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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Μαθηματικές μέθοδοι βελτιστοποίησης προβλημάτων μεγάλης κλίμακας / Mathematical methods of optimization for large scale problems

Αποστολοπούλου, Μαριάννα 21 December 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετάμε το πρόβλημα της βελτιστοποίησης μη γραμμικών συναρτήσεων πολλών μεταβλητών, όπου η αντικειμενική συνάρτηση είναι συνεχώς διαφορίσιμη σε ένα ανοιχτό υποσύνολο του Rn. Αναπτύσσουμε μαθηματικές μεθόδους βελτιστοποίησης αποσκοπώντας στην επίλυση προβλημάτων μεγάλης κλίμακας, δηλαδή προβλημάτων των οποίων οι μεταβλητές είναι πολλές χιλιάδες, ακόμα και εκατομμύρια. Η βασική ιδέα των μεθόδων που αναπτύσσουμε έγκειται στη θεωρητική μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών μεγεθών των Quasi-Newton ενημερώσεων ελάχιστης και μικρής μνήμης. Διατυπώνουμε θεωρήματα αναφορικά με το χαρακτηριστικό πολυώνυμο, τον αριθμό των διακριτών ιδιοτιμών και των αντίστοιχων ιδιοδιανυσμάτων. Εξάγουμε κλειστούς τύπους για τον υπολογισμό των ανωτέρω ποσοτήτων, αποφεύγοντας τόσο την αποθήκευση όσο και την παραγοντοποίηση πινάκων. Τα νέα θεωρητικά απoτελέσματα εφαρμόζονται αφενός μεν στην επίλυση μεγάλης κλίμακας υποπροβλημάτων περιοχής εμπιστοσύνης, χρησιμοποιώντας τη μέθοδο της σχεδόν ακριβούς λύσης, αφετέρου δε, στην καμπυλόγραμμη αναζήτηση, η οποία χρησιμοποιεί ένα ζεύγος κατευθύνσεων μείωσης, την Quasi-Newton κατεύθυνση και την κατεύθυνση αρνητικής καμπυλότητας. Η νέα μέθοδος μειώνει δραστικά τη χωρική πολυπλοκότητα των γνωστών αλγορίθμων του μη γραμμικού προγραμματισμού, διατηρώντας παράλληλα τις καλές ιδιότητες σύγκλισής τους. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οι προκύπτοντες νέοι αλγόριθμοι έχουν χωρική πολυπλοκότητα Θ(n). Τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα δείχνουν ότι οι νέοι αλγόριθμοι είναι αποδοτικοί, γρήγοροι και πολύ αποτελεσματικοί όταν χρησιμοποιούνται στην επίλυση προβλημάτων με πολλές μεταβλητές. / In this thesis we study the problem of minimizing nonlinear functions of several variables, where the objective function is continuously differentiable on an open subset of Rn. We develop mathematical optimization methods for solving large scale problems, i.e., problems whose variables are many thousands, even millions. The proposed method is based on the theoretical study of the properties of minimal and low memory Quasi-Newton updates. We establish theorems concerning the characteristic polynomial, the number of distinct eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors. We derive closed formulas for calculating these quantities, avoiding both the storage and factorization of matrices. The new theoretical results are applied in the large scale trust region subproblem for calculating nearly exact solutions as well as in a curvilinear search that uses a Quasi-Newton and a negative curvature direction. The new method is drastically reducing the spatial complexity of known algorithms of nonlinear programming. As a result, the new algorithms have spatial complexity Θ(n), while they are maintaining good convergence properties. The numerical results show that the proposed algorithms are efficient, fast and very effective when used in solving large scale problems.

