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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simple Sequence Repeat Development, Polymorphism and Genetic Mapping in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

Jarvis, David 19 July 2006 (has links)
Quinoa is an important, highly nutritional grain crop in the Andean region of South America. DNA markers and linkage maps are important tools for the improvement of underdeveloped crops such as quinoa. The objectives of this study were to (i) develop a new set of SSR markers to augment the number of SSR markers available in quinoa, and (ii) construct a new genetic linkage map of quinoa based on SSRs using multiple recombinant-inbred line (RIL) populations. Here we report the development of 216 new polymorphic SSR markers from libraries enriched for GA, CAA, and AAT repeats, as well as 6 SSR markers developed from BAC-end sequences (BES-SSRs). Heterozygosity (H) values of the SSR markers ranged from 0.12 to 0.90, with an average value of 0.56. These new SSR and BES-SSR markers were analyzed on two RIL mapping populations (designated Population 1 and Population 40), each obtained by crossing Altiplano and coastal ecotypes of quinoa. Additional markers, including AFLPs, two 11S seed storage protein loci, a SNP, and the nucleolar organizing region (NOR), were also analyzed on one or both populations. Linkage maps were constructed for both populations. The Population 1 map contains 275 markers, including 200 SSR and 70 AFLP markers, as well as five additional markers. The map consists of 41 linkage groups (LGs) covering 913 cM. The Population 40 map contains 68 markers, including 62 SSR and six BES-SSR markers, and consists of 20 LGs covering 353 cM. Thirty-nine anchor markers common between both maps were used to combine 15 Population 1 LGs with 13 Population 40 LGs. The resulting integrated map consists of 13 LGs containing 140 SSR, 48 AFLP, four BES-SSR, one SNP, and one NOR marker spanning a total of 606 cM. A high level of segregation distortion was observed in both populations, indicating possible chromosomal regions associated with gametophytic factors or QTLs conferring a selective advantage under the particular growing conditions. As these maps are based primarily on easily-transferable SSR markers, they are particularly suitable for applications in the underdeveloped Andean regions where quinoa is grown.

Identification, Sequencing, Expression and Evolutionary Relationships of the 11S Seed Storage Protein Gene in Chenopodium quinoa Willd.

Balzotti, Marie Renee Barrett 20 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is an Andean crop adapted to harsh environmental conditions and containing a high and well-balanced protein composition. Two seed storage proteins, the 2S albumin and 11S globulin, are the major amino acid reservoirs for the developing seedling. An in-depth study of the genes encoding these proteins is necessary to understand the source of quinoa's protein quality. Our objectives include identification and sequencing of the 11S genomic and cDNA clones, analysis of 11S expression profiles in different quinoa accessions and evaluation of evolutionary relationships between the sequence of the 11S gene in quinoa and homologous genes in other species. Clones containing 11S cDNA and genomic DNA were identified and sequenced. Two copies of the gene were found to be present at two different loci in the quinoa genome. The amino acid composition of the 11S gene was also analyzed. Results show that the 11S gene contains a well-balanced assortment of essential amino acids with relatively high levels of glutamate/glutamine, aspartate/asparagine, arginine, serine, leucine and glycine, typical of other 11S seed storage proteins. Total RNA and globulin was extracted from seed collected at different developmental intervals from nine quinoa accessions. Expression profiles were determined by evaluating 11S transcript levels using relative quantification real time RT-PCR and comparing relative 11S globulin accumulation using sodium SDS-PAGE. The 11S gene was found to be expressed during late-maturation regardless of differences in maturation rate. A portion of the amino acid sequence of the 11S and homologous genes was chosen for phylogenetic analysis. Fifty five such sequences from 50 different plant species were assembled and aligned. Two phylogenetic reconstructions, one using the parsimony method and the other using Bayesian analysis, were generated in order to analyze evolutionary relationships between the 11S gene in quinoa and homologous genes in other species. Relationships shown by both reconstructions for sequences from closely-related species were consistent with taxonomic clustering. Both reconstructions showed less resolution involving relationships between distantly-related angiosperm taxa indicating a wide divergence of sequence at the angiosperm level and a need for additional angiosperm sequence data for finer resolution.

Cloning and Characterization of the Salt Overly Sensitive 1 (SOS1) Gene in Chenopodium quinoa WILLD.

