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Estudo teórico da reação O(3P) + HBr: superfícies de energia potencial, cinética e dinâmica / Theoretical study of the O(3P) + HBr reaction: potential energy surfaces, knetics and dynamicsAntonio Gustavo Sampaio de Oliveira Filho 01 February 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a reação O(3P) + HBr → OH + Br, que se insere no contexto da química atmosférica, mais especificamente nos ciclos de destruição catalítica do ozônio, foi estudada empregando superfícies de energia potencial ab initio de alta qualidade. Construímos superfícies para os estados eletrônicos 3A\" e 3A\', baseadas na expansão de muitos corpos, com potenciais de dois corpos ajustados por funções \"switched-MLJ\" e potenciais de três corpos interpolados utilizando o método RKHS. Os pontos ab initio utilizados foram obtidos no nível de teoria MRCISD+Q/CBS+SO. A superfície final para o estado eletrônico 3A\" foi corrigida por um fator multiplicativo de modo que reproduzisse cálculos benchmark para a altura de barreira, em que foram considerados efeitos relativísticos (escalares e spin-órbita), correlação caroço-valência e correlação de ordem alta (excitações triplas e quádruplas). As principais características da SEP 3A\" são dois mínimos de van der Walls no canal de entrada e saída e um estado de transição com uma barreira energética de 5,01 kcal mol-1. A SEP 3A\' tem um estado de transição linear em 6,45 kcal mol-1. O valor obtido para a entalpia de reação, a 0 K, foi de -15,7 kcal mol-1, muito próximo do valor experimental de -15,14 kcal mol-1. Calculamos constantes de velocidade, no intervalo de 200 a 1000 K, utilizando a teoria do estado de transição variacional com contribuições de tunelamento multidimensional (ICVT/µOMT) e com uma aproximação de espalhamento reativo quântico (QM/JS). Estes valores estão em ótima concordância com os dados experimentais da literatura, em todo intervalo de temperatura em que estão disponíveis: de 221 a 554 K para reação O + HBr e de 295 a 419 K para reação O + DBr. As constantes de velocidade, a 298 K e em cm3 molécula-1 s-1, obtidas para a reação O + HBr são: 3,62·10-14 (ICVT/µOMT) e 3,35·10-14 (QM/JS), enquanto que o valor experimental é 3,78·10-14. A qualidade destes resultados reforça nossa confiança nos procedimentos e aproximações utilizadas, abrindo caminho para a caracterização, em alto nível, de uma grande variedade de reações em fase gasosa. / In this work, the O(3P) + HBr → OH + Br reaction, which is relevant to atmospheric chemistry, specially for the catalytic ozone depletion, was studied using high-level ab initio potential energy surfaces. We constructed surfaces for the 3A\" and 3A\' electronic states, based on the many-body expansion, with the two-body potentials adjusted by the switched-MLJ function and the three-body potentials interpolated using the RKHS method. The ab initio points were calculated at the MRCISD+Q/CBS+SO level of theory. The main features of the 3A\" are the presence of two van der Waals minima, at the entrance and exit channels, and a transition state with a barrier height of 5.01 kcal mol-1. The 3A\' PES has a linear transition state at 6.45 kcal mol-1. We obtained the enthalpy of reaction, at 0 K, of -15.7 kcal mol-1, in close agreement with the experimental value of -15.14 kcal mol-1. Rate constants, in the temperature range from 200 to 1000 K, were calculated using the variational transition state theory with contributions of multidimensional tunneling (ICVT/µOMT) and also a quantum reactive scattering approach (QM/JS). Their values are in fair agreement with the experimental data in the literature in the whole temperature range available: from 221 to 554 K for the O + HBr reaction, and from 295 to 419 K for the O + DBr reaction. At 298 K, the calculated rate constants, in cm3 molecule-1 s-1, for the O + HBr reaction are 3.62·10-14 (ICVT/µOMT) and 3.35·10-14 (QM/JS); and the experimental value is 3.78·10-14. The quality of these results reinforces our confidence in the procedures and approximations used, leading to the possibility of high-level characterization of a variety of gas phase reactions.