Online Learning and Simulation Based Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization

Lakshmanan, K January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In many optimization problems, the relationship between the objective and parameters is not known. The objective function itself may be stochastic such as a long-run average over some random cost samples. In such cases finding the gradient of the objective is not possible. It is in this setting that stochastic approximation algorithms are used. These algorithms use some estimates of the gradient and are stochastic in nature. Amongst gradient estimation techniques, Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) and Smoothed Functional(SF) scheme are widely used. In this thesis we have proposed a novel multi-time scale quasi-Newton based smoothed functional (QN-SF) algorithm for unconstrained as well as constrained optimization. The algorithm uses the smoothed functional scheme for estimating the gradient and the quasi-Newton method to solve the optimization problem. The algorithm is shown to converge with probability one. We have also provided here experimental results on the problem of optimal routing in a multi-stage network of queues. Policies like Join the Shortest Queue or Least Work Left assume knowledge of the queue length values that can change rapidly or hard to estimate. If the only information available is the expected end-to-end delay as with our case, such policies cannot be used. The QN-SF based probabilistic routing algorithm uses only the total end-to-end delay for tuning the probabilities. We observe from the experiments that the QN-SF algorithm has better performance than the gradient and Jacobi versions of Newton based smoothed functional algorithms. Next we consider constrained routing in a similar queueing network. We extend the QN-SF algorithm to this case. We study the convergence behavior of the algorithm and observe that the constraints are satisfied at the point of convergence. We provide experimental results for the constrained routing setup as well. Next we study reinforcement learning algorithms which are useful for solving Markov Decision Process(MDP) when the precise information on transition probabilities is not known. When the state, and action sets are very large, it is not possible to store all the state-action tuples. In such cases, function approximators like neural networks have been used. The popular Q-learning algorithm is known to diverge when used with linear function approximation due to the ’off-policy’ problem. Hence developing stable learning algorithms when used with function approximation is an important problem. We present in this thesis a variant of Q-learning with linear function approximation that is based on two-timescale stochastic approximation. The Q-value parameters for a given policy in our algorithm are updated on the slower timescale while the policy parameters themselves are updated on the faster scale. We perform a gradient search in the space of policy parameters. Since the objective function and hence the gradient are not analytically known, we employ the efficient one-simulation simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation(SPSA) gradient estimates that employ Hadamard matrix based deterministic perturbations. Our algorithm has the advantage that, unlike Q-learning, it does not suffer from high oscillations due to the off-policy problem when using function approximators. Whereas it is difficult to prove convergence of regular Q-learning with linear function approximation because of the off-policy problem, we prove that our algorithm which is on-policy is convergent. Numerical results on a multi-stage stochastic shortest path problem show that our algorithm exhibits significantly better performance and is more robust as compared to Q-learning. Future work would be to compare it with other policy-based reinforcement learning algorithms. Finally, we develop an online actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm with function approximation for a problem of control under inequality constraints. We consider the long-run average cost Markov decision process(MDP) framework in which both the objective and the constraint functions are suitable policy-dependent long-run averages of certain sample path functions. The Lagrange multiplier method is used to handle the inequality constraints. We prove the asymptotic almost sure convergence of our algorithm to a locally optimal solution. We also provide the results of numerical experiments on a problem of routing in a multistage queueing network with constraints on long-run average queue lengths. We observe that our algorithm exhibits good performance on this setting and converges to a feasible point.

Anwendung von Line-Search-Strategien zur Formoptimierung und Parameteridentifikation

