eleverna att visa känslor och åsikter var å andra sidan seminariet där eleverna delade upplevelsen av att bli lyssnade på och respekterad, att det fanns normer som möjliggjorde likvärdigt deltagande i diskussionen samt att de kände sig väl förberedda för uppgiften. Slutligen visade resultatet att elevernas reflektioner kring sina kunskaper gick från att vara kopplade till själva sakfrågan till att i högre grad vara kopplade till förmågor så som att argumentera och prata inför andra och perspektivtagande. Dessa förmågor kan också sägas ha en stark koppling till skolans demokratiska fostransuppdrag.
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