Turner, Taylor Brian 17 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Salt tolerance is a commercially important trait that affects plant species around the globe. Cellular response to saline environments is a well studied but complex system that is far from being completely understood. The SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 1 (SOS1) gene is a critical component of salt tolerance in many species, encoding a plasma membrane Na+/H+ antiporter that plays an important role in germination and growth in saline environments. Here we report a preliminary investigation of salt tolerance in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Quinoa is a halophytic grain crop of the Chenopodiaceae family with impressive nutritional content and an increasing world-wide market. Many quinoa varieties have impressive salt tolerance characteristics and research suggests quinoa may utilize novel mechanisms to confer salt tolerance. At this time there is no published data on the molecular characteristics of those mechanisms. We report the identification and sequencing of the SOS1 gene in quinoa, including a full length cDNA sequence of 3490 bp and a full length genomic clone of 21314 bp. Sequence analysis predicts the quinoa SOS1 homolog spans 23 exons and is comprised of 3474 bp of coding sequence (excluding the stop codon). Introns comprise 17840 bp of the genomic clone and range in size from 77 to 2123 bp. The predicted protein contains 1158 amino acid residues and aligns closely with SOS1 homologs of other species. The quinoa SOS1 homolog contains two putative domains, a Nhap cation-antiporter domain and a cyclic-nucleotide binding domain. Sequence analyses of both cDNA fragments and intron fragments suggest that two SOS1 loci are present in the quinoa genome that are likely orthologous loci derived from the ancestral diploid genomes of the modern allotetraploid quinoa genome. This report represents the first molecular characterization of a putative salt-tolerance gene in C. quinoa.

Analysis of genetic variability of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) germ plasm around Lake Titicaca

Pinto Porcel, Milton Víctor 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
With the goal of analyzing the genetic variability of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) germ plasm around Lake Titicaca, which is conserved in the National Bank of High Andean Grains of the PROINPA Altiplano Regional Foundation, the agromorphological behavior of 432 quinoa samples from the surrounding area (both Bolivian and Peruvian) were characterized and evaluated. This activity occurred at agricultural step 99/2000 of Belén Agricultural Station (16°1' South by 68°42' West), with the San Andrés Higher University Faculty of Agronomy, which because of its proximity to the lake represents climate conditions like those of the studied material's origin. In order to determine standards of genetic variation, identify the most discriminating quantitative variables, and classify sample groups of different genetic variability, two multivariate methods were applied using 17 quantitative variables: 5 phenotypic, 10 morphological, yield, and harvest index. The descriptive statistical analysis showed a wide genetic variability regarding the phenologic cycle and the size of the quinoa plants. According to the simple correlation analysis, the most important associations between phenologic variables corresponded to 50% of flowering at the beginning and end of flowering. The morphological variables highlight associations between leaf width with leaf length and stalk length. Likewise, the associations between yield and stem diameter, length of the grain bunch, diameter of the grain bunch, and plant height are statistically significant. All of these are positively associated with the other phenotypic variables. The architecture of the plant, in contrast, negatively influenced the yield and harvest index. The analysis of principle components identified 4 significant components that contributed more than 69% of total variance. The first principal component identified tall plants with thick stems, with large leaves and grain bunches, but with a late phenologic cycle and, as such, with low harvest indexes. The second principal component identified early plants of medium size that tend to develop relatively thick stems, with medium leaves, grain bunches and good-quality grain. Consequently, they produced the best yield. Similarly, the proportion of total variance contributed by each variable over the 4 significant components was determined. It was found that the most important and discriminating variables were 50% flowering, flowering index, and end of flowering, followed by weight of 100 grains, grain diameter, yield, and finally the length of the grain bunch, length of leaves, stem diameter, and leaf width. A non-hierarchical K-medium grouping technique permitted the classification of quinoa samples around Lake Titicaca in two groups. Group 1 consisted of 161 late quinoa plants with tall heights, large grain bunches, and low harvest indexes. Group 2 consisted of 271 early quinoa plants of medium size, leaves, and grain bunches, with small grains that at the same time have high harvest indexes.

Effets d'un extrait de quinoa enrichi en 20-hydroxyecdysone dans un modèle d'obésité nutritionnelle : application clinique / Effects of a 20-hydroxyecdysone enriched quinoa extract in a nutritionnal obesity model : clinical application.