Clausner, André 17 September 2007 (has links)
Die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung technischer Prozesse erfolgt heute auf der Basis stochastischer und deterministischer Optimierungsstrategien in Kombination mit der numerischen Simulation dieser Abläufe. Da die FE-Simulation von Umformvorgängen in der Regel sehr zeitintensiv ist, bietet sich für die Optimierung solcher Prozesse der Einsatz deterministischer Methoden an, da hier weniger Optimierungsschritte und somit auch weniger FE-Simulationen notwendig sind. Eine wichtige Anforderung an solche Optimierungsverfahren ist globale Konvergenz zu lokalen Minima, da die optimalen Parametersätze nicht immer näherungsweise bekannt sind. Die zwei wichtigsten Strategien zum Ausdehnen des beschränkten Konvergenzradius der natürlichen Optimierungsverfahren (newtonschrittbasierte Verfahren und Gradientenverfahren) sind die Line-Search-Strategie und die Trust-Region-Strategie. Die Grundlagen der Line-Search-Strategie werden aufgearbeitet und die wichtigsten Teilalgorithmen implementiert. Danach wird dieses Verfahren auf eine effiziente Kombination der Teilalgorithmen und Verfahrensparameter hin untersucht. Im Anschluss wird die Leistung eines Optimierungsverfahrens mit Line-Search-Strategie verglichen mit der eines ebenfalls implementierten Optimierungsverfahrens mit skalierter Trust-Region-Strategie. Die Tests werden nach Einfügen der implementierten Verfahren in das Programm SPC-Opt anhand der Lösung eines Quadratmittelproblems aus der Materialparameteridentifikation sowie der Formoptimierung eines Umformwerkzeugs vorgenommen.:1 Einleitung 7 2 Verfahren zur unrestringierten Optimierung 9 2.1 Vorbemerkungen 9 2.2 Der Schrittvektor sk 10 2.3 Natürliche Schrittweite und Konvergenz der Verfahren 11 2.4 Richtung des steilsten Abstiegs 12 2.5 Newtonschrittbasierte Verfahren 13 2.5.1 Newton-Verfahren 15 2.5.2 Quasi-Newton-Verfahren der Broyden-Klasse 15 2.5.3 Der BFGS-Auffrisch-Algorithmus 18 2.5.4 Die SR1-Auffrisch-Formel 19 2.5.5 Die DFP-Auffrisch-Formel 20 2.5.6 Gauß-Newton-Verfahren 20 2.6 Erzwingen der Bedingung der positiven Definitheit von Gk 21 3 Übersicht über die Verfahren zum Stabilisieren der natürlichen Schrittweiten 24 3.1 Das Prinzip der Line-Search-Verfahren 24 3.2 Das Prinzip der Trust-Region-Verfahren 26 3.3 Vergleich der Trust-Region- und der Line-Search-Strategien 27 4 Line-Search-Strategien 30 4.1 Vorbemerkungen 30 4.2 Ein prinzipieller Line-Search-Algorithmus 33 5 Die Akzeptanzkriterien für die Line-Search-Strategien 36 5.1 Die exakte Schrittweite 37 5.2 Das Armijo-Kriterium, ein Abstiegskriterium 39 5.2.1 Das klassische Armijo-Kriterium 39 5.2.2 Armijo-Kriterium mit unterer Schranke fflo > 0 40 5.3 Die Goldstein-Kriterien 42 5.4 Die Wolfe-Kriterien 44 5.4.1 Die einfachen Wolfe-Kriterien 44 5.4.2 Die starken Wolfe-Kriterien 46 5.5 Näherungsweiser Line-Search basierend auf Armijo, ff-Methode 47 6 Ermittlung der nächsten Testschrittweite ffj+1 49 6.1 Die Startschrittweite ffj=1 51 6.2 Verfahren mit konstanten Faktoren 52 6.3 Verfahren mit konstanten Summanden 53 6.4 Verfahren mit quadratischen