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Investigação de sistemas moleculares contendo berílio: caracterização espectroscópica e termoquímica / Investigation of molecular systems containing beryllium: spectroscopic and thermochemical characterizationJosé Carlos Barreto de Lima 28 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como foco principal a caracterização espectroscópica dos haletos de berílio, BeCl, BeBr e BeI. O conhecimento acerca dessas espécies foi ampliado significativamente através do cálculo de parâmetros de difícil caracterização experimental. Como os poucos trabalhos experimentais realizados para esses haletos apresentam resultados inconclusivos para a transição C 2Σ+ - X 2Σ+, através do cálculo acurado de probabilidades de transição foi possível oferecer uma nova interpretação para os dados existentes, apresentando inclusive resultados para as outras transições eletrônicas até o presente desconhecidas. Cálculos utilizando o método de Interação de Configurações Multirreferencial (MRCI) com um conjunto de funções de base consistentes na correlação de qualidade quintupla-zeta foram utilizados para se obter as curvas de energia potencial associadas ao primeiro e segundo canais de dissociação para os estados dubleto e quarteto dessas espécies. Parâmetros espectroscópicos como as constantes vibracionais we, wexe, a constante rotacional Be e a distância de equilíbrio foram determinados para os estados de mais baixa energia. Além disso, foram calculadas a energia de excitação (Te) e a energia de dissociação (De) com e sem a inclusão de efeitos spin-órbita. Os resultados obtidos expandiram significativamente nosso conhecimento sobre os estados eletrônicos dessa espécies. Para os estados já investigados experimentalmente, houve boa coerência entre os parâmetros calculados e experimentais. As diferenças de energia entre os dois canais no limite de dissociação para as moléculas BeCl, BeBr e BeI obtidas neste trabalho foram, respectivamente: 21835, 21889 e 21998 cm-1, em concordância com o respectivo resultado experimental das três espécies (21980 cm-1). A determinação teórica da energia de dissociação D0 foi bastante satisfatória. Obtivemos 92,24; 72,77 e 51,75 kcal·mol-1, respectivamente, para as moléculas BeCl, BeBr e BeI incluindo os efeitos spin-órbita, comparados a 91,78, 71 e 57 kcal·mol-1. Para uma análise mais completa das curvas de energia potencial, elas também foram obtidas considerando-se os efeitos relativísticos. A constante de acoplamento spin-órbita calculada na região de equilíbrio de cada uma das moléculas BeCl, BeBr e BeI foi, respectivamente: 41, 207 e 324 cm-1, em boa concordância com os resultados experimentais: 52,8, 198 e 361,1 cm-1, respectivamente. A separação spin-órbita no limite de dissociação calculada foi de 823, 3446 e 6975 cm-1 (BeCl, BeBr e BeI), também coerentes com resultados experimentais: 882, 3685,24 e 7603,15 cm-1, respectivamente. Foi ainda realizada uma análise detalhada sobre os canais de dissociação das moléculas HBeP e BePH. A construção de um diagrama de energias relativas permitiu obter um conjunto de dados importantes a respeito de todos os possíveis canais de dissociação. Em particular é mostrado a estabilidade relativa e a energia no limite de dissociação. Para a energia no limite de dissociação obtivemos resultados consistentes com os valores experimentais. Nossos cálculos para os três primeiros canais de dissociação HBeP = H + Be resultaram nos seguintes valores: H (2Sg) + Be (X 4Σ+), 0 cm-1; H (2Sg) + Be (a 2π), 426 cm-1 (exp. 502 cm-1); H (2Sg) + Be (b 2Σ-), 1896 cm-1 (exp. 1976 cm-1). Por fim, pela primeira vez na literatura, o calor de formação e de atomização foram calculados para estas espécies. Para os isômeros HBeP e BePH, a energia de atomização a 298,15 K calculada foi de 119,02 kcal·mol-1 e 107,40 kcal·mol-1, respectivamente; para o calor de formação a 298,15 K, obtivemos 86,14 e 97,76 kcal·mol-1 para as espécies HBeP e BePH, respectivamente. / This work has mainly focused on the spectroscopic characterization of the beryllium halides, BeCl, BeBr and BeI. Knowledge about these species was substantially increased through the calculation of parameters that are difficult to access in an experimental characterization. As the few experimental works carried out for these halides presented inconclusive results for the C 2Σ+ - X2Σ+ transition, we carried out accurate calculations of transition probabilities, thus offering a new interpretation about the existing data, including also results for other electronic transitions as yet unknown. Calculations using the method Multireference Configuration Interaction (MRCI) along with correlation-consistent basis set functions of quintuple-zeta quality were used to obtain the potential energy curves associated with the first and second dissociation channels for the doublet and quartet states of these species. Spectroscopic parameters such as vibrational constants We, WeXe, the rotational constant Be and the equilibrium distance were determined for the low-lying states. Furthermore, we also calculated the excitation energy (Te) and the dissociation energy (De) with and without the inclusion of spin-orbit effects. The obtained results significantly expanded our knowledge about the electronic states of this species. For states already investigated experimentally, there was good consistency between the