Foucault, Anne-Sophie 30 May 2012 (has links)
L'obésité est une maladie complexe dont la prévalence est en constante augmentation à travers le monde. A l'instar de nombreux médicaments qui ont pour origine des molécules végétales, de nouveaux principes actifs ont été recherchés dans les plantes. Parmi eux, les phytoecdystéroïdes, notamment la 20-hydroxyecdysone présente dans le quinoa, ont montré des effets pharmacologiques bénéfiques, et seraient donc des candidats potentiellement efficaces contre l'obésité. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mettre en évidence les propriétés d'un extrait de quinoa enrichi en 20-hydroxyecdysone sur le surpoids et l'obésité et d'en caractériser les effets.Dans un premier temps, un apport alimentaire d'extrait de quinoa enrichi en 20-hydroxyecdysone chez la souris soumise à un régime hyperlipidique a permis de limiter le développement du tissu adipeux, sans modifier la prise alimentaire. Dans le tissu adipeux, ces effets ont été associés à une diminution de la quantité de transcrits de gènes impliqués dans le stockage lipidique et l'inflammation. L'analyse du bilan énergétique a mis en évidence un effet de l'extrait de quinoa sur l'augmentation de la dépense énergétique liée à une augmentation de l'oxydation des glucides, ainsi que sur la diminution de l'absorption intestinale des lipides. Ensuite, chez le sujet en surpoids ou obèse, l'extrait de quinoa a montré une tendance à la prévention de la reprise de poids et de masse adipeuse suite à une restriction énergétique. Cet effet s'est accompagné d'un maintien de l'amélioration de l'insulino-sensibilité. Enfin, des mesures de biodisponibilité de la 20-hydroxyecdysone chez la souris ont permis de quantifier sa teneur circulante et de suivre l'apparition de certains de ses métabolites dont le rôle reste à identifier. Ces résultats montrent un bénéfice potentiel de l'extrait de quinoa et de son principe actif, la 20-hydroxyecdysone, sur la stabilisation du poids et de la masse adipeuse suite à une réduction pondérale. D'autres études seront nécessaires afin de poursuivre la caractérisation de ces effets. / Obesity is a complex disease which is dramatically increasing worldwide. Following the example of many drugs that were developed from plants molecules, new natural active principles are currently being evaluated in order to prevent or to treat metabolic disorders. Among them, phytoecdysteroids, and mainly 20-hydroxyecdysone present in quinoa, have displayed beneficial pharmacological effects. Thus, they would be potentially active candidates against obesity. The objective of this thesis is to highlight the properties of a quinoa extract enriched in 20-hydroxyecdysone on overweight and obesity and to characterize their effects.First, the ingestion of 20-hydroxyecdysone enriched quinoa extract by mice fed a high-fat diet limited adipose tissue development, without modifying food intake. In adipose tissue, these effects were associated with a reduction of the amount of transcripts of genes involved in lipid storage and inflammation. Energy balance analyses showed that quinoa extract increased energy expenditure via an increase in glucose oxidation and diminished lipid intestinal absorption. Then, in overweight and obese subjects, quinoa extract displayed a tendency to prevent weight and fat mass regain after energy restriction. This effect was accompanied by the maintenance of insulin sensitivity improvement. Lastly, 20-hydroxyecdysone bioavailability measurements in mice allowed its plasma level quantification and the identification of metabolites whose role is still to be identified. These results show a potential benefit of the quinoa extract and its active principle, 20-hydroxyecdysone, on weight and adipose mass stabilization following weight loss. More studies are required to characterize further these effects.

Validação de método de análises multiresíduo para determinação de pesticidas em morango (Fragaria ananassa Duch) e quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), por técnicas cromatográficas CG-μECD e LC-MS/MS / Validation of multiresidue analysis method for determination of pesticides in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), by chromatographic techniques GC-μECD and LC-MS/MS.

