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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Embedding inflation in string theory

Björk, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
We introduce slow-roll inflation in string theory on both a conceptual level and a detailed one. In order to do this we first briefly review important concepts of inflation and string theory. We then reconstruct models of string inflation in the so-called Racetrack scenario for two different cases where the difference being the number of Kähler moduli used as inflaton. Furthermore, we briefly relate our results to the more recent discussion on whether AdS/dS solutions actually exist in string theory. In this instance our results seem to indicate that uplifting is a crucial component to obtain AdS/dS solutions.

Modélisation compacte et conception de circuit hybride pour les dispositifs spintroniques basés sur la commutation induite par le courant

Zhang, Yue 11 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
La miniaturisation du nœud technologique de CMOS en dessous de 90 nm conduit à une forte consommation statique pour les mémoires et les circuits logiques, due aux courants de fuite de plus en plus importants. La spintronique, une technologie émergente, est d'un grand intérêt pour remédier à ce problème grâce à sa non-volatilité, sa grande vitesse d'accès et son intégration facile avec les procédés CMOS. Comparé à la commutation induite par le champ magnétique, le transfert de spin (STT), une approche de commutation induite par le courant, non seulement simplifie le processus de commutation mais aussi permet un fonctionnement sans précédent en termes de consommation et de vitesse. Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation compacte et la conception de circuit hybride pour les dispositifs spintroniques basés sur la commutation induite par le courant. La jonction tunnel magnétique (JTM), élément fondamental de la mémoire magnétique (MRAM), et la mémoire racetrack, nouveau concept fondé sur la propagation des parois de domaine induites par le courant, sont particulièrement étudiés. Ces dispositifs et circuits spintroniques sont basés sur les matériaux à anisotropie magnétique perpendiculaire (AMP) qui ouvrent la perspective d'une miniaturisation submicronique tout en conservant une grande stabilité thermique. De nombreux modèles physiques et paramètres réalistes sont intégrés dans la modélisation compacte pour obtenir une bonne cohérence avec les mesures expérimentales. En utilisant ces modèles compacts précis, certaines applications pour la logique et les mémoires magnétiques, tels que l'additionneur complet magnétique (ACM) et la mémoire adressable par contenu (CAM), sont conçues et simulées. Nous analysons et évaluons leur potentiel de performance en termes de surface, vitesse et consommation d'énergie par rapport aux circuits classiques. Enfin, afin de lutter contre la limitation de capacité entravant la large application, nous proposons deux optimisations de conception : la mémoire multivaluée (MLC) pour la STT-MRAM et l'assistance par champ magnétique pour la mémoire racetrack. Ce concept de MLC utilise le comportement stochastique des STT pour atteindre une haute vitesse tout en augmentant la densité de STT-MRAM. La mémoire racetrack assistée par champ magnétique est fondée sur l'observation d'une propagation des parois de domaine en dessous du courant critique, propagation est attribué à l'effet " Walker breakdown ". Ceci ouvre une nouvelle voie pour réduire le courant de propagation et augmenter la capacité des mémoires racetrack au-delà des améliorations des circuits périphériques et des matériaux.

Transformation of In-Flight Measured Loads to a Fatigue Test Spectrum / Omvandling av uppmätta flygprovlaster till lastspektra för utmattningsprov

Dümig, Patrick January 2022 (has links)
Fatigue is a well-recognized issue in lightweight and high-performance aircraft structures. As fatigue failures have led to serious accidents and caused significant economic impact in the past, design against fatigue is crucial. Fatigue testing of full-scale aircraft as well as components is an important tool for the advance identification of potential fatigue issues in both new and operational aircraft. Furthermore, coupon testing is used extensively to obtain allowables for materials and structural details to be used in the design process. To obtain accurate results from fatigue testing, not only the test object but also the used load spectrum must accurately represent reality. If the aircraft is operational, an accurate load spectrum can be obtained by measuring the loads in-flight during a sufficiently long period of normal operation of the aircraft. However, the in-flight measured loads data contains an extraordinarily large number of cycles, resulting in long and uneconomical test durations. This thesis aims to propose a method for the selection of an optimal filtering level for fatigue test spectra developed from in-flight measured loads. The thesis also discusses and recommends methods for in-flight measurement of loads, cycle counting as well as damage evaluation using a crack-growth approach. Furthermore, ways to validate the proposed method and its practical application are discussed. An example filtering study is conducted using four different specimens chosen to represent typical structural details of aircraft. The study uses real in-flight measured loads of a light aircraft and also discusses temperature compensation of the loads data. The effect of filtering on fatigue damage is evaluated using crack-growth simulations conducted at a range of filtering and stress levels.  The results show that a remarkable reduction of testing time is possible and as many as 99 % of all cycles in the studied flight load history can be discarded without significantly reducing fatigue damage. The allowable filtering level is shown to differ between the specimens and the different stages of fatigue crack growth. In addition, the applied stress level is found to have a consistent effect on the allowable filtering level.