Polynomen 54 6.5 Verfahren mit kubischen Polynomen 56 6.6 Sektionssuche mit goldenem Schnitt 58 7 Absicherung und Abbruchbedingungen des Line-Search-Verfahrens 60 7.1 Die drei Konvergenzpunkte eines Line-Search-Verfahrens 60 7.1.1 Lokales Minimum in f 60 7.1.2 Algorithmus konvergiert gegen −1 61 7.1.3 Der Winkel zwischen sk und −rfk wird 90° 61 7.2 Weitere Absicherungen 62 7.2.1 Abstiegsrichtung 62 7.2.2 Der gradientenbezogene Schrittvektor 62 7.2.3 Zulässige Schrittweiten in der Extrapolationsphase 63 7.2.4 Intervalle bei der Interpolation 63 7.2.5 Maximale Durchlaufzahlen 63 8 Implementierung 65 8.1 Grundlegende Struktur der Implementierung 65 8.2 Anwendungsgebiete 67 8.2.1 Identifikation der Materialparameter der isotropen Verfestigung und der HILLschen Fließbedingung 67 8.2.2 Optimierung der Form eines Umformwerkzeugs 70 8.3 Test des Programms anhand der Identifikation der Parameter der isotropen Verfestigung und der HILLschen Fließbedingung 71 8.3.1 Einfluss der Funktionsumgebung 71 8.3.2 Test der Line-Search-Verfahrensparameter 74 8.3.3 Einfluss der Startwerte und der Qualität der Ableitungsermittlung 77 8.3.4 Test der Quasi-Newton-Strategien 77 8.3.5 Test der Trust-Region-Skalierung 79 8.3.6 Vergleich der Trust-Region- und der Line-Search-Strategie 80 8.3.7 Tests mit den HILLschen Anisotropieparametern und drei Vorwärtsrechnungen 81 9 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 83 9.1 Zusammenfassung 83 9.2 Ausblick 84 Liste häufig verwendeter Formelzeichen 85 Literaturverzeichnis 88 A Zusätzliches zur Implementierung 90 A.1 Parametervorschläge für die Line-Search-Verfahren 90 A.2 Fehlercode-Liste 92 A.3 Programmablaufpläne 94 A.3.1 Ablauf in main.cpp 94 A.3.2 Ablauf in OneOptLoop 95 A.3.3 Ablauf während des Trust-Region-Verfahrens 96 A.3.4 Ablauf während des Line-Search-Verfahrens 97 A.4 Steuerung der Optimierungsoptionen über OptInputData.dat 98 A.4.1 Übergeordnete Algorithmen 98 A.4.1.1 Quasi-Newton-Verfahren 98 A.4.1.2 Absichern der positiven Definitheit von Gk 99 A.4.1.3 Auswahl des Optimierungsverfahrens, Auswahl der Schrittweitensteuerung 100 A.4.1.4 Abbruchbedingungen für die Lösungsfindung 100 A.4.1.5 Wahl des Startvektors x0 101 A.4.2 Die Trust-Region-Algorithmen 102 A.4.2.1 Wahl des Anfangsradius 0 des Vertrauensbereichs 102 A.4.2.2 Wahl des Skalierungsverfahrens 102 A.4.2.3 Wahl des Startwertes l=0 für die Regularisierungsparameteriteration 103 A.4.2.4 Regularisierungsparameteriteration 103 A.4.2.5 Wahl des Verfahrens zum Auffrischen des Radius des Vertrauensbereichs 103 A.4.2.6 Bedingungen für einen akzeptablen Schritt 104 A.4.2.7 Absicherungen des Trust-Region-Verfahrens 104 A.4.3 Die Line-Search-Algorithmen 105 A.4.3.1 Die Akzeptanzkriterien 105 A.4.3.2 Die Verfahren zur Extrapolation 105 A.4.3.3 Die Verfahren zur Interpolation 106 A.4.3.4 Verfahren zur Wahl von ffj=2 106 A.4.3.5 Absicherung des Line-Search-Verfahrens 106 B Testrechnungen 107 B.1 Ausgewählte Versuchsreihen 107 B.2 Bilder der Funktionsumgebung der Materialparameteridentifikation 109 B.3 Beschreibung der digitalen Anlagen 112 Eidesstattliche Erklärung und Aufgabenstellung 113