Vilca, Franz Zirena 03 September 2012 (has links)
O método de extração QuEChERS, foi ajustado, validado e utilizado para a determinação de doze agrotóxicos organoclorados em 37 amostras de quinoa provenientes da colheita 2010-2011 de Puno - Peru e 36 amostras de morango provenientes de três varejões da cidade de Piracicaba do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil coletadas durante o período de outubro de 2010 até setembro de 2011, usouse um sistema cromatográfico a gás acoplado a um detector de captura de elétrons μECD. Por outro lado para a determinação de 36 agrotóxicos nas amostras morango e 42 agrotóxicos em quinoa, o QuEChERS foi ajustado e validado para seu uso com um sistema cromatográfico líquido acoplado a espectrometria de massas LCMS/ MS; para o processo de validação usou-se amostras de quinoa e morango sem resíduos de agrotóxicos, os quais foram usados como branco de matriz. Os métodos mostraram linearidade de r2 >= 0,99; LQs na ordem de 0,001 mg kg-1, foram realizados testes de recuperações considerando os LQs e dez vezes estes, sendo que as recuperações foram entre 70% e 120% na maioria das concentrações. Com o intuito de avaliar o efeito do tamanho de partículas de quinoa no processo de validação do método QuEChERS para a determinação de sete agrotóxicos com uso de CG-μECD, foram realizados três tipos de moagem usando processador de alimentos e um sistema de moagem criogênico, observou-se uma maior uniformidade das partículas e um incremento do efeito matriz nas amostras tratadas com sistema criogênico. Das 37 amostras de quinoa analisada uma amostra (Cabanillas) proveniente do sistema de produção orgânico (Salcedo INIA) mostrou contaminação por quatro agrotóxicos (OP DDE com 0,015 mg kg-1, PP DDE 0,032 mg kg-1, PP DDD 0,089 mg kg-1 e endosulfan sulfato com 0,034 mg kg-1) e das 36 amostras de morango seis apresentam contaminação por endosulfan sulfato nas concentrações de 0,003 a 0,020 mg kg-1 e uma amostra coletada no dia 15/04/2011 apresentou 0,011 mg kg-1 de procloraz, compostos que não são permitidos para serem usados em morango. Conclui-se que o método QuEChERS usado com o sistema CG-μECD e LC-MS/MS é uma alternativa viável para a determinação de agrotóxicos em morango e quinoa. / The QuEChERS extraction method has been adjusted, validated and used for determination of twelve organochlorine pesticides on 37 quinoa samples from the harvested 2010-2011 from Puno - Perú and 36 strawberries samples from three markets from Piracicaba city in Sao Paulo State-Brazil collected during the period from October of 2010 to September of 2011, were used a gas chromatographic system coupled to an electron capture detector μECD. On the other hand, for the determination of 36 pesticides in strawberries samples and 42 quinoa samples, The QuEChERS method was adjusted and validated for use with a liquid chromatographic system coupled to mass spectrometer LC-MS/MS; for the validation process a quinoa and strawberries samples without pesticides residues, which were used as a blank. The methods were linear r2 >= 0.99; LQs in the order of 0.001 mg kg- 1, were carried out recoveries considering the LQs and ten times these, and the recoveries were between 70% and 120% in most of the concentrations. In order to evaluated the effect of the particle size of the quinoa on the validation process of the QuEChERS method for determination of seven pesticides using GC-μECD, were performed three types of milling using a food processor and cryogenic grinding, there were a greater uniformity of the particles and increase of the matrix effect in the samples treated with cryogenic system. From the 37 quinoa samples analyzed one sample (Cabanillas) coming from organic system production (Salcedo INIA) showed contamination by four pesticides (OP DDE with 0.015 mg kg-1; PP DDE 0.032 mg kg- 1; PP-DDD 0.089 mg kg-1 and endosulfan sulfate with 0.034 mg kg-1) and from the 36 strawberries samples six showed contamination by endosulfan sulfate in the concentrations of 0.003 to 0.020 mg kg-1 and one sample collected 15/04/2011 showed 0.011 mg kg-1 of prochloraz, compounds that are not permitted to be used in strawberries. We concluded that the QuEChERS method used with a system of GC- μECD and LC-MS/MS is a viable alternative to determinate pesticides in strawberries and quinoa.

Nanocristais de amido de quinoa: produção, caracterização e aplicação em filmes de amido / Quinoa starch nanocrystals: production, characterization and application in starch films