calculated and the experimental parameters. The energy differences between the two channels in the dissociation limit for BeCI, BeBr and Bel molecules obtained in this work were: 21835, 21889 and 21998 cm-1, in agreement with the corresponding experimental results of the three species (21 980 cm-1). The theoretical determination of the dissociation energy D0 was very satisfactory. We obtained 92.24, 72.77, and 51.75 kcal·mol-1, respectively, for the BeCl, BeBr and BeI molecules including spin-orbit effects, compared to 91.78, 71 and 57 kcal . mol-1. For a more complete analysis of the potential energy curves, they also were obtained considering relativistic effects. The calculated spin-orbit coupling constants in the equilibrium region of BeCl, BeBr and BeI molecules were respectively 41, 207 and 324 cm-1, in good agreement with the experimental results: 52.8, 198, and 361.1 cm-1, respectively. The calculated spin-orbit splitting in the dissociation limit was 823, 3446 and 6975 cm-1 (BeCl, BeBr and BeI) also consistent with the experimental results: 882, 3685.24 and 7603.15 cm-1, respectively. Additionally, a detailed analysis of the dissociation channels of HBeP and BePH molecules was performed. The construction of a relative energies diagram allowed us to derive a set of important data for all the possible dissociation channels. In particular, it is shown the relative stability and the energy in the dissociation limit. For the energy in the dissociation limit, we obtained results consistent with the experimental values. Our calculations for the first three dissociation channels HBeP = H + Be resulted in the following values: H (2Sg) + Be (X 4Σ+), 0 cm-1; H (2Sg) + Be (a 2π), 426 cm-1 (exp. 502 cm-1); H (2Sg) + Be (b 2Σ-), 1896 cm-1 (exp. 1976 cm-1). Finally, for the first time in the literature, the heat of formation and the atomization energy were calculated for these species. For the HBeP and BePH isomers, the atomization energy calculated at 298.15 K was 119.02 and 107.40 kcal . mol-1, respectively; for the heat of formation at 298.15 K, we obtained 86.14 and 97.76 kcal· mol-1 for HBeP and BePH species, respectively.
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Análise de solubilização micelar através do uso de parâmetros derivados de química quântica / Analysis of micellar solubilization through use of parameters derived from quantum chemistryGilson Alberto Rosa Lima 26 January 2000 (has links)
Uma das propriedades fundamentais de soluções de micelas aquosas é sua capacidade de solubililizar uma ampla faixa de solutos orgânicos com diferentes graus de polaridade e hidrofobicidade. Recentemente Quina et. aI., estudaram as interações químicas específicas que governam a solubilidade para um ampla faixa de solutos orgânicos em micelas usando relações lineares de energia livre de solvatação (LSERs), baseado nos parâmetros empíricos do soluto desenvolvido por Abraham. O presente trabalho trata a solubilização de solutos orgânicos em micelas baseado em parâmetros obtidos unicamente da estrutura molecular do soluto através de cálculos de química quântica. Nossos resultados mostram que valores experimentais de Ks para solubilização de solutos orgânicos em detergentes aniônicos (micelas de SDS, dodecil sulfato de sódio e agregados de SDS com PEG-polietilenoglicol) podem ser reproduzidos usando parâmetros teóricos. A relação linear teórica de energia livre de solvatação resultante é quimicamente condizente com LSERs baseados em parâmetros empíricos do soluto. No caso de detergentes catiônicos e não iônicos, a metodologia apresenta limitações, por que o método de cálculo de cargas formais usando a definição de análise populacional de Mulliken não descreve de maneira apropriada o caráter ácido e básico das pontes de hidrogênio entre os solutos e a água. Alternativas para resolver o problema da limitação imposta pelos parâmetros teóricos, mantendo a aproximação linear de energia livre, são discutidas. / One of the most fundamental properties of aqueous micelar solutions is their ability to solubilize a wide variety of organic solutes with quite distinct polarities and degree of hydrophobicity. Recently Quina et al., studied the specific chemical interactions governing the solubilities of a wide range of solutes in micelles using linear solvation energy relationships (LSERs) based on empirical solute parameters developed by Abraham. This work reports an investigation of the solubilization of organic solutes in micelles based on the use of theoretical solute parameters derived from quantum chemical calculations Our results show that the experimental Ks values for solubilization of organic solutes in anionic detergents (micelles of SDS-sodium dodecyl sulfate and aggregate formed between SDS and PEG-poly(ethylene glycol)) can be reproduced using theoretical parameters. The resultant theoretical linear solvation energy relationships are chemically consistent with LSERs based on empirical solute parameters. In the case of cationic and nonionic detergents, the theoretical parameters used to describe hydrogen bonding fail because methods of calculating formal charges using the concept of Mulliken populational analysis cannot describe hydrogen bonding donor and acceptor character in an appropriate way. Possible strategies to solve the theoretical descriptor problem in the context of the linear free energy approximation are discussed.