Optimal Control Problems in Finite-Strain Elasticity by Inner Pressure and Fiber Tension

Günnel, Andreas, Herzog, Roland 01 September 2016 (has links)
Optimal control problems for finite-strain elasticity are considered. An inner pressure or an inner fiber tension is acting as a driving force. Such internal forces are typical, for instance, for the motion of heliotropic plants, and for muscle tissue. Non-standard objective functions relevant for elasticity problems are introduced. Optimality conditions are derived on a formal basis, and a limited-memory quasi-Newton algorithm for their solution is formulated in function space. Numerical experiments confirm the expected mesh-independent performance.

Optimisation of Active Microstrip Patch Antennas

Jacmenovic, Dennis, dennis_jacman@yahoo.com.au January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of impedance optimisation of active microstrip patch antennas to multiple frequency points. A single layered aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna has been optimised to match the source reflection coefficient of a transistor in designing an active antenna. The active aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna was optimised to satisfy Global Positioning System (GPS) frequency specifications. A rudimentary aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna consists of a rectangular antenna element etched on the top surface of two dielectric substrates. The substrates are separated by a ground plane and a microstrip feed is etched on the bottom surface. A rectangular aperture in the ground plane provides coupling between the feed and the antenna element. This type of antenna, which conveniently isolates any circuit at the feed from the antenna element, is suitable for integrated circuit design and is simple to fabricate. An active antenna design directly couples an antenna to an active device, therefore saving real estate and power. This thesis focuses on designing an aperture coupled patch antenna directly coupled to a low noise amplifier as part of the front end of a GPS receiver. In this work an in-house software package, dubbed ACP by its creator Dr Rod Waterhouse, for calculating aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna performance parameters was linked to HP-EEsof, a microwave computer aided design and simulation package by Hewlett-Packard. An ANSI C module in HP-EEsof was written to bind the two packages. This process affords the client the benefit of powerful analysis tools offered in HP-EEsof and the fast analysis of ACP for seamless system design. Moreover, the optimisation algorithms in HP-EEsof were employed to investigate which algorithms are best suited for optimising patch antennas. The active antenna design presented in this study evades an input matching network, which is accomplished by designing the antenna to represent the desired source termination of a transistor. It has been demonstrated that a dual-band microstrip patch antenna can be successfully designed to match the source reflection coefficient, avoiding the need to insert a matching network. Maximum power transfer in electrical circuits is accomplished by matching the impedance between entities, which is generally acheived with the use of a matching network. Passive matching networks employed in amplifier design generally consist of discrete components up to the low GHz frequency range or distributed elements at greater frequencies. The source termination for a low noise amplifier will greatly influence its noise, gain and linearity which is controlled by designing a suitable input matching network. Ten diverse search methods offered in HP-EEsof were used to optimise an active aperture coupled microstrip patch antenna. This study has shown that the algorithms based on the randomised search techniques and the Genetic algorithm provide the most robust performance. The optimisation results were used to design an active dual-band antenna.

Numerical Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Genetical Analysis

Mishchenko, Kateryna January 2008 (has links)
<p>The focus of this thesis is on numerical algorithms for efficient solution of QTL analysis problem in genetics.</p><p>Firstly, we consider QTL mapping problems where a standard least-squares model is used for computing the model fit. We develop optimization methods for the local problems in a hybrid global-local optimization scheme for determining the optimal set of QTL locations. Here, the local problems have constant bound constraints and may be non-convex and/or flat in one or more directions. We propose an enhanced quasi-Newton method and also implement several schemes for constrained optimization. The algorithms are adopted to the QTL optimization problems. We show that it is possible to use the new schemes to solve problems with up to 6 QTLs efficiently and accurately, and that the work is reduced with up to two orders magnitude compared to using only global optimization.</p><p>Secondly, we study numerical methods for QTL mapping where variance component estimation and a REML model is used. This results in a non-linear optimization problem for computing the model fit in each set of QTL locations. Here, we compare different optimization schemes and adopt them for the specifics of the problem. The results show that our version of the active set method is efficient and robust, which is not the case for methods used earlier. We also study the matrix operations performed inside the optimization loop, and develop more efficient algorithms for the REML computations. We develop a scheme for reducing the number of objective function evaluations, and we accelerate the computations of the derivatives of the log-likelihood by introducing an efficient scheme for computing the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix and other components of the derivatives of the log-likelihood.</p>

Numerical Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Genetical Analysis

Mishchenko, Kateryna January 2008 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on numerical algorithms for efficient solution of QTL analysis problem in genetics. Firstly, we consider QTL mapping problems where a standard least-squares model is used for computing the model fit. We develop optimization methods for the local problems in a hybrid global-local optimization scheme for determining the optimal set of QTL locations. Here, the local problems have constant bound constraints and may be non-convex and/or flat in one or more directions. We propose an enhanced quasi-Newton method and also implement several schemes for constrained optimization. The algorithms are adopted to the QTL optimization problems. We show that it is possible to use the new schemes to solve problems with up to 6 QTLs efficiently and accurately, and that the work is reduced with up to two orders magnitude compared to using only global optimization. Secondly, we study numerical methods for QTL mapping where variance component estimation and a REML model is used. This results in a non-linear optimization problem for computing the model fit in each set of QTL locations. Here, we compare different optimization schemes and adopt them for the specifics of the problem. The results show that our version of the active set method is efficient and robust, which is not the case for methods used earlier. We also study the matrix operations performed inside the optimization loop, and develop more efficient algorithms for the REML computations. We develop a scheme for reducing the number of objective function evaluations, and we accelerate the computations of the derivatives of the log-likelihood by introducing an efficient scheme for computing the inverse of the variance-covariance matrix and other components of the derivatives of the log-likelihood.