Velásquez Castillo, Lía Ethel 25 July 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, pesquisas sobre a produção de nanocristais de amido (NCA) receberam interesse crescente devido a suas diversas aplicações, principalmente como material de reforço de matrizes poliméricas. Nesse contexto, o amido de quinoa (AQ) apresenta características desejáveis na produção de NCA tais como tamanho de grânulo pequeno e conteúdo de amilose relativamente baixo. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi produzir NCA de quinoa (NCAQ) por hidrólise ácida em diferentes temperaturas (30, 35 e 40) °C. Além disso, foi estudado o efeito da adição dos NCAQ nas propriedades estruturais e físicas de filmes de amido de mandioca. O AQ apresentou diferentes percentagens de hidrólise, no quinto dia, 63%, 73% e 91% para (30, 35 e 40) °C, respectivamente. O AQ (k = 0,59 dias-1) foi hidrolisado mais rápido que o amido de milho ceroso (k = 0,39 dias-1) a 40 °C. O rendimento dos NCAQ diminuiu com o incremento da temperatura de 30 a 40 °C; enquanto que a cristalinidade relativa dos NCAQ não foi alterada (~35%). A morfologia dos NCAQ produzidos a 30 °C foi irregular com tamanho micrométrico, enquanto que os produzidos a 35 e 40 °C apresentaram forma de paralelepípedo com tamanhos entre (50 e 100) nm e (400 e 900) nm (agregados). O diâmetro hidrodinâmico e as propriedades térmicas dos NCAQ diminuíram com o aumento da temperatura da hidrólise; enquanto que a intensidade das bandas FTIR e o potencial zeta aumentaram. As propriedades indicaram que NCAQ foram produzidos somente a (35 e 40) °C com rendimentos de 22,7% e 6,8%, respectivamente. Dessa forma, considerando o rendimento e a temperatura de transição, os NCAQ produzidos a 35 °C foram selecionados para aplicação em filmes de amido de mandioca. Os filmes foram preparados pela técnica do casting, com 4 g de amido de mandioca/100 g de dispersão filmogênica; 25 g glicerol/ 100 g de amido; e 0; 2,5; 5,0 e 7,5 g de NCAQ/ 100 g de amido. Os difratogramas de raios X confirmaram a presença dos NCAQ nos filmes. A adição de NCAQ nos filmes aumentou a rugosidade e o ângulo de contato em concentrações de 5% e 7,5%, a resistência à tração e o módulo elástico, os parâmetros de cor L* e a* em concentrações 7,5%, e a opacidade; enquanto que diminuiu a deformação na ruptura, a permeabilidade ao vapor de água na concentração de 5%, e o brilho. Outras propriedades dos filmes como espessura, umidade, solubilidade, propriedades térmicas não foram alteradas pela adição de NCAQ. Os resultados indicaram que os NCAQ produzidos a 35 °C podem ser usados como reforço em filmes nanocompósitos para melhorar suas propriedades mecânicas. / Recently researches on starch nanocrystals (SNC) production have become of interest due to their many applications, especially as reinforcement in polymeric matrices. Quinoa starch (QS) has desirable characteristics for SNC production such as small granule size and relatively low amylose content. Thus, the objective of this research was to produce quinoa SNC (QSNC) by acid hydrolysis at different temperatures (30, 35 and 40) °C. Furthermore, the effect of QSNC addition on the structural and physical properties of cassava starch films was studied. QS presented different percentages of hydrolysis on the fifth day, 63%, 73% and 91% for (30, 35 and 40) °C, respectively. QS (0.59 days-1) was hydrolyzed more rapidly than waxy maize starch (0.39 days-1) at 40 °C. QSNC yields decreased with temperature increase from (30 to 40) °C, while the relative crystallinity was not altered (~35%). The morphology of QSNC produced at 30 °C was irregular with micrometric size while those produced at 35 °C and 40 °C presented parallelepiped shapes with sizes between 50 nm and 100 nm and 400 nm to 900 nm (aggregates). The hydrodynamic diameter and the thermal properties of QSNC decreased with temperature increase, while the FTIR band intensities and the zeta potential increased. The properties indicated that quinoa QSNC were only obtained at (35 and 40) °C with yields of 22.8% and 6.8%, respectively. QSNC produced at 40 °C presented lower yield and crystallinity than waxy maize SNC, but a lower hydrodynamic diameter. Thus, based on the yield and transition temperature, QSNC produced at 35 °C was selected for application in cassava starch films. The films were prepared by casting technique, with 4 g of cassava starch / 100 g of film forming dispersion; 25 g glycerol / 100 g starch; and 0; 2.5; 5.0 and 7.5 g of QSNC / 100 g of starch. X-ray diffractograms confirmed the presence of QSNC in the films. Addition of QSNC to films increased the roughness and the contact angle at 5.0% and 7.5% concentrations, the tensile strength and elastic modulus, the color parameters L* and a* at 7.5% concentration, and the opacity; while decreasing deformation at break, water vapor permeability at 5.0% concentration, and gloss. Other film properties such as thickness, moisture content, solubility, thermal properties were not affected by QSNC addition. The results indicated that the QSNC produced at 35 ° C can be used as reinforcement in nanocomposite films to improve their mechanical properties.

Produção de cervejas com teor reduzido de etanol, contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto / Beer production with reduced ethanol content, containing malted quinoa as adjunct