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Estudo químico-quântico de propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas de oligofluorenos com potenciais aplicações tecnológicas / Quantum chemical study on structural and electronic properties of oligofluorenes with potential technological applicationsMelissa Fabíola Siqueira Pinto 05 November 2007 (has links)
Nesta tese foi analisada a evolução das propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de oligômeros do fluoreno e de dois derivados, relacionada com a inserção gradativa de unidades monoméricas, utilizando-se os métodos de química quântica semi-empríricos, ab initio Hartree-Fock e Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Para tal finalidade, foram realizadas análises metodológicas assaz detalhadas com os monômeros e dímeros (fluoreno, FF e TFFF), cujos resultados mostraram que os métodos semi-empíricos AM1 e PM3 são inadequados para descrever as distribuições das cargas derivadas do potencial eletrostático e, por conseguinte, as propriedades que dependem das mesmas. Além disso, as análises conformacionais realizadas para as três espécies de dímeros mostraram que ambas as estruturas estáveis do TFFF apresentaram o mesmo momento de dipolo total, provavelmente devido à influência dos átomos de flúor sobre o sistema. Ademais, com as investigações concernentes ao crescimento gradual das cadeias oligoméricas foi constatado que os espectros de UV e as energias dos orbitais fronteira calculados para os oligômeros seguiram a mesma tendência exibida por seus polímeros correspondentes, segundo os resultados de voltametria cíclica e de UV divulgados na literatura. Enquanto que os ângulos diedros adotados pelos oligômeros indicaram que suas conformações não são planares. Quanto à energia total, verificou-se que o decaimento linear relativo aos oligômeros do TFFF sucedeu aproximadamente três vezes mais rápido que o observado para os do fluoreno. Portanto, as aplicações dos fundamentos da Química Quântica e a correlação entre esses resultados teóricos e medidas experimentais reportadas na literatura, evidenciaram que com estas informações é factível estimar algumas propriedades de polímeros orgânicos ?-conjugados a partir de seus oligômeros, utilizando-se métodos de química quântica apropriados. / In this thesis, the evolution of electronic and structural properties of fluorene oligomers and two derivatives were accomplished relating to the gradual insertion of monomeric units using the quantum chemical methods semiempirical, ab initio Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT). For this purpose, detailed methodological analyses were performed with their monomers and dimers (fluorene, FF and TFFF). These results showed that the semiempirical methods AM1 and PM3 are inadequate to describe the atomic charges derived from electrostatic potential distributions and, hence, for the properties depending of them. In addition, the conformational analysis achieved for these three dimers showed that both stable structures found for the TFFF dimer possess the same total dipole moment, this is probably due to the influence of the fluorine atoms on the system. Moreover, with investigations regarding to the gradual increase in the oligomeric chain, it was verified that the UV spectra and the frontier orbital energies calculated for the oligomers provided the same tendency bespoken by their relative polymers from cyclic voltametry and UV measurements shown in the literature. Besides, the dihedral angles found in the oligomers indicated that their conformations are not planar. Furthermore, the total energy linear decay of the TFFF oligomers behaves approximately three times faster than that exhibited by the fluorene oligomers. In this way, the applications of the Quantum Chemistry principles and the correlation between these theoretical results and experimental data reported in the literature evidenced that using these information is feasible to estimate some properties of polymers from their oligomers by means of appropriate methods of quantum chemistry.