Design and Construction of High Current Winding for a Transverse Flux Linear Generator Intended for Wave Power Generation

Amine Ramdani, Ahmed, Rudnik, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
There is currently a high demand for electric power from renewablesources. One source that remains relatively untapped is the motionof ocean waves. Anders Hagnestål has been developing a uniquelyefficient and simplified design for a point-absorb buoy generator byconverting its linear motion directly into alternating electric power usinga linear PM engine. To test this method, a smaller prototype isbuilt. Its characteristics present some unusual challenges in the designand construction of its winding.Devices of this type typically use relatively low voltage (690V typicallyfor a wind turbine, compared to the 10kV range of traditionalpower plants). To achieve high power, they need high current, whichin turn requires splitting the conductors in the winding into isolatedparallel strands to avoid losses due to eddy currents and current crowding.However, new losses from circulating currents can then arise. Inorder to reduce said losses, the parallel conductors should be transposedin such a way that the aggregate electromotive force the circuitsthat each pair of them forms is minimized.This research and prototyping was performed in absence of advancedindustrial means of construction, with limited space, budget,materials, manpower, know-how, and technology. Manual ingenuityand empirical experimentation were required to find a practical implementationfor: laying the cables, fixing them in place, transferringthem to the machine, stripping their coating at the ends and establishinga reliable connection to the current source.Using theoretical derivations and FEM simulation, a sufficientlygood transposition scheme is proposed for the specific machine thatthe winding is built for. A bobbin replicating the shape of the enginecore is built to lay down the strands.The parallel strands are then organized each into their respectivebobbin, with a bobbin rack and conductor funneling device being designedand constructed to gather them together into a strictly-organizedbundle. An adhesive is found to set the cables in place.Problems with maintaining the orientation and configuration of thecables in the face of repeated torsion are met and solved. A chemicalsolution is used to strip the ends of the conductors, and a reliableconnection is established by crimping the conductors into a bi-metalCu-Al lug.ivIn conclusion, the ideal transposition schemes required to cancelout circulating currents due to magnetic flux leakage are impossibleto put in practice without appropriate technological means. The feasibletransposition scheme turns out to be a simple mirroring of conductors’positions, implemented by building each half of the windingseparately around replicas of the core and then connecting them usingcrimping lugs. / Efterfrågan på el från förnybara källor är hög och inget tyder på att det kommer ändras den närmsta tiden. En källa till förnybar el som än idag står relativt orörd är den där man använder energin från havsvå- gor. Det är denna förnybara källa Anders Hagnestål haft i åtanke när han nu bygger en unikt effektiv generator med syftet att i ett senare skede utvinna el med hjälp av flytande punktabsorberande vågkraft- system. Generatorn är av den linjära typen och omvandlar det punk- tabsorberande systemet rörelse till el. För att testa denna generator- modell så påbörjades bygget av två fullskaliga prototyper 2017. Denna uppsats behandlar specifikt arbetet med generatorlindningen till pro- totyperna och innefattar processen från design till själva byggnatio- nen. Lindingen består av flertalet mindre och isolerade lindningsleda- re med uppgift att bland annat minska skinneffekt och virvelströms- förluster. När man använder denna metod så uppkommer dock ett nytt problem vilket härstammar från att lindningsledarna är samman- kopplade i vardera ända och bildar på så sätt n slutna strömkretsar. Konsekvensen kan vara stora förluster från cirkulerande strömmar på grund av det magnetiska ströflöde som finns runt järnkärnan som lindningen omsluter. Utgångspunkten för att minimera dessa cirkule- rande strömmar är att transponera alla lindningsledare på ett sätt så att den resulterande elektromotoriska spänningen för varje strömkrets blir så liten som möjligt. Med hjälp av förenklade modeller samt FEM simuleringar så bestämdes ett lämpligt sätt att transponera lindningstrådarna utifrån oli- ka kriterier. Lösningen blev att lindningstrådarna endast transponera- des en gång med en så kallad 180 grader transponering. Detta ger en tillräckligt god minimering av de cirkulerande ström- marna, men den stora fördelen med denna lösning är att det är möjligt att linda maskinen med de små resurser projektet hade tillgång till, dock var detta till en stor nackdel då väldigt mycket tid gick till att hitta egna tillvägagångsätt för att utföra byggandet av lindningen på ibland okonventionella sätt.

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