Diogo Henrique Hendges 04 July 2014 (has links)
A legislação brasileira permite a substituição parcial do malte de cevada por adjuntos, malteados ou não, para produção de cervejas. Esses adjuntos proporcionam redução de custos de produção e a obtenção de bebidas com diferentes características sensoriais. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de produzir uma bebida com teor reduzido de etanol, utilizando quinoa malteada como adjunto. Foram avaliadas três linhagens de levedura, duas comerciais, S-23 e W-3470 (Fermentis - França) e uma do banco de cepas da Escola de Engenharia de Lorena (EEL), classificada como PPB-01. Avaliou-se o rendimento em etanol, visando a produção de bebidas com teor reduzido de etanol, obtendo-se rendimentos semelhantes em álcool, 0,37, 0,35 e 0,39 g/g, para as cepas S-23, W-3470 e PPB-01, respectivamente. Utilizou-se o processo de mosturação por infusão simples, a 72ºC, sendo comparado à condição padrão, na qual utilizou-se temperaturas de 52ºC, 62ºC, 72ºC, obtendo-se rendimentos em etanol de 0,40, 0,41 e 0,40 g/g, para S-23, W-3470 e PPB-01, respectivamente. A linhagem S-23 foi escolhida para prosseguir nos estudos, devido ao menor tempo de fermentação, 108 horas, na produção de bebidas com teor reduzido de etanol, comparado com as demais linhagens cujo tempo de fermentação foi de 116 horas. A quinoa foi malteada, sendo observada germinação de apenas 60%, o que pode ter dificultado a filtração e clarificação de mostos. Com isso, necessitou-se alterar a condição de mosturação, de infusão simples para mosturação de dois passos, utilizando-se as temperaturas de 52ºC e 72ºC. Nesta condição de mosturação, os fatores de rendimento em etanol foram de 0,38, 0,36, 0,36, 0,37 g/g, na fermentação de mostos elaborados contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, respectivamente, semelhante aquele rendimento observado na fermentação de mosto puro malte, 0,37g/g. O tempo de fermentação de mosto puro malte foi reduzido de para 132 para 88 horas de fermentação de mosto contendo quinoa malteada na proporção de 45%. O teor inicial de aminoácidos livres pode ter afetado o tempo de fermentação, observando-se teores de 133mg/L no mosto puro malte, e 141, 148, 152 e 177mg/L nos mostos contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, respectivamente. Na avaliação sensorial das diferentes bebidas obtidas, constatou-se que a aceitação foi semelhante para todas as amostras, quando comparadas a uma amostra de cerveja comercial, com notas compreendidas entre \"gostei ligeiramente\" e \"gostei moderadamente\". A estabilidade da espuma atingiu 155 Sigma para a amostra puro malte sendo fortemente afetada quando quinoa malteada foi utilizada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, sendo que o valor Sigma foi de 104, 69, 44 e 6, respectivamente, e 128 Sigma para amostra comercial. A fermentação do mosto em escala piloto contendo 45% em massa de quinoa malteada, como adjunto, foi avaliada, verificando-se que as características pH, atenuação, número de células em suspensão e de rendimento em etanol (0,39g/g) foram semelhantes às demais condições de bancada avaliadas, tanto para avaliação de diferentes leveduras ou condições de mosturação, quanto para substituição de malte por quinoa malteada. / Brazilian law allows substitution of barley malt by adjuncts, malted or not, to produce beers. These adjuncts provide a reduction of production costs and obtaining beverages with different sensory characteristics. This work aimed to produce a drink with reduced ethanol content using malted quinoa as adjunct. Three yeast strains were evaluated, S-23 and W- 3470, commercials (Fermentis - France) and PPB-01 from the yeasts bank of Engineering School of Lorena (EEL), regarding to ethanol yield, being observed in similar yields ethanol, 0.37, 0.35 and 0.39 g / g for the strains S-23, W-3470 and PPB-01, respectively, by mashing a simple infusion, at 72°C, compared to the control condition, by mashing with temperatures 52ºC, 62ºC, 72ºC, obtaining ethanol yields 0.40, 0.41 and 0.40g/g for S-23, W-3470 and PPB-01, respectively. The S-23 strain was chosen for the studies below, since the fermentation time was slightly lower, 108 hours, for production of beverages with reduced ethanol content, compared to other processes 116 hours for W-3470 and PPB-01 strains. The quinoa was malted for transformation of the grain, germination of only 60% was observed under the conditions evaluated, which may have hindered the filtration and clarification of worts, even mashing condition having been changed from simple infusion mashing for the two steps, using temperatures of 52ºC and 72ºC , observing ethanol yields of 0.38 , 0.36 , 0.36 , 0.37g/g, produced in the fermentation of worts containing malted quinoa as adjunct in proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by weight, respectively, similar to that observed in fermentation yield of pure malt wort, 0.37 g/g. The fermentation time was reduced from132 hours, pure malt wort, to 88 hours, malted quinoa wort in a proportion of 45%. The initial content of free amino acids, may have affected the fermentation time, concentration of 133mg/L were observed in pure malt wort, and 141, 148, 152 and 177mg/L in worts containing malted quinoa as adjunct in the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by mass , respectively. In the sensory evaluation of obtained beverages, pure malt, and containing malted quinoa as adjunct in different proportions, it was found that acceptance was similar for all samples, compared to a sample of commercial beer, with notes between \"liked slightly\" and \"liked moderately\". The stability of the foam 155 Sigma of pure malt sample was strongly affected when malted quinoa was used as adjunct in the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by weight, being observed Sigma 104 , 69, 44 and 6, respectively compared to a commercial sample, Sigma 128. The fermentation of wort in a pilot scale containing 45% by weight of malted quinoa as adjunct, was evaluated by checking and characteristics such as pH, apparent attenuation and maximum number of suspension cells and ethanol yield (0.39 g/g) were similar to other conditions evaluated in bench scale.