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Conformational spectroscopy of flexible chain molecules near the folding limitBocklitz, Sebastian 30 November 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude par dynamique moléculaire des propriétés structurales, dynamiques et thermodynamiques d'agrégats moléculaires / Molecular dynamics study of structural, dynamical and thermodynamical properties of molecular clustersKorchagina, Kseniia 28 October 2016 (has links)
Les agrégats de molécules d'eau constituent une classe d'espèces chimiques importante du fait de leur rôle central dans de nombreux processus physico-chimiques et biologiques terrestres, en particulier, les processus atmosphériques. Leurs propriétés physiques et chimiques sont particulièrement sensibles aux effets de taille et aux effets de température, ce qui les rend particulièrement difficile à caractériser expérimentalement. Ainsi, mes travaux de thèse ont porté sur l'étude théorique des propriétés structurales, dynamiques et thermodynamiques ainsi que sur la réactivité de divers agrégats de molécules d'eau avec pour objectif de mettre en place des outils de modélisation adaptés, permettant une description plus fine de ces systèmes. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des approches de dynamique moléculaire de type "parallel-tempering" qui ont été couplées avec des calculs d'énergie et de gradient réalisés par la méthode Self-Consistent-Charge Density-Functional based Tight-Binding (SCC-DFTB). Trois grands volets ont été abordés au cours de ces travaux. Dans la première partie, l'analyse détaillée des structures des agrégats d'eau (H2O)nSO24- et (H2O)nH2SO4 avec n=1-20 est présentée. Nous avons mis en évidence l'influence de la nature de l'impureté soufrée sur le réseau de liaisons hydrogène de ces agrégats. La deuxième partie de cette thèse porte sur l'étude de la transition de phase "solide-liquide" dans divers agrégats de molécules d'eau. En plus des agrégats soufrés évoqués ci-dessus, nous avons également étudié des agrégats d'eau protonés contenant de 19 à 23 molécules d'eau. Pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme de transition de phase, nous avons considéré divers changements structuraux associés à la transition tels que l'évolution des distributions d'angles intermoléculaires et l'évolution du nombre de cycles de molécules dans l'agrégat. Nous avons également caractérisé la transition de phase au travers d'indicateurs dynamiques tels que la fréquence de transfert du proton en excès. La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de l'influence de petits agrégats d'eau (allant de 1 à 10 molécules d'eau) sur la réaction de recombinaison entre l'atome H et la molécule CO. Cette réaction est la première étape de formation des molécules organiques oxygénées simples dans le milieu interstellaire. Elle présente donc un intérêt particulier. Grâce à l'analyse de dynamiques collisionnelles entre H et CO ainsi qu'au calcul de sections efficaces de réaction, nous avons montré que la présence des molécules d'eau joue un rôle important dans le processus de formation du radical HCO. / Water clusters constitute an important class of chemical species due to their central role in many physico-chemical and biological processes, in particular, atmospheric processes. Their physical and chemical properties are particularly sensitive to size and finite-temperature effects, which makes them particularly difficult to characterize experimentally. This thesis focused on the theoretical investigation of the structural, dynamical and thermodynamical properties as well as on the reactivity of various water clusters with the aim to implement appropriate modeling tools to enable a more detailed description of these systems. To do so, we used the paralleltempering molecular dynamics approach that was coupled with calculations of energies and gradients carried out by the Self-Consistent-Charge Density-Functional based Tight-Binding (SCC-DFTB) method.Three main areas were addressed during the work. In the first part, a detailed analysis of the structure of water clusters (H2O)nSO24- and (H2O)nH2SO4 with n=1-20 is performed. This study highlights the influence of the nature of the sulfur impurity on the hydrogen bond network of these species.The second part of this thesis focuses on the study of the "solid-liquid" phase transition in various water clusters. In addition to the sulfur-containing water clusters mentioned above, we also investigated protonated water clusters containing from 19 to 23 water molecules. To better understand the phase transition mechanism, we considered various structural changes associated with the transition, such as the evolution of the distributions of intermolecular angles and the evolution of the number of molecular rings in the cluster. We also characterized the phase transition through dynamical indicators such as the crossover frequency of the excess proton. The last part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the influence of small water clusters (from 1 to 10 water molecules) on the recombination reaction between the H atom and the CO molecule. This reaction is the first step in the formation of simple oxygenated organic molecules in the interstellar medium. It is therefore of particular interest. Due to the analysis of collisional dynamics between H and CO and the calculation of effective reaction cross sections we showed that the presence of water molecules plays an important role in the HCO radical formation.