New PDE models for imaging problems and applications

Calatroni, Luca January 2016 (has links)
Variational methods and Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) have been extensively employed for the mathematical formulation of a myriad of problems describing physical phenomena such as heat propagation, thermodynamic transformations and many more. In imaging, PDEs following variational principles are often considered. In their general form these models combine a regularisation and a data fitting term, balancing one against the other appropriately. Total variation (TV) regularisation is often used due to its edgepreserving and smoothing properties. In this thesis, we focus on the design of TV-based models for several different applications. We start considering PDE models encoding higher-order derivatives to overcome wellknown TV reconstruction drawbacks. Due to their high differential order and nonlinear nature, the computation of the numerical solution of these equations is often challenging. In this thesis, we propose directional splitting techniques and use Newton-type methods that despite these numerical hurdles render reliable and efficient computational schemes. Next, we discuss the problem of choosing the appropriate data fitting term in the case when multiple noise statistics in the data are present due, for instance, to different acquisition and transmission problems. We propose a novel variational model which encodes appropriately and consistently the different noise distributions in this case. Balancing the effect of the regularisation against the data fitting is also crucial. For this sake, we consider a learning approach which estimates the optimal ratio between the two by using training sets of examples via bilevel optimisation. Numerically, we use a combination of SemiSmooth (SSN) and quasi-Newton methods to solve the problem efficiently. Finally, we consider TV-based models in the framework of graphs for image segmentation problems. Here, spectral properties combined with matrix completion techniques are needed to overcome the computational limitations due to the large amount of image data. Further, a semi-supervised technique for the measurement of the segmented region by means of the Hough transform is proposed.

Robustness and optimization in anti-windup control

Alli-Oke, Razak Olusegun January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is broadly concerned with online-optimizing anti-windup control. These are control structures that implement some online-optimization routines to compensate for the windup effects in constrained control systems. The first part of this thesis examines a general framework for analyzing robust preservation in anti-windup control systems. This framework - the robust Kalman conjecture - is defined for the robust Lur’e problem. This part of the thesis verifies this conjecture for first-order plants perturbed by various norm-bounded unstructured uncertainties. Integral quadratic constraint theory is exploited to classify the appropriate stability multipliers required for verification in these cases. The remaining part of the thesis focusses on accelerated gradient methods. In particular, tight complexity-certificates can be obtained for the Nesterov gradient method, which makes it attractive for implementation of online-optimizing anti-windup control. This part of the thesis presents a proposed algorithm that extends the classical Nesterov gradient method by using available secant information. Numerical results demonstrating the efficiency of the proposed algorithm are analysed with the aid of performance profiles. As the objective function becomes more ill-conditioned, the proposed algorithm becomes significantly more efficient than the classical Nesterov gradient method. The improved performance bodes well for online-optimization anti-windup control since ill-conditioning is common place in constrained control systems. In addition, this thesis explores another subcategory of accelerated gradient methods known as Barzilai-Borwein gradient methods. Here, two algorithms that modify the Barzilai-Borwein gradient method are proposed. Global convergence of the proposed algorithms for all convex functions is established by using discrete Lyapunov theorems.

On Methods for Solving Symmetric Systems of Linear Equations Arising in Optimization