Produção de cervejas com teor reduzido de etanol, contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto / Beer production with reduced ethanol content, containing malted quinoa as adjunct

Hendges, Diogo Henrique 04 July 2014 (has links)
A legislação brasileira permite a substituição parcial do malte de cevada por adjuntos, malteados ou não, para produção de cervejas. Esses adjuntos proporcionam redução de custos de produção e a obtenção de bebidas com diferentes características sensoriais. A proposta deste trabalho foi a de produzir uma bebida com teor reduzido de etanol, utilizando quinoa malteada como adjunto. Foram avaliadas três linhagens de levedura, duas comerciais, S-23 e W-3470 (Fermentis - França) e uma do banco de cepas da Escola de Engenharia de Lorena (EEL), classificada como PPB-01. Avaliou-se o rendimento em etanol, visando a produção de bebidas com teor reduzido de etanol, obtendo-se rendimentos semelhantes em álcool, 0,37, 0,35 e 0,39 g/g, para as cepas S-23, W-3470 e PPB-01, respectivamente. Utilizou-se o processo de mosturação por infusão simples, a 72ºC, sendo comparado à condição padrão, na qual utilizou-se temperaturas de 52ºC, 62ºC, 72ºC, obtendo-se rendimentos em etanol de 0,40, 0,41 e 0,40 g/g, para S-23, W-3470 e PPB-01, respectivamente. A linhagem S-23 foi escolhida para prosseguir nos estudos, devido ao menor tempo de fermentação, 108 horas, na produção de bebidas com teor reduzido de etanol, comparado com as demais linhagens cujo tempo de fermentação foi de 116 horas. A quinoa foi malteada, sendo observada germinação de apenas 60%, o que pode ter dificultado a filtração e clarificação de mostos. Com isso, necessitou-se alterar a condição de mosturação, de infusão simples para mosturação de dois passos, utilizando-se as temperaturas de 52ºC e 72ºC. Nesta condição de mosturação, os fatores de rendimento em etanol foram de 0,38, 0,36, 0,36, 0,37 g/g, na fermentação de mostos elaborados contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, respectivamente, semelhante aquele rendimento observado na fermentação de mosto puro malte, 0,37g/g. O tempo de fermentação de mosto puro malte foi reduzido de para 132 para 88 horas de fermentação de mosto contendo quinoa malteada na proporção de 45%. O teor inicial de aminoácidos livres pode ter afetado o tempo de fermentação, observando-se teores de 133mg/L no mosto puro malte, e 141, 148, 152 e 177mg/L nos mostos contendo quinoa malteada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, respectivamente. Na avaliação sensorial das diferentes bebidas obtidas, constatou-se que a aceitação foi semelhante para todas as amostras, quando comparadas a uma amostra de cerveja comercial, com notas compreendidas entre \"gostei ligeiramente\" e \"gostei moderadamente\". A estabilidade da espuma atingiu 155 Sigma para a amostra puro malte sendo fortemente afetada quando quinoa malteada foi utilizada como adjunto, nas proporções de 10%, 20%, 30% e 45% em massa, sendo que o valor Sigma foi de 104, 69, 44 e 6, respectivamente, e 128 Sigma para amostra comercial. A fermentação do mosto em escala piloto contendo 45% em massa de quinoa malteada, como adjunto, foi avaliada, verificando-se que as características pH, atenuação, número de células em suspensão e de rendimento em etanol (0,39g/g) foram semelhantes às demais condições de bancada avaliadas, tanto para avaliação de diferentes leveduras ou condições de mosturação, quanto para substituição de malte por quinoa malteada. / Brazilian law allows substitution of barley malt by adjuncts, malted or not, to produce beers. These adjuncts provide a reduction of production costs and obtaining beverages with different sensory characteristics. This work aimed to produce a drink with reduced ethanol content using malted quinoa as adjunct. Three yeast strains were evaluated, S-23 and W- 3470, commercials (Fermentis - France) and PPB-01 from the yeasts bank of Engineering School of Lorena (EEL), regarding to ethanol yield, being observed in similar yields ethanol, 0.37, 0.35 and 0.39 g / g for the strains S-23, W-3470 and PPB-01, respectively, by mashing a simple infusion, at 72°C, compared to the control condition, by mashing with temperatures 52ºC, 62ºC, 72ºC, obtaining ethanol yields 0.40, 0.41 and 0.40g/g for S-23, W-3470 and PPB-01, respectively. The S-23 strain was chosen for the studies below, since the fermentation time was slightly lower, 108 hours, for production of beverages with reduced ethanol content, compared to other processes 116 hours for W-3470 and PPB-01 strains. The quinoa was malted for transformation of the grain, germination of only 60% was observed under the conditions evaluated, which may have hindered the filtration and clarification of worts, even mashing condition having been changed from simple infusion mashing for the two steps, using temperatures of 52ºC and 72ºC , observing ethanol yields of 0.38 , 0.36 , 0.36 , 0.37g/g, produced in the fermentation of worts containing malted quinoa as adjunct in proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by weight, respectively, similar to that observed in fermentation yield of pure malt wort, 0.37 g/g. The fermentation time was reduced from132 hours, pure malt wort, to 88 hours, malted quinoa wort in a proportion of 45%. The initial content of free amino acids, may have affected the fermentation time, concentration of 133mg/L were observed in pure malt wort, and 141, 148, 152 and 177mg/L in worts containing malted quinoa as adjunct in the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by mass , respectively. In the sensory evaluation of obtained beverages, pure malt, and containing malted quinoa as adjunct in different proportions, it was found that acceptance was similar for all samples, compared to a sample of commercial beer, with notes between \"liked slightly\" and \"liked moderately\". The stability of the foam 155 Sigma of pure malt sample was strongly affected when malted quinoa was used as adjunct in the proportions of 10%, 20%, 30% and 45% by weight, being observed Sigma 104 , 69, 44 and 6, respectively compared to a commercial sample, Sigma 128. The fermentation of wort in a pilot scale containing 45% by weight of malted quinoa as adjunct, was evaluated by checking and characteristics such as pH, apparent attenuation and maximum number of suspension cells and ethanol yield (0.39 g/g) were similar to other conditions evaluated in bench scale.