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Étude cinétique de réactions de pyrolyse et de combustion d'hydrocarbures cycliques par les approches de chimie quantique / Kinetic study of pyrolysis and oxidation reactions of cyclic hydrocarbons by quantum chemistry approachesSirjean, Baptiste 04 December 2007 (has links)
Les carburants dérivés du pétrole constituent la première source mondiale énergétique et leur approvisionnement constitue un défi actuel majeur impliquant des enjeux économiques et environnementaux cruciaux. Une des voies les plus efficaces pour peser simultanément sur ces deux enjeux passe par la diminution de la consommation en carburant. La simulation numérique constitue dès lors un outil précieux pour améliorer et optimiser les moteurs et les carburants. Les modèles chimiques détaillés sont nécessaires pour comprendre les phénomènes d’auto-inflammation et caractériser la nature et les quantités de polluants émis. Ces modèles mettent en jeu un nombre très important d’espèces et de réactions élémentaires, pour une espèce donnée et pour lesquelles la détermination des données thermodynamiques et cinétiques est un problème crucial. La chimie quantique constitue un outil précieux permettant d’une part de déterminer de façon précise les données thermocinétiques pour bon nombre de systèmes chimiques et d’autre part de mieux comprendre la réactivité de ces systèmes. Dans ce travail, les réactions unimoléculaires de décomposition d’hydrocarbures monocycliques et polycycliques (amorçages, réactions moléculaires, ß-scissions, formations d’éthers cycliques) ont été étudiées à l’aide des méthodes de la chimie quantique. Un mécanisme détaillé de pyrolyse d’un alcane polycyclique a été développé à partir des données thermodynamiques et cinétiques et des corrélations entre structure et réactivité déterminées pour les cyclanes à partir des calculs quantiques. Les simulations effectuées à partir de ce modèle sont en très bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux de la littérature / Petroleum fuels are the world’s most important primary energy source and the need to maintain their supply is a major actual challenge involving both economical and environmental features. Decreasing fuels consumption is one of the more efficient ways to reconcile the goals of energy price and environmental protection. Numerical simulations become therefore a very important tool to optimize fuels and motors. Detailed chemical kinetic models are required to reproduce the reactivity of fuels and to characterize the amount of emitted pollutants. Such models imply a very large number of chemical species and elementary reactions, for a given species, and the determination of thermodynamic and kinetic data is a critical problem. Nowadays, quantum chemistry methods are able to calculate accurately thermodynamic data for a large number of chemical systems and to elucidate the reactivity of these systems. In this work we have used quantum chemistry to study the unimolecular reactions (initiation, molecular reactions, ß-scissions, cyclic ethers formations) involved in the decomposition of monocyclic and polycyclic hydrocarbons. From the results of quantum chemical calculations, a detailed chemical kinetic mechanism of the pyrolysis of a polycyclic alkane has been developed and validated against experimental data
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Estudo teórico da reação O(3P) + HBr: superfícies de energia potencial, cinética e dinâmica / Theoretical study of the O(3P) + HBr reaction: potential energy surfaces, knetics and dynamicsOliveira Filho, Antonio Gustavo Sampaio de 01 February 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a reação O(3P) + HBr → OH + Br, que se insere no contexto da química atmosférica, mais especificamente nos ciclos de destruição catalítica do ozônio, foi estudada empregando superfícies de energia potencial ab initio de alta qualidade. Construímos superfícies para os estados eletrônicos 3A\" e 3A\', baseadas na expansão de muitos corpos, com potenciais de dois corpos ajustados por funções \"switched-MLJ\" e potenciais de três corpos interpolados utilizando o método RKHS. Os pontos ab initio utilizados foram obtidos no nível de teoria MRCISD+Q/CBS+SO. A superfície final para o estado eletrônico 3A\" foi corrigida por um fator multiplicativo de modo que reproduzisse cálculos benchmark para a altura de barreira, em que foram considerados efeitos relativísticos (escalares e spin-órbita), correlação caroço-valência e correlação de ordem alta (excitações triplas e quádruplas). As principais características da SEP 3A\" são dois mínimos de van der Walls no canal de entrada e saída e um estado de transição com uma barreira energética de 5,01 kcal mol-1. A SEP 3A\' tem um estado de transição linear em 6,45 kcal mol-1. O valor obtido para a entalpia de reação, a 0 K, foi de -15,7 kcal mol-1, muito próximo do valor experimental de -15,14 kcal mol-1. Calculamos constantes de velocidade, no intervalo de 200 a 1000 K, utilizando a teoria do estado de