Odland, Tove January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we present research on mathematical properties of methods for solv- ing symmetric systems of linear equations that arise in various optimization problem formulations and in methods for solving such problems. In the first and third paper (Paper A and Paper C), we consider the connection be- tween the method of conjugate gradients and quasi-Newton methods on strictly convex quadratic optimization problems or equivalently on a symmetric system of linear equa- tions with a positive definite matrix. We state conditions on the quasi-Newton matrix and the update matrix such that the search directions generated by the corresponding quasi-Newton method and the method of conjugate gradients respectively are parallel. In paper A, we derive such conditions on the update matrix based on a sufficient condition to obtain mutually conjugate search directions. These conditions are shown to be equivalent to the one-parameter Broyden family. Further, we derive a one-to-one correspondence between the Broyden parameter and the scaling between the search directions from the method of conjugate gradients and a quasi-Newton method em- ploying some well-defined update scheme in the one-parameter Broyden family. In paper C, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on the quasi-Newton ma- trix and on the update matrix such that equivalence with the method of conjugate gra- dients hold for the corresponding quasi-Newton method. We show that the set of quasi- Newton schemes admitted by these necessary and sufficient conditions is strictly larger than the one-parameter Broyden family. In addition, we show that this set of quasi- Newton schemes includes an infinite number of symmetric rank-one update schemes. In the second paper (Paper B), we utilize an unnormalized Krylov subspace frame- work for solving symmetric systems of linear equations. These systems may be incom- patible and the matrix may be indefinite/singular. Such systems of symmetric linear equations arise in constrained optimization. In the case of an incompatible symmetric system of linear equations we give a certificate of incompatibility based on a projection on the null space of the symmetric matrix and characterize a minimum-residual solu- tion. Further we derive a minimum-residual method, give explicit recursions for the minimum-residual iterates and characterize a minimum-residual solution of minimum Euclidean norm. / I denna avhandling betraktar vi matematiska egenskaper hos metoder för att lösa symmetriska linjära ekvationssystem som uppkommer i formuleringar och metoder för en mängd olika optimeringsproblem. I första och tredje artikeln (Paper A och Paper C), undersöks kopplingen mellan konjugerade gradientmetoden och kvasi-Newtonmetoder när dessa appliceras på strikt konvexa kvadratiska optimeringsproblem utan bivillkor eller ekvivalent på ett symmet- risk linjärt ekvationssystem med en positivt definit symmetrisk matris. Vi ställer upp villkor på kvasi-Newtonmatrisen och uppdateringsmatrisen så att sökriktningen som fås från motsvarande kvasi-Newtonmetod blir parallell med den sökriktning som fås från konjugerade gradientmetoden. I den första artikeln (Paper A), härleds villkor på uppdateringsmatrisen baserade på ett tillräckligt villkor för att få ömsesidigt konjugerade sökriktningar. Dessa villkor på kvasi-Newtonmetoden visas vara ekvivalenta med att uppdateringsstrategin tillhör Broydens enparameterfamilj. Vi tar också fram en ett-till-ett överensstämmelse mellan Broydenparametern och skalningen mellan sökriktningarna från konjugerade gradient- metoden och en kvasi-Newtonmetod som använder någon väldefinierad uppdaterings- strategi från Broydens enparameterfamilj. I den tredje artikeln (Paper C), ger vi tillräckliga och nödvändiga villkor på en kvasi-Newtonmetod så att nämnda ekvivalens med konjugerade gradientmetoden er- hålls. Mängden kvasi-Newtonstrategier som uppfyller dessa villkor är strikt större än Broydens enparameterfamilj. Vi visar också att denna mängd kvasi-Newtonstrategier innehåller ett oändligt antal uppdateringsstrategier där uppdateringsmatrisen är en sym- metrisk matris av rang ett. I den andra artikeln (Paper B), används ett ramverk för icke-normaliserade Krylov- underrumsmetoder för att lösa symmetriska linjära ekvationssystem. Dessa ekvations- system kan sakna lösning och matrisen kan vara indefinit/singulär. Denna typ av sym- metriska linjära ekvationssystem uppkommer i en mängd formuleringar och metoder för optimeringsproblem med bivillkor. I fallet då det symmetriska linjära ekvations- systemet saknar lösning ger vi ett certifikat för detta baserat på en projektion på noll- rummet för den symmetriska matrisen och karaktäriserar en minimum-residuallösning. Vi härleder även en minimum-residualmetod i detta ramverk samt ger explicita rekur- sionsformler för denna metod. I fallet då det symmetriska linjära ekvationssystemet saknar lösning så karaktäriserar vi en minimum-residuallösning av minsta euklidiska norm. / <p>QC 20150519</p>

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