Efeito da ingestão de grãos processados de quinoa por pacientes coronariopatas dislipêmicos

Silva, Vanessa Oliveira 01 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabíola Silva (fabiola.silva@famerp.br) on 2016-06-21T17:35:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 vanessaoliveirasilva_dissert.pdf: 429106 bytes, checksum: 44bf78bbec8e150eef1119e341151324 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-21T17:35:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vanessaoliveirasilva_dissert.pdf: 429106 bytes, checksum: 44bf78bbec8e150eef1119e341151324 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-01 / Introduction: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) is a gluten-free pseudocereal with high biological value protein, low glycemic carbohydrates, phytosterols and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. It originates from the Andes, where it has been consumed for thousands of years.The aim of this study was to determine the rates of outpatient serum lipids in coronary patients after ingestion of processed grain quinoa.This is a prospective study of twenty-seven outpatients 48-70 years of age (64.0 ± 8.4 years) who were treated for an average of 120– 200 days.Blood samples were collected before and after consumption of the cereal to determine the dyslipidemic profile of the group and the exams were attended.The results showed a positive effect of the use of quinoa once it has been observed a significant reduction in total cholesterol levels (P = 0.0008), triglycerides (P = 0.001) and LDL-c (p = 0.008). We conclude that the use of quinoa in the diet can be considered beneficial in the prevention and treatment of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases that are among the leading causes of death in the globalized world. / Introdução: A quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) é um pseudocereal isento de glúten, com proteína de alto valor biológico, carboidratos de baixo índice glicêmico, fitosteróis e ácidos graxos ômega 3 e 6. É originária dos Andes, onde vem sendo consumida há milhares de anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar as taxas de lipídeos séricos em pacientes coronariopatas ambulatoriais após a ingestão de grãos processados de quinoa. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo com vinte e sete pacientes com 48 a 70 anos de idade (64,0 ± 8,4 anos), que foram tratados por 120 a 200 dias. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes e após o consumo do cereal para determinar o perfil lipidêmico do grupo e os exames foram acompanhados. Os resultados mostraram efeitos positivos do uso da quinoa já que se observou redução significante nos valores de colesterol total (P=0,0008), triglicérides (P=0,001) e LDL-c (P=0,008). Conclui-se que o uso da quinoa na alimentação pode ser considerado benéfico na prevenção e controle de fatores de risco de doenças cardiovasculares (DC) que estão entre as principais causas de morte no mundo globalizado.

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