transição variacional com contribuições de tunelamento multidimensional (ICVT/µOMT) e com uma aproximação de espalhamento reativo quântico (QM/JS). Estes valores estão em ótima concordância com os dados experimentais da literatura, em todo intervalo de temperatura em que estão disponíveis: de 221 a 554 K para reação O + HBr e de 295 a 419 K para reação O + DBr. As constantes de velocidade, a 298 K e em cm3 molécula-1 s-1, obtidas para a reação O + HBr são: 3,62·10-14 (ICVT/µOMT) e 3,35·10-14 (QM/JS), enquanto que o valor experimental é 3,78·10-14. A qualidade destes resultados reforça nossa confiança nos procedimentos e aproximações utilizadas, abrindo caminho para a caracterização, em alto nível, de uma grande variedade de reações em fase gasosa. / In this work, the O(3P) + HBr → OH + Br reaction, which is relevant to atmospheric chemistry, specially for the catalytic ozone depletion, was studied using high-level ab initio potential energy surfaces. We constructed surfaces for the 3A\" and 3A\' electronic states, based on the many-body expansion, with the two-body potentials adjusted by the switched-MLJ function and the three-body potentials interpolated using the RKHS method. The ab initio points were calculated at the MRCISD+Q/CBS+SO level of theory. The main features of the 3A\" are the presence of two van der Waals minima, at the entrance and exit channels, and a transition state with a barrier height of 5.01 kcal mol-1. The 3A\' PES has a linear transition state at 6.45 kcal mol-1. We obtained the enthalpy of reaction, at 0 K, of -15.7 kcal mol-1, in close agreement with the experimental value of -15.14 kcal mol-1. Rate constants, in the temperature range from 200 to 1000 K, were calculated using the variational transition state theory with contributions of multidimensional tunneling (ICVT/µOMT) and also a quantum reactive scattering approach (QM/JS). Their values are in fair agreement with the experimental data in the literature in the whole temperature range available: from 221 to 554 K for the O + HBr reaction, and from 295 to 419 K for the O + DBr reaction. At 298 K, the calculated rate constants, in cm3 molecule-1 s-1, for the O + HBr reaction are 3.62·10-14 (ICVT/µOMT) and 3.35·10-14 (QM/JS); and the experimental value is 3.78·10-14. The quality of these results reinforces our confidence in the procedures and approximations used, leading to the possibility of high-level characterization of a variety of gas phase reactions.
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Chemins de protonation et réactivité des métalloenzymes : application à la superoxide réductase / Pathways for protonation and reactivity of metalloenzyme : application to superoxide reductaseDavid, Rolf 28 November 2017 (has links)
L’obtention, dans des conditions douces, sélectives et de chimie durable de molécules ciblées est aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur. Les métalloenzymesartificielles représentent une voie d’investigation importante, car en jouant, par exemple, sur la seconde sphère de coordination,il est possible de modifier fortement la réactivité de ces systèmes bio-inspirés. Le développement de cette chimie suppose une connaissanceapprofondie des différentes étapes du mécanisme de la réaction envisagée. Pour cela, la chimie théorique est essentielle à la rationalisation dela réactivité chimique mais elle souffre encore de nombreuses insuffisances pour les systèmes que nous nous proposons d’étudier.Dans ce travail, nous avons choisi d’étudier la superoxyde réductase, enzyme détoxifiante du radical superoxyde. Si de nombreuses expérimentalessont disponibles détaillant certains intermédiaires, le mécanisme précis est peu documenté. Le but a été de mettre en place uneméthodologie complète allant du développement de paramètres MM spécifiques à l’étude de la réactivité par métadynamiques QM/MM.Le développement de paramètres MM pour le site actif à fer a permis son étude en dynamique MM donnant des informations sur la conformationsdu squelette peptidique ainsi que l’interaction avec les molécules de solvant. De part la nature du fer, une description QM du site actifà été nécessaire via l’utilisation de DFT hybride. Les métadynamiques QM/MM ont permis quant à elles d’explorer les chemins réactionnelset de caractériser les espèces ainsi formées et les énergies d’activations.Cette méthodologie a permis la compréhension en premier lieu de la réactivité native de la forme sauvage et elle a aussi permis d’explorer lesréactivités nouvelles des mutations de la SOR permettant ainsi de définir le rôle crucial de la seconde sphère de coordination. / Obtaining targeted molecules under gentle, selective and sustainable conditions is still a major challenge. Artificial metalloenzymes are animportant line of enquiry, because by playing, for example, with the second sphere of coordination, it is possible to strongly modify thereactivity of these bio-inspired systems. The development of this chemistry presupposes a thorough knowledge of the different stages of themechanism of the reaction under study. For this reason, theoretical chemistry is essential to rationalize chemical reactivity, but it still suffersfrom many shortcomings for the systems we propose to study.In this work, we study the superoxide reductase, a detoxifying enzyme of the superoxide radical. While many experiments are available detailingsome intermediates, the precise mechanism is not well documented. The aim was to implement a complete methodology ranging from thedevelopment of specific MM parameters to the study of reactivity by QM/MM metadynamics.The development of MM parameters for the iron active site allowed its study by MM dynamics giving informations on the conformation ofthe peptide backbone as well as on the interaction with solvent molecules. Due to the nature of the iron, a QM description of the active sitewas required using hybrid DFT. QM/MM metadynamics have allowed us to explore reaction pathways and to characterize the compoundsformed to obtain the needed activation energies. This methodology made it possible to understand the native reactivity of the wild form ofthe SOR, but also to explore the new reactivity of the mutations of the SOR and thus to define the crucial role of the second coordination sphere.
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Estimation d'erreur pour des problèmes aux valeurs propres linéaires et non-linéaires issus du calcul de structure électronique / Error estimation for linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising from electronic structure calculationDusson, Geneviève 23 October 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir des bornes d'erreur pour des problèmes aux valeurs propres linéaires et non linéaires issus du calcul de structure électronique, en particulier celui de l'état fondamental avec la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. Ces bornes d'erreur reposent principalement sur des estimations a posteriori. D'abord, nous étudions un phénomène de compensation d'erreur de discrétisation pour un problème linéaire aux valeurs propres, grâce à une analyse a priori de l'erreur sur l'énergie. Ensuite, nous présentons une analyse a posteriori pour le problème du laplacien aux valeurs propres discrétisé par une large classe d'éléments finis. Les bornes d'erreur proposées pour les valeurs propres simples et leurs vecteurs propres associés sont garanties, calculables et efficaces. Nous nous concentrons alors sur des problèmes aux valeurs propres non linéaires. Nous proposons des bornes d'erreur pour l'équation de Gross-Pitaevskii, valables sous des hypothèses vérifiables numériquement, et pouvant être séparées en deux composantes venant respectivement de la discrétisation et de l'algorithme itératif utilisé pour résoudre le problème non linéaire aux valeurs propres. L'équilibrage de ces composantes d'erreur permet d'optimiser les ressources numériques. Enfin, nous présentons une méthode de post-traitement pour le problème de Kohn-Sham discrétisé en ondes planes, améliorant la précision des résultats à un faible coût de calcul. Les solutions post-traitées peuvent être utilisées soit comme solutions plus précises du problème, soit pour calculer une estimation de l'erreur de discrétisation, qui n'est plus garantie, mais néanmoins proche de l'erreur. / The objective of this thesis is to provide error bounds for linear and nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising from electronic structure calculation. We focus on ground-state calculations based on Density Functional Theory, including Kohn-Sham models. Our bounds mostly rely on a posteriori error analysis. More precisely, we start by studying a phenomenon of discretization error cancellation for a simple linear eigenvalue problem, for which analytical solutions are available. The mathematical study is based on an a priori analysis for the energy error. Then, we present an a posteriori analysis for the Laplace eigenvalue problem discretized with finite elements. For simple eigenvalues of the Laplace operator and their corresponding eigenvectors , we provide guaranteed, fully computable and efficient error bounds. Thereafter, we focus on nonlinear eigenvalue problems. First, we provide an a posteriori analysis for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The error bounds are valid under assumptions that can be numerically checked, and can be separated in two components coming respectively from the discretization and the iterative algorithm used to solve the nonlinear eigenvalue problem. Balancing these error components allows to optimize the computational resources. Second, we present a post-processing method for the Kohn-Sham problem, which improves the accuracy of planewave computations of ground state orbitals at a low computational cost. The post-processed solutions can be used either as a more precise solution of the problem, or used for computing an estimation of the discretization error. This estimation is not guaranteed, but in practice close